Physicochemical Characteristics and Organoleptic Test of Yogurt From Soybean Milk With Stevia Natural Sweeteners and Dragon Fruit Extract

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Marwati 1, Miftakhur Rohmah 1

Agricultural Product Technology Dept., Mulawarman Univ., Jl. Pasir Belengkong Kampus Gn.
Kelua, Samarinda, Indonesia

Yogurt is a fermented milk product that was developed as a functional food, because it has potential
as probiotics. During this time, many processed yogurt products derived from animal milk, only a
fraction derived from vegetable milk, one of the products that have potential as a vegetable yogurt
derived from soy milk, which is commonly known by the name of soy yoghurt. Super red dragon
fruit is known to have good red color pigment is used as a natural dye, has potential as an
antioxidant, but it is super red dragon fruit is also known to lower blood sugar levels and prevent
the risk of heart disease in diabetic patients. Stevia is used as a natural, non-caloric sweetener, so it's
good to be consumed by people with diabetes mellitus. The research shows added sugar stevia and
dragon fruit extract effect on the physico chemical and microbiological Properties of soy milk
yogurt produced. The results showed that the addition of sugar and stevia extracts dragon fruit
significant effect (p <0.05) on pH, lactic acid, reducing sugar, total bacteria, and organoleptic test.
Soy milk yogurt with added sugar stevia extract 2% and 20% of dragon fruit has a good texture and
viscosity, and most preferably in terms of taste, color, aroma, viscosity and texture with a pH value
of 4.3, 0.9% Lactic Acid, 2.0 total dissolved solids (Brix), 2.81% for reducing sugar.

Keywords: soy, yogurt, dragon fruit, stevia sugar, functional food

INTRODUCTION helping people with lactose intolerance and

Production of functional food is now regulate cholesterol levels in the blood
widely grown, it is because the needs and (Astawan, 2008). As long as it yogurt
awareness of the importance of food developed from animal milk, and fewer new
containing the active components that yogurt products developed from vegetable
improve their health can also serve as milk. One developed vegetable milk is soy
therapeutic treatment and even prevention of milk into yogurt.
certain diseases. One type of food that are Yogurt has many benefits for the body,
known potential as a functional food is among others regulate gastrointestinal, anti-
yogurt. diarrhea, anti-cancer, boost growth, helping
Yogurt is a product produced from the people with lactose intolerance and regulate
fermentation of milk by giving starter Lactic cholesterol levels in the blood (Astawan,
Acid Bacteria (LAB), such as bacteria 2008). During this time many developed
Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus yogurt from animal milk, yogurt and fewer
bulgaricus. With the chemical changes that new product developed from vegetable milk.
occur during the fermentation process One developed vegetable milk is soy milk
produced a product which has the texture, into yogurt.
flavor, and flavor. Additionally, yogurt has Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merril) is
nutritional value better than fresh milk known as a food ingredient that has many
(Winarno,, 2003). benefits and nourishing. Soy milk is one type
Yogurt has many benefits for the body, of processing of the soybean that contains
among others regulate the digestive tract, nutrients is quite high, especially protein
antidiarrheal, anti-cancer, boost growth,
consisting of acids - the essential amino acids dragon fruit is expected to produce functional
needed by the body, useful for the growth and food products rich in probiotics, so it can
nurturing of the body (Ade-Omowaye,, provide health benefits for the body.
2004) , Soybeans have a low glycemic index
value is 31, so it is a food ingredient that is MATERIAL AND METHOD
suitable for people with diabetes mellitus Sampling soybean farmers in
(Marsono, et al., 2002), the other most Samarinda and super red dragon fruit in Kutai
important thing is to have soy milk price is regency, East Kalimantan. Soybean varieties
cheaper than other animal milk. With all these used are Wilis / Burangrang, while super red
advantages it is possible to be processed soy dragon fruit used are already mature trees
yogurt from milk known as soy yoghrut. (mature).
Yogurt products that are circulating Optimization of the formulation of soy
on the market today are very diverse, with a yoghurt with fruit pulp extract super red
variety of sweeteners, Flavor and food dyes dragon with a natural sweetener stevia as well
are added in order to give a different flavor as as analysis of product testing conducted at the
well to make the product more attractive with Laboratory Processing and Quality Control of
different colors are produced. But there are Agricultural Products, Laboratory of
still many products that use sweeteners Chemistry and Biochemistry Agricultural
yoghrut, Flavor and coloring unnatural or Products, Laboratory of Microbiology Faculty
artificial. Seeing it is possible for products of Agriculture Unmul.
processed soy yoghurt with the addition of The main material used in this study
super red dragon fruit (Hylocereus consisted of yellow soybean, dragon fruit is
polyrhizus) which aims to get the natural super red, sweetener stevia, culture yogurt
color and the other most important thing is to (starter) (Streptococcus thermophilus and
improve its function as a functional food. Lactobacillus bulgaricus) derived from plain
In this study, the use of natural sugar, yogurt, skim milk, water, cmc, distilled water,
because sugar is a component carrier of alcohol, MRS agar (MRSA), MRS broth
flavor, taste and texture of typical food (MRSB), and chemicals for analysis.
products. In the development of functional The tools used in this study include
foods, the use of non or low-calorie sugar is balance, analytical balance, pan stainles steel,
needed. Sugar stevia (steviosida) is a natural blender, filter cloth, jerry cans, glass bottles,
sweetener from the Stevia rebaudiana plant. glassware for analytical chemistry and
This sweetener is non-toxic, heat-resistant, microbiology, autoclaves, incubators, micro
can prevent hyperglycemia and stimulate pipette, spectrophotometer, desiccator,
insulin production (Yang, et. Al., 2009). Bunsen lamp, needle ose, test tube digital pH
Super red dragon fruit (Hylocereus meter, alcohol meter.
polyrhizus) are known to reduce the content
of cholesterol and blood sugar because it has a Research Design
protein content from 0.48 to 0.5%, from 4.33 This study uses a 3x3 factorial
to 4.98% carbohydrates, fat 0.17 to 0.18%, analysis were arranged in completely
carotene , thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and randomized design (CRD) with two factor
ascorbic acid (Morton, 1987). Purplish red and each with three replications. The first
color possessed by super red dragon fruit factor studied was the addition of meat extract
meat comes from anthocyanin pigments. super red dragon fruit (A) with 3 levels of
Anthocyanins are believed to have antioxidant concentration that is:
effects are very good because it can destroy A1 = 10 % , A2 = 20 %, and A3 = 30 %
free radicals more effectively than vitamin E While the second factor studied is the
(Winarno, 2004). Anthocyanins and various addition of stevia sugar is:
derivatives also can inhibit a variety of B1 = 1 %; B2 = 2 %; and B3= 3 %
oxidation reactions through various Treatment Research :
mechanisms (Astawan and Love, 2008). The A1B1 : 1 % stevia sugar; 10 % dragon
combination of soy milk with super red fruit extract
A1B2 : 1 % stevia sugar; 20 % dragon soaking and grinding soybeans in water. Soy
fruit extract milk has limitations in the use of food as a
A1B3 : 1 % stevia sugar; 30 % dragon strong, nutty flavor. Fermented soy milk over
fruit extract the mountain microorganisms, mainly lactic
A2B1 : 2 % stevia sugar; 10 % dragon acid bacteria, is an attempt to overcome the
fruit extract problem of powerful, nutty flavor and an
A2B2 : 2 % stevia sugar; 20 % dragon increase in the quality of reception (Beasley et
fruit extract al, 2003; Blagden & Gilliland, 2005;
A2B3 : 2 % stevia sugar; 30 % dragon Chumchuere & Robinson, 1999; Denkova &
fruit extract Murgov 2005; Rossi, 1999).
A3B1 : 3 % stevia sugar; 10 % dragon
fruit extract Chemical characteristic of soy yogurt
A3B2 : 3 % stevia sugar; 20 % dragon Results Table 1 shows that the
fruit extract addition of sugar and stevia extract real effect
A3B3 : 3 % stevia sugar; 30 % dragon on the dragon fruit and acidity pH value of the
fruit extract resulting soy yogurt. There was a decrease in
the pH value of the treatment compared with
The parameters examined in this study the control, it shows a good result because it
include the organoleptic properties (hedonic shows one of the successes in the process of
quality and hedonic), chemical (proximate, fermentation of soy milk. Acid contained in
pH value, total sugar, total acid, data were yogurt are the main products that may be
analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). characteristic flavor of yogurt. These acids are
Data were analyzed using General Linear formed from the results of carbohydrate
Method (GLM) on the program Statistical fermentation of milk (lactose) by bacterial
Analysis System (SAS 9.1 in 2003). If there is culture into lactic acid. Bacteria utilize lactose
a significant difference between the treatment as a source of energy and carbon source
then continued with the method of Duncan's during the growth period. According to
Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at the level of Marshall (1975) Good yogurt containing acid
5% in the same program. 0.85 to 0.95% total acid. The acidity of the
yogurt can be shown also by the degree of
Preparation of soy yogurt acidity is pH, pH value will affect the damage
A total of 1000 ml of fresh soy milk yoghurt, yoghurt with a pH of 3.9 to 4.2 in
and then pasteurized at a temperature of 80- cold storage, if contaminated will quickly be
90oC for 30 minutes, stevia sweeteners 3, 4, damaged due to the growth of molds and
and 5%, carrageenan (0.2-0.5% or cmc) of the yeasts.
milk volume. Refrigerate until the Table 1. Value of pH and acidity of soy
temperature reached 40 C, then add the yogurt
yogurt starter as much as 2% of the volume of Parameter
milk, then incubated at room temperature for Sample
pH Acidity (%)
24 hours, after becoming yoghurt coupled A0B0 5.43 0.51
with the flesh and skin extracts dragon fruit
A1B1 4.40 0.57
(according to treatment). (For the purposes for
testing, soy yoguhrt can be stored in the A1B2 4.33 0.54
refrigerator). A1B3 4.33 0.60
A2B1 4.40 0.63
Soy milk is a water extract of A2B3 4.37 0.60
soybean oil in water emulsion, the emulsion A3B1 4.37 0.63
with the continuous phase is formed by a A3B2 4.30 0.57
complex protein dispersion. Conventional
A3B3 4.30 0.66
processing methods for the production of soy
milk is heat treatment of products after
Table 2 shows that the addition of that is formed will be calculated as total sugar.
sugar and stevia extracts dragon fruit real This is what causes the value of total sugars
effect on TSS (Total Solubled Solid), Total increased in the product.
Sugar and Nutrient Composition (water, Ash, The largest component of yogurt is a
proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) Soy Yogurt dairy water because the basic material,
is produced. Treatment addition of sugar and wherein the water content of about 87.5%.
stevia extracts have the dragon fruit The water content of yoghurt samples varied
significant differences (P <0.05) of total from 83.00 to 83.88%, the variation is due to
dissolved solids, TSS increased along with the the use of soy milk has a high water content,
increasing concentration of the addition of in addition to the dragon fruit extract
stevia sugar and fruit extracts naga.Proses ditambahakan also affect the water content of
fermented lactic acid bacteria produce lactic the soy milk yogurt, In addition, the
acid metabolite form , According Fardiaz manufacture process also will affect the final
(2003), the metabolite will be secreted out of product of yoghurt. The water content is very
the cell and will accumulate in the influential on the appearance of a thick liquid
fermentation liquid. Residual of total sugars, yoghurt semi-solid form.
lactic acid, and organic acids that are formed The mineral content in yogurt can be
counted as total dissolved solids. Components seen from the ash content, the higher. The
of total dissolved solids consist of sugar. mineral elements in yogurt are calcium (Ca)
pigments, organic acids, and protein. as it yogurt can be considered as a source of
Ca. The ash content is highest in the treatment
Table 2. The composition of the TSS, total of adding stevia sugar 1%, and dragon fruit
sugar and nutrient composition extract 20% (1.08%), while the lowest ash
(water, ash, proteins, fats, and content in treatment adding stevia sugar 3%,
carbohydrates) of soy yogurt and dragon fruit extract 30% (0.92). This
Parameter difference is due to the mineral content in the
material on stevia sugar and dragon fruit are
water ash Fats Protein carbohydrates TSS
different. Mineral content in the red dragon
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (Brix)
fruit, namely calcium 134 mg; 8.7 mg of
phosphorus and magnesium 60.4 mg (Warisno
83.51 1.05 3.49 9.32b 2.63 1.61a
and Dahana, 2010). According to Cramer and
83.88 1.08 3.45 8.89 2.70 1.40b Fish (1986) leaves of the stevia plant contain
84.27 1.00 3.32 8.97a 2.44 1.20c a variety of minerals such as phosphorus,
83.47 1.03 3.33 10.74b 1.58 2.00a iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium,
83.71 0.91 3.29 10.07b 2.03 1.80b potassium, sodium, calcium, zinc, cuprum
83,69 1.02 3.18 10.33 a
1.74 1.60c The protein content of yogurt is
83.29 0.96 3.66 8.86b 3.22 2.20a largely determined by the quality of the base
83.91 0.98 3.42 9.32b 2.38 2.00b ingredients are milk, the higher the protein
83.00 0.92 3.45 11.47a 1.16 1.80c content of milk, the better quality it produces
Different letters behind the numbers in the yoghurt. Values protein content varies in each
same column indicate significantly different treatment. The highest protein content
(P <0.05) (11.74%) are on treatment adding stevia sugar
3%, and dragon fruit extract 3%, and the
Total sugar formed by the addition of lowest at 3% added sugar treatment and
stevia sugar concentration and dragon fruit dragon fruit extract 10% (8.86).
extract showed an increase, this is due to the Fat is a source of nutrition is very
activity of the microorganisms that break important because it serves as a source of
down complex sugars into simple sugars. But energy, improve the texture and taste, as well
during the process of fermentation of lactic as a source of vitamin A, D, E, and K
acid bacteria restrictions make optimal to use (Winarno, 2002). Fat content is no real
sugar as an energy source and carbon so that influence on the addition of sugar and stevia
not all sugars added modified. Residual sugar extracts dragon fruit to yogurt soy milk
produced. Values fat levels higher in controls A3B3 2.51b 3.96 4.47a 4.19 4.10
make them clear to the other treatments, this Different letters behind the numbers in the
shows that the addition of sugar and stevia same column indicate significantly different
(P <0.05)
extract dragon fruit is able to bind fat in soy
milk yogurt produced. Besides the fat content For aroma hedonic value, viscosity
is also influenced by the fat content of soy and texture with the addition of sugar and
milk used, where it is known that the fat in stevia extracts dragon fruit not significant.
soy milk is lower in fat than cow's milk. Aroma soy milk yoghurt results of the
Carbohydrate levels in the samples assessment panel is like the aroma of yoghurt
ranged from 1.16 to 3.32%. Different (Table 2). Likewise, with the consistency and
carbohydrate levels are affected by the texture of the panelists receive with categories
addition konsntrasi different stevia sugar, low like the viscosity kentaldan soft and
carbohydrate content is in penambhan stevia homogeneous texture.
highest sugar concentration. mengkin because
it caused merupak stevia sugar is low-calorie Tabel 4. Quality Hedonic Value of Soy Yogurt
source of sugar that can serve to assist in the Sampl Parameter
control of blood glucose and weight e Tast Arom Colo Turbidit Textur
management. e a r y e
A1B1 2.71b 2.98 1.77b 2.89 4.03
A1B2 2.94a 3.12 2.80a 3.03 4.24
Organoleptic characteristic of soy yogurt A1B3 2.86b 3.01 2.94a 2.79 3.88
The results of taste tests indicate that the A2B1 2.87b 3.15 2.26b 3.48 4.13
addition of stevia no real effect but the A2B2 3.20a 3.32 2.77a 2.76 4.18
addition of fruit extracts dragon significant A2B3 2.65b 2.92 2.95a 2.45 4.51
effect, treatment with the use of sugar A3B1 2.68b 2.95 2.00b 2.78 4.16
A3B2 2.84a 3.03 2.56a 2.78 4.07
stevia1% and extract dragon fruit 20% gives a A3B3 2.91b 3.06 3.11a 2.73 4.56
sense of the most favored is a bit like (3:30) Different letters behind the numbers in the
which is a little tastier (Table 3). Similarly, the same column indicate significantly different
color characteristics of the addition of stevia (P <0.05)
sugar no real effect but to increase dragon Aroma : Warna : Kekentalan : Tekstur :
fruit extract significant effect. The higher the 5: very flavorful yogurt
4:flavored yogurt
5:very red color
4 : Red color
5 : very turbity
4 : turbidity
5 : very soft and h
4: soft and homog
addition of dragon fruit extracts increasingly 3: low flavored yogurt 3: low red color 3: low turbidity 3 : low soft and h
2: vo flavored yogurt 2: no red color 2 : liquid 2 : hard dan homo
favored panelists. This is because the dragon 1:very no flavored yogurt 1: very no red color 1: very liquid 1: very hard and
fruit has an anthocyanin content which affects
the color of red and purple, and when added
to the soy milk yogurt produces a red color. CONCLUSION
The addition of stevia sugar concentrations in
soy milk yoghurt significant effect on total
Table 3. Hedonic Organoleptic Value of Soy dissolved solids (TPT), total sugars, protein,
Yogurt fat but not significantly affect pH, total acid,
Samp Parameter moisture content, ash content, carbohydrates
le Flav Tast Colo Turbidi Textu and hedonic and hedonic quality. The addition
or e r ty re of sugar concentration stevia 1% and dragon
A1B1 2.43b 4.13 3.57 4.25 4.03 fruit extract 20% is the treatment of the most
accepted by the panelists to flavor a low
A1B2 3.30 4.07 3.99a 4.22 4.03 delicious (rather bad), and for the aroma,
A1B3 2.38b 3.86 4.22a 4.05 3.90 color, viscosity and texture in love (flavored
A2B1 2.44b 3.80 3.18 3.75 3.66 yogurt, low red color, low turbidity, soft and
homogeneous, with a pH value of 4:40, total
A2B2 2.97a 4.07 4.27a 4.40 4.05
A2B3 2.44b 3.67 4.21a 4.21 4.20 acid 0.75%, 83.88% moisture content, ash
A3B1 2.36b 3.93 3.68 4.24 3.89 content 1.08%. 3.45% fat content, protein
b content 8.96%, 2.70% carbohydrates, TPT
A3B2 2.58 b
3.97 4.14a 4.20 4.00 1.40oBrix, and 2% of total sugars.
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