MATH 650: Mathematical Modeling Fall, 2013 - Final Quiz

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MATH 650 : Mathematical Modeling

Fall, 2013 - Final Quiz
Due by 12:00 a.m. (midnight) EST on Thursday, December 12th, 2013

This final quiz contains no new concepts or solution methods. It is intended to
provide an overview of the course, including both techniques and some (hopefully)
interesting applications. The emphasis is on using known results in new situations,
and interpreting graphical and analytical information about a given application.
Feel free to discuss the problems with one another, and to make use of any other
resources which help you to work your way through them. However, your submis-
sions must be your own, and must reference any source (human or otherwise) from
whom you received help.
Presentation is important. Please write your solutions in clear sentences which
convey your reasoning. Remember that I cant know what youre thinking...I can
only know what you tell me. Conciseness is also very much appreciated.
Several of the problems use specific Maple files which will be made available. (Im
assuming you can do simple Maple commands such as plot and implicitplot on your
own; email me if you need help.)
I suggest you spend no more than 10 hours in total on this assignment,
including writing up your solutions. While you might not complete all the
problems youd like to, give it your best try...but dont worry about it beyond that
time span. Partially completed problems are acceptable; Ive included the marks
for the individual parts of each problem.
There are 7 problems on this assignment, two on first order DEs, one on dimensional
analysis, and four on second order DEs and/or systems of two first order DEs.
There are no extra problems.
Submit your solutions in the usual manner in LEARN.

Available Marks for Each Problem

Problem Marks

1 15 (a. 8, b. 7)
2 11 (a. 4, b. 7)
3 15 (a .10, b. 5)
4 11 (a. 5, b. 4, c. 2)
5 11 (a. 8, b. 1, c. 2)
6 17 (a. 1, b. 3, c. 3, d. 3, e. 7)
7 17 (a. 2, b. 7, c. 7, d. 1)


Using Maple to Explore First Order DEs

1.a. Consider the nonlinear first order DE = x y 2 , with slope field as shown
below. (You may do the required sketches by hand, or use Maple, as you wish.)
i. Find the nullcline ( = 0 ) and sketch
it carefully on the direction field plot.
ii. Sketch the solutions with initial con-
ditions (-1,2), (-1,0), (0,2), (2,2),
(0,0), (0,-1), (1,0), (2,-1.5), (2,-2),
following the direction field carefully,
and extending each solution to the
boundaries of the window.
iii. By examining the behaviour of
as dictated by the DE, explain why,
once a solution enters the region
x > y 2 , it can never leave that region
as x increases.
iv Describe the two types of behaviour of the solutions of this DE as x increases.
What do you think determines which type of behaviour occurs for a given
solution? [Hint: What prevents a solution from entering the region x > y 2 ?]
This example illustrates a trapping set, i.e., a set from which solutions cannot
escape (as x increases), once they enter it.

b. We have explored the logistic model for the growth of a population of size N (t),
dN N
namely, = rN (1 ) , N (0) = N0 . Suppose that the underlying logistic
dt K
growth has r = 0.1 per year and K = 1000, and the population N (t) is subject to
seasonal harvesting, with period 1 year. A suitable model is the IVP
dN N
= 0.1N (1 ) A(1 + sin(2t) , N (0) = N0 ,
dt 1000
where A is a constant which determines the maximum amount (2A) of harvesting
which occurs.

i. Use the plot command given in the Maple file Math650FQStudentPlots to explore
the behaviour of the solutions for various values of A between 5 and 30. Observe
carefully how the long term behaviour of the solutions depends on both A and
on N0 ; perhaps make a table of your observations for different values of A.

ii. Do you get the same longterm behaviour if the intrinsic growth rate is r = 0.2
per year? Does the dependence on N0 change? Explain.
iii. Write a paragraph about your results, considering for what values of A the
population is viable for at least some initial populations N0 , how the longterm
behaviour of the population changes as A increases, and how this depends on
N0 , and on r . If you were a conservation officer, what recommendation(s)
would you make to preserve this population?
(Submit NO plots for this question...just your well-organized thoughts and

Dar Robinsons CN Tower Jump

2. In 1980, stuntman Dar Robinson jumped from the observation deck of the CN Tower,
a height of about 366 metres, his only safety mechanism a single cable attached to
a harness. (To see a video, do a web search for Dar Robinson CN Tower jump.)

a. Stage 1: Suppose he is in free fall for

the first 300 m, with negligible air
resistance. Assuming he falls from
rest at t = 0 , At what time t? will
he reach the 300 m point? What will
be his velocity v ? at that point?
b. Stage 2: Now it is time to brake his
fall. Reset the clock to t = 0 and the
displacement to s = 0 at the 300 m
point, and set v(0) = v ? , . Assume
a braking force F (t) = c m t N is ap-
plied from this point onward, where
m is his mass.

i. Apply Newtons Law to give the IVP m = mg F, v(0) = v ? , solve for v(t), and
hence show that his velocity during this second stage is given by
v(t) = gt c + v ? .
Then find the time tf when his velocity v(tf ) = 0 . (Your answer will be in terms
of g, v ? , and c .)

ii. Ideally, we want his velocity v = 0 just as he touches down at s = 66 m. Show that
this will occur if the following equation is satisfied:
g tf 2 c tf 3
66 = + v ? tf .
2 6
Then use the commands for Problem 2 in the Maple file Math650FQStudentPlots
to solve this equation for the value of the constant c , and hence to find the time
tf when he lands.
What is the total time t? + tf for his fall?
If his mass is 80 kg, what is the maximum force F on the cable during Stage
iii. Comment on any aspects of the physical situation that have been ignored in the
above model for this situation. Suggest an alternative model if possible.
Dimensional Analysis
3a. The driver of a car of mass m travelling at constant velocity v0 spots a squirrel
crossing the road. She brakes with a constant force F for a distance s (in a straight
line), reducing her speed to v1 to avoid hitting the squirrel.
i. Write down the dimensional matrix, find its rank, and apply the Pi Theorem to
mv02 v0
show that s = f ( ) . Explain why this answer makes sense, physically.
F v1
ii. Two simple integrations of Newtons Law for this problem reveal that, during
F F t
the braking period, v(t) = t + v0 , and s(t) = t ( + v0 ) . Using these
m m2
results (no need to prove them), show that
s F = (mv02 mv12 ) .
Explain this result in terms of the work done by the force F and the kinetic
energy of the car. Then rearrange the equation to the form in part a., and
hence find the function f ( ) .
3b. An explosion can be thought of as a spherical shock wave emanating from a point.
The radius R of the shock wave depends on the energy E released by the explosion,
the ambient air density , and the elapsed time t. Suppose a scientist tells you that
these quantities are related by the equation
1 E 2
ln R = ln + ln t + ln k , where k is a dimensionless constant.
5 5
Does dimensional analysis support this claim?
[In 1941, a similar dimensional analysis predicted the energy of an atomic bomb.
Later, data from the first atomic bomb test in New Mexico verified its accuracy.
Reference: Mathematical Models and Their Analysis, by F.Y.M.Wan, 1989.]

Inertial Damping and Inflation

4. In order to prevent excess vibration from the large fans essential to air distribution
in commercial structures, mechanical engineers frequently make use of a system
such as the one shown in the simplified diagram below.

The cement block to which the frame

is bolted acts as an inertial damper;
it simply increases the overall mass m
of the system so much that 02 = mk is
quite small. The springs can be mod-
elled as a single spring with spring con-
stant k .
It can be shown that the motion of the
centre of mass P of the block frame
structure is governed by the DE
d2 x
+ 02 x = A cos(t) .

In this DE, x is the displacement of P from equilibrium, and A = r 2 mm0 , m0

being the mass of the fan, and m the total mass. Thus we see that the rotating fan
creates a periodic lift whith amplitude proportional to the square of its angular
frequency , i.e., the faster the fan rotates, the larger the force exerted.

a. Show that, with ICs x(0) = 0, x0 (0) = 0 , the solution of this DE is

x(t) = 2 (cos t cos0 t) .
0 2
b. The behaviour of the solution in part a. depends critically on the value of the
input frequency compared to the natural frequency 0 . Two phenomena of
interest are
i. beats, which occur when |0 | is small, and
ii. resonance, which occurs when = 0 .
Describe each of these phenomena in your own words (hand-drawn sketches
would be nice,too), and then decide whether they would be good or bad in this
situation, giving reasons. Are they likely to occur here?
c. In Module 7, Example 7.4.3, we discussed a model for the interaction between
supply and demand which led to a second order DE for the oversupply x(t)
(i.e., the supply over and above some equilibrium supply level), namely
d2 x
+ k1 k2 x = k2 f (t) ,

where k1 and k2 are positive constants, and f (t) is the inflation rate. Consider
a periodic inflation rate f (t) = f0 cos t . Show that, with suitable definitions
of 02 and A, this DE is equivalent to the above model, and describe what
happens economically, according to this model, if = 0 .

Shaking Things Sideways

5. Consider the lateral vibrations of a tall structure due to external forces (e.g., wind,
or earthquakes).

It can be shown that such vibrations are

modelled by the DE

x00 + 2 x0 + 02 x = f (t) ,

where and 0 are positive constants de-

termined by the design parameters of the
building, and f (t) is the external force per
unit mass.

a. Rewrite the associated homogeneous DE x00 + 2 x0 + 02 x = 0 as a system x0 = A x

of two first order DEs, where x1 = x, x2 = x0 . Find the eigenvalues of the matrix
A, then show that the equilibrium 0 of the homogeneous system is asymptotically
stable for all positive and 0 . Identify the type of equilibrium for each of the
three possible cases of the eigenvalues.
b. Suppose a brief gust of wind hits the structure, giving an initial state x(0) = ` ,
x0 (0) = 0 to the system. What do your results in part a. predict will be the
long-term behaviour of x(t) ? (No need to solve the IVP; just use your stability
result from part a., and the fact that x(t) = x1 (t) .) Describe the motion of the
building for the overdamped case.
c. Now consider the effects of an earthquake, for which the input function is
f (t) = A cos t . The positive constants A and measure the strength and fre-
quency of the lateral vibrations induced by the earthquake. Research has shown
that the best earthquake resistance occurs if the following two conditions are met:

1. the unforced vibrations are underdamped, and

2. the forced vibrations are such that the steady-state amplitude Ass decreases
as increases (i.e., (Ass ) < 0 for all > 0 ), so there is no amplitude

Prove that both these conditions hold if the constans and 0 satisfy < < 0 .
i. What will guarantee that condition 1. is met? (Examine your results from part
ii. We have already seen (in the course lectures) that the steady-state amplitude
of the particular solution of a DE of the form x00 + 2 x0 + 02 x = A cos t is
given by A
Ass = 2 p ,
0 (1 r2 )2 + 4 2 r2

where r = , and = . You also showed on a previous assignment that
0 0
amplitude resonance cannot occur for any > 0 if > . Rewrite this
condition in terms of and 0 to determine what will guarantee condition 2.,
completing the proof.

Two-Species Interactions
6. Consider the following model for the interaction between two species.
dN1 N1 dN2 N2
= r1 N1 (1 ) aN1 N2 , = r2 N2 (1 ) + bN1 N2 .
dt K1 dt K2
a. Clearly the underlying growth of each species is logistic, i.e., in the absence
of one another, they would each thrive. What do the two interaction terms
tell you about the nature of their interaction, as compared to the competition
model we have previously discussed? Name this interaction, giving reasons.
N1 N2
b. Show that, with the choice of dimensionless variables x = K 1
,y=K 2
, = r1 t ,
and dimensionless constants A = aK bK1 r2
r1 , B = r2 , R = r1 , the model becomes

dx dy
= x(1 x Ay) , = Ry(1 y + Bx) .
d d
Give biological interpretations of x and y, and of the constants A, B, and R.
c. Show that the system in part b. has four equilibrium points, with the one in
1A 1+B
the positive quadrant being P : , , provided A < 1 .
1 + AB 1 + AB
d. Suppose that the equilibrium P is asymptotically stable for all x(0) > 0 and
y(0) > 0 . Explain why, if 0 < A < 1 and B > 0, the longterm population
of species N1 will always be below K1 , while that of species N2 will always be
above K2 .
e. Use the plot command for Problem 6 in the Maple file Math650FQStudentPlots
to plot phase portraits for each of the following cases:

1 1 6 1
i. A = , B = 1, R = ; ii. A = , B = 1, R = .
2 8 5 8
In each case, linearize about the asymptotically stable equilibrium to confirm
the type of equilibrium you observe in the phase portrait. State the the bio-
logical outcome, and justify it, based on the parameter values for A and B.

7. In a biological interaction between two molecular species X and Y , the species Y

undergoes autocatalysis, that is, it activates its own production as well as benefitting
from the presence of X. Production is governed by
dx dy
= 8 (1 + y n )x , = (1 + y n )x 5y ,
dt dt
where x(t), y(t) are the concentrations of X and Y , and n is a positive constant
called the Hill coefficient.
a. Would species Y survive without species X? Would species X survive without
species Y ? How does the presence of Y affect the production of X? Of Y ?
b. Use suitable hand calculations plus Maple for Problem 7 in Math650FQStudentPlots
to explore the behaviour of this system for n = 2, as follows.
i. State the equation of the horizontal isocline, and of the vertical isocline.
Then find the single equilibrium (xe , ye ) of the system.
ii. Use Maple to create a plot of the direction field of this system on the domain
0 x 4.5, and 0 y 5. Print a copy of your plot in a suitable size.
Then carefully sketch the three orbits with ICs (x0 , y0 ) = (0, 1), (2, 0), and
(0, 3), following the direction field as closely as possible. Make a conjecture
about the nature of the equilibrium point.
iii. Explore the linearization about (xe , ye ) and hence describe its type and
stability. Describe the behaviour of the species concentrations x(t) and
y(t) over time.
c. Now suppose that n = 2.5, and explore the given system as follows.
i. Find the single equilibrium (xe , ye ) of the system (youll need a calculator
for this).
ii. Use Maple to plot the phase portrait. What does the phase portrait imply
about the long term behaviour of the species concentrations x(t) and y(t)?
iii. Explore the linearization about (xe , ye ) and state its type and stability. Use
Maple to plot an orbit with IC near (xe , ye ), and describe its behaviour.
iv Sketch by hand a typical graph of x(t) and of y(t) as functions of t if their
ICs are near (xe , ye ). (This is a qualitative question; your sketches do not
have to be numerically accurate. Look at the phase portrait and interpret
the behaviour you see there to sketch the two component graphs.)

d. It seems clear from your results in b. and c. that the qualitative behaviour
of this system changes dramatically for some value of n between 2 and 2.5.
Describe the change that occurs in the stability of the equilibrium (xe , ye ),
and the resulting change in the phase portrait. Which example in the lectures
on the Phase Portrait Gallery in Module 8, Section 1.1 does our system most
resemble? Now go to Wikipedia and read about the Hopf bifurcation (the
animation of the Brusselator is especially intriguing).
[Reference for Problem 7: Mathematical Modeling in Systems Biology, by Brian
P. Ingalls, MIT Press, 2013, pages 108-110.]

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