Zakir Naik Dan Sri Ravi Sangkar
Zakir Naik Dan Sri Ravi Sangkar
Zakir Naik Dan Sri Ravi Sangkar
Do You Know?
The much awaited dialogue by Dr. Zakir Naik and Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar on the topic.
The best and the most authentic way to understand any religion
or the concept of God in a religion is to try and understand what
the sacred scriptures have to speak about that religion or the
concept of God in that religion.
The word Islam comes from the root Arabic word salam, which
means peace. It is also derived from the Arabic word silm, which
means to submit your will to Almighty God. In short, Islam
means peace acquired by submitting your will to Almighty God
and this word Islam occurs in several places in the Quran and
the Sahih Hadith including in the Quran in Surah Al-Imraan,
Chapter #3 Verse #19 and Surah Al- Imraan Chapter #3 Verse
#85. Any person who acquires peace by submitting his will to
Almighty God, to Allah, he is called as a Muslim and this word
Muslim also occurs in several places in the Quran and the Sahih
Hadith including in the Quran in Surah Al-Imraan Chapter #3
Verse #64 and Surah Fussilat Chapter #41 and Verse #33.
The best reply anyone can give you from the scriptures is quote
to you Surah Ikhlaas, Chapter #112 Verse # 1 to 4which says Qul
Hu-wallaahu Ahad (say he is Allah one and only) Allaahus-
Samad (Allah the absolute and eternal) Lam yalid, wa lam
yuulad (he begets not nor is he begotten) walum yakul-la-Huu
kufu-wan ahad (there is nothing like him). This is a 4-line
definition of Allah subhaanawa thaala, of Almighty God given in
the Quran. If any person says so and so candidate is God, if that
candidate fits in this 4- line definition, we Muslims have got no
objection in accepting that candidate as God. The first is Qul
Huwallaahu Ahad (say he is Allah one and only) God is only one
without a second. ekam evaditiyam Chandogya Upanishad
Chapter #6, section #2, Verse #1. The second is Allaahus-
Samad (Allah the absolute and eternal) same as Bhagwat Gita
Chapter #10 Verse #3, they know me as unborn not begotten
without a beginning, supreme Lord of the world. The third test is
Lam yalid, wa lam yuulad (he begets not nor is he begotten) same
as Swethaswethara Upanishad Chapter #6 Verse #9 Na casya
kasuj janita na cadhipah of him there are no parents, no lords.
Almighty God has got no mother, has got no father, he has got no
superior. The fourth test is walum yakul-la-Huu kufu-wan
ahad (there is nothing like him). Swethaswethara Upanishad
Chapter #4, Verse #19, Yajur-Ved Chapter #32 Verse #3 Na
Tasya Pratima Asti of that God there is no prathima, there is no
likeness, there is no image, there is no picture, there is no
statue. If any person says so and so candidate is God, if that
candidate fits in these 4-line definition which we discussed of the
Quran and the Hindu sacred scriptures, I have got no objection
accepting that candidate as God.
I know there are mistakes in that book. I have told before also;
this book was printed in an emergency, in urgency, when there
was riots in Gujarat. I wanted this book to immediately go. I did
not go to big scholars because I do not know much about