44 Vitiligo
44 Vitiligo
44 Vitiligo
Alain Taeb
1 23
Mauro Picardo
Alain Taeb (Eds.)
Dr. Mauro Picardo Prof Alain Taeb
Istituto Dermatologico San Gallicano Service de Dermatologie
via Elio Chianesi 53 De Dermatologie Pdiatrique
00144 Roma Centre de rfrence des maladies rares de la
Italy Peau
picardo@ifo.it Hpital Saint-Andr
1 rue Jean Burguet
33000 Bordeaux
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69361-1
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Vitiligo has been, until recently, a rather neglected area in dermatology and medicine.
Patients complain about this situation, which has offered avenues to quacks, and has
led to the near orphan status of the disease. The apparently, simple and poorly
symptomatic presentation of the disease has been a strong disadvantage to its study,
as compared to other common chronic skin disorders such as psoriasis and atopic
dermatitis. Vitiligo is still considered by doctors as a non disease, a simple aesthetic
problem. A good skin-based angle of attack is also lacking because generalized viti-
ligo is clearly epitomizing the view of skin diseases as simple targets of a systemic
unknown dysregulation (diathesis), reflecting the Hippocratic doctrine. This view has
mostly restricted vitiligo to the manifestation of an auto-immune diathesis in the past
30 years. Thus, skin events, which are easily detected using skin biospies in most
other situations, have not been precisely recorded, with the argument that a clinical
diagnosis was sufficient for the management (or most commonly absence of manage-
ment) of the patient.
This book is an international effort to summarize the information gathered about
this disorder at the clinical, pathophysiological and therapeutic levels. Its primary
aim is to bridge current knowledge at the clinical and investigative level, to point to
the many unsolved issues, and to delineate future priorities for research. Its impetus
was also to provide the best guidelines for integrated patient care, which is currently
possible at a very limited number of places around the world, especially for surgical
A striking feature in the vitiligo field was, until recently, the absence of consensus
on definitions, nomenclature, and outcome measures. With a group of European der-
matologists, who had a strong interest in vitiligo and pigment cell research, we had
launched some years ago, the Vitiligo European Task Force (VETF). The VETF has
addressed those issues as a priority. This group, joined by other colleagues from the
rest of the world also involved in the vitiligo research community, has communicated
its experience in this book. We have tried to pilot the editing of the book according to
consistent principles based on discussions held at VETF meetings and international
IPCC (international pigment cell conference) workshops. However, some areas
remain controversial and we have highlighted the existing conflicting issues and
After reviewing the field, much needs to be done. In particular, besides basic
research based on the many hypotheses raised, new unbiased epidemiological, clini-
cal, histopathological, natural history, and therapeutic data are clearly needed. They
should be confronted by genetics and other investigative variables to better define the
disease and its subsets. We hope that the combined efforts of all participating authors
vi Preface
will prove useful to bring more attention to this field, and we are confident that both
the research community (the mystery of melanocyte loss in vitiligo is a true scientific
challenge) and the drug industry (the potential market is large) will be stimulated to
bring in new treatment strategies to this large number of patients with unmet needs.
1.2.2 Histopathology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Flvia Pretti Aslanian, Absalom Figueira,
Tullia Cuzzi, and Batrice Vergier
viii Contents
Section 3: Therapy
Microphototherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
Torello Lotti, Francesca Prignano, and Gionata Buggiani
3.12 Therapy Adapted for Age, Gender, and Specific Locations . . . . . 443
Alain Taeb and Inka Nieuweboer-Krobotova
xiv Contributors
Rafael Falabella, M.D Universidad del Valle and Centro Medico Imbanaco, Cali,
J.P.W. van der Veen, M.D Netherlands Institute for Pigment Disorders,
and Department of Dermatology, Academic Medical Centre,
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Nanny Van Geel, M.D Department of Dermatology, Ghent University Hospital,
Ghent, Belgium
Batrice Vergier, M.D Department of Pathology, Hpital du Haut Lvque,
Bordeaux, France
Bas S. Wind Netherlands Institute for Pigment Disorders, and Department of
Dermatology, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Maxine Eloise Whitton Wanstead, UK
Ching-Shuang Wu Faculty of Biomedical Laboratory Science, Kaohsiung Medical
University, 100 Shih-Chuan 1st Rd, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Hsin-Su Yu Department of Dermatology, Kaohsiung Medical University,
100 Shih-Chuan 1st Rd, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Dening the Disease
Historical Aspects
Yvon Gauthier and Laila Benzekri
well documented in Rigveda (Indian book) persons treatment of vitiligo with black seeds from the plant
suffering from switra and their progeny are disquali- Bavachee or Vasuchika which is now called Psoralea
fied from marrying others [7, 31]. corylifolia.
Herodotus (484425 bc) in his book Clio, has Photochemotherapy was practiced in the ancient
written if a Persian has leprosy or white sickness he is world by physicians and herbalists who used boiled
not allowed to enter into a city or to have dealings with extracts of leaves, seeds, or the roots of Ammi majus
other Persians, he must have sinned against the sun. linneaus in Egypt (Fig. 1.1.3) or Psoralea corylifolia
Foreigners suffering from this disorder are forced to in India (Fig. 1.1.4), which contain psoralens and sev-
leave the country; even white pigeons are often driven eral furocoumarins [38]. These preparations made
away, as guilty of the same offence. from seeds obtained from herbal stores, were either
In Leviticus (XIII, 34), white spot diseases are con-
sidered as a punishment sent by God: Anyone with
these skin affections must wear torn clothes and have
his hair dishevelled, he must conceal his upper lip, and
call out unclean, unclean. So long the disease per-
sists, he is to be considered virtually unclean and live
alone outside the camp. During many centuries, the
stigma of leprosy was strengthened by old edicts and
cruel laws [17].
In 1943, according to the initiative of Pope Pius XII
and the American Catholic office, the church added the
following note with reference to Leviticus XIII:
Various kinds of skin blemishes are treated here,
which were not contagious but simply disqualified their
subjects from associations with others, until they were
declared ritually clean. The Hebrew term used does Fig. 1.1.3 Ammi majus linneaus (AML), which grows through-
not refer to Hansens disease, currently called leprosy out the Nile Valley as a weed. The seeds of AML were used as a
[17, 34]. therapy for leucoderma
Islamic theologians consider that baras is a defect in
the couple. Thus, the husband or the wife has the
choice to divorce. Arabic kings talked to vitiligo
patients only behind a screen as reported by the poet
Harrith bin Hilliza [3].
The long lasting misleading association of conta-
gion with vitiligo emphasizes the need for patients (or
their parents if children) to be reassured about the non
contagious nature of the disease. Unfortunately,
patients with vitiligo are still regarded as social out-
casts in some countries.
applied to the skin or ingested before solar exposure. was the mainstay of treatment. Natural psoralens have
In the ancient Ayurvedic system of medicine, the use been found in more than thirty plants, including lime,
of Psoralea corylifolia (Leguminosae family) for lemon, bergamot, celery, fig and clove [26].
inducing the repigmentation of vitiligo is carefully
recorded. In Charaka Samhita both topical and sys-
temic use of figs is also recommended before sun 1.1.5 Modern History of Some
exposure. Figs are known to contain both psoralens Treatments of Vitiligo
and glucosides of psoralens. In Atharva Veda (2000
1400 bc) and many other writings of this period, the
treatment of vitiligo with bavacheree (Psoralia
corylifolia) is described, associated with exposure to In 1938, Kuske investigated phytophotodermatitis
solar radiation and worshipping. This is illustrated in occurring on areas of the skin which have been in con-
Atharva Veda by the following poem to one of the tact with certain plants and also exposed to sunlight
plant used [5, 28, 42]. [21, 36, 37]. Extensive research began in 1941 in
Cairo, Egypt, in the laboratory of Fahmi and his group.
Born by night art thou, O plant Three crystalline compounds were obtained from
Dark, black, sable, do thou Ammi majus l and named ammoidin, ammidin, and
That art rich in colour, stain
majudin [10]. El Mofty [9] was the first, in the early
This leprosy and white grey spots.
Even colour is the name of thy mother, 1940s, to use crystallin methoxsalen followed by
Even colour is the name of thy father. exposure to sunlight for the treatment of vitiligo.
Thou, O plant produced even colour, The results were found to be good and shortly after-
Render this spot to even colour wards two of the compounds, 8-methoxypsoralen
and 8-isoamyleneoxypsoralen were produced by an
According to Indian medical books, the two most com- Egyptian firm in Cairo. In 1974, a new high intensity
monly applied and effective herbs were Malapu UVA light source was initially used in combination
(Ficus hispida) and Bawachi (Psoralea corylifolia) with either oral 8 MOP or 458 trimethyl psoralen
[7, 25, 40, 41]. These herbs were administered orally for the treatment of vitiligo. It was the beginning of
or topically followed by exposure to sunlight until PUVA therapy which permitted to induce a good repig-
sweating was observed. Blisters were then produced mentation on hairy skin using the melanocytes from
and after their rupture, repigmentation occurred. In the follicular reservoir. The period from 1974 to 1988
Ayurveda, the association of internal treatment con- was the period of photomedicine that established the
sisting of dried ginger, black-pepper, pippali and lead- therapeutic effectiveness of psoralens in combination
wort root fermented in cows urine and local ointment with UVA in the treatment of vitiligo, psoriasis and
with a paste made of several medicinal herbs including various other skin diseases [14, 27, 29]. The use of
Psoralea corylifolia, was proposed to induce repig- PUVA has declined over the last 20 years due to the
mentation of vitiligo [7]. evidence of photodamage and photocarcinogenesis
Another important plant Ammi majus linnaeus due to this technique, and to the parallel development
[7, 39] which grows throughout the Nile Valley as a of narrow-band UVB irradiation devices (Part 3.3).
weed, has been used many centuries BC as a treatment
Surgical treatments
for leukoderma. Ibn el Bitar in his thirteenth century
book Mofradat Al Adwiya, described the treatment Many investigators have tried to induce repigmenta-
of vitiligo baras with the seeds of Aatrillal (Ammi tion in patients with vitiligo not responding to medical
majus) and sunlight [18]. Aatrillal seemed to be a com- therapies, with grafting and transplantation techniques.
mon therapy for leukoderma in Ben Shoerb, a Dermoepidermal grafts were introduced by Behl [1].
Berberian tribe living in the North-western African Epidermal grafting with suction blisters was success-
desert. Egyptian herbalists used these herbs in the form fully used for the first time in 1971 by Falabella [11]
of a powder [10]. Through ages, in Egypt, topical or on segmental vitiligo and post burn depigmentation.
oral use of seeds from the plant Ammi majus followed Minigrafting was proposed in 1983 by Falabella in
by sunlight exposure, as mentioned earlier in India, three patients with segmental vitiligo [12]. In 1989,
8 Y. Gauthier and L. Benzekri
epidermis with melanocytes was grown for the first 10. Fahmy IR, Abn-Shady H (1947) Pharmacological study and
time for repigmentation purposes by Falabella [12] isolation of cristalline constituents: Amodin. Quart J Pharm
Pharmacol 20:281286
and Falabella et al. [13]. The use of epidermal suspen- 11. Falabella R (1971) Epidermal grafting: an original technique
sions for repigmentation of stable vitiligo macules was and its application in achromic and granulating areas. Arch
initially described in 1992 by Gauthier and Surlve Dermatol 104:592600
Bazeille [15]. This method was improved in 1998 by 12. Falabella R (1984) Repigmentation of leucoderma by
autologous epidermal grafting. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 10:
Olsson and Juhlin [30]. In 1992, pure melanocyte suspen- 136144
sions were cultured and implanted in patients with vitiligo 13. Falabella R, Escobar C, Borrero I (1992) Treatment of
by Olsson and Juhlin [31]. A new approach to simplify the refractory and stable vitiligo by transplantation of in vitro
delivery of cultured melanocytes to patients via a cell cultured epidermal autografts bearing melanocytes. J Am
Acad Dermatol 26(2 Pt 1):230236
delivery carrier, which could also be used for transport of 14. Fitzpatrick TB, Pathak MA (1959) Historical aspects of
cells over considerable distances, has been proposed by methoxalen and other furocoumarins. J Invest Dermatol
Mac Neil and Eves [24]. 32:229231
15. Gauthier Y, Surlve-Bazeille JE (1992) Autologous grafing
with non cultured melanocytes: a simplified method for
treatment of depigmented lesions. J Am Acad Dermatol
1.1.6 Conclusions 16. Gauthier Y, Cario Andr M, Taieb A (2003) A critical
appraisal of vitiligo etiologic theories. Is melanocyte loss a
melanocytorragy? Pigment Cell Res 16:322333
Vitiligo, under different names, was recognized and 17. Goldman L, Richard S, Moraites R (1966) White spots in
feared over several centuries. Even though modern biblical times. Arch Derm 93:744753
phototherapies represent an improvement of the herbal 18, Fahmy IR (1947). Ibn El Bitar Mofradat el Adwija Quart
and sun, ancient world techniques, our current thera- J Pharmacol 20:744753
19. Kaposi M (1891) Pathologie et traitement des maladies de la
pies, including surgical techniques, fail in a large num- peau [translated by Besnier and Barthelemy], Masson, Paris,
ber of cases. The stigma historically associated with France, pp 105110
the disease has not disappeared, and information and 20. Koga M (1977) Vitiligo: a new classification and therapy. Br
educational programmes should be implemented to J Dermatol 97:255261
21. Kuske H (1938) Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Photosen-
fight this problem, especially the fear of contagion. sibilisierung der Haut durch planzliche Wirstoffs. Arch
Dermatol Syphil 178:112113
22. Lerner AB (1959) Vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 32:285310
23. Lerner AB (1971) On the etiology of vitiligo and gray hair.
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24. Mac Neil S, Eves P (2007) Simplifying the delivery of cul-
tured melanocytes. In: Gupta S, Olsson MJ, Kanwar A (eds)
1. Behl PN (1964) Treatment of vitiligo with homologous thin Surgical management of vitiligo. Blackwell, Oxford, pp
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2. Behl PN, Arora RB, Srivastava G (1992) Traditional Indian 25. Nair BK (1978) Vitiligo: a retrospect. Int J Dermatol 17:
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and School of Dermatology, New Delhi, pp 6272 26. Najamabadi M (1934) Tarikh -e- Tibbe-Iran, Vol I, Shamsi,
3. Ben Achour T (1973) Tafsir Attahir wa Tancuir. Edn Dar Teheran, Iran
Sahoune Liannachr, Tunis, Tunisie 27. Njoo MD,Westerhof W (1997) Vitiligo: a review. Hautartz
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5. Bloomfield M (1897) Sacred books of the east hymns of 29. Njoo M, Spuls PI, Bos J, et al (1998) Non surgical
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7. Donata SR, Kesavan M, Austin SR (1990) Clinical trial of plantaton of a basal cell layer enriched suspension. Br J
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9. El Mofty AM (1948) A preliminary clinical report on the Repigmentation of vitiligo induced by oral photochemother-
treatment of leukodermias with Ammi Majus Linn. J Egypt apy. Histoenzymological and ultrastructural study. Ann
Med Assoc 31:651656 Dermatol Venereol 105:939940
1.1 Historical Aspects 9
33. Ortonne JP (1983) Vitiligo and other hypomelanoses of hair 38. Prasad PV, Bhatnagar VK (2003) Medico-historical study of
and skin. In: Ortonne JP, Mosher DP, Fitzpatrick TB (eds) Kilasa (vitiligo/leucoderma) a common skin disorder. Bull
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pp 129132 39. Sidi E, Bourgeois-Gavardin XX (1952) The treatment of
34. Panda AK (2005) The medicohistorical perspective of viti- vitiligo with Ammi Majus Linn. J Invest Dermatol
ligo. Bull Ind Hist Med 25:4146 18:391396
35. Parrish JA, Fitzpatrick TB, Pathak A (1974) Photochemo- 40. Srivastava G (1994) Introduction vitiligo update. Asian Clin
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36. Pathak M, Daniels F, Fitzpatrick TB (1962) The presently Chapter 46 published by Chaukhamba Sanskritt series
known distribution of furocoumarins (psoralens) in plants. office Gopal Mandir Lane, printed by Vidya Vikas, Varanasi
J Invest Dermatol 39:225239 India
37. Pathak M, Fitzpatrick TB (1992) The evolution of photo- 42. Whitney WD (1905) Atharva veda samhita (translation and
chemotherapy with psoralens and UVA (PUVA) 2000 BC to notes). Harvard Oriental Series, Vol 7. Harvard University
1992 AD. J Photochem Photobiol 14:322 Press, Cambridge, MA
Clinical Overview
Epidemiology, Denitions
and Classication 1.2.1
Alain Taeb and Mauro Picardo Introduction
albinism with hair depigmentation and nystagmus at the inflammation has stopped by macrophages (mel-
birth is not a consideration, but milder syndromic albi- anophages), a process which takes months or years.
nisms should be mentioned (Table Some rare In NSV (Chap. 1.3.9 and Sect., there is limited
vitiligo-like or true vitiligo conditions (syndromic viti- evidence of pigment incontinence, which may occur
ligo) are seen in the context of monogenic disorders. during the acceleration phase of depigmentation, in
They are reviewed separately in Chap. 1.3.11. case of mild subclinical lichenoid inflammation. In the
Post-inflammatory hypomelanoses (Fig. majority of cases, a progressive pigment dilution
There are two main processes for melanin pigment to accompanies the disappearance of pigment cells.
be eliminated following inflammation. First, in inflam- Distinguishing NSV from post-inflammatory hypomel-
matory disorders accompanied by an increased epider- anoses is usually made on clinical grounds rather than
mal turn over (e.g. psoriasis, atopic dermatitis), on histopathology, when the primary skin inflamma-
pigment is lost upwards within eliminated cells, result- tory disease can be diagnosed clinically (e.g. scalp or
ing in focal pigment dilution until cessation of inflam- plaque psoriasis, flexural dermatitis for atopic dermati-
mation and recovery of melanin production/distribution tis, scleroderma plaques, lichen sclerosus white spot
within the epidermis. Second, when an acute lichenoid/ disease). However, true association may occur [3]
cytotoxic infiltrate attacks the epidermal basal layer and sometimes in similar locations, suggesting
(e.g. lichen planus, toxic drug reactions), there is a pathophysiological links such as koebnerization in the
leakage of epidermal pigment into the superficial der- case of pruritic dermatoses followed by vitiliginous
mis (pigment incontinence), which is removed when patches (see Chap. 1.3.8 and Sect. In difficult
16 A. Taeb and M. Picardo
a b
d e f
Fig. Piebaldism: diffuse form without spontaneous (courtesy Dr Y Gauthier) (c); repigmentation in the two first
repigmentation (a); limited form (white forelock) in the mother years of life (df), becoming clearly trichrome in (f)
(b); typical spontaneous repigmentation pattern in an adult
cases, a biopsy can be useful to make an accurate infiltration are lacking, this presentation can be mislead-
diagnosis, e.g. showing spongiosis (eczema) or psori- ing [31]. A biopsy is able to show diagnostic changes
siasiform changes with neutrophils in the stratum cor- (large size and atypia of epidermotropic lymphocytes
neum (psoriasis) [17]. especially in the basal layer, Chap. 1.2.2). The mecha-
Para-malignant hypomelanoses/mycosis fungoi- nism of pigment dilution in mycosis fungoides has been
des (Fig. In dark-skinned patients, skin whit- studied and a reduced expression of c-Kit has been
ening may correspond to an early stage of epidermotropic shown. The loss of c-kit, and subsequent downstream
T cell lymphoma. When signs of inflammation and skin effects on melanocyte survival, might be initiated by
1.2.1 Epidemiology, Definitions and Classification 17
a c
b d
Fig. Tuberous sclerosis (a) ash-leaf macules and cha- and large vitiligoid patch (d) of the abdominal belt in a 25-year-
green patch on the dorsum of a young patient; Koenens periun- old female patient
gueal tumour in the same patient (b); facial angiofibromas (c)
Fig. Melanoma associated depigmentation. Melanoma- Para-infectious hypopigmentation: Tinea versicolor
associated leucoderma is associated with spontaneous or vac- can cause vitiligoid changes, generally after treatment in
cine-induced regression of a primary melanoma the absence of re-exposure to UV light. However, distri-
bution, shape of the lesion, and some scaling and green
[15]. The Koebners phenomenon is usually absent. The fluorescence of untreated lesions, allow a definite diag-
prognostic value of depigmentation in the context of mel- nosis. Indeterminate leprosy (Fig. is manifested
anoma treated with interferon has been established [12]. by hypochromic patches which are hypoesthetic under
20 A. Taeb and M. Picardo
a a
mycosis fungoides correlates with hypomelanosis: lessons 34. Taeb A, Picardo M; VETF Members (2007) The definition
learned from vitiligo. Mod Pathol 19:12551260 and assessment of vitiligo: a consensus report of the Vitiligo
32. Smith DA, Burgdorf WH (1984) Universal cutaneous depig- European Task Force. Pigment Cell Res 20:2735
mentation following phenytoin-induced toxic epidermal 35. Thoma W, Krmer HJ, Mayser P (2005) Pityriasis versicolor
necrolysis. J Am Acad Dermatol 10:106109 alba. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 19:147152
33. Spritz RA (2007) The genetics of generalized vitiligo 36. Westerhof W, Relyveld GN, Kingswijk MM et al (2004)
and associated autoimmune diseases. Pigment Cell Res 20: Propionibacterium acnes and the pathogenesis of progressive
271278 macular hypomelanosis. Arch Dermatol 140: 210214
Flvia Pretti Aslanian, Absalom Filgueira, Tullia Cuzzi,
and Batrice Vergier Introduction
in its basal layer [32]. On the contrary, the diagnosis of segmental cases (Dr. Attili, India, personal commu-
vitiligo can be made readily on clinical grounds. In gen- nication to the Editors and Chap. 1.3.10).
eral, only in certain difficult cases, a skin biopsy may be
required for differential diagnosis purposes [35]. The
role of skin biopsies is currently debated for staging Recommendations
purposes (microinflammation) (Chap. 1.3.10).
for a Proper Interpretation
Usually, the thickness of the tissue sections cut
from paraffin-embedded blocks is 4 mm. It might be of Biopsies
an additional reason for the scarcity of changes visi-
ble on routine microscopy in vitiligo [22]. Thinner As a rule, when performing a biopsy of a hypopig-
(1 mm) sections may result in a more accurate histo- mented lesion suspected of being vitiligo, it is worth-
logical evaluation when necessary [27]. Indeed, when while to include some adjacent apparently normal
carefully evaluated by light and electron microscopy, skin in the specimen. This enables histopathologists
vitiligo lesions reveal striking abnormalities, such as to compare and contrast the pigmented and non-pig-
an absence or diminished number of melanocytes and mented samples, with regard to features such as the
their vacuolization, keratinocyte vacuolization, number of melanocytes and amount of melanin within
absent or migrating melanocytes in the outer root the epidermis [1]. The identification of the transition
sheath, changes in nerves, dermal infiltrate with area between those segments, called the lesional bor-
T-lymphocytes, histiocytes, melanophages and eryth- der, is usually possible. However, in some cases, there
rocytes. This chapter is focused on generalized (non- is a marked reduction of pigmentation in the basal layer
segmental) vitiligo (NSV), which represents the great of the adjacent clinically non-affected skin in the speci-
majority of vitiligo cases,and can be associated with men, which is best demonstrated using the Fontana-
microinflammatory changes. Histopathological data Masson (FM) silver stain (Table Before
on segmental vitiligo are scarce or not detailed analysing a biopsy, it is important to know whether
enough to conclude [5]. However, there is evidence the disease was progressing or not when the biopsy
that lichenoid inflammation can also occur in typical was performed. The epidermal and dermal changes in
Table Some histochemical stains and antibodies commonly used in dermatopathology, focusing on melanin or normal
Stain Purpose of stain Comments References
Silver nitrate Melanin(argyrophilic) Stains black [25]
Fontana-Masson (FM) Melanin (argentaffin) Black silver precipitate [25]
DOPA reaction Melanocytes Tyrosinase activity converts colourless [24, 25]
DOPA into DOPA-melanin (dark
brown to black)
Antibodies Directed against
S-100(P) Melanocytes Most sensitive (initial screening) [7, 34]
Lack of specificity (Langerhans cells
Melan-A(A-103)/Mart-1 Melanocytes High degree of specificity [7, 34]
(GP100 group) Melanosome-associated marker
Intermediate sensitivity (6080%)
NKI-beteb Melanocytes (100-kDa melanosome High specificity [20]
associated antigen)
T311 Melanocytes (anti-tyrosinase) Intermediate sensitivity (80%) [7]
HMB-45 Melanocytes (Melanosome-associated Highly specific [7, 20]
cytoplasmic antigen) Lack of sensitivity
MEL-5(clone TA99) Pigment associated antigen Good sensitivity [8, 20]
7080-kDa glycoprotein
1.2.2 Histopathology 27
Pigment Incontinence
Findings in Perilesional
and Distant Areas in NSV
a a
pigmentation in the normal-appearing skin of vitiligo Fig. Border of a progressing lesion in a patient with
patients (Fig., which was statistically significant NSV showing a lichenoid and intraepidermal infiltrate (a), as
when compared to normal controls in skin samples indicated by HE stain 400, made mostly of CD8+ cells (b)
stained with haematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Fontana-
Masson. Surprisingly, such abnormal histological findings number of T helper lymphocytes (CD4+) in active
included the clinically pigmented skin at sites even further lesions of vitiligo. The CLA+T lymphocytes were more
from the afflicted areas in those patients [26]. numerous in the epidermis than in the dermis, and
many lymphocytes expressed MHC class II and inter-
feron gamma, denoting their activation. Ahn et al. [3]
examined the marginal skin of actively spreading and
Nature of the Inammatory Inltrate stable vitiligo using ICAM-1, HLA-DR, CD4 and CD8
monoclonal antibodies. Their main finding was that
The composition of the cell infiltrate [13] in the skin of ICAM-1 was expressed on basal keratinocytes in active
patients with vitiligo has been studied using monoclo- lesions, but not in stable lesions.
nal antibodies since the 1990s [3, 4]. Al Badri et al. [4] Le Poole et al. [19, 20] investigated the inflamma-
compared the margins of vitiligo lesions with non- tory infiltrate in both lesional and non-lesional skin in
lesional skin of the same patient, and controls without three cases of inflammatory vitiligo (Chap. 1.3.10),
skin disease, and found a much greater number of which showed exuberant histological changes. The
CD3+T lymphocytes and CLA+ cells in the epidermis main immunohistochemical findings were the increased
and dermis of the affected border than in other speci- number of CD68+ macrophages in the skin, increased
mens (Fig. In addition, the CD3+CD8+T lym- CD8/CD4 ratio, and increased expression of CLA in the
phocytes and CLA+ cells were more frequent than the cells that infiltrated lesional skin. CD8+T lymphocytes
30 F. P. Aslanian et al.
were shown juxtaposed to the remaining melanocytes, of hypochromic lesions, without any other associated
suggesting the involvement of cellular immunity lead- features, such as initial lesions of indeterminate lep-
ing to melanocyte destruction. Although these infiltrates rosy with no alteration of peripheral nerve sensitivity.
are much more easily characterized in rare cases of Indeterminate leprosy seen prior to the development of
inflammatory vitiligo, these findings may be extended well-developed lesions, manifests as ill-defined hypop-
to the majority of cases of rapidly progressive NSV [5]. igmented macules. There are non-specific microscopic
Some authors have confirmed the involvement of findings, such as perivascular, periadnexal and perineu-
CD8+CLA+T lymphocytes and macrophages in the ral lymphohistiocytic infiltrates and occasional organ-
loss of melanocytes in NSV, through single and double isms seen with the Fite stain, mainly when the nerves
staining [30]. Degenerated melanocytes were found in are infiltrated, which favour or establish the diagnosis.
the perilesional skin, and a total absence of NKI-beteb It is important to obtain subcutaneous tissue where
staining (specific antibodies to melanocytes) was found infiltrates can be seen in this setting.
in lesional skin. CD8+T cells were in greater numbers In hypopigmented mycosis fungoides [9, 29] epi-
in the affected skin (CD4/CD8 ratio = 0.48) and juxta- dermotropism is a clue for the diagnosis (Fig.
posed to the remaining melanocytes, which could be Post-inflammatory hypopigmentation rarely shows a
proven by double staining NKI-beteb/CD8. While the
overall proportion of CLA+T lymphocytes was not
increased compared to normal controls, these lympho- a
cytes were found clustered at the dermo-epidermal
junction, and expressed the markers of cytotoxicity
granzyme-B and perforin, exactly in the place of inter-
action with melanocytes. There was also a reduction in
the number of Langerhans cells (LC) in lesional skin
in 7 out of 10 patients with progressive NSV, some of
which received PUVA therapy, which can indepen-
dently lead to a depletion of these cells [14, 33].
Sharquie et al. [27] demonstrated that epidermal
mononuclear cell infiltration occurred in 80% of the
marginal areas of lesions whose age ranged from 3 to
12 weeks, suggesting that the epidermal lymphocytic
infiltration is the primary immune event in vitiligo.
However, a heavy lymphocytic infiltrate in the upper b
dermis is a rare finding [15].
With regards to the number, changes and role of LC
in vitiligo skin, data are conflicting. We agree with
those who found a depletion of epidermal LC during
periods of activity of the disease (personal unpublished
data), and during the repigmentation period. The reap-
pearance of these cells possibly would occur in stable
vitiligo [14, 30].
In some cases, clinical features associated with cutane- Fig. Mycosis fungoides showing epidermotropism (a).
Note lymphocytes with large and atypical nuclei between kera-
ous depigmentation may provide a clue (Chap. 1.2.1).
tinocytes of the basal and spinous layers. They are mostly CD4+
However, the differential diagnosis with some condi- since CD8 stain (b) is negative in the epidermis note some
tions may be challenging, especially in the early stages cells stained in the dermis
1.2.2 Histopathology 31
complete loss of melanocytes, and melanophages are 6. Bhawan J, Bhutani LK (1983) Keratinocyte damage in viti-
often seen in the dermis [1], but we have demonstrated ligo. J Cutan Pathol 10:207212
7. Clarkson KS, Sturdgess IC, Molyneux AJ (2001) The useful-
that melanophages are likely to be observed in active ness of tyrosinase in the immunohistochemical assessment of
vitiligo lesions [26]. For hypochromic lesions without melanocytic lesions: a comparison of the novel T311 anti-
characteristic histopathology, histopathological eval- body (anti-tyrosinase) with S-100, HMB45, and A103(anti-
uation is not helpful. Sometimes, immunohistochemi- melan-A). J Clin Pathol 54:196200
8. Dean NR, Brennan J, Haynes J et al (2002) Immuno-
cal staining for melanocytes is needed for a differential histochemical labelling of normal melanocytes. Appl Immu-
diagnosis of vitiligo (Table Nevus depig- nohistochem Mol Morphol 10:199204
mentosus is a congenital, hypopigmented, stable mac- 9. El-Darouti MA, Marzouk SA, Azzam O et al (2006) Vitiligo
ule or patch, usually on the trunk or proximal vs. hypopigmented mycosis fungoides (histopathological
and immunohistochemical study, univariate analysis). Eur
extremities, which may be clinically similar to seg- J Dermatol 16:1722
mental vitiligo. The microscopic feature is a normal 10. Gokhale BB, Mehta LN (1983) Histopathology of vitiligi-
or decreased number of melanocytes [18] in contrast nous skin. Int J Dermatol 22:477480
with SV which shows none or rare melanocytes on 11. Hann SK, Kim YS, Yoo JH (2000) Clinical and histopatho-
logic characteristics of trichrome vitiligo. J Am Acad Dermatol
microscopic examination. Using specific antibodies, 242:589596
Kim et al. [15] showed that their number was signifi- 12. Hann SK, Park YK, Lee KG et al (1992) Epidermal changes
cantly decreased in vitiligo skin as compared with in active vitiligo. J Dermatol 19:217222
normal or nevus depigmentosus skin, although mel- 13. Horn TD, Abanmi A (1997) Analysis of the lymphocytic infil-
trate in a case of vitiligo. Am J Dermatopathol 19:400402
anocytes can exist in a small number of vitiligo 14. Kao CH, Yu HS (1990) Depletion and repopulation of
lesions. So, the NKI/beteb and MART-1 immunos- Langerhans cells in nonsegmental type vitiligo. J Dermatol
tains would be helpful to differentiate those lesions. 17:28796
With the FM stain it is possible to reveal the remain- 15. Kim YC, Kim YJ, Kang HY et al (2008) Histopathologic
features in vitiligo. Am J Dermatopathol 30:112116
ing melanin pigment, and the ratio of pigmented area 16. Koranne RV, Sachdeva KG (1988) Vitiligo. Int J Dermatol
to epidermal area. This ratio is far lower in vitiligo 27:676681
skin than in nevus pigmentosus. 17. Kovacs SO (1998) Vitiligo. J Am Acad Dermatol 38: 647666
In challenging cases, confronting clinical character- 18. Lee HS, Chun YS, Hann SK (1999) Nevus depigmentosus:
clinical features and histopathologic characteristics in 67
istics and histopathological findings should be consid- patients. J Am Acad Dermatol 40:2126
ered to distinguish vitiligo from other hypopigmented 19. Le Poole IC, Van den Wijngaard RM, Westerhof W et al
lesions, since an accurate diagnosis may have impor- (1996) Presence of T-cells and macrophages in inflamma-
tant therapeutic implications [34]. tory vitiligo skin parallels melanocyte disappearance. Am
J Pathol 148:12191228
20. Le Poole IC, Van den Wijngaard RM, Westerhof W et al
(1993) Presence or absence of melanocytes in vitiligo
lesions: an immunohistochemical investigation. J Invest
Dermatol 100:816822
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nocytes in the normally pigmented epidermis of patients
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Histologic diagnosis of inflammatory skin diseases. An 22. Montes LF, Abulafia J, Wilborn WH et al (2003) Value of
algorithmic method based on pattern analysis, 2nd edn. histopathology in vitiligo. Int J Dermatol 42:5761
Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD 23. Mosher DB, Fitzpatrick TB, Ortonne JB et al (1999)
2. Ackerman AB, Kerl H, Snchez J (2000) A clinical atlas of Hypomelanoses and hypermelanoses. In: Freedberg IM,
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tion), 1st edn. Ardor Scribendi, New York, pp 645650 Fitzpatrick TB et al (eds) Dermatology in general medicine,
3. Ahn SK, Choi EH, Lee SH et al (1994) Immunohistochemical 5th edn. McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 9451017
studies from vitiligo comparison between active and inac- 24. Mosher DB, Fitzpatrick TB, Ortonne JB et al (1999) Normal
tive lesions. Yonsei Med J 35:404410 skin color and general considerations of pigmentary disorders.
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Clinical aspects
Generalized Vitiligo
Thierry Passeron and Jean-Paul Ortonne
T. Passeron ()
Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Nice,
Generalized vitiligo is characterized by asymptomatic
Nice, France well-circumscribed milky-white macules, involving both
e-mail: passeron@unice.fr sides of the body with usually a symmetrical pattern
b Distribution
Multichrome Vitiligo
Vitiligo Minor
Blue Vitiligo
3. Chun WH, Hann SK (1997). The progression of nonsegmen- of the literature (18 cases)]. Ann Dermatol Venereol 106:
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4. Ishii M, Hamada T (1981). Ultrastructural studies of vitiligo other hypomelanoses of hair and skin. In: Parrish JA,
with inflammatory raised borders. J Dermatol 8:313322. Fitzpatrick TB (eds) Monographs in topics in dermatology.
5. Fargnoli MC, Bolognia JL (1995). Pentachrome vitiligo. Plenum, New York, p 683.
J Am Acad Dermatol 33:853856. 12. Ortonne JP (2007). Vitiligo and other disorders of hypopig-
6. Ivker R, Goldaber M, Buchness MR (1994). Blue vitiligo. mentation. In: Bolognia J, Jorizzo JL, Rapini RP (eds)
J Am Acad Dermatol 30:829831. Dermatology. Mosby, New York, pp 913938.
7. Le Poole C (2006). Vitiligo vulgaris. In: Nordlund J (ed) The 13. Sehgal VN, Srivastava G (2007). Vitiligo: compendium of
pigmentary system. Blackwell, Oxford, pp 551598. clinico-epidemiological features. Indian J Dermatol Venereol
8. Liu JB, Li M, Yang S, et al (2005). Clinical profiles of viti- Leprol 73:149156.
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9. Mulekar SV, Al Issa A, Asaad M, et al (2006). Mixed viti- 15. Zhang XJ, Liu JB, Gui JP, et al (2004). Characteristics of
ligo. J Cutan Med Surg 10:104107. genetic epidemiology and genetic models for vitiligo. J Am
10. Ortonne JP, Baran R, Civatte J (1979). [Vitiligo with Acad Dermatol 51:383390.
an inflammatory border. Apropos of 2 cases with review
Segmental Vitiligo
Seung-Kyung Hann, Yvon Gauthier, and Laila Benzekri
a b
Fig. Typical aspect of SV of the face with poliosis crossing either slightly the mid line (a), or more markedly (b). (It cor-
responds to Hanns type I and Gauthiers type IVC, see Figs. and, respectively)
1.3.2 Segmental Vitiligo 43
the eyeball, nose and cheek areas without crossing the patterns was thus proposed (Fig. type I,
midline. In type V, the lesion is confined to the left corresponding to the V1 ophthalmic branch (partial or
cheek area. total involvement); type II, corresponding to the V2
Some SV on the face cannot be classified by this maxillar branch (partial or total involvement); type III,
system. Type I is the most common and type V is the corresponding to V3 mandibular branch (partial or
least common. There are no significant differences in total involvement); type IV, corresponding to mixed
age, sex, duration of initial lesions, progression pat- distribution on several dermatomes (4a = V1 + V2,
tern, and clinical type among these classifications. 4b = V2 + V3, 4c = V1 + V2 + V3); and type V, cor-
responding to the cervicofacial one.
Recently, we have proposed a new simplified classifi- Most often SV patches remain unchanged for the rest
cation of SV of the face [10], which varies from the of the patients life after rapid initial spreading in the
previous classification by Hann et al. [5]. With this affected segment [2]. However, rarely it can progress
new system all SV of the face can be classified. The again after being quiescent for several years
sites involved by herpes zoster and SV were compared (Fig. When SV progresses, it usually spreads
before establishing this new classification. In 26% of over the predicted segment. However, in very rare
cases, SV was distributed exactly to a trigeminal der- cases, lesions may become generalized, a situation
matome: ophthalmic (V1) maxillary (V2) mandibular referred to as mixed vitiligo (Chap. 1.2.1). Early SV
(V3). In 64% of cases SV did not follow exactly der- most often appears as a solitary oval shaped white
matomes and was overlapping one, two or three der- macule or as a patch that is difficult to differentiate
matomes, as in many cases of facial herpes zoster. A from focal vitiligo until proven by a subsequent typi-
classification of facial SV according to five topographic cal distribution pattern. A white macule on the nipple
46 S.-K. Hann et al.
Fig. Gauthiers classification of segmental vitiligo of V2; IVb corresponding to mixed distribution V2 + V3; IVc cor-
the face: I corresponding to V1; II corresponding to V2; III cor- responding to mixed distribution V1 + V2 + V3; V correspond-
responding to V3; IVa corresponding to mixed distributionV1 + ing to cervicofacial
Treatment Overview
Fig. Bilateral segmental vitiligo of the same distribution in Asian (a) and black (b) patients
a b
Fig. Almost complete repigmentation of SV after 4 months of 308 nm excimer laser treatment (a, before; b, after) (corre-
sponds to Hanns type I and Gauthiers type IVa, see Figs. and, respectively)
6. Koga M (1977) Vitiligo: a new classification and therapy. Br 9. Song MS, Hann SK, Ahn PS et al (1994) Clinical study of
J Dermatol 97:255261 vitiligo: comparative study of type A and type B vitiligo.
7. Koga M, Tango T (1988) Clinical features and courses of Ann Dermatol (Seoul) 6:2230
type A and type B vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 118:223228 10. Gauthier Y, Taieb A (2006) Proposal for a new classification
8. Lee HS, Hann SK (1998) Bilateral segmental vitiligo. Ann of segmental vitiligo of the face. Pigment Cell Res 19:515
Dermatol (Seoul) 10:129131 (abstract)
Vitiligo Universalis
Prasad Kumarasinghe
or insect-bite reactions. Dogra et al. have reported par- Some patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syn-
tial repigmentation of VU in a patient who was given drome may also evolve into VU, and the limits between
dexamethasone and cyclophosphamide pulse therapy the two conditions are somewhat blurred. In this con-
for pemphigus vulgaris [4]. This coincidental finding dition, visual defects, alopecia, auditory, and CNS
addresses an important aspect. Indeed, even in estab- symptoms may precede skin depigmentation. Often,
lished VU, inactive, but viable melanocytes are proba- they are presented to the neurologist or ophthalmolo-
bly present and can be reactivated by adequate signals gist first, due to eye or meningial symptoms.
of the cellular environment. This confirms earlier stud- In VU, other autoimmune disorders may evolve
ies, where some viable melanocytes were found within after the onset of vitiligo, therefore these patients have
established vitiliginous macules [7, 24]. Most of these to be followed up with this in mind. In the authors
melanocytes or precursors of melanocytes appear to be experience, autoimmune thyroiditis and alopecia areata
associated with hair follicles. This may be a reason why are the most common associations.
the perifollicular pigmentation is the most common type
of breakthrough repigmentation in VU. Diagnosis
Inuence of Previous Treatments
Usually there is no diagnostic difficulty in VU.
Diagnosis can be made based on the history and the
When a patient with VU presents to a dermatologist, clinical features. Skin biopsy is not required unless for
he or she may have already tried several medications. a research purpose. In some situations, some forms of
There may be skin atrophy and striae due to prolonged oculo-cutaneous albinism may be confused with viti-
use of potent topical steroids. Monobenzyl ether of ligo, especially if the onset of disease or history is not
hydroquinone (MBEHQ) may have been used to depig- known. Nystagmus and photophobia are not associa-
ment the residual pigmented spots (Part 3.11). This tions of vitiligo, but of oculo-cutaneous albinism. A
may sometimes cause a contact dermatitis. Breakthrough skin biopsy is helpful in this setting to show the pres-
pigmentation may be a problem if proper sun protection ence of nonfunctioning melanocytes in albinism.
has not been adhered to. The skin may appear yellowish
if high doses of oral beta-carotene have been taken. Some
may have applied artificial tanning substances (dyes) on
the skin (Part 3.9). A few of these tanning substances Management
may cause allergic contact dermatitis, but it is uncom-
mon. Scalp hair, as well as beard or moustache may have Recommended investigations. In simple NSV, detailed
been dyed. Contact dermatitis due to PPD (p-phenylene investigations are not essential, but in VU several inves-
diamine) containing hair dyes is not uncommon. tigations are recommended (Table Many
patients with extensive vitiligo have serum antibodies
Table Management of vitiligo universalis may have a protective effect with regards to sun-induced
Chemical Physical Camouflage Other skin malignancies. Tumors, such as squamous cell car-
depigmentation depigmentation
cinomas, on vitiliginous skin are very uncommon in
MBEHQ Q switched Oral beta- Counselling
Ruby laser carotene patient and/
dark-skinned individuals. However, it can occur in rare
or family cases (Fig Furthermore, as melanomas are a
Alexandrite Topical dyes Psychiatric help known association of vitiligoid depigmentation, if a
laser for skin suspicious new pigmented lesion appears, particularly
NdYag laser Topical dyes Sun protection
in association with a pre-existing naevus, it should be
for scalp
hair and excised and sent for histological evaluation.
Surveillance for
and Psychosocial Aspects
VU causes a huge psychological impact in dark-
skinned individuals, and some patients may show signs
of depression at the time of presentation [10]. In cer-
against melanocytes [12], as well as antithyroid, anti- tain communities and cultures, VU would be even
parietal cell, and antinuclear antibodies. Antimelanocyte more problematicpatients being ostracized with
antibodies are not found in all cases of vitiligo, and regards to marriage and social contacts.
these antibodies may be found in some other conditions Counseling (Part 3.13), and sometimes even psy-
as well (e.g., mucocutaneous candidiasis). Therefore, chiatric help may be needed, depending on the emo-
this test is not indicated as a routine test. tional impact, particularly in dark-skinned individuals.
Therapy. Once VU has fully developed, it is unreal- Counseling the spouse and the family members may
istic to expect complete repigmentation. Management also be necessary in some situations. Occasionally,
of VU patients is mostly directed at treating the residual even in the fair-skinned individuals, vitiligo may cause
patches of pigmented skin, preventing breakthrough major psychological problems, because sun-induced
pigmentation, and protecting from sun damage while pigmentation occurs only in the unaffected areas. After
addressing camouflage issues and psychosocial aspects understanding the disease process and after realization
(Table (Parts 3.93.11). Counseling is impor- that no treatment is 100% effective in VU, some
tant before implementing complete depigmentation patients accept it and continue with their lives well.
procedures [8, 20]. Occasionally, some patients are
keen to attempt to retain pigmentation in some areas,
notwithstanding extensive depigmentation in other Conclusions
areas. Q-switched ruby and Q-switched alexandrite
lasers have proven to be useful in destroying residual
pigmented macules in patients where topical bleaching VU is probably the extreme severity end of the spec-
agents have failed to depigment [13, 16, 23]. trum of NSV, and differentiation from VKH syndrome
is not always easy. Genetic studies of families with VU
in different ethnic groups would be helpful. Future
research should focus on identifying and modifying
Sun Protection the triggering factors which start the cascade of depig-
mentation process all over the skin.
Sun protection is important to avoid sunburns, as well
Acknowledgments I am grateful to Prof Roy Chan, Medical
as to prevent unwanted breakthrough and spotty repig-
Director and Dr. Goh Boon Kee, Consultant Dermatologist, of
mentation. Some studies have revealed that wild type the National Skin Centre Singapore (where I worked earlier) for
p53 gene is upregulated in vitiligo patients [18]. This providing some of the photographs.
56 P. Kumarasinghe
skin; however, in the mucosa, their activity is reduced. isomorphic response or koebnerization can lead to lip
This may explain that oral vitiligo has long been con- vitiligo [2]. This condition needs to be differentiated
sidered as quite uncommon. According to Coulan and from recurrent herpes induced depigmentation occur-
Esquier [8], MV is very rare. Casals [3] mentioned that ring after attacks of herpes labialis on and around the
MV was more common in African blacks and Costa lips with resulting depigmentation. Depigmentation
[7] reported many cases of MV from Brazil. Diascopy corresponds to the area of appearance of vesicles. In
and Woods lamp examination may help detecting the absence of vitiligo lesions elsewhere, it is debat-
clinically subtle macules of vitiligo. able whether it is an independent entity or an isomor-
Lip involvement is a common feature in dark- phic response. There are not many controlled studies
skinned vitiligo patients and its incidence has been in the literature which correlate involvement of MV
reported to vary between 20 and 50% [6, 18, 20] with progression of the disease. However, one study
(Fig. According to a recent study, mucosa is mentioned significant progression of vitiligo in patients
the site of onset of vitiligo in 7.84% of patients [1]. In with mucosal involvement indicating that it could be a
a study of 45 patients from Tanzania, 75% had patchy poor prognostic factor [11].
loss of pigment from gum or mucosa of inner lip [15].
In late-onset vitiligo cases, we found that 2.2% had
pure mucosal involvement [9]. Besides the mucosal
form of vitiligo, associated involvement of mucosae
with other clinical variants (vulgaris or acrofacial) Genital Mucosa
was seen in 17% patients with late onset vitiligo. The
exact incidence of vitiligo of oral mucosa is not As with lip involvement, there can be similar depig-
known, but patchy loss of pigment from the buccal mentation involving other mucosae like glans, vagi-
mucosa, gingival, and gum line is invariably observed nal, or anal mucosa. In most of the subjects, usually
in vitiligo [10]. vitiligo lesions are present over other parts of the
More commonly, vitiligo involves the vermilion skin. There can also be isolated involvement of these
and spares the wet labial mucosa [6]. An inverse distri- mucosae in the absence of skin lesions. In a study of
bution, which is, sparing of vermilion and band-like 5000 consecutive new male patients examined, 22
involvement of the labial mucosa, can occur uncom- patients had vitiligo on the genitalia [12, 17].
monly [5]. Another uncommon presentation is the Involvement of vulva and vaginal mucosa is less
involvement of only the most lateral part of the lips. In reported. It may be possible that this is due to failure
the acrofacial subtype of vitiligo, there is a character- to perform genital examination on a regular basis in
istic involvement of lips along with involvement of female vitiligo patients. Early genital lichen sclero-
acral parts. In some patients, herpes labialis induced sus et atrophicus (LSA) may be difficult to distin-
guish from vitiligo (Chap. 1.3.12). Extragenital
lesions of LSA located on the neck, shoulders, trunk,
and extremities may be present. Histopathology is
useful to differentiate between MV and LSA.
Simultaneous occurrence of genital LSA and vitiligo
has been reported [19].
As there is paucity of studies on MV, we conducted
a retrospective analysis of data of 3300 patients of
vitiligo registered to our clinic over the last 10 years
(Table Family history of vitiligo was positive
in 6.4% of patients. The sites of onset in decreasing
order of frequency were both the lips simultaneously
in 30.5%, lower lip in 25.4%, glans penis in 13.5%,
prepuce and angles of mouth in 11.8% each, and labia
minora in 1.6% patients. Three patients (5%) had
Fig. Vitiligo of the lips onset simultaneously at different sites.
1.3.4 Mucosal Vitiligo 59
Table Mucosal vitiligo at the Department of a problem associated with dermo-epidermal grafts
Dermatology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and [13] (Part 3.7).
Research, Chandigarh
Number of patients recruited 59
Percentage of pure mucosal vitiligo 2.3% (59/3,300)
Mean age at onset 29.42 (range 163 years) References
Male/female 40/19 (2:1)
Mucosal area involvement
Lower lip 38.9% 1. Al-Mutairi N, Sharma AK (2006) Profile of vitiligo in
Farwaniya region in Kuwait. Kuwait Med J 38:128131
Upper lip 30.5%
2. Bose SK (2007) Herpes simplex viral infection in associa-
Both lips 30.5% tion with lip leucoderma. J Dermatol 34:280281
Glans penis 16.9% 3. Casals A (1943) Vitiligo. Rev Med Trop 9:15
Prepuce 13.5% 4. Centre JM, Mancini S, Baker GI et al (1998) Management of
Angles of mouth 11.8% gingival vitiligo with use of a tattoo technique. Br J Dermatol
Labia minora 3.3% 138:359360
Hard palate and gum 3.3% 5. Chitole VR (1991) Overgrafting for leukoderma of the lower
lip: a new application of an already established method. Ann
Plast Surg 26:289290
6. Coondoo A, Sen N, Panja RK (1976) Leucoderma of the Management Principles lips. Indian J Dermatol 21:2933
7. Costa OG (1947) Vitiligo in Brazil. Br J Dermatol 104108
8. Coulan J and Esquier DA (1926) Vitiligo. Bull Soc Franc
Depigmentation of the lips and labial mucosa is cos- Syph 33:681
metically embarrassing and socially stigmatizing in 9. Dogra S, Parsad D, Handa S, Kanwar AJ (2005) Late onset
pigmented individuals. Vitiligo lesions involving the vitiligo: a study of 182 patients. Int J Dermatol 44:193196
lips, oral, and genital mucosa are more resistant to 10. Dummet CO (1959) The oral tissues in vitiligo. Oral Surg
Oral Med Oral Pathol 12:10731079
medical therapies, as no melanocyte reservoir exists 11. Dutta AK, Mandal SB (1969) Clinical study of 650 vitiligo
in these areas because of an absence of hair follicles. cases and their classification. Indian J Dermatol 14:103115
Therefore, treatment of MV is an arduous challenge 12. Gaffoor PM (1984) Depigmentation of male genitalia. Cutis
as the medical management of lip vitiligo often results 34:492494
13. Gupta S, Sandh K, Kanwar A, Kumar B (2004) Melanocyte
in a sluggish or poor response. In early vitiligo, we transfer via epidermal grafts for vitiligo of labial mucosa.
found topical tacrolimus to be effective to some extent Dermatol Surg 30:4548
in lip and penile vitiligo. Recently, topical pimecroli- 14. Halder RM, Pham HN, Breadon JY, Johnson BA (1989)
mus was found to be effective in mucosal depigmen- Micropigmentation for treatment of vitiligo. J Dermatol
Surg Oncol 15:10921098
tation [21]. 15. Hann SK, Nordlund JJ (2000) Clinical features of general-
Micropigmentation (tattooing) gives immediate ized vitiligo. In: Hann Sk, Nordlund JJ (eds) Vitiligo.
results and excellent color matching has been reported in Blackwell, Oxford, pp 3548
various studies, especially in dark individuals [4, 14, 15]. 16. Malakar S, Lahiri K (2004) Punch grafting in lip leucod-
erma. Dermatology 208:125128
The main drawback of this procedure is that with time, 17. Moss TR, Stevenson CJ (1981) Incidence of male genital
implanted pigment may present an unsightly and inap- vitiligo. Report of screening programme. Br J Venereal Dis
propriate look, which is difficult to remove even with 57:145146
lasers. 18. Ortonne JP (2002) Depigmentation of hair and mucous
membrane. In: Hann S-K, Nordlund JJ (eds) Vitiligo, 1st
The success rate of various surgical procedures for edn. Blackwell, Oxford, pp 7680
lip vitiligo varies widely. The cosmetic outcome with 19. Osborne GE, Francis ND, Bunker CB (2000) Synchronous
individual procedures also varies significantly. Punch onset of penile lichen sclerosus and vitiligo. Br J Dermatol
grafting has been found to be effective, but it is asso- 143:218219
20. Sehgal VN (1974) A clinical evaluation of 202 cases of viti-
ciated with cobblestoning [16]. Similarly, thin split ligo. Cutis 14:439445
thickness grafts may be associated with thickened 21. Souza Leite RM, Craveiro Leite AA (2007) Two therapeutic
edges and milia formation. Recently, autologous mel- challenges: periocular and genital vitiligo in children suc-
anocyte transfer via epidermal graft has been found cessfully treated with pimecrolimus cream. Int J Dermatol
to be an effective and safe therapeutic option for sta- 22. Taeb A, Picardo M; VETF Members (2007) The definition
ble vitiligo of the lips. It is cosmetically more accept- and assessment of vitiligo: a consensus report of the Vitiligo
able, as there is no abnormal keratinization, which is European Task Force. Pigment Cell Res 20:2735
Halo Nevi and Vitiligo
Thomas Jouary and Alain Taeb Denition
Fig. Halo nevus, at typical halo stage Fig. Association of NSV and halo naevus
1.3.5 Halo Nevi and Vitiligo 63
Pathogenesis, Histological, Fig. Histopathology of the edge of a halo nevus show-
Immunological, and Genetic Data ing an intense lymphocytic infiltrate stained by the common leu-
kocyte antigen CD45 and peripheral normal skin corresponding
to the depigmented halo (CD45 antibody stain, 400, courtesy
Because of the association between HN and vitiligo, Prof Batrice Vergier, Bordeaux)
some authors have proposed that HN could be a risk
factor for the development of vitiligo [10], and fur- hypothesis that cytotoxic T cells are responsible for the
thermore that HN could be a clinical sign of vitiligo. primary event, that is, nevus damage and regression, is
However, some cases of extensive vitiligo clearly still not formally proven.
spare or avoid melanocytic nevi. The nature of the A local cutaneous expansion of T lymphocytes in
HN-depigmented ring has been investigated by sev- HN has been identified previously in vitro, based on
eral recent studies to address this question: true viti- the analysis of the TCR (T-cell receptor). According to
ligo or not? Musette et al. the T-cell infiltrate was composed of both
The loss of pigmentation in HN is thought to be an a polyclonal T-cell population and a minority of clon-
inflammatory/immunological process. This hypothesis ally expanded T cells. Those T-cell clones were identi-
is based on the analysis of the T-cell infiltrate made of fied in vivo by RT-PCR. In two HN patients, the T-cell
both CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes (Fig. clones were the same in different HN from the same
These lymphocytes express the homing CLA antigen, patient. It would therefore be hypothesized that a com-
indicating a preferential circulation in the skin. It has mon antigen is triggering lymphocytes in different skin
been shown that the inflammatory infiltrate surround- sites in the same patient. The nature of this antigen is
ing the nevus varies according to the age of the lesion. still unknown, but different from melanoma antigens
In the early stage, there is a presence of T, B lympho- (MAGE, BAGE, GAGE, and RAGE) [13]. The usual
cytes, and macrophages; at later stages, the T-cell pop- explanation of the depigmented ring is that the immu-
ulation is preeminent and finally disappears as the nologic response, first directed against the nevus mel-
nevus vanishes. This lymphocytic infiltrate is mainly anocytic antigen(s), outgrows its first target to cause
made of CD8+ cells with a minority of CD4+ cells. If the loss of normal melanocytes of the surrounding skin
the immune cellular responses seem to be more impor- [14]. The origin of this autoimmune mechanism against
tant than the humoral response, some authors have melanocytic naevus is poorly understood so far.
identified serum antibodies against tyrosinase and The halo around the nevus is always remarkably
directed against antigens common to melanoma and round or oval. This geometrical figure has led some
melanocytes in patients with vitiligo, HN, and congen- authors to suggest a phenomenon beginning at the cen-
ital giant nevi. One hypothesis was that the T-cell tre where the nevus is situated, and then spreading cen-
mediated response could be the primary event causing trifugally around [15]. Oxidative stress is thought to
the release of nevocytic antigen(s) leading B cells to play a role in the pathogenesis of HN, and whether it is
secrete specific IgM and IgG antibodies [12]. The a cause or a consequence is still debatable. Following
64 T. Jouary and A. Taeb
studies showing an accumulation of H2O2 and low cata- HN needs to be further evaluated as a prognostic factor
lase levels in vitiligo [16, 17], it has been shown in vivo in prospective studies.
(cutaneous and epidermal suction blisters samples) that
H2O2, pterin-4a-carbinolamine dehydratase (PCD) and
catalase levels were differently affected in HN associ-
ated with vitiligo versus vitiligo arising in isolation.
Indeed, PCD was found upregulated and associated with References
low levels of H2O2, while epidermal catalase levels was
only slightly decreased in HN associated with vitiligo 1. Happle R (1999) Grnewald nevus. Hautarzt 45:882883
2. Sutton RL (1916) An unusual variety of vitiligo (leukoderma
(Chap. 2.2.6). Then, two different biochemical path- acquisitum centrifugum). Cutan Dis 34:797800
ways could be involved in the depigmentation of HN 3. Frank SB, Cohen HJ (1964) The halo nevus. Arch Dermatol
associated with vitiligo and in NSV in isolation [11]. 89:367373
A case-control study in a Dutch population has dem- 4. Wayte DM, Helwig EB (1968) Halo nevi. Cancer 22:6990
5. Brazzelli V, Larizza D, Martinetti M et al (2004) Halo nevus,
onstrated a positive association of vitiligo with HLA- rather than vitiligo, is a typical dermatologic finding in
DR4 and a negative association with HLA-DR3, whereas Turners syndrome: clinical, genetic, and immunogenetic
HN-associated vitiligo patients were not associated study in 72 patients. J Am Acad Dermatol 51:354358
with these previous alleles, but with DR1, DR10, and 6. Larsson PA, Liden S (1980) Prevalence of skin diseases
among adolescents 1216 years of age. Acta Derm Venereol
DQ5 alleles. There was a trend toward less-extensive 60:415423
vitiligo in case of association with HN. The presence of 7. Handa S, Kaur I (1999) Vitiligo: clinical findings in 1436
other autoimmune diseases, such as thyroididis and dia- patients. J Am Acad Dermatol 26:653657
betes mellitus differed between the subtypes, with less 8. Handa S, Dogra S (2003) Epidemiology of childhood viti-
ligo: a study of 625 patients from North India. Pediatr
personal and familial autoimmunity in the presence of Dermatol 20:207210
HN. The association with HLA Class II indicates a rel- 9. Hu Z, Liu JB, Ma SS et al (2006) Profile of childhood viti-
evant involvement activation of CD4+ T cells in accor- ligo in China: an analysis of 541 patients. Pediatr Dermatol
dance with previously described immunological studies 23:114116
10. Barona MI, Arrunategui A, Falabella R, Alzate A (1995) An
in both HN and NSV. However, variations across the epidemiologic case-control study in population with vitiligo.
HLA Class II repertoire may produce different genetic J Am Acad Dermatol 33:621625
activation pathways in vitiligo with and without associ- 11. Schallreuter KU, Kothari S, Elwary S et al (2003) Molecular
ated HN, according to the modulation of responses to evidence that halo in Suttons naevus is not vitiligo. Arch
Dermatol Res 295:223228
autoantigens originating from normal melanocytes in 12. Zeff RA, Freitag A, Grin CM, Grant-Kels J (1997) The
vitiligo, and melanocytic nevi in halo-nevi [15]. immune response in halo nevi. J Am Acad Dermatol 37:
13. Musette P, Bachelez H, Flageul B et al (1999) Immune- Conclusions mediated destruction of melanocytes in halo nevi is associ-
ated with the local expansion of a limited number of T cell
clones. J Immunol 162:17891794
HN and vitiligo are probably two distinct entities 14. Bergman W, Willemze R, de Graaff-Reitsma C, Ruiter DJ
involving independent pathways leading to depigmen- (1985) Analysis of major histocompatibility antigens and the
mononuclear cell infiltrate in halo nevi. J Invest Dermatol
tation, but a possible overlap exists in a subset of 85:2529
patients. An immune response to nevocytic antigens 15. De Vijlder HC, Werterhof W, Schreuder GM et al (2004)
spread to melanocytic antigens (or the reverse) in the Difference in pathogenesis between vitiligo vulgaris and
context of vitiligo melanocyte fragility can be spec- halo nevi associated with vitiligo is supported by an HLA
association study. Pigment Cell Res 17:270274
ulated because of the frequency of HN in vitiligo 16. Schallreuter KU, Wood JM, Berger J (1991) Low catalase
patients as compared to the general population. levels in the epidermis of patients with vitiligo. J Invest
Whether the presence of HN represents a risk factor Dermatol 97:10811085
for vitiligo onset or a sign of progression of active viti- 17. Schallreuter KU, Moore J, Wood JM et al (2001) Epidermal
H2O2 accumulation alters tetrahydrobiopterin (6BH4) recy-
ligo is not yet settled. Similar to other clinical symp- cling in vitiligo: identification of a general mechanism in
toms such as the Koebners phenomenon (Sect. regulation of all 6BH4-dependent processes? J Invest
and familial history of vitiligo or canitia (Chap. 1.3.6), Dermatol 116:167174
Hair Involvement in Vitiligo
Rafael Falabella
Hair Follicles
R. Falabella
Universidad del Valle and Centro Medico Imbanaco,
Human skin contains around 5 million hair follicles,
Cali, Colombia 100,000 of which belong to the scalp [27]. The three
e-mail: rfalabella@uniweb.net.co types of hair follicles observed in humans, terminal
Hair follicle melanocytes in primary cultures display Pigmentation in the Hair Follicle
two morphologically and antigenically distinct types
of cells: (1) pigmented, polydendritic melanocytes, Melanogenesis of the hair follicle involves follicular
present in the infundibulum and bulb (DOPA- melanocytes, the transfer of melanin granules into corti-
positive); (2) small, bipolar, amelanotic melanocytes cal and medulla keratinocytes, and the formation of pig-
found in the outer root sheath of middle and lower mented hair shafts, all steps being regulated by several
hair (DOPA-negative) [31, 32]; the latter are present enzymes, structural and regulatory proteins, transport-
in the outer root sheath and cannot be identified by ers, receptors and their ligands, acting during develop-
antibodies to tyrosinase, TRP-1, or TRP-2, or HMB45 ment, and also directly on cells or hair follicles.
antibody, since they are inactive and do not contain Follicular melanogenesis is tightly coupled to the
any of the enzymatic proteins necessary for melanin anagen stage of the hair cycle, being switched-off in
production [12]. catagen and remaining absent through telogen; in addi-
The main precursor pigment stem cells of the hair tion, the melanocyte compartments in the upper hair
follicle are known to be present within a restricted follicle provide a reservoir for the repigmentation of
area, the bulge and sub-bulge regions, located just deep epidermis and for the cyclic formation of new anagen
to the sebaceous gland and adjacent to the insertion hair bulbs.
site of the erector pili muscle [20]; these cells have a Melanin synthesis and pigment transfer to bulb
slow replicating cycle, but a high proliferative poten- keratinocytes are dependent on melanin precursors; it
tial being pluripotential and self renewing, becoming is regulated by signal transduction pathways, with
active during the anagen phase (Fig. [14]. intervention of autocrine, paracrine, or intracrine
1.3.6 Hair Involvement in Vitiligo 67
Fig. (a) Vitiligoid depigmentation, halo nevus type, in a is provided by pigmented hairs, indicating the important role of
25-year-old woman with a giant congenital nevus. (b) an intact melanocyte reservoir for repigmentation in depig-
Pigmentation islands at the centre of depigmented axillary skin mented skin
1.3.6 Hair Involvement in Vitiligo 69 Canities low bone mass was found, and a relationship with
genes that control peak bone mass or factors that regu-
late bone turnover was suggested [23]. Nevertheless,
Hair greying is also known as canities, a word derived
in a larger and recent study, bone mineral density
from the Latin word canus = white. Although hair
(BMD) measured at the spine, hip, and total body in
greying and whitening are the most obvious signs of
508 women and 380 men, hair greying was not signifi-
ageing in humans, the aetiology of this hair manifesta-
cantly associated with BMD in either group [15].
tion is largely unknown.
Another differential diagnosis of hair hypopigmenta-
As mentioned earlier, one important distinguishing
tion with iron deficiency has been reported to induce a
feature of follicular melanogenesis, compared to the
band like segmented heterochromic hair which recovered
continuous melanogenesis in the epidermis, is the tight
completely after iron supplementation, coinciding with
coupling of hair follicle melanogenesis to the hair-
increased eumelanogenesis in repigmented hair [25].
growth cycle, with periods of melanocyte proliferation
(early anagen), maturation (mid to late anagen), and
melanocyte death via apoptosis (early catagen). Thus,
each hair cycle is associated with the reconstruction of Poliosis
an intact hair follicle pigmentary unit occurring during
approximately the first 10 cycles, which is approxi-
Poliosis is a word derived from the Greek word polios
mately around 40 years of age, when canities appear for
= grey (med. grey or white scalp hair) and osis = state,
the first time in most individuals. Thereafter, grey and
condition. It is a synonym of a commonly used word
white hair develop, suggesting an age-related, geneti-
that has a similar meaning, leukotrichia, from the
cally regulated exhaustion of the pigmentary potential
Greek word leukos = white, and thrix = hair.
of each individual hair follicle [34]. A reduction in tyro-
Poliosis is the name given to a localised patch of
sinase activity within hair bulbar melanocytes occurs
white hair, usually describing a white forelock, but it
together with inappropriate melanocyte-cortical kerati-
can involve a patch of white hair anywhere on the
nocyte interactions, and defective migration of melano-
body. Poliosis can occur in otherwise healthy people,
cytes from the upper outer root sheath to the follicular
and it is also observed in association with a wide vari-
papilla of the hair bulb, all of which will disrupt the nor-
ety of conditions [20] (Table Among autoim-
mal function of the pigmentary unit [34]. In addition, in
mune/autoinflammatory conditions, a T-cell-mediated
melanocyte-tagged transgenic mice and aging human
cytotoxicity and apoptosis in the development of skin
hair follicles, hair greying has been found to be caused
lesions has been suggested in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada
by defective self-maintenance of melanocyte stem cells
syndrome [7, 30, 33] in Alezzandrini syndrome, and in
by their selective apoptosis, not occurring in differenti-
a frustrated form of a migratory variety of alopecia
ated melanocytes, within the niche at the beginning of
areata [5]. KIT gene mutations [22] have been described
the dormant state [17].
In young patients, early greying or isolated patches
of individual white hair before the age of 30 has been
suggested to be a form of vitiligo [19]. It is interesting Table Etiology of poliosis, adapted from [20]
to note that premature hair greying has also been Inflammatory or autoimmune: vitiligo, halo nevus, alopecia
areata, post-inflammatory dermatoses, post-trauma,
observed in up to 37% of patients with vitiligo [16], Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, Alezzandrini
suggesting that poliosis in some patients may be an syndrome, alopecia areata
early sign of vitiligo onset. Inherited: tuberous sclerosis, piebaldism, Waardenburg
As a differential diagnosis, canities have also been syndrome, isolated forelock, isolated occipital (X linked
suggested as a marker for osteopenia; in a case-control recessive), white forelock with osteopathia striata
(autosomal or X linked dominant), white forelock with
study of 293 healthy postmenopausal women, prema- multiple malformations (autosomal or X-linked recessive)
ture hair greying was found to be associated with this Nevoid: with nevus comedonicus, secondary to mosaicism
condition, indicating that this finding might be a clini- Drug induced: topical prostaglandin F2alpha and its analogs
cally useful risk factor for osteoporosis [18]. In another (latanoprost and isopropyl unoprostone)
study, an association between premature greying and Idiopathic
70 R. Falabella Introduction
development between these sensory organs and their Pars plana Retina
respective target centres in the brain even if these mel- Conjunctiva Choroid
anocyte populations facilitate the functions of these Anterior Sclera
sensory organs postnatally. Although melanocyte loss chamber
in vitiligo is predominantly confined to the skin of a Macula
Cornea Lens Vitreous
patient, alterations in the extracutaneous sites have
humor Optic
been reported and/or implied for the eye and ear with disc
associated function compromise in these sensory Iris
organs [27]. Ciliary body
Medscape http://www.medscape.com Ocular Pigmentation
Fig. Sagittal section of the eye showing in black the
uveal tract where are found neural crest origin melanocytes
The melanocyte population in the eye (Fig.
resides predominantly in the uveal tract (Fig.
that consist of the choroid, the ciliary bodies, and the (Fig. These cells are also derived from the
iris, and is the site of most eye melanomas [10]. These neural tube; however, this unicellular layer positioned
melanocytes are of neural crest origin and immigrate between the choroid and the retina proper develops
into the uveal tract during its embryonic development. directly from the neuroectoderm neural tube of the
There is an additional population of melanocytes in the developing forebrain without migrating as neural crest
eye termed as the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells. The presence of the RPE and the melanin
ct ion R.sac. sup. (Voit)
Di N. sac. maj.
R. vest. cochl. (Oort)
Gangl. Scarpae
st. Inf.
Can. reuniens
R. cochl. sacc.
stria vascularis
spiral nerve
Fig. Section of membrane scala tympani
cochlea. Melanocytes are
situated in stria vascularis
and modiolus of the organ of Corti
cochlea 1997 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
1.3.7 Non-Skin Melanocytes in Vitiligo 77
[25] and Sox 10 [11, 33]. Once established in the ear, headaches. It is conceivable that the destructions of the
otic melanocytes synthesise pigmented melanosomes leptomeningeal melanocytes, probably by an acceler-
until congested, and then halt melanin synthesis [13]. ated immunologic response, may induce such a pre-
There are several functions attributed to otic melano- sentation. However, confirmation of this possibility is
cytes that include [i] the embryonic development of the warranted.
ear and hearing, [ii] the maintenance of endocochlear
potential, and [iii] the prevention of noise- and/or toxin-
induced hearing loss. In the absence of these melano-
cytes, neural sensory deafness can occur as exemplified Conclusions
by various severe piebald syndromes (i.e. Waardenburg
syndromes 14) [34] and animal models of albinism
[15]. The endocochlear potential that regulates trans- The evidence of an involvement of non-cutaneous mel-
duction of sound waves to the hair-cell receptors can be anocytes in common forms of vitiligo is limited. There
reduced in albinos [15]. Susceptibility to noise-induced is currently no pressing need to assess the patients for
hearing loss has been demonstrated in some animals hearing loss or specific visual deficiency. In case of
and humans with albinism [7, 14, 23]. universal vitiligo and VKH syndrome, the targets of
Loss of otic melanocytes/pigment in patients with the disease are situated beyond the skin, and there is a
vitiligo may occur, however this loss has not been his- need for more careful evaluation.
tologically confirmed. Congenital and acquired deaf-
ness has been associated with vitiligo in certain
kindred, reported in the 1970s and 1980s [19, 3840], References
but we know now that connexin 26 mutations causing
deafness are common and these associations should be
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1:238249 96:1626
Autoimmune/Inammatory and Other
Diseases Associated with Vitiligo 1.3.8
Ilse Mollet, Nanny van Geel, and Jo Lambert
Table Autoimmune/inflammatory and other disorders associated or reported with vitiligo
Disorders References Strength of association with vitiligo
Addisons disease [2, 31, 47, 48, 52, 100] Demonstrated/possible
Alezzandrinis syndrome [46] Particular form of depigmentation,
probably not vitiligo
Alopecia areata [1, 2, 35, 52, 56, 80, 81, 87, 88] Demonstrated/possible
Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome [3, 9, 10, 47, 59, 84] Demonstrated see Chap. 1.3.11
Chronic active hepatitis [26, 57, 74] No clear association
Diabetes mellitus (type 1) [2, 11, 19, 22, 32, 38, 43, 52, 56, 58] Demonstrated/possible
Human immunodeficiency virus disease [5, 30, 33] Reported association see Chap. 1.3.9
Ichthyosis [27, 56] Reported association, ichthyosis not
Inflammatory bowel disease [36, 52, 67, 73, 85] No clear association
Lichen planus [4, 6, 21, 76, 94] Reported association
Malignant melanoma [8, 14, 15, 37, 41, 50, 53, 62, 78] Reported association
Multiple autoimmune disease [49] Particular/rare
Multiple sclerosis [2, 44, 63, 96] No clear association
Myasthenia gravis [2, 18, 29, 51, 79, 88, 91] No clear association
Pernicious anaemia [2, 19, 23, 39, 52, 90] Demonstrated/possible
Psoriasis [2, 16, 25, 52, 56, 60, 69, 75, 82, 97] Demonstrated/possible
Rheumatoid arthritis [2, 11, 45, 52, 55, 56] Demonstrated/possible
Sarcoidosis [7, 13, 24, 57, 89] Particular/rare
Scleroderma [2, 12, 34, 52, 95, 99] No clear association
Sjgrens syndrome [2, 52, 64] No clear association
Systemic lupus erythematosus [2, 17, 41, 42, 56, 70] Demonstrated/possible
Thyroid disease [2, 19, 47, 48, 52, 54, 56, 65] Demonstrated/possible
Urticaria [41, 56, 83] Reported association
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome [20, 40, 68, 71, 86, 92, 93, 98] Particular form of depigmentation,
probably not vitiligo
and type of associations, but their results are difficult psoriasis, RA, scleroderma, or Sjgrens syndrome
to reconcile (Table A large survey of more among either vitiligo probands or their first-degree
than 2,600 unselected, mainly Caucasian patients relatives were observed [2]. A survey by the same
with generalized vitiligo and their close relatives group of 133 Caucasian families, in which multiple
from North America and the United Kingdom found individuals had generalized vitiligo found significantly
significantly elevated frequencies of vitiligo itself, elevated frequencies of autoimmune thyroid disease,
autoimmune thyroid disease (particularly Hashimotos pernicious anaemia, Addisons disease, RA, adult-
thyroiditis leading to hypothyroidism), pernicious onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and psoria-
anaemia, Addisons disease, systemic lupus erythe- sis. A broader repertoire of associated autoimmune
matosus (SLE), and probably inflammatory bowel diseases and earlier disease onset was found in familial
disease (IBD) in vitiligo probands and their first- generalized vitiligo compared to sporadic vitiligo,
degree relatives, when compared with the general which most likely reflects a greater inherited genetic
population frequency of these six autoimmune dis- component of autoimmune susceptibility in these fam-
eases, suggesting that vitiligo patients and their first- ilies. Consistent with the previous non-familial survey,
degree relatives have a genetically determined the frequencies of alopecia areata, ankylosing spon-
susceptibility to this specific group of autoimmune dylitis, scleroderma, and Sjgrens syndrome were not
diseases. About 30% of patients with generalized elevated among the family probands [52]. The results
vitiligo were affected, with at least one additional of a retrospective survey of 3,742 patients with vitiligo
autoimmune disease. No significant increases in the in China [56] could not confirm some of the earlier
frequencies of alopecia areata, Type 1 diabetes mel- findings made by the Spritzs group [2] about the asso-
litus, multiple sclerosis (MS), myasthenia gravis, ciated diseases of vitiligo. The frequency of thyroid
1.3.8 Autoimmune/Inflammatory and Other Diseases Associated with Vitiligo 81
Table Associated or reported autoimmune disorders in vitiligo probands and their first-degree relatives in populations of
various ethnic background
Associated/reported Vitiligo probands First-degree relatives
autoimmune Significant No significant increase Significant No significant increase
disorders increase in frequencya in frequencya increase in frequencya in frequencya
Addisons disease Caucasianb [2] Caucasian [2]
Caucasianb [52] Caucasian [52]
Alopecia areata Chinese [56] Caucasian [2] Caucasian [2]
Caucasian [52] Caucasian [52]
Diabetes mellitus Caucasian [52] Caucasian [2] Caucasian [52]
(type 1) Romanian [11] Chinese [56] Romanian [11]
Inflammatory bowel Caucasian [2] Caucasian [52] Caucasian [2]
disease Caucasian [52]
Multiple sclerosis Caucasian [2] Caucasian [2]
Myasthenia gravis Caucasian [2] Caucasian [2]
Pernicious anaemia Caucasian [2] Caucasian [2]
Caucasian [52] Caucasian [52]
Psoriasis Caucasian [52] Caucasian [2] Caucasian [52] Caucasian [2]
Chinese [56]
Rheumatoid arthritis Caucasian [52] Caucasian [2] Caucasian [52] Caucasian [2]
Chinese [56] Romanian [11]
Romanian [11]
Scleroderma Caucasian [2] Caucasian [2]
Caucasian [52] Caucasian [52]
Sjgrens syndrome Caucasian [2] Caucasian [2]
Caucasian [52] Caucasian [52]
Systemic lupus Caucasian [2] Chinese [56] Caucasian [52]
Thyroid disease Caucasian [2] Chinese [56] Caucasian [2] Chinese [56]
Caucasian [52] Caucasian [52]
Romanian [11] Romanian [11]
Numbers given in square brackets are references
Comparison of frequency with population frequency of each associated autoimmune disorder
For references [2] and [52] the Caucasian population studied originated from the UK and North America
diseases was lower than that of the general population. diseases, and RA. Hypertension and seizure disorders
However, most of the patients studied were under the were present among other systemic diseases [28]. The
peak- onset age of commonly associated diseases. Hamburg study including 321 patients found only asso-
Compared with the general population, no significant ciation with thyroid disease [77].
difference was observed with respect to psoriasis, Together, these studies indicate that generalized
asthma, or SLE. Among this large cohort of vitiligo in vitiligo is epidemiologically associated with other
China the significantly elevated coexisting disorders mostly chronic inflammatory diseases, such as auto-
were RA, chronic urticaria, and alopecia areata and immune thyroiditis and RA, suggesting that patho-
more surprisingly ichthyosis (not classified). logic variants in specific genes predispose to these
In addition to these studies, a high frequency of gen- disorders (for a discussion of genetic epidemiology,
eralized vitiligo and several other associated autoim- see Chap. 2.2.1). However, good genetic epidemiol-
mune diseases has been observed by the Spitzs group in ogy studies are still lacking to understand the major
an isolated inbred community in Romania, confirming discrepancies noted across populations of various
autoimmune thyroid disease, adult-onset Type 1 diabe- ethnic backgrounds, including adequate control pop-
tes mellitus, and RA as significantly elevated among the ulations to check the validity of reported associations,
51 vitiligo probands and their first-degree relatives when which may reflect the simple coexistence of the two
compared with the frequencies of these autoimmune disorders, vitiligo itself not being rare. The quality of
diseases in the general population [11]. A retrospective the surveys is indeed difficult to assess, especially for
study of 182 Indian patients with late onset vitiligo family history. Part 1.4 provides tools to help clinical
revealed that 21.4% had associated autoimmune and investigators on this difficult issue, where patients are
endocrine disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid usually ignorant of the names of specific diseases.
82 I. Mollet et al.
[17, 42, 70]. There is a highly significant increase in the not in their siblings [52], and in vitiligo probands in an
frequency of SLE in Caucasian vitiligo probands and isolated Romanian inbred community, but not in their
their first-degree relatives, when compared with the first-degree relatives [11]. No significant increase in the
population frequency of this disease [2]. No significant frequency of Type I diabetes mellitus has been found in
increase in the frequency of SLE was observed in Caucasian unselected vitiligo probands [2], and in
patients with vitiligo in China [56]. The coexistence of Chinese vitiligo patients [56].
vitiligo, malignant melanoma, lupus erythematosus,
and urticaria has been reported in Turkey [41].
Disorders with No Clear Association
Psoriasis is a common and chronic inflammatory skin with Vitiligo
disorder characterised by various clinical presentations,
plaque psoriasis (vulgaris) being the most common.
Inflammatory bowel disease and spondyloar-
Psoriasis fulfils many criteria of an autoinflammatory
disorder, but only the identification of the putative
autoantigens will finally prove its autoimmune nature The IBD is an immune-mediated chronic inflamma-
[69]. Cutaneous and extracutaneous manifestations tory condition of the gastrointestinal tract. The two
may occur in psoriasis patients [16, 60]. Extracutaneous major types of IBD are ulcerative colitis and Crohns
joint involvement may be present in about one-third of disease. The IBD is associated with multiple intestinal
the psoriasis patients. Psoriatic arthritis belongs to the and extra-intestinal manifestations [36].
spondyloarthritides group, and typically occurs only Ulcerative colitis is a mucosal disease which usu-
after many years of skin-disease activity [60, 97]. ally involves the rectum and extends proximally to
Significantly, elevated frequencies of psoriasis have involve all or part of the colon. Symptoms of ulcerative
been found in affected members of the multiplex viti- colitis include diarrhoea, bloody stools, tenesmus, pas-
ligo families and their first-degree relatives [52]. Other sage of mucus, abdominal pain, cramping, anorexia,
authors observed no significant increases in the fre- nausea, vomiting, fever, malaise, fatigue, and weight
quencies of psoriasis among vitiligo probands [2, 56], loss. The severity of the symptoms correlates with the
and their first-degree relatives [2]. Colocalization of extent of the disease. Compared with the general popu-
psoriasis to areas affected by vitiligo [25, 75], and of lation, patients with extensive ulcerative colitis have an
vitiligo colocalizing to areas previously affected by increased risk for colon cancer [36, 85]. Crohns disease
psoriasis have been reported in the literature [82]. has the potential to involve any part of the gastrointestinal
tract from the mouth to the anus. There are three major
Adult onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
parts of disease distribution: disease confined to the
Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus is the most small intestine (ileitis), disease present in the ileum and
common form of diabetes mellitus among children and colon (ileocolitis), and disease confined to the colon
adolescents, although onset in adults is not uncommon. (colitis). The site of the disease influences the clinical
It is caused by pancreatic b-cell destruction, often auto- manifestations. The predominant symptoms in Crohns
immune mediated, that leads to virtually loss of insulin disease are abdominal pain, weight loss, and diarrhoea.
secretion and absolute insulin deficiency. The clinical Fistulization is a complication of Crohns disease [36,
features are related to the presence of hyperglycaemia 85]. The most common extra-intestinal manifestation
and the resulting effects on fluid and electrolyte balance of IBD is arthritis, consisting of peripheral arthritis and
[32, 43, 58]. An increased incidence of insulin-depen- axial arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. Peripheral
dent diabetes mellitus in patients with vitiligo has been arthritis is asymmetric, polyarticular, migratory, and
reported [19, 38]. An association between vitiligo and most often affects large joints of the knees, hips, ankles,
mature-onset diabetes mellitus has also been described wrists, and elbows. Ankylosing spondylitis is the pro-
[22]. When compared with the general population fre- totype disease for the spondyloarthritides (SpA),
quency, significantly elevated frequencies of adult- which also include Reiters syndrome, reactive arthri-
onset autoimmune diabetes mellitus have been found in tis, psoriatic arthritis, enteropathic arthritis, and a
Caucasian generalized multiplex vitiligo patients, but variety of less clearly defined conditions known as
1.3.8 Autoimmune/Inflammatory and Other Diseases Associated with Vitiligo 85
undifferentiated spondylitis. Ankylosing spondylitis paresthesias, diplopia, ataxia, vertigo, fatigue, bladder
most often affects the spine and pelvis, and presents dysfunction, heat sensitivity, and cognitive dysfunc-
with symptoms of inflammatory diffuse low back pain, tion [44]. No significant increase in the frequency of
stooped posture, and morning stiffness [67, 73]. Other MS among Caucasian vitiligo probands and their first-
extra-intestinal manifestations of IBD include osteopo- degree relatives has been observed [2].
rosis, uveitis, episcleritis, urinary tract complications,
Myasthenia gravis
nephrolithiasis, pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema
nodosum, hepatic steatosis, pericholangitis, chronic Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disorder charac-
active hepatitis, cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangi- terized by weakness and fatigability of skeletal mus-
tis, and cholelithiasis [36, 85]. A statistically significant cles. Women are affected more frequently than men.
increase in the frequency of IBD (ulcerative colitis and Peaks of incidence occur in women in their twenties or
Crohns disease), compared with its population fre- thirties. The cranial muscles, in particular the lids and
quency, has been observed among unselected Caucasian extraocular muscles, are often involved early in the
vitiligo probands, but not among the probands first- course of the disease. Diplopia, ptosis, difficulty in
degree relatives. The frequencies of IBD among the swallowing, and weakness in chewing may occur. The
familial vitiligo probands and their siblings were not muscle weakness increases during repeated use and
significantly increased above their population frequen- may improve following rest or sleep. In most of the
cies [52]. In a survey of 234 patients with SpA and 468 patients, the weakness becomes generalized, affecting
control patients without SpA, 3.4% of the patients with the limb muscles as well [29]. Myasthenia gravis is
SpA were found to have vitiligo, whereas only 1.06% associated with other autoimmune disorders such as
of the control patients had vitiligo. The difference in Hashimotos thyroiditis, Graves disease, RA, SLE
the frequency of vitiligo between the two groups was [29], and vitiligo [18, 51, 79, 88, 91]. No significant
statistically significant. The authors suggest that viti- increases in the frequencies of myasthenia gravis
ligo and SpA occur together more frequently than by among either Caucasian vitiligo probands or their first-
chance and that vitiligo should be included in the list of degree relatives were observed [2].
diseases associated with SpA [67]. We saw a 37-year
old male patient affected with Bechterews disease
(ankylosing spondilytis) for several years. He devel- Scleroderma is a chronic disorder of unknown aetiology
oped typical vitiligo patches on dorses of both hands, which affects connective tissue and the microvascula-
and volar sides of the wrists. At that time, he was on a ture in the skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys,
treatment with etanercept 2 25 mg SC per week. We and heart. The most common form of localized sclero-
found no associations of vitiligo and biological anti derma is morphea, which is characterized by circum-
TNF treatments reports, and continued this treatment, scribed, indurated sclerotic plaques with ivory-coloured
associated with a local treatment with pimecrolimus. centres. A clinical variant of systemic scleroderma is
CREST syndrome, so-called for its features of calcino-
Multiple sclerosis
sis cutis, Raynauds phenomenon, oesophageal dys-
The MS is an inflammatory disease of the central ner- function, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia. The skin in
vous system (CNS), characterized by demyelination, scleroderma is atrophic, appears tense and smooth, and
axonal loss, and progressive neurological function has become firmly bound to the underlying structures
[63]. It affects women more frequently than men. The [95, 99]. The coexistence of vitiligo and scleroderma
age of onset is typically between 20 and 40 years, but has been described [12, 34]. No significant increase in
the disease can present across the entire lifespan [44]. frequencies of scleroderma has been observed among
An autoimmune aetiology for MS is hypothesized and either Caucasian vitiligo probands or their first-degree
supported by studies of the immune system in MS relatives [2, 52].
patients and by the laboratory model of experimental
Sjgrens syndrome
allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) [96]. Symptoms of
MS are extremely varied and depend on the location Sjgrens syndrome is a chronic, inflammatory, auto-
and severity of lesions within the CNS. They can immune disorder characterized by dryness of the
include sensory loss, optic neuritis, muscle weakness, mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, nose, and
86 I. Mollet et al.
vagina. Primary Sjgrens syndrome is not associated proposed [10], but are not widely accepted [84]. APS-1
with another underlying autoimmune disorder, whereas and APS-2 develop Addisons disease, while APS-3
secondary Sjgrens syndrome occurs with other con- does not [10].
nective tissue diseases including RA, SLE, or sclero- APS-1 (otherwise known as autoimmune polyendo-
derma. The disease most commonly occurs in women. crinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermaldystrophy(APECED)
Typical Sjgrens syndrome anti-nuclear antibody pat- or Whitaker syndrome) is diagnosed when a patient
terns are anti-Ro (SSA) and anti-La (SSB) antibodies. presents with at least two of its three clinical features:
Clinical manifestations may include xerostomia, kera- chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, chronic hypopara-
toconjunctivitis sicca, xerosis, xeroderma, pruritus, thyroidism, and Addisons disease. Autoimmune regu-
fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and vaginal dryness. lator (AIRE) on the long arm of Chromosome 21 is the
The most important cutaneous feature associated with gene mutated in this rare childhood disease [10].
Sjgrens syndrome is vasculitis, affecting small blood Clinical features of chronic hypoparathyroidism include
vessels. Morphologic lesions of this vasculitis consist paresthesias, neuromuscular hyperexcitability, hypoten-
of palpable and non-palpable purpura and urticaria- sion, malabsorption, steatorrhea, dry scaly and puffy
like lesions. Sjgrens syndrome may also affect the skin, brittle nails, and coarse and sparse hair [10, 47].
kidneys, lungs, liver, pancreas, and brain [64]. When Vitiligo presents in 025% of APS-1 cases [9].
compared with the population frequency of the dis- APS-2 or Schmidt syndrome is characterized by the
ease, no increase in the frequencies of Sjgrens syn- presence of Addisons disease (always present),
drome among either Caucasian vitiligo probands or autoimmune thyroid disease and/or Type 1 diabetes
their first-degree relatives has been observed [2, 52]. mellitus. It is a rare syndrome, affecting mainly adult
females [10].
Chronic active hepatitis
APS-3 is characterized by autoimmune thyroid dis-
Autoimmune-type chronic active hepatitis is character- eases associated with other autoimmune diseases
ised by continuing hepatocellular necrosis and inflam- (excluding Addisons disease and/or hypoparathyroid-
mation, usually with fibrosis, which can progress to ism). APS-3A includes all endocrine diseases, while
cirrhosis and liver failure. When untreated, chronic APS-3B includes the gastrointestinal autoimmune dis-
active hepatitis may have a 6-month mortality,which eases. APS-3C contains skin or neuromuscular or ner-
can be as high as 40% [26]. The association of autoim- vous system autoimmune diseases. APS-3D comprises
mune-type chronic active hepatitis, vitiligo, nail dys- all collagen diseases and vasculitis [3, 10].
trophy, alopecia areata, and a variant of liver kidney APS-4 includes all clinical combinations of autoim-
microsomal autoantibodies has been described [74]. mune diseases, which cannot be included in the previ-
Autoimmune chronic hepatitis has also been reported ous subtypes [10].
in association with vitiligo, autoimmune thyroiditis, Vitiligo can be present in all subtypes of APS, but the
and scar sarcoidosis [57]. most frequent association appears to be in APS-3 [3].
Multiple autoimmune diseases are defined by the
occurrence in the same patient of three or more auto- Particular and Rare Associations immune diseases. It is an unusual condition in which
dermatological autoimmune and especially vitiligo
have an important place. Multiple autoimmune disease
Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndrome associating vitiligo have been described [49].
and Multiple Autoimmune Disease
disorder principally affecting pigmented tissues in the recurrent scar sarcoidosis [24], and also in association
ocular, central nervous, auditory, and integumentary with scar sarcoidosis, autoimmune thyroiditis, and
systems [20, 71]. The syndrome is characterized by a autoimmune chronic hepatitis [57]. Subcutaneous sar-
bilateral granulomatous uveitis associated with menin- coidosis associated with vitiligo, pernicious anaemia,
gitis, headache, vertigo, tinnitus, dysacusis, vitiligo, and autoimmune thyroiditis has been described [7]. The
poliosis, and alopecia areata [46, 92, 93, 98]. Poliosis coexistence of vitiligo and sarcoidosis has been observed
is a localized patch of white hair, which, in VKH, can in patients with circulating autoantibodies [89].
involve the scalp, the eyelashes, and the eyebrows with
variable extension. The alopecia in VKH very rarely
totalizes, and may be subtle, diffuse, or in patches [68]. Other Reported Associations
These manifestations are variable and race dependent.
The VKH may occur at all ages and primarily affects
certain pigmented races, such as Asians, Native Lichen Planus; Lichen Sclerosus
Americans, Asian Indians, and Hispanics [86]. Ocular
complications of VKH syndrome that lead to visual loss Lichen planus is a common inflammatory disorder
may include cataract, glaucoma, choroidal neovascular affecting the skin, mucous membranes, nails, and hair.
membrane formation, and subretinal fibrosis [71]. Clinical manifestations include flat-topped, variable
The VKH is currently considered to be a T-cell- sized, quite pruritic, violaceous papules and plaques
mediated autoimmune disease directed against self- with characteristic Wickham striae [21]. The anatomi-
antigens present in melanocytes. Clinical symptoms of cal colocalization of vitiligo and lichen planus has
VKH correlate with the destruction of melanocytes in been reported [4, 6, 76]. The coexistence of vitiligo,
the affected body areas such as skin, eyes, ears, and lichen planus, and psoriasis in a single individual has
CNS. Sometimes not all the characteristics of VKH been observed. Although the pathogenesis is unclear,
syndrome are present, and many clinical signs are very the shared Koebner phenomenon could explain part of
similar to universal vitiligo and Alezzandrinis syn- the rare coexistence of these three skin diseases [94].
drome [68]. Therefore, based on clinical, histological, Lichen sclerosus is discussed in Chap. 1.3.12.
and immunological findings, some authors believe that
the three aforementioned disorders are different clini-
cal expressions of the same disease [40].
Alezzandrinis syndrome associates unilateral reti- Urticaria
nal degeneration, ipsilateral vitiligo, poliosis, and pos-
sibly hearing abnormalities, and may represent a Urticaria can occur as a clinical manifestation of
segmental form of VKH. The initial complaint is usu- immunologic and inflammatory mechanisms, or may
ally a gradual loss of visual acuity in one eye. Several be idiopathic. In addition to the skin and mucous mem-
years after the ocular insult, ipsilateral facial vitiligo branes, the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, and
and poliosis of the eyebrows and eyelashes usually the cardiovascular system may also be involved in any
develop [46]. combination [83]. Significantly elevated frequencies
of chronic urticaria were observed among a large
cohort of vitiligo patients in China [56]. The coexis-
tence of vitiligo, malignant melanoma, lupus erythe-
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Vitiligo and Immunodeciencies
Khaled Ezzedine, Sbastien Lepreux, and Alain Taeb
pathogenesis, the associations noted in this chapter
suggest that cellular immunity is more implicated in
disease causation or progression (Table
Among primary immunodeficiencies, the most
severe forms are usually lethal in the first years of life
if cell or gene therapy is not available, and a vitiligo
phenotype is not clearly established in association.
Worthy of mention are ataxia telangiectasia and the
Nijmegen breakage syndrome, which lead indirectly to
reduced immunoglobulin production and T-cell anom-
alies (Chap. 1.3.11). Common variable immunodefi-
ciency (CVID) is compatible with longer survival and
Fig. HIV-associated vitiligo (a); lichenoid annular der- is the most common, primary inherited immunodefi-
matitis evolving into vitiligoid lesions undistinguishable from ciency encountered in clinical practice [24].
common vitiligo (b)
Besides the commonest cause, HIV infection, other
causes of secondary immunodeficiencies which can be
condition in the context of HIV infection. In this associated with vitiligo include chronic undernutrition
patient, depigmented lesions followed an actinic lichen and other conditions including protein-losing enterop-
planus-like condition on sun-exposed areas before athy [3], nephrotic syndrome [17], and hematological
spreading to the rest of the body. malignancies [23].
The role of autoreactive T-cells in the pathogenesis Vitiligo could also result from anomalies of the
of common NSV (Sect. is supported by disease innate immunity [15] (Sect., but so far no inher-
associations with HLA, mostly MHC Class II mole- ited or acquired condition fitting a well-established
cules, which may vary according to populations [20, innate immunity disturbance has been detected in this
29]. In skin biopsies showing inflammatory changes context. Oxidative stress dysregulation has been associ-
(Chaps. 1.2.2 and 1.3.10), the ratio of CD4 to CD8 T ated with immunosuppression, as in granulomatous
lymphocytes is usually skewed to CD8 predominance. disease [4], and a link to vitiligo is not established. The
The influence of immunodeficiency in this context is following sections view the immunodeficiencies with
not well-understood. The role of regulatory T-cells an established, probable, or possible association with
(Treg) might be critical to break the tolerance to self- vitiligo.
antigens. Even though definitive evidence needs more
appropriate techniques, the natural Treg CD4 popula-
tion seems virtually absent from vitiligo skin [1]. In
such an environment, an autoimmune response directed Vitiligo and HIV Infection
to melanocyte derived self-antigens could expand in
genetically predisposed individuals. Although there HIV infection is a common cause of immunodefi-
is limited evidence that both cellular and humoral ciency leading to CD4 T-cell depletion. Clinical conse-
immunity (Sect. can act together in vitiligo quences associate opportunistic infections and specific
1.3.9 Vitiligo and Immunodeficiencies 93
manifestations, defining the acquired immunodeficiency Contrary to the previous scenario, pigmentation has
syndrome (AIDS) stage [5]. HIV infection is also asso- occurred following HAART. A first patient (Patient 7)
ciated with an early immune dysregulation attributed to had generalized vitiligo onset associated with photo-
a depletion of gut lymphoid tissue. A few cases of viti- sensitivity two years after the diagnosis of HIV infec-
ligo associated with HIV infection have been reported tion [2]. Two years later, he was commenced on
[2, 6, 10, 13, 14, 24, 28]. The circumstances of occur- HAART and the skin began to repigment. At vitiligo
rence of vitiligo are, however, variable if disease his- onset, the CD4 cell count was at 72/mm3. When viti-
tory, immune status, and history of exposition to highly ligo began to repigment, the CD4 cell count was at
active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) are taken into 149. Concurrently, the patient developed marked lip-
account (Table Three different situations have odystrophy. The improvement was attributed to the
been observed, namely (1) vitiligo revealing immuno- change in CD4 cell count. PUVA therapy was initiated
suppression, (2) improvement of previous vitiligo dur- following partial repigmentation and failed to produce
ing the course of immunodeficiency, and (3) modification any additional benefit. If the associated lipodystrophic
of vitiligo presentation with antiretroviral treatment effects of antiretroviral drugs noted in this patient are
and/or immune restoration with inflammatory signs partly attributable to a mitochondrial cytopathy, it is
(described as punctuate advanced erythematous mar- possible to speculate about the role of resulting dis-
gins). Concerning vitiligo presenting as a manifesta- turbed oxidative stress responses in vitiligo (Chap.
tion of HIV infection, all patients reported by Duvic 2.2.6). The role of the immune reconstitution inflam-
et al. in the 1980s [10] where in an advanced AIDS matory syndrome (IRIS) is also discussed in this con-
stage one patient (Patient 2) presented with incident text see later [22].
vitiligo revealing severe immunosuppression. The CD4 For two other patients of ours (Patients 9 and 10),
cell count available for three patients was less than 400 vitiligo revealed HIV seropositivity. At the time of
cells/mm3. There was no information on the viral load. vitiligo assessment, Patient 9 had a CD4 T-cell count
Concerning the improvement of previous vitiligo, at 4/mm3 with a viral RNA load at more than 100,000
spontaneous repigmentation of vitiligo has been copies/mL. Patient 10 had a CD4 T-cell count at 5/
reported in an untreated HIV-positive patient (Patient mm3 with a viral RNA load at more than 1,000,000
6). This patient had seroconverted for HIV infection copies/mL. For both of them, the introduction of
four years before [14]. He noticed spontaneous and HAART had no impact on vitiligo, despite a good
significant repigmentation of vitiligo lesions of 15 CD4 and viral RNA load response. Moreover, both
years duration. His CD4 cell count was at 390/mm3 UVB TL01 and PUVA failed to improve vitiligo. In
when repigmentation occurred. Besides HIV-induced Patient 10, biopsies taken from vitiligo lesions at the
immune suppression, an alternative hypothesis for time of diagnosis demonstrated the persistence of mel-
improvement is the excessive production of polyclonal anocytes with a loss of their cell differentiation mark-
antibodies by activated B-lymphocytes [14]. ers, that is, protein S100, HMB45 and Melan A and a
Fig. Histopathologic sequence corresponding to the and immunostaining for proteins S100, HMB45, Melan A was
patient depicted in Fig. Two biopsies were obtained from positive. Pigmentary incontinence was observed and there was
lesional and non lesional skin. The procedure was repeated after no melanin within keratinocytes. Second biopsies, 1 year later
a 1-year interval. First biopsies (correspond to 13.9.1a): in non (correspond to 13.9.1b): in non lesional skin (1) no changes; in
lesional skin (1) melanocytes were present and expressed protein lesional skin (2) pigmentary incontinence. Melanocytes were
S100, HMB45, Melan A. Melanin was present in basal keratino- still present as shown by vimentin staining although they did not
cytes; in lesional skin (2) perivascular mononuclear infiltrate and express protein S100, HMB45, Melan A and there was a loss of
lichenoid pattern. Melanocytes were present in the basal layer function (no melanin in keratinocytes)
complete lack of melanin pigment within basal kerati- T-cells leading to a combination of both quantitative
nocytes (Fig. restoration of immunity, as well as qualitative func-
The relation of vitiligo to IRIS which may occur in tion and phenotypic expression [18]. In noninfectious
HIV-infected patients initiating antiretroviral therapy causes of IRIS, innate antigens play likely a role of
is intriguing. IRIS seems to result from restored antigenic stimuli [12].
immunity to specific antigens either infectious or not
[22, 33]. Clinical manifestations attributed to IRIS are
the result of an inflammatory response caused by the
recovering immune system which does not recognize Vitiligo and Idiopathic T-Cell
those residual antigens properly [9]. Theories con- Lymphocytopenia
cerning the pathogenesis of IRIS involve a combina-
tion of underlying antigenic burden, the degree of A patient with a long history of vitiligo associated with
immune restoration and host genetic susceptibility. idiopathic CD4+ T-cell lymphocytopenia (ICTL) has
An increase in memory CD4 T-cells, possibly as a been reported [32]. ICTL is defined as a persistent
result of the redistribution from peripheral lymphoid depletion of peripheral blood CD4 cell count of less
tissue, would be associated with an increase in nave than 300 cells/mm3 in the absence of either HIV
1.3.9 Vitiligo and Immunodeficiencies 95
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ading as vitiligo. Cutis 81:163165 plement (C4) and its genes in vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol
24. Niamba P, Traor A, Taieb A (2007) Vitiligo sur peau noire 99:853858
associe au VIH et repigmentation lors du traitement antiret- 31. Westerhof W, dIschia M (2007) Vitiligo puzzle: the pieces
roviral. Ann Dermatol Venereol 134:272276 fall in place. Pigment Cell Res 20:345359
25. Onay H, Pehlivan M, Alper S et al (2007) Might there be a 32. Yamauchi PS, Nguyen NQ, Grimes PE (2002) Idiopathic
link between mannose binding lectin and vitiligo? Eur J CD4+ T-cell lymphocytopenia associated with vitiligo. J Am
Dermatol 17:146148 Acad Dermatol 46:779782
26. Park MA, Li JT, Hagan JB et al (2008) Common variable 33. Zandman-Goddard G, Shoenfeld Y (2002) HIV and autoim-
immunodeficiency: a new look at an old disease. Lancet munity. Autoimmunity Rev 1:329337
372:489502 34. Zonios DI, Falloon J, Bennett JE, Shaw PA, Chaitt D, Baseler
27. Ponsonby AL, Lucas RM, van der Mei IA (2005) UVR, vita- MW et al (2008) Idiopathic CD4+ lymphocytopenia: natural
min D and three autoimmune diseases-multiple sclerosis, history and prognostic factors. Blood 112:287294
type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis. Photochem Photobiol
81: 12671275
Inammatory Vitiligo
Khaled Ezzedine, Julien Seneschal, Ratnam Attili,
and Alain Taeb Introduction
erythematous and scaly, associated with pruritus dur- any age. Interestingly, in almost half the patients, con-
ing pears. comitant inflammatory and non-inflammatory patches
However, a particular form of vitiligo defined as are observed. Based on histopathological studies, this
inflammatory vitiligo with raised borders has been unusual clinical manifestation can be interpreted as
reported long ago [4, 6, 20]. The clinical presentation disease progression due to an inflammatory phase.
of this particular form of vitiligo consists in depig-
mented patches with an erythematous micro-papular
edge. This condition is associated with inflammatory Clinically Inammatory
infiltrates in the margin of progressing lesions. In gen- Vitiligo Associated with
eral, clinically inflammatory vitiligo (CIV) may occur
in isolation, but has infrequently been associated with
Other Disorders
various disorders including infectious diseases such as
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection [5, 7, Inflammatory vitiligo has also been associated with
10, 17] lichen sclerosus [19], atopic dermatitis [14], or specific disorders (Table
VogtKoyanagiHarada (VKH) disease [18, 21]. The clinically inflammatory stage of HIV-associated
Recent histological studies indicate that common viti- cases is different from CIV with raised borders
ligo can also be micro-inflammatory at the progressing (Chap. 1.3.9). It consists in nummular lichenoid lesions
edge of de-pigmented lesions. which result in complete pigment loss. Interestingly, in
this setting the histopathological sequence shows a
loss of melanocytic antigens preceding the definitive
loss of pigment cells. Contrarily, in two cases of viti- Isolated Clinically
ligo occurring respectively in the setting of chronic
Inammatory Vitiligo hepatitis associated with hepatitis-C infection [17] and
atopic dermatitis [14], clinical features were close to
A few cases of CIV without documented association that of inflammatory vitiligo with raised borders.
with other diseases have been reported (Table In these case reports, patients presented both inflam-
In all reported cases, progressive lesions with ery- matory patches with raised border in recent lesions and
thema, fine scaling with or without pruritus are com- noninflammatory older patches. Interestingly, Tsuruta
mon features. An erythematous raised border has been et al. reported a VKH patient with a 1-year history of
documented. Marginal hyperpigmentation surround- a superimposed thin inflammatory raised erythema
ing hypopigmented patches has also been reported. and plaque-type inflammatory erythema occurring in
Inflammatory vitiligo is generally considered as a pro- the setting of non-segmental vitiligo (NSV) of 20-
gressive (unstable) form since extensive involvement year duration. Two particular features were noted:
seems to be the rule. It seems to affect both sexes at first, within the patches of vitiligo with raised
a b
Fig. Graft versus host disease at erythrodermic (a) and vitiligoid (b) phases
102 K. Ezzedine et al.
Table Histological and immunohistochemistry findings in patients with clinically inflammatory vitiligo and associated
Reference Age/ Duration / Type of Localisation Histological Immunohisto- Associated Treatment/
sex progression vitiligo Findings chemistry disease evolution
of disease
[18] 48/M 20 years/12 NSV Entire body Perivascular LFA-1, CD3, Vogt- NA
months except face mononuclear CD8 and rare Koyanagi-
infiltrate, CD4 and CD20 Harada
lichenoid disease
[14] 31/M 5 years/5 NSV Limbs, trunk Perivascular No melano- Atopic Topical
years mononuclear cytes, CD4 and dermatitis corticosteroid/
infiltrate, CD8 in raised Inprovement of
lichenoid pattern border/CD8 erythema
outside the
[17] 38/M 24 NSV Buttock, Degeneration of NA Hepatitis virus Prednisolone
months/24 axilla, basal layer, C infection 20 mg daily +
months inguinal, perivascular PUVA/
extremities mononuclear Resolution of
infiltrate erythema +
[19] 41/W 6 months/6 SV Left foot, Papular dermal NA Lichen Topical
months thigh and sclerosis, sclerosus corticosteroid/
buttock + perivascular involvement of
left genital mononuclear erythema +
area infiltrate partial
lichenoid repigmentation
* lichen sclerosis NA - not available
18. Tsuruta D, Hamada T, Teramae H et al (2001) Inflammatory 21. Wong SS, Ng SK, Lee HM (1999) Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada
vitiligo in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. J Am Acad Dermatol disease: extensive vitiligo with prodromal generalized eryth-
44:129131 roderma. Dermatology 198:6568
19. Weisberg EL, Le LQ, Cohen JB (2008) A case of simultane- 22. Yagi H, Tokura Y, Furukawa Y, Takigawa M (1997) Vitiligo
ously occurring lichen sclerosus and segmental vitiligo: con- with raised inflammatory borders: involvement of T cell
necting the underlying autoimmune pathogenesis. Int immunity and keratinocytes expressing MHC class II and
J Dermatol 47:10531055 ICAM-1 molecules. Eur J Dermatol 7: 1922
20. Wise F (1942) Leukoderma with inflammatory borders.
Arch Derm Syph 45:218219
Rare Inherited Diseases and Vitiligo
Alain Taeb and Fanny Morice-Picard
monogenic disorders with a confirmed ascertainment ing APECED has been named autoimmune regulator
of this phenotype, based on personal experience or lit- (AIRE). It is predominantly expressed in some cells of
erature review. the immune system and is thought to be involved in
Animal models (see Chap. 2.2.4) may be mislead- transcriptional regulation. Autoantibodies seem to be
ing because the human pigmentation system is the able to enter target cells and neutralise enzymatic activ-
result of a very specific evolutional maturation. The ities. Using sera of a subset of APECED patients with a
discussion around separate human cutaneous melano- mixed phenotype of alopecia areata and vitiligo, mel-
cyte compartments (hair follicule and interfollicular anocytes of hair follicle and epidermis were specifi-
glabrous skin) which underlies clinical differences cally immunostained, but a causal relationship to
between SV and NSV (Part 2.3) is probably relevant depigmentation could not be ascertained [8]. However,
for the analysis of the various vitiligo-related pheno- such an immunoreactivity to hair follicle and epidermal
types in monogenic disorders. Along the same line, the melanocytes has already been shown in common viti-
heritability of premature greying genes has been ligo [9]. APECED patients have auto-antibodies against
already addressed in some studies [4, 5 ], but the defin- several enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of neu-
itive evidence of a link between the two phenotypes rotransmitters. Auto-antibodies against aromatic
(premature greying and vitiligo) is still missing. l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) in autoimmune
Some clearly distinct monogenic disorders (Part polyendocrine syndromes (APS) I patients are associ-
1.2.1) have marked phenotypic overlap with vitiligo, ated with the presence of auto-immune hepatitis and
which raise the question of a common pathogenic vitiligo [10]. Of related interest because of the exten-
background. Piebaldism is an autosomal dominant dis- sive work already done on the pterin cycle and H2O2
order of melanocyte development characterised by accumulation in vitiligo [11], tetrahydrobiopterin-
ventral leucoderma/trichia due to KIT mutations which dependent hydroxylases are particularly targeted. They
impair melanocyte precursors migration. Given the consist of the three highly homologous enzymes: tryp-
importance of its encoded protein c-Kit in the mainte- tophan hydroxylase (TPH), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH),
nance of viable melanocytes (Chap. 2.2.8), the and phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH). All three
hypothesis of a direct genetic link to common vitiligo enzymes catalyze the hydroxylation of amino acids and
had to be raised, but was excluded in genome wide depend on a tetrahydropteridine as a cofactor. They all
scans. An uncommon variant, the Val620Ala (1859T have central roles in the biosynthesis of the neurotrans-
> C) mutation of the KIT gene has been found in the mitters, serotonin and dopamine (Fig.
so-called progressive piebaldism leading to progres- TPH catalyzes the hydroxylation of tryptophan into
sive loss of pigmentation as well as the progressive 5-OH tryptophan and is the rate limiting enzyme in the
appearance of hyperpigmented macules also noted in
trichrome vitiligo [6]. Another phenotype, which is
O2 H2O
clinically related to vitiligo has been observed in a
large Canadian family. Vitiligoid patches occurred at
adolescence and progressed towards diffuse depig- TPH
Tryptophan 5-OH-Tryptophan Serotonin
mentation. This autosomal dominant vitiligo (Chap.
2.2.1) is associated with a heterozygous 639G-T Tyrosine L-DOPA Dopamine
transversion identified in a highly conserved area in PAH
Phenlalanine Tyrosine
the promoter region of the FOXD3 gene [7]. Functional
expression studies of the gene variant indicated that it
increased transcription in neural crest melanoblast BH4 BH2
precursors, possibly altering the differentiation profile
of the melanoblast lineage.
Another area of interest in monogenic diseases, NAD+ NADH+H+
which include organ specific autoimmunity, is the use
Fig. Pterin-dependent hydroxylases: the role of TPH,
of the monogenic disease as a model to identify autoan-
TH, and PAH in the biosynthesis of serotonin and dopamine. All
tigens of importance in other disorders, such as vitiligo. three enzymes are dependent on tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) as a
APECED/APS1 is a relevant example. The gene caus- cofactor. NAD nicotineamide adenine dinucleotide. From [12]
110 A. Taeb and F. Morice-Picard
to TPH are associated with intestinal dysfunction. For more specifically associated with interstitial myositis
hypoparathyroidism, the most common autoimmune [20]. An association of HLA-B8 with APS2 has been
endocrinopathy of APECED, autoantibodies specific found in three generations of a family [21].
for NACHT leucine-rich repeat protein-5 (NALP5)
have been shown in 49% of patients with APS1 and
hypoparathyroidism [15]. NALP5 which is predomi- Immunodysregulation Polyendocrinopathy
nantly expressed in the cytoplasm of parathyroid chief and Enteropathy X-Linked (IPEX; 304790)
cells appears to generate tissue-specific autoantibod-
ies. Its role is under close investigation because of a Interestingly, this more recently described X-linked
suspected role of the innate immune system in trigger- recessive disease due to mutations in FOXP3 which
ing autoinflammation and autoimmunity [16]. NALP block the development of regulatory T-cells has not yet
proteins, also known as NLRPs, belong to the been linked to vitiligo, but induces multiple immune-
CATERPILLER protein family involved, like Toll-like related diseases, including TH2 predominant (atopic
receptors, in the recognition of microbial molecules dermatitis) and TH1 predominant (alopecia areata,
and the subsequent activation of inflammatory and Type I diabetes) phenotypes. Further observations are
immune responses. Current advances in the function necessary to exclude the alteration of this important
of NALPs support the recently proposed model of a pathway in the pathogenesis of immune vitiligo.
disease continuum bridging autoimmune and autoin-
flammatory disorders. In APECED, an infectious aeti-
ology was already suggested by Kunin et al. [17], who
pointed out that hepatitis had occurred in a number of Mitochondrial Disorders
these cases before the development of endocrinopathy.
Since NALP1 variants are associated with autoim- MELAS (Myopathy, Encephalopathy,
mune vitiligo [18], this could be relevant to the vitiligo Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke-Like Episodes)
field. Indeed, the genotypephenotype correlations for and MERRF (Myoclonic Epilepsy Associated
APECED are not well-understood. The only estab- with Ragged-Red Fibers) Syndromes
lished association between the APECED phenotype
and the AIRE genotype is the higher prevalence of These disorder belongs to the mitochondrial encepha-
candidiasis in the patients with the most common lomyopathies which include Leigh syndrome (LS;
mutation, arg257 to ter, than in those with other muta- 256000), Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS; 530000), and
tions. The modifying effect of HLA genes on APECED Leber optic atrophy (535000). They are grouped
has been shown for Addisons disease, alopecia areata, because phenotypes characterised by features of both
and Type I diabetes [19]. MERFF (in which myoclonus and ataxia predominate)
and MELAS have been described [22]. The most com-
mon clinical manifestation in these disorders is
Schmidt (APS2) Syndrome encephalomyopathy, because the nerve and muscle
cells depend more heavily on aerobic energy produc-
Schmidt syndrome is characterised by the presence of tion. However, any tissue or organ may be affected.
autoimmune Addison disease in association with either The most frequent MELAS symptom is episodic
autoimmune thyroid disease or Type I diabetes melli- sudden headache with vomiting and convulsions,
tus, or both [14]. Chronic candidiasis is not present. which is found in 80% of cases in patients aged 515
APS2 may occur at any age and in both sexes, but is years. Progressive encephalopathy and dementia may
most common in middle-aged females and is very rare follow depending on the severity of the phenotype.
in childhood. Over half of the patients present initially There is frequently laboratory evidence of myopathy
with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The effects related to abnormal mitochondrial metabolism (ele-
on endocrine glands extend to gonadal atrophy and vated resting serum lactate increased with exercise,
hypoparathyroidism. Alopecia areata, vitiligo, myas- ragged-red fibres on muscle biopsy, subsarcolemmal
thenia gravis, pernicious anaemia, and Graves disease pleomorphic mitochondria on electron microscopy);
are frequently associated. Schmidt syndrome can be clinically, there is commonly evidence of diabetes,
112 A. Taeb and F. Morice-Picard
together to impair cellular viability and cause adverse 4. Halder RM, Grimes PE, Cowan CA et al (1987) Childhood
effects on stem/progenitor cell reserves [32]. vitiligo. J Am Acad Dermatol 16:948954
5. Taeb A, Picardo M; VETF Members (2007) The definition
and assessment of vitiligo: a consensus report of the Vitiligo
European Task Force. Pigment Cell Res 20:2735
Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome (NBS) 6. Richards KA, Fukai K, Oiso N et al (2001) A novel KIT
mutation results in piebaldism with progressive depigmenta-
tion. J Am Acad Dermatol 44:288292
This syndrome has been related to AT as a variant until 7. Alkhateeb A, Fain PR, Spritz RA (2005) Candidate func-
more recent clear clinical and molecular evidence of a tional promoter variant in the FOXD3 melanoblast develop-
distinct aetiology [38]. The gene product, nibrin, is mental regulator gene in autosomal dominant vitiligo.
member of the hMre11/hRad50 protein complex, sug- J Invest Derm 125:388391
8. Hedstrand H, Perheentupa J, Ekwall O et al (1999) Antibodies
gesting that the gene is involved in DNA double strand against hair follicles are associated with alopecia totalis in
break repair. The immunological, cytogenetic, and cell autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type I. J Invest
biological findings in NBS closely resemble those Dermatol 113:10541058
described in AT (Table For the vitiligo phe- 9. Tobin DJ, Bystryn JC (1996) Different populations of mel-
anocytes are present in hair follicles and epidermis. Pigment
notype, it is better documented (14/21 cases studied in Cell Res 9:304310
the international NBS study group). Telangiectases are 10. Husebye ES, Gebre-Medhin G, Tuomi TM et al (1997)
rare and caf au lait spots common. Concerning the Autoantibodies against aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase
nonskin clinical aspects, however, NBS is more similar in autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type I. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 82:147150
to Bloom syndrome (BS), which features also severe 11. Hasse S, Gibbons NC, Rokos H et al (2004) Perturbed 6-tet-
microcephaly with relatively preserved mental devel- rahydrobiopterin recycling via decreased dihydropteridine
opment. Unlike AT, neurological features are rare. reductase in vitiligo: more evidence for H2O2 stress. J Invest
NBS and BS lack the increased serum alpha fetopro- Dermatol 122:307313
12. Ekwall O, Hedstrand H, Haavik J et al (2000) Pteridin-dependent
tein concentrations of AT. BS shows a characteristic hydroxylases as autoantigens in autoimmune polyendocrine
cytogenetic feature, the sister chromatid exchanges, syndrome type I. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 85:29442950
which is not seen in NBS and AT. 13. Tazi-Ahnini R, McDonagh AJ, Wengraf DA, Lovewell TR,
Studies on the gene product suggest that deficiency Vasilopoulos Y, MessengerAG, Cork MJ, Gawkrodger DJ
(2008) The autoimmune regulator gene (AIRE) is strongly
in nibrin disrupts a common pathway that functions to associated with vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 159:591596
sense or repair double stranded DNA breaks. DNA 14. Betterle C, Dal Pra C, Mantero F, Zanchetta R (2002)
double strand breaks occur often, but seldom lead to Autoimmune adrenal insufficiency and autoimmune polyen-
aberrations in case of a normal functioning repair docrine syndromes: autoantibodies, autoantigens, and their
applicability in diagnosis and disease prediction. Endocr
mechanism. In the case of dysfunction of repair mecha- Rev 23:327364
nisms, however, serious aberrations can be expected, 15. Alimohammadi M, Bjrklund P, Hallgren A et al (2008)
particularly in tissues with high proliferative capacity. Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 and NALP5, a
This does not apply to skin melanocytes, and clues to parathyroid autoantigen. N Engl J Med 358:10181028
16. Taieb A (2007) NALP1 and the inflammasomes: challenging
vitiligo pathogenesis need further specific studies in our perception of vitiligo and vitiligo-related autoimmune
this disorder. disorders. Pigment Cell Res 20:260262
17. Kunin AS, MacKay BR, Burns S et al (1963) The syndrome
of hypoparathyroidism and adrenocortical insufficiency, a
possible sequel of hepatitis. Am J Med 34:856865
References 18. Jin Y, Mailloux CM, Gowan K, Riccardi SL, LaBerge G,
Bennett DC, Fain PR, Spritz RA (2007) NALP1 in vitiligo-
associated multiple autoimmune disease. N Engl J Med
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Common loss-of-function variants of the epidermal barrier 19. Halonen M, Eskelin P, Myhre AG et al (2002) AIRE muta-
protein filaggrin are a major predisposing factor for atopic tions and human leukocyte antigen genotypes as determi-
dermatitis. Nat Genet 38:441446 nants of the autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-
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21. Eisenbarth GS, Wilson PW, Ward F et al (1978) The polyg- 30. Watts, JA, Morley M, Burdick JT et al (2002) Gene expres-
landular failure syndrome: disease inheritance, HLA type, sion phenotype in heterozygous carriers of ataxia telangi-
and immune function: studies in patients and families. Ann ectasia. Am J Hum Genet 71:791800
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MELAS overlap syndrome associated with a new point damage in target organs. Proc Nat Acad Sci 96:
mutation in the mitochondrial DNA tRNA(Lys) gene. Eur J 99159919
Hum Genet 1:8087 32. Wong KK, Maser RS, Bachoo RM et al (2003) Telomere
23. Latkany P, Ciulla TA, Cacchillo PF et al (1999) Mitochondrial dysfunction and Atm deficiency compromises organ homeo-
maculopathy: geographic atrophy of the macula in the stasis and accelerates ageing. Nature 421:643648
MELAS associated A to G 3243 mitochondrial DNA point 33. Shackelford RE, Innes CL, Sieber SO et al (2001) The ataxia
mutation. Am J Ophthalmol 128:112114 telangiectasia gene product is required for oxidative stress-
24. Karvonen SL, Haapasaari KM, Kallioinen M et al (1999) induced G1 and G2 checkpoint function in human fibro-
Increased prevalence of vitiligo, but no evidence of prema- blasts. J Biol Chem 276:2195121959
ture ageing, in the skin of patients with bp 243 mutation in 34. Barlow C, Hirotsune S, Paylor R et al (1996) Atm-deficient
mitochondrial DNA in the mitochondrial encephalomyopa- mice: a paradigm of ataxia telangiectasia. Cell 86:
thy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes syndrome 159171
(MELAS). Br J Dermatol 140:634639 35. Elson A, Wang Y, Daugherty CJ et al (1996) Pleiotropic
25. Matsuoka T, Goto Y, Yoneda M et al (1991) Muscle histopa- defects in ataxia-telangiectasia protein-deficient mice. Proc
thology in myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-red fibers Nat Acad Sci 93:1308413089
(MERRF). J Neurol Sci 106:193198 36. Jung M, Zhang Y, Lee S, Dritschilo A (1995) Correction of
26. Berneburg M, Grether-Beck S, Krten V et al (1999) Singlet radiation sensitivity in ataxia telangiectasia cells by a trun-
oxygen mediates the UVA-induced generation of the photo- cated I-kappa-B-alpha. Science 268:16191621
aging-associated mitochondrial common deletion. J Biol 37. Barlow C, Eckhaus MA, Schaffer AA et al (1999) Atm hap-
Chem 274:1534515349 loinsufficiency results in increased sensitivity to sublethal
27. Cohen LE, Tanner DJ, Schaefer HG et al (1984) Common doses of ionizing radiation in mice. Nature Genet 21:
and uncommon cutaneous findings in patients with ataxia- 359360
telangiectasia. J Am Acad Dermatol 10:431438 38. The International Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome Study
28. Taieb A (2000) Intrinsic and extrinsic pathomechanisms in Group (2000) Nijmegen breakage syndrome. Arch Dis Child
vitiligo. Pigment Cell Res 13:4147 82:400406
29. Kim DH, Kim CW, Kim TY (1999) Vitiligo at the site of radio- 39. Eisenbarth GS, Gottlieb PA (2004) Autoimmune polyendo-
therapy for malignant thymoma. Acta Derm Venereol 79:497 crine syndromes. New Engl J Med 350:20682079
Vitiligo in Childhood
Juliette Mazereeuw-Hautier and Alain Taeb Introduction
1.3.126 Disease Extent and Progression without vitiligo (34 vs. 3.3%). In literature, the preva-
lence of halo nevi in children with vitiligo varies from
2.5 to 34% [2, 5, 7, 18]. It is also unclear whether the
The extent of lesions varies greatly among patients.
prevalence of halo nevi in children with vitiligo is differ-
Handa and Dogra found that 96.4% of children have less
ent from that found in adult vitiligo. Prcic found [17, 18]
than 20% of the body surface involved , and 89.7% had
less than 5% body area involvement [5]. Nevertheless, in
general, a larger body surface area is involved in NSV, as a
compared to SV [13].
Knees, elbows, shins, arms, and hands are often the
sites of initial involvement in children. Such locations
are frequently scraped and scratched in this age group,
but it is not known if this phenomenon occurs more or
less commonly than in adults. Only a few studies have
recorded the presence of the Koebners phenomenon
in children with vitiligo. Handa and Dogra found it in
11.3% of children [5]. We found that the occurrence of
lesions in sites of Koebners phenomenon was most
common in NSV compared to SV (47.2 vs. 24%) [13].
In SV, it was observed only in the involved segment,
and was more difficult to assess. b
There is a lack of studies on the evolution of child-
hood vitiligo. In our series, after approximately one
year of follow-up, we noted that vitiligo was clini-
cally undetectable in only 5.5% of the patients [13].
As expected, based on the natural history of SV
(Chap. 1.3.2), more progression was observed in the
group of children with NSV, compared to SV (23.29
vs. 5.56%).
that halo nevi were more frequent in childhood vitiligo on this issue in NSV. On the contrary, it makes sense
as compared to adult vitiligo, at variance with data not to test children with SV.
reported earlier by Cho et al. in Korea [2]. We found a
non-significant tendency to have more halo nevi in chil-
dren with NSV versus SV (20 vs. 12%) [13]. Differential Diagnosis Introduction
Grimes has observed that vitiligo in elderly patients is 1. Arcos-Burgos M, Parodi E, Salgar M et al (2002) Vitiligo:
complex segregation and linkage disequilibrium analyses
slowly progressive and less responsive to treatment [4].
with respect to microsatellite loci spanning the HLA. Hum
Topical corticosteroids, calcipotriol, and narrowband Genet 110:334342
ultraviolet B remain the mainstay of treatment. Topical 2. Dogra S, Parsad D, Handa S et al (2005) Late onset vitiligo:
calcineurin inhibitors including tacrolimus and pime- a study of 182 patients. Int J Dermatol 44:193196
3. Grimes PE (2008) http://aad2008.omnibooksonline.com/
crolimus may be welcome new additions. PUVA and data/papers/FRM-526-C.pdf. (Accessed 05 Nov 2008)
systemic steroids may not be suitable because of 4. Halder RM, Grimes PE, Cowan CA et al (1987) Childhood
either relative contraindications in elderly patients or vitiligo. J Am Acad Dermatol 16:948954
associated comorbidities. Vitiligo activity was found 5. Handa S, Dogra S (2003) Epidemiology of childhood viti-
ligo: a study of 625 patients from North India. Pediatr
to be stable in 64.8% of our late onset vitiligo patients.
Dermatol 20:207210
Based on this, a surgical approach may be cautiously 6. Huggins RH, Schwartz, Janniger CK (2005) Vitiligo. Acta
considered in patients with limited disease. Dermatovenerol Alp Panonica Adriat 14:137142
How does a disease like vitiligo without perceived 7. Iacovelli P, Sinagra JL, Vidolin AP et al (2005) Relevance of
thyroiditis and of other autoimmune diseases in children
symptoms except aesthetic consequences affect a per-
with vitiligo. Dermatology 210:2630
son who has crossed his prime of life? In contrast to the 8. Jaisankar TJ, Baruah MC, Garg BR (1992) Vitiligo in chil-
common belief, it has been shown that the elderly peo- dren. Int J Dermatol 31:621623
ple are often anxious to look attractive. As others, elderly 9. Mason CP, Gawkrodger DJ (2005) Vitiligo presentation in
adults. Clin Exp Dermatol 30:344345
patients often come to the physician with the quest that
the patches should not progress and should be cured, at
least the lesions over the visible parts of the body.
Evaluation, Assessment and Scoring
Alain Taeb and Mauro Picardo
1.4.1 Introduction
children consulting for segmental hypopigmentation updated and simplified version has been produced
(Chap. 1.3.12). more recently [15].1
Currently,there is a lack of consensus in methods of
assessment of vitiligo, which makes it generally impos-
sible to compare the outcomes of different studies of
the same treatment and to perform meta-analyses [17]. 1.4.2 Step by Step Evaluation
In order to address these problems, the Vitiligo
European Task Force (VETF) was founded in 2003 It is necessary to take enough time for a first visit,
during the ESPCR meeting in Ghent with three initial which includes a comprehensive clinical evaluation.
goals: (a) the proposal of a consensus definition of the The time required is roughly 20 min (an identical extra
disease (Chap. 1.2.1); (b) the design of biometric tools time is needed for counseling and replying to ques-
to assess disease severity/ stability; and if possible (c) tions). For lightly pigmented patients, a dark room is
the derivation of a consensus scoring system. The sec- needed for Woods lamp examination (Fig. 1.4.1). The
ond and third step are still going on, but following the help of a standardized sheet as available in the appen-
method already used for the SCORAD index in atopic dix page xx allows not to miss some issues and to
dermatitis [3], an evaluation form was discussed and secure the relevant information for routine clinical
gradually improved at several meetings which included work or research, which is summarized in Table 1.4.1.
the input of patients support groups, and tested in It includes the analysis of the Koebner phenomenon
patients with generalized vitiligo in a dozen of aca- (Sect. which is of particular interest for pre-
demic medical centers. Secondly, the most relevant vention [6]. A question about vitiligo on genitals is on
descriptive variables were selected for severity assess- the VETF checklist because it causes a strong embar-
ment and prognosis. Following this step, the VETF rassment to patients. Itch preceding lesions may cor-
held a workshop in Rome to test and validate the eval- respond to the micro-inflammatory nature of the
uation sheet on a series of patients [14]. This chapter is disease. This symptom was mentioned by the patients
written following the remarks and criticism, which support groups. However, since common disorders
have followed the publication of this report [14]. An such as atopic dermatitis may coexist, especially in
children, the exact value of this symptom needs more
The last version is also available online at http://content.nejm. in depth investigations, and questioning should
org/cgi/content/full/360/2/160/DC1. address a topographic relation to the vitiligo patches.
1.4 Evaluation, Assessment and Scoring 129
Table 1.4.1 Evaluation check-list for NSV (adapted from Taieb and Picardo [14])
Subject features Disease features Family Interventions
Phototype (Fitzpatricks Duration Premature hair graying Type and duration of
skin type) previous treatments
including opinion of
patient on previous
treatments (list):
useful/not useful
Ethnic origin Activity, based on patients opinion Vitiligo (detail if Current treatment(s)
(progressive, regressive, stable needed in family
over the last 6 months) tree)
Age at onset occupation Previous episodes of Other diseases and
repigmentation, and if yes, treatments (list)
spontaneous or not (details)
Stress/anxiety levels Koebners phenomenon on scars
or following mechanical trauma
Halo nevus Itch before flares
History of autoimmune Thyroid disease, if yes detail,
diseases: if yes, which including presence of thyroid
type autoantibodies
Global QoL assessment Vitiligo on genitals History of autoimmune
(10 cm analog scale) how diseases (details if
does vitiligo currently needed in family tree)
(last week) affects your
everyday life
Clinical photographs and if
possible UV-light photographs
Family history of vitiligo and/or premature hair Table 1.4.2 Assessment of chronic autoimmune/inflammatory
graying is currently a routine part of the assessment, as diseases
well as personal and family history of thyroid disease Ask by name Ask by symptoms or
and presence of thyroid autoantibodies and autoim-
Alopecia areata Chronic diarrhea
mune diseases. Hair graying is defined as more than
Psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis Arthritis
50% of white/grey hairs before the age of 40. This item Lupus Hair loss
is generally more difficult to assess in the female Scleroderma Chronic bowel disease
ancestry. It is commonly found in pedigrees of vitiligo Lichen planus, lichen sclerosus Chronic skin disease
patients [7, 14], and suggests the role of an aging defect Rheumatoid arthritis
in the pigmentary system (Sect. For the per- Ulcerative colitis Insulin
sonal/ family history of chronic possible auto-immune/ Crohns disease Thyroxin
Biermers (pernicious) anemia (Hydro)cortisone
inflammatory disorders, Table 1.4.2 indicate some
Addisons disease Vitamin B12
hints to ask questions, because the related diseases are Celiac disease
not always known by non professionals. Clinical
examination should guide the need of specialized
investigations (see below). Halo nevi, considered as a
marker of cellular autoimmunity (Chap. 1.3.5), are last week assessed on a visual analog scale). The
assessed by history and at examination. A global qual- impact of stress on disease onset/progression is also
ity of life assessment is recommended (how does viti- taken into account. This form has been designed for
ligo currently (last week) affects your everyday life or NSV, but can serve also for segmental or unclassified
how much have you been bothered by the white spots forms of the disease.
130 A. Taeb and M. Picardo
1.4.3 Associated Disorders and specified degree of repigmentation, usually >50% for
Laboratory Workup a good response [16], which is much lower than
patients expectations. A quantitative score has been
Because of the magnitude of the association of autoim- recently proposed [8]. The VETF has partially vali-
mune thyroid disease with NSV (25% in our recruit- dated a clinical method of assessment which com-
ment), the assessment of thyroid function (thyrotropin, bines, analysis of the extent (rule of nines), grading of
thyroid hormones) and the presence of antibodies to depigmentation, and progression. Figure 1.4.2 details
thyroid peroxidase (TPO)/thyroglobulin should be rou- the scoring system. Several problems have been raised
tinely performed. A specific follow-up is needed when during the patients session [14]. For staging, color of
Hashimotos thyroiditis or Graves disease are diag- the selected patch is clearly not homogeneous, espe-
nosed with referral to an endocrinologist. Associated cially in SV. Staging chosen by investigators gener-
auto-immune disease frequencies are apparently not ally reflects the worst stage and not the most
similar according to ethnic background [2, 11]. Some representative stage. This poses problems when a few
data emphasize the need for a larger preventive screen- white hairs are present in association with skin repig-
ing because vitiligo may precede the onset of organ- mentation and more than 30% is required for the worst
specific auto-immune diseases [4]. If a personal and/or stage in the revised scoring system [15]. Another dif-
family history of auto-immune/auto-inflammatory dis- ficulty was related to the need to magnify the lesions
orders is detected (Table 1.4.2), broadening the etio- to assess hairs, especially vellus hairs. Woods lamp
logic investigations more specifically should be equipment for vitiligo assessment should include a
considered. In the context of familial auto-immune magnifying lens. Analysis of spreading (progressive/
syndromes (Chaps. 1.3.8 and 1.3.11) such as autoim- stable/regressive) was the most difficult item in a
mune polyendocrine syndrome (APS), anti 21-hydrox- blind (nonpatient influenced) test. The view already
ylase autoantibodies (Addisons) and anti-NALP 5 expressed in textbooks, that concavity vs. convexity
antibodies (hypoparathyroidism) [1] can be looked for. as related to the general shape of a patch may predict
For precursors to diabetes, antibodies can be searched progression vs. regression, is probably an indication
against GAD65 and ICA512. A specialized advice is to take with caution. Perifollicular repigmentation
strongly suggested. may occur with progressing marginal depigmentation.
Partial depigmentation in a border of a patch may be
interpreted as repigmentation. Surprisingly, at the
1.4.4 Skin Biopsy Rome workshop [14], the investigators opinion was
right in the majority of cases if the patients opinion
was chosen as the gold standard. Overall, it was felt
A skin biopsy is usually not requested for common
that this item should be graded more accurately using
NSV, except when another diagnosis cannot be ruled
the patients opinion.
out (Chap. 1.2.1). However, this point of view needs
The concordance between investigators using the
probably to be challenged. As skin inflammation in viti-
same assessment grid was measurable, but it seems
ligo seems clinically not detectable (Chap. 1.3.10), this
reasonable to predict that the results can be improved
simple test might allow a more precise inflammatory
if some interactive training is available. There are
staging of vitiligo in near future (pending the imple-
probably, as noted for atopic dermatitis workshops
mentation of less invasive tools). The finding of a micro-
[10], intrinsic high and low scorer profiles which can
inflammatory border in active NSV (Chap. 1.2.2)
be minimized when the causes of variability between
and/or of other local markers of disease activity might
observers have been identified.
become useful to make more appropriate therapeutic
No or Hair
partial whitening
Hair more
whitening than 30%
0 1 2 3
132 A. Taeb and M. Picardo
Fig. 1.4.3 Examples of assessments in three patients using the (mode) for the staging and spreading variables. The underlying
ideal observer method. This ideal observer is a virtual investiga- assumption is that the value expressed by the majority of specialists
tor, assigning the reference mean area involved and the modal value is most likely to be the true value, as there is no gold standard
profiles could be defined. Black and white digitized respectively. Table 1.4.3(spreading) shows a wide dis-
photographs (Fig. 1.4.3) were chosen as references for persion of data for spreading. Based on these data, it
the discussion of data. However, it was noted that ery- seems easier to identify regression (identified in 72.5%
thema (in patients treated with phototherapy) will of cases) even if one investigator assigned progression
appear gray in digitized black and white images. instead of regression, than stability and progression.
To check the validity of the data gathered, concor- To an extent (Table 1.4.3, extent), the investigators
dance analysis was carried out based on the ideal findings were very close, because 92% of the evalua-
observer method (Table 1.4.3). The investigators tions were within a range of 1% of the mean value.
tended to underestimate staging 2 for staging 1, which Denominators were important to make a good judg-
resulted in being overestimated (27 indications against ment, as larger areas such as trunk and legs are more
10 in Staging of Table 1.4.3). The frequency of assign- difficult to score. Image analysis may help in different
ing incorrect values decreased with staging: 40% for settings (clinical research mostly) to reduce interob-
stage 1, 34% for stage 2, 30% for stages 3 and 4, server variability (Sect.
1.4 Evaluation, Assessment and Scoring 133
Table 1.4.3 Interobserver variability be taken seriously into account in the global care of
Panelist scores vitiligo patients. Quality of life impact (Part 1.5) is
1 2 3 4 Total generally considered, overall as moderate in vitiligo,
Staging but the patients phototype, cultural background and
1 6 1 3 0 10 gender may influence the differences in data reported
2 17 46 6 1 70 [9]. The perceived severity of vitiligo is explained
3 4 7 28 1 40
mainly by the patients personality and their psycho-
4 0 0 3 7 10
tot 27 54 40 9 130 logical features and less significantly by the clinical
Panelist scores objective criteria. Perceived severity of the illness and
-1 0 1 patients psychological features such as trait-depression
Spreading are predictors of the patients QoL. Patients who tend
1 29 10 1 40 to be more anxious in their daily life and who have a
0 11 27 12 50 poor self-esteem perceive their illness as more severe
1 11 8 21 40 even if vitiligo is less extensive [9]. A higher preva-
tot 51 45 34 130 lence of alexithymia and depression or anxiety was
0.2% 0.5% 1%
found in vitiligo patients as compared with the general
Extent population [13].
Head & neck 17 (85%) 19 (95%) 20 (100%) 20
There are now some specific arguments for includ-
arms 11 (55%) 13 (65%) 20 (100%) 20
Leg 13 (43%) 17 (57%) 29 (97%) 30
ing a psychological support in the care of vitiligo
trunk 23 (38%) 36 (60%) 51 (85%) 60 patients, including consideration of their personality
64 (49%) 85 (65%) 120 (92%) 130 and their difficulty of living with this disease (Part
1.5). Consequently, some factors which are easy to
The ideal observer method was used for: staging: K 0.499;
SE 0.059 (p < 0.00001); spreading: K 0.388; SE 0.064 (p < assess such as perceived severity and patients person-
0.0001); and extent. The reference values correspond to the ality (trait anxiety, trait depression, trait self esteem)
modal (staging and spreading) or mean (extent) score of the 10 could be included in the assessment and management
of this chronic disfiguring disease. A simple perceived
severity scale is clearly useful in clinical practice as a
screening tool. However, the development of a vitiligo
1.4.7 Correlations Between Assessment
specific QoL scale would probably be helpful.
7. Halder RM, Grimes PE, Cowan CA et al (1987) Childhood 12. Porter JR, Beuf AH, Lerner A, Nordlund J (1979)
vitiligo. J Am Acad Dermatol 16:948954 Psychological reaction to chronic skin disorders: a study of
8. Hamzavi I, Jain H, McLean D et al (2004) Parametric mod- patients with vitiligo. Gen Hosp psychiatry 1:7377
eling of narrowband UV-B phototherapy for vitiligo using a 13. Sampogna F, Raskovic D, Guerra L et al (2008) Identification
novel quantitative tool: the Vitiligo Area Scoring Index. Arch of categories at risk for high quality of life impairment in
Dermatol 140:677683 patients with vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 159: 351359
9. Kostopoulou P, Jouary T, Quintard B et al (2009) Objective 14. Taeb A, Picardo M; VETF Members (2007) The definition
vs subjective factors in the psychological impact of vitiligo: and assessment of vitiligo: a consensus report of the Vitiligo
the experience from a French referral center. Br J Dermatol European Task Force. Pigment Cell Res 20: 2735
161:12833 15. Taieb A, Picardo M (2009) Clinical practice. Vitiligo. N
10. Kunz B, Oranje AP, Labreze L et al (1997) Clinical validation Engl J Med 360:160169
and guidelines for the SCORAD index: consensus report of 16. Westerhof W, Nieuweboer-Krobotova L (1997) Treatment of
the European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis. Dermatology vitiligo with UV-B radiation vs topical psoralen plus UV-A.
195:1019 Arch Dermatol 133:15251528
11. Liu JB, Li M, Yang S et al (2005) Clinical profiles of vitiligo 17. Whitton ME, Ashcroft DM, Barrett CW, Gonzalez U (2006)
in China: an analysis of 3742 patients. Clin Exp Dermatol Interventions for vitiligo. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (1):
30:327331 CD003263
Quality of Life
Davinder Parsad
and mental abuses as lepers of that age and they were Appearance of skin can condition an individuals
considered to have shweta kustha. Vitiligo is particularly self-image, and any pathological alteration can have
disfiguring for people with dark skin, and carries such psychological consequences [20]. Patients often
a social stigma in Indian society that patients are develop negative feelings about their skin, which are
sometimes considered unmarriageable [4]. Society reinforced by their experiences over a number of years.
greets vitiligo patients in much the same way as it Most patients with vitiligo report embarrassment,
does any one else who appears to be different. In some which can lead to a low self-esteem and social isola-
parts of India, they are still stared at, or subjected to tion [11]. Facial vitiligo lesions may be particularly
whispered comments, antagonism, insult or isola- embarrassing and the frustration of resistant lesions
tion. A woman with vitiligo may face numerous over exposed part of hands and feet can lead to anger
social problems and experience great difficulties in and disillusionment. Particularly in teenagers, mood
getting married. If vitiligo develops after marriage, disturbances including irritability and depression are
it provides a ground for divorce. In some parts of common. Patients with vitiligo are extensively sensi-
India, the disease is often considered as a punish- tive to the way others perceive them and they will often
ment by God, presumably caused by unconscious withdraw because they anticipate being rejected.
feelings of guilt. Patients are subjected to various Sometimes, strangers and even close friends can make
dietary restrictions like avoidance of milk, fish, cit- extremely hurtful and humiliating comments. The
rus fruits, etc [13]. impact of such factors is profound, subjecting them to
emotional distress, interference with their employ-
ment, or use of tension-lessening, oblivion-producing
substances such as alcohol [5]. Severe depression has
been known to lead to suicide attempts [3]. Vitiligo
1.5.2 Modern Psychological Studies can also result in problems in interpersonal relations
and induce depression and frustration. In a study from
Porter et al. [16, 17] in the late 1970s, brought the India, vitiligo has been shown to be associated with
psychosocial effects of vitiligo to the attention of der- high psychiatric morbidity [11]. One fourth of vitiligo
matologists. A questionnaire survey among 62 vitiligo patients attending a specialized clinic were found to
patients in a hospital-based outpatient setting indi- have psychiatric morbidity, and a diagnosis of adjust-
cated that two-thirds felt embarrassed by the disease, ment disorder was made in the majority of cases.
more than half of them felt ill at ease, a majority of Psychiatric morbidity was significantly correlated with
patients felt anxious, concerned, and worried about dysfunction arising out of illness [11].
the disease itself. They also studied the effect of viti-
ligo on sexual relationship and found that embarrass-
ment during sexual relationship was especially frequent
for men with vitiligo [18]. Many patients chose
adapted clothing and used large amounts of cosmetics
1.5.3 SocioEconomic and Educational
in order to hide the skin lesions. Although 80% per- Consequences
ceived their friends and family as supportive, strang-
ers expressed less understanding and patients felt Patients often suffer financial loss because they have
uncomfortable meeting them. Salzer and Schallreuter to take time off work to attend hospital appointments
[19] reported that 75% found their disfigurement mod- to perform therapies such as phototherapies. Lesions
erately or severely intolerable. An important compo- in exposed sites can adversely affect a persons chances
nent of stigma and stigmatization is the impossibility of getting a job at interview and so restrict career
of concealing the affected skin parts and consequent choices. Vitiligo beginning in childhood can be asso-
visibility. In a recent study, stigmatization experienced ciated with significant psychological trauma that may
by vitiligo patients was found psychologically rele- have long lasting effects on personal self-esteem [6].
vant since patients with visible lesions experienced a Children with vitiligo usually avoid sport or restrict
higher level of stigmatization [21]. such activities and often lose vital days in school.
1.5 Quality of Life 137
1.6.1 Natural Course date. Moellman et al. define active disease as when
lesions are enlarging in 6 weeks before examination
[14].Cui et al. define the same as development of new
The natural course of vitiligo is highly unpredictable.
lesions or extension of old lesions in 3 months before
Segmental vitiligo (SV) has a predominantly early
examination[1]. Uda et al. [21] define active vitiligo
onset and spreads rapidly over the affected area, but
as spread without regression within the last half year.
the activity usually ceases after a short period (Chap.
Falabella et al. define stable vitiligo as a condition
1.3.2). Non-segmental vitiligo (NSV) spreads progres-
that has not progressed for at least 2 years [10]. No
sively, with possible remission periods, over the whole
vitiligo activity scoring system that is sensitive to indi-
body throughout the life of the patient and is frequently
vidual variations in the clinical pattern and also to the
associated with a poor prognosis (Chap. 1.3.1). Further
therapeutic response has been devised till date. An
course of the disease varies in different patients and is
objective criterion, the vitiligo disease activity score
unpredictable. Some patients may develop just a few
(VIDA), was suggested by Njoo et al. [15] to follow
more lesions over the next several months or years and
the course of lesions, but it has limitations. It is a six-
there may be only a mild increase in the size of the
point scale on which the activity of the disease is eval-
initial lesions (slowly progressive vitiligo). However,
uated by the appearance of new vitiligo lesions or
in a small proportion of such patients, few episodes of
enlargement of preexisting lesions, gauged during a
relatively faster activity occur (slowly progressive with
period ranging from less than 6 weeks to 1 year.
periodic rapid exacerbations). In another group of
patients, the disease may progress at a much faster rate
after an initial slow progression (rapidly progressive
vitiligo). Such patients usually develop several clusters 1.6.3 Treatment Outcome and Stability
of new lesions and tend to develop an extensive disease of Repigmentation
within a period of only a few months. On rarer occa-
sions, the spread is extremely rapid from the very
In order to make a reasonable choice of therapy with
beginning, leading to extensive depigmentation within
the highest probability of success and to predict prog-
a few days to a few weeks (explosive vitiligo). Slowly
nosis for an individual patient, it is important to iden-
progressive vitiligo, with a simmering disease ulti-
tify disease characteristics that help predict the outcome
mately leading to a very extensive involvement, is also
of therapy as well as prognosis [16]. Many factors like
not uncommon (slow but continuously progressive
emotional stress, sunburn and pregnancy have been
vitiligo). In a small group of patients, after the initial
speculated to be aggravating factors of vitiligo in the
slow progression, the disease may become static (sta-
existing literature; however, objective clinical findings
ble or static vitiligo), or there may even be a spontane-
of progressive vitiligo are yet to be elucidated [4].
ous repigmentation of the lesions (regressive vitiligo).
Inability to define the outcome and progression of the
disease often leads to a disappointed and dissatisfied
patient who ends up shopping doctors. Since the
progression and response to therapy show consider-
1.6.2 Stability vs. Active Disease able inter-individual patient variability, the greatest
challenge facing the physician is to predict the out-
Clinically, a vitiligo patient can be in one of the three come of the disease at the very outset. What seems to
stages of evolution, namely progressive, stable or be clear is that leukotrichia means poor prognosis for
regressive. The progressive and regressive stage defini- repigmentation, with the assumption that no melano-
tion do not pose much problem, with respectively, new cytes are available within the depigmented area; even
lesions or lesions increasing in size; and lesions under conditions of full vitiligo stability, no repigmen-
decreasing in size without appearance of new lesions. tation will usually occur with medical therapy. In a
It is the definition of stable vitiligo that varies from study of our group, it has been shown that perifollicu-
clinician to clinician. The literature reveals that no lar repigmentation was more stable than diffuse type of
consensus regarding the clinical evaluation of disease repigmentation [18]. Ability to retain the pigment
activity and therapeutic response has been reached to depends not only on the source of stimulus but also on
1.6 Natural History and Prognosis 141
the site of activation. The repigmentation induced by [13], NSV and SV are the preferred terms to desig-
narrowband UBV therapy was found to be more stable nate the major subtypes [20] (Chap. 1.2.1). The pre-
than that induced by PUVA [17]. diction of pattern and final extension in SV is still a
matter of debate (Chap. 1.3.2). Clinically, there are
five recognized types of NSV: focal, generalized,
acrofacial, mucosal and universalis, but whether this
1.6.4 Clinical Markers of Prognosis subclassification is useful or not, is not established
for diagnostic and prognostic purposes; according to
At present, disease activity is mainly assessed by the the VETF, there is no pressing evidence that these are
medical history and extent of the involvement. In the distinct disorders [20]. Another important question
absence of reliable laboratory indicators, clinical param- which remains unanswered is, whether or not all
eters can be used [3, 4, 6, 7]. Results of several indepen- types of vitiligo including mucosal vitiligo share a
dent epidemiological studies show that the Koebner common genetic background, and if in the future,
phenomenon (KP) occurs in most patients with vitiligo genetic testing may help management decisions.
and it has been frequently postulated that the KP may Obviously, the worst prognosis is for subjects with
indicate active disease [9, 11] (Sect. vitiligo universalis (Chap. 1.3.3). In the acrofacial
The term trichrome vitiligo (see discussion of the subset, treatment outcome may not be so good
term in Chap. 1.3.1) describes lesions that have a tan because of the involvement of acral and mucosal
zone of varying width between normal and totally parts, but usually acrofacial vitiligo does not show
depigmented skin, which exhibits an intermediate hue. widespread or rapid extension [19].
It has been shown that presence of trichome vitiligo
also denotes progressive disease [5]. The presence of
mucosal involvement has been shown to be a poor
prognostic indicator that portends disease progression References
[2]. The presence of leukotrichia has been linked to
poor response to medical treatment. However, as has 1. Cui J, Arita Y, Bystryn JC (1993) Cytolytic antibodies to
melanocytes in vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 100:812815
been noted by various studies, leukotrichia per se is not
2. Dave S, Thappa DM, Dsouza M (2002) Clinical predictors
related to disease activity [2]. It has been seen that a of outcome in vitiligo. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol
positive family history is associated with a statistically 68:323325
significant, higher rate of progression of the disease. 3. Halder RM, Grimes PE, Cowan CA (1987) Childhood viti-
ligo. J Am Acad Dermatol 16:948954
Similarly the presence of antithyroid antibodies or 4. Hann SK, Chun WH, Park YK (1997) Clinical characteris-
association with other autoimmune diseases predicts a tics of progressive vitiligo. Int J Dermatol 36:353355
relatively poor prognosis [8]. According to Hann et al., 5. Hann SK, Kim YS, Yoo JH, Chun YS (2000) Clinical and
when the initial sites were the posterior trunk and hands, histopathologic characteristics of trichrome vitiligo J Am
Acad Dermatol 42:589596
there was more widespread progression to other body
6. Hann SK, Lee HJ (1996) Segmental vitiligo: clinical find-
areas, whereas there was less progression when the ini- ings in 208 patients. J Am Acad Dermatol 35:671674
tial sites were the face, and upper or lower extremities 7. Hann SK, Park YK, Whang KC (1986) Clinical study of 174
[4]. These results indicate that the prognosis of vitiligo patients with generalized vitiligo. Kor J Dermatol 24:
may be predicted by the location of the initial lesions.
8. Harning R, Cui J, Bystryn JC (1991) Relation between the
incidence and level of pigment cell antibodies and disease
activity in vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 97:10781080
9. Hatchome N, Kato T, Tagamit H (1990) Therapeutic success
1.6.5 Prognosis and Subtypes of epidermal grafting in generalized vitiligo is limited by the
of Vitiligo Koebner phenomenon. J Am Acad Dermatol 22:8791
10. Falabella R, Arrunategui A, Barona MI, Alzate A (1995) The
minigrafting test for vitiligo: detection of stable lesions for
Attempts have been made to classify vitiligo either melanocyte transplantation. J Am Acad Dermatol 32:
by distribution of the patches, age of onset or degree
11. Gauthier Y (1995) The importance of Koebners phenome-
of loss of color. According to the VETF nomencla- non in the induction of vitiligo vulgaris lesions. Eur
ture revision based on Koga [12] and Koga and Tango J Dermatol 5:704708
142 D. Parsad
12. Koga M (1977) Vitiligo: a new classification and therapy. Br ment of vitiligo. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 20:
J Dermatol 97:255261 175177
13. Koga M, Tango T (1988) Clinical feature and course of type 18. Parsad D, Pandhi R, Dogra S, Kumar B (2004) Clinical
A and type B vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 118:223228 study of repigmentation patterns with different treatment
14. Moellmann G, Klein-Angerer S, Scollay DA et al (1982) modalities and their correlation with speed and stability of
Extracellular granular material and degeneration of kerati- repigmentation in 352 vitiliginous patches. J Am Acad
nocytes in the normally pigmented epidermis of patients Dermatol 50:6367
with vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 79:321330 19. Parsad D, Pandhi R, Juneja A (2003) Effectiveness of oral
15. Njoo MD, Das PK, Bos JD, Westerhof W (1999) Association Ginkgo biloba in treating limited, slowly spreading vitiligo.
of the Koebner phenomenon with disease activity and thera- Clin Exp Dermatol 28:285287
peutic responsiveness in vitiligo vulgaris. Arch Dermatol 20. Taeb A, Picardo M; VETF Members (2007) The definition
135:407413 and assessment of vitiligo: a consensus report of the Vitiligo
16. Ortonne JP (2000) Special features of vitiligo. In: Hann SK, European Task Force. Pigment Cell Res 20:2735
Nordlund JJ (eds) Vitiligo. A monograph on the basic and 21. Uda H, Takei M, Mishima Y (1984) Immunopathology of
clinical science. Blackwell, Oxford, pp 7077 vitiligo vulgaris, Suttons leukoderma and melanoma-asso-
17. Parsad D, Kanwar AJ, Kumar B (2006) Psoralen-ultraviolet ciated vitiligo in relation to steroid effects, II: the IgG and
A vs. narrow-band ultraviolet B phototherapy for the treat- C3 deposits in the skin. J Cutan Pathol 11:114124
Dening the Disease: Editors Synthesis
Alain Taeb and Mauro Picardo
forgotten. In particular, the role of stress has been empha- genital mucosae, and vitiligo universalis), contrary to
sised by some studies and patients support groups. what is found in VKH syndrome which targets ocular,
There is a need to clarify this issue of stress acting as a auditory and central nervous system melanocytes [2].
trigger factor, or more importantly as influencing disease However, as mentioned before, vitiligo universalis
progression, because it could open new perspectives for may correspond to a variant involving more general-
management. The evaluation of the impact of the disease ized melanocytic targets. This favours a chronic skin
on non skin melanocytes (eye, ear, central nervous sys- condition with major initial determinants situated
tem) is not necessary for common NSV. For vitiligo uni- directly in the skin, and which might be activated in a
versalis, there is a frontier with Vogt Koyanagi Harada subset of patients by mechanical stressors (Koebners
(VKH) syndrome, which is unclear, and those patients phenomenon, see also Sect.
should be evaluated more carefully in this respect.
Fig. 1.7.1 Possible research angles of attack based on clinical find- main types (to be confirmed by larger studies). The Koebners phe-
ings in vitiligo. Segmental vitiligo (SV) and non-segmental vitiligo nomenon and personal/familial history of auto-inflammation/
(NSV) can overlap (mixed vitiligo). The epidermal melanocytic immunity seem mostly associated with NSV. Syndromic vitiligo
target is equally shared between SV and NSV, but the hair melano- may share some pathways influencing either survival or immune
cytic target is skewed towards SV. The history of hair greying and loss of melanocyte with common non syndromic vitiligo (SV and
the presence of halo nevus seem equally shared between the two NSV). The question of microinflammation is open for SV
various ethnic backgrounds to settle this important issue. microinflammation. The systematic pathology assess-
The patterns of extension in NSV, if predictable, deserve ment of SV for evidence of microinflammation is still
also a better attention (Chap. 1.3.1 and Part 1.6). Newer lacking (but some evidence has been provided in Chap.
non invasive techniques of assessment such as in vivo 1.3.10 by Attili). This new vision raises several ques-
confocal microscopy should be tested (Sect. tions: if vitiligo is inflammatory pathologically, why is
it usually not clinically? Erythema and pruritus are
uncommon findings in the setting of even rapidly pro-
gressing vitiligo, suggesting a unique pattern of respon-
1.7.6 Suboptimal Use of Pathology to siveness or a so far unexpected active role of melanocytes
Assess and Probably Understand in symptomatic inflammation in non depigmenting dis-
orders. Is microinflammation primary, as proposed by
Aslanian (Chap. 1.2.2), or secondary to some basic
imbalance in pigment cell homeostasis? Whatever the
Pathology has been considered as providing limited answers are, the growing evidence of microinflamma-
information on the nature and course of the disease, tion should change concepts around vitiligo, and should
because diagnosis was easy to make on clinical grounds. have major therapeutic consequences in the future.
Vitiligo, based on the microscopic examination of long
lasting NSV depigmented macules, was synonym with
an epidermis without pigment cells. As discussed in
Chaps. 1.2.2 and 1.3.10, the study of the progressing but 1.7.7 Summary
still pigmented edges of NSV lesions (or with pinpoint
depigmentation) and of distant normal-looking skin, In summary, Figure 1.7.1 proposes a synthetic vision
has provided evidence of microdepigmentation and of the vitiligo clinical data. There are several points
146 A. Taeb and M. Picardo
which need clarification, because these are quite diffi- in the context of developing translational research. The
cult to reconcile with the common conceptions of viti- next section will thus review in vivo and in vitro clini-
ligo. Is there a common predisposition shared for cal and experimental data which form the basis of our
developing cellular immune response against nevus current understanding of vitiligo.
cells in SV and NSV, halo nevus being a distinct phe-
nomenon [3] associated to the two forms? Can SV be
inflammatory as NSV? Some simple clinical and his-
tological studies are needed to provide more accurate
angles of attacks to the problem. References
This section has provided clinical definitions, clas-
sification and methods of assessment based, whenever 1. Bach JF (2002) The effect of infections on susceptibility to
autoimmune and allergic diseases. N Engl J Med
possible, on the largest consensus. The clinically-based 347:911920
definitions given, have been intended to be useful for 2. Prignano F, Betts CM, Lotti T (2008) Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada
the practitioner and the clinical researcher. We clearly disease and vitiligo: where does the illness begin? J Electron
need also better definitions and monitoring of disease Microsc 57:2531
3. Schallreuter KU, Kothari S, Elwary S et al (2003) Molecular
activity /stability (Part 1.4), which may include evi- evidence that halo in Suttons naevus is not vitiligo. Arch
dence of non clinically graded inflammation with skin Dermatol Res 295:223228
biopsies. More accurate and standardized methods of 4. Schultz Larsen F (1993) Atopic dermatitis: a genetic-
assessment need to be developed for specific needs epidemiologic study in a population-based twin sample. J
Am Acad Dermatol 28:719723
including clinical trials (Sect. A basic science 5. Taeb A, Picardo M; VETF Members (2007) The definition
understanding of vitiligo should represent soon an and assessment of vitiligo: a consensus report of the Vitiligo
available alternative to this clinically-based approach European Task Force. Pigment Cell Res 20:2735
Understanding the Disease
Pathophysiology Overview
Mauro Picardo and Alain Taeb
Progressively, the researchers come across cell biol- as tracing this event is concerned (crime without
ogy, genetics, biochemistry, immunology, and micro- cadaver as pointed out by Gauthier). It is possible that
biology with new insights. The first step, as delineated biopsies of vitiligo lesions gave little arguments just
in Part. 1, is to start from a firm ground, with clear defi- because early lesions are rarely biopsied. Biopsy mate-
nitions, and to postpone interpretation after data col- rial from established lesions contains no or few mel-
lection. Ideally, the observation of the disease and its anocytes, and it is difficult to capture the essence of the
natural history/treatment influences, annotated data- mechanism. Peripheral biopsies of progressive NSV
bases and biological collections for clinical and epide- lesions, even in non clinically inflammatory cases,
miological studies, tissue collection for histopathology demonstrate predominantly CD8+ T cell lichenoid
and other direct in vivo approaches are needed to pro- infiltrates. These are in tune with a possible cell-medi-
vide the pathophysiological debate with solid argu- ated cytotoxic mechanism of the loss and form the
ments, before going to in vitro experiments and animal basis of the concept of vitiligo being a microinfamma-
models. tory skin disease. But the early initiating events of this
phase are not known.
2.1.5 Inammation and Auto-Immunity. melanocytes are characterized by an altered redox sta-
The Role of Stress tus, possibly due to the compromised activity of the
intracellular antioxidants (catalase and glutathione per-
oxidase, mainly) or increased ROS production (Chap.
Arguments for a humoral immune response targeting 2.2.6). The final effect of this condition would be the
melanocytes exist in a subset of patients (Sect. high susceptiblity to toxic compounds, including mela-
Mainly, the CD8+ T cell infiltrate present in progress- nin derivatives, and to physical trauma [5, 12, 18]. The
ing vitiligo is probably, if not primarily, the cause of other major epidermal cell type, the keratinocyte,
the disease, at least implicated in its acceleration phase appears to be involved (Chaps 2.2.5 and 2.2.10). A
clearly noted in some NSV patients, which may lead to defective intracellular signal transduction of the TNF-
vitiligo universalis (Chap. 1.3.3). However, its (proba- a-activated pathway in vitiligo keratinocytes has been
bly) melanocytic targets are not yet clearly identified reported, possibly accounting for limited survival and
(Sect. Experimental data highlight a link subsequent loss of production of specific melanocyte
between oxidative stress and immune system activa- growth factors [1, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17]. So far, neglected
tion. Following an external danger stimulus, an oxida- neighbouring cells such as dermal fibrobasts, may con-
tive stress can frequently occur inside the cell, also trol adhesion checkpoints and might actually be involved
determining the expression and the release of proteins in vitiligo, through the release of soluble factors [2].
that belong to the heat shock protein family. Melanocytes As discussed before, besides the recognition of the
may produce and release the highest amount of hsp70, major target cell of the disease, it is not completely
thus activating immune responses [12]. The pathoge- settled whether or not melanocyte alterations can be
netic role of the production of the hsp70 has also been the consequence of a more generalized biochemical/
tested in mouse through the gene gun vaccination with biological defect. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells
melanocyte differentiation antigens (TRP1 or gp100) appear to be characterized by metabolic deregulations
and hsp70. The mouse hsp70 vaccinated early devel- and oxidative stress, similar to those found in melano-
oped depigmentation, testifying for the ability of hsp70 cytes and epidermis [3, 8].
to enhance antigen uptake by dendritic cells [6].
models have been proposed, including grey horses, the examine events leading to the expression of vitiligo in sus-
vitiligo mouse and the Sinclair pig, in which vitiligo ceptible individuals. Pigment Cell Res 21:265
8. Giovannelli L, Bellandi S, Pitozzi V et al (2004) Increased
spontaneously develops. oxidative DNA damage in mononuclear leukocytes in viti-
ligo. Mut Res 556:101106
9. Imokawa G (2004) Autocrine and paracrine regulation of
melanocytes in human skin and in pigmentary disorders.
2.1.8 Conclusions and Scope Pigment Cell Res 17:96110
of this Book Section 10. Kim NH, Jeon S, Lee HJ et al (2007) Impaired PI3K/Akt
activation-mediated NF-kB inactivation under elevated
TNF-alpha is more vulnerable to apoptosis in vitiliginous
Vitiligo is still a poorly understood disease, and its mul- keratinocytes. J Invest Dermatol 127:26122617
tifactorial basis is indubitably a disadvantage to pick up 11. Kim YC, Kim YJ, Kang HY et al (2008) Histopathologic
features in vitiligo. Am J Dermatopathol 30:112116
a relevant item among so many, to begin unfolding the 12. Kroll TM, Bommiasamy H, Boissy RE et al (2005) 4-tertiary
puzzle. The immunological and genetic approaches butyl phenol exposure sensitizes human melanocytes to den-
have provided until now, the most powerful insights. dritic cell-mediated killing: relevance to vitiligo. J Invest
However, they cannot indicate with certainty the initial Dermatol 124:798806
13. Lee YA, Kim NH, Choi WI et al (2005) Less keratinocyte-
event causing the immune activation and subsequent derived factors related to more keratinocyte apoptosis in
amplified melanocyte damage. The following chapters depigmented than normally pigmented suction-blistered epi-
of this section provide a more in depth analysis of the dermis may cause passive melanocyte death in vitiligo.
pathomechanisms mentioned in this overview. J Invest Dermatol 124:976983
14. Le Poole IC, Das PK, van den Wijngaard RM et al (1993)
Review of the etiopathomechanism of vitiligo: a conver-
gence theory. Exp Dermatol 2:145153
References 15. Le Poole IC, Wankowicz-Kalinska A, van den Wijngaard
RM et al (2004) Autoimmune aspects of depigmentation in
vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol Symp Proc 9:6872
1. Bondanza S, Maurelli R, Paterna P et al (2007) Keratinocyte 16. Moretti S, Spallanzani A, Amato L et al (2002) New insights
cultures from involved skin in vitiligo patients show into the pathogenesis of vitiligo: imbalance of epidermal
an impaired in vitro behaviour. Pigment Cell Res 20: cytokines at sites of lesions. Pigment Cell Res 15:8792
288300 17. Pelle E, Mammone T, Maes D et al (2005) Keratinocytes as
2. Cario-Andr M, Pain C, Gauthier Y et al (2006) In vivo and a source of reactive oxygen species by transferring hydro-
in vitro evidence of dermal fibroblasts influence on human gen peroxide to melanocytes. J Invest Dermatol 124:
epidermal pigmentation. Pigment Cell Res 19:434442 793797
3. DellAnna ML, Maresca V, Briganti S et al (2001) 18. Schallreuter KU, Bahadoran P, Picardo M et al (2008)
Mitochondrial impairment in peripheral blood mononuclear Vitiligo pathogenesis: autoimmune disease, genetic defect,
cells during the active phase of vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol excessive reactive oxygen species, calcuim imbalance, or
117:908913 what else. Exp Dermatol 17:139160
4. DellAnna ML, Picardo M (2006) A review and a new 19. Spritz RA (2006) The genetics of generalized vitiligo and
hypothesis for non-immunological pathogenetic mecha- associated autoimmune diseases. J Dermatol Sci 41:310
nisms in vitiligo. Pigment Cell Res 19:406411 20. Taieb A (2000) Intrinsic and extrinsic pathomechanisms in
5. DellAnna ML, Ottaviani M, Albanesi V et al (2007) vitiligo. Pigment Cell Res 13:4147
Membrane lipid alterations as a possible basis for melano- 21. Taieb A, Morice-Picard F, Jouary T et al (2008) Segmental
cyte degeneration in vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 127(5): vitiligo as the possibile expression of cutaneous somatic
12261233 mosaicism: implications for common non-segmental viti-
6. Denman CJ, McCracken J, Hariharan V et al (2008) HSP70i ligo. Pigment Cell Mel Res 21:646652
accelerates depigmentation in a mouse model of autoim- 22. van den Wijngaard RM, Aten J, Scheepmaker A et al (2000)
mune vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 128:20412048 Expression and modulation of apoptosis regulatory mole-
7. Erf GF, Trovillion CT, Plumlee BL et al (2008) Smyth line cules in human melanocytes: significance in vitiligo. Br
chicken model for autoimmune vitiligo: opportunity to J Dermatol 143:573581
Generalized Vitiligo
Richard Spritz
More typically, however, familial aggregation of viti- in the pathogenesis of typical cases of generalized viti-
ligo cases occurs in a non-Mendelian pattern that sug- ligo remain very limited.
gests complex polygenic, multifactorial inheritance Epidemiologic studies have also shown that general-
[4, 10, 17, 23, 24, 36, 54, 6062, 64, 79]. ized vitiligo is strongly associated with other autoim-
Strong evidence for genetic factors in the pathogen- mune diseases (Chap. 1.3.8), and that this association
esis of generalized vitiligo comes from the studies of apparently has a genetic basis. Generalized vitiligo is a
patients close relatives. Among Caucasians of component of the APECED (APS1) and Schmidt
European origin, the risk of vitiligo to a patients sib- (APS2) multiple autoimmune disease syndromes (addi-
lings is about 6.1% [4], a 16-fold increase over the tional APS categories have been proposed but are not
approximately 0.38% prevalence of generalized viti- widely accepted), and in several studies vitiligo has been
ligo in at least one Caucasian population [42]. There is associated with autoimmune thyroid disease [22, 72],
a similar risk of generalized vitiligo to patients other pernicious anaemia [25, 35], Addisons disease [88],
first-degree relatives besides siblings: 7.1% in and perhaps alopecia areata [75, 76]. A survey of over
Caucasians, 6.1% in Indo-Pakistanis, and 4.8% in USA 2,600 unselected Caucasian patients with generalized
Hispanic/Latinos [4], with lower risks to more distant vitiligo (most with sporadic occurrence of the disease)
relatives. Generally similar results have come from and their close relatives found significantly increased
studies of Chinese families [79]. Furthermore, in the frequencies of autoimmune thyroid disease, pernicious
largest vitiligo twin study to date [4] the concordance anaemia, Addisons disease, and systemic lupus erythe-
for generalized vitiligo in Caucasian monozygotic matosus [4]; overall, about 30% of patients with gener-
twins was 23%, more than 60 times the general popu- alized vitiligo were affected with at least one additional
lation risk of 0.38%, and almost four times the 6.1% autoimmune disease. These same diseases also occurred
risk of vitiligo to probands siblings, thus providing at increased frequency in patients first-degree relatives,
additional strong support for the involvement of genes regardless of whether or not those relatives had vitiligo
in conferring risk of generalized vitiligo. themselves [4]. These findings suggest that vitiligo
Additional evidence for a genetic component in patients and their close relatives have a genetically-
generalized vitiligo comes from age of onset data: determined susceptibility to this specific group of auto-
among unselected (mostly sporadic) Caucasian vitiligo immune diseases. A similar study of families in which
patients the mean age of disease onset is 24.2 years [4], multiple individuals had generalized vitiligo found even
but among patients in families with multiple relatives higher frequencies of these same autoimmune diseases,
affected by vitiligo the mean age of disease onset is in both vitiligo patients and their siblings, as well as sig-
significantly earlier, 21.5 years [54]. Earlier age of dis- nificantly elevated frequencies of psoriasis, rheumatoid
ease onset in more familial cases and diminishing arthritis, and adult-onset autoimmune diabetes mellitus
disease risk with increasing genetic distance from an [54]. These families with multiple affected relatives thus
affected proband are typical characteristics of a poly- exhibited an expanded repertoire of vitiligo-associated
genic disorder, and formal genetic segregation analy- autoimmune diseases, indicating that such families seg-
ses have suggested that multiple major loci contribute regate even greater genetic susceptibility to these dis-
to vitiligo susceptibility in a complex interactive man- eases than in typical singleton patients. Generally similar
ner [61, 64, 79]. results have come from retrospective studies of vitiligo
While epidemiologic and twin studies thus indicate patients in India [37, 38] and Nigeria [67], although
that genes play an important role in disease pathogen- these studies found lower frequencies of some vitiligo-
esis, non-genetic factors must also be very important, associated autoimmune diseases, most likely due to
perhaps even more important than genes. Identical under-diagnosis in these populations. Together, these
twins share all of their genes identically, and the lim- studies indicate that pathologic variants in specific genes
ited twin concordance and delayed disease onset indi- predispose to a specific subset of autoimmune diseases
cate that non-genetic, presumably environmental that includes generalized vitiligo, autoimmune thyroid
factors must also play a major role in determining the disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, adult-onset auto-
occurrence of vitiligo. Unfortunately, though many immune diabetes mellitus, pernicious anaemia, systemic
different environmental risk factors for generalized lupus erythematosus, and Addisons disease. Several of
vitiligo have been proposed, epidemiologic data, that these broad-spectrum autoimmunity genes have now
definitively supporting the involvement of any of these been identified.
2.2.1 Genetics 157
Table Genes and genomic regions suggested for involvement in vitiligo
Chromosome Gene or locus Method Comments
1p36 Linkage Chinese
1p31.3-p32.2 AIS1 (FOXD3?) Linkage, positional Rare autosomal dominant; atypical
cloning, sequencing vitiligo phenotype, autoimmunity-
1p13 PTPN22 Association Confirmed; associated with many
autoimmune disorders
1q31-q32 IL10 Association
2p21 VIT1 (FBXO11) Expression analysis No evidence causally involved in vitiligo
2q33 CTLA4 Association Data conflicting
3p21.3 GPX1 Association
3p14.1-p12.3 MITF Linkage Candidate gene; no evidence for linkage
6p21.3 TNFA Association No association
6p21.3 MHC (HLA-DRB1, Association, linkage Associated with many autoimmune
HLA-DRB4, disorders
6p21.3 (within MHC) LMP/TAP Association
6p21-p22 Linkage Chinese
6q24-q25 Linkage Chinese
6q25.1 ESR Association
7 AIS2 Linkage, association Autoimmunity-associated; Caucasians
8 AIS3 Linkage Caucasians
10q11.2-q21 MBL2 Association
11p13 CAT Association Now considered invalid
12q12-q14 VDR Association
12q13 MYG1 Expression analysis
12q14 IFNG Association No association with VKH disease
14q12-q13 Linkage Chinese
14q22.1-q22.2 GCH1 Association, sequencing Now considered invalid
16q24.3 MC1R Association No association
17p13 NALP1 (SLEV1) Linkage, association Confirmed; autoimmunity-associated
17q23 ACE Association Data conflicting
20q11.2 ASIP Association No association
21q22.3 AIRE Linkage, sequencing, Causes autosomal recessive APECED
association syndrome (can include vitiligo); no
association with typical generalized
22q11.2 Linkage Chinese
22q12 COMT Association
158 R. Spritz
perhaps be in linkage disequilibrium with true patho- generalized vitiligo families, the MHC class II haplo-
logical variants. The candidate gene approach obviously type HLA DRB1A *04-(DQA1*0302)-DQB1*0301 is
is limited to testing hypotheses involving already known associated with both increased risk of vitiligo and with
biological candidate genes; it cannot discover novel relatively early disease onset [28], and in Han Chinese,
genes or pathways. The most commonly used study the MHC haplotype HLA A25-Cw*0602-DQA1*0302
design is the casecontrol analysis, in which allele or is associated with generalized vitiligo [59]. Genetic
genotype frequencies are measured in a collection of association has also been reported between generalized
ethnically matched unrelated cases vs. ethnically vitiligo and genes of the LMP/TAP gene region of the
matched unrelated controls. While the casecontrol MHC [19], although the significance of this is still
study design seems simple, it can be used to study sin- unclear. Genetic associations of vitiligo with alleles of
gleton patients who represent the majority of cases, and MHC loci appear to be the strongest in patients and
can detect genetic signals that exert relatively small families with various vitiligo-associated autoimmune
effects. This study design is unfortunately, highly sub- diseases, vs. in patients and families with only general-
ject to false-positive errors due to inadequate ethnic ized vitiligo. Many of these non-vitiligo autoimmune
matching of cases vs. controls, and population admix- diseases are themselves associated with variation in the
ture stratification. Retrospective analysis of published MHC, and it remains uncertain whether these reported
genetic associations has shown that the great majority vitiligo-MHC associations are primary or actually are
represent false-positives, with bias towards publishing indirect, due to primary genetic association of the MHC
apparently positive results [40]. Family-based associa- with these other diseases. Indeed, genome-wide genetic
tion study designs are generally more robust as they are linkage analyses of vitiligo have shown no apparent
not subject to these errors, but require collection and linkage signal at the MHC in Caucasians, although a
analysis of families and thus are more difficult and more minor linkage signal in this region of chromosome 6 has
expensive, and so are less often undertaken. Surprisingly, been reported in Han Chinese [20, 58].
many published genetic association studies of vitiligo Casecontrol studies have led to reports of the asso-
fail to include appropriate multiple-testing correction, ciation of generalized vitiligo with several other candi-
and so, many of those studies reporting statistically mar- date genes thought to be involved in autoimmunity,
ginal associations unfortunately, are probably spurious. including CTLA4 [5, 43, 50] PTPN22 [16], MBL2 [66],
Similarly, most published, negative genetic association and IL10 [1]. Variations in CTLA4 and PTPN22 have
studies fail to consider the statistical power of the analy- been implicated in a number of other autoimmune dis-
sis to detect a genetic effect of a given magnitude, which eases, and these genes may, like HLA, function as gen-
must be considered in evaluating a negative result. eral autoimmunity susceptibility loci [14, 33, 84].
The earliest genetic studies of vitiligo were case MBL2 may participate in the innate immune response
control genetic association analyses of the major histo- to bacterial infections, which, as discussed below, is
compatibility complex (MHC), carried out by typing implicated in the pathogenesis of vitiligo by other stud-
various MHC markers in patients with various different ies. IL10, encoding interleukin-10, may also be involved
vitiligo phenotypes vs. controls, from many different in immune response to bacterial pathogens, and has
populations [6, 7, 30, 31, 59, 68, 71, 81, 85, 87]. In gen- been associated with susceptibility to many other auto-
eral, these studies have found no consistent association immune diseases. Association of generalized vitiligo
between the occurrence of vitiligo and specific HLA with PTPN22 has been confirmed by multiple case
alleles. However, re-analysis of these studies as a group control and family-based studies [55, 56]; however,
showed that several found association between vitiligo family-based studies fail to support association with
and HLA-DRB4 alleles, and meta-analysis of multiple CTLA4 [56], suggesting that this reported association
studies found association of vitiligo with HLA-A2 [59]. may be spurious or driven by concomitant other auto-
Recent studies that utilized more robust family-based immune diseases, rather than by vitiligo itself [13].
association methods found genetic association between Genetic associations between vitiligo and a number of
generalized vitiligo and HLA-DRB4*0101 and HLA- other candidate genes have also been reported, almost all
DQB1*0303 in Dutch patients [87], with HLA-DRB1*03, based solely on a small number of casecontrol studies;
DRB1*04 and HLA-DRB1*07 alleles in Turkish patients these, therefore, must be considered as merely sugges-
[81], and with alleles of microsatellites located in the tive. A reported association between vitiligo/DOPA-
MHC in Columbian patients [7]. In Caucasian multiplex responsive dystonia and the GTP-cyclohydrolase (GCH1)
2.2.1 Genetics 159
gene [26] was subsequently shown to probably be spuri- findings are not limited by what is known (or believed),
ous [8]. Likewise, reported genetic association between and the genome-wide approach therefore offers the
vitiligo and the catalase (CAT) gene [18] was not con- possibility of discovering entirely new disease suscep-
firmed by subsequent studies [32, 69, 74]. Similarly, tibility genes, that highlight new pathways to the
reported association between vitiligo and variation in the disease.
gene encoding angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) There are two quite different genome-wide
[44] was not confirmed in another study [2], albeit of approaches to disease gene identification. Genetic link-
patients from a different population. Genetic associa- age studies can be used to scan the genome for chromo-
tions have also been reported between vitiligo and the somal regions that non-randomly co-segregate with
genes encoding the estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) [45], vitiligo in families in which multiple relatives are
catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) [83], the vitamin affected by vitiligo. Such multiplex families are not
D receptor (VDR) [11] and glutathione peroxidase common, and the genetic underpinnings of vitiligo in
(GPX1) [74]. These claimed associations have not yet multiplex families may not be the same as in the pre-
been tested by replication studies, and several are based dominant singleton cases. In general, linkage studies
on marginally significant results and seem to be of uncer- are best able to detect loci that exert major effects but
tain validity. perhaps involve uncommon risk alleles. Genome-wide
Several negative studies involving potential vitiligo association studies constitute a powerful new approach,
candidate genes have also been reported. Mutations in in which allele or genotype frequencies at hundreds of
the AIRE locus result in an autosomal recessive multi- thousands of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
ple autoimmune disease syndrome (APECED, autoim- distributed across the genome are simultaneously com-
mune polyendocrine syndrome type 1) that can include pared in large collections of cases vs. controls. This
generalized vitiligo. However, while AIRE is located approach has not yet been applied to study the genetics
within a minor vitiligo linkage peak on chromosome of vitiligo, although it is likely in the near future.
21q, a large, family-based association study of AIRE in The first genome-wide findings relevant to vitiligo
families with generalized vitiligo and other autoim- were indirect, showing genetic linkage between a locus
mune diseases, showed no evidence of association [47]. on chromosome 17p13, called SLEV1, and systemic
Likewise, variation in the TNFA [86], MC1R [63, 80], lupus erythematosus in multiplex lupus families that
and ASIP [63] genes showed no association with viti- included at least one relative with vitiligo [65]. The first
ligo. Another negative study specifically tested for genome-wide linkage analysis of vitiligo per se investi-
genetic linkage to MITF in families with multiple cases gated a unique, very large, multi-generation family in
of vitiligo [82]. Finally, another study found no asso- which generalized vitiligo and other autoimmune dis-
ciation of the IFNG gene in Japanese patients with eases were inherited as an apparent autosomal domi-
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease [41] (Chap. 1.3.7), a nant trait with incomplete penetrance. Vitiligo in this
multi-system syndrome that includes panuveitis, head- family was mapped to a locus termed AIS1, located in
ache, pleocytosis of the cerebrospinal fluid, alopecia, chromosome segment 1p31.3-p32.2, whereas suscepti-
poliosis, and vitiligo. As noted above, an important bility to other autoimmune diseases in the context of a
consideration in evaluating any such negative study is co-inherited AIS1 mutation was mapped to a region of
the magnitude of genetic effect that might have been chromosome 6 that included the MHC [3]. Detailed
detectable, given the statistical power of the study. studies of genes in the AIS1 region of chromosome 1p
in this family identified a promoter variant in FOXD3,
which encodes an embryonic transcription factor that
regulates differentiation and development of neural
The Genome-Wide Approach crest melanoblasts and some mesodermal elements,
including pancreatic islet cells. The promoter variant in
Whereas candidate gene studies are limited to testing this family increases transcriptional activity in trans-
hypotheses based on known biology, the genome-wide fected permissive cells by 50%, and in vivo might thus
approach scans the entire genome to identify genetic interfere with melanoblast/melanocyte differentiation
markers that flag genomic regions that may contain or survival, somehow predisposing to vitiligo [5].
disease susceptibility genes. Because this approach is Interestingly, the generalized vitiligo phenotype in this
based on genomic position rather than known biology, family is somewhat unusual, consisting of progressively
160 R. Spritz
coalescent skin mottling. Other generalized vitiligo Genetic association between NALP1 and vitiligo was
patients do not appear to have mutations of FOXD3, subsequently confirmed in an independent casecon-
and other families do not show linkage to the AIS1 trol study of generalized vitiligo patients from north-
region of chromosome 1p. western Romania [46]. NALP1 encodes a key
Genome-wide linkage analyses of smaller multi- regulator of the innate immune system that is part of
plex families with more typical generalized vitiligo the surveillance system of Langerhans cells and
have yielded a number of additional linkage signals T-cells. In response to binding of bacterial patho-
that may reflect additional disease susceptibility genes gen-associated molecular patterns, possibly includ-
(Table In Caucasians, significant vitiligo link- ing muramyl dipeptide [29], NALP1 is thought to
age signals have been detected on chromosomes 7 direct the assembly of a NALP1-inflammasome
(AIS2), 8 (AIS3), and 17p (SLEV1), with indications of that activates the interleukin-1b and perhaps other
additional suggestive linkage signals on several other inflammatory pathways [15], thereby recruiting a
chromosomes [27, 77]. The chromosome 7 and 17p subsequent response by the adaptive immune system.
linkage signals appear to derive primarily from fami- NALP1 is also thought to stimulate cellular apopto-
lies segregating both vitiligo and other vitiligo-associ- sis, although these mechanisms remain largely unde-
ated autoimmune diseases, whereas the chromosome 8 fined [15, 34]. These findings suggest that bacterial
linkage signal derived from families segregating only components, sensed by skin-resident immune cells
vitiligo [77]. In Chinese families with generalized viti- system, might trigger the initiation of vitiligo, and
ligo, genetic linkage studies have detected an entirely that, drugs that modulate inflammatory or apoptotic
different set of linkage signals [20, 58], particularly on pathways may offer new approaches to treatment or
chromosome 4q13-q21, and also included signals at even prevention of generalized vitiligo.
1p36, 6p21-p22, 6q24-q25, 14q12-q13, and 22q12,
none of which align with the linkage signals observed
in Caucasian families, suggesting that different genes
may be involved in the pathogenesis of vitiligo in dif- The Gene Expression Approach
ferent populations around the world. In general, these
vitiligo linkage signals do not correspond to the chro- These analyses have generally attempted to identify
mosomal locations of most of the various candidate genes that are differentially over- or under-expressed in
genes that have been suggested for vitiligo, with the cultured cells or skin tissue from vitiligo patients vs.
possible exception of the MHC in 6p21-p22. controls, or from disease tissue vs. normal tissue from
The chromosome 17p vitiligo linkage signal, patients, either by testing mRNA levels of specific bio-
detected in Caucasian multiplex vitiligo families with logical candidate genes or by assaying levels of large
various other autoimmune diseases [77], coincided numbers of mRNAs in the entire cellular transcriptome.
with the location of SLEV1, a linkage signal origi- Obviously, as melanocytes are deficient in vitiligo
nally detected in multiplex lupus families that lesions, comparison of vitiligo vs. non-vitiligo skin will
included at least one case of vitiligo [65], and subse- show differences in the expression of all the genes, spe-
quently confirmed in other lupus families with vari- cifically expressed in melanocytes. Furthermore, these
ous other autoimmune diseases [49]. Taken together, studies cannot distinguish genes with primary disease-
these findings suggested that 17p harbours at least related effects from the many more genes whose
one gene that mediates susceptibility to vitiligo, expression may be dysregulated on a secondary basis,
lupus, and other autoimmune diseases. Targeted fam- or that show differential expression merely due to
ily-based association analysis of markers spanning individual variation resulting from the outbred genetic
the 17p linkage region, in the same multiplex vitiligo background among humans.
families used for linkage analyses (and subsequently Expression of a number of candidate genes, includ-
analyzed in a second, independent set of multiplex ing eight genes of the melanocortin system (POMC,
vitiligo families) identified NALP1 (also known as MC1R, MC2R, MC3R, MC4R, MC5R, ASIP, AGRP),
NLRP1, CARD7, DEFCAP, and NAC) as a major sus- TYRP1, and DCT have been assayed in lesional vs.
ceptibility gene for generalized vitiligo and the other non-lesional, skin of vitiligo patients vs. skin of controls,
autoimmune diseases associated with vitiligo [48]. using quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR [53]. While
2.2.1 Genetics 161
a number of expression differences for some of these Generalized vitiligo is epidemiologically associated
genes were observed comparing lesional skin vs. non- with several other autoimmune diseases, including
lesional skin, and non-lesional skin of patients vs. skin autoimmune thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, pso-
of controls, it is impossible to say whether any of these riasis, adult-onset autoimmune diabetes mellitus, per-
are causally related to vitiligo. nicious anaemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, and
VIT1 is a gene located at chromosome 2p21 (previ- Addisons disease. Several genes have been identified
ously assigned to 2p16), originally so-named on the that appear to mediate susceptibility to vitiligo and
basis of its reduced expression in intralesional vitiligo some of these other autoimmune diseases, including
melanocytes [57]. VIT1, now officially renamed FBXO11 loci in the MHC, PTPN22, and NALP1, and additional
appears to encode a widely expressed protein arginine vitiligo susceptibility genes will likely be identified in
methyltransferase [21], partial deficiency of which is the future. Discovery of vitiligo susceptibility genes
associated with otitis media in both humans [73] and will likely provide insights into biological pathways
mice [39], and total deficiency of which results in cleft that mediate disease pathogenesis, offering novel inter-
palate, facial clefting, and perinatal lethality in mice ventional targets for treatment and prevention in genet-
[39]. There is no evidence that FBXO11 is causally ically susceptible individuals.
involved in vitiligo, and it is likely coincidental that
mutations in an adjacent (but oppositely oriented) gene, Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants
MSH6, have recently been reported in a single patient AR45584, AI46374 and AR056292 from the National Institutes
with early-onset colorectal cancer, systemic lupus ery- of Health.
thematosus, and vitiligo [6,70].
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Section Part
2.2.2 I
Detection and Analysis
Environmental Factors
The Kobners Phenomenon
Yvon Gauthier and Laila Benzekri
Cap pressure
Shirt collar pressure Hair brushing
Hair Brushing
Washing with face flannel
Frictions with towel
Sports activities
Back of a
Hand pressure
Washing, Sports activities seat pressure (Rodins thinker pose)
Leaning on
Washing the table Shaving with
Belt Washing electric shave
Watch pressure
Hair brushing
Underclothes pressure
Occupational activities Washing
Sport activity
Sports activities Make up
Clothes friction (cycling, horse riding) Demake up
Washing Clothes pressure Make up
Clothes friction Hand pressure
Sport activity (Rodins thinker
Shoes pressure Shoes pressure Necklaces friction
Fig. (a) Heinrich Kbner (18381904) founder of the described his eponymic phenomenon in 1872 in a case of psoria-
dermatology clinic in Breslau (Germany, now Wroclaw, Poland) sis; (b) the most frequent anatomical sites of vitiligo lesions and
which was later led by the famous Neisser and Jadassohn. He the hypothetic factors susceptible to induce KP The Kobners Phenomenon 169
involved in psoriasis. This phenomenon is defined 70% [2832]. In the segmental form of vitiligo, KP
according to Beetley as a specific response to an aspe- was neither found by Koga and Tango [20], nor by
cific usually traumatic stimulus [4]. Koebners phe- Njoo et al. [27], but reported by Hann et al. [15] and
nomenon (KP) was later found in a number of Barona et al. [3] These discordant findings suggest that
dermatoses including lichen planus, vitiligo, etc. Kaposi a redefinition of KP in vitiligo is needed.
was the first to point out in 1890, that the starting point Gopinathan [14] observed depigmentation of clini-
of some vitiligo patches could be determined by local cally non-involved skin in 70% of patients with viti-
conditions, and that leukodermas could develop on sites ligo studied after performing scarification procedures.
of repeated trauma [17]. Leva [22, 23] later observed In the same way, Njoo et al. [27] have studied the inci-
in a number of patients that pressure from a sari tight- dence of the experimentally induced Koebners phe-
ened at the waist and cutaneous excoriations were fre- nomenon (Kpe) by performing an epidermodermal
quently involved in the appearance of achromic vitiligo injury on non-depigmented skin with a 2 mm punch
lesions of the trunk and abdomen. Finally, Fitzpatrick biopsy. The incidence of Kpe was compared to the
described the frequency of vitiligo lesions vulgaris at assessment of Kp by history (KPh). The patients were
sites subjected to repeated trauma such as continuous asked to recall the onset of depigmentation after burns,
pressure or repeated frictions of various origins [9]. wounds, or scratches. Kpe occurred in most patients
with non-segmental vitiligo and KP-h was less fre-
quently found. This is the likely explanation of discor-
Clinical Features dant data published earlier. The authors conclusion
was that the KPh lacks accuracy, because in many
cases patients do not recognise or notice the appear-
Aspect ance of depigmentation after a skin injury. Moreover,
it is also possible that some patients had never had a
In vitiligo, KP generates the onset of isomorphic skin trauma. So, to obtain a realistic assessment of the
depigmented lesions (Fig. Usually, these iso- incidence of KP in vitiligo, experimentally induced
morphic depigmented lesions following scratches are KP is probably needed.
easily recognisable by their artefactual or elongated
linear shape [6]. In some cases, the isomorphic
response can also take the appearance of trichrome Identication of Factors Causing KP
vitiligo [6]. In other cases, the shape of the macules
corresponds exactly to the shape of the agent in very Schematically, several kinds of precipitating factors
intimate contact with the integument (bracelets or have to be identified in vitiligo such as:
watches, fingers pads) [29, 31].
The KP following an epidermodermal injury
including scratches [14, 27, 29] (Fig.,
Incidence wounds, scars, burns, abrasion, laser, and other
types of surgical abrasion. This type of KP has been
In non-segmental vitiligo (NSV), the incidence of KP reported in the majority of cases of non-segmental
is very variable according to reports, from 15 up to vitiligo.
a b
melanocytes [1] Due to a supposed adhesion abnor- scratches in children without vitiligo could possibly
mality of melanocytes, repeated local mechanical trau- indicate a vitiligo diathesis [3]. In many cases, depig-
mas could induce melanocyte loss by means of their mentation following scratches which occur frequently
detachment and transepidermal elimination [12, 13]. in association with halo nevi are preceding the onset of
A lower secretion of keratinocyte-derived factors includ- vitiligo. They could be considered as warning signs.
ing stem-cell factor (SCF) in vitiliginous keratinocytes
could result from keratinocyte apoptosis and might be
responsible for passive melanocyte death and might thus Pathogenesis of Vitiligo
explain the KP [21]. More recently, it has been specu-
lated that inflammasome activation via an alternative The KP may be utilised to study the early changes
mechanism involving the stratum corneum chymotryp- occurring in vitiligo lesions. Unfortunately, chrono-
tic enzyme (SCCE or kallikrein 7) could take place. logical histological studies of the KP are lacking [14].
Mechanical traumas might activate this proteolytic
enzyme and IL1 beta-driven microinflammation could
destabilise the anchoring system of basal melanocytes [18]. Identication of Disease Characteristics
In normal skin, after 72 h a minor trauma (tape strip- that Help Predicting the Outcome of Therapies
ping) is able to induce the formation of autophagic vac-
uoles containing polymelanosomes and the detachment Do the patients with a positive KP have a different
of few melanocytes from the basement membrane [25]. prognosis than those with a negative KP? According
The KP generated by minor trauma may represent an to Njoo et al. [27], experimentally induced KP could
example of such vulnerability. not predict the outcome of UV-B (311 nm) photother-
apy. This suggests that patients both in active or sta-
ble stages of the disease may respond equally well to
The KP in the Vitiligo Clinic UV-B therapy.
Before melanocyte transplantation, a minigraft
The KP is not exclusively a vitiligo associated skin test is frequently performed. It is important to assess
manifestation as mentioned in most textbooks. The the absence of koebnerisation at the donor site. For
observation and the study of KP on the skin of patients some authors, koebnerisation at the donor site could
with vitiligo could give valuable indications which are be a contraindication to surgical treatment [16].
detailed here. However, Mulekar reported recently a good repig-
mentation at recipient areas coexisting with a depig-
mentation at the donor site. For this author, the degree
Disease Activity Assessment and depth of skin trauma may be greater at the donor
site and could induce more easily the KP locally than
It is very difficult to evaluate if vitiligo is active or sta- on recipient site [26]. In our experience, the most
ble. Many approaches have been reported. According important recommendation is to avoid during at least
to Moellmann et al. [24] unstable vitiligo is the clini- six months strong mechanical traumas on the grafted
cal stage when lesions are enlarging over a period of area, which may be responsible for the recurrence of
6 weeks. Stable vitiligo is defined by Falabella et al. the depigmentation.
[8] as a condition that has not been progressing for at
least 2 years. The use of experimentally induced KP
associated with the establishment of a clinical score Prevention of Onset of New Lesions
would be a powerful tool to assess disease activity. and Improvement of Repigmentation
of developing further vitiligo at treatment sites. Along 10. Gauthier Y (1995) The importance of Koebners phenome-
the same line, the removal of all factors (i.e. strong non in the induction of vitiligo vulgaris lesions. Eur
J Dermatol 5:704708
frictions, continuous pressure) which can lead to KP 11. Gauthier Y, Bazeille J-E (1992) Autologous grafting with
may prevent the appearance of unsightly achromic non cultured melanocytes: a simplified method for treat-
lesions on exposed areas of vitiligo patients [10]. ment of depigmented lesions. J Am Acad Dermatol 26:
Usually, when the mechanical factor is removed, the 191194
12. Gauthier Y, Cario-Andr M, Lepreux S et al (2003)
skin can repigment more easily if the local melanocyte Melanocyte detachment after skin friction in non lesional
loss is only partial. skin of patients with generalized vitiligo. Br J Dermatol
13. Gauthier Y, Cario-Andr M, Taieb A (2003) A critical
appraisal of vitiligo etiologic theories. Is melanocyte loss a
Concluding Remarks melanocytorrhagy? Pigment Cell Res 16:322327
14. Gopinathan T (1965) A study of the lesion of vitiligo. Arch
Dermatol 91:397404
The human skin is exposed daily to many environmen- 15. Hann SK, Chun WH, Park YK (1997) Clinical charasteris-
tics of progressive vitiligo. Int J Dermatol 36:353355
tal factors. Among these, the noxious influence of UV
16. Hatchome N, Kato T, Tagami H (1990) Therapeutic success
irradiation on the skin has been largely investigated, of epidermal grafting in generalized vitiligo is limited by
but the importance of mechanical trauma has been the Koebners phenomenon. J Am Acad Dermatol 22 :
neglected. The KP had to be considered not exclusively 8791
17. Kaposi M (1891) Pathologie et traitement des maladies de la
as an associated skin manifestation of vitiligo and
peau.Traduction Doyon and Besnier, Masson, France, pp
other cutaneous diseases, but as a fascinating process 105110
able to give the physician any information about the 18. Jin Y, Mailloux C, Gowan K et al (2007) NALP1 in vitiligo-
pathogenesis and cause of skin disorders. associated multiple autoimmune disease. N Engl J Med
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References A and type B vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 118:223228
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derived factors related to more keratinocyte apoptosis in
1. AlAbadie MS, Senior HJ, Bleehen SS et al (1994) depigmented than normally pigmented suction-blistered epi-
Neuropeptide and neuronal marker studies in vitiligo. Br dermis may cause passive melanocyte death in vitiligo.
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demiologic case-control study in a population with vitiligo. 23. Leva M (1958) The relation ship of pruritus and local skin
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1:279287 Extracellular granular material and degeneration of kerati-
5. Bleehen SS, Hall-Smith P (1970) Brassiere depigmentation: nocytes in the normally pigmented epidermis with vitiligo.
light and electron microscope studies Br J Dermatol J Invest Dermatol 79:321330
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vitiligo; a variant of Fitzpatricks trichrome vitiligo. Arch 104:611618
Dermatol Res 262:197203 26. Mulekar S (2007) Koebners phenomenon in vitiligo: not
7. Eyre RW, Krueger GG (1982) Response to injury of skin always an indication of surgical failure. Arch Dermatol
involved and uninvolved with psoriasis and its relation to 143:801802
disease activity: Koebner and reverse Koebner reactions. Br 27. Njoo MD, Das PK, Bos JD et al (1999) Association of the
J Dermatol 106:153159 Koebners phenomenon with disease activity and therapeutic
8. Falabella R, Arunategui A, Barona MI et al (1995) The responsiveness in vitiligo vulgaris. Arch Dermatol 135:
minigrafting test for vitiligo detection of stable lesions for 407413
melanocyte transplantation. J Am Acad Dermatol 32: 28. Ormsby OS, Montgomery H (1948) Koebners phenomenon
228232 in dermatology: a study and report of some unusual stigmata
9. Fitzpatrick TB (1971) Vitiligo. Dermatology in general of this phenomenon. Lea and Febrigerm Philadelphia,
Medicine. Mc Graw Hill, New York, pp 15961600 pp 306 The Kobners Phenomenon 173
29. Ortonne JP (1983) Vitiligo. In: Ortonne JP (ed) Vitiligo and 31. Seif El-Nas RH, El-Hefnawi H (1963) Koebners phenome-
other hypomelanosis of hair and skin. Plenum, New York, non in dermatology: a study and report of some unusual stig-
pp 163310 mata of this phenomenon. J Egypt Med Assoc 46:
30. Schallreuter KU, Lemke R, Brandt Owesthofen M et al 1067108
(1994) Vitiligo and other diseases: coexistence or true asso- 32. Sweet RD (1978) Vitiligo as Koebners phenomenon.
ciation? Dermatology 188:268275 Br J Dermatol 99:223224
Occupational Vitiligo
Raymond E. Boissy
a b
c d
Fig. Local contact depigmentation (Stage I) after use of Depigmentation 3 months after patch testing (c, d) (courtesy Luis
a resin of p-tert-butylphenol in a leather goods worker (a). The Conde Salazar, Madrid)
resin (b) is used as an adhesive for making purses or shoes.
like syndrome, while other exposed individuals require cytotoxic action of these phenolic/catecholic agents. A
years of exposure to develop pigment loss [33]. Exposure list of sites where one of these phenolic/catecholic
to hair dyes containing para-phenylene diamine and derivatives, tertiary butyl phenol (TBP), can be found is
benzyl alcohol [3, 45], footwear and other clothing arti- provided in Table, as an example of how wide-
cles containing azo dyes [1, 4, 37], or compounded phe- spread these toxic compounds are.
nol cream [17] have also been correlated with the
development of vitiligo in some individuals. All these
above observations suggest that there is a genetic vari- Non-Cutaneous Effects
ability in the response to these environmental contami-
nants. In addition, this suggests that melanocytes in Exposure to certain phenols and catechols can affect
vitiligo patients are genetically susceptible to the other tissues and induce other diseases in addition to
178 R. E. Boissy
Table Sources of phenolic/catecholid derivatives TBP [26]. Transfection of normal Tyrp1 and mutant
Working area Home area Tyrp1 into Tyrp-1 deficient melanocytes will elevate or
Synthetic oils Varnish and lacquer resins not affect, respectively, the melanocytes susceptibility
Rubber antioxidants Valve plants to TBP [25]. We propose that Tyrp1 catalyzes the con-
Printing ink Soap antioxidants
version of phenols and catechols into their quinone/
Plasticizers Insecticides
Photographic chemicals Germicidal detergents
indole intermediates that induce oxidative stress thus
Paints Disinfectants mediating cytotoxicity.
Motor oil additives Deodorants
Latex gloves
Formaldehyde resins Quinones and Link
Duplicating paper
De-emulsifiers for oil field use with Oxidative Damage
Quinones are a ubiquitous class of compounds that can
affecting the skin and causing occupational/contact in turn undergo enzymatic and nonenzymatic redox
leukoderma. Specifically TBP has produced hepatos- cycling with their corresponding semiquinone radical
plenopathy and diffuse thyroid enlargement among and as a result generate superoxide anion radicals
workers [40]. Abnormal liver function tests were also [30, 32, 38]. The subsequent enzymatic or spontaneous
demonstrated among individuals with severe TBP dismutation of these superoxide anion radicals gives
induced leukoderma [19]. rise to hydrogen peroxide that reacts with trace amounts
of iron or other transitional metals to form cellular
hydroxyl radicals. The hydroxyl radicals are powerful
oxidising agents that are responsible for damage to
Mode of Action of Phenols/Catechols essential protein, lipid, carbohydrate, and DNA macro-
molecules. For example, oxidation of cysteine residues
The mode of action of these compounds on the mel- in proteins leads to disulfide bond formation that can
anocyte has been suggested. Phenols and catechols are dramatically alter protein structure and function.
molecules structurally similar to tyrosine, the substrate Hydroxyl radicals also can catalyze oxidation of lipids,
for tyrosinase that initiates the biochemical pathway generating lipid hydroperoxides that can lead to forma-
for melanin synthesis [22]. It has been proposed that tion of lipid peroxide-derived malondialdehyde DNA
derivatives of these compounds compete with tyrosine adducts [28]. Ultimately, the molecular and cellular
for hydroxylation by tyrosinase and interfere with the damage caused by the aberrantly generated plethora of
completion of melanin synthesis [20, 29]. How this reactive oxygen species (ROS) results in programmed
subsequently induces cell death/apoptosis is uncertain. cell death, apoptosis [44]. It has recently been demon-
However, semiquinone-free radicals generated by the strated that vitiligo melanocytes exhibit (1) more ROS,
catalytic action of tyrosinase on these phenolic/cate- (2) membrane peroxidation, (3) impaired mitochon-
cholic derivatives and their induction of cell death drial electron transport chain 1, and (4) more readily
through peroxidation of its lipoprotein membranes induced apoptosis, all characteristics of cells suscepti-
has been proposed for the melanocyte [14], as well as ble to death by oxidative stress [11].
other model systems [16, 27, 31]. We have recently
demonstrated that tyrosinase does not clearly mediate
the cytotoxic action of TBP. Melanocytes cultured
from individuals varying tenfold in tyrosinase activity
levels demonstrate similar dose-dependent sensitivity
to TBP [46]. In addition, melanocytes cultured from an Pertaining to occupational/contact Vitiligo, a recent
individual with oculocutaneous albinism Type 1 prospective study was performed on 864 cases of indi-
expressing null mutations in the gene encoding tyrosi- viduals with chemical leukoderma by Ghosh and
nase exhibit similar sensitivities to TBP as normal mel- Mukhopadhyay [15]. This study demonstrated that
anocytes [46]. Recent evidence suggests that tyrosinase 31% of affected individuals presented with solitary
related protein-1 (Tyrp-1) may mediate the action of depigmented macules where multiple patches occurred Occupational Vitiligo 179
in 69% of the cases. In addition, patches were limited and current industrial exposure limits. Am Industr Hyg
to the site of exposure in 74% of the cases, whereas Assoc J 37:596606
13. Gellin GA, Possick PA, Perone VB (1970) Depigmentation
patches developed in remote areas in 26% of cases. from 4-tertiary butyl catechol an experimental study.
In regard to therapeutic response, it was demonstrated J Invest Dermatol 55:190197
that repigmentation was more commonly seen in chem- 14. Gellin GA, Maibach HI, Misiaszek MH (1979) Detection of
ical leukoderma cases not associated with pre-existing environmental depigmenting substances. Contact Dermatitis
vitiligo than in individuals who exhibit pre-existing 15. Ghosh S, Mukhopadhyay S (2008) Chemical leukoderma:
vitiligo. These authors also presented a staging formula clinico-etiological study of 864 cases in perspective of
for chemical leukoderma syndrome (CLS) [15]. In developing country. Br J Dermatol 160:4047
this formula, Stage I represents chemical leukoderma 16. Halliwell B, Chirico S (1993) Lipid peroxidation: its mecha-
nism, measurement, and significance. Am J Clin Nutr
only at the site of contact, Stage II represents local 57(Suppl 5):715S725S
spread of chemical leukoderma through lymphatics 17. Hernandez C, Reddy SG, Le Poole C (2008) Contact leuko-
beyond the site of contact, Stage III represents dis- derma after application of a compounded phenol cream. Eur
tant spread of chemical leukoderma through hematog- J Dermatol
18. Ito Y, Jimbow K, Ito S (1987) Depigmentation of black
enous spread beyond the site of contact, and Stage guinea pig skin by topical application of cysteaminylphenol,
IV represents distant spread of vitiligo-like patches cysteinylphenol, and related compounds. J Invest Dermatol
even after a year of strictly withheld exposure to 88:7782
offending chemical. This staging system seems very 19. James O, Mayes RW, Stevenson CJ (1977) Occupational
vitiligo induced by p-tert-butylphenol: a systemic disease?
appropriate for occupational/contact Vitiligo. Lancet 2:12171219
20. Jimbow K, Obata H, Pathak MA et al (1974) Mechanism of
depigmentation by hydroquinone. J Invest Dermatol 62:
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gent germicides. Arch Dermatol 102:177187
22. Lerner AB (1971) On the etiology of vitiligo and grey hair.
1. Bajaj A, Gupta S, Chatterjee A (1996) Footwear depigmen- Am J Med 51:141147
tation. Contact Dermatitis 35:117118 23. Levin CY, Maibach H (2001) Exogenous ochronosis. An
2. Bajaj AK, Gupta SC, Chatterjee AK (1990) Contact depig- update on clinical features, causative agents and treatment
mentation from free para-tertiary-butylphenol in bindi adhe- options. Clin Dermatol 2:213217
sive. Contact Dermatitis 22:99102 24. Malten KE, Seutter E, Hara I et al (1971) Occupational viti-
3. Bajaj AK, Gupta SC, Chatterjee AK et al (1996) Hair dye ligo due to paratertiary butylphenol and homologues. Trans
depigmentation. Contact Dermatitis 35:5657 St Johns Hosp Dermatol Soc 57:115134
4. Bajaj AK, Pandey RK, Misra K et al (1998) Contact depig- 25. Manga P, Sheyn D, Sarangarajan R et al (2005) The
mentation caused by an azo dye in alta. Contact Dermatitis microphthalmia-associated transcription factor and tyrosi-
38(4):189193 nase related-protein 1 play a role in melanocyte response to
5. Bickley LK, Papa CM (1989) Chronic arsenicism with viti- 4-tertiary butyl phenol. J Invest Dermatol
ligo, hyperthyroidism, and cancer. N J Med 86(5):377380 26. Manga P, Sheyn D, Yang F et al (2006) A role for tyrosinase
6. Bleehen SS, Pathak MA, Hori Y et al (1968) Depigmentation related-protein 1 in 4-tert-butylphenol-induced toxicity in
of skin with 4-isopropylcatechol, mercaptoamines and other melanocytes. Implications for vitiligo. Am J Pathol 169(5):
compounds. J Invest Dermatol 50:103117 16521662
7. Boissy RE, Nordlund JJ (1995) Biology of vitiligo. In: Arndt 27. Mans DR, Lafleur MV, Westmijze EJ et al (1992) Reactions
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8. Boissy RE, Manga P (2004) On the etiology of contact/ 28. Marnett LJ (1999) Lipid peroxidation-DNA damage by
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9. Chumakov NN, Babanov GP, Smirnov AG (1962) Vitiliginoid 29. McGuire J, Hinders J (1971) Biochemical basis for depig-
dermatoses in workers of phenol-formaldehyde resin works. mentation of skin by phenol germicides. J Invest Dermatol
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10. Cummings MP, Nordlund JJ (1995) Chemical leukoderma: 30. Monks TJ, Hanzlik RP, Cohen GM et al (1992) Contemporary
fact or fancy. Am J Contact Dermatitis 6:122127 issues in toxicology. Quinone chemistry and toxicity. Toxicol
11. DellAnna ML, Ottaviani M, Albanesi V et al (2007) Appl Pharmacol 112:216
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33. OMalley MA, Mathias CG, Priddy M et al (1988) 41. Selvaag E (1996) Chloroquine-induced vitiligo. A case
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In Vivo Data
assessment without objective measurements leads to redrawing the contours with a pen. In order to estimate
incorrect evaluations [13, 44, 75]. the number of points, a transparent sheet that has points
In order to address these problems, the Vitiligo (+) printed on it is randomly superimposed on lesion
European Task Force (VETF) was founded in 2003 projection area. The numbers of intersections hitting
during the ESPCR meeting in Ghent with three initial the area of interest are counted. The total area of each
goals: (a) the proposal of a consensus definition of the lesion is estimated by multiplying the representative
disease; (b) the design of biometric tools to assess dis- area of a point on grid by total number of points
ease severity/stability; and if possible (c) the deriva- counted for the lesion (Fig. The reliability of
tion of a consensus scoring system [60]. the point-counting method has been tested against
image analysis [5, 36].
The VASI, is a standardised and sensitive method to Currently, a wide range of techniques is available to
measure extent and percentage of de/repigmentation, aid the diagnosis and assessment of pigmentary disor-
and it is easy to perform [29]. ders even if few studies so far include vitiligo. Two
The body of the patient is divided into five sepa- types of methods can be identified. The first is a mac-
rate and mutually exclusive regions: hands, upper roscopic morphological measurement to study the skin
extremities (excluding hands), trunk, lower extremi- pigmentation as a whole that includes: visual assess-
ties (excluding the feet), and feet. The axillary and ment, photography under natural light or ultraviolet
inguinal regions are included with the upper and lower (UV), photography with computerised image analysis,
extremities, respectively, while the buttocks are tristimulus colorimetry, or spectrophotometry. The
included in the lower extremities. The face and neck second is a non-invasive micromorphological method
areas can be assessed separately, but are not included characterised by an accurate measure of hue and
in the overall evaluation. Then, by using the assump- chroma of the substructures of the pigmented lesions
tion that one-hand unit (the palm plus the volar surface and includes confocal laser microscopy [1, 19], a non-
of all the fingers) is equivalent to approximately 1% of invasive in vivo technique, with a resolution close to
the body surface, the physician determines how much conventional microscopy.
of the skin is affected at the baseline in each body
region. Depigmentation within each area is estimated
to the nearest of 1 of the following percentages: 0, 10, Macroscopic Morphological
25, 50, 75, 90, or 100%. Measurements
For each body region, the VASI is determined by
the product of the area of vitiligo in hand units (which Photography
is set at 1% per unit) and the extent of depigmentation
within each hand unit-measured patch (possible values Illustrative documentation of dermatological condi-
of 0, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90 or 100%). The VASI applied to tions has been an established practice in dermatology
the whole body is then calculated using the following throughout the centuries. Photographs can tell us a
formula that considers the contributions of all body great deal about the patients conditions at an instant in
regions (possible range 0100): VASI = (all body size) time, and serial photographs taken over a period can
(hand units) x (depigmentation). tell about the progress of the disease or the response to
It could be argued that the VASI has a subjective treatment [3, 43]. However, in low-pigment Caucasian
component, because it involves the physician decid- patients, conventional photography fails to document
ing the amount of pigmentation and the area of adequately pigment changes induced by vitiligo. Thus,
involvement. all patients with vitiligo of lower phototypes should
A more objective technique might involve the use be examined under both visible and Woods light
of standardised grids to measure areas marked out on (Chap. 1.2.1). Woods lamp enhances the contrast
the skin as is done with the ADASI score (atopic der- between skin with little or no pigment and skin with
matitis area and severity index) in Atopic dermatitis, excessive quantities of melanin.
which however has not gained much popularity [6].
Woods Light
Skin Colour Measurements
and Monitoring of Lesions Woods lamp was invented in 1903 by a Baltimore
physicist, Robert W. Wood (18681955) [76]. Woods
In dermatological practice and clinical research, visual light is produced by using a filter opaque to all radia-
cues are of primary importance for the accurate diag- tion except that which has a wavelength between 320
nosis and grading of skin lesions. The natural course of and 400 nm, in the UV range, with a peak at 365 nm
vitiligo can exhibit flares, remissions, and spontaneous (Fig. [4, 45]. The UV radiation penetrates the
repigmentation, its therapy takes months and the clinical epidermis, where it is attenuated by melanin, and on
follow-up is difficult. For these reasons objective, non- entering the dermis it stimulates fluorescence emission
invasive investigations for skin colour measurements by collagen bundles. Part of the emitted fluorescence is
and monitoring are needed. directed towards the surface of the skin, but attenuated
186 M. Ardig et al.
by haemoglobin in capillaries and epidermal melanin. amelanotic patches is enhanced by the intraepidermal
In particular, fluorescence in tissues occurs when light accumulation of biopterins [54].
of shorter wavelengths, in this case 340400 nm, (as The cutaneous lesions that possess an increased
initially emitted by Woods light) is absorbed, and concentration of epidermal melanin will appear darker
radiation of longer wavelengths, usually in visible by contrast against the surrounding normal skin and
light, is emitted (Fig. [33]. In vitiligo it has lesions possessing decreased melanin will appear
been further suggested that the fluorescence of the brighter because the UV light is not absorbed in the
c L*
100= white
340-380 nm
stratum corneum
melanin granules
(blue) b* + a* (red)
dermis Elastin
Artero-venular capillaries
0= black
b Incident radiation
Reflectance (5%)
Epidermal remittance
Dermal remittance
stratum corneum
scattering melanin granules
epidermis Epidermal absorption
dermis scattering
Dermal absorption Elastin
Artero-venular capillaries
Fig. (a) Fluorescence in tissues occurs when light of out of the skin or gets attenuated by skin chromophores (oxyhae-
shorter wavelengths, in this case 340400 nm emitted by Woods moglobin, deoxy-haemoglobin and melanin granules); (c) The
light is absorbed, and radiation of longer wavelengths, usually in vertical dimension L* indicates light intensity or luminance and
visible light, is emitted. In particular the UVA radiation, that is takes values from 0 (black) to 100 (white); in each horizontal
not absorbed by melanin, enter the dermis where induces the plane, the hue is defined by its coordinates on two perpendicular
collagen and elastin cross-links to produce fluorescence. The axes: a* indicates the colour of the object on scale that goes from
light emitted, even if absorbed by the epidermal melanin, exits green (negative values) to red (positive values) and b* indicates
the skin and will reach the eye of the observer; (b) When light the colour of the object on a scale that goes from blue (negative
impinges on the skin, about 48% of the incident radiation is values) to yellow (positive values). Axes a* and b* cross the L*
reflected off the surface. Most of the incident light enters the first axis at their zero values thus defining the coordinates of a chosen
layers of the skin and follows a tortuous path until it exits back colour considering its hue and purity or saturation Non-Invasive Methods for Vitiligo Evaluation 187
epidermis, but reflected. On the contrary, variations in The results of Woods light examination can be
dermal pigmentation are less apparent under Woods recorded through UV photography (see later).
lamp than under visible light, because dermal mela-
nins do not affect the amount of light observed [25]. Visible Light Photography
Ideally, the lamp should be allowed to warm up for
about 1 min and the examination should be performed in Conventional visible light photography using standard
a very dark room, with black occlusive shades or without 35 mm film has long been the favoured method of
windows. It is also essential for the examiner to become recording images of the skin both for the purpose of
adapted to the darkness to improve contrast viewing. medical record keeping and education as well.
This procedure enhances variation of epidermal pigmen- Measurements are valid only upon constant lighting
tation not apparent under visible light and improves the (controlled light intensity, diffused light to avoid reflec-
assessment of the extent of pigment abnormalities. tion, unchanged distance between skin and light source,
The greater the loss of epidermal pigmentation is, and skin surface orientation). However, storage of a
the more marked the contrast on Woods light exami- large number of photographic prints can become a
nation. This explains why vitiligo patches which are problem over time. Under visible light in vitiligo patients
completely devoid of melanins are so apparent even in anyhow, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between
fair-skinned individuals when examined under Woods hypomelanosis and amelanosis on very fair-skin type
light (Fig. [4, 44, 45]. patients (Type I or II) or in children [28, 58].
188 M. Ardig et al.
Fig. Photographic documentation of narrow band UVB therapy in a child. (a) Before treatment. (b) After treatment
Ultraviolet Light Photography Reflectance spectroscopy has been in use for more
than 50 years for the objective measurement of skin
UV-light photography is based on the principle of UV colour. It is based on different approaches to the analy-
rays being more selectively absorbed by melanin in the sis of light reflected by the skin [63]. A number of
epidermis as compared with visible light. The skin is instrumental methods have been used to evaluate skin
photographed after illumination with UVA radiation, pigmentation/depigmentation as early as the 1920s
which causes visible fluorescence (Fig. The and 1930s, when it was recognised that the more mel-
resulting photograph show collagen fluorescence areas anin present, the lower the percentage of light reflected
as light areas and melanin pigmentation as dark spots; from the surface of the skin and the lower the bril-
so it displays areas of hyperpigmentation with much liance [11, 20, 59].
greater clarity than visible light photography. There are The colour of the skin depends mainly on its pig-
two ways to use UV radiation to take photographs: UV ment content, on the spectrum of the illuminating light,
fluorescence and reflected UV photography [3, 64, 73]. and on the quality of its surface. When light impinges
In the case of the UV fluorescence technique, a source on the skin, about 48% of the incident radiation is
of UV radiation filtered with an UV transmission filter reflected off the surface (Fig. [33].
or excitation filter is aimed at the subject in a com- Most of the incident light enters the first layers of
pletely darkened room. The subject reflects the UV the skin and follows a tortuous path until it exits the
and may also emit a visible fluorescence. The UV skin or gets attenuated by skin chromophores. Non-Invasive Methods for Vitiligo Evaluation 189
The primary chromophores in skin are melanin, on two perpendicular axes: a* indicates the colour of
oxyhaemoglobin, and deoxy- (or reduced) haemoglo- the object on scale that goes from green (negative val-
bin. Oxyhaemoglobin (oxy-Hb) and deoxy-haemoglobin ues) to red (positive values) and b* indicates the colour
(deoxy-Hb) absorb specifically between 540 and of the object on a scale that goes from blue (negative
575 nm. Melanin heavily absorbs all wavelengths, but values) to yellow (positive values). Axes a* and b*
demonstrates a monotonic increase towards shorter cross the L* axis at their zero values thus defining the
wavelengths [47]. coordinates of a chosen colour considering its hue and
The constituents of skin that are strong scatter- purity or saturation (Fig. The three-dimen-
ers include collagen and elastin fibres, erythrocytes, sional space that represents all possible perceivable
sub-cellular organelles (most notably pigmented colours is termed colour volume [74].
melanosomes, nuclei, and mitochondria), and cell In other words, the tristimulus analysis converts
membranes. Scattering contributes to the shape of the intensity versus wavelength data (i.e. spectral informa-
spectrum remitted from the human skin. It is important tion) into three numbers that indicate how a colour of
to note that the depth of the light that reaches into the an object appears to a human observer, hence the
tissue (penetration depth) depends on both the absorp- psycho-photometric characterisation.
tion and scattering characteristics of the tissue. Since Different hand-held tristimulus reflectance color-
both absorption and scattering are wavelength depen- imeters are commercially available for the measure-
dent, the penetration depth varies with wavelength as ment of the skin colour: Micro Color (Dr. Bruno Lange
well. Absorption and scattering are the two ways by GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany), the Chromameter
which white light is transformed into coloured light by CR 200 or CR 300 (Minolta Osaka, Japan) and the
interaction with skin [19, 33]. Visi-Chroma VC-100 (Biophotonics, Lessines, Belgium),
Several objective methods have been developed to etc. All instruments consist of a measuring sensor
measure skin colour. At present the most used methods placed on the skin, connected to a control box by an
that determine colour by measuring the intensity of optical fiber.
reflected light of specific wavelengths are the following: However, the Minolta Chromameter CR200 and
reflectance tristimulus CIE (Commission Internationale 300 have become very popular and are considered
de lEclairage), colorimetry, and narrow band reflec- more or less standard instruments for colour measure-
tance spectrophotometry [24, 61]. ments in the dermato-cosmetic field (Fig.
They are portable instruments with a flexible hand-
held probe which can be easily moved. The measured
area is 8 mm in diameter. Three consecutive readings
Reectance Tristimulus CIE Colourimetry (each of them taking a few seconds) are taken at the
site of measurement and their mean values are calcu-
Of the various methods used to convert reflectance data lated. The instruments are calibrated by a calibration
into practical colour values, expressed in the L*a*b* plate (CR-A43) before each measurement.
colour system (L*:brightness; a*: redgreen chromatic- The evaluation of the intensity of the constitutional
ity coordinate; b*: yellowblue chromaticity coordi- skin colour is correlated with the L* and b* compo-
nate), reflectance tristimulus colorimetry is probably nents and the colour expressed with these numerical
the most widely used, because this colour system autho- coordinate units is arbitrary (AU). The Chromameter
rised by the CIE is regarded as the standard for colorim- does not give information about the substances that
etry in industrial fields [72]. generate the colour because it does not measure the
In particular, this system classifies the existing wavelengths of specific chromophores [46].
colours in a roughly cylindrical virtual volume placed Clinical applications for colorimetry extend to the
in a three dimensional space that makes it possible to determination of erythema and pigmentation or depig-
measure three parameters for each colour: the vertical mentation, to the studies on skin typology, races, ana-
dimension L* indicates light intensity or luminance tomical distribution of pigment and to photoprotection
and takes values from 0 (as if colours were seen at factors, sunscreens or depigmenting agents [48, 5557].
night: black) to 100 (maximum light: white); in each Other fields of application are the determination of
horizontal plane, the hue is defined by its coordinates the response to systemic drug treatments such as
190 M. Ardig et al.
Fig. Reflectance confocal microscope optical function (a) and commercial device Vivascope (b)
(<5 m) section. In grey-scale confocal images, bright The commercially available confocal reflectance
(white) structures are composed by components with microscope (Vivascope 1500) (Fig. uses a
high refractive index compared with their surround- laser with wavelength of 830 nm and a 30 objective
ings (backscattered areas). Backscattering is primarily lens with numerical aperture of 0.9. The laser power is
governed by the structures refractive index (n) com- 510 mW at skin level with no tissue damage. A metal
pared to surrounding medium. Highly reflective skin ring with either a polymer window is attached to the
components include melanin (n = 1.72) [52, 69, 77], skin. The ring is then connected to the objective lens
collagen (n = 1.43) [71], and keratin (n = 1.51) [65]. housing to stabilise the site of imaging. A drop of
These components appear bright when surrounded by immersion oil has to be applied to the skin lesion in
epidermis (n = 1.34) and dermis (n = 1.41) [65]. order to have a refractive index (1.50) sufficiently close
Confocal microscopy allows clinicians to obtain a non- to that of the stratum corneum (1.55) and the polymer
invasive, real time, high-resolution close to histology window (1.52). The water immersion lens requires to
(lateral resolution of 1 m). be used with water (1.33) or water-gels (1.35) placed
In standard histology, the microscope illuminates between the window and objective lens with a refrac-
and images a relatively large field of tissue and ultra- tive index close to that of the epidermis (1.34) allow-
structural details are not resolved or visualised. ing penetration of light through the epidermis and into
Moreover, thin sections (5 m) have to be first pre- the dermis.
pared to enable observation of nuclear, cellular, and
ultra-structural details. Differently, confocal micro-
scope illuminates a microscopical area of the tissue Reectance Confocal Microscopy and Vitiligo
from which every single light wavelength is reflected
and collected into a detector in order to produce a pixel Reflectance confocal microscopy used on vitiligo
on a screen. Scanning of the area in two dimensions lesional and non-lesional skin provides, non-invasively,
creates an illuminated plane that produces an image microscopical informations useful for disease man-
composed by collection of single pixels. agement [16].
192 M. Ardig et al.
Fig. Reflectance confocal microscopy of dermoepidermal around dermal papillae providing half-ring features or resem-
junction in normal skin (a) and vitiligo lesion in which bright bling scalloped border-like features (arrows) (c). Repigmented
papillary rings are absent (b). Normal skin of vitiligo patients is area after narrow band UVB therapy presenting dendritic
characterised by abnormal distribution of brightness pattern melanocytes (arrows) (d)
Because of confocal microscopy en-face visualisa- papillary ring (Fig. Moreover, bright kera-
tion of the skin layers, in normal skin, melanin pres- tinocytes, seen in normal skin, are generally absent in
ents a higher reflectance index (1.7) in comparison vitiligo lesions above the dermoepidermal junction
with the total skin (1.4); therefore, melanocytes and [2]. The disappearance of brightness (i.e. pigment) at
pigmented keratinocytes are seen as bright structures the dermoepidermal junction level or above fits per-
on a dark background (Fig. [13, 31, 35, 63]. fectly with the progressive loss of melanocytes and
Differently, vitiligo lesions show disappearance of the reduction of epidermal pigmentation previously
the normal brightness at dermoepidermal junction demonstrated with histopathology and histochemistry
level with remnant of a shadow of the pre-existing [22, 35]. Non-Invasive Methods for Vitiligo Evaluation 193
Interestingly, non-lesional skin of vitiligo patients 10. Brazzelli V, Antonieti M, Muzio F et al (2008) The perilesional
shows an abnormal distribution pattern of brightness skin in vitiloigo: a colorimetric in vivo study of 25 patients.
Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 24:314317
(i.e. pigment) at the dermoepidermal junction. The 11. Brunsting LA, Sheard C (1929) The color of the skin as ana-
characteristic ring structures are hardly recognisable, lyzed by spectrophotometric methods: II. The role of pig-
bright structures are incompletely distributed around mentation. J Clin Invest 7:559574
the dermal papillae providing half-ring features or 12. Boissy RE, Manga P (2004) On the etiology of contact/
occupational vitiligo. Pigment Cell Res 17:208214
resembling scalloped border-like features (Fig. 13. Chiaverini C, Passeron T, Ortonne JP (2002) Treatment of
It has been speculated that these changes could derive vitiligo by topical calcipotriol. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol
from an initial and progressive disappearing of mel- 16:137138
anocytes or a congenital defective melanocyte distri- 14. Clarys P, Alewaeters K, Lambrecht R et al (2000) Skin color
measurements: comparison between three instruments: the
bution [2]. Chromameter, the DermaSpectrometer and the Mexameter.
After UVB-narrow band treatment, repigmented Skin Res Technol 6:230238
areas show a variable number of activated melanocytes 15. Corcuff P, Leveque JL (1996) In vivo vision of the human
located at the dermoepidermal junction. Activated skin with the tandem scanning microscope. Dermatology
melanocytic cells can be seen as bipolar or stellate 16. Corcuff P, Bertrand C, Leveque JL (1993) Morphometry of
dendritic structures (Fig. [2, 37]. human epidermis in vivo by real-time confocal microscopy.
In conclusion, reflectance confocal microscopy in Arch Dermatol Res 285:475481
vitiligo might be useful for the prognosis and the clini- 17. Corcuff P, Gonnord G, Pierard GE et al (1996) In vivo con-
focal microscopy of human skin: a new design for cosmetol-
cal and therapeutic follow-up. Moreover, considering ogy and dermatology. Scanning 18:351355
the findings on non-lesional skin, confocal microscopy 18. Diffey BL, Oliver RJ, Farr PM (1984) A portable instrument
might be used to estimate the risk of developing viti- for quantifying erythema induced by ultraviolet radiation.
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19. Duteil L (2002) Objective methods to assess pigmentation.
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Electron Microscopy
Yvon Gauthier
Depigmented Macules
However, a small number of melanocytes show no location, but also sometimes in a basal position in the
apparent sign of degeneration. Bleehen et al. [5] have vicinity of melanocytes.
found marginal melanocytes to have small, incom-
pletely melanised melanosomes, some showing degen-
erative changes. Marginal Hyperpigmented Skin
There is an increased density of melanocytes and many
Two types of ultrastructural abnormalities have been completely melanised melanosomes are observed in
observed in the epidermis of the patients with NSV as the cytoplasm of keratinocytes [9, 15]. This is proba-
compared to normal controls: deposits of extracellular bly the explanation of the onset of this hyperpig-
granular material (EGM), and foci of vacuolar degen- mented marginal ring frequently observed during
eration of keratinocytes located in basal or suprabasal phototherapy.
layers [24].
EGM is found in dilated intercellular spaces
between the basal layers of keratinocytes and some-
times between basal cells and the basement membrane.
The EGM appears to be derived from the cytoplasm of
vacuolated keratinocytes (Fig. The aspect of
EGM reminds keratinocyte cytoplasm containing free
ribosomes. EGM seems to be more abundant in pro-
gressive or stable vitiligo.
A focal vacuolisation of keratinocytes is reported
mostly in the basal layers of the epidermis with prefer-
ential degeneration of the parts of the cytoplam in close
apposition to a melanocyte. Among the degenerative
changes observed in keratinocytes, the following can
be listed: a dilatation of the endoplasmic reticulum and
a swelling of mitochondria, the formation of cytoplas-
mic vacuoles with or without limiting membranes, and
a frequent loss of desmosomes or hemidesmosomes.
Degenerative keratinocyte changes were found reduced
in patients repigmenting spontaneously.
Interestingly these two keratinocytes abnormalities:
vacuolisation and EGM deposits have been reported pre-
viously after skin frictions which could be responsible for
the Koebner phenomenon in vitiligo skin. As a result of
skin friction, small vacuoles were detected in the oedem-
atous periphery of keratinocytes and the membranes of
these cells were often ruptured, allowing their granular
contents to spill into the extracellular spaces [17].
Langerhans Cells
Fig. Melanocyte from the pigmented marginal area
(6,000): Note vacuolated melanocyte (m) detached from the
The density of the Langerhans cell is quite normal. LC basal membrane (BM), extracellular granular material (gm)
have been observed in their normal mid-epidermal derived from the cytoplasm of vacuolated keratinocytes (K)
200 Y. Gauthier
Langerhans Cells
Ultrastructural Study
of the Basement Membrane
always simultaneously expressed and were not associ- Melanosomes have been found in macrophages located
ated with specific clinical feature of vitiligo. in the dermis and sometimes in Schwann cells.
The selective dilatation of RER was reported in Degenerative and regenerative changes of a number
other diseases in which a newly translated glycopro- of unmyeliminated nerves of the papillary dermis have
tein is selectively uploaded in the cisternae of the RER. been described by Breathnach [9], such as swelling of
An extensive dilatation of the RER was observed in the axons and replacement of axonal neurofibrillae by a
cytoplasm of fibroblasts from Ehlers Danlos disease, granular matrix, reduplication of Schwann cell base-
where defective collagen synthesis occurs. Moreover, ment membrane, and regenerating axons non-embed-
hepatocytes from the Z-type mutant form of inherited ded in Schwann cell cytoplam (Fig. Most of
antitrypsin deficiency also demonstrate extensive dila- these degenerative changes have been found in small
tation of RER. This dilated RER can be continuously and superficial nerves. In some cases, free nerves end-
expressed for over one year in culture. ings have been observed in the epidermis. Similar bio-
logical changes of human cutaneous nerves have been
reported after long-term repeated exposure to UVA-
solar irradiation [21].
Ultrastructural Study of the Dermis
Fig. From the marginal pigmented area: Close contact Fig. From the pigmented area: Layering of basement
in the basal layer between a Langerhans cell (L) and a melano- membrane (between the arrows) directly beneath the melano-
cyte (M). D dermis (6,000) (with the collaboration of Surleve- cyte located in the margin (10,000) (with the collaboration of
Bazeille) Surlve-Bazeille)
202 Y. Gauthier
21. Kumakiri M, Hashimoto K, Willis I (1978) Biological 27. Niebauer G (1965) On the dendritic cells in vitiligo.
changes of human cutaneous nerves caused by ultraviolet Dermatologica 130:317324
irradiation: an ultrastructural study. Br J Dermatol 99:6570 28. Ortonne JP (1983) Vitiligo and other hypomelanoses of hair
22. Le Poole C, Van den Wijngaard MC, Westerhof W et al and skin. In: Ortonne JP, Mosher DB, Fitzpatrick TB (eds)
(1993) Presence or absence of melanocytes in vitiligo Disorders with circumscribed hypomelanosis. Plenum,
lesions: an immunohistochemical investigation. J Invest New York
Dermatol 100:816822 29. Ortonne JP, Thivolet J (1980) PUVA induced repigmenta-
23. Mishima Y (1972) Dendritic cell dynamics in progressive tion of vitiligo: scanning electron microscopy of hair folli-
depigmentation. Arch Dermatol Res 87:243267 cles. J Invest Dermatol 74:4042
24. Moellmann G, Klein-Angerer S, Scobly DA (1982) 30. Perrot H et al (1974) Etude ultrastructurale du vitiligo. Lyon
Extracellular granular material and degeneration of kerati- Med 232:439446
nocytes in the normally pigmented epidermis of patients 31. Pinkus H (1959) Vitiligo: what is it? J Invest Dermatol
with vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 79:321330 32:281284
25. Morahashi M, Hashimoto K, Goodman TF et al (1977) 32. Tobin JD, Swanson N, Pittelkow M et al (2000) Melanocytes
Ultrastructural studies of vitiligo, Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome are not absent in lesional skin of long duration vitiligo.
and incontinentia pigmenti achromians. Arch Dermatol J Pathol 191:407416
113:755766 33. Zelickson AS, Mottaz JH (1968) Epidermal dendritic cells.
26. Mottaz JH, Thorne G, Zelickson A (1971) Response of the Arch Dermatol 98:652658
epidermal melanocytes to minor trauma. Arch Dermatol
Animal Models
Gisela F. Erf
including infections, stress, neural abnormalities, aber- For vitiligo research, several animal models of nat-
rant melanocyte function, and genetic susceptibility urally occurring vitiligo were identified and described
have been implicated [46, 47, 59, 63, 67, 70, 77]. This in a review by Boissy and Lamoreux published in 1988
multifactorial nature of vitiligo involving genetic sus- [4]. These included the Smyth line chicken, the grey
ceptibility and disease precipitating factors in addition horse, the vitiligo mouse, and the Sinclair pig. Of these
to immunopathology is in itself in accordance with the spontaneous vitiligo models, only the Smyth line
general concepts described for tissue-specific autoim- chicken continues to be studied extensively and, as
mune disease. In tissue-specific autoimmune diseases outlined later, is currently the only animal model for
such as vitiligo, the genetic susceptibility is frequently spontaneous autoimmune vitiligo that recapitulates the
associated with an inherent target cell defect that pre- entire spectrum of clinical and biological manifesta-
disposes the target cell to immunorecognition and may tions of the human disease.
include aberrant immune activity at various levels (e.g.
dendritic cells/macrophages, T-cells, and B-cells). The
autoimmune destruction of cells has been found to be
associated with a lack of regulatory function within the Grey Horse
immune system, heightened immune activity, and
altered responsiveness of immune components and tar- Horses that carry the dominant Grey (GG) allele
get cells to endogenous and exogenous factors. The (e.g. the Lipizzaner, Arabian horse, Andalusian) are
role of environmental factors in the development of generally born coloured. After birth, they begin to show
autoimmune disease is also multifaceted and may white hair that is intermixed with their original colour.
include infections by microbes, exposure to chemicals, The amount of white hair increases with age until the
and a wide array of other stress factors that can pro- coat is completely white at maturity (Fig.
voke an autoimmune response to the target cells [22, This progressive greying and depigmentation of the
40, 56]. Unfortunately, the relative contributions of hair over time is more extensive and happens more
these components in organ-specific autoimmune dis- quickly in homozygotes (G/G) than in heterozygotes
ease cannot be easily delineated and dissected, espe- (G/g). In most cases, pigmentation of the skin and eyes
cially in human patients when they become apparent is not affected [4]. In mature grey horses, there is a high
only after the clinical manifestation of the disease. incidence of melanoma (>80%) [69, 72]. The melano-
mas typically are located on the ventral surface of the
tail and the perineal region as well as head, neck, and
external genitalia. Albeit not malignant, the melanomas
Naturally Occurring Animal Models
can cause intense discomfort to the horses especially in
of Vitiligo sensitive areas. As melanoma development is rarely
observed in other coloured horses, its high incidence in
In order to understand the initial aetiology and patho- the grey horse suggests an intimate association between
genic events leading to onset and the progression of melanoma development and processes involved in the
autoimmune disease, appropriate animal models are grey coat colour generation. Occasionally, areas of pro-
required. In this context, experimental animal models gressive vitiligo involving the epidermis as well as the
that spontaneously develop the autoimmune disease hair can also be observed in the grey horse [4, 33, 57].
would reflect the situation in humans more closely than These areas of skin and hair depigmentation tend to
experimental models where the autoimmune disease involve the face, perioral, perianal, and perigenital
was induced. In biomedical research, the mouse has areas. Pigmentation loss has been associated with the
become the most studied animal model, due in part to its presence of autoantibodies that bind to surface antigens
short generation time, its small size, and the extensive on pigment cells. These similarities between the vitiligo
availability of genetically defined strains of mice, observed in the grey horse and human vitiligo suggest
research reagents, and research procedures. Murine the usefulness of the grey horse as an experimental
models for spontaneous autoimmune disease are, how- model for vitiligo [33, 57]. Research on the aetiology
ever, rare, and there is currently no mouse model that and pathogenesis of the vitiligo in the grey horse has
develops spontaneous autoimmune vitiligo [22, 40, 84]. however not been pursued extensively, presumably due
2.2.4 Animal Models 207
to the substantial cost of rearing and maintaining regression of cutaneous malignant melanoma lesions
research animals of this large size and long generation [36, 37, 52, 53, 58]. The incidence of melanoma is
time. In recent years, the Grey gene locus has been 85% by one year of age. Tumour regression closely
mapped to horse chromosome 25 (ECA25) and several follows development and is characterised by a decrease
genes responsible for different coat colour phenotypes in tumour volume and sequential changes in tumour
or associated with pigmentation disorders and mela- pigmentation from black to white. The pigmentation
noma have been excluded as candidate genes. Recent changes are not limited to the tumour and are associ-
comparative linkage mapping for the grey colour gene ated with the development of uveitis and vitiligo. There
in horses suggests that the grey phenotype is caused by is substantial evidence for immune system involve-
a mutation in a novel gene [50, 64, 80]. ment in tumour regression and in the development of
the generalised vitiligo disorder. Immune mechanisms
include components of both cellular and humoral immu-
nity, recognising common antigens shared by normal
The Sinclair Miniature Swine and malignant swine pigment cells [3, 17, 20, 68].
Autoimmune depigmentation following sensitisation
The Sinclair miniature swine (Fig. is char- to melanoma antigens has also been reported in other
acterised by spontaneous development and subsequent animal models (e.g. mouse melanoma-transfer studies,
208 G. F. Erf
a b
c d
Fig. Sinclair Swine pig. (a) Six months old pig with vitiligo University, Sinclair Swine Research Project, College Station, TX).
at regression site of melanoma on left side. (b) Total depigmentation (c) Another vitiligo pig with regressing melanoma, NV. (courtesy of
after melanoma; even the cornea is depigmented; this is not an Dr L Gomez-Raya, University of Neveda, Reno, NV). (d) Six years
albino pig (courtesy of Dr D. Kraemer and O. Ash, Texas A&M old sow with vitiligo at regression site of melanoma on right hip
vaccination with melanocyte antigens) as well as in uninvolved skin from two female buffalos revealed
human patients receiving immunotherapy [38, 44, 45, cytological aberrations of melanocytes similar to those
54]. Hence, the Sinclair miniature pig appears to be an reported in humans and other vitiligo models [19].
excellent model for spontaneous melanoma formation,
melanoma regression, and vitiligo development.
Research on this animal model however continues to be
sporadic and focuses primarily on melanoma develop- The Vitiligo (C57Bl/J6-vit/vit) Mouse
ment and regression [34, 62].
The vitiligo (C57Bl/J6-vit/vit) mouse developed by
Dr. Aaron Lerner was a promising murine model for
vitiligo, exhibiting not only progressive loss of
Water Buffalo cutaneous hair and ocular pigmentation with age, but
also a muted response to contact allergens a
Vitiligo is also known to occur in water buffalos phenomenon observed in humans with vitiligo
(Fig. Histological, histochemical, and ultra- [1, 10, 49]. However, the vit gene was later mapped to
structural analyses of biopsies taken from involved and the mi (microphthalmia) locus and the mutation was
2.2.4 Animal Models 209
Table The Smyth line chicken model (formerly the DAM-line of chickens)
Production Robert Smyth, Poultry Geneticist, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Maintanance Gisela F. Erf, Avian Immunologist, Division of Agriculture, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
Features Vitiligo-like, autoimmune, post-hatch loss of pigmentation in feathers and eye
Onset 614 weeks of age
Incidence 8095% by 20 weeks (young adult)
Severity Erratic to complete loss of pigmentation
Unique features Recapitulates the entire spectrum of clinical and biological manifestations of the human disease
Availability of MHC-matched (B101/101) control lines of chickens, including the parental Brown line, from
which the Smyth line was developed (<2% incidence of vitiligo), and the Light Brown Leghorn
chicken (vitiligo resistant)
Easy, repeatable, minimally invasive access to the autoimmune lesion in the feather, prior to and through-
out the development of vitiligo
The strong direct association of herpesvirus of turkey (HVT) administration at hatch and the incidence of
vitiligo expression (incidence: >80% with HVT, <20% without HVT) allows for examination of
disease precipitating/protective factors in genetically susceptible individuals
Spontaneous expression of other autoimmune diseases (e.g. autoimmune thyroiditis, alopecia) in the
Smyth line chicken provides opportunity to study the kaleidoscope of autoimmune diseases
black and white feather band pattern is caused by The Smyth Line Chicken Animal
autophagocytic degeneration of melanocytes. Melano- Model of Spontaneous
cytes are not present in the white bands. Feather mel- Autoimmune Vitiligo
anocytes of WL chickens undergo premature cell death
in the feather collar prior to deposition of melanin and The SL chicken is characterised by a spontaneous, viti-
the feathers are hypomelanocytic. The Wild-type con- ligo-like, post-hatch loss of melanin producing pigment
trol for the BPR/WL animal model is the Jungle Fowl cells (melanocytes) in feather and choroidal
where feather melanocytes do not undergo cell death tissue (Fig., Table Vitiligo occurs in
until they have grown out with the feather. While both approximately 8095% of hatch-mates, with about 70%
BPR and WL feather melanocytes die prematurely, of those affected expressing complete depigmentation
there is no immunopathology associated with their in adulthood (>20 weeks of age). There are many simi-
death. The fact that BPR and WL feather-derived larities between SL and human vitiligo. Both are char-
melanocytes live for months in tissue culture suggests acterised by autoimmune destruction of melanocytes,
that these mutant melanocytes have an inherent sensi- usually first seen during adolescence and early adult-
tivity to toxic factors that are produced and accumu- hood. In both SL chickens and humans, pigmentation
lated in the local feather environment. Hence, removal loss may be either partial or complete. Remelanisation
of feather melanocyte and subsequent culture in the of amelanotic tissue occurs, although severe pigment
presence and absence of toxic factors (melanogene- loss and remelanisation are more frequent in the chicken.
sis-related products, oxidative radicals) with and In addition to vitiligo, SL chickens exhibit uveitis, often
without anti-oxidants provided an excellent system to resulting in blindness (515%), and have associated
study inherent melanocyte sensitivity. Moreover, the autoimmune diseases such as hypothyroidism (48%)
fact that BPR melanocytes were more sensitive than and an alopecia areata-like feathering defect (23%)
Jungle fowl melanocytes, and WL melanocytes were [22, 74, 75, 84]. Similarly, in humans it is not uncom-
more sensitive than BPR melanocytes, provided addi- mon to find thyroidal and other autoimmune diseases
tional opportunity to examine the mechanism associ- associated with vitiligo. Moreover, SL vitiligo, like
ated with this sensitivity. The observation of a role of human vitiligo, is a multifactorial disorder involving a
altered antioxidant capacity and sensitivity to oxida- genetic component (manifested in part as an inherent
tive stress in the premature death of BPR and WL melanocyte defect; e.g. abnormal melanosome mem-
melanocytes constitutes an important connection to branes), an immune system component (melanocyte-
the altered anti-oxidant capacity observed in human specific cell-mediated immunity), and environmental
vitiligo and in Smyth line chickens [1315, 29, 70]. triggers (e.g. herpesvirus of turkey; HVT) [22, 84].
2.2.4 Animal Models 211
Fig. Smyth line chicken model for spontaneous autoim- antibody to identify cytototoxic lymphocytes (CD8+; brown cells).
mune vitiligo. (a) One-day-old Smyth line chick; Smyth line chicks Note: CD8+ lymphocytes surround the cell bodies of the melano-
hatch with an intact pigmentary system. (b) Hen with normal pig- cytes and can be observed along the melanocyte dendrites in the
mentation (c) Vitiliginous Smyth line females; (d) Pictures from barb ridge. Pigment transfer to barbule cells has been disrupted. (4)
left to right: (1) Growing feathers used for visual assessment of Cross-section of a vitiliginous feather (same sample as in picture 3)
vitiligo and collection for down-stream analysis. (2) Cross-section immunohistochemically stained for MHC class II expression
of the growing portion of a non-vitiliginous feather. Melanocytes (brown stain). Note: The observed MHC class II expression reflects
are aligned with their cell-bodies facing the pulp and their den- very active immunopathology associated with melanocyte loss. In
drites extending into the barb ridge where they deposit pigment chickens, as in humans, activated T cells, B cells and macrophages
into barbule cells (keratinocytes). (3) Cross-section of the growing express MHC class II and increased MHC class II expression is
portion of a vitiliginous feather. This frozen section was immuno- associated with interferon- production. It is not clear from this
histochemically stained with mouse-anti-chicken CD8 monoclonal staining pattern whether melanocytes express MHC class II
212 G. F. Erf
Hence, SL chickens offer unique opportunities to (SL101, SL102, SL103, BL101, BL102, BL103, and
examine the interplay between genetic susceptibility, LBL101) were subsequently developed. The characteris-
immune system activity, and environmental factors. As tics of these MHC-sublines were summarised by Smyth
pigment cells are located in the feather rather than the and McNeil [75]. Unfortunately, most of these valuable
skin, the target tissue is easily accessible and can be lines have been destroyed following the closing of the
sampled prior to and throughout the development of Poultry Farm at the University of Massachusetts and the
SL vitiligo in the same individual. We know of no other retirement of Dr. Smyth in 1996. The lines homozygous
tissue-specific autoimmune disease model where the for the B101 MHC-haplotype (SL101, BL101, and
developing lesion can be monitored this easily; espe- LBL101) are the only lines remaining and are currently
cially using a minimally invasive procedure like pull- maintained at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
ing a few small feathers (Fig. Another AR by the author. Together, these lines constitute the cur-
advantage of this animal model is that the incidence of rent animal model for autoimmune vitiligo.
SL vitiligo by 20 weeks of age is predictably high The genetic basis of autoimmune vitiligo and line-
(>80%) and low (<20%) with and without HVT- associated traits has long been described as being
administration at hatch, respectively, providing unique under the control of multiple autosomal genes. A more
opportunity to examine the influence of environmental recent molecular characterisation of SL and BL sub-
factors on the expression of SL vitiligo. Lastly, this ani- lines revealed a high level of inbreeding within lines
mal model includes two MHC (B locus)-matched con- (0.948 for SL101; 0.902 for BL101) and high genetic
trol lines (B101/101): the parental Brown Line (BL, <2% similarity between SL101 and BL101 lines (similarity
incidence of vitiligo) and the Light Brown Leghorn index of 0.049 0.006) [79]. Hence, it appears that a
(LBL, similar plumage colours, vitiligo resistant) [78]. limited number of genes are responsible for the SL
The development and characteristics of this animal phenotype. With the availability of the chicken genome
model have been reviewed extensively [22, 74, 84]. sequence and other sophisticated bioinformatics and
Below, is a summary demonstrating the suitability of experimental resources for chicken research, it is now
this animal model for research on the aetiology, pathol- possible to conduct genome-wide expression analysis
ogy, prevention, and treatment of spontaneous autoim- and high-resolution quantitative trait loci (QTL) map-
mune vitiligo. ping in chickens [39]. QTL mapping using the SL
model is currently underway in Sweden by Dr. Susanne
Kerje and Dr. Olle Kmpe (Department of Medical
Science) and Dr. Leif Andersson (Department of
The Genetics Basis of Smyth Line
Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology) at Uppsala
Autoimmune Vitiligo University and will soon shed light on the specific
genes responsible for the depigmentation and other
The SL chickens and control lines of chicken were devel- abnormalities seen in the SL chicken.
oped by Dr. J. Robert Smyth, Jr. at the University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. The origin, development,
and characteristics of these lines of chicken have been
Inherent Melanocyte Defect in Smyth Line
reviewed extensively by Smyth [74]. The mutant SL
(previously known as the delayed amelanosis (DAM)- Autoimmune Vitiligo
chicken) was developed from one female hatched in
1971 from a non-pedigreed mating of the Massachusetts Previous studies by J. Robert Smyth Jr. and co-workers
Brown line (BL) [76]. The ability to develop a line of describe the presence of a competent pigment system
chickens with a predictably high incidence of vitiligo in SL chicks at hatch (Fig. The earliest
starting with one vitiliginous hen clearly demonstrates abnormalities within SL melanocytes, prior to visible
the heritability of this disorder. Throughout the years, onset of SL vitiligo, were irregularly shaped melano-
Dr. Smyth developed various BL and SL sublines. somes containing pigmented membrane extensions,
Among the criteria used for the development of sublines hyperactive melanisation, and selective autophagocy-
was the MHC-haplotype (B101, B102 and B103) associ- tosis of melanosomes [69]. Similar degenerative
ated with SL vitiligo. The B101 and B102 haplotypes processes were also observed in vitro in embryo-
were also identified in LBL chickens. MHC-sublines derived SL melanocytes, including heightened lipid
2.2.4 Animal Models 213
SL vitiligo [25]. Without HVT, the incidence of SL non-HVT-vaccinated SL chicks twice per week for the
vitiligo is <20%, but with HVT, the incidence is >80% first 6 weeks of their lives, 87.5% of females and 0%
and generally around 95%. HVT is an alpha-herpesvirus of males developed SL vitiligo by 20 weeks of age.
commonly used in commercial chicken production as a The incidence of SL vitiligo in vehicle-injected chicks
vaccine to protect chickens from Mareks disease was 25% in females, 0% in males [28]. This finding
caused by Serotype 1 Mareks disease viruses (MDV-1). was interesting, not only because of the ability of this
HVT is a non-oncogenic Serotype 3 MDV isolated from cytokine to cause expression of SL vitiligo, but also
turkeys that causes only minor inflammatory lesions. because of the observed gender difference. Gender
And like other MDV, it exhibits strong tropism for differences in autoimmune diseases are common.
feather follicles, where it infects the feather follicle When HVT-vaccinated SL chicks are raised in con-
epithelium [18, 35]. Additional studies on the role of ventional floor pens on litter, SL vitiligo tends to be
HVT in SL vitiligo revealed that killed HVT had no expressed earlier in females compared to males, but
effect on the expression of SL vitiligo. Therefore, the by 20 weeks of age this gender difference is no longer
ability of HVT to cause infection must be of impor- significant. The gender difference is however signifi-
tance. Administration of other live virus vaccines at cant when HVT-vaccinated SL chicks are raised in
hatch (i.e. Newcastle disease virus, NDV; infectious cages in isolation [25].
bronchitis virus; IBV), instead of HVT, did not trig- We are currently conducting a pilot study examining
ger the expression of SL vitiligo; suggesting that viral the role of local feather inflammation in the expression
infection and associated anti-viral immune activity, as of SL vitiligo. For this, study, chicks were kept in
such, are not responsible for triggering expression of brooder cages in a chicken house. Inflammatory bacte-
SL vitiligo. Unlike HVT, NDV and IBV do not trans- rial cell wall products (lipopolysaccharide, LPS;
locate to the feather; hence the presence of HVT muramyl dipeptide, MDP) were directly injected into
where melanocytes are located may be the key to its the feather of vitiligo-susceptible non-HVT-vaccinated
effect on SL vitiligo expression [22]. Lastly, compari- SL chicks. Histological analysis of injected feathers,
son of HVT-vaccinated and non-HVT-vaccinated SL collected at different time-points post-LPS, -MDP, and
and parental control BL chicks, revealed heightened -vehicle control (PBS) injection, is underway. Visual
cell-mediated immune activity to HVT in SL compared assessment of pigmentation of feather-injected birds
to BL chicks [26]. revealed that nearly 40% of the birds receiving LPS or
Based on these observations we hypothesise that MDP had developed a vitiligo-like progressive pigmen-
the translocation of the HVT-infection to the feather tation loss [31].
epithelium brings anti-viral immune activity to the
feather where the melanocytes are present. The result-
ing local antiviral cell-mediated immune activity in the
Opportunities Provided by the Smyth Line
melanocytes environment causes alterations in the
already inherently defective melanocytes that result in Chicken Model for Autoimmune Vitiligo
their recognition by the immune system leading to the
development of melanocyte-specific immune activity Past and ongoing studies have clearly demonstrated
and autoimmune destruction of melanocytes. the suitability and usefulness of the Smyth line chicken
The SL chicken model provides a unique opportu- model as a model for human vitiligo. The spontaneous
nity to study the role of precipitating factors in the development of autoimmune vitiligo in this animal
expression of vitiligo in susceptible individuals in model together with the demonstrated similarity in
vivo. Using non-HVT vaccinated chicks expected to many of the complex features of human vitiligo offer
have a low incidence of SL vitiligo (<20%) the effects excellent opportunities to address the interrelationship
of various immunomodulators, inflammatory agents, of components involved in this multifactorial disease.
microbial products, and other endogenous and exoge- Moreover, the predictably high incidence of vitiligo,
nous factors on triggering the expression of SL viti- the easy and repeatable access to the target tissue, and
ligo in susceptible individuals can be examined. For the identification of an environmental trigger of dis-
example, when recombinant chicken IFN- was ease expression make this a highly valuable and unique
administered subcutaneously or intra-abdominally to animal model for spontaneous autoimmune vitiligo
2.2.4 Animal Models 215
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In Vitro Approaches
Muriel Cario-Andr and Maria Lucia DellAnna
In all culture media: penicillin and streptomycin are 10,000 U/mL and 10,000 ng/mL, respectively). a-toc tochoferol; hCS hydrocortisone
Also contains 20 g/mL catalase. Ham F10 contain 1% ultracer, 2 mM Glu, 10 ng/mL PMA, 0.1 nM IBMX
72 hours
8 days
Functional studies
1:20 or 1:10 (510%) for vitiligo melanocytes since Various techniques can be used to observe melano-
vitiligo melanocytes have a defective adhesion [7]. cyte behavior. Direct observation by microscopy on
Twenty-four hours after seeding, the incubation cham- fixed material of specifically stained melanocytes
ber is removed and the DDD is immersed for 3 days. (melan-A, DOPA, c-kit, S-100, HMB-45) gives infor-
The DDD are shifted to the air/liquid interface for 8 mation on shape, dendriticity, and pigmentation. Since
days before functional studies (Fig. The nonlesional vitiligo melanocytes are difficult to growth,
model can be improved by seeding fibroblasts in an it is often difficult to have enough cells to allow mela-
incubation chamber placed on the dermal side of DDD nin content determination by spectrophotometry. Thus
72 h before seeding keratinocytes and melanocytes DOPA staining may be used as alternative method.
(Fig. Vitiligo melanocyte and keratinocyte cultures can be
tested in vitro in order to determine their specific or
differential susceptibility to noxious stimuli or to Functional Studies of NSV Cells physiological growth factors. UVB, cumene hydroper-
oxide, and tert-buthyl-phenol are the most used stimuli
Using Monolayers: Melanocytes,
[10, 19, 20, 24, 25, 28, 44 46]. Among tested com-
Keratinocytes, and Fibroblasts pounds, imatinib mesilate has been reported to inhibit
melanogenesis in both normal and vitiligo melano-
Cultures can be used to characterize the phenotype of cytes by decreasing the number of highly pigmented
vitiligo melanocytes as compared to control pigment melanocytes. Moreover, it inhibits the growth of viti-
cells under various treatments such as UV or pharmaco- ligo fibroblasts than that of normal fibroblasts more
logical agents. The cells are usually seeded the day efficiently [6]. Cell proliferation and mortality can be
before to obtain 6070% confluency on the day of assessed through MTT test, manual cell count, annex-
treatment. inV/propidium staining, DNA ladder test, or caspase
2.2.5 In Vitro Approaches 223
72 hours
Rotation of DDD
90 or 95% normal or Non Segmental
Vitiligo keratinocytes
+5 or 10% normal or Non Segmental
Vitiligo melanocytes
24 hours
72 hours
8 days Grid
Functional studies
activation. In addition, the morphology and mode of Functional Studies Using
melanosome transfer in vitro can be studied using Reconstructed Epidermis
atomic force microscopy, which allows to estimate and
quantize the measure and the distribution of the den- Monolayer cultures and coculture [13] are useful to
drites including internal melanosomes distribution and study vitiligo melanocytes and keratinocytes direct
arrangement [46]. Senescence has been studied on (cellcell contact) or indirect interaction (soluble fac-
keratinocytes from involved and uninvolved vitiligo tors/culture insert), but they do not reproduce the tri-
skin. Culture on 3T3 feeder-layer induces the forma- dimensional interactions of cells of the EMU.
tion of colonies of keratinocytes which vary in size Epidermal reconstructs, which reproduce the EMU
according to the state of cell proliferation, differentia- and basal membrane attachment, are thus a handful
tion, or senescence. Lesional NSV keratinocytes are in vivo-like model. Indeed, reconstructions of dif-
characterized by a lower proliferative potential, as ferent levels of complexity can be prepared (recon-
indicated by a shorter in vitro life span. Moreover, the structs with keratinocytes alone, keratinocytes and
expression of p16, PCNA, p53, and p63 markers dif- melanocytes, keratinocytes, melanocytes and fibro-
fers between lesional and nonlesional cells. Lesional blasts), including chimeric reconstructs (normal vs.
keratinocytes show a lower level of the senescence pathological cells). The analysis of the behavior of
marker p16 and a higher level of the melanocyte growth melanoctes and keratinocytes is done in a more phys-
factor SCF [42]. iological environment than that of monolayer cultures
224 M. Cario-Andr and M. L. D. Anna
Fig. Reconstructed epidermis were made with normal (c, d) stain. Sections have been analyzed for Melan-A (a, b, e, f)
keratinocytes and melanocytes REKnMn (ac, e) or with NSV or cadherin expression. Melan-A staining will allows to count
uninvolved keratinocytes and melanocytes REKvMn (d, f). melanocytes in basal, spinous, granular layers and stratum cor-
REKnMn were treated with serum from NSV patients (b) or with neum. In order to evaluate melanocyte detachment the percentage
H2O2 during 3 h (c) or 24 h (e). REKvMn were treated with H2O2 of melanocytes located in spinous and granular layers and lower
(d, f). Reconstructed epidermis embedded in paraffin, were stratum corneum was calculated. Serum can induce melanocytes
stained with hematoxylin-eosin to assess the general morphology detachment (arrow) in normal or vitiligo reconstructs whereas
of the epidermis. Melanin was visualized using Fontana-Masson H2O2 induce variable effects according to reconstructions
and cocultures, and allows to test conveniently com- nonlesional generalized vitiligo skin have a signifi-
pounds which are suspected to be implicated in viti- cantly reduced number of basal layer melanocytes,
ligo etiology or susceptible to improve the attachment whereas the presence of vitiligo keratinocytes enhances
and survival of melanocytes upon the basal layer. An this effect. Vitiligo sera may induce melanocyte
example of epidermal reconstructs tested with epi- detachment independently of the disease activity or
nephrin, norepinephrin, dopamine, hydrogen perox- extent. Hydrogen peroxide induces melanocyte detach-
ide, or vitiligo sera is illustrated in Fig. ment in reconstructs containing vitiligo melanocytes
Our main results using this model [7] were the fol- and normal keratinocytes, but not in normal controls.
lowing: reconstructs made with melanocytes from Finally, epinephrine, but not norepinephrine, allows
2.2.5 In Vitro Approaches 225
melanocyte detachment. Epidermal reconstructs are markers [16, 23, 31, 37]. The first data were derived by
useful to address several research questions such as: Is immuno histochemistry methods on frozen and
the melanocyte primarily affected? Is the cellular envi- paraffin-embedded sections, followed by fluorescence and
ronment important (keratinocytes, fibroblasts)? Are confocal microscopy on slide-cultured cells (Table
other (soluble) factors implicated in the development Phenotypic characterization of cultured vitiligo mel-
of vitiligo? However, this model has some limitation anocytes with respect to control cells was carried out
since we have not yet been able to introduce, for (Fig. A reduced expression of c-Kit and ET-1
instance, Langerhans cells or other immune cells to receptor, of tyrosinase and MITF were found in vitiligo
study their implication in vitiligo etiology; the study melanocytes with a pattern progressively varying from
of topical molecules to improve vitiligo treatment is the edge of the white spot to the nonlesional area [23].
less easy than that of soluble factors, and that long- The flow cytometric approach permits a quali-quantita-
term studies (more than 3 weeks) are not possible, tive multiparametric and time-dependent analysis.
since there is no renewal of the basal layer. Membrane and intracellular staining together with the
analysis of the physical and time parameters permits
the structural and functional characterization of the New Analytic Techniques melanocytes and their sorting for further cultures. The
current flow cytometers can analyze up to 16 parame-
ters. Beside the antibody-based approach, the cytomic
Fluorescence-Based Assays has been used to detect in vitiligo melanocytes the
intracellular ROS production (DCFH-DA or dhRho123
Fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal or polyclonal staining), the membrane lipo-peroxidation [9]
antibodies are widely applied to visualize and quantify (BODIPY581/591 staining), the content and the transmem-
the expression of some surface or internal melanocyte brane cardiolipin distribution (NAO fluorescence
Table List of antigens against which antibodies exist for detection on paraffin embedded sections. Most part of these
antibodies needs heat antigen retrieval techniques
Antigen Cells Protein features Differentiation featuring Staining pattern Sensitivity
MART-1 Melanocytes, melanoma Plasma membrane Epidermal melanocytes cytoplasmic Low/good
cells, Nevi protein
S-100 Melanocytes, Langerhans calcium binding protein Epidermal melanocytes cytoplasmic and Very good
cells, melanoma cells, nuclear
Nevi, astrocytes,
Schwanns cells,
gp-100 Melanocytes, melanoma Neuraminidase sensitive Hair follicle cytoplasmic Low
cells, Nevi, clear cells oligosaccharide melanocytes,
sarcomas side chain of a epidermal
glycoconjugate melanocytes
present in immature
c-Kit Melanocytes, Transmembrane tyrosine Hair follicle and Cytoplasmic and
hematopoietic stem kinase receptor for epidermal nuclear
cells, mastocytes SCF melanocytes
Tyrosinase Melanocytes, melanoma Melanosomal membrane Epidermal melanocytes Cytoplasmic Good
cells, Nevi protein
TRP-1 Melanocytes, melanoma Melanosomal membrane Epidermal melanocytes Cytoplasmic
cells, Nevi protein (melanosomes
stage III and IV)
Vimentin Melanocytes, Langerhans Subunit protein of the Hair follicle and Cytoplasmic
cells, fibroblasts, intermediate epidermal
endothelial cells filaments melanocytres
MITF-M Melanocytes Transcription factor in Hair follicle (cyt) and Cytoplasmatic Excellent
melanogenetic epidermal melano- and nuclear
pathway cytes (nuclear)
226 M. Cario-Andr and M. L. D. Anna
Fig. Human normal epidermal melanocytes in vitro with the different antibodies, conjugates with Alexa Fluor 488.
cultured were stained with monoclonal antibodies against MITF, The picture is representative of a normal culture of human epi-
tyrosinase, or Melan-A. The melanocytes were fixed and stained dermal melanocytes (40)
pattern) [10] (Fig. The flow cytometer may be perspectives. The laser scanning cytometer (LSC) per-
also used for fluorescence resonance energy transfer mits slide-based cytometry (SBC) and the hyperchro-
(FRET) analysis. Cells are stained with nonyl acridine matic approach. Its potential employ in vitiligo study
orange (NAO) (donor) and Mitotracker orange, a dye arises from its intrinsic features: nonconsumptive
with a high affinity for mitochondrion proteins and (unlike the flow cytometer), iterative restaining, differ-
voltage sensible (acceptor). The mitochondrial mass ential photobleaching (fluorochromes differentiated
and the polarization state of the inner mitochondrial on the basis of their specific photostability), and pho-
membrane can be monitored using FRET index based toactivation (for nano-particles or photo-caged dyes).
on NAO FL1 (green fluorescence) decreased and FL2 A single cell can be reanalyzed, whereas the informa-
(red fluorescence) increase from single to double- tion gained per specimen is only limited by the num-
labeled tubes [12]. The limitation associated with flow ber of available antibodies and sterical hindrance [40].
cytometry is that it is sample consuming. Several new The LSC when combined with fine-needle sampling
approaches, based on fluo world, are now available. (FNS) may be used to monitor the cell structural and
Most of these innovative technologies have not yet been functional modifications subsequent to in vitro treat-
applied to the study of vitiligo, but they open promising ment, where FNS further reduces the amount of sample
2.2.5 In Vitro Approaches 227
a 80
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
80%=27.5 M 93%=32.5 M
b FSC-H, SSC-H subset
N [NAO 10 M]
Fig. Flow cytometric analysis of the content of cardio- centration of NAO saturated by the cardiolipin. Primary human
lipin in the mitochondrial membrane. PBMC (a) from vitiligo melanocytes (b) from vitiligo and healthy subjects were also
and healthy subjects were fixed and stained with nonyl acridine stained with NAO. The NAO concentration saturated by cardio-
orange (NAO), which provides a measure of the membrane lipin is dependent on cardiolipin content
content of nonoxidised cardiolipin. The arrows indicate the con-
needed for the analysis. The SBC is a significant architecture is provided by iMIC, which integrates
advance research in the measurement of short-lived time-lapse studies, FRET measurements, laser micro-
processes in adherent cells and small samples, two cru- dissection, and slitscan confocal measurements with
cial features of vitiligo samples. New light microscope incoherent illumination (340680 nm).
228 M. Cario-Andr and M. L. D. Anna
Proteomic Transcriptomic
Recently, mass spectrometry in conjunction with free- Recently, oligonucleotide-based microarrays have
flow electrophoresis of sucrose density gradient has been used to explore the pattern of gene expression of
allowed the identification of early stage melanosome vitiligo melanocytes. Data were first filtered and nor-
proteins [32]. Two-dimensional differential image-gel malized to remove up to 9800 probes. Interestingly,
electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and liquid chromatography- the most up-regulated genes are related to the network
tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) allow the of endosome and lysosome organelles. The next step
analysis and identification of the proteic components of was to analyze the various clusters of the differentially
the organelles of melanocytes with melanosomes at dif- expressed genes. This approach can represent the basis
ferent maturation stages [22]. Calreticulin, a soluble for further in-depth analyses to better clarify the com-
Ca++-binding chaperone protein, is involved together plex vitiligo pathomechanisms [39].
with calnexin in the folding of newly synthesized pro-
teins and glycoproteins (including tyrosinase) and for
quality control pathways in endoplasmic reticulum. The Concluding Remarks
LC-MS/MS analysis has highlighted that calreticulin
expression is dependent on the maturation stage of mel-
Cell culture models are useful to investigate the differ-
anocytes. Even if the proteomic assay have been so far
ences between normal and vitiligo cells, and to test
carried out on murine healthy melanocytes, the scenario
potential treatment options. New analytic techniques
possibly designed by this approach may be crucial for
using a limited amount of biological material are very
the maturation process leading from nonpigmented
promising. Beyond the study of vitiligo pathomecha-
melanocytes to pigmented melanocytes in vitiligo.
nisms or therapies using unmodified patients cells,
the in vitro approach can be also adapted to generate
melanocyte-specific silencing or overexpression of
Metabolomic/Lipidomic putative target genes or, a step further, to design animal
models using melanocyte-specific expression of modi-
Metabolomic, as a global study of small molecules in fied genes. The study of various issues pertaining to
biological fluids, tissues and cells, is gaining recognition vitiligo including the role and regulation of transcrip-
for being a very sensitive and amplified readout of phys- tion factors, organelle genesis, intracellular transport,
iology, and therefore a tool of choice for systematic biol- stem cell maintenance, and senescence can be envis-
ogy studies in complex organisms. Serum lipidomics aged [15]. This step will allow the development of viti-
(global profiling of lipid molecular species) can be uti- ligo models using normal cells bypassing the difficulty
lized to predict the expression of inflammatory genes. to culture vitiligo cells, which is currently the limiting
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(2000) Expression and modulation of apoptosis regulatory force microscopy. Pigment Cell Res 17:6265
Oxidative Stress
Mauro Picardo and Maria Lucia DellAnna
of the increased generation of free radical and toxic hydrogen peroxide, which in turn can produce the oxi-
metabolites, or because of a defective antioxidant pat- dation of different proteins with enzymatic activity,
tern [3, 9, 16, 22, 41, 44]. including catalase [36 39, 41]. The increased produc-
The generation of oxidative stress has been associ- tion of NE during the deregulated catecholamine path-
ated with the alteration of catecholamines metabolism way may take part in the melanocyte damage. The
and melanin synthesis [6, 14, 32, 36, 38]. Moreover, synthesis of biopterins is based on a multistep process,
the dysregulation of some metabolic pathways, even where several enzymes work in a reciprocal dependent
not strictly related to the melanogenetic activity, has manner. Most of the involved enzymes are character-
been considere. ized by the presence of methionine and tryptophan in
active or binding sites. Both the aminoacides have
been reported to be susceptible to deactivation by oxi-
dation. The functional effect of their oxidative-medi- Catecholamine and Biopterin
ated deactivation should be the shift of the synthetic
Metabolisms pathway toward the production of 7BH4 and l-phenila-
lanine. The build-up of l-phenylalanine and 7BH4
The attention to the potential pathogenetic role of the could be responsible for the increased H2O2 generation
catecholamins comes from clinical data, which suggest because of the short circuit of biopterins recycling.
that psychophysical stress (relative death, school tests, The biopterin pathway is interconnected with the thi-
works problems, etc.) can be associated with the onset oredoxin one. The block of the tyrosine synthesis has
or the worsening of the clinical manifestation of vitiligo, been suggested to cause depigmentation through the
and by the morphological demonstration of the presence accumulation of 7-tetrahydrobiopterin within the epi-
of nerve ending close to melanocytes. Different authors dermis and catechol in the serum. The accumulation of
have reported increased plasma level of dopamine (DA) biopterins inhibits the production of tyrosine by phe-
and norepinephrine (NE), as well of the urinary metab- nylalanine. In addition, the degree of phenylalanine
olites homovanilic acid (HVA) and vanylmandelic acid uptake, depending in turn on the calcium homeostasis,
(VMA), in early and active phase of the disease [6, 32]. which is altered in vitiligo, could further affect the
It has been demonstrated that both melanocytes and melanogenic pathway (Fig. Vitiligo melano-
keratinocytes are involved in the synthesis/recycling of cytes are thus deprived of the essential precursor for
catecholamine and present functional b2-adreceptors melanin synthesis and are exposed to the toxic inter-
on the cell membrane [5, 12]. Two possible mecha- mediates. Finally, hydrogen peroxide could be respon-
nisms have been suggested to explain the melanocyte sible for the alteration of b2-adrenoceptor-activated
damage: a direct one due to the toxicity of the quinone pathway and of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase,
and semiquinone moieties and oxyradicals generated which once inactivated, participates in maintaining or
by the oxidation of the catecholamines, and an indirect promoting the oxidative stress [12].
mechanism related to the vasoconstriction associated
with NE release and the subsequent production of free
radicals [5]. The decreased activity of catechol O Cellular Alterations Related
methyl transferase (COMT) in the skin of vitiligo
patients could explain the increased local oxidation of to the Oxidative Stress
the neuromediators [45].
Moreover, an alteration of the epidermal and sys- In vitiligo, some morphofunctial alterations suggested
temic metabolic synthetic pathway of biopterins, ROS-mediated damage. Initial studies on cultured vitiligo
cofactors required for the catecholamine, as well as melanocytes reported that these cells present longer
serotonin and melatonin, possibly due to a genetic latency period and low replication rate, and require cata-
polymorphism, has been reported. The alteration could lase supplementation to support cell growth [2, 28, 35].
lead to the accumulation of the intermediated product Several morphological features have been subsequently
7-tetrahydrobiopterin, capable of inhibiting melanin described, including melanosome compartmentalization,
synthesis and toxic for melanocytes. The altered recy- dilated RER, impaired cellcell contacts, and lipid vacu-
cling of the biopterins generate an increased amount of oles [2, 23, 24, 29, 33]. Cultured vitiligo melanocytes
2.2.6 Oxidative Stress 233
show increased ROS level, and low amount as well as transduction. H2O2 production is actually regulated
decreased activity of the catalase, the principal enzyme by a fine integrated network of antioxidant and detox-
involved in H2O2 removal. In vitro vitiligo melanocytes ifying enzymes provided by catalase, thioredoxin
are more susceptible to the toxic effect of pro-oxidant reductase/thioredoxin, glutathione peroxidase, and
stimuli such as cumene hydroperoxide and UV [10, 16, reductase. The enzyme responsible for the removal
19, 27]. Inside the cells, the level of the free radicals of H2O2 is catalase, primarily placed in peroxysome,
increases when the production is boosted or the enzy- the site of major H2O2 production. The antioxidant
matic and nonenzymatic detoxifying systems are defec- activity of catalase is complemented by the seleno-
tives. In vitiligo skin, in vivo millimolar H2O2 level has enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx), even though
been reported by the Fourier Transform Raman spec- the latter is located in a different cellular site and has
troscopy [38, 40]. different chemical features and substrate specifici-
The generation of ROS is a physiological cellular ties. The expression and the activity of GPx have
process. Several metabolic pathways (monoamino oxi- been reported lower in melanocytes. While catalase
dase A, NADPH oxidase, biopterin synthesis, nitric is active only toward H2O2, GPx reduces many differ-
oxide synthase, estro-progestin metabolism, and xan- ent peroxide compounds, including organic hydroper-
thine oxidase) physiologically produce H2O2. The xan- oxides. Superoxide dismutases (SODs) catalyze the
thine oxidase enzyme is actually a combination of dismutation of O2 to H2O2 and O2. The various SODs
couple of enzymes, because it is transcribed as dehy- isoenzymes are crucial for the H2O2 formation in both
drogenase and immediately converted to the oxidase intracellular and extracellular spaces. Schematically,
form, through a proteolytic or oxidative pathway. The inside the cells, SOD is present in two forms, one
conversion of the dehydrogenase from into the oxidase with a prevalent cytosolic (Cu/ZnSOD) localization
one has been implicated in oxidative-stress associated and the second one principally abundant in the mito-
diseases. chondrial matrix (MnSOD). In the extracellular flu-
The ROS are generated inside the cells by the ids, it is present as an additional isoenzyme containing
Electron Transport Chain during the mitochondrial Cu and Zn (EC-SOD) [9].
energy production [8, 9]. The ROS production cannot The hyperproduction of ROS may lead to the inacti-
simply be considered a side effect of different meta- vation of the catalase, through the oxidation of porphy-
bolic pathways, as at micromolar concentration, ROS rin ring, methionin, and tryptofan residues, producing
are crucial mediators of the intracellular signal the reduction of the catalase activity. Through the same
234 M. Picardo and M. L. DellAnna
mechanism, even the activity of the thioredoxin potential, and also production of melanocyte-specific
reductase, an enzyme involved in protein repair, as growth factors. Lesional keratinocytes, in fact, can
well as of methionine sulfoxide reductase A, has been present vacuolar degeneration, which has been associ-
reported to be compromised. Biopterins could be oxi- ated with the increased exposure to H2O2, and produce
dized by H2O2, affecting thus the tyrosine-dependent an inadequate amount of the specific melanocyte
pathways. At the same time, ROS affect propiomel- growth factors, including membrane-bound SCF,
anocortin cleavage giving rise to a reduced amount of which could lead to melanocyte apoptosis [20, 21]
a-MSH and b-endorphin. Recently, the ROS-mediated (Chap. 2.2.8). Moreover, keratinocytes themselves,
reduced activity of MITF, the transcription factor con- following the exposure to prooxidant stimuli, can pro-
trolling the melanin synthesis pathway, has been pro- duce and release high amount of proinflammatory
posed [17]. MITF is usually phosphorylated and cytokines, such as IL-6, IL-1a, and TNF-a leading to
activated by receptor-associated kinases allowing the lymphocytes recruitment [30, 31] (Chap. 2.2.8 and
subsequent production of the melanogenetic enzymes. Sect. However, TNF-a was reported to
To bind M-Box and then promote the transcription of directly interfere with some mitochondrial activities
tyrosinase, TRP-1, and DCT, MITF needs the phos- through the production of peroxides (including hydro-
phorylation in Ser73 and Ser49. However, the oxidation gen peroxide) leading to a mitochondria-dependent
of MITF can compromise the melanogenetic pathway, cell death or, at least, to the activation of the inflamma-
as well as the cell-cycle progression (p16INK4A-depen- tory genes, through the nuclear translocation of NF-kB
dent) and cell survival (Bcl-2-dependent). Finally, the [9, 41].
oxidative damage of MITF may affect even its ability
to antagonize TNF-a activity and to bind 6BH4, fur-
ther contributing to the oxidative stress. The Possible Genetic
The role of an oxidative stress is suggested even by
the mechanism proposed to explain the chemical viti- Background
ligo, occurring in subjects professionally exposed to
phenol-derived substances. A TRP-1 dependent path- The expression of the genes of the FOXD3 pathway
way has been suggested as possible source of toxic (SLUG, Wnt-2, SOX9, SOX10), as well of calreticu-
quinones and ROS at least in in vitro models. Following lin, GGA1, and MATP (the latest two genes, codify-
the exposure to phenol compounds, the assembly may ing for proteins involved in the trafficking of
be affected. The compromised assembly of the TRP-1 melanosome proteins, regulate the post-Golgi vesi-
in a multiproteic complex may affect the stability of cle-mediated transport) has been found differently
the TRP-1 itself with subsequent production of the modulated in vitiligo [43]. On this basis, the accumu-
melanin toxic intermediates [3, 46]. Moreover, the lation of toxic melanin intermediates may be due to
chemical compounds may allow the increased mem- an impaired melanosome transport, inner coating of
brane expression of hsp70, favoring the activation of the melanosome membranes, or to defective expres-
the dendritic cells and of the immune system [19]. sion of proteins regulating melanogenic enzymes
An altered intracellular membrane-dependent sig- synthesis. A catalase polymorphism (T/C SNP), lead-
nal transduction may take place in vitiligo melano- ing to an incorrect subunit assembly, was reported in
cytes, possibly affecting the response to growth factors Caucasian population [4]. A reduced expression of
and dangerous stimuli. A marked membrane lipoper- VIT1 (22q11) could account for an altered G/T mis-
oxidation, together with loss and dislocation of the car- match repair, calcium homeostasis, and protein
diolipin across the mitochondrial membrane has been degradation [25]. In acrofacial vitiligo, COMT poly-
described in cultured vitiligo melanocytes [10], which morphism (G/A, val/met) could be responsible for a
could be the cause of the increased mitochondrial ROS thermo-sensibility of the enzyme with a subsequent
production and for the possible reduced response to high production of quinones [45]. However, the true
the specific growth factors. value of the different genetic studies has to be further
The oxidative-mediated damage has been suggested confirmed, because they are frequently carried out on
to be involved even in the alteration of other epidermal a limited number of subjects and without validation
cells, compromising their survival/proliferative by other authors.
2.2.6 Oxidative Stress 235 The Systemic Oxidative Stress systemically distributed by the blood [39, 42]. However,
the ROS production could take place inside the nonepi-
Some biochemical pathways, altered in the vitiligo epi- dermal cells, independently on melanocyte-specific
dermis, have been reported to be deregulated even in metabolisms [7, 8]. In fact, the increased ROS produc-
other nonepidermal related compartments. The altera- tion in PBMC has been reported to be associated with
tion of the catecholamine biosynthesis was observed in some mitochondrial alterations, such as the loss of the
truth even in blood cells, associated with higher plasma transmembrane potential, the cardiolipin loss, or dislo-
level of catechols [7, 33]. In red blood cells and periph- cation [8, 10]. Moreover, the increased ROS production
eral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) a defective activ- can be inhibited by drugs acting on the mitochondrial
ity of catalase and GPx, associated with an increased transition pores, such as cyclosporin A [7]. In addition,
production of lipid peroxidation by-products, has been the concentration of the shuttle enzyme MDH, physio-
described [1, 7, 18]. Melanocytes and PBMC, show logically ensuring the adequate level of NADH inside
altered antioxidants pattern, with low activity of catalase the mitochondria, was reported to be defective [8]. The
and glutathione peroxidase, high activity of SOD and last alteration could be associated with the impairment
xanthine oxidase, associated with the presence of index of the mitochondrial activity leading to the ROS produc-
of lipid peroxidation. The alteration of the antioxidant tion. Finally, the DNA oxidative damage in PBMC has
apparatus in peripheral blood cells has been suggested to been described indicating that the site of production may
be due to the H2O2 produced inside the epidermis and be intracellular [13].
M1 M1=285
10 Concluding Remarks cells during the active phase of vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol
8. DellAnna ML, Urbanelli S, Mastrofrancesco A et al (2003)
The occurrence of the oxidative stress seems to be cor- Alterations of mitochondria in peripheral blood mononul-
cear cells of vitiligo patients. Pigment Cell Res 16:553559
related with vitiligo onset and progression, indicating
9. DellAnna ML, Camera E, Picardo M (2005) Free radicals.
that the alterations of different metabolisms leading to In: Bos JD (ed) Skin immune system, 3rd edn. CRC press,
oxidative damage of the cells may occur. However, Boca Raton, pp 287313
whether the cellular oxidative stress is a primary or a 10. DellAnna ML, Ottaviani M, Albanesi V et al (2007)
Membrane lipid alternations as a possible basis for melanocyte
secondary event has not been defined. The oxidative
degeneration in vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 127: 12261233
stress can affect the membrane organization and the 11. Dell Anna HL, Picardo M (2006). A review and a new hypoth-
cellular adhesion, agents with a subsequent anomalous esis for non-immunological pathogenetic mechanisms in viti-
exposure, and release of proteins on the membrane ligo. Pigment Cell Res 19:406411
12. Gillbro JM, Marles LK, Hibberts NA et al (2004) Autocrine
(i.e., hsp70) leading to an increased susceptibility to
catecholamine biosynthesis and the b2-adrenoceptor signal
toxic. The membrane lipids are easy target of the ROS promote pigmentation in human epidermal melanocytes.
and an altered composition of lipids may enhance the J Invest Dermatol 123:346353
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Increased monoamine oxidase A activity in the epider-
Immune/Inammatory Aspects
This inappropriate activation would affect the homeo- The Role of Innate Immunity
stasis of the epidermis and affect intrinsically fragile in Vitiligo
melanocytes. As indicated by Peroni and Girolomoni
(Sect. keratinocytes-derived stimuli, dendritic
cells, proteins involved in the activation of the inflam- Anna Peroni and Giampiero Girolomoni
masome complex, which is present in keratinocytes,
and complement are potential major actors. A recent
breakthrough in this perspective was the finding that
single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the inflammasome Contents
NALP1 gene appear to independently contribute to risk
of generalized vitiligo and other autoimmune diseases The Innate Immune System: An Overview .................... 240
The Skin Innate Immune System ................................... 241
in Caucasians [2] (Sect. The Innate Immune System in Vitiligo .......................... 243
Concluding Remarks ...................................................... 245
References ........................................................................... 245
A. Peroni (*)
Dermatological Clinic, University of Verona, Verona, Italy
e-mail: anna.peroni@univr.it
2.2.7 Immune/Inflammatory Aspects 241
immune system has been rediscovered. The innate structural and functional characters with TLRs [71],
immune system is the most ancient and highly con- while others (NLR family apoptosis inhibitory pro-
served, being present in barely all metazoan organisms teins, NAIPS, and NACHT-, LRR-, and Pyrin domain-
[54]. It has traditionally been interpreted as indepen- containing proteins, NALPS) control activation of the
dent from adaptive immune system and characterized inflammasome [52], that leads even to rapid cell death
by a stereotyped response to infective stimuli, useful to in some cell types [22]. A third family of PRRs is the
control the pathogens while the adaptive immune RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) that recognize viruses
response is forming. Innate and adaptive immunities [69]. These three families of PRRs cooperate in innate
show fundamental differences. Innate immunity is immunity [23]. Soluble PRRs have been identified too,
characterized by a limited number of germline-encoded like mannose binding lectin (MBL) that is involved in
receptors that can recognize some highly conserved opsonization and complement activation [26]. Finally,
microbial structures and promote a stereotyped a new intriguing research matter concerns activation of
response. On the contrary, adaptive immunity can arm innate immune system not only by infectious agents,
specific response against a virtually unlimited series of but also by sterile tissue damage [8].
antigens through site-specific somatic recombination;
moreover only adaptive immunity features immuno-
logical memory that allows a more rapid and efficient
reaction in case of a second encounter with the same The Skin Innate Immune System
antigen. The two systems are, however, strictly inter-
mingled: cells of the innate immune system participate The skin innate immune system is constituted by many
as effectors in adaptive immunity responses, and they different cellular and soluble elements that are sum-
can also determine the type of adaptive response, prin- marized in Table
cipally by the action of dendritic cells (DC) [20];
another link between the two systems is represented by
the natural killer (NK)-T cell, a subset of T-cells that Cellular Components
express NK as well as T-cell receptors [57].
The innate immune system is formed by physical The stratum corneum, a nonviable layer of anucleated
barriers (epithelial layers of skin and mucosa), cells terminally differentiated keratinocytes with extracel-
(skin, pulmonary and gut epithelial cells, mast cells, lular lipid lamellae, is the primary protective shield of
NK cells, DC, granulocytes, and monocytes-mac- the skin [58]. Keratinocytes are actively involved in
rophages), and soluble molecules (complement, cytok- immune defenses. They can be activated via TLR (they
ines and chemokines, antimicrobial peptides) [20]. An express TLR1, 2 and 5, while conflicting reports exist
important milestone in the understanding of the func- on TLR4) and NF-kB [53] as well as by proinflamma-
tioning of innate immunity is the discovery of ger- tory cytokines and release cytokines, chemokines, and
mline-encoded pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) antimicrobial peptides [6, 20]. These substances act by
and their primary role in the identification of various direct killing of the pathogen, initiation of inflamma-
alarm signals, from outside (conserved molecular pat- tion via endothelial cell activation and chemoattraction
terns shared by many bacteria or viruses) or inside
(endogenous ligands generated under abnormal condi-
tions or as indirect result of infection) [38]. The best Table Principal elements of the skin immune system
Cells Soluble molecules
characterized of the PRRs are Toll-like receptors
(TLRs), a family of transmembrane proteins expressed Keratinocytes Antimicrobial peptides
Melanocytes Complement
mostly on phagocytic cells, with different members
Langerhans cells Chemokines
being able to recognize distinct microbial structures Dermal dendritic cells Cytokines
and leading to the activation of NF-kB transcription Monocytes
factor [4, 44]. More recently, other cytosolic PRRs Mast cells
have been characterized, called NOD-like receptors Endothelial cells
(NLRs) [34]; their role is still an area of intensive NK cells
research, but some of them (Nod1 and Nod2) share Granulocytes
242 A. Peroni and G. Girolomoni
of inflammatory cells, and also by activating DC [20]. strictly dependent from adaptive immune system [35],
Phagocytes (monocytes-macrophages and granulo- interactions between innate and adaptive immune sys-
cytes) and DC engulf the pathogens, and then kill them tems are crucial for the process: innate elements are
in the first case, while processing for antigen presenta- responsible for labeling a particular antigen as dan-
tion to T- lymphocytes in the second case. Infiltrating gerous and passing this information to the adaptive
neutrophils exert different effects including release of immune response, that subsequently may initiate a
antimicrobial peptides, direct killing of microbes, misdirect immune response, for example against mel-
release of cytokines and proteases necessary for acti- anocytes as in vitiligo.
vation of many proinflammatory mediators. Cytokines Another important cell type involved both in innate
and growth factors initiate also a reparative response and acquired skin immune system is the mast cell
that limits tissue damage and favor the return to a [27, 65]. Traditionally considered principally involved
homeostatic condition. Epidermal growth-factor recep- in TH2- and IgE-associated immune responses, now
tor plays a very important role in these processes [62]. mast cell is known to be implicated in a variety of
The DC, including epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) inflammatory and immunological processes, includ-
and dermal DC are the major antigen-presenting cells ing modulation of T cells and DC functions, antigen
and are fundamental to determine the action of T cells: presentation to T cells through MHC class I and II
whether or not to respond, how to respond (Th1, Th2 molecules [19, 27], selective recruitment of T cells
or T regulatory (Treg cells), and where to respond; and NK cells [24]. Finally in recent years, mast cells
moreover they have a crucial role in the peripheral tol- have been implicated in models of several cutaneous
erance by directly rendering unresponsive auto-reac- or systemic autoimmune diseases [19, 65] and in T
tive T-cells or inducing the formation of suppressive reg cell-mediated allograft tolerance [50].
Treg cells or conversely overruling the action of estab- Melanocytes may exert some immunological func-
lished T reg cells [20]. Epidermal LC are strategically tions [67]. They are capable of producing cytokines
located to detect and transmit, vertically and horizon- [5, 70], can phagocytize, process, and present antigens
tally, surface danger signals [56]; despite the fact that on MHC class II, as amateur antigen-presenting cells.
LC were described 140 years ago, their in vivo func- Even melanization, which is their main recognized
tion still remains elusive. More recently, different der- task, could be seen as part of innate immune system
mal DC subpopulations have been characterized with the production and distribution of pigment, which
according to phenotype and function [56]. Among is essential for protection from ultraviolet damage.
these, plasmacytoid DC (pDCs) are a major source of
IFN-a and are actively involved in antiviral responses,
and differ from conventional DC as they uniquely Soluble Components
express TLR7 and 9, and not other TLRs [16].
Plasmacytoid DC have also been associated with the Antimicrobial peptides are predominantly small cat-
pathogenesis of a group of autoimmune diseases ionic polypeptides with the ability of directly killing a
(including systemic lupus erythematosus and psoria- broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, and viruses; many
sis) characterized by the presence of anti self-nucleic of them have also other functions. Some of these pep-
acid and self-nuclear components antibodies [16, 45]. tides are normally expressed in healthy skin, such as
Accordingly, with the Toll hypothesis, autoimmune lysozyme, dermicidin, Rnase7, Psoriasin (S100A7),
diseases may originate from imperfect discrimination while others are up-regulated under specific condi-
of microbe from self through receptors that detect tions, like human b-defensin-2 and human b-defensin-3;
microbial DNA and RNA [28]. finally cathelicidin LL-37 is both constitutionally
Crucial for the recognition of self/ nonself are the expressed and up-regulated during inflammatory and
NK cells, which not only utilize the missing self con- immune responses [14, 68]. Interestingly enough,
cept typical for innate immunity, but also screen the many other peptides that have been ascribed alternate
cell surfaces for the presence of receptors of the adap- functions in the skin also demonstrate antimicrobial
tive immune system (e.g. HLA-E), which are in this activity, such as a-MSH, substance P and chemokines
case utilized as self markers. This aspect is particularly (CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11) [14]. In addition, anti-
interesting because, if it is true that autoimmunity is microbial peptides may be involved in the regulation
2.2.7 Immune/Inflammatory Aspects 243
of melanin synthesis by acting on the melanocortin 1 susceptibility to localized (focal and segmental) viti-
receptor [15]. Complement is a system of plasmatic ligo in Korean population [39]. Particularly haplotype
proteins usually not present within the skin that can be frequencies of EDN1 polymorphisms differed signifi-
activated by microorganisms and recruited during cantly between vitiligo patients and healthy controls,
inflammatory processes. Complement can be activated whereas the genotype distributions and allele frequen-
by different mechanisms: in the classical pathway C1 cies did not [39]. Futhermore, keratinocytes in depig-
recognizes IgM, IgG1, or IgG3 bound on microbial or mented skin are more susceptible to TNF-a mediated
cellular surface, in the alternative pathway comple- apoptosis through impaired kit and NF-kB activation
ment proteins bind directly structures on microbial compared with normally pigmented epidermis [40, 46];
surface, finally, in the last discovered lectin pathway, stem cell factor (SCF) decrease followed keratinocytes
the plasmatic protein MBL recognizes mannose termi- apoptosis and SCF deprivation from the culture medium
nal residues of microbial glycoproteins or glycolipids determined melanocytes apoptosis [47]. These obser-
and then activates the classical pathway, without anti- vations lead to the hypothesis that a minor trauma could
bodies, through an associated serin-protease [63, 77]. lead to melanocytes depletion primarily by inducing
The final result of these activation pathways is the for- keratinocytes apoptosis and subsequent reduction of
mation of the membrane attack complex (MAC) (C5b, SCF [47], therefore suggesting a possible mechanism
C6-9) that leads to cell lysis. Some complement frac- for Koebner phenomenon in vitiligo (Sect.
tions (C3b, C4b) and MBL acts as opsonine as well, Moreover vitiligo keratinocytes have a shorter life span
thus favoring microbial engulfment by neutrophils and in vitro than cells from uninvolved skin, and all of them
macrophage. Finally some complement fractions are do not support melanocytes properly in culture [12].
chemoattractant for neutrophils (C3a, C5a) or directly Finally, the presence of anti-keratinocyte antibodies
activate mast cells (C3a, C4a, C5a) [21]. Chemokines has been reported, directed toward keratinocytes cyto-
and cytokines are very numerous and have a plenty of plasmic components, but they seem to be more likely a
functions, whose description override the purposes of consequence of cellular damage rather than a causative
this text. All cell types of innate immunity are major factor for vitiligo [79].
sources of cytokines and chemokines [1].
Dendritic Cells
The Innate Immune System in Vitiligo The LC density in vitiligo has been variably reported
as decreased, normal, or increased [61], being different
Keratinocytes in the various zones of trichrome type [32]. Recently,
ultrastructural abnormalities have also been described
Keratinocytes form functional and structural units with [61] (see also Sect. There are also some evi-
melanocytes, and exert several effects on the latter. dences of functional impairment of LC in vitiliginous
Indeed, structural [11, 61] and functional [12, 66] skin that results in relative absence of contact dermati-
abnormalities in vitiligo keratinocytes have been tis to monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone [73]. But,
reported. Functional alterations of vitiliginous kerati- exact correlation of these alterations with vitiligo
nocytes concerns principally adrenergic metabolism pathogenesis remains to be clarified. A new role for
(Chap. 2.2.6), and that represents one of the cross-talk DC in vitiligo has emerged from the demonstration of
systems between epidermal cells [29]. Another way by their capability to kill tumor cells leaving surrounding
which keratinocytes can influence adjacent melano- healthy cells untouched [49]. DC-mediated killing
cytes is the production of several soluble and mem- depends upon the expression of TNF family members
brane factors (Chap. 2.2.7). Among these, endothelin 1 on DC surface coupled with the expression of appro-
(ET-1) produced by keratinocytes has paracrine effects priate receptors on target cells. Healthy cells do not
on melanocytes influencing their survival and pigmen- express the latter and are therefore protected [49].
tation, and is thought to play a role in the skin response More recently DC-mediated killing of stressed mel-
to UV radiation. It has been shown that ET-1 gene anocytes has been demonstrated in vitiligo experimen-
(EDN1) polymorphisms contribute to the increased tal models and in vivo [42]. Particularly, the process
244 A. Peroni and G. Girolomoni
has been related to increased release by vitiligo mel- IL-18 [9]. Particularly, NALP1 determines activation of
anocytes of heat-shock protein (HSP) 70 in the extra- caspase-1, which processes pro-IL-1 to its mature form.
cellular milieu, where this can induce an immune Oligomerization of NALP1 and activation of Caspase-1
response against the very cell from which it is derived, occur in a two-step mechanism, requiring microbial
and to enhanced expression of TNF-related apoptosis product, muramyl-dipeptide, a component of peptido-
inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptors on stressed mel- glycan, followed by ribonucleoside triphosphates [25].
anocytes that renders them more susceptible to DC The NALP1 is localized mainly in the nucleus and is
direct killing [42]. widely expressed, but is at highest levels in LC and
T-cells [43]. Alterations of the inflammasomes are
involved in the pathogenesis of some chronic inflam-
Macrophages matory diseases [9]. A role for inflammasome in viti-
ligo has been suggested only recently. The gene
The presence of macrophages has been proved particu- encoding for NALP1 has been identified on 17p13 [36],
larly in perilesional skin [48, 74], and even in nonin- a chromosomal region, yet related to vitiligo [55], and
flammatory stable vitiligo of long duration [61]. Their at least two common NALP1 variants appear to inde-
functional role in vitiligo may depend on H2O2 produc- pendently contribute to risk of generalized vitiligo and
tion via NADPH oxidase activity [67]. Further evidence other autoimmune diseases in Caucasians [36]. Further,
for active involvement of macrophages in vitiligo the same single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in
pathogenesis is linked to their expression of immuno- the NALP1 gene (rs6502867 and rs2670660) showed
globulins receptors. It has been shown in a mouse independent effect on disease risk in another study [37].
model that macrophages expressing common g chain of The exact mechanism by which NALP1 influences viti-
the activating FcgRs can mediate vitiligo both in pres- ligo pathogenesis remains to be clarified.
ence and absence of complement C3 fraction [72]. Moreover, in very recent years a role in vitiligo
pathogenesis has been proposed also for MBL [60], a
soluble PRR also active in complement activation.
Natural Killer Cells The MBL deficiency has been associated with other
autoimmune diseases, such as systemic and cutaneous
Only few studies evaluated NK cells in vitiligo patients, lupus erythematosus and dermatomyiositis. Reduction
mostly of peripheral blood and with variable results. of MBL alleles or levels, particularly if associated to
Particularly, percentage of peripheral blood NK has been an impaired calcium intake by skin cells, may cause
detected to be significantly higher in patients with viti- an inadequate clearance of apoptotic cells, thus lead-
ligo and negative autoantibody test [31], but lower [51] ing to continuous stimulation of the immune system
or not statistically different [2] from healthy controls in and antibody production. Moreover MBL deficiency
nonsegmental vitiligo patients. Finally, Korsunskaya et could also result in increased predisposition to attack
al. found a reduction of the relative number of NK from viruses.
CD16+ cells, but with unchanged absolute number in
the peripheral blood of patients with vitiligo [41]. Only
Abdel-Naser et al. did not find significant number of Antimicrobial Peptides
CD16+ or CD56+ cells in vitiliginous skin and marginal
skin in patients with generalized vitiligo [3]. There is no evidence to date of direct involvement of
defensins or cathelicidins in vitiligo pathogenesis.
Cathelicidn LL-37 has been implicated in the patho-
Pattern Recognition Receptors genesis of autoimmune responses. In fact, it has been
demonstrated that LL-37 may protect plasmid DNA
NACHT leucine-rich protein 1 (NALP1) is one of the and mediate its cellular uptake and subsequent eukary-
proteins involved in the activation of the inflammasome, otic expression [64]. This suggested the hypothesis that
a multiprotein cytosolic complex that receives signals LL-37 could lead to cellular uptake of bacterial genes
from both TLRs and NLRs pathways and leads to the at sites of microbial infection and potentially to auto-
activation of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1b and immune phenomena [13]. LL-37 may combine with
2.2.7 Immune/Inflammatory Aspects 245
DNA released by injured eukaryotic cells, and these DC-mediated direct killing, alterations of proteins
complexes can activate plasmocytoid DC to release involved in the activation of the inflammasome and in
IFN, in turn a potent activator of myeloid DC and thus complement pathway, but many other aspects should be
of autoimmune phenomena [45]. This aspect becomes further investigated. Keratinocytes can cooperate in the
particularly intriguing in light of the direct correlation pathogenesis through ET-1 gene polymorphisms and
between progression of vitiligo lesions and the pres- dysfunctions of the SCF/c-kit/MITF-M signalling path-
ence of cytomegalovirus DNA [30]. Finally LL-37 has way [10, 59]. On the latter the fibroblast-derived secreted
been demonstrated to induce reactive oxygen species antagonist of the Wnt pathway dickkopf 1 (DKK1) also
generation and IL-8 production by peripheral blood acts [17, 18, 78]. DC-mediated killing of stressed mel-
neutrophils of healthy donors [81]. Both IL-8 [80] and anocytes has been demonstrated in vitiligo experimental
oxidative stress have been implicated in vitiligo models and in vivo. The process has been related to
pathogenesis. increased release by vitiligo melanocytes of HSP-70 in
the extracellular milieu and to enhanced expression of
TRAIL receptors on stressed melanocytes that renders
Complement them more susceptible to killing. Single-nucleotide
polymorphisms in the NALP1, one of the proteins
Complement-activating antimelanocyte antibodies have involved in the activation of the inflammasome gene,
been implicated in vitiligo pathogenesis, with comple- appear to independently contribute to the risk of gener-
ment components directly involved in cell killing, but alized vitiligo as well as other autoimmune diseases.
other mechanisms have been hypothesized. Some alter-
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Targets of Melanocyte Antibodies in Vitiligo of individuals with vitiligo [31], and in a further study,
tyrosinase antibodies could not be demonstrated in viti-
Initial immunoprecipitation studies using melanoma ligo patients [69]. Similar contrasts have been found in
cell extracts revealed that antibodies in vitiligo relation to antibodies against tyrosinase-related protein
patients were most commonly directed against pig- (TRP)-2. A frequency of 5.9% has been reported in one
ment cell antigens with molecular weights of 35, cohort of vitiligo patients [32], whereas 67% of indi-
4045, 75, 90, and 150 kDa [13]. Several of the pro- viduals with the disease were positive for antibody reac-
teins (4045, 75 and 150 kDa) appeared to be com- tivity to TRP-2 in another study [53]. The differences in
mon tissue antigens, while others (35 and 90 kDa) detection rates of antibodies to these particular melano-
were preferentially expressed on pigment cells [13]. cyte proteins may be related to the vitiligo patient group
In immunoblotting studies with melanocyte extracts, studied or to the type of assay used for the analysis
antigens of 45, 65, and 110 kDa have been identified (Table Interestingly, although TRP-1 has been
[25, 57], while vitiligo-associated antibodies have demonstrated as a major autoantigen in vitiligo Smyth
been demonstrated to recognize melanoma cell pro- chickens [3], antibodies to TRP-1 have only been identi-
teins of 68, 70, 88, 90, 110, and 165 kDa [24, 58]. fied in a minority (5.9%) of patients with the disease
Differences in the detected antigens could be deter- [34]. Again, these dissimilar results could be a reflection
mined by several factors, including the method of the different assays used to measure antibody levels.
employed [13, 24, 25, 57, 58], the origin of the cell The melanosomal matrix protein gp100 (Pmel17)
extract used [13, 24, 25, 57, 58], and the patient has been reported as a humoral autoantigen in only
cohort under study. Notably, significant variations 5.9% of vitiligo patients [33]. Interestingly, the mel-
between the prevalence of antibodies to different pig- anosomal protein MelanA/MART1 appears not to be a
ment cell antigens and the clinical type of vitiligo target of autoantibodies in vitiligo [66], although it is
have been reported [25]. Although the identity of frequently recognized by cytotoxic T cells in individu-
these particular antigens has not been confirmed, sev- als with the disease [52]. Recently, the melanocyte
eral specific autoantigens in vitiligo have been transcription factors SOX9 and SOX10 were charac-
reported, and these are summarized in Table terized as vitiligo-associated autoantigens in patients
Tyrosinase, a melanogenic enzyme was first described with autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1
as an autoantigen recognized by antibodies in 61% of (APS1), although the frequency of SOX10 and SOX9
vitiligo patients in immunoblotting experiments [61]. antibodies was only 1.1 and 3.2%, respectively, in
Likewise, in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay patients with isolated vitiligo [27]. The technique of
(ELISA) with mushroom tyrosinase, 39% of vitiligo phage-display of peptides encoded by melanoctye
patients were considered positive for tyrosinase anti- cDNA has been used to identify the melanin-concen-
bodies [4]. In contrast, using a sensitive radiobinding trating hormone receptor (MCHR1) as a target of anti-
assay, tyrosinase antibodies were detected in only 10.9% bodies in vitiligo patients [37]. Of the vitiligo patients
250 E. H. Kemp et al.
included in the study, 9/55 (16.4%) had antibodies to but is not effective for the identification of conforma-
the receptor, making this antigen the most common, tional/discontinuous antigenic domains, which are usu-
yet identified in patients with vitiligo. ally associated with disease activity [44]. Peptides that
Several epitopes recognized by antibodies in vitiligo react with antibodies in vitiligo patient sera have been
patients have been reported (Table For tyrosi- revealed by phage-display analysis [30]. Such amino
nase, Pmel17 and MCHR1, antibody binding sites have acid sequences may mimic vitiligo-related self-anti-
been defined by the use of deletion constructs com- gens and may represent conformational epitopes.
bined with radiobinding assays [20, 35, 36]. This meth- However, the antigenic targets which these peptides
odology is useful to detect linear/continuous epitopes, might represent have yet to be reported.
2.2.7 Immune/Inflammatory Aspects 251
So far, although a wide variety of antigens have reactivity. Interestingly, TRP-1 has been found to be
been identified as targets for vitiligo-associated anti- expressed transiently on the surface of melanocytes,
bodies, none has yet been unequivocally recognized as and therefore accessible as an antibody target [63] and
one of the major autoantigens in the disease. In addi- other autoantigens, including the MCHR1, are cell-
tion, no antibody with an identified specificity has been surface receptors so are exposed to possible antibody
isolated from vitiligo lesions. interaction without the need for cellular damage
[13, 17, 21, 37, 57]. Conceivably, a humoral immune
response to pigment cells could also occur in vitiligo
The Origin of Melanocyte Antibodies in Vitiligo patients if melanocytes expose antigens that are similar
to either an infecting agent or to other cells that are
How pigment cell antibodies arise in vitiligo has not yet themselves the primary target of antibodies. Indeed,
been elucidated and several mechanisms could account several vitiligo autoantigens appear to be expressed on
for their presence. Antibodies might result from a genetic cells other than melanocytes [13, 37].
dysregulation of the immune system at the B- or T-cell In summary, it has not been determined how mel-
level resulting in a lack of tolerance to melanocyte anti- anocyte antibodies arise and this process may be
gens and the subsequent appearance of anti-pigment cell patient-specific and/or antigen-dependent. Whether or
autoantibodies [11, 59]. Particularly, this may be the not melanocytes are the targets of a primary or sec-
case with respect to individuals with AIRE gene muta- ondary humoral immune response, a major question
tions who develop vitiligo as part of their APS1 [45]. remains concerning the contribution pigment cell anti-
Alternatively, antigens released from pigment cells bodies make to the development of depigmentation in
disrupted by cellular immune reactions [38, 39, 52, 56] vitiligo. This is discussed in the following section.
or nonimmune processes [16, 38, 60] could initiate
humoral immune responses that target melanocytes.
Indeed, antibodies to TRP-2 have been identified in Pathogenic Effects of Melanocyte Antibodies
melanoma patients during immunotherapy with this
pigment cell-specific antigen [53], indicating that expo- With respect to pathogenic effects, vitiligo-associated
sure to melanogenic proteins can stimulate B-cell antibodies are able to destroy melanocytes in vitro by
252 E. H. Kemp et al.
complement-mediated damage and antibody-dependent loss if they have cytotoxic reactivity or adversely affect
cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) [51]. Complement- the function of pigment cells [14, 18, 19, 21, 51]. In the
mediated cytolysis of melanocytes by vitiligo patient case of antibodies against common cellular antigens,
antibodies appears to be cell selective and more com- the selective destruction of pigment cells in vitiligo
mon in individuals with active disease [14]. In addition, might occur because they are intrinsically more sensi-
antibodies displaying ADCC against the MCHR1 have tive to immune-mediated injury than other skin cells,
been detected in vitiligo patients [21] and IgG purified for example, keratinocytes or fibroblasts [50].
from vitiligo patients can destroy melanoma cells both Nevertheless, even if antibodies to pigment cells
in vitro and in vivo [18]. Passive immunization of nude are not an agent of the disease, the most valuable con-
mice grafted with human skin has also indicated that tribution that further studies of melanocyte antibody
IgG from vitiligo patients can induce melanocyte reactivity can make is their help in identifying rele-
destruction [19]. Furthermore, IgG melanocyte anti- vant target antigens. These could provide for the
bodies from individuals with vitiligo can induce human development of diagnostic and prognostic tests which
leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR and intercellular adhe- are not yet available for vitiligo. Of particular interest
sion molecule (ICAM)-1 expression on and interleu- would be profiling the antibody responses in individu-
kin-8 release from melanocytes [70]. Such changes that als with different clinical types of vitiligo, as this
may enhance the antigen-presenting activity of pig- might provide useful information in disease classifi-
ment cells allowing antigen-specific immune effector cation. Previously, significant variations between the
cell attack resulting in melanocyte destruction. prevalence of antibodies to different pigment cell
Antibodies against MCHR1 have been shown to antigens and vitiligo subtype have been reported [25].
block the function of the receptor in a heterologous cell Autoimmunity is also a feature more closely associ-
line [21]. Stimulation of MCHR1 in cultured melano- ated with generalized (nonsegmental) vitiligo com-
cytes with melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) can pared with the segmental form of the disease [62].
down regulate the actions of a-melanocyte-stimulating Melanocyte antibodies could serve as markers for
hormone, including the production of melanin, sug- important T-cell responses to pigment cells [55] in
gesting that the MCH/MCHR1 signaling pathway has patients with the disease, a further reason to analyze
a role with the melanocortins in regulating melanocyte melanocyte antibody reactivities in vitiligo. Moreover,
function [28]. Any adverse effects of MCHR1 antibod- pathogenic melanocyte antibodies may be of use in
ies upon the functioning of the receptor in pigment the therapy of melanoma if melanoma cells express
cells could potentially disrupt normal melanocyte targeted antigens.
behavior, a feature that could precede the clinical man-
ifestation of vitiligo. However, this has not yet been
reported and is still the object of study. More recent Melanocyte Antibodies in Melanoma-Associated
work has found that 69% (9/13) of vitiligo patient sera Hypopigmentation
tested induced melanocyte detachment in a recon-
structed epidermis model, although this was unrelated Approximately 10% of patients with metastatic malig-
to either the extent or the activity of the disease [10]. nant melanoma spontaneously develop vitiligo-like
Further studies are needed to confirm that this serum depigmentation [9, 49]. In some cases, this phenome-
effect is antibody mediated and, if so, that the antibody non has been associated with an improved prognosis
activity is specific to vitiligo patient sera. [9, 49]. Such observations have led to the postulation
Overall, the exact contribution that melanocyte that the appearance of vitiligo-like hypopigmentation
antibodies have to the development of vitiligo remains in some melanoma patients results from immune
unresolved. It is likely that in most cases antibodies to responses to pigment cell antigens that are shared by
melanocytes are not the primary pathogenic agent of normal melanocytes and melanoma cells [8]. Indeed,
melanocyte destruction in vitiligo, but arise from an antibody responses to pigment cell antigens have been
immune response to pigment cells damaged by cellular observed in some melanoma patients [12, 29]. These
immune reactions [38, 39, 52, 56] or nonimmune include reactivity to tyrosinase, TRP-1, TRP-2 and
mechanisms [16, 38, 60]. The presence of melanocyte Pmel17 [29], as well as the 4045, 75 and 90 kDa anti-
antibodies might then further aggravate melanocyte gens [12], that are recognized by antibodies in vitiligo
2.2.7 Immune/Inflammatory Aspects 253
autoantibodies and autoreactive T lymphocytes were 12. Cui J, Bystryn J-C (1995) Melanoma and vitiligo are associ-
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cells. Arch Dermatol 131:314318
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14. Cui J, Arita, Y, Bystryn JC (1993) Cytolytic antibodies to
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ligo antigens. Pigment Cell Res 8:5359
16. DellAnna ML, Picardo M (2006) A review and a new
Autoantibodies to pigment cell antigens are common hypothesis for non-immunological pathogenetic mecha-
in patients with vitiligo and several targets have been nisms in vitiligo. Pigment Cell Res 19:406411
reported, but the exact involvement of antibodies in the 17. Farrokhi S, Farsangi-Hojjat M, Noohpisheh MK et al (2005)
development of the disease has not been determined. Assessment of the immune system in 55 Iranian patients
with vitiligo. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 19:706711
Identifying relevant antibody targets in vitiligo could 18. Fishman P, Azizi E, Shoenfeld Y et al (1993) Vitiligo
provide tools for the development of diagnostic tests. autoantibodies are effective against melanoma. Cancer 72:
Antigens recognized by vitiligo antibodies could serve 23652369
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tion of melanocytes by the IgG fraction of serum from
with the disease. patients with vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 105:683686
20. Gottumukkala RVSRK, Waterman EA, Herd LM et al (2003)
Autoantibodies in vitiligo patients recognise multiple
domains of the melanin-concentrating hormone receptor.
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Core Messages
Progressive depigmentation in vitiligo is asso-
ciated with consistent observations of immune
infiltrates in a narrow lesional margin of
actively depigmenting skin, resolving when
depigmentation comes to a halt.
Melanocyte destruction in vitiligo is primarily
a cell-mediated process controlled by antigen-
specific T-lymphocytes, which mobilize other
immunological effector mechanisms as well.
T-cells infiltrating vitiligo skin are reactive, at
least in part, with the same antigens recognized
by T-cells infiltrating melanoma tumors.
Innate immune responses are likely important in
the initiation phase of the autoimmune response
in vitiligo.
I. C. Le Poole ()
Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, Illinois
e-mail: ilepool@lumc.edu
2.2.7 Immune/Inflammatory Aspects 257
Immune Inltrates in Vitiligo Skin cells are different: keratinocytes versus melanocytes.
The absence of B cells on-site in vitiligo perilesional
skin by no means negates the importance of a humoral
Immune infiltrates in the skin of vitiligo patients with
component to autoimmune reactivity in vitiligo, as
active disease were initially considered a rare phe-
described in Sect.
nomenon observed only in a subset of approximately
0.5% of patients with overt inflammatory vitiligo [1].
Among this patient group, investigators reported the
presence of inflammatory infiltrates well before the
development and availability of antibodies [26]. T Cells and Depigmentation
Immunostaining of cryopreserved skin sections has
facilitated the characterization of inflammatory cells The role of T-cells in vitiligo pathogenesis is also
found in the skin of both inflammatory and general- supported by reports of disease associations with
ized vitiligo patients [1, 7]. A reappraisal of inflamma- HLA in different populations [1517]. Among HLA
tory infiltrates in inflammatory and generalized vitiligo associations, most attention has been focused on
skin has since confirmed that both CD4+ and CD8+ MHC Class II molecules [1821], yet associations
T-cells are particularly abundant among the frontier of with MHC Class I have also been reported [2224].
the progressing lesion, directing attention primarily Associations with MHC Class I molecules specifi-
toward the normally pigmented skin. cally suggest a role of cytotoxic T-cells in disease
Infiltrates in vitiligo skin were also found to be pathogenesis.
replete with macrophages and these macrophages can Given the narrow margin of disease activity in
be heavily pigmented, suggesting that damaged and actively depigmenting skin of most patients, and the
dying melanocytes are actively cleared from the skin fact that infiltrates dissipate in patients with stable dis-
[8]. This is accompanied by an increased abundance of ease, it is not surprising that consistent involvement of
circulating CD36+ monocytes in vitiligo [9]. As mono- T-cells in depigmentation was long overlooked. After
cytes can give rise to CD68+ macrophages as well as reports of immune infiltrates in inflammatory vitiligo
to dendritic cells, a rich source of cell populations is skin, immune infiltrates were found in generalized
available that is capable of presenting specific antigens vitiligo as well, and infiltrating T-cells are consistently
to T cells in draining lymph nodes [10]. Moreover, observed in skin biopsies spanning the border of
macrophages may engage in antibody-dependent cel- actively depigmenting skin of both inflammatory and
lular cytotoxicity [11], another potential mechanism of generalized vitiligo skin [1, 7]. Whether depigmenting
melanocyte death in vitiligo. skin in segmental vitiligo displays similar immune
Recent findings support an abundance of CD11c+ infiltrates, remains to be investigated.
dendritic cells in close proximity to remaining melano- In both inflammatory and generalized vitiligo, the
cytes in perilesional skin [12]. Antigen presenting cells ratio of CD4 to CD8 T-cells decreases compared to
capable of processing and presenting melanocyte-spe- unaffected control skin, supporting the involvement of
cific antigens to T-cells in skin-draining lymph nodes a cytotoxic response to melanocytes. Indeed a preva-
are especially meaningful, as melanocytes found at the lence of CD8+ T-cells is suggestive of a Type 1
margin of depigmenting lesions have repeatedly been cytokine environment. Evidence for Type 1 cytokine
found to express MHC Class II molecules, suggesting patterns in vitiligo was initially derived from the
an active role for the target cells in antigen presenta- Smyth line chicken, an exemplary spontaneous model
tion and participating in their own demise [13]. Such of human autoimmune vitiligo [25] (see Chap. 2.2.4).
findings are congruent with MHC Class II expression In humans, indirect evidence comes from upregulated
among target cells in autoimmune conditions. expression of genes downstream from IFN-g, including
B-cells were not detected among infiltrating cells, MHC Class II expression, expression of ICAM-1 and
in contrast to their presence reported among inflamma- expression of ganglioside GD3 in perilesional skin biop-
tory infiltrates in lesional psoriatic skin [14]. The latter sies [13]. Elevated expression of the triad of primary
autoimmune/inflammatory disease otherwise displays cytokines TNF-a, IL-1 and IL-6 has been associated
some striking similarities with vitiligo, yet the target with vitiligo, indicating that proinflammatory conditions
258 I. C. Le Poole and D. A. Norris
Fig. T cells derived from depigmenting vitiligo skin with HLA-matched (b) melanocytes and (c) fibroblasts in
react with melanocytes. (a) Potential biopsy site to isolate vitro. Note clustering and apparent activation of T cells in
T cells emigrating from a vitiligo skin biopsy to be cultured in presence of melanocytes but not fibroblasts
presence of IL-2 and CD3/CD28 coated beads and recombined
are met in depigmenting skin. Interestingly, GD3 has supported by the observation that successful repigmen-
been shown to inhibit IL-1 expression by macrophages, tation of lesional skin by mini-grafting was associated
suggesting that macrophages are not a primary source with reduced expression of markers of cell-mediated
of IL-1 in vitiligo skin [26]. Besides infiltrating inflam- immunity, particularly CD8 and LFA-1 expression, in
matory cells, epidermal cells including melanocytes removed skin specimens [34].
and keratinocytes (see also the following section), are Whereas histological findings strongly suggest a
important contributors to the cytokine milieu as shown causative role for T-cells in depigmentation, true evi-
by cytokine synthesis and secretion in vitro [2732]. dence awaited the isolation and characterization of
Ongoing inflammation in patients with active disease vitiligo derived T-cells in vitro (Fig Initially
is further evidenced by elevated cytokine levels in the such evidence was provided by analysis of circulating
circulation [33]. T- cells drawn from peripheral blood. Early tetramer
Also supporting a cytotoxic T-cell mediated analysis revealed that melanocyte differentiation anti-
response to melanocytes is the fact that CD8+ T-cells gen MART-1, which triggers T-cells that infiltrate mel-
are frequently found juxtaposed to remaining melano- anoma tumors, was likewise being recognized by
cytes in the epidermis [33]. The relevance of cellular vitiligo patient-derived T-cells [35]. MART-1 reactive
infiltrates to progressive depigmentation was further T cells were found to be increasingly abundant in
2.2.7 Immune/Inflammatory Aspects 259
patients with active disease [36]. Among T cells reac- In summary, there is accumulating evidence for a
tive with a single antigen, the possibility exists that dif- role of cytotoxic T cells in clinically inflammatory and
ferent T-cell receptors are responsible for antigen generalized vitiligo, representing the vast majority of
recognition. It is also possible that clonal T-cell vitiligo cases.
undergo rapid expansion in response to their cognitive
antigen, in which case one would expect preponder-
ance of a particular T-cell clone [37]. In reality, precise Homing of Immune Reactive T-Cells
analysis of T-cells cloned from peripheral blood has
since revealed the prevalence of a limited set of T-cell For any circulating leukocyte to home to the skin, cells
receptor genes, with particular preference for a single in the new host environment must facilitate such migra-
a-subunit among T-cell clones simultaneously express- tion by secreting chemokines which can be recognized
ing a variety of TCR-b subunits. These data suggest by the chemokine receptors expressed by circulating
that the a-subunit is the primary determinant of anti- leukocyte subpopulations. The process of leukocyte
gen specificity, whereas the -b subunit likely fine tunes entry into the tissue is complex, involving attachment,
the TCR affinity of CD8+ T cells for MART-1 [37]. rolling and extravasations of leukocytes under the con-
Unraveling a potential role for cytotoxic T cells in trol of sequential pairs of receptors and ligands [47, 48].
vitiligo next involved in vitro cultures of skin-infil- The CLA is expressed on skin homing lymphocytes,
trating T cells isolated from perilesional biopsies of interacting with P- or E-selectin on the endothelial cell
patients with active disease [38]. Bulk cultured T-cell surface to facilitate extravasation. During the skin hom-
retained similar CD4/CD8 ratios over prolonged cul- ing process, this interaction is preferentially followed
ture periods, indicating their true representation of by CCL17 (chemokine) induced CCR4 (chemokine
T-cell reactivity in vivo. These bulk cultures dis- receptor) engagement on T-cells. Firm adhesion is
played a tendency towards Type 1 cytokine profiles, mediated by LFA-1/ICAM-1 interactions [49].
and pooled clones derived from these cultures dis- TCR engagement possibly lends antigen specificity
played cytotoxicity towards autologous melanocytes to T-cell extravasation [49]. Another intriguing point is
[39]. More recently, perilesional vitiligo T-cells were that the abundance of T-cells in the skin is in part deter-
shown to cause apoptosis of melanocytes in nonle- mined by emigration through the lymphatics, involving
sional skin explants [40]. These experiments provided CCR7 expression by lymphocytes [49]. Clearly skin
direct evidence for a major etiologic role of cytotoxic homing is further defined by T-cell subset-specific
T cells in progressive vitiligo, as suggested earlier by molecular interactions. The majority of skin infiltrating
analysis of T cells from depigmenting skin of mela- T-cells in vitiligo express CLA, supporting their intended
noma patients. travel to the skin to contribute to depigmentation [7].
Besides reactivity to MART-1, a melanosomal anti- Upon arrival into the skin, the expression of (co)
gen first identified as a target molecule for T-cells, stimulatory receptors on effecter and target cells is
reactivity of skin-derived T-cells to gp100 has since required for effector responses [50]. For autoimmune
been described [41]. Moreover, tyrosinase-reactive disease in general, the CTLA-4/B7 pathway has
T-cells were described among circulating T-cells in received particular attention, and CTLA-4 knockout
vitiligo patients [42, 43]. It thus appears that melano- mice transgenic for a melanocyte-reactive T-cell recep-
cyte differentiation antigens are immunogenic targets tor developed significantly accelerated depigmentation
in both melanoma and vitiligo. As vitiligo-derived [51]. Initial reports suggested that particular CTLA-4
T- cells appear to be recognize their targets with polymorphisms may be associated with vitiligo [52, 53].
increased avidity compared to melanoma-derived More recently, an extensive study on 126 families with
T-cells, melanoma treatment may be derived from vitiligo did not confirm association of the most com-
TCR that are cloned from T- cells infiltrating vitiligo mon polymorphisms with disease [54]. ICAM-1 consti-
skin [35, 41, 44]. Likewise, immune escape mecha- tutes another molecule of interest: in interactions with
nisms observed for melanoma tumors may offer clues CD4+ helper T-cells, antibodies to ICAM-1 and LFA-1
for future treatment of vitiligo patients beyond the use differentially inhibit T-cell proliferation in separate
of immunosuppressive ointments or PUVA as treat- combinations of effectors and target cells. ICAM-1
ments of choice for vitiligo patients [45, 46]. expression is a consistent feature in perilesional skin of
260 I. C. Le Poole and D. A. Norris
vitiligo and cultured vitiligo melanocytes [55], render- T-cell proliferation, thus serving an immunomodula-
ing melanocytes increasingly vulnerable to T-cell medi- tory function in its own right [74]. Melanocyte-restricted
ated responses, and possibly to NK cells as well [56]. expression of MCHR1 within the skin again renders
It should be noted that differential expression of the pigment cell a preferred target of the autoimmune
cytokines is focal and may be determined primarily by response in vitiligo patients [75]. T-cells reactive with
the microenvironment. In this respect, Vitamins A and MC1R were found in skin depigmenting secondary to
D were shown to suppress CLA expression by human the development of melanoma, as well as in melanoma
T-cells [57]. Pathways defining the skin homing pat- tumors [69]. Susceptibility to melanoma is associated
tern and the synapse that defines the interaction with mutations in this receptor, associated with red hair
between target and effecter cells thus lend themselves and fair skin, but such mutations are systemic in nature
to therapeutic modulation [58, 59], offering potential and therefore unlikely to be immunogenic per se. If
means to treat autoimmune vitiligo. mutations arise within antigenic epitopes it is however
possible that the altered sequence will have an altered
affinity for MHC molecules, or for reactive TCRs.
It will be of great interest to determine whether
Vitiligo versus Melanoma
additional antigens are targeted by T-cells in vitiligo
T-Cell Responses that have yet to be identified in melanoma, and whether
such antigens may offer therapeutic opportunities
An interest in cytotoxic T-cell responses to melanocyte when included in anti-melanoma vaccines. In the case
differentiation antigens was first developed in mela- of melanoma, a portion of the T-cells is reactive with
noma research. A breakthrough came with the identifi- progression antigens not shared with normal melano-
cation of MART-1/MelanA as a target antigen for cytes, and it is possible that melanocytes similarly
T-cells, named after its recognition by T-cells and express immunogenic molecules that are lost during
found to be expressed by cells of the melanocyte lin- malignant transformation. T-cells from melanoma
eage [60, 61]. Subsequent melanocyte-associated anti- tumors exhibit reduced reactivity to their targets when
gens identified by reactivity of melanoma-infiltrating compared to T-cells from vitiligo skin [76], prompting
T-cells included tyrosinase, gp100, and TRP-2 [62]. the hypothesis that the environment is more permis-
The first direct evidence of cytotoxic T-cell responses sive for immune responses in vitiligo skin than in mel-
causing depigmentation of the skin came from mela- anoma tumors. This could mean that processes such as
noma patients [63]. epitope spreading are more likely to occur in vitiligo,
Interestingly, the majority of T-cells infiltrating and responses to secondary immunogens may thus be
melanoma tumors were reactive with MART-1 and more easily detectable in vitiligo skin. In part, increased
gp100 [64], which are the antigens identified for T-cells avidity among vitiligo T-cells may be explained by
infiltrating the skin of vitiligo patients. In a more gen- T-cell tuning, allowing T-cells with higher than other-
eral sense, the melanosome appears to be a particularly wise permissible TCR affinity to exit primary lym-
immunogenic compartment within melanocytic cells phoid organs, and migrate to the periphery before
[65, 66]. Possible exceptions to the rule that melano- encountering antigen under higher avidity conditions
cyte antigens originate in the melanosome appear to in the periphery and contributing to autoimmune dis-
the melanocortin receptor-1 (MC1R) and Rab38, ease [77].
although both traffic through the melanosome [6770] Remarkably, avidity differences between tumor
(see also Chap. 2.2.9). and skin-derived T-cells have been noted even when
An association between mutations in the MC1R and comparing depigmenting skin and the tumor environ-
vitiligo has been proposed [71]. The MC1R receptor ment within the same melanoma patient, where
for a-MSH and agouti signaling protein mediates cel- tumor-derived T-cells expressed relatively more
lular responses opposing those of the melanin concen- inhibitory CD94/NKG2 receptors than leukoderma-
trating hormone receptor MCHR1, binding melanin derived T-cells [78]. Similar differences may contrib-
concentrating hormone and targeted by the humoral ute to differences in avidity noted when comparing
response in vitiligo [72, 73 ] (see Sect. MCHR1 antigenic peptide concentrations that evoke half-max-
engagement on PBMC can repress CD3-stimulated imum IFN-g secretion among responsive autoimmune
2.2.7 Immune/Inflammatory Aspects 261
vitiligo skin-derived T cells and melanoma-derived even leave some room for affinity maturation of the
T-cells [41]. T-cells population involved. Interestingly, the reported
IFN-g secreted by activated T cells within the tumor abundance of GD3 expression in vitiligo skin may in
environment can repress expression of target antigens part be a compensatory mechanism, given the fact that
MART-1 and gp100 within the tumor environment, GD3 can indirectly inactivate T cells [87].
affecting subsequent T-cell recognition of melanoma
cells (but not normal melanocytes) [79]. By contrast,
the epidermal cytokine environment in vitiligo may be
conducive to ongoing immune responses [29, 80]. Melanocytes as Antigen-Presenting Cells
The potential superiority of vitiligo patient-derived
over melanoma-derived T-cells supports their therapeu- The dendritic morphology of melanocytes is shared
tic potential for melanoma therapy [41, 76, 81]. with the macrophage, dendritic cell, and Langerhans
cell populations. The distribution pattern and strategic
position of melanocytes within the skin, with dendrite
tips that appear to be in touch with one another to form
CD4+ T Cells and Vitiligo Progression a network, are reminiscent of Langerhans cells that
play an essential role in immunosurveillance of the
The tumor environment in melanoma is characterized skin [88]. In the absence of melanocytes, contact sen-
by multiple factors that prevent immunologic cytotoxic- sitivity responses are impaired as noted in lesional viti-
ity; this is not the case in vitiligo skin. Although dissimi- ligo skin [89].
larities between melanoma cells and melanocytes are a A very essential difference between melanocytes
factor, for example, T-cell derived IFN-g suppresses tar- and the other dendritic cell populations of the skin was
get antigen expression in melanoma cells, but not in found in the very limited ability of melanocytes to
melanocytes as described above [79]. a large part of the migrate [90]. This is essential as it will undermine
difference can be attributed to the types of CD4 T-cells attempts of the melanocyte to repopulate areas of
infiltrating tissue in either situation. depigmentation. Indeed, when vitiligo progression
As a helper T-cell population, CD4+ T cells are comes to a halt, there appears to be little incentive to
required to initially activate an immune response [82]. replenish the epidermis in the absence of strong stimuli
Offering help in the maturation and activation process such as UV, frequently resulting in stable lesions that
of T- and B-cells, the cytokine profiles of CD4+ T cells can almost be considered the scars of the depigmen-
infiltrating the tissue will skew the response toward tation process.
either humoral or cell-mediated immunity. In the effec- The functional similarities between melanocytes
tor phase of the immune response, inflammatory cytok- and other dendritic skin cell populations are remarkable.
ines are increasingly important to maintain effector Both melanocytes and macrophages are phagocytic,
responses [83]. The cytokine patterns detectable in and melanocytes can express markers otherwise found
vitiligo skin suggest that cell-mediated responses are on macrophagesa property previously described for
favored, while in melanoma tumors, the cytokine pro- astrocytes as well [1, 91, 92 ]. In melanocytes, endo-
files are not uniform and frequently include immuno- somes that have captured extracellular contents appear
suppressive cytokines [44, 84]. to fuse within the cell with melanosomes and not so
As in healthy skin, part of the CD4+ population in much with lysosomes. This may be critical, since
melanoma consisted of natural regulatory T-cells endosomemelanosome fusion can trigger process-
(Treg) in place to keep responses to self antigens in ing of the contents of the fusion product, including the
check [85]. Although definitive evidence awaits verifi- very antigens shown to be immunogenic in melanoma
cation, it appears that the natural Treg population is and vitiligo.
virtually absent from vitiligo skin, regardless of the HLA-DM catalyzes release of the invariant chain to
location of biopsies in nonlesional, peri-lesional, or make place for antigenic peptides to be presented in
lesional vitiligo skin [86]. In that environment, an the context of MHC Class II [93]. In fact, it has been
autoimmune response directed to melanocyte-derived shown that melanosomal targeting sequences are essen-
self-antigens can expand in an unbridled fashion, and tial for trafficking antigens toward the endosomal
262 I. C. Le Poole and D. A. Norris
compartment and subsequent presentation of derivative possible that Langerhans cells need melanocyte-
antigenic peptides in the context of MHC class II [94]. derived cytokines IL-1 and TNF-a to pass the basal
Within the endosomal/lysosomal/melanosomal com- membrane and are subsequently trapped in the epi-
partment, this preferential sorting process is further dermis of lesional skin [39].
influenced by HLA-DO [95]. Since melanosome resi- Based on other models of autoimmunity, one must
dent proteins including MART-1 and gp100 are already consider models for cell damage as key components for
on location, these may be presented in the context of T-cell sensitization and cytotoxic effect in vitiligo. In
MHC Class II in the infrequent event that a cell of mel- order to submit antigens for processing and presentation,
anocyte origin expresses MHC Class II. Such expres- there must be a danger signal sent from the melanocyte.
sion has been reported in both vitiligo and melanoma Either it has undergone necrosis, spilling its contents
[65]. In the case of melanoma, CD4+ T-cells reactive into the extracellular milieu or it is at least in crisis.
with melanosomal antigens have been reported to infil- Apoptosis is the other cytotoxic endpoint, and might be
trate the tumor tissue [94]. Thus, at least part of the induced by multiple toxic factors in the epidermis as a
CD4+ T-cell population infiltrating vitiligo skin is precursor to vitiligo and T-cell sensitization. Apoptotic
likely to be reactive with melanosomal antigens as cells are generally considered less immunogenic, as this
well. The other issue that remains is whether melano- process neatly cleans up the site without molecular spills
cytes are capable of presenting antigens in the context [99]. Such cells in crisis can express receptors of the
of MHC Class II. Evidence for antigen presentation in TNF family that can signal incoming dendritic cells to
the context of two different variants of HLA-DR was become cytotoxic toward such targets. Initially it was
provided using T-cell clones reactive with mycobacte- shown that dendritic cells can be cytotoxic toward a wide
rial hsp65 and HLA-matched melanocyte cultures [96]. array of tumor cells [100], distinguishing them from nor-
Stimulated with IFN-g, HLA-DR + melanocytes were mal tissue cells by virtue of membrane expression of
capable of presenting pulsed peptides as well as pro- members of the TNF receptor family [101]. This mecha-
cessing mycobacterial homogenate for presentation to nism was later expanded to normal tissue cells in crisis,
hsp65-reactive CD4+ T-cells, resulting in both prolifera- which has likely implications for vitiligo [12]. The cyto-
tive and cytotoxic responses to the target cells. Whether toxic capacity of dendritic cells was recently demon-
CD4+ T-cells infiltrating vitiligo skin will likewise strated for Langerhans cells as well [102].
exhibit cytotoxic responses toward melanocytes, remains
to be determined. Meanwhile, a neoantigen expressed
on melanocytes was targeted and contributed to autoim-
mune depigmentation in TCR transgenic mice, where
the majority of CD4+ T-cells carry a class II restricted Additional Players in Cellular Immunity
TCR that respond to the same neoantigen [97].
Patients experience itching of perilesional skin of
expanding lesions (unpublished observation). Although
little is known about the presence or absence of IgE in
Dendritic Cell Mediated Killing perilesional skin vitiligo skin, or subsequent mast-cell
activation and histamine release, it is likely that mast
Dendritic cells, including the Langerhans cell subset cells contribute to an inflammatory environment and
have been implemented in processing and presenta- carry, at least in part, responsibility for the observed
tion of antigens. Dendritic cells that have phagocy- itch. The RAST tests indicated that a higher percent-
tosed antigens of interest will migrate to draining age of vitiligo patients exhibit elevated circulating IgE
lymph nodes under the influence of cytokines and over controls [103] and MSH was reported to stimu-
chemokines. In the epidermis, Langerhans cells are late the release of histamine by mast cells in vitro
in direct contact with melanocytes and in lesional [104]. A very limited number of reports address colo-
skin of vitiligo, the Langerhans cells can oddly posi- calization of atopic dermatitis and vitiligo, which
tion themselves along the basement membrane, as if would support a role for mast cells in itchy skin during
to replace lost melanocytes [98]. Although this phe- active depigmentation [105107]. The ligand for c-kit
nomenon has not been convincingly explained, it is has been implicated in hypopigmentation [108],
2.2.7 Immune/Inflammatory Aspects 263
however, only a single report addresses the presence of well as a significant number of patients reporting a
c-kit + mast cells in vitiligo skin, and no special refer- Koebner phenomenon associated with development of
ence was made to actively depigmenting areas [109]. new lesions [118]. Other forms of stress include, but
Further investigations are needed to support the poten- are not limited to excessive UV exposure and prolonged
tial involvement of mast cell degranulation in depig- contact with bleaching phenols. Emotional trauma fre-
menting skin. quently precedes disease progression (unpublished
Another open question remains, whether the NK observation). In vaccination-induced autoimmune viti-
and NKT cell subsets play a role in vitiligo pathogen- ligo in mice, trauma and inflammation were shown to
esis. A report claiming increased numbers of circulat- trigger depigmenting effector responses [82, 83, 119].
ing CD56+ lymphocytes does suggest that NK cells On a cellular level, stress will suppress protein syn-
may be involved [110]. No intrinsic functional differ- thesis, and translation is limited to stress proteins that
ences were found for NK cells from patients versus chaperone intracellular proteins and protect the cell
controls in cytotoxic assays toward melanocytes [75]. from undergoing apoptosis until the danger has sub-
It remains possible that an increased number of NK sided. Where the stress response proves inadequate to
cellsif homing to the skinwill be activated within maintain cell viability, secondary necrosis may follow,
the skin microenvironment and contribute to melano- implicated in induction of autoimmune responses [120].
cyte cell death. For NKT cells, the opposite was Indeed the mode of cell death affects immunogenicity
reported: a reduced number of NKT cells were found [99, 121]. Stress proteins themselves, in particular
in blood samples from vitiligo patients as compared to HSP70, have been implicated in immune activation,
controls [111]. As the numbers extravasating to the demonstrating enhanced uptake and processing of anti-
skin have not been evaluated, the role of both NK and gens by DC (Fig Stress proteins have been
NKT cells in vitiligo remains an open question, yet implicated in successful antimelanoma responses [122]
recent genetic data pertaining to NALP-1 certainly and are currently in clinical trials as tumor vaccine
implicate innate immune responses in vitiligo [112]. adjuvants. It was recently shown, that HSP70 acceler-
NALP-1 inflammasomes sense metabolic and microbial ated depigmentation in a mouse model of vitiligo [123].
stress, leading to conversion of proinflammatory IL-1b
into its active form [113], and NALP-1 overexpression
is associated with apoptosis [114]. Given the impor- phenols,
tance of innate immune responses to prime subsequent, UV, injury
more refined specific immunity and vice versa [115
117], such finding provide clues for the genetic basis for
aberrant immune responses to self in vitiligo.
Heat Shock Proteins
in Immune Activation HSPs HLA-ABC
CD80 CD8
CD91+ CD83
Even with genetic predisposition toward autoimmune CD86
disease, a trigger is needed to set off the response. This
is reflected in the fact, that vitiligo lesions are not con-
stant or present from birth. Instead, it appears that spe- Fig. Stress-induced autoimmune vitiligo. In response to
wounding or burning of the skin, exposure to bleaching phenols
cific conditions must be met to overcome immune
or excessive sun-exposure, melanocytes under stress express and
tolerance and allow for immune responses to self. The secrete heat shock proteins (HSPs; in particular: HSP70). HSPs
common distribution pattern of vitiligo lesions in body chaperone melanocyte-specific peptides and induce a cytotoxic
orifices and pressure points of the skin suggested that phenotype by dendritic cells, and enhance antigen uptake, pro-
cessing and presentation to T cells in draining lymph nodes.
mechanical stress may be a precipitating factor for viti-
Recruited T cells subsequently encounter target cells with ele-
ligo. This is further supported by frequent reports of vated expression of MHC class I and ICAM-1, resulting in fur-
skin wounds preceding the development of disease, as ther cytotoxicity towards melanocytes
264 I. C. Le Poole and D. A. Norris
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272 G. Imokawa and S. Moretti
Suction blister Immunohistochemistry
Fig. Immunohistochemistry with antibodies to SCF in vitiligo skin. (a) Nonlesional skin (180), (b) the center of the
lesional skin (180)
Melanogenic Cytokines SCF and ET-1 epidermis compared with nonlesional epidermis, and
in Lesional NSV Epidermis that SCF protein expression is increased in lesional
Immunohistochemistry using an antibody to SCF (Fig. or ET-1 revealed a similar level of SCF or
ET-1-immunopositive staining between the lesional and The Disruption of SCF-c-kit Interaction on
nonlesional epidermis, indicating that there may be no Melanocyte Membranes as an Early Event
abnormality in the expression level of melanogenic
cytokines in the vitiligo epidermis. However, RT-PCR
in the Vitiligo Depigmenting Process
analysis of mRNAs encoding SCF, ET-1 or other mela-
nogenic cytokines, such as granulocyte macrophage The earlier findings led us to determine whether the SCF
colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) revealed that gene receptor (c-kit) or ETBR were altered in expression or in
expression of SCF in vitiligo lesional epidermis was their ability to respond to their ligands. This could result
significantly increased compared with nonlesional con- in a deficiency for inducing melanogenesis or maintain-
trols (Fig. The gene expression of ET-1 in the ing melanocyte function/survival in vitiligo skin.
lesional epidermis was also increased. Further, 3 out of Immunostaining with antibodies to tyrosinase or
the 6 cases showed a slight expression of GM-CSF in S100a demonstrated melanocytes in the nonlesional
the lesional epidermis. In contrast, there were no or epidermis and at the edge of the lesional epidermis
similar levels of expression for other melanogenic (Fig., d). In the center of the lesion, there
cytokines, HGF or basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) was a complete loss of melanocytes. Immunostaining
mRNAs respectively, in the nonlesional and in the with an antibody to the ETBR revealed ETBR-
lesional vitiligo epidermis. Consistent with immunohis- positive melanocytes in the nonlesional epidermis
tochemistry for SCF, western blotting of proteins and at the edge of the lesional epidermis (Fig.
extracted from the epidermal sheet reveals that mem- Although c-kit positive melanocytes were
brane-bound SCF was markedly increased in the lesional present in the nonlesional epidermis, the number of
vitiligo epidermis (Fig. In contrast, soluble c-kit positive melanocytes was remarkably decreased
SCF was not detectable in either type of epidermis. at the edge of the lesional epidermis compared with
Thus, all data related to melanogenic cytokine expres- nonlesional epidermis (Fig. At the center of
sion suggests that there is rather an increased expression the lesion, there was a complete loss of melanocytes
of ET-1 and SCF transcripts in lesional vitiligo expressing ETBR or c-kit. Confocal microscopy
276 G. Imokawa and S. Moretti
a vv1 vv2 vv3 vv4 vv5 vv6
Membrane- 31kD
bound SCF
1.0 2.1 3.2 3.0 1.0 0.64 1.0 1.5 intensity
Edge B
Center D
Center D
Edge C
Edge C
Peri A
Peri A
b patient 1 patient 2
Fig. (a) RT-PCR analysis of mRNAs encoding SCF, markedly increased in the lesional vitiligo epidermis, including
ET-1 and GM-CSF in the epidermis of vitiligo lesions and in the the edge of the lesion (Edge C) and the center of the lesion
perilesional skin. NL nonlesional epidermis; L lesional epider- (Center D) compared with the nonlesional vitiligo epidermis
mis of vitiligo. (b) Western blotting of SCF protein in the epi- (Peri A+ Edge B).
dermis of vitiligo lesions and in nonlesional skin. SCF is
2.2.8 Cytokines and Growth Factors 277
A: Tyrosinase
B: S100 a
C: ETB receptor
D: c-kit
Fig. (c) Immunohistochemistry with antibodies to tyro- (A, B and C). Although KIT protein positive melanocytes exist
sinase (A), S100a (B), ETBR (C) and KIT protein (D) in vitiligo in the nonlesional epidermis, as indicated by the arrows, the
skin. (a) nonlesional skin (180), (b) the edge of lesional skin number of KIT protein positive melanocytes is significantly
(180), (c) the center of the lesional skin (180). Immunostaining decreased at the edge of the lesional epidermis compared with
with antibodies to tyrosinase, S100a and ETBR demonstrated the nonlesional epidermis (D). In the center of the lesion, there
immuno-positive melanocytes in the nonlesional epidermis and is a complete loss of melanocytes expressing tyrosinase, S100a,
at the edge of the lesional epidermis, as indicated by the arrows ETBR and KIT protein
278 G. Imokawa and S. Moretti
following double immunostaining (Fig. epidermis. The disruptions of SCF/c-kit interactions
demonstrated that melanocytes expressing tyrosinase are probably due to a loss or a deficiency of SCF
in the nonlesional epidermis were c-kit positive, receptor function on melanocytes, despite the increased
whereas tyrosinase positive melanocytes were c-kit production of its ligand, SCF (probably due to a
negative at the edge of the lesion. At the center of the feedback mechanism resulting from c-kit deficiency).
lesional epidermis, there was a complete loss of mel- Our suggestion is that this disruption may lead to abolish
anocytes expressing tyrosinase or c-kit. Thus, in sum- the melanogenic potential of melanocytes.
mary, although a complete loss of immunoreactive
melanocytes was found at the center of vitiligo
lesional epidermis, there were almost a normal num-
Implication of MITF-M, the Melanocytic
ber of melanocytes expressing tyrosinase, ETBR, and
S100a protein at the edge of the lesional nonpig- Master Transcription Factor
mented epidermis compared with the nonlesional
pigmented epidermis. In contrast, very few melano- MITF consists of at least seven isoforms with distinct
cytes still expressed c-kit at the same edge, suggest- amino-termini, referred to as MITF-M, MITF-H,
ing an early pathogenic event. MITF-A, MITF-B, MITF-C, MITF-D, and MITF-E
Quantitation of the number of melanocytes express- [13, 14, 17, 18]. The MITF-M, isoform, is exclu-
ing melanogenic factors (Fig. confirmed sively expressed in melanocytes and in melanoma
that the number of cells expressing c-kit was signifi- cells [1, 2], and regulates the transcription of genes
cantly decreased at the edge of the lesional epidermis leading to melanocyte differentiation. MITF expres-
compared with the nonlesional epidermis, while there sion is regulated downstream of the SCF/c-kit linkage
was only a slight decrease in the number of S100a, [5, 7] as well as the ET-1/ETBR linkage [9]. MITF is
ETBR, and tyrosinase immuno-positive cells at the phosphorylated by an activated MAP kinase [6],
same edge. undergoes ubiquitination [19, 20] and is translocated
Thus, among the melanocyte-associated molecules to the nucleus to activate the transcription of several
tested, a selective deficiency in c-kit expression occurs genes, including tyrosinase, TRP-1, ETBR [13, 15] as
in melanocytes localized at the edge of vitiligo lesional well as the melanosomal matrix protein Pmel 17.
Fig. (a) Immunohistochemistry by double immunoflu- were counterstained by DAPI (blue fluorescence). Melanocytes
orescence using antibodies to tyrosinase and KIT protein. expressing tyrosinase in the nonlesional epidermis are KIT pro-
(a) nonlesional skin (180), (b) the edge of lesional skin (180), tein positive, as indicated by the green and red arrows, whereas
(c) the center of the lesional skin (180). Green and red fluores- the tyrosinase positive melanocytes are KIT protein negative at
cences represent tyrosinase and KIT protein, respectively. Nuclei the edge of the lesion
2.2.8 Cytokines and Growth Factors 279
% Remaining Melanocytes 120
80 *
60 ***
Peri A Peri B Edge C-1 Edge C-2 Center D
Non-lesion Lesion
Fig. (b) Quantitative analysis of melanocytes immuno- determine the border of the lesion and the numbers of melano-
positive for tyrosinase (A) S100a (B), ETBR (C) and KIT pro- cytes positively stained with anti-tyrosinase, S-100a, ETB recep-
tein (D) over 200 basal cells. Quantitation of immuno-positive tor and KIT protein antibody were counted and expressed as per
cells in the epidermis revealed slight or moderate decreases in 200 basal cells at the border of vitiligo lesion and at the center of
the number of S100a, tyrosinase and/or ETBR positive cells at the vitiligo lesion. The number of immuno-positive melanocytes
the edges (edge C-1 or edge C-2, respectively, as explained in is expressed as a percentage of the number found in the nonle-
Fig. of lesional epidermis. In contrast, the number of sional epidermis (Peri A). *: p < 0.05, ***: p < 0.005 compared
cells expressing c-kit was significantly decreased at the edges with Peri A. The number of S100a, tyrosinase and ETBR posi-
(edge C-1 and edge C-2) of the lesional epidermis compared tive cells in the epidermis reveals slight or moderate decreases at
with the nonlesional area. It appears a decrease in the number of the edges (edge C-1 or edge C-2, respectively) of the lesional
melanocytes expressing c-kit, S100a and tyrosinase but not epidermis. The number of cells expressing KIT protein is sig-
ETBR even at the edge (Edge B) of the nonlesional epidermis. nificantly decreased at the edges (edge C-1 and edge C-2) of the
Melanin deposit was detected by Fontana-Masson staining to lesional epidermis compared with the nonlesional area
There is a genetic cooperation between MITF and The expression pattern of MITF-M shown on Fig.
Bcl2 in human melanocytes [12]. Thus, a deficiency or seems consistent with the expression pattern
loss of MITF expression in melanocytes is closely of c-kit (Fig. While the faint decrease in the
associated with their apoptosis as a result of the down- expression of c-kit protein is nearly comparable with
regulation of the suppressive apoptotic molecule Bcl2. that of MITF-M protein at the edge of the nonlesional
Further, c-kit and MITF show complex interactions, in skin, there is a definite decrease in the expression both
that MITF is needed for the maintenance of KIT of c-kit and of MITF-M in the lesion. Western blotting
expression in melanoblasts and KIT signaling modu- (Fig. demonstrates that expression of the
lates MITF activity and stability in melanocytes [6]. M-isoform is decreased at the edges of the vitiligo
Based on this evidence, it was of great interest to lesion. Even at the center of the lesion, there is a slight
determine whether MITF-M expression was altered in expression of MITF-M protein, suggesting that mel-
melanocytes located at the border between lesional anocytes might still exist there, but do not express
and nonlesional skin. tyrosinase, S100a or ETBR.
280 G. Imokawa and S. Moretti
Patient 1 anti-MITFM
Patient 2
Fig. Immunohistochemistry with an antibody to revealed also that the number of cells expressing MITF-M was
MITF-M in the epidermis of a vitiligo lesion. A: patient I, B: significantly decreased at the edge of the lesional epidermis
patient II, a: nonlesional skin (180), b: the edge of lesional skin (Edge C) compared with the nonlesional skin (Peri A) and that
(180), C : the center of the lesional skin (180). MITF-M posi- MITF-M protein expression is markedly decreased in the
tive cells indicated by the arrows. The number of MITF-M posi- lesional (Edge C and Center D) as well as in a case at the edge
tive melanocytes is decreased at the edge of the lesional epidermis of the nonlesional epidermis (Edge B) compared with the nonle-
compared with the non-lesional epidermis. Immunohistochemistry sional skin (Peri A)
Concluding Remarks: Possible Molecular in vitiligo melanocytes may indicate that vitiligo mel-
Mechanisms in Vitiligo Melanocytes anocytes are less able to maintain their interactions with
keratinocytes within the epidermis, thus possibly allow-
ing them to detach from the epidermis [4].
In conclusion, the expression patterns observed for
The observed deficiency of c-kit expression in melano- c-kit, MITF-M or tyrosinase in melanocytes located at
cytes localized at the edge of the vitiligo lesion may the border between the lesional and the nonlesional viti-
result from the diminished expression of MITF-M. ligo epidermis indicates that during the sequential pro-
Since a deficiency in MITF has been closely linked to cess leading to the dysfunction or loss of melanocytes,
the susceptibility of melanocytes to undergo apoptosis the initial event may result from a deficiency in MITF-M
mediated via Bcl2 [12], our observations may indicate function within melanocytes in nonlesional epidermis.
that melanocytes localized in vitiligo lesional skin as Such a deficiency would lead to the decreased expres-
well as at the edge of the nonlesional skin have a high sion of its target molecule, tyrosinase, as well as to a
predisposition toward apoptosis. In addition, c-kit decrease in c-kit expression. The diminished signaling
expressed on melanocyte membranes plays an essential via the SCF/c-kit linkage and the distinct decrease in
role in attracting SCF (which is produced in a mem- tyrosinase expression may underlie the complete loss of
brane-bound form by epidermal keratinocytes), and has melanocyte function at the border between the lesional
a trafficking role by which melanocytes can remain and nonlesional vitiligo skin. Further, the probable
within the epidermis. Thus, the c-kit deficiency observed increased susceptibility of melanocytes to apoptosis via
2.2.8 Cytokines and Growth Factors 281
a prebleed anti-MITF-M
1.0 0.620 0.580 0.40 1.0 1.0 0.57 0.35
Normal human
Normal human
Normal human
Center D
Center D
Edge C
Edge C
Edge B
Edge B
Peri A
Peri A
Non-Lesion Lesion Non-Lesion Lesion
Patient 1 Patient 2
135 kD
1.64 1.0 0.82 0.03 0.15 1.0 0.83 0.4 0.09 intensity
Center D
Center D
Edge C
Edge C
Edge B
Edge B
Peri A
Peri A
Normal human
Fig. A: Western blotting of MITF-M protein in the epi- dures and the loading was confirmed to be consistent in all lanes
dermis of lesional vitiligo and in nonlesional skin. Expression of of each specific gel. B: Western blotting of KIT protein in the
the M-isoform is decreased at the edges of the vitiligo lesion epidermis of vitiligo lesions and in nonlesional skin. The extracts
(Edge C) and in a case, of the nonlesional epidermis (Edge B) of separated epidermis from vitiligo lesions (10 mg protein/lane)
compared with the nonlesional epidermis (Peri A). Even at the were subjected to 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,
center of the lesion, there is a slight expression of MITF-M pro- followed by electroblotting and then immunostaining with anti-
tein, suggesting that melanocytes might still exist there but did bodies to KIT protein as noted. Protein staining with Coomassie
not express tyrosinase, S100a or ETBR. Methods: the extracts blue was concomitantly performed according to standard proce-
of separated epidermis from vitiligo lesions (10 mg protein/lane) dures and the loading was confirmed to be consistent in all lanes
were subjected to 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, of each specific gel. KIT protein expression is markedly
followed by electroblotting and then immunostaining with anti- decreased at the edges (Edge C) as well as at the center (Center
bodies to MITF-M as noted. Protein staining with Coomassie D) of the vitiligo lesion compared with the nonlesional epider-
blue was concomitantly performed according to standard proce- mis (Peri A and Edge B)
MITF/Bcl2 interaction [12] may also be involved in the suggests that the auto-cytotoxic mechanism [11, 16] by
loss of melanocytes in lesional epidermis. Although superoxides may underlie the MITF-M deficiency in
biological mechanisms involved in the MITF-M defi- vitiligo skin. Thus, we propose the hypothesis that the
ciency observed in the vitiligo lesional melanocytes decreased expression of c-kit and its downstream events,
remain unknown, recent evidence that oxidative stress including the expression of MITF-M, in melanocytes
such as H2O2 generation leads to the down-regulation of may be responsible for the dysfunction and/or the loss
MITF expression in cultured human melanocytes [8] of melanocytes in vitiligo epidermis.
282 G. Imokawa and S. Moretti
the family of endogenous opioids, which are well- The biosynthesis of melanocortins and endor-
known for their pain-relieving effect in the central ner- phins is mediated via prohormone convertases (PCs).
vous system. These enzymes belong to the evolutionary conserved
The melanocortins include adrenocorticotropin family of serine proteases of the subtilisin/kexin
(ACTH) and the various melanocyte-stimulating hor- type. PC1 and PC2 are considered the main POMC-
mones (a-, b- and g-MSH). All melanocortin pep- processing enzymes, although other members of the
tides share a common central peptide motif, PC family, for example, PACE4 and furin convertase
His6Phe7Arg8Trp9, which is required for their mel- are also capable of processing POMC [29]. PC1
anotropic activity [15]. Of note, the full sequence of generates ACTH and b-lipotropic hormone whereas
a-MSH is contained within the amino acids 113 of PC2 is critical for the production of a-MSH and
the N-terminal portion of ACTH. In contrast to ACTH, b-ED. In the human system, there is currently no
a-MSH requires N-acetylation and C-amidation to evidence of a biological function of b-lipotropic
obtain its full biologic activity [10]. The biological hormone.
action of all melanocortin peptides is mediated via Although POMC, POMC-derived peptides, and
melanocortin receptors (MC-Rs), which belong to the PCs were long considered to be restricted to the neu-
superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) roendocrine system, it is now established that the skin
with seven transmembrane domains. Five MC-R sub- expresses a functional analogon of the hypothalamic
types, MC-1-5R, have been cloned and biochemically pituitaryadrenal axis. Accordingly, all components of
characterized [9]. They differ in their relative binding an autonomous functional POMC system including
affinity to each melanocortin. Regarding MC-1R, both POMC, POMC-derived peptides PCs, and the upstream
a-MSH and ACTH bind with similar affinity. After POMC regulator corticotropin releasing hormone are
the binding of a high-affinity ligand, all MC-Rs acti- detectable in the majority of skin cell types in vitro
vate Gs followed by increased adenylate cyclase activ- and in situ [32]. In analogy to the induction of the clas-
ity and rise of intracellular cAMP. The two naturally sical hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis by stress,
occurring antagonists of melanocortin peptides are various forms of cutaneous stressors, for example,
agouti-signaling protein (ASIP) and agouti-related ultraviolet (UV) light or proinflammatory cytokines
protein (AGRP). While ASIP blocks ligand binding to induce the cutaneous POMC system.
MC-1R and MC-4R, AGRP is antagonistic to MC-3R Another important aspect in the cutaneous POMC
and MC-4R [39]. system is the expression of MC-Rs outside the pig-
The second prototype of a biologically active mentary system [6]. For example, MC-1R has been
POMC-derived peptide is b-endorphin (b-ED). Like detected in epidermal keratinocytes, fibroblasts,
other endogenous opioids, b-ED does not interact microvascular endothelial cells, and other cutaneous
with MC-Rs, but binds to the opioid receptors (ORs). cells types. Moreover, MC-1R is not the only MC-R
Three OR types, the m-OR (MOR), the d-OR (DOR) subtype detectable in these nonpigmentary skin cells
and the k-RO (KOR) are distinguished [19]. b-ED since human dermal papilla cells, and most recently,
binds to both MORs and DORs. Other endogenous epidermal melanocytes were express MC-4R con-
opioids such as enkephalin bind DORs over MORs comitantly with MC-1R [4, 35]. The extracutaneous
while endomorphin is a selective MOR agonist and effects of a-MSH are thus pleiotropic and not only
dynorphin is a selective KOR agonist. Importantly, include induction of melanocyte proliferation and
enkephalin and dynorphin are not POMC-derived melanogenesis [1] but also regulation of keratinocyte
peptide, but are synthesized from other preproenkeph- proliferation and differentiation [31], collagen metab-
alin and preprodynorphin, respectively. Of note, olism [3, 21] and cytoprotection [5]. In addition,
ligand binding to ORs are mostly inactivating on ade- a-MSH has multiple modulatory effects on cells of
nylate cyclase due to activating Gi/o and Gz, although the immune system [7], which in synergy with its
stimulatory effects have also been documented [13]. immunomodulatory effects on resident skin cells,
Interestingly, there is evidence that b-ED has also support a role of the cutaneous POMC system as a
melanotropic activity in vitro, on epidermal and fol- regulator of inflammatory, and immune responses of
licular melanocytes [17, 18]. the skin.
2.2.9 Proopiomelanocortin and Related Hormones 285 Melanocortin Peptides: was classified as follows: excellent (80% and more
Potential Therapeutic Agents clearing),good (5080% clearing), regular (20
50%) and poor (less than 20%). In 6 patients, the
in Vitiligo?
response was excellent, among one case with 100%
Based on their pioneering discovery of a-MSH as a repigmentation and four cases with at least 80%
melanotropic hormone in man [22], it is conceivable improvement. In 14 patients the ACTH response was
that Lerner and colleagues proceeded to test the poten- classified as poor. Unfortunately, depigmentation
tial efficacy of melanocortins in patients with vitiligo. recurred rapidly in the responding patients after cessa-
In a pilot experiment performed on a 29-year-old tion of the second ACTH course with no further thera-
man with extensive and progressive vitiligo, racemized peutic effect of additional ACTH treatment. Like in the
a-MSH (0.33 mg) was administered intradermally for first ACTH case series, no side effects were observed.
ten consecutive days on three separate vitiliginous areas In the final case series, tetracosactid, consisting of
on the right arm [23]. This patient had previously under- the first 24 amino acids of ACTH was injected intral-
gone surgery to assess the role of the sympathetic ner- esionally into 9 patients with vitiligo [2]. All the
vous system on human pigmentation. However, no patients had local vitiligo for at least 6 months, and
change was seen in the vitiliginous or normal areas had not responded to previous treatment with photo-
after a-MSH treatment. Furthermore, microscopic chemotherapy with psoralen and topical Class IV cor-
examination of DOPA-stained skin sheets from the ticosteroids. Controls consisted of two vitiligo patients
injected sites and from normal skin did not reveal any with no treatment. Prior to and under therapy with the
significant increase in the number of melanocytes. injected tetracosactid, the vitiligo lesions were mea-
Fifteen months later, the same patient received a-MSH sured using curvimeter for circular and semicircular
intramuscularly in a dose-escalating scheme starting lesions. Irregular lesions were documented by trans-
from 5 to 10 mg twice weekly for up to 23 weeks. In parent graph paper. Tetracosactid (1 mg in 1 mL) was
contrast to nonlesional skin, which became darker (and injected intradermally into each lesion once weekly for
accordingly displayed an increased amount of melanin two months. A statistically significant improvement of
upon microscopic examination), no changes were the injected lesions (p < 0.001) was observed and con-
observed in the vitiliginous areas. sisted in a wave of pigmentation starting from the
In subsequent studies, ACTH or the truncated ACTH periphery of the injected site, often leaving a central
peptide, tetracosactid, was tested. In general, these depigmented area. The treatment response was most
studies were small retrospective case studies in which apparent in the first months of therapy. Interestingly,
the peptides were injected either intramuscularly or the response of the vitiligo lesions to intradermal tetra-
intradermally. In the first of these studies, 27 patients cosactid was variable in different body sites. No fur-
with vitiligo and no response to previous photochemo- ther outcome data were provided by the authors.
therapy with psoralen were treated intramuscularly
with 2540 IU of long-acting ACTH twice weekly
[11]. Ten to twelve injections were given followed by a POMC-Derived Peptides
break of 24 weeks with repetition of such courses for and Related Peptides
up to four times. After 6 months, 16 patients showed a
in Peripheral Blood of Patients
repigmentation of 80%, 6 patients a repigmentation of
50%, and 4 cases an improvement of 20% or less. One with Vitiligo
patient did not respond. No side effects were reported.
In another case study, Hernandez-Prez [14] treated 20 Three studies have addressed the peripheral blood lev-
patients with nonsegmental vitiligo. The patients suf- els of POMC-derived peptides and related peptides in
fered from vitiligo for more than 5 years with involve- patients with vitiligo. Mozzanica et al. [25] studied the
ment of more than 60% of body surface. The ACTH gel plasma levels and circadian rhythm of a-MSH, b-ED
(40 mg) was given again intramuscularly twice weekly and met-enkephalin in vitiligo patients. Using radio-
for 5 weeks. After a 5-week break, another course of immunoassay (RIA), these authors studied the plasma
ACTH treatment was performed and repigmentation levels of the above peptides. Twelve of the patients had
286 M. Bhm
more widespread vitiligo, 2 patients had localized focused on the genes for MC-1R and ASIP, both mas-
vitiligo. The duration of the disease of the vitiligo ter regulators of murine coat color [24, 28]. Moreover,
patients ranged from 2 to 30 years. 8 out of the 14 viti- MC-1R is highly polymorphic and distinct loss of
ligo patients had active vitiligo. 12 healthy individuals function alleles has been associated with red hair and
served as controls. No alteration in the pg/ml levels of pale skin [38]. However, patients with red hair and
a-MSH was found in patients with vitiligo versus pale skin are typically not affected by visible vitiligo
healthy controls. However, plasma levels of b-ED were as they have little epidermal eumelanin and do not
higher in stable vitiligo than in healthy individuals. respond to UV with tanning.
Moreover, the peripheral blood levels of met-enkepha- In order to test if patients with vitiligo exhibit an
lin were higher in vitiligo patients, especially in those altered frequency of MC-1R and ASIP alleles, Na et
with active disease. Interestingly, circadian rhythm of al. performed a single nucleotide polymorphisms
both b-ED and met-enkephalin was lost in patients (SNP) analysis of 114 Korean patients and 111 normal
with vitiligo. In another more recent study 40 patients controls [26]. Using direct sequencing of the MC-1R
with various forms of vitiligo (18 patients with focal, coding sequence, the frequency of the Arg67Gln
11 patients with generalized, and 11 patients with seg- (G200A), Val92Met (G274A), Ile120Thr (T359C),
mental vitiligo) and 23 healthy controls were evalu- Arg160Arg (C478A) and Gln163Arg (A488G) SNP
ated for their b-ED plasma levels [8]. Twenty-three of was determined in both cohorts. Although some varia-
the vitiligo patients had progressive disease, 17 cases tions were detected none of the associations were sta-
had stable disease. The overall plasma levels of b-ED tistical significant indicating that both MC-1R and
in the tested vitiligo patients as detected by RIA were ASIP SNP do not play a pathogenetic role in vitiligo.
significantly higher than in normal controls. However, In another study, SNP of the MC-1R and ASIP genes
no correlation was detected between the relative b-ED were investigated in 97 Hungarian Caucasian individu-
plasma level and the progressiveness of the vitiligo. als and 59 healthy controls [36]. Patient characteristics
Recently, Pichler et al. determined the plasma levels included age, gender, duration of vitiligo (the majority
of both a-MSH and ACTH in 40 patients with non- suffering from the disease for more than 10 years),
segmental vitiligo [27]. Twenty-one patients had active family history and presence of other autoimmune dis-
and 19 patients had stable disease. Sixteen of the eases. In addition, the possible connection between
patients had a history of an additional autoimmune dis- vitiligo and pigmentation was analyzed for vitiligo
ease such as Hashimotos thyroiditis or Graves dis- patients and controls by grouping both cohorts accord-
ease. In addition to the above, melanocortin peptides ing to skin, hair and eye color. The full-length MC-1R
serum cortisol levels were determined to further detect gene was sequenced after PCR amplification. The 3
possible alterations within the classical HPA axis. untranslated region (3 UTR) SNP of ASIP was
a-MSH was detected by RIA while ACTH and cortisol detected by restriction fragment length polymorphism.
were determined by immunometric assays. Compared No differences in the allele frequency of the ASIP SNP
with 40 matched normal individuals, vitiligo patients could be found. As the Arg160Trp allele of MC-1R
displayed a significantly lower median a-MSH plasma however showed a significantly higher frequency
level but a higher ACTH plasma level. No difference among fair-skinned individuals than in dark-skinned
was found in the levels of morning serum cortisol. The individuals, both vitiligo and controls were regrouped.
data on the plasma levels a-MSH in vitiligo are thus in The frequency of MC-1R was then analyzed separately
contrast to the previously published findings [25]. in fair skinned and dark skinned subgroups of vitiligo
patients and controls. The C478T SNP of MC-1R
showed a significant difference in allele frequency in
fair-skinned vitiligo patients and in fair-skinned Genetic Abnormalities of POMC
healthy controls (p = 0.0262, odds ration 3.6) with a
Components in Vitiligo higher allele frequency in the control group. The
authors suggested that the Arg160Trp amino acid
Two studies have addressed if patients with vitiligo change is protective against vitiligo. Although the
have genetic defects of distinct components of the results of this study are interesting, the overall number
POMC system [26, 36]. The so-far conducted studies of sequenced patients is too low. Moreover, the data of
2.2.9 Proopiomelanocortin and Related Hormones 287
the latter study are confounded by stratification, for systems was further assessed by quantitative real-time
which additional testing (Bonferronis correction for RT-PCR [20]. The patients (mean age: 30 years; mean
multiple testing) would be needed. disease duration: 19.2 years) included 25 cases with gen-
eralized vitiligo, four cases with localized non-segmental
vitiligo, and 1 patient with universal vitiligo. POMC
mRNA expression was 1.9-fold lower in lesional skin Expression of the Cutaneous
than in control skin. In contrast, the relative mRNA
POMC System in Vitiligo amounts of both MC-1R and also MC-4R were found to
be slightly elevated in nonlesional skin of vitiligo com-
Thody and coworkers were the first who reported the pared with lesional skin and control skin. Regarding the
presence of a-MSH in mammalian skin [37]. They increased amounts of MC-1R and MC-4R mRNA in
found ng/g amounts of immunoreactive a-MSH in nonlesional skin, compensatory upregulation by systemic
human, rat, gerbil and mouse skin as determined by influences was suggested [20]. RNA analysis of the mel-
a-MSH RIA. The highest concentration of a-MSH anogenesis-specific enzymes tyrosinase, tyrosinase-
was detected in human skin, especially within the epi- related protein 1 (TRP1) and dopachrome tautomerase
dermis. Using suction blister tops, the immunoreactive showed a positive correlation between the MC-1R and
amounts of a-MSH in the epidermis were also mea- TRP1 mRNA levels in skin of healthy controls. However,
sured in normally appearing and in lesional skin of a no correlation was found between the MC-1R mRNA
limited number of vitiligo patients (n = 4). The amounts expression levels and the expression of tyrosinase, TRP1
a-MSH in lesional and nonlesional skin of vitiligo and dopachrome tautomerase in vitiligo. In addition, no
patients was similar but the overall concentration (96.7 differences were detected in the mRNA amounts of ASIP
12.9 and 86.6 10.1 pg/blister top) appeared less than and AGRP in vitiligo skin and in controls.
in normal epidermis (148.6 11.5 pg/blister top; Recently, two reports further advanced our know-
n = 2). Subsequent immunohistochemical studies on ledge on the cutaneous POMC system in vitiligo.
skin biopsies (lesional, perilesional and nonlesional) Spencer et al. [33] reevaluated the in situ expression of
from vitiligo patients (n = 6) and control subjects (n = 6) a-MSH, b-MSH, b-ED and ACTH in skin of patients
further supported a reduction in the level of a-MSH with vitiligo before and after UVB-activated pseudo-
in lesional and perilesional skin, especially within catalase PC-KUS treatment (n = 6) and in skin of
the melanocytes [12]. Accordingly, the number of healthy controls (n = 6). In lesional skin of vitiligo
a-MSH-positive melanocytes detected by double patients, epidermal immunoreactivity for both a-MSH
immunostaining with the melanocyte antibody Mel-5 and b-ED immunoreactivity was significantly reduced.
was significantly reduced in nonlesional and perile- The reduced immunoreactivity of b-ED in vitiliginous
sional skin of vitiligo patients compared with controls. skin is surprising since the peripheral blood and tissue
Similar to a-MSH there was a reduction in the number fluids of this POMC-derived peptides were found to be
of melanocytes staining for PC1 and PC2 in vitiligo elevated in patients with vitiligo as noted earlier [8]. In
skin (both in nonlesional and perilesional skin) com- contrast to previous work by the Thody et al. [12],
pared with control skin. In contrast, epidermal ACTH moreover, the latter authors detected increased epider-
immunostaining did not differ in its intensity and local- mal ACTH immunoreactivity in vitiliginous skin com-
ization in vitiliginous and control skin. These data pared with control skin. Immunoreactivity for b-MSH
suggested that reduced a-MSH amounts within mel- was similar in vitiligo skin and in control skin. Since it
anocytes of normally appearing and perilesional skin was previously shown that lesional skin of vitiligo
of patients with vitiligo could contribute to melanocyte patients accumulates H2O2 in the 103 M range [30], the
damage, e. g. via increased oxidative stress. As can be possibility of oxidation and thus structural alteration
expected, melanocytes reappearing in the repigmented leading to reduced antibody epitope recognition was
skin of vitiligo patients after successful therapy again tested by incubating a-MSH, b-MSH, b-ED and ACTH
display a-MSH immunoreactivity [16]. in vitro with H2O2. As shown by dot blot analysis with
In another study involving full-thick skin biopsies POMC-peptide antibodies, H2O2 appeared to oxidize
from 31 vitiligo patients and 24 healthy subjects, cutane- a-MSH, b-MSH, b-ED and ACTH with b-ED being the
ous expression of several components of the POMC most sensitive peptide. Functional in vitro studies could
288 M. Bhm
in fact demonstrate a significantly reduced in vitro mel- progressive vitiligo compared with healthy controls (n =
anotropic activity of b-ED exposed to H2O2. Based on 10 vitiligo patients and controls). In contrast to a-MSH,
FT-Raman spectroscopy and computer simulation the b-MSH, b-ED and ACTH, antibody antigen recognition
authors further suggested that Met within ACTH, was not affected by exposure of furin protein to millimo-
a-MSH and b-ED, is sensitive towards oxidation by lar amounts of H2O2. However, exposure of furin protein
H2O2 resulting in Met sulfoxide. In support of this con- to H2O2 in vitro resulted in a 55% reduction in Ca2+ bind-
cept, treatment with pseudocatalase PC-KUS led to an ing as detected by binding of 45Ca2+ binding assays.
increased immunoreactivity of both a-MSH and b-MSH Computer simulation and molecular modeling predicted
in repigmented skin of patients with vitiligo [33]. that this H2O2-induced decrease in Ca2+ binding is due to
In addition to POMC-derived peptides, it was recently loss of one Ca2+ from the binding site 1 of the catalytic
shown that the Ca2+-dependent furin convertase, a mem- site of furin convertase [34].
ber of the PC family of POMC-processing enzymes,
could be a target for oxidative stress-induced damage in
vitiligo [34]. This enzyme is expressed in both normal
human melanocytes and keratinocytes in culture at RNA Concluding Remarks
and protein level. Furin expression as assessed by immu-
nohistochemistry was significantly reduced in both Several lines of evidence indicate that the POMC is
lesional and nonlesional skin of untreated patients with affected in vitiligo (Table These alterations
Table Reported alterations of the POMC system and its possible pathophysiological role in vitiligo
POMC Detected alteration Pathophysiologic Reference
component consequence
b-ED Plasma level Indicator of stress? Mozzanica et al. [25]
Circadian rhythm lost
b-ED Plasma level Caixia et al. [26]
MC1R Allele frequency of Arg160Trp SNP * Protection against vitiligo? Szll et al. [29]
MC-1R, MC-4R Cutaneous mRNA amount in nonlesional skin Compensatory response? Kingo et al. [36]
-MSH, b-ED Epidermal immunoreactivity in lesional skin Reduced melanogenesis, Spencer et al. [37]
cytoprotection, altered
immune function?
b-ED Amount in suction blister fluid of lesional skin Indicator of cutaneous of Caixia et al. [26]
cutaneous stress?
ACTH Epidermal immunoreactivity in vitiligo skin Compensatory response? Spencer et al. [37]
FC Epidermal immunoreactivity in lesional and nonle- Reduced melanogenesis, Spencer et al. [39]
sional skin and non-lesional skin cytoprotection, altered
immune function?
Not confirmed by others [28]
Only n = 2 samples analyzed
2.2.9 Proopiomelanocortin and Related Hormones 289
include the peripheral blood levels of certain POMC- 11. Gokhale BB, Gokhale TB (1976) Corticotropin and vitiligo
derived peptides, the in situ expression of POMC and (preliminary observations). Br J Derrmatol 95:329
12. Graham A, Westerhof W, Thody AJ (1999) The expression
selected POMC-derived peptides, expression of furin of alpha-MSH by melanocytes is reduced in vitiligo. Ann
convertase, and the expression of MC-Rs in skin of NY Acad Sci 885:470473
patients with vitiligo. However, it remains to be clari- 13. Harrison C, Smart D, Lambert DG (1998) Stimulatory
fied if these alterations are cause or consequence of effects of opioids. Br J Anaesth 81:2028
14. Hernndez-Prez E (1979) Vitiligo treated with ACTH. Int
vitiligo. At present, our knowledge on the cutaneous J Dermatol 18:578579
POMC system in vitiligo is still very fragmentary due 15. Hruby VJ, Wilkes BC, Hadley ME et al (1987) Alpha-
to insufficient numbers of examined vitiligo patients melanotropin: the minimal active sequence in the frog skin
and controls, lack of hard quantitative protein data in bioassay. J Med Chem 30:21262130
16. Ichimiya M (1999) Immunohistochemical study of ACTH
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peutic value alone or in combination with any other 502506
current vitiligo treatment remains to be determined in 17. Kauser S, Schallreuter KU, Thody AJ et al (2003) Regulation
of human epidermal melanocyte biology by beta-endorphin.
future state-of the art clinical trials. J Invest Dermatol 120:10731080
18. Kauser S, Thody AJ, Schallreuter KU et al (2004) Beta-
endorphin as a regulator of human hair follicle melanocyte
biology. J Invest Dermatol 123:184195
References 19. Kieffer BL, Evans CJ (2009) Opioid receptors: From bind-
ing sites to visible molecules in vivo. Neuropharmacology,
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The Ca2+-binding capacity of epidermal furin is disrupted
Other Hypotheses
Mauro Picardo Introduction
differentiates and migrates to the bulb whilst maintain- the basis of the above clinical observation, an in vivo
ing a reserve of indifferentiated cells inside the bulge. model of melanocyte detachment has been defined [5].
The niche allows thus the continuous production of After the application of a calibrated physical stress, the
new melanocytes avoiding cell exhaustion and senes- progressive detachment and loss of epidermal melano-
cence. A minority of melanocyte stem cells mature into cytes was shown with non dendritic cells found in the
differentiated and migrating melanocytes whereas the upper epidermal layers, without (histological) evidence
bulk remains quiescent. The exhaustion of the quies- of frank death. Even if the cause of tenascin extracel-
cent stock will affect the next melanocyte production. lular deposition is still unknown, it has been suggested
The ability to respond to specific growth factors (ie to inhibit melanocyte adhesion to fibronectin allowing
SCF, and the c-Kit/SCF axis appears to be broken in their detachment. Among possible causes of tenascin
vitiligo) may determine the continuous production of production, a cytokine-mediated induction has been
differentiated and functioning epidermis-committed proposed. Melanocyte adhesion is a phenomenon
melanocytes [1] (see chapter 2.2.8). Until now the mediated by the interaction of several classes of pro-
molecular and genetic background for melanocyte teins and by the shape of the melanocyte, able to con-
senescence has been investigated mainly on melanoma tact basement membrane sites through its dendrites.
development. In particular, the pattern of expression of The adhesion between melanocyte and keratinocyte is
the retinoblastoma (RB) family of proteins as well as mainly due to cadherin-bcatenin complexes, whereas
the activation of some kinases (ERK2) involved in the adhesion to the basal membrane is mediated by the
stress signals, has been reported as featuring the senes- Ca-independent a6b1integrins. On the other hand, den-
cent melanocyte status in contrast to the malignant one. drites promote the anchoring and adhesion events
The in vitro culture experiments may provide a model through Ca-dependent integrins. Moreover, the den-
to test the physiological value of different growth fac- drites shape is dependent on cadherin binding proper-
tors and their role in determining the cell ability to ties. The primary or secondary nature of the loose
divide or senesce. Vitiligo may be considered as a attachment of vitiligo melanocytes is a matter of debate.
model for the study of stem cells and senescence pro- In vitiligo epidermis, oxygen radicals and the melanin
cess. According to this hypothesis, vitiligo melano- toxic derivatives could indeed be involved in the com-
cytes may present defects in proliferative and promised multiproteic junctions as well in abnormal
differentiation potential at the bulge level. It may be dendrite morphology. The in vitro addition of H2O2 has
considered a localized senescence process through a been reported to affect the dendrites retraction, the first
mechanism similar to the free radical-mediated gray- step of melanocyte detachement. Moreover, keratino-
ing, associated with a progressive melanocyte loss cyte oxidative damage may contribute to tenascin pro-
from the hair bulb. In accordance with this hypothesis, duction and release in the extracellular space.
around one third 35% of cases of vitiligo are associated
with early hair graying affecting relatives or more
rarely the patient. The clinical value of a possible
accelerated senescence process is relevant in terms of The Viral Hypotheses
therapy. The presence or not of a functioning follicular
reservoir might be the crucial factor for the success of Some sporadic and still controversial data have been
an autologous graft. considered as supporting a possible viral infection trig-
gering the onset of vitiligo. Epidemiological data have
shown the increased prevalence of HTLV1 (human T
cell lymphotropic virus type 1) in patients with vitiligo The Melanocyte Detachment
(0.7% versus 0.22% in control blood donors) [9].
(Melanocytorrhagic) Theory HTLV1 is the etiological agent of adult T cell lym-
phoma/leukemia, tropical spastic paraparesis, and
Frequently, the onset of vtiligo spot takes place at the uveitis. A trigger role for cytomegalovus has been also
site of mild physical pressure or excoriation, and the proposed [6], on the basis of the presence in skin biop-
histological evaluation indicates the increased amount sies of CMV DNA in 38% of the patients. The high-
of tenascin in papillary dermis (see Sect. On lighted characteristics of the virus in favour of vitiligo
2.2.10 Other Hypotheses 293
pathogenesis included easy contamination of hair fol- the proteins of the mitochondrial electron transport
licles and nerve endings. chain, which is strictly associated with membrane lip-
ids, thus impairing the ATP production and affecting
cell survival. The final result could depend on the inten-
sity or duration of the stimuli, i.e. a mild aggression Decient Clearance of leading to a reduction of ATP production would impair
Apoptotic Fragments adhesion; a greater stimulus acting as pro-apoptotic
agent would affect the mitochondrial cell survival
checkpoints; finally, a major stress causing cell death
Other data, to consider with caution, suggest that a
would be associated with an inflammatory inflitrate.
deficient clearance of apoptotic fragments by mannose-
Finally, the altered expression and release of trans-
binding lectin (MBL) may be involved (chapter
membrane proteins could be the basis for the exposure MBL is a calcium-dependent lectin involved
of antigens considered as non self by the immune sys-
in the early phase of the innate immunity, before the
tem, which would deliver in turn an inappropriate
production of antibodies. It activates the complement,
immune response [2, 3, 4, 7]. In addition, hsp70 produc-
promotes opsonophagocytosis, modulates the inflam-
tion related to membrane damage could improve immune
matory response, and induces apoptosis. Inadequate
recognition and the ensuing immune system activation.
clearance of apoptotic bodies has been associated with
some autoimmune diseases through the perpetuation of
immune activation [8]. The above suggestion may fit
the recently proposed hypothesis of the inflammasome
(see chapter 2.2.1). Cellular debris or apoptotic frag- References
ments could activate NALP1, within the inflammasome
complex, activating the IL1 pathway and alerting the 1. Arck PC, Overall R, Spatz K et al (2006) Towards a free
immune system. In vitiligo patients, an altered calcium radical theory of graying: melanocyte apoptosis in the aging
human hair follicle is an indicator of oxidative stress induced
metabolism together with the polymorphism of MBL tissue damage. FASEB J 20:15671569
may lead to decreased level of MBL determining a 2. Broquet AH, Thoma G, Masliah J et al (2003) Expression of
compromised clearance of apoptotic fragments. the molecular chaperone Hsp70 in detergent-resistant micro-
domains correlates with its membrane delivery and release.
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Membrane lipid alterations as a possible basis for melano- The membrane Lipid Defect cyte degeneration in vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 127:
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tions ofmtHsp70 with Tim44 at the translocon in the mito-
chondrial inner membrane. Nat Struct Mol Biol 11:
According to the oxidative-mediated damage, a subtle
link between ROS generation and membrane structure 5. Gauthier Y, Cario Andr M, Taieb A (2003) A critical
has been also put forward. On the basis of this hypoth- appraisal of vitiligo etiologic theories: is melanocyte loss a
esis melanocytes, as well as other cell types, may pres- melanocitorrhagy? Pigment Cell Res 16:322332
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DNA identified in skin biopsy specimens of patients with
genetic background, affecting the structure and func- vitiligo. J Am Acad Dermatol 35:2126
tionality of the membranes. A compromised membrane 7. Kroll TM, Bommiasamy H, Boissy RE et al (2005) 4-ter-
could render cells differentially sensitive to external and tiary butyl phenol exposure sensitizes human melanocytes to
dendritic cell-mediated killing: relevance to vitiligo. J Invest
internal agents (UV, cytokines, catechols, melanin inter-
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mediates, growth factors withdrawal), usually ineffec- 8. Onay H, Pehlivan M, Alper S et al (2007) Might there be a
tive on normal cell activity and survival. The impaired link between mannose binding lectin and vitiligo? Eur
arrangement of lipids, involving fatty acids and choles- J Dermatol 17:146148
9. Nobre V, Guedes AC, Proietti FA (2007) Increased preva-
terol, may affect the transmembrane location of proteins
lence of human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 in patients
with enzymatic or receptor activities. A possible effect attending a Brazilian dermatology clinic. Intervirology
of this membrane defect could be a defective activity of 50:316318
Segmental Vitiligo: A Model
to Understand Vitiligo? 2.3
Seung-Kyung Hann, Alain Taeb, Yvon Gauthier,
Lala Benzekri, Hsin-Su Yu, Cheng-Che Eric Lan,
and Ching-Shuang Wu
Particular Clinical Characteristics
of Segmental Vitiligo
Seung-Kyung Hann
Clinical Observations and Hypotheses
for SV Patterning ..................................................... 296
Preferential Follicular Reservoir Fig. 2.3.1 The lesion which starts from the right side of the
Involvement in SV ................................................... 297 forehead and crosses the midline of the face and spreads down to
References ........................................................................... 298 the eyeball, nose and cheek of the left side of the face
Fig. 2.3.3 Peculiar distribution of segmental vitiligo crossing Fig. 2.3.4 Leukotrichia of eyebrow in SV demonstrates com-
trigeminal dermatomes (a), and nevus spilus of similar distribu- mon and simultaneous involvement of non follicular and follicu-
tion (b) lar melanocytic compartment
298 S.-K. Hann et al.
Alain Taeb
The usually more severe and earlier presentation of mosaicism already demonstrated in a monogenic skin
SV in the context of associated NSV favours a dosing disorder using laser capture of mutated cells and DNA
effet of a common predisposing gene and a loss of sequencing [19].
heterozygosity (LOH) mechanism like in monogenic
disorders caused by cutaneous somatic mosaicism
[19]. This corresponds to type II mosaicism according
Implications for Research of the Concept
to Happle, as opposed to type I which results from
only one mutation, causing an identifiable phenotype of Somatic Mosaicism Applied to Vitiligo
if dominant [6]. This sequence (early SV, late NSV)
may also reflect the role of a first cutaneous gene Until recently, the popular target theory for skin
defect causing SV triggering a generalised immune involvement in vitiligo (the skin pigmentary system as
response against cutaneous melanocytes supported by the target of autoimmunity) has underemphasized
another immune-related gene defect. However, pedi- information coming from the skin itself. If the somatic
grees showing the presence of cases with established mosaicism theory holds true for SV, it seems reason-
SV in families with previous cases of NSV [25] rein- able to speculate that differences in gene expression in
force the possibility of a mechanism close to type II involved and non involved SV skin or genetic skin
2.3 Segmental Vitiligo: A Model to Understand Vitiligo? 301
Before UV
After UV
Pathophysiological Arguments
Kogas classification [17, 18] proposes that SV could 13. Iyengar B (1989) Modulation of melanocyte activity by ace-
result from the dysfunction of sympathetic nerves in the tylcholine. Acta Anat 136:139141
14. Jacklin NH (1965) Depigmentation of the eyelids in eserine
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mental type was interpreted to be due to an increased cho- vation of a teleost melanophore. Anat Rec 162:
linergic influence [13, 14, 29]. In SV lesions, the cutaneous 501504
16. Klippel M, Weil HP (1922) Radicular distribution of vitiligo
blood flow was shown to be increased almost threefold and nevi. Presse Med 30:388390
compared to control normal skin and a similar anomaly 17. Koga M (1977) Vitiligo: a new classification and therapy. Br
was shown to a lesser extent in NSV. A significant increase J Dermatol 97:255261
in cutaneous alpha and beta-adrenoreceptor response was 18. Koga M, Tango T (1988) Clinical features and course of type
A and type B vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 118:223228
found in the segmental type suggesting that a dysfunction 19. Lerner AB (1959) Vitiligo. J Invest Dermatol 39:285310
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306 S.-K. Hann et al.
Segmental Vitiligo: A Model Inactivated Melanocytes
Contents (MelanocyteReservoir)
generalized vitiligo (see previous section by Hann). repigmentation rate of 46 and 67%, respectively, after 4
Regardless of the initial damaging process, once the months of phototherapy. The results from in vitro
disease becomes stable, the most important cells experiments may provide an explanation for this clini-
involved in SV repigmentation besides melanoblasts cal phenomenon. NBUVB is known to have immune
and melanocytes are keratinocytes, which play a crucial modulatory effects including depleting skin infiltrating
role in modulating epidermal pigmentation. Through T cells and arresting maturation of epidermal dendritic
their growth factors/mitogens, keratinocytes can modu- cells [26]. In terms of biological effects, NBUVB irra-
late the biological behavior of neighboring melanocytes. diation affects several cellular targets (1) it causes a
Stem cell factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, endothe- direct stimulation of melanocyte locomotion via
lins, and nerve growth factor are among the documented increased expressions of phosphorylated focal adhesion
factors that participate in this delicate relationship [9, kinase, (2) it increases MMP-2 activity from melano-
22, 25, 38, 43] (Chap. 2.2.8). Since these cells are read- cytes, (3) it causes indirect stimulation of melanocyte
ily available for experimentation, significant insights proliferation by increasing the production of basic
regarding SV repigmentation can be obtained from fibroblast growth factor and endothelin from keratino-
comparing in vitro results with in vivo observations. cytes [39] and (4) it causes a direct stimulation of mel-
anoblasts in terms of melanin formation and cell
migration (unpublished data). A summary of these in
In Vitro Repigmentation Models vitro findings is shown in Fig. 2.3.11.
Application to SV therapy
Comparing the biologic impact of irradiation sources
on repigmentation Comparing the in vitro effects of NBUVB and PUVA
It is known that PUVA treatment is more effective for on epidermal cells, it is clear that both modalities have
treating NSV as compared to SV [34]. The proposed significant immunomodulatory effects, but NBUVB
molecular mechanisms responsible for PUVAs impact has more direct biological effects on epidermal cells in
on vitiligo repigmentation include (1) depletion of viti- terms of supporting pigment cell migration, prolifera-
ligo associated melanocyte antigens [13], and (2) deple- tion, and development. Therefore, according to the in
tion of Langerhans cells in vitiligo skin [12]. However, vitro repigmentation model, NBUVB may provide
these immunomodulating effects are probably more better therapeutic efficacy for inducing repigmentation
important for active NSV and play limited role in SV as in SV [1], as compared to PUVA therapy. Further head
active melanocyte loss is not a feature of established to head clinical trials should be performed to validate
SV lesions [14]. The biologic impact of PUVA on epi- this hypothesis.
dermal cells include (1) limited stimulatory effect on Correlating in vitro and in vivo effects of Red visi-
keratinocytes, (2) increased matrix metalloproteinase ble light and tacrolimus
(MMP)-2 activity, an important modulator for pigment
cell motility, from melanocytes [40], and (3) increase More recently, heliumneon (HeNe) laser, which
tyrosinase activity of MC [13]. In addition, the photo- emits within visible red light, has been shown as a novel
sensitizer 8-methoxypsoralen by itself can stimulate phototherapeutic modality for treating SV [45]. HeNe
MMP-2 expression from melanoblasts [20]. These bio- laser promotes vitiligo repigmentation through (1)
logic effects imparted by PUVA on epidermal cells pro- direct stimulation of melanocyte and melanoblast
vide a reasonable explanation for the therapeutic effect migration [19, 45], (2) direct stimulation of melano-
of PUVA on SV. Moreover, it is also conceivable that blasts to undergo functional development [19], (3)
active NSV responds more favorably to PUVA treat- increased secretion of nerve growth factor and basic
ment as compared to SV since PUVA also have signifi- fibroblast growth factor from keratinocytes, and (4)
cant immune regulatory effects in addition to its biologic indirect stimulation of melanocyte growth via keratino-
effects. A schematic diagram summarizing the effects cytes [45] (Figs. 2.3.11 and 2.3.12). Tacrolimus oint-
of PUVA is shown in Fig. 2.3.11. Westerhof and ment is a promising topical agent for treating SV. In
Nieuweboer-Krobotova [37] reported that vitiligo vitro studies using epidermal cells have shown that tac-
patients receiving PUVA and NBUVB experienced a rolimus (1) directly stimulates keratinocytes to release
308 S.-K. Hann et al.
stem cell factor, (2) induces keratinocytes to promote neuronal cell differentiation [11]. These reports suggest
the growth of both melanoblasts and melanocytes, (3) that neural modulatory effects may have a previously
induces keratinocytes to upregulate MMP activities unrecognized role in the treatment of SV. Further stud-
[18], and (4) directly induces pigmentation and migra- ies on how neural modulatory effects are included into
tion of melanocytes [10]. Therefore, besides immuno- the repigmentation scheme may improve treatment reg-
modulatory effects of tacrolimus on immune cells, the imen for SV.
direct biological effects of tacrolimus on epidermal
cells probably account for its therapeutic effects on SV.
Of interest is the effect of different therapies on the
cutaneous nervous system. Currently, in vitro data Therapeutic Perspectives
regarding this topic is lacking. However, it has been
shown that HeNe laser irradiation leads to improve- Although new strides have been made on treatment
ment in nerve injury [15, 28] and topical tacrolimus options for SV, the underlying molecular mech-
induces neuropeptide release [31] and may lead to anisms inducing repigmentation must be elucidated for
2.3 Segmental Vitiligo: A Model to Understand Vitiligo? 309
He-Ne laser
He-Ne laser
11. Kao CH, Yu HS (1990) Depletion and repopulation of central nervous system, cutaneous wounds, and burns. Lasers
Langerhans cells in nonsegmental type vitiligo. J Dermatol Surg Med 9:174182
17:287296 26. Silverberg NB, Lin P, Travis L et al (2004) Tacrolimus oint-
12. Kao CH, Yu HS (1992) Comparison of the effect of ment promotes repigmentation of vitiligo in children: a
8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) plus UVA (PUVA) on human review of 57 cases. J Am Acad Dermatol 51:760766
melanocytes in vitiligo vulgaris and in vitro. J Invest 27. Stnder S, Stnder H, Seeliger S et al (2007) Topical pime-
Dermatol 98: 734740 crolimus and tacrolimus transiently induce neuropeptide
13. Khalid M, Mutjaba G (1998) Response of segmental vitiligo to release and mast cell degranulation in murine skin. Br
0.05% clobetasol propionate cream. Int J Dermatol 37:705708 J Dermatol 156:10201026
14. Khullar SM, Brodin P, Barkvoll P et al (1996) Preliminary 28. Staricco RG (1962) Activation of the amelanotic melano-
study of low-level laser for treatment of longstanding sen- cytes in the outer root sheath of the hair follicle following
sory alteration in the inferior alveolar nerve. J Oral Maxillofac ultra violet rays exposure. J Invest Dermatol 39:163164
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16. Koga A, Tango T (1988) Clinical features and course of type vitiligo to PUVA therapy in Saudi patients. Int J Dermatol
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17. Lan CC, Chen GS, Chiou MH et al (2005) FK506 promotes 31. Tobin DJ, Bystryn JC (1996) Different populations of mel-
melanocyte and melanoblast growth and creates a favourable anocytes are present in hair follicles and epidermis. Pigment
milieu for cell migration via keratinocytes: possible mecha- Cell Res 9:304310
nisms of how tacrolimus ointment induces repigmentation in 32. Warren MA, Bleehen SS (1995) Morphologic observations
patients with vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 153:498505 on the dermal nerves in vitiligo: an ultrastructural study. Int
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neon laser induces locomotion of the immature melanoblasts 33. Westerhof W, Nieuweboer-Krobotova L (1997) Treatment of
and promotes melanogenesis of the more differentiated mel- vitiligo with UV-B radiation vs topical psoralen plus UV-A.
anoblasts: recapitulation of vitiligo repigmentation in vitro. Arch Dermatol 133:15251528
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19. Lei TC, Virador V, Yasumoto K et al (2002) Stimulation of flow and adrenoceptor response increase in segmentals, type
melanoblast pigmentaion by 8-methoxypsoralen: the vitiligo lesions. J Dermatol Sci 23:5362
involvement of microphthalmia-associated transcription 35. Wu CS, Yu CL, Wu CS et al (2004) Narrow-band ultraviolet-
factor, the proetin kinase A signal pathway, and protea- B stimulates proliferation and migration of cultured melano-
some-mediated degradation. J Invest Dermatol 119: cytes. Exp Dermatol 13:755763
13411349 36. Wu CS, Lan CC, Wang LF et al (2007) Effects of psoralen plus
20 Mori H (1964) Neurohistological studies on vitiligo vulgaris ultraviolet A irradiation on cultured epidermal cells in vitro
skin with special reference to the vegetative nerves. Jpn and patients with vitiligo in vivo. Br J Dermatol 156:
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21. Nishimura EK, Jordan SA, Oshima H et al (2002) Dominant 37. Yarr M, Gilchrest BA (1991) Human melanocyte growth and
role of the niche in melanocyte stem-cell fate determination. differentiation: a decade of new data. J Invest Dermatol 97:
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22. Nozaki T (1976) Histochemical and electron microscopic 38. Yonetani S, Moriyama M, Nishigori C et al (2008) In vitro
studies of peripheral nerve terminals and clinical studies in expansion of immature melanoblasts and their ability to
vitiligo vulgaris. Jpn J Dermatol 86:119 repopulate melanocyte stem cells in the hair follicule.
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ter ultraviolet B light (narrow-band UVB) induces apopto- 39. Yokota N (1967) Histochemical studies on vitiligo vulgaris.
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711718 40. Yu HS (2002) Melanocyte destruction and repigmentation in
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tis via substance P-dependent neurogenic inflammation in 41. Yu HS, Wu CS, Yu CL et al (2003) Helium neon laser irra-
mice. J Invest Dermatol 128:434446 diation stimulates migration and proliferation in melano-
25. Rochkind S, Rousso M, Nissan M et al (1989) Systemic cytes and induces repigmentation in segmental type vitiligo.
effects of low-power laser irradiation on the peripheral and J Invest Dermatol 120:5664
Editors Synthesis
Mauro Picardo and Alain Taeb
In the following sections we highlight some gaps in melanocytes, are not yet substantiated. In non-segmen-
our understanding, underline possible unifying sce- tal vitiligo, there is now ample evidence that melano-
narii, and propose, based on Part 2 review of data, a cytes of non-clinically affected areas can be
hierarchy of possible events occurring upstream of morphologically or functionally altered in favour of
melanocyte loss in the vitiligo puzzle (Fig. 2.4.1). either an intrinsic abnormality, which could be the basis
of the Koebner phenomenon, or of a systemic low-key
immune disturbance targeting the cutaneous melano-
cytic system, or both. This point is crucial for a better
2.4.1 Do All Supposed Mechanisms understanding and will need more in vivo studies using
of Melanocyte Loss Occur In Vivo? skin biopsies to look at early changes in the disease.
The experimental provocation of Koebners phenome-
Table 2.4.1 indicates a wide range of possible events non, as indicated in Sect., may be a valuable
that may provoke melanocyte loss. Interestingly, some tool to detect the chronology of events in vitiligo, and
popular theories, such as the apoptotic demise of especially a link between trauma and inflammation.
2.4 Editors Synthesis 313
2.4.2 An Enlarged Vision of the Skin have been well -demonstrated for melanocytes
Melanogenic Unit May Apply (Chaps. 1.3.6 and 2.2.10). The melanoblasts of the
hair follicle niche, studied mostly in the mouse, dif-
to Vitiligo
ferentiate and migrate to the hair bulb while main-
While melanocytes are the undisputed target of the dis- taining a reserve of undifferentiated cells inside the
ease, other skin cells affect their function and survival. bulge [14]. The niche thus allows the continuous
The conventional skin pigmentation unit was the epider- production of new melanocytes avoiding cell exhaus-
mal melanin unit of Fitzpatrick and Breathnach [2]. A tion and senescence. Vitiligo may represent a local-
dermalepidermal melanin unit was more recently ized senescence process through a mechanism
defended [1]. Based on current knowledge of vitiligo similar to the free radical-mediated greying, [8, 9],
pathophysiology, the skin melanogenic unit should associated with a progressive melanocyte loss from
include, beside melanocytes, keratinocytes, fibroblasts, the hair bulb. The presence, or not, of a functioning
and possibly cutaneous nerve endings of the considered follicular reservoir may also be the critical factor for
unit. Langerhans cells could also play a role as pivotal a successful melanocyte graft besides loss through
cells of the innate immune system, being envisioned as the Koebners phenomenon. Usually, a minority of
maintaining the immune surveillance of the pigmentary melanocyte stem cells matures into differentiated
system in case of local danger. Progress in the knowl- and migrating melanocytes, whereas the bulk of
edge of the epidermal and dermal network governing the them remain quiescent. The exhaustion of the quies-
release of specific cytokines and growth factors opens cent stock will affect the next melanocyte produc-
new perspectives in the pathogenesis and therapy of viti- tion. The ability to respond to specific growth factors,
ligo, if the loss of pigment cells can be first stopped. such as SCF, may determine the continuous produc-
tion of differentiated and functioning epidermis-
committed melanocytes. On this subject, Part 2 has
2.4.3 Melanocyte Stemness and Vitiligo provided several arguments indicating that the c-Kit/
SCF axis appears to be broken in vitiligo (Chap.
Until now, the attention has been mostly centred on 2.2.8). Vitiligo may be considered as a possible
resident epidermal melanocytes. However, exchanges model for the study of stemness and senescence
between hair follicles and interfollicular compartments processes.
314 M. Picardo and A. Taeb
2.4.4 The Somatic Mosaicism may lead to modifications of the structure of the mem-
Hypothesis for SV and Deductions branes, affecting the sensitivity to pro-oxidant agents,
modulating the intracellular redox status (Chap. 2.2.6),
for NSV
and favouring the release of haptened lipids, able in
turn to activate the immune system. Moreover, the
The recently demonstrated association of SV and NSV altered membrane may participate to the propagation
has provided new insights in the pathogenesis of viti- of the oxidative damage, responsible for a high level of
ligo [13]. The main reasoning behind is that still intracellular ROS, able also in turn to affect the struc-
unknown genetic predisposing factors may affect first ture and activity of the POMC-derived peptides. This
the skin pigmentary system. The activation of the skin phenomenon might be the basis for the reduction of
immune/inflammatory responses would come second aMSH in vitiligo epidermis. The responses to the spe-
leading to a more severe expression of disease. This cific growth factors, as well as the processes underly-
scenario is somewhat derived from that proposed for ing adhesion and survival events, could also be
another common skin disorder, atopic dermatitis, for impaired by the defective metabolism of lipid messen-
which a skin barrier genetic dysfunction comes first gers. The topical application of sphingolipids-medi-
and may produce direct inflammation [11], and engages ated restoration of Mitf expression and repigmentation
in a facultative second step the immune system into an in a mouse model of hair greying is in accordance with
allergic Th2 dependent pathway in a subset of this view [8, 9].
patients. This two-phase model is consistent with the
common presentation of NSV as an isolated chronic
cutaneous disorder in the majority of patients. Since
friction/pressure-prone areas are frequently initially 2.4.6 The Innate Immunity Hypothesis
affected, it would be tempting to speculate that the pri-
mary skin anomaly affects the upper layers of the epi- Besides the possible exposure of lipidprotein com-
dermis to explain the Koebners phenomenon; it would plexes with antigenic properties, apoptosis or other
explain nicely the subsequent epidermal activation of mechanisms of cellular alteration may activate the
innate immunity-based mechanisms via stratum cor- immune surveillance through the release of membrane
neum activation of inactive Il1beta precursors [12]. fragments. Based on the finding of NALP variants in
Pressure may also affect directly basal epidermal layer immune NSV [6], it has been hypothesized that such
biology if an abnormal adhesion of melanocytes comes cellular debris or apoptotic fragments could activate
first to explain their detachment [3]. Also, as envisaged the NALP1 inflammasome complex, activating in turn
earlier, there is a possible genetic cause limiting sur- the IL1 pathway and alerting the immune system. In
vival and self-renewal of epidermal and follicular mel- addition, hsp70 production related to membrane dam-
anocytes, the latter being hit earlier by the disease in age (Sect. has been widely associated to the
SV as compared to NSV [13]. The clear association of activation of antigen presenting cells. The immune-
NSV to familial hair greying also favours a genetic mediated damage, strongly suggested by a wide range
background affecting melanocyte survival. The expres- of clinical and experimental data (Chap. 1.2.2, 1.3.10
sion of several genes influencing such pathways is and 2.2.7), could be thus the most prominent modality
indeed modified in NSV [10]. of loss of genetically compromised melanocytes best
demonstrated during flares or acceleration phases of
the disease.
2.4.5 Membrane Lipids
as Possible Culprits
2.4.7 Concluding Remarks
The lipidomics approach to cellular signalling indi-
cates that lipids may be considered as signalling mol- Looking at the most recent experimental approaches, Le
ecules between extracellular events and cell adaptive Poole et al.s convergence theory [7] can tentatively be
response [4]. Alterations involving lipid metabolism updated, and featured as a pyramid where melanocyte
2.4 Editors Synthesis 315
loss is the tip of an enormous puzzle, with a predispos- 2. Fitzpatrick TB, Breathnach AS (1963) The epidermal mela-
ing genetic background at the basement level (Fig. nin unit system. Dermatol Wochenschr 147:481489
3. Gauthier Y (1995) The importance of Koebners phenome-
2.4.1). non in the induction of vitiligo vulgaris lesions. Eur
A variable genetic background (Level 1) could, J Dermatol 5:704708
under the influence of variable and still poorly under- 4. Hannun YA, Obeid LM (2008) Principles of bioactive lipid
stood environmental triggering factors (arrows), acti- signalling:lessons from sphingolipids. Nat Rev Mol Cell
Biol 9:139150
vate several pathogenic pathways (Level 2), occuring 5. Happle R (2007) Superimposed segmental manifestation of
through different mechanisms (Level 3), and, accord- polygenic skin disorders. J Am Acad Dermatol 57:690699
ing to the intensity of the stimuli, may concur to mel- 6. Jin Y, Mailloux CM, Gowan K et al (2007) NALP1 in viti-
anocyte loss (Level 4). ligo-associated multiple autoimmune disease. N Engl J Med
For unravelling the mysteries of the basement level 7. Le Poole IC, Das PK, van den Wijngaard RM et al (1993)
1, the genetic basis of vitiligo, besides the conven- Review of the etiopathomechanism of vitiligo: a conver-
tional approaches on blood DNA, SV considered as a gence theory. Exp Dermatol 2:145153
common skin genetic mosaic revealed postnatally 8. Picardo M (2009) Lipid-mediated signalling and melanocyte
function. Pigment Cell Mel Res 22:152153
would be a good model. SV is a candidate disease that 9. Saha B, Singh SK, Mallik S et al (2009) Sphingolipid-
may be explored as a proof of principle for a new mediated restoration of Mitf expression and repigmentation
gene discovery strategy to treat multigenic disorders in vivo in a mouse model of hair graying. Pigment Cell Mel
with organ specificity [5, 13]. For a good angle of Res 22:205218
10. Strmberg S, Bjrklund MG, Asplund A et al (2008)
attack of the puzzle-like pyramid, we still lack a Transcriptional profiling of melanocytes from patients with
definitive argument with a clinical or basic scientific vitiligo vulgaris. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res 21:162171
perspective. The following section will deal with 11. Taieb A (1999) Hypothesis: from epidermal barrier dysfunc-
those uncertainties for the currently limited available tion to atopic disorders. Contact Dermatitis 41:177180
12. Taieb A (2007) NALP1 and the inflammasomes: challenging
therapeutic options. our perception of vitiligo and vitiligo-related autoimmune
disorders. Pigment Cell Res 20:260262
13. Taeb A, Morice-Picard F, Jouary T et al (2008) Segmental
vitiligo as the possible expression of cutaneous somatic
References mosaicism: implications for common non-segmental viti-
ligo. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res 21:646652
14. Yonetani S, Moriyama M, Nishigori C et al (2008) In vitro
1. Cario-Andr M, Pain C, Gauthier Y et al (2006) In vivo and expansion of immature melanoblasts and their ability to
in vitro evidence of dermal fibroblasts influence on human repopulate melanocyte stem cells in the hair follicle. J Invest
epidermal pigmentation. Pigment Cell Res 19:434442 Dermatol 128:408420
Management Overview
Alain Taeb and Mauro Picardo
3.1.1 Management-Oriented Evaluation ....................... 319 3.1.1 Management-Oriented Evaluation
3.1.2 Treatment Overview .............................................. 320
Before discussing management with the patient, a thor-
UV Treatments ......................................................... 320
Topical Therapies and Combined Therapies ........... 320 ough assessment is needed. An assessment form has
Surgery ..................................................................... 321 been produced by the Vitiligo European task force (VETF)
Camouflage and Depigmentation ............................ 321 (see Part 1.4) which summarizes major history taking and
Other therapies ......................................................... 321
examination items. It has been recently updated [http://
Counseling ............................................................... 321
content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/360/2/160/DC1] [1].
3.1.3 Evidence-Based Guidelines ................................... 322 Skin color and ability to tan (phototype), disease dura-
References ........................................................................... 322 tion, and disease activity are important decision man-
agement items, as well as the patient psychological
profile and ability of coping with the disease. In some
nonsegmental vitiligo (NSV) patients, an acceleration
phase occurs with a rapid disease progression in a few
weeks/months which needs a more urgent intervention,
usually minipulse therapy (Chap. 3.5.1). Other useful
clinical management items include previous episodes
of repigmentation; type, duration, and usefulness of
previous treatments. The analysis of the Koebner phe-
nomenon (Sect. is of particular interest for pre-
vention, and needs a review with the patients according
their daily habits (hygiene, clothing) and occupations.
We use a slide projection in our clinic to show some
striking examples. A question about vitiligo on geni-
tals is included because it causes a strong embarass-
ment to patients, as first reported to us by the patients
support groups. A global quality of life assessement is
recommended (how does vitiligo currently affects
your everyday life) assessed on a visual analog scale,
which is a coarse but useful indicator of coping with
A. Taeb (
) the disease (Part 3.13). This is important because we
Service de Dermatologie, Hpital St Andr, know that the patients personality and perceived sever-
CHU de Bordeaux, ity of the disease are predictors of quality of life impair-
e-mail: alain.taieb@chu-bordeaux.fr
ment and will guide our management options [2].
Because of the frequent association of NSV with areas due to low availability or long distances to treat-
autoimmune thyroid disease, especially Hashimotos ment centers. The optimal dose may differ at differ-
thyroiditis, it is recommended to measure on an annual ent sites, and an option is shielding the area with the
basis the thyrotropin level in patients with antibodies lower MED after reaching its optimal dose, while
to thyroid peroxidise, which may precede overt thy- continuing to expose higher MED areas until optimal
roiditis. Associated auto-immune diseases frequencies dosing continues [11]. There is no apparent relation-
are apparently not similar according to ethnic back- ship between the degree of initial depigmentation and
ground, and appropriate management is not settled. the response to NB-UVB treatment [10], but the dura-
Any suggestive manifestations of organ-specific auto- tion of disease is inversely correlated with the degree
immune diseases should prompt appropriate investiga- of treatment-induced repigmentation [11]. The best
tions [3], and a specialist advice can be helpful. The results are achieved on the face, followed by the trunk
index of suspicion should be raised when a personal and limbs. The poorest outcomes have been noted for
and/or family history of auto-immune/auto-inflamma- hands and feet lesions that at best show a moderate
tory disorders is obtained. response. Relapses are common at all sites; around
6070% of patients resume depigmentation in areas
repigmented by treatment within one year whatever
the regimen, PUVA or NB-UVB [12].
3.1.2 Treatment Overview Responses of segmental vitiligo to narrow band
UVB are at best limited when the same NB-UVB
For stopping depigmentation, besides UV therapies, therapy is applied for six months [11]. The use of tar-
systemic steroids have been evaluated only in open geted high fluency UVB (excimer laser or monochro-
studies and seem to arrest disease progression [4, 8]. matic excimer lamp, both at 308 nm) which may
Commonly used repigmentation therapies for viti- reach deeper targets such as amelanotic melanocytes
ligo that are supported by data from randomized tri- of the hair follicle, and also avoid irradiation of unin-
als (RCT) include UV light (whole body irradiation volved skin, may improve outcomes. Preliminary
or UV targeted to lesions), and topical agents (cor- results seem promising in cases of NSV involving
ticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, calcipotriol). limited areas [2, 30]. Red light HeliumNeon laser
There are promising emerging treatments such as photherapy has also been reported as promoting
prostaglandin E2 [36] (Chap. 3.6). Camouflaging or repigmentation in SV [31].
depigmenting (in widespread/ disfiguring disease)
are the other current options.
Topical Therapies and Combined
Therapies (Parts 3.2 and 3.8)
UV Treatments (Part 3.3)
Topical therapies are not suitable for widespread NSV,
The currently preferred treatment in adults and com- but may be effective in cases with more localized dis-
pliant children with NSV is narrow-band UVB ease (including SV). Combined treatments are fre-
(NB-UVB), which delivers peak emission at 311 nm quently considered when phototherapy alone does not
[10]. The color match of repigmented skin is excel- show efficacy after three months, or in an attempt to
lent, but the response rate remains low based on accelerate response and reduce cumulative UV expo-
patients expectations. With twice weekly NB-UVB sure. As compared with PUVA which determines a
treatments for one year, 4863% of patients with predominant perifollicular pattern of repigmentation,
NSV repigment 75% of the affected areas [11]. At topical corticosteroids (and topical calcineurin inhibi-
least three months of treatment is warranted before tors TCI such as tacrolimus and pimecrolimus)
identifying a patient as a nonresponder, and approxi- exhibit a diffuse type, which is faster, but less stable
mately nine months of treatment is usually required [28]. Based on a meta-analysis, Class 3 (potent) topi-
to achieve the maximal repigmentation. Unfortunately, cal corticosteroids achieve more than 75% repigmen-
access to this treatment is frequently limited in some tation in 56% of patients [17]. The TCI are nowadays
3.1 Management Overview 321
preferred for face and neck lesions, because they cause plus UV results in repigmentation of at least 70% of
no skin atrophy. The efficacy of TCI is enhanced by the treated area [33].
occlusive therapy [9], exposure to UV radiation deliv-
ered by high fluency UVB devices [30], but not clearly
by conventional NB-UVB [23]. The usefulness of
these agents as sole therapy in sun-protected sites such Camouage and Depigmentation
as genitals and nipples requires further study. The (Parts 3.9 and 3.11)
concerns about the risk of cutaneous or even extracu-
taneous cancer provoked by topical calcineurin inhibi-
Topical camouflaging products mask esthetic skin dis-
tors have been disproportionate [7]. Calcineurin
figurement on a transient, semi-permanent, or perma-
inhibitors can promote repigmentation without immu-
nent basis (tattoos). Benefits can be obtained by the
nosuppression [20]. The combined use of UV and cal-
skilled use of corrective cosmetics. For dihydroxyace-
cineurin inhibitors has not yet been fully approved
tone (DHA), the most used self-tanner, the higher the
until the availabililty of more long-term data. Other
concentration, the better is the response observed, par-
sources of light such as the heliumneon laser (red
ticularly in darker phototypes [5]. Chemical or laser
light) are proposed to limit potential dangers of com-
depigmentation can definitely be a choice in a small
bination therapies using UV and calcineurin inhibitors
subset of carefully selected patients, but results are
[21]. It is unclear whether topical corticosteroid can
variable both in efficacy and duration [25]
also increase the efficacy of UVB as already demon-
strated for fluticasone plus UVA [32]. Topical calci-
potriene RCT studies indicate limited or no effect in
isolation and a possible minor enhancer effect on
Other Therapies (Parts 3.4 and 3.6)
repigmentation in combination with UV or topical
corticosteroids [14].
The use of topically applied antioxidants has not yet
been supported by sufficient level of evidence. Reports
investigating the efficacy of natural health products
Surgery (Part 3.7) (chinese herbs, plant extracts, vitamins) for vitiligo exist,
but are of poor methodological quality and contain sig-
Surgical methods such as minigrafting, which consists nificant reporting flaws [review in 34]. A RCT supports
of transplanting punch grafts from an autologous a moderate adjunctive effect of Polypodium leukotomos
donor site [16] currently less used, when other to NB-UVB [24], and another that of systemic antioxi-
options are possible or cellular transplantation using dants in addition to NB-UVB [15]. Ginkgo biloba as a
autologous epidermal cell suspensions containing monotherapy [29] warrants further investigation.
melanocytes [18] or ultrathin epidermal grafts [26], or
a combination of cellular transplantation and ultrathin
grafting are used in cases of focal/segmental vitiligo,
if medical approaches fail. UV irradiation is frequently Counseling (Parts 3.10, 3.123.14)
associated [33]. Patients with NSV are considered to
be good candidates for surgical techniques depending The involvement of a psychologist or psychiatrist may
on their availability and cost, if their disease is stable be helpful in patients who experience difficulty in cop-
(over the preceding 12 years), and has a limited ing with the diagnosis. Sunscreens are needed in case
extent (23% of body surface area). Contrary to SV, in of a real risk of sunburn on nonphotoprotected skin,
which the grafted cells come from disease-free areas, but not on a routine basis, because moderate sun expo-
the survival of living, but potentially abnormal trans- sure (heliotherapy) is a good substitute to UV thera-
planted melanocytes is less predictable in NSV. pies. Photoadaptation exists in depigmented vitiligo
Koebnerization limits efficacy (hands in particular). skin [6, 35]. Repeated frictions for applying sunblock-
Based on an RCT, after a strict preoperative selection ers without real sunburn risk may be more detrimental
for disease stability in NSV, cellular transplantation than beneficial.
322 A. Taeb and M. Picardo
General guidelines for adults and children have been 1. Taeb A, Picardo M; VETF Members (2007) The definition
and assessment of vitiligo: a consensus report of the Vitiligo
elaborated by the British Association of Dermatologists
European Task Force. Pigment Cell Res 20:2735
[19] and guidelines for surgery by the IADVL 2. Kostopoulou P, Jouary T, Quintard B, Marques S, Boutchnei S
Dermatosurgery Task Force [27]. A treatment algo- et al (2009) Objective vs subjective factors in the psycho-
rithm has also been proposed based on evidence-based logical impact of vitiligo: the experience from a French
referral center. Br J Dermatol 161:128133
medicine principles [22]. 3. Betterle C, Caretto A, De Zio A et al (1985) Incidence and
significance of organ-specific autoimmune disorders (clini-
cal, latent or only autoantibodies) in patients with vitiligo.
Dermatologica 171:419423
Summary Messages 4. Radakovic-Fijan S, Frnsinn-Friedl AM, Hnigsmann H
et al (2001) Oral dexamethasone pulse treatment for vitiligo.
In NSV, initial assessment should focus on
J Am Acad Dermatol 44:814817
possible aggravation by friction/pressure and 5. Rajatanavin N, Suwanachote S, Kulkollakarn S (2008)
the possibility of associated automimmune Dihydroxyacetone: a safe camouflaging option in vitiligo.
diseases, in particular thyroid disease. Int J Dermatol 47:402406
6. Rivard J, Hexsel C, Owen M, Strickland FM et al (2007)
Attention is warranted to the psychological Photoadaptation of vitiliginous skin to targeted ultraviolet B
impact of the condition, and consideration phototherapy. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 23:
given to referral for psychological support. 258260
Patients should be informed that (1) vitiligo is a 7. Rustin MH (2007) The safety of tacrolimus ointment for the
treatment of atopic dermatitis: a review. Br J Dermatol 157:
chronic/relapsing disorder, (2) repigmentation 861873
is a slow process, and (3) reactivation of the 8. Seiter S, Ugurel S, Tilgen W et al (2000) Use of high-dose
disease in different body regions or the reap- methylprednisolone pulse therapy in patients with progres-
pearance of lesions in treated ones may occur. sive and stable vitiligo. Int J Dermatol 39:624627
9. Hartmann A, Brocker EB, Hamm H (2008). Occlusive t nhances
The first target of therapy is to stop progres- efficay of tacrolimus 0.1% oinement in adult patients with viti-
sion of the disease, which is currently best ligo: results of a placebo-controlled 12 month prospective study.
achieved with more widespread disease using Acta Derm venereol 88 : 474479
narrow band UVB. 10. Westerhof W, Nieuweboer-Krobotova L (1997) Treatment
of vitiligo with UV-B radiation vs topical psoralen plus
In rapidly progressing disease or patients fail- UV-A. Arch Dermatol 133:15251528
ing to stabilize under NB-UVB therapy, sys- 11. Anbar TS, Westerhof W, Abdel-Rahman AT et al (2006)
temic corticosteroids or immunosuppressants Evaluation of the effects of NB-UVB in both segmental and
non-segmental vitiligo affecting different body sites.
need to be more thoroughly evaluated.
Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 20(22):157163
Narrow band UVB is also the most useful 12. Yones SS, Palmer RA, Garibaldinos TM et al (2007)
repigmenting regimen. Randomized double-blind trial of treatment of vitiligo: effi-
cacy of psoralen-UV-A therapy vs narrowband-UV-B ther-
Potent topical corticoteroid or topical calcineurin
apy. Arch Dermatol 143:578584
inhibitor therapy may be used first line for local- 13. Casacci M, Thomas P, Pacifico A et al (2007) Comparison
ized disease; on the face, calcineurin inhibitors are between 308-nm monochromatic excimer light and narrow-
currently preferred because of potential side effects band UVB phototherapy (311313 nm) in the treatment of
of prolonged application of steroids, although vitiligo a multicentre controlled study. J Eur Acad Dermatol
Venereol 2:956963
their long-term safety requires further study. 14. Chiavrini C, Passeron T, Ortonne JP (2002) Treatment of
Offering training to camouflage techniques is vitiligo by topical calcipotriol. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol
particularly helpful in dark-skinned patients 16:137138
15. DellAnna ML, Mastrofrancesco A, Sala R et al (2007)
for facial/hands lesions.
Antioxidants and narrow band-UVB in the treatment of viti-
Cellular transplantation or grafting is an option ligo: a double-blind placebo controlled trial. Clin Exp
in specialized centers for patients who have Dermatol 32:631636
stable and limited lesions that are refractory to 16. Falabella R (1988) Treatment of localized vitiligo by autolo-
gous minigrafting. Arch Dermatol 124:16491655
other therapy. 17. Forschner T, Buchholtz S, Stockfleth E (2007) Current state
of vitiligo therapy evidence-based analysis of the litera-
ture. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 5:467475
3.1 Management Overview 323
18. Gauthier Y, Surleve-Bazeille JE (1992) Autologous grafting 27. Parsad D, Gupta S (2008) IADVL Dermatosurgery Task
with noncultured melanocytes: a simplified method for treat- Force. Standard guidelines of care for vitiligo surgery. Indian
ment of depigmented lesions. J Am Acad Dermatol 26(2 Pt 1): J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 74(Suppl):S37S45
191194 28. Parsad D, Pandhi R, Dogra S et al (2004) Clinical study of
19. Gawkrodger DJ, Ormerod AD, Shaw L, Mauri-Sole I et al repigmentation patterns with different treatment modalities
(2008) Guideline for the diagnosis and management of viti- and their correlation with speed and stability of repigmenta-
ligo. Br J Dermatol 159:10511076 tion in 352 vitiliginous patches. J Am Acad Dermatol 50:
20. Lan CC, Chen GS, Chiou MH et al (2005) FK506 promotes 6367
melanocyte and melanoblast growth and creates a favourable 29. Parsad D, Pandhi R, Juneja A (2003) Effectiveness of oral
milieu for cell migration via keratinocytes: possible mecha- Ginkgo biloba in treating limited, slowly spreading vitiligo.
nisms of how tacrolimus ointment induces repigmentation in Clin Exp Dermatol 28:285287
patients with vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 153:498505 30. Passeron T, Ostovari N, Zakaria W et al (2004) Topical tacroli-
21. Lan C, Wu C, Chen G et al (2009) Helium-neon laser and mus and the 308-nm excimer laser: a synergistic combination
topical tacrolimus combination therapy: novel treatment for the treatment of vitiligo. Arch Dermatol 140: 10651069
option for vitiligo without additional photocarcinogenic 31. Yu HS, Wu CS, Yu CL et al (2003) Helium-neon laser irra-
risks. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 23:344345 diation stimulates migration and proliferation in melano-
22. Lim HW, Hexsel CL (2007) Vitiligo: to treat or not to treat. cytes and induces repigmentation in segmental-type vitiligo.
Arch Dermatol 143:643646 J Invest Dermatol 120:5664
23. Mehrabi D, Pandya AG (2006) A randomized, placebo- 32. Westerhof W, Nieuweboer-Krobotova L, Mulder PG et al
controlled, double-blind trial comparing narrowband UV-B (1999) Left-right comparison study of the combination of
plus 0.1% tacrolimus ointment with narrowband UV-B plus fluticasone propionate and UV-A vs. either fluticasone pro-
placebo in the treatment of generalized vitiligo. Arch Dermatol pionate or UV-A alone for the long-term treatment of viti-
142:927929 ligo. Arch Dermatol 135:10611066
24. Middelkamp-Hup MA, Bos JD, Rius-Diaz F et al (2007) 33. Van Geel N, Ongenae K, De Mil M (2004) Double-blind
Treatment of vitiligo vulgaris with narrow-band UVB and placebo-controlled study of autologous transplanted
oral Polypodium leucotomos extract: a randomized double- epidermal cell suspensions for repigmenting vitiligo. Arch
blind placebo-controlled study. J Eur Acad Dermatol Dermatol 140:12031208
Venereol 21:942950 34. Szczurko O, Boon HS (2008) A systematic review of natural
25. Njoo MD, Vodegel RM, Westerhof W (2000) Depigmentation health product treatment for vitiligo. BMC Dermatol 8(1):2
therapy in vitiligo universalis with topical 4-methoxyphenol 35. Caron-Schreinemachers AL, Kingswijk MM, Bos JD et al
and the Q-switched ruby laser. J Am Acad Dermatol 42(5 Pt 1): (2005) UVB 311 nm tolerance of vitiligo skin increases with
760769 skin phototype. Acta Derm Venereol 85(1):2426
26. Olsson MJ, Juhlin L (1997) Epidermal sheet grafts for repig- 36. Kapoor R, Phiske MM, Jerajani HR (2009). Evaluation of
mentation of vitiligo and piebaldism, with a review of surgi- safety and efficacy of topical prostaglandin E2 in treatment
cal techniques. Acta Derm Venereol 77:463466 of vitiligo. Br J Dermatol.160:861863
Topical Therapies
3.2.1 3.2
Topical Corticosteroids
J. P. Wietze van der Veen, Bas S. Wind, and Alain Taeb
transcription factors such as activator protein-1 (AP-1), potent corticosteroids and their placebo. In a larger
nuclear factor-B (NF-B), and interferon regulatory nonrandomized patient series, however, potent and very
factor-3 (IRF-3), which regulate the expression of potent TCS appeared to be equally effective (more than
proinflammatory genes. The negative regulation of 75% repigmentation) in about 55% of the patients. As in
those transcription factors by the GR has become a all topical therapies, corticosteroids achieve the best
paradigm for the antiinflammatory and immunosup- results on sun-exposed areas like face and neck [15, 19].
pressive action of GCs. Some of the immunosuppres- Other indications for successful treatment are dark skin
sive and antiinflammatory activities of GCs are also [11] and lesions of short duration [18] (Fig.
mediated by MAP kinase phosphatase-1 [17]. In children, the topical use of the highly potent
TCS have well-known antiinflammatory effects of steroid clobetasol dipropionate was noted to induce
GC, which may apply to the inflammatory phase and is better repigmentation than PUVAsol alone, finding
well -demonstrated at the margin of vitiligo lesions. >50% repigmentation in 15/22 (vs. 4/23 for PUVAsol)
TCS, when used in combination with tretinoin and hydro- used for six months, but six steroid users developed
quinone in the treatment of hypermelanoses, suppress the skin atrophy [9]. Another study in 20 children over an
biosynthetic and secretory functions of melanocytes, 8-week period compared topical clobetasol and tac-
and thus melanin production. Used alone, they are also rolimus and found 41% repigmentation for clobetasol
depigmenting agents, and the loss of pigment or delay in versus. 49% repigmentation for tacrolimus [4, 14].
pigmentation induced may help the migration of cells Westerhof et al. [19] demonstrated a three times
from the follicular compartment during repigmentation. higher repigmentation rate in vitiligo patients treated
with fluticasone propionate (FP) combined with UVA
as compared to patients treated with either UVA or FP Studies alone. A synergic effect of UVB or calcipotriol plus
TCS is possible based on clinical observations, but not
proven [12]. The 308 excimer laser was recently shown
Most patients included in the published studies had
to be synergic with hydrocortisone 17-butyrate [16].
NSV. The use of a highly potent (clobetasol) or potent
(betamethasone) topical steroid can repigment NSV,
but only in a small proportion of cases in the limited
published series [3, 8]. Clayton [3] found 1525%
repigmentation in 10/23 subjects and >75% in 2/23 (the
other 11 showed no response); Kandil [8] found
90100% repigmentation in 6/23 subjects and 2590%
in 3 (with six showing beginning repigmentation).
Clayton [3] found all steroid users had skin atrophy
with clobetasol, a highly potent topical steroid (used for
8 weeks), whilst Kandil [8] noted hypertrichosis in two
subjects and acne in three subjects, related to four months
use of the potent topical steroid, betamethasone.
Topical fluticasone alone or combined with UV-A
has been studied in 135 adults [19]. Fluticasone (potent
TCS) used alone for nine months induced mean repig-
mentation of only 9% (compared to UV-A alone of 8%),
whereas the combination of fluticasone and UV-A
induced mean repigmentation of 31%; no steroid atro-
phy was noted in steroid users.
In a meta-analysis on nonsurgical therapies in viti-
ligo [4, 15] of data extracted of three RCT on potent
[2, 8, 10] and two RCTs on very potent corticosteroids
[2, 3], 75% repigmentation was found in one third of
the patients treated with potent corticosteroids, while Fig. Patient treated with betamethasone: before (up)
no significant differences were found between very and after (down) the therapy
3.2.1 Topical Corticosteroids 329
3. Clayton R (1977) A double-blind trial of 0.05% clobetasol in the treatment of localized vitiligo. J Eur Acad Dermatol
propionate in the treatment of vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 96: Venereol 20:269273
7173 13. Kwinter J, Pelletier J, Khambalia A et al (2007) High-
4. Coskun B, Saral Y, Turgut D (2005) Topical 0.05% clobeta- potency steroid use in children with vitiligo: a retrospective
sol propionate versus 1% pimecrolimus ointment in vitiligo. study. J Am Acad Dermatol 56:236241
Eur J Dermatol 15:8891 14. Lepe V, Moncada B, Castanedo-Cazares JP et al (2003) A
5. Forschner T, Buchholtz S, Stockfleth E (2007) Current state double-blind randomized trial of 0.1% tacrolimus vs 0.05%
of vitiligo therapy-evidence-based analysis of the literature. clobetasol for the treatment of childhood vitiligo. Arch
J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 5:467476 Dermatol 139:581585
6. Gawkrodger DJ, Ormerod AD, Shaw L et al (2008) Guideline 15. Njoo MD, Spuls PI, Bos JD et al (1998) Nonsurgical repig-
for the diagnosis and management of vitiligo. Br J Dermatol mentation therapies in vitiligo. meta-analysis of the litera-
159:10511076 ture. Arch Dermatol 134:15321540
7. Geraldez CB, Gutierrez GT (1987) A clinical trial of clobetasol 16. Sassi F, Cazzaniga S, Tessari G et al (2008) Randomized
propionate in Filipino vitiligo patients. Clin Ther 9:474482 controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of 308-nm exci-
8. Kandil E (1974) Treatment of vitiligo with 0.1% betametha- mer laser alone or in combination with topical hydrocorti-
sone 17-valerate in isopropyl alcohol-a double-blind trial. sone 17-butyrate cream in the treatment of vitiligo of the
Br J Dermatol 91:457460 face and neck. Br J Dermatol 159:11861191
9. Khalid M, Mujtaba G, Haroon TS (1995) Comparison of 17. Schake H, Rehwinkel H, Asadullah K, Cato AC (2006)
0.05% clobetasol propionate cream and topical PUVAsol in Insight into the molecular mechanisms of glucocorticoid
childhood vitiligo. Int J Dermatol 34:203205 receptor action promotes identification of novel ligands with
10. Koopmans-van Dorp B, Goedhart-van Dijk B, Neering H an improved therapeutic index. Exp Dermatol 15:565573
et al (1973) Treatment of vitiligo by local application of 18. Schaffer JV, Bolognia JL (2003) The treatment of hypopig-
betamethasone 17-valerate in a dimethyl sulfoxide cream base. mentation in children. Clin Dermatol 21:296310
Dermatologica 146:310314 19. Westerhof W, Nieuweboer-Krobotova L, Mulder PGH et al
11. Kumari J (1984) Vitiligo treated with topical clobetasol pro- (1999) Left-right comparison study of the combination of
pionate. Arch Dermatol 120:631635 fluticasone propionate and UV-A vs either fluticasone propi-
12. Kumaran MS, Kaur I, Kumar B (2006) Effect of topical cal- onate or UV-A alone for the long-term treatment of vitiligo.
cipotriol, betamethasone dipropionate and their combination Arch Dermatol 135:10611066
Calcineurin Inhibitors
N. van Geel, B. Boone, I. Mollet, and J. Lambert
IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, GM-CSF, TNF- and IFN-g). This Comparable results were achieved in a pilot study
has led to speculation that this mechanism may inter- comparing clobetasol propionate 0.05 and 1% pime-
fere with the autoimmune/inflammatory mediated loss crolimus for 2 months in 10 patients with symmetrical
of melanocytes in vitiligo lesions. The inhibition of lesions [21].
TNF- production was suspected by some authors to A double-blind vehicle-controlled study, evaluating
be especially important in vitiligo, as TNF- can the efficacy and safety of pimecrolimus cream, 1%
inhibit melanocyte proliferation and melanogenesis, predominantly on extremities of 20 vitiligo patients
and it can induce ICAM-1 expression on melanocytes, does not show efficacy on the actively treated site, pos-
through which T-lymphocyte induced destruction of sibly because all the treated lesions were localized on
melanocytes [13, 16, 20]. However, considering that the extremities with 9 out of 20 (45%) on the back of
the lymphocytic infiltrate in perilesional skin is not the hands [9].
present in all vitiligo patients, other mechanisms may
play a role in TIM-induced repigmentation. Recently,
in vitro evidence of a direct interaction between tac-
rolimus and keratinocytes has been obtained, creating Combination Therapy
a favorable milieu for melanocytic growth and migra-
tion by inducing the release of stem-cell factor (SCF) Two studies demonstrated that addition of topical tac-
and enhancing matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 rolimus to excimer laser therapy could improve laser
activity. Furthermore, Kang et al. [16] demonstrated efficacy [18, 27]. In another study, narrow-band-UVB
that FK506 could even directly stimulate melanogene- phototherapy was combined with tacrolimus ointment
sis and migration of cultured human melanocytes. in 110 vitiligo patients [7]. The authors observed more
than 50% of repigmentation in 42% of the lesions. The
repigmentation rate appeared strictly related to the
site: an improvement of >50% was obtained for lesions Studies located on the face (83%), followed by the limbs (68%)
and trunk (53.5%) compared to lesions on both extrem-
ities and genital areas, where responses were more dis-
The first clinical trial regarding the efficacy of TIMs
appointing. In a randomized, placebo-controlled,
was carried out in six patients with generalized viti-
double-blind study of Mehrabi et al. [24], narrow-
ligo. Five out of six patients achieved >50% repigmen-
band-UVB therapy with and without tacrolimus oint-
tation of their treated areas using topical tacrolimus for
ment was compared in eight patients. They do not
15 months [29].
demonstrate an additional effect of tacrolimus.
Many reports have followed this initial trial, inves-
However, it has to be mentioned that this study was
tigating mainly tacrolimus, and since 2003, also pime-
underpowered (n = 8) to detect significant differences.
crolimus (Tables and Unfortunately,
Besides, the evaluated lesions were all located on non-
only few randomized trials have been published, some
facial areas.
of them in combination with UVB (Table and
only one study compared pimecrolimus and tacroli-
mus in vitiligo (Table Comparative Studies Between
Tacrolimus and Pimecrolimus Tacrolimus and Pimecrolimus Only one case report describes a head-to-head com-
Monotherapy parison between topical tacrolimus and pimecrolimus.
Both agents induced repigmentation of pretibial lesions
One randomized, double-blind, leftright comparative when used under occlusion overnight. Tacrolimus was
trial has been conducted and showed that tacrolimus is slightly more effective (88% repigmentation) than
effective similarly to clobetasol propionate 0.05%. pimecrolimus (73% repigmentation) [25].
3.2.2 Calcineurin Inhibitors 333
Table Case reports and clinical studies on tacrolimus in the treatment of vitiligo
Reference Study design n Study duration Treatment regimen Results
[29] Open pilot study 6 46 months 0.1% Tacrolimus Repigmentation in 5/6 patients.
More than 25% repigmentation
in 3/6 in UV-protected areas
[2] Open pilot study 12 8 months 0.1% Tacrolimus Good to excellent repigmentation
twice daily in 50% of patients
[17] Open pilot study 25 children 12 weeks 0.03% Tacrolimus Complete repigmentation in 57.9%
twice daily of patients, best results in face
and hear bearing sites
[32] Retrospective review 57 children 3 months 0.03 or 0.1% tacroli- At least partial repigmentation in
mus once or 84% of patients, best results in
twice daily head and neck region
[13] Open prospective 23 24 weeks 0.1% Tacrolimus Varying levels in 89% of patients,
study twice daily best result head and neck
[21] Randomized, 20 children 2 months 0.1% Tacrolimus vs. Tacrolimus almost as effective as
double-blind, 0.05% clobetasol clobetasol propionate on
comparative trial propionate several body locations
[37] Case report 3 24 months 0.1% Tacrolimus Complete repigmentation in 100%
twice daily of patients
[36] Open pilot study 15 1.59.5 0.1% Tacrolimus twice At least partial repigmentation in
months daily (+sunlight 87% of patients on several
exposition in some body locations
[14] Open pilot study 6 15 months 0.03 or 0.1% tacroli- Moderate to excellent repigmenta-
mus twice daily tion in 83% of patients
[33] Case report 1 18 months 0.1% Tacrolimus 90% Repigmentation in face and
twice daily scalp region
Table Case reports and clinical studies on pimecrolimus in the treatment of vitiligo
Reference Study design n Study Treatment regimen Results
[5] Case report 1 5 months 1% Pimecrolimus Significant improvement with both,
vs. calcipotriol but mainly with pimecrolimus
cream of facial lesions
[35] Case report 2 Children 34 months 1% Pimecrolimus Almost complete repigmentation
twice daily of eyelid and genital lesions
[23] Retrospective study 8 11 months 1% Pimecrolimus Mean percentage repigmentation
twice daily in face 72.5%
[6] Open prospective 26 6 months 1% Pimecrolimus Repigmentation in 57.7% of lesions.
study twice daily Mean repigmentation of 62%
head and neck region
[30] Open prospective 30 12 weeks 1% Pimecrolimus Repigmentation in 57.7% of lesions.
study twice daily Best results face and truck
(mean repigmentation 31 and
36% respectively)
[31] Open prospective 19 6 months 1% Pimecrolimus >25% repigmentation in 68%
study once daily of patients
[9] Randomized, 20 6 months 1% Pimecrolimus No significant difference and effect
placebo-controlled, twice daily vs. on extremities/hands
double-blind trial Placebo
[8] Comparative prospective, 10 2 months 1% Pimecrolimus Comparable rate of repigmentation
non blind trial vs. 0.05% in non facial areas
twice daily
[22] Case report 1 5 months 1% Pimecrolimus Percentage of repigmentation: >90%
twice daily
334 N. van Geel et al. General Outcome age or duration of the disease has not been consis-
tently demonstrated. According to the literature, the
achieved results in children using TIMs seem to be
TIMs seem to affect repigmentation differently
comparable to the results in adult patients [17, 21, 32,
according to the anatomical location of the lesions.
35]. Generally, therapeutic options in childhood viti-
Most studies show beneficial results mainly in the
ligo patients are more limited, and TIMs are potential
head and neck region. This may be explained by the
therapeutic alternative with good benefit/ risk ratio.
greatest density of hair follicles in these areas, and
thus of melanocyte reservoir. Besides, the influence
of a reduced epidermal thickness might be of impor-
tance as this facilitates penetration of large molecules Application Scheme
into the skin. Moreover, the head and neck region are
sun-exposed areas and UV therapy is a well-known Data about the most effective treatment scheme using
treatment option of vitiligo. Probably, UV-light expo- TIM in vitiligo are still missing. In the available vitiligo
sure during TIM treatment seems to play an impor- studies, the application frequency varies between once
tant or even synergistic role, as demonstrated by and twice daily (Fig. and Duration of
Ostovari et al. [26]. Sardana et al. reported that there treatment mentioned in the studies ranged from 10
is sufficient evidence that tacrolimus monotherapy is weeks up to 18 months. Information about the minimal
useful to produce repigmentation, as illustrated by or ideal treatment period in vitiligo, as well as the use-
their two cases [29]. However, it is still not known fulness of long-term intermittent use, is not available.
whether monotherapy with tacrolimus ointment Furthermore, long-term results about the course of dis-
requires longer periods to induce repigmentation as ease after treatment interruption are missing, or are
compared to combined treatment with UVB. A cor- incomplete. Interestingly, the additional overnight
relation between the repigmentation rate and patients occlusion of 0.1% tacrolimus with polyurethane and
3.2.2 Calcineurin Inhibitors 335
Fig. Before and after tacrolimus under occlusion (hydrocolloid dressing) for 7 weeks. Area of application of hydrocoloid
dressing shown in square
hydrocolloid foils might lead to a good repigmentation should be advised to use an adequate protection against
on the extremities after a previous response failure when UV exposure, as long-term carcinogenicity studies
used without occlusion. It was mentioned that the hydro- using topical tacrolimus with or without the combina-
colloid dressings might be more suitable for improving tion of UV exposure are not available yet. The combi-
transcutaneous penetration compared to polyurethane nation therapy of TIM and UV should therefore only
dressings, as they produce a much stronger water-bind- be performed in controlled and preferably experimen-
ing capacity in the stratum corneum (Fig. tal settings [4].
Since January 2006, a black box warning for tacroli-
mus and pimecrolimus was announced by the FDA,
because of concerns of potential safety risks including Side Effects
skin cancer and lymphoma. However, there is up till
now no evidence of a causal relationship between the
The most common reported side effects for TIMs within sporadically reported lymphomas and the use of a topi-
the first days of treatment are local application reactions cal calcineurin inhibitor, but conclusive safety data will
such as burning sensation, pruritus, and erythema. only be available after many years. It should be noted
However, the incidence of this side effect is lower that most studies with TIMs are conducted in patients
in vitiligo patients than in the published atopic derma- with atopic dermatitis, in which the barrier function
titis studies. This is probably due to the presence of an of the skin is disturbed. In vitiligo, the barrier function
intact epidermis in vitiligo patients versus the excori- of the skin is normal which results in a lesser degree of
ated skin of an atopic dermatitis patient. Treatment of penetration of TIMs. So far, the use of TIMs has not
vitiligo and other dermatosis with TIMs has not been been reported to be associated with significant systemic
associated with a statistically significant increase of immunosuppression or increased risk for skin cancer
skin infections or systemic infections [4]. and other malignancies in clinical vitiligo trials [4].
A tacrolimus induced hyperpigmentation in a vitiligo
patch in the infraorbital area has been reported and might
be related to sun exposure. This hyperpigmentation was Summary Messages
temporary, with reappearance of depigmentation within Since 2002 topical calcineurin inhibitors
one month of discontinuing topical tacrolimus applica- (TIM) have been reported as beneficial for
tion [10]. Less frequently reported side effects in the face patients with vitiligo and have now an impor-
are acne, hypertrichosis, and rosaceiform eruptions [3]. tant role in the treatment of vitiligo, particularly
in areas where the use of potent corticosteroids
is contraindicated. Safety Issues Besides demonstrated effects on the activation
of T cells, which may apply to the microin-
flammatory phase of vitiligo, in vitro studies
The use of TIMs, especially in combination with pho- demonstrate an influence of TIMs on melano-
totherapy, leads to concern with respect to photocar- cyte growth and migration via keratinocyte
cinogenesis. Currently, as a precaution, vitiligo patients release of growth factors
3.2.2 Calcineurin Inhibitors 337
31. Sendur N, Karaman G, Sanic N, Savk E (2006) Topical 35. Souza Leite RM, Craveiro Leite AA (2007) Two therapeutic
pimecrolimus: a new horizon for vitiligo treatment? challenges: periocular and genital vitiligo in children suc-
J Dermatolog Treat 17:338342 cessfully treated with pimecrolimus cream. Int J Dermatol
32. Silverberg NB, Lin P, Travis L et al (2004) Tacrolimus oint- 46:986989
ment promotes repigmentation of vitiligo in children: a 36. Tanghetti EA () Tacrolimus ointment 0.1% produces repig-
review of 57 cases. J Am Acad Dermatol 51:760766 mentation in patients with vitiligo: results of a prospective
33. Smith DA, Tofte SJ, Hanifin JM (2002) Repigmentation patient series. Cutis 71:158162
of vitiligo with topical tacrolimus. Dermatology 205: 37. Travis LB, Weinberg JM, Silverberg NB (2003) Successful
301303 treatment of vitiligo with 0.1% tacrolimus ointment. Arch
34. Soter NA, Fleischer AB, Webster GF et al (2001) Tacrolimus Dermatol 139:571574
ointment for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in adult 38. Wolff K (2005) Pimecrolimus 1% cream for the treatment of
patients: part II, safety. J Am Acad Dermatol 44:S39S46 atopic dermatitis. Skin Therapy Lett 10:16
Vitamin D Analogues
Mauro Picardo
response interfering with the activated T cells and with lower total UVB dosage, thus reducing the cost and
inhibiting the expression of several cytokine genes, the duration of the treatments. In contrast to this, among
such as those encoding TNF-a and IFN-l. the trials that evaluated the effect of calcipotriol plus
NB-UVB, two single-blinded leftright clinical studies
and one RCT did not show any improvement in the treat-
ment outcome of adding topical calcipotriol [1]. Studies Topical tacalcitol [1a24(OH)2D3], another synthetic
analogue of vitamin D was tested, in a leftright
Vitamin D3 analogues have been mainly proposed as RCT in combination with bi-weekly NB-UVB pho-
supporting therapy during PUVA, NB-UVB, or exci- totherapy. It improved the extent of pigmentation and
mer (308 nm) phototherapy [11, 21, 24]. increased the rate of response [20] compared to photo-
Initially, open studies reported repigmentation of therapy alone. Another RCT using tacalcitol in combi-
vitiligo lesions using calcipotriol, a synthetic analogue nation with monochromatic excimer light (308 nm
of calcitriol [1,25(OH)2D3], and PUVAsol or solar expo- MEL) confirmed that tacalcitol improved the efficacy
sure. Subsequent studies reported contradictory results. of phototherapy, achieving earlier pigmentation with
In fact, the combination of calcipotriol and PUVA was lower dosage (26 vs. 6% of patients obtained excellent
reported as more effective than PUVA alone (70 vs. repigmentation, whereas the overall positive response
52% of the patients obtained mildmoderate repigmen- was observed in 72 vs. 60% of the patients) [22].
tation), in particular in initiating repigmentation [7, 9, However the true effectiveness of the combinatory
16], also suggesting the up-regulation of c-kit expres- treatment is still considered to be controversial because
sion as a possible melanocyte-mediated mechanism of other studies failed to report any improvement of the
action. However, a right/left comparative open study NB-UVB, BB-UVB, or 308-nm excimer-induced pig-
did not show that the addition of calcipotriol signifi- mentation when phototherapy was associated with
cantly increased the response rate to PUVA [5]. Vitamin D3 analogues [12, 15].
Some studies suggest the improvement of the Moreover, a vehicle-controlled RCT performed on
NB-UVB phototherapy when calcipotriol or tacalcitol 80 patients reported that the combination of tacalcitol
was locally applied (Fig. before or after the UVB with heliotherapy has no additional advantage com-
exposure [13, 17, 20], providing earliest pigmentation pared to the heliotherapy alone [25].
3.2.3 Vitamin D Analogues 341
topical calcipotriol in the treatment of vitiligo. J Dermatol 18. Kumaran MS, Kaur I, Kumar B (2006) Effect of topical cal-
33:338343 cipotriol, betamethasone dipropionate and their combinat-
5. Baysal V, Vildirim M, Erel A, Kesici D (2003) Is the combi- tion in the treatment of localized vitiligo. JEADV 20:
nation of calcipotriol and PUVA effective in vitiligo? JEADV 269273
17:299302 19. Leone G, Pacifico A (2005) Profile of clinical efficacy and
6. Birlea SA, Costin GE, Norris DA (2008) Cellular and safety of topical tacalcitol. Acta Biomed 76:1319
molecular mechanisms involved in the action of vitamin D 20. Leone G, Pacifico A, Iacovelli P et al (2006) Tacalcitol and
analogs targeting vitiligo depigmentation. Curr Drug Targets narrow-band phototherapy in patients with vitiligo. Clin Exp
9:345359 Dermatol 31:200205
7. Cherif F, Azaiz MI, Ben Hamida A et al (2003) Calcipotriol 21. Lotti T, Buggiani G, Troiano M et al (2008) Targeted and
and PUVA as treatment for vitiligo. Dermatol Ondine J 9:4 combination treatments for vitiligo. Comparative evaluation
8. Chiaverini C, Passeron T, Ortonne JP (2002) Treatment of of different current modalities in 458 subjects. Dermatol
vitiligo by topical calcipotriol. JEADV 16:137138 Ther 21(1):s20s26
9. Ermis O, Alpsoy E, Cetin L, Yilmaz E (2001) Is the efficacy 22. Lu-yan T, Wen-wen F, Lei-hong X et al (2006) Topical tacal-
of psoralen plus ultraviolet A therapy for vitiligo enhanced citol and 308-nm monochromatic excimer light: a synergis-
by concurrent topical calcipotriol? A placebo-controlled tic combination for the treatment of vitiligo. Photoderm
double-blind study. Br J Dermatol 145:472475 Photoimmunol Photomed 22:310314
10. Gargoom AM, Duweb GA, Elzorghany AH et al (2004) 23. Ortonne JP, Kaufmann R, Lecha M, Goodfield M (2004)
Calcipotriol in the treatment of childood vitiligo. Int J Clin Efficacy of treatment with calcipotriol/betamethasone dipro-
Pharmacol Res 24:1114 pionate followed by calcipotriol alone compared with tacal-
11. Gawkrodger DJ, Ormerod AD, Shaw L et al (2008) Guideline citol for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris: a randomised,
for the diagnosis and management of vitiligo. Br J Dermatol double-blind trial. Dermatology 209:308313
159:10511076 24. Parsad D, Saini R, Nagpal R (1999) Calcipotriol in vitiligo:
12. Goldinger SM, Dummer R, Schmid P et al (2007) a preliminary study. Pediatr Dermatol 16:317320
Combination of 308-nm xenon chloride excimer laser and 25. Rodriguez-Martn M, Garcia Bustinduy M, Saez rodriguez
topical calcipotriol in vitiligo. JEADV 21:504508 M, Noda Cabrera A (2009) Randomized, double-blind clini-
13. Goktas EO, Aydin F, Senturk N et al (2006) Combination of cal trial to evaluate the efficacy of topical tacalcitol and sun-
narrow band UVB and topical calcipotriol for the treatment light exposure in the treatment of adult nonsegmental
of vitiligo. JEADV 20:553557 vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 160:409414
14. Guilhou JJ (1998) The therapeutic effects of vitamin D3 and 26. Travis LB, Silverberg NB (2004) Calcipotriene and corticos-
its analogues in psoriasis. Exp Opin Invest Drugs 7:7784 teroids combination therapy for vitiligo. Pediatr Dermatol
15. Hartmann A, Lurz C, Hamm H et al (2005) Narrow-band 21:495498
UVB311 nm vs. broad-band UVB therapy in combination 27. Takahashi H, Ibe M, Kinouchi M et al (2003) Similarly
with topical calcipotriol vs. placebo in vitiligo. Int J Dermatol potent action of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and its analogues,
44:736742 tacalcitol, calcipotriol, and maxacalcitol on normal human
16. Katayama I, Ashida M, Maeda A et al (2003) Open trial of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation. J Dermatol Sci
topical tacalcitol [1alpha24(OH)2D3] and solar irradiation 31:2128
for vitiligo vulgaris: upregulation of cKit mRNA by cultured 28. Watabe H, Soma Y, Kawa Y et al (2002) Differentiation of
melanocytes. Eur J Dermatol 13:372376 murine melanocyte precursore induced by 1,25 dihy-
17. Kullavanijaya P, Lim HW (2004) Topical calcipotriene and droxyvitamin D3 is associated with the stimulation of
narrowband ultraviolet B in the treatment of vitiligo. endothelin B receptor expression. J Invest Dermatol 119:
Photoderm Photoimmunol Photomed 20:248251 583589
3.3 Phototherapies
PUVA and Related Treatments
Agustin Alomar Psoralens the target site in the skin since it is there that an interac-
tion with UVA radiation will yield therapeutic benefit.
Psoralens belong to the furocoumarin group of com- Direct measurement of the phototoxic response of skin
pounds that are derived from the fusion of the furan is the only means available for assessing the cutaneous
ring with coumarin. These are found in a large number content of psoralens. Second, the available psoralens
of plants, and there are also several synthetic psoralen are all poorly soluble in water, and this is a limiting fac-
compounds. 8-MOP is a plant origin, but it is also tor in their absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.
available as a synthetic drug. It is used primarily for Liquid preparation induces earlier, higher, and more
oral and topical PUVA. The synthetic compound reproducible peak plasma levels than crystalline prepa-
4,5,8-trimethylpsoralen (TMP, trioxsalen) is less pho- rations. Third, there is a significant, but saturable, first-
totoxic after oral administration, but more phototoxic pass effect in the liver. This means that a proportion of
when administered with bathwater. 5-methoxypsoralen any dose of psoralen is metabolized by the liver after
[25] (5-MOP, bergapten) is only used in some European the absorption from the gut and never reaches skin.
countries and is less erythemogenic and not associated However, since this effect can be saturated, as the
with gastrointestinal intolerance [25, 38, 43]. dose is raised, the proportion of active compound
Without UV radiation, psoralens intercalate in DNA reaching the skin rises. Finally, there are very large
double strand. After the absorption of UVA photons, inter-individuals and smaller, but still significant,
the formation of 3,4- or 4,5-cyclobutane monoad- intra-individual variations in the absorption of pso-
ducts with pyrimidine bases of native DNA occurs. ralens that reflect in terms of peak levels in blood and
Some psoralens, such as 8-MOP, 5-MOP, and TMP, time of peak levels after administration. The metabo-
can absorb a second photon and this reaction leads to lism and distribution of individual psoralens show
the formation of a bifunctional adduct that inhibits some differences. 8-MOP gives a blood level that is
DNA replication and causes cell-cycle arrest. It is gen- about four times higher than that resulting from an
erally assumed that this effect may be the therapeutic equal dose of 5-MOP and a greater proportion of 5-MOP
mechanism in psoriasis [4, 9, 14, 17]. is bound to protein. In contrast, TMP usually does not
However, DNA cross-linking does not appear to be produce measurable serum levels or cutaneous photo-
a prerequisite for all the therapeutic effects of PUVA, toxicity after therapeutic doses due to poor absorption
and the successful treatment of other skin diseases is and rapid metabolism by the liver [10, 42].
unlikely to be directly due to this molecular reaction. Determinations of action spectra in vivo have shown
Psoralens also interact with RNA, proteins, and other that psoralen photosensitization occurs with wave-
cellular components and indirectly modify proteins lenghts >320 nm. Conventional therapeutic UVA fluo-
and lipids via oxygen-mediated reactions or by gener- rescent tubes and broad-spectrum metal halide lamps,
ating free radicals. Although not proven, it is possible which are filtered in the UVB and the UVC range,
that these could be the therapeutic mechanisms of non- cover the psoralen action spectrum well. The typical
hyperproliferative diseases. Psoralens also stimulate fluorescent UVA lamp used for PUVA therapy peaks at
melanogenesis. This involves the photoconjugation of 352 nm and emits approximately 0.5% in the UVB
psoralens to DNA in melanocytes followed by mitosis range. Major advantages of mercury halide units are
and subsequent proliferation of melanocytes, increased the stability of output and their high irradiance,
formation and melanization of melanosomes, increased enabling short-treatment times. UVA doses are given
transfer of melanosomes to keratynocites, and activa- in J/cm2 and measured with a photometer with a maxi-
tion and increased synthesis of tyrosinase via stimula- mum sensitivity at 350360 nm. Irradiance must be
tion of cAMP activity[1, 4, 9, 17, 46]. relatively uniform so that the dose does not vary at dif-
Regarding pharmacokinetics of psoralens, there are ferent anatomic sites. The UVB emission should be
several steps between the ingestion and the arrival at the kept low to avoid erythematogenic UVB doses before
site of action of the molecules. These include disintegra- sufficient UVA is absorbed to produce the psoralen
tion and dissolution of the drug, absorption, first-pass photosensitivity reaction [7].
effect, and blood transportation and tissue distribution. PUVA treatment produces an inflammatory response
There are several features of the pharmacology of pso- that manifests as delayed phototoxic erythema. The
ralens that are very important in therapy. First, the only reaction depends on the dose of the drug, the dose of
concentration level that is of importance is the level at UVA, and the skin type. PUVA erythema differs from
3.3.1 PUVA and Related Treatments 347
sunburn or UVB since it appears later and lasts longer PUVA should be reconsidered are in patients with his-
(lasting up to more than 1 week). PUVA-induced- tory of skin cancer (melanoma or no melanoma), prema-
erythema usually appears after 3648 h, but in some lignant skin lesions, cataracts, alteration of liver function,
patients may be delayed until 72 or 96 h after exposure. Skin Type I, pregnancy, obesity (increased risk of ery-
The more intense the erythema, the later it will appear thema), concomitant immunosupressive therapy, or
and reach a maximum. It also has a steep dose-response patients associated with phototoxic/photoallergic treat-
curve. Thus, the dose required to produce blistering is ments [8, 16, 39].
only few multiples of the dose that produces 1+ ery- A dosage of 8-MOP of 0.60.8 mg/kg is adminis-
thema. In contrast, the curve for UVB-induced erythema tered orally 13 h before exposure, depending on the
is much less steep, and for UVC-induced erythema, is absorption characteristics of the particular drug brand,
almost flat. Overdoses of PUVA are frequently followed and for TMP is 0.6 mg/kg. These two are the photosen-
by edema, intense pruritus, and sometimes by a peculiar sitizers most frequently used, and because of weaker
stinging sensation in the affected skin area. At this time, phototoxicity, TMP is preferred for treatment with sun-
erythema is the only available parameter that allows an light as radiation source. For 5-MOP, the usual dosage
assessment of the PUVA reaction and thus represents an is 1.21.8 mg/Kg.
important factor for determining UVA dose adjustments Psoralen dosage, interval between psoralen intake
[21, 22]. and UVA exposure, and the type and time of intake of
The second important effect of PUVA is pigmenta- food and the drug should be consistent, and the UVA
tion, and it may develop without clinically evident ery- dosage should be varied according to the patients sen-
thema, especially when 5-MOP or TMP is used. This is sitivity. The initial UVA doses are selected either by
particularly important in vitiligo and for the preventive skin typing [16, 29] or determining the minimal photo-
treatment of photodermatoses. In normal skin, PUVA toxicity dose (MPD) [19]. MPD is defined as the UVA
pigmentation peaks about 7 days after exposure and dose that produces Grade 1 erythema at 4872 h in a
may last from several weeks to months. A few PUVA patient who has ingested the requisite dose of psoralen
exposures result in a much deeper tan than that produced at the appropriate time interval before exposure on pre-
by multiple exposures to solar irradiation [21, 22]. viously non-sun-exposed skin. This dose usually
ranges with 8-MOP between 0.5 and 5 J/cm2, and the
initial dose should be the 70% of this dose. In vitiligo,
a conservative initial dose is approximately 0.5 J/cm2 Oral Photochemotherapy and increments of 0.5 J/cm2 are given for each subse-
quent treatment until asymptomatic mild erythema is
Oral photochemotherapy is used in adult patients with observed in the vitiligo lesions. The maximum dose
generalized vitiligo. With this modality of treatment, per session should not exceed 10 J/cm2 [11, 44].
some degree of repigmentation is acquired in 7080% Treatments should be given at least twice a week,
of patients, but a complete repigmentation is only but not more than three times with at least 1 day, or
obtained in about 20% of patients [24]. Relapse occurs preferably 48 h, between treatments. A broad-spectrum
to some degree in 75% of patients in about 1 or 2 years sunscreen should be applied after therapy to decrease
after the cessation of therapy [40]. In the guidelines for the risk of developing phototoxic reaction. Ultraviolet
the treatment of vitiligo performed recently by Njoo et light exposure should be minimized for the ensuing
al. [30], PUVA is considered a second-line therapy for 2448 h. In addition, protective UVA sunglasses must
generalized vitiligo in adults, although in the past it be worn for at least 1824 h after ingesting oral pso-
was considered the gold standard treatment. In their ralen preparations to avoid ocular damage, specifi-
meta-analysis they concluded that narrow-band UVB cally cataracts. Male genital areas respond poorly to
produced better mean success rates (63 vs. 51%, not treatment and have an increased susceptibility to skin
statistically significant) with fewer rates of adverse cancer; these areas should be shielded from UVA
effects and better color match of repigmented skin. exposure or limited to every third session [6, 8, 14, 16,
Some recent studies confirm these results [5, 36, 47]. 39, 43].
This therapeutic modality is not recommended for Missing therapy sessions is frequent in daily prac-
children under 1012 years old because of the increased tice and can lead to a loss of efficacy and an increase of
risk of retinal toxicity. Other circumstances in which adverse effects. When only one session is skipped, the
348 A. Alomar
previous dose should be maintained. A reduction of 25 Darker-skin types show maximal responses to PUVA
or 50% of the last dose, respectively, should be per- and maximal repigmentation occur in those patients
formed if 1 or 23 weeks of treatment are missed. If achieving erythema Grade 2. Blistering reactions do
more than 3 weeks of treatment are missed the treat- not enhance repigmentation and may associate with
ment should be reinitiated [8]. koebnerization of vitiligous lesions. The best response
Patients should be motivated to continue PUVA is obtained on the face and neck. The trunk and upper
therapy for at least 6 months before being considered and lower extremities have an intermediate response.
recalcitrant to this treatment, and 1224 months of Minimal repigmentation occurs on the distal extremi-
continuous therapy may be necessary to acquire maxi- ties, particularly dorsal hands, feet, and lips. Compared
mal repigmentation. Responsiveness is defined as with adults, children have an enhanced response to
development of multiple perifollicular macules of PUVA, especially in lesions of recent appearance
repigmentation or contraction in size of small lesions [14, 23, 34].
(Fig. Complete repigmented areas can remain The main limitations of PUVA are the short- and long-
stable during decades, but if therapy is stopped, partial term secondary effects. An acute adverse reaction is the
repigmentation may reverse [14, 33]. phototoxic reactions that appear in 1015% of patients
Therapeutic responses vary considerably between and acquire its maximum intensity after 4872 h of treat-
patients depending on motivation, skin type, severity, ment. Its clinical spectrum varies between erythema,
number of treatments, age, and location of lesions. blisters, and superficial skin necrosis. When erythema
Fig. Patient treated with PUVA for 8 months, progresive stages of repigmentation (left, before, and right, after therapy)
3.3.1 PUVA and Related Treatments 349
appears, previous UVA dose should be maintained and Topical Photochemotherapy
if erythema becomes symptomatic (pruritus or pain),
one or two sessions should be suspended [28]. In exper- Topical photochemotherapy is a good therapeutic
imental studies, the administration of Polypodium leuc- approach for localized vitiligo in adults and children
otomus (7.5 mg/Kg) has shown efficacy in reducing the over two years. In the guidelines performed by Njoo
phototoxicity and hyperpigmentation associated to et al [30], it is considered a second-line therapy that
PUVA therapy [27] (Fig. Other acute second- should be used if no response is obtained after six
ary effects are pruritus, hyperpigmentation, oral intoler- months of Class 3 topical corticosteroids combined
ance to 8-MOP, and hepatotoxicity [13]. The most with UV-A radiation.
important long-term secondary effect is carcinogenesis. A thin coat of 8-MOP cream or ointment at very
Incidence of squamous cell carcinoma is higher in low concentrations (0.01 or 0.1%) should be applied
patients with cumulative doses greater than 10001500 30 min before UVA exposure. Psoralen solutions
J/cm2. Incidence of basocellular carcinoma and mela- should be avoided since they can produce hyperpig-
noma also rise with cumulative treatments. The main mented lines; to reduce the appearance of this adverse
prevention strategies are limiting the number of annual event, sunscreen can be applied around the vitiligo
sessions, restricting maintenance treatments, and per- patches. The initial UVA dose is 0.120.25 J/cm2 and
forming an annual clinical revision of patients that is increased weekly 0.120.25 J/cm2 according to the
exceed the number of recommended sessions. Other patients skin phototype, and unless marked erythema
chronic adverse events are cutaneous actinic damage appears. One or two weekly sessions are recom-
(actinic keratosis, lentigines, and wrinkles) and ocular mended, and sunlight treatments are not usually pre-
phototoxicity [29, 41]. scribed for the risk of precipitating phototoxic
40. Shaffrali F, Gawkrodger D (2000) Management of vitiligo. doses in oral photochemotherapy of psoriasis. J Am Acad
Clin Exp Dermatol 25:575579 Dermatol 41:408413
41. Stern RS, Nichols KT, Vakeva LH (1997) Malignant mela- 45. Westerhof W, Nieuweboer-Krobotova L (1997) Treatment
noma in patients treated for psoriasis with methoxalen (pso- of vitiligo with UV-B radiation vs topical psoralen plus
ralen) and ultraviolet A radiation (PUVA). N England J Med UV-A. Arch Dermatol 133:15251528
336:10411045 46. Wu CS, Lan CC, Wang LF et al (2007) Effects of psoralen
42. Stolk L, Siddiqui AH, Cormane RH (1981) Serum levels of plus ultraviolet A irradiation on cultured epidermal cells in
trimethylpsoralen after oral administration. Br J Dermatol vitro and patients with vitiligo in vivo. Br J Dermatol
104:443445 156:122129
43. Taneja A (2002) Treatment of vitiligo. J Dermatolog Treat 47. Yones SS, Palmer RA, Garibaldinos TM (2007) Randomized
13:1925 double-blind trial of treatment of vitiligo: efficacy of pso-
44. Tanew A, Ortel B, Hnigsmann H (1999) Half-side com- ralen-UV-A therapy vs Narrowband-UV-B therapy. Arch
parison of erythemogenic versus suberythemogenic UVA Dermatol 143:578584
UVB Total Body and Targeted
Phototherapies 3.3.2
Giovanni Leone and Adrian Tanew
12 months (n = 51). After 4 months of treatment, repig- feet. Nine patients with a response of >50% were fol-
mentation occurred more frequently in the NB-UVB lowed up for an average period of 14.5 months. Four
group (67%) than in the topical PUVA group (46%). patients relapsed after 324 months [57].
After 1 year of twice weekly NB-UVB treatment, 32/51 Twenty-two patients with symmetric vitiligo were
(63%) of patients achieved a >75% repigmentation. included in a randomized, rightleft comparison trial
Following this pioneer study, the same group of involving NB-UVB exposure to half of the body (trunk
authors conducted an open trial on NB-UVB for chil- and extremities) and no light exposure to the other half
dren with generalized vitiligo [59]. Fifty-one children as a control. Treatment was given three times weekly
with a mean age of 9.9.years were treated with NB-UVB for either 60 treatments or 6 months. The mean
twice weekly for up to 1 year. More than 75% repig- improvement due to NB-UVB was 42.9 versus 3.3%
mentation was seen in 27/51 (53%) of patients. on the control side after 6 months of treatment. The
Importantly, while 49/51 (96%) of the children had lower extremities had the best response, followed by
active disease at the onset of treatment, the disease had the trunk, arms, hands, and feet [34].
stabilized in 80% of the cases after therapy. An open study reported the therapeutic outcome of
generalized vitiligo to thrice weekly NB-UVB treat-
ment for at least 1 year in 26 Indian children (aged
514 years). Fifteen children (75%) developed marked
Conrmative Studies on NB UVB for
to complete (>75%) repigmentation, four a marked
Vitiligo (5075%) and one child a moderate (<25%) repigmen-
tation. Fifty percent repigmentation was achieved by
A retrospective analysis [78] of 7 adult patients treated an average of 34 treatments. The mean duration of dis-
with NB-UVB thrice weekly revealed > 75% of repig- ease in patients with marked to complete repigmenta-
mentation in 5 patients after a mean number of 19 tion was significantly lower (12.5 months) than that of
exposures. The mean disease duration among these 5 children with moderate or mild improvement (38.8
patients was 13 months. Two other patients had 50 and months). After 6 months of therapy, the disease had
40% repigmentation after 46 and 48 treatments, respec- stabilized in all patients [41].
tively. Their mean disease duration was 132 months, A retrospective study performed in Taiwan evaluated
suggesting that patients with long-standing disease the response of 72 vitiligo patients (61 nonsegmental,
have a poorer prognosis. In a subsequent study [90], 11 segmental) to 23 times weekly NB-UVB photother-
the same group of authors summarized the response apy given for a maximum period of 1 year. Excellent
rate of 71 vitiligo patients who had been treated with response (75100% repigmentation) was obtained in 9
15123 sessions of NB-UVB. Significant (66100%) patients (12.5%), a good response (5075% repigmen-
repigmentation occurred in 39%, moderate (2665%) tation) in 24 (33.3%), a moderate response (2550%
or mild (1025%) repigmentation in 22 and 21% of the repigmentation) in 20 (27.8%), and a poor response in
patients, respectively, and less than 10% repigmenta- 19 (26.4%) of the patients [19].
tion in 10% of the patients. Patients with better The largest open trial conducted so far included 110
improvement tended to have higher numbers of treat- evaluable patients (97 nonsegmental, 13 segmental)
ment indicating that the length of treatment is posi- who were treated with NB-UVB twice weekly for 2.5
tively correlated with the degree of repigmentation. 19.5 months (mean 7.8 months). In the nonsegmental
Again, patients with significant improvement had vitiligo group, 48% of patients showed a marked
shorter disease duration than those with a less favor- response (>75% repigmentation), 27% a moderate
able response. response (2575% repigmentation), and 25% a mild
Another retrospective study from Thailand evalu- response (<25% repigmentation). When analyzed by
ated the efficacy of NB-UVB in 60 Asian patients with site, the best results were achieved in the face, followed
recalcitrant vitiligo (53 generalized, 7 segmental). by the trunk, and limbs. The poorest outcome was noted
After 36175 treatments, 25/60 (42%) of cases had for acral lesions that at best showed a moderate response.
more than 50% and 20/60 (33%) more than 75% repig- As reported in earlier studies, the duration of the dis-
mentation on the face, trunk, arms, and legs. No patient ease was inversely correlated with the degree of treat-
had more than 25% repigmentation on the hands and ment-induced repigmentation. In the segmental vitiligo
3.3.2 UVB Total Body and Targeted Phototherapies 355
group, all but one patient showed no more than a mild adequately delineated in large long-term follow-up
response, whatever the site of the lesion was [5]. studies. Observations from small samples of patients
An open, uncontrolled study from Greece reported followed up for up to 3.5 years indicate that, depending
data on 70 patients with nonsegmental vitiligo who were on the length of the follow-up period, 2070% of
treated over a maximum period of 1.5 years. Cosmetically patients will again develop vitiligo in areas that had
acceptable repigmentation (>75%) was achieved in been repigmented by treatment [40, 41, 57, 58, 67, 89].
34.4% of patients with lesions on the face after a mean
treatment period of 6 months, but in only 7.4% of
patients with lesions on the body after a mean treatment
Efcacy of NB UVB vs. Other
period of 9.2 months. Hand and feet vitiligo showed
minimal or no pigmentation, and lesions on the elbows Phototherapeutic Modalities
and knees responded less than lesions on the trunk, but
better than acral vitiligo. Predictors of a good response After the establishment of NB-UVB for vitiligo, an
were darker-skin types (IIIV) and early initial repig- obvious challenge was to assess its therapeutic efficacy
mentation. Twenty-five patients were followed-up for relative to that of other phototherapeutic modalities, in
up to 4 years. Seven patients (28%) remained stable particular, photochemotherapy. To this end, several tri-
over 14 years, whereas 18 patients (72%) relapsed after als have been performed so far.
13.5 years [58]. In a bilateral comparison study, NB-UVB was com-
Variants influencing the clinical response of vitiligo pared with PUVA (oral 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP)
were evaluated in an open, uncontrolled study from and UVA) in 15 adult patients with symmetrical viti-
Italy on 60 patients treated for 624 months with ligo. After 60 sessions, the clinical response to both
NB-UVB. The best results were achieved in the face, treatments did not differ significantly [27].
followed by the neck, the trunk, and the limbs. The A retrospective comparison of 38 patients treated with
hands and feet were the sites with the poorest results. oral PUVA and 31 patients treated with NB-UVB showed
Lesions on the neck and the upper and lower extremi- a significantly better outcome for NB-UVB. In the PUVA
ties responded better in patients whose vitiligo had group, marked to complete improvement was observed
recent onset. Treatment outcome was also related to in 23.6%, moderate improvement in 36.8%, absent to
treatment duration in that better results were achieved mild repigmentation in 32.6%, and worsening in 7% of
with increasing numbers of NB-UVB exposure [13]. patients. The corresponding data for the NB-UVB group
It is well-substantiated by all these studies that were 41.9, 32.2, 25.9, and 0%, respectively [67].
NB-UVB is a very useful treatment for patients with Another study compared randomly allocated treat-
widespread or active vitiligo. Proper patient selection ment with thrice weekly NB-UVB and oral trimethylp-
and information is crucial for the therapeutic outcome. soralen (TMP) UVA in 50 consecutive nonsegmental
It might require several months until appreciable repig- vitiligo patients. The mean treatment duration was 6.3
mentation may become evident. Patients affected by months for NB-UVB and 5.6 months for TMP UVA.
large areas of vitiligo may need up to 2 years of con- Both studies reported that NB UVB was superior to
tinuous treatment to achieve a cosmetically satisfac- TMP UVA, in terms of stability achieved and efficacy
tory result. The following parameters were found in in active and stable disease [10].
several, but not all studies to determine the clinical Recently, the first randomized, double-blind trial
response: the localization of the affected skin, with the was published on the efficacy of NB UVB versus oral
face and neck region almost invariably showing the 8-MOP (or 5-MOP) UVA in 50 patients with nonseg-
greatest degree of repigmentation; the duration of viti- mental vitiligo. Treatment was given twice weekly,
ligo; the skin phototype; early repigmentation; and the and assessments were performed after every 16 ses-
duration of treatment. The extent of disease and the sions. At the end of the study, the PUVA group had
disease activity at the onset of treatment do not seem to received a mean number of 47 treatments as opposed
have an effect on the likelihood of repigmentation. to 97 treatments in the NB-UVB group. This differ-
One of the most essential questions pertains to the ence was suspected to be due to differences in efficacy
duration of the therapeutic effect. Relapse rates after and adverse effects. Sixty-four percent of patients in
discontinuation of treatment have as yet not been the NB-UVB group had >50% improvement compared
356 G. Leone and A. Tanew
with 36% of patients in the PUVA group. Moreover, different and sometimes equivocal results. In addition
among the patients with more than 48 sessions of treat- to their use as a monotherapy, a number of studies have
ments, the reduction of the depigmented surface area investigated the combination of these agents with
was significantly greater for NB-UVB than for PUVA. NB-UVB with the aim to accelerate and increase the
The color match of repigmented skin was excellent in therapeutic response to phototherapy [53, 73, 75, 83].
all patients treated with NB-UVB, but in only 44% of A case report from India first described the use of
those treated with PUVA. The clear conclusion of this thrice weekly NB-UVB in combination with calcipot-
study was that NB-UVB is superior to oral PUVA in riol cream on the right and placebo cream on the left
nonsegmental vitiligo [89]. lower limb. At the end of six months, repigmentation
A small, open, four-quarter comparative study was almost complete over the right limb, whereas it
evaluated NB-UVB versus BB-UVB in combination was less than 50% on the placebo-treated side [26].
with topical calcipotriol versus placebo in nine Subsequently, several other trials assessed the use-
patients with generalized symmetrical vitiligo. fulness of a once or twice daily combination of
NB-UVB was delivered to the upper part of the body NB-UVB with calcipotriol (calcipotriene) or tacalcitol
until the navel and BB-UVB to the lower part of the in small patient cohorts. Most of these trials were open
body. Irradiations were done thrice weekly during the and uncontrolled and did not extend for more than six
first months and twice weekly thereafter. Additionally, months. NB-UVB thrice weekly in combination with
calcipotriol was applied once in the evening on viti- calcipotriol twice daily applied to all vitiligo lesions on
ligo lesions on the right side of the body and placebo the left side of the body gave better results in 6 out of
ointment on lesions the left side. After six months of 17 patients. The study period was not clearly specified,
treatment, none of the patients showed repigmenta- apparently up to 116 treatments (or more) of NB-UVB
tion on the lower parts of the body, indicating that nei- were received by some patients [45]. In another open
ther BB-UVB and calcipotriol separately nor their trial on 24 patients, twice daily application of calcipot-
combination had been therapeutically effective. riol was found to potentiate the efficacy of NB-UVB.
BB-UVB was then discontinued and NB-UVB applied About two-third of the patients had an earlier onset of
to the whole body. At the end of the treatment (12 repigmentation with the combination. After 6 months
months), no difference in repigmentation was appar- of treatment the overall response rate was 51% for the
ent between calcipotriol and placebo-treated sites, combination and 39% for NB-UVB alone [30]. A
indicating that calcipotriol failed to enhance the greater extent of repigmentation and an increase in
response to NB-UVB [35]. response rate was also reported for NB-UVB in combi-
In summary, the majority of comparative studies nation with tacalcitol. In a randomized, investigator-
have shown that NB-UVB is more effective than other blinded bilateral comparison study, 32 pairs of
phototherapeutic modalities. Therefore, most treatment symmetrical vitiligo lesions were exposed twice
centers nowadays consider NB-UVB phototherapy as weekly to NB-UVB. In addition, a standard dose of
the first-line treatment for generalized vitiligo. Studies tacalcitol was applied once daily in the evening on one
comparing NB-UVB with the excimer laser or the exci- of the paired lesions. Throughout the whole observa-
mer light are discussed in the section on targeted pho- tion period, the combination provided significantly
totherapy in vitiligo. higher repigmentation scores when compared with
NB-UVB alone. Lesions treated with combination reg-
imen repigmented both earlier and to a greater extent
[49]. In contrast, no effect of twice daily application of
NB UVB in Combination with Topical
calcipotriol cream in addition to NB-UVB twice or
Treatments thrice weekly was observed in an investigator-blinded
study on 20 patients after 612 months of treatment
Corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, Vitamin D ana- [2]. Two further studies also reported negative findings.
logs, and preparations containing pseudocatalase or a Calcipotriol once daily did not enhance NB-UVB-
combination of catalase and superoxide dismutase have induced repigmentation when given over a period of 1
all been used as topical treatments for vitiligo with year [35]. Another trial compared monotherapy with
3.3.2 UVB Total Body and Targeted Phototherapies 357
NB-UVB (24 patients) with NB-UVB plus twice daily NB UVB in Combination with Vitamins
calcipotriol (13 patients). No significant difference in and Antioxidants (See Part 3.4)
repigmentation was found between the two groups
after 30 sessions of phototherapy [6].
A small, randomized, placebo-controlled double- The addition of folic acid and vitamin B12 to NB-UVB
blind trial compared NB-UVB plus tacrolimus versus was assessed. One cohort of 13 patients was exposed
NB-UVB, plus placebo in the treatment of generalized to NB-UVB twice weekly for 1 year, the other cohort
vitiligo. Paired vitiligo lesions in nine patients were of 14 patients additionally received twice daily treat-
treated thrice weekly with NB-UVB, plus twice daily ment with 1000 g vitamin B12 and 5 mg folic acid.
with either 0.1% tacrolimus or petrolatum (filled in After 12 months, maximum repigmentation rates did
identical containers) over a total period of 12 weeks. not differ significantly between the two groups [82].
Overall, both sides improved without a statistically sig- The effect of supplementation with a balanced anti-
nificant difference between tacrolimus and placebo oxidant pool (AP) containing -lipoic acid, Vitamins C
[53]. In an open, uncontrolled trial including 110 and E, and polyunsaturated fatty acids on the response to
patients with 403 lesions, tacrolimus ointment once treatment with NB UVB was investigated in a double-
daily was combined with twice weekly NB-UVB for 16 blind placebo-controlled trial. AP or placebo, twice daily,
weeks. More than 50% of repigmentation was observed was started eight weeks prior to initiation of photo-
in 42% of the lesions. Due to the uncontrolled nature of therapy and was then continued together with twice
the study, it is not possible to assess the additional effect, weekly NB-UVB. After six months of combinatory
if any, of tacrolimus to NB-UVB in this trial [29]. treatment, 47% of patients in the AP group had >75%
After an early report on the benefit of pseudocata- repigmentation and 23.5% had a 5075% repigmenta-
lase in combination with short-term UVB exposure, no tion. In the placebo group, 18% of the patients achieved
effect of the combination of pseudocatalase with >75 or 5075% repigmentation. The average number of
NB-UVB was found in a later investigation. Both stud- treatments required to induce 50% repigmentation was
ies were small, open, and uncontrolled [73, 75]. A 18 in the AP group and 23 in the placebo group [23].
small, double-blind, intraindividual comparison study Polypodium leucotomos is an antioxidant and immu-
on NB-UVB in combination with either a gel contain- nomodulatory plant extract. Given the pathogenic role
ing catalase and superoxide dismutase (Vitix) or pla- of oxidative stress and autoimmunity in vitiligo, the
cebo (the excipient only) suggested some effect of the therapeutic potential of P. leucotomos in combination
verum preparation [43]. However, according to the last with NB-UVB has been evaluated in a double-blind,
author of this communication, this new product has placebo-controlled trial. Fifty patients were randomized
since then not proven to be effective in enhancing to receive either 250 mg P. leucotomos capsules or pla-
NB-UVB-induced repigmentation (Ortonne, personal cebo three times daily in conjunction with twice weekly
communication). A recent, small study also described NB-UVB. At Week 26, there was a body area-dependent
the use of this product in combination with NB-UVB. trend toward more repigmentation in the P. leucotomos
Due to the open, uncontrolled design of the study, the group. The mean cumulative NB-UVB dose was similar
relevance of the data cannot be interpreted [44]. for both groups. Patients with Skin Type II and III
No studies have been performed so far on the com- appeared to benefit more from P. leucotomos than those
bination of NB-UVB with topical corticosteroids. with darker-skin types [56].
In summary, there is some evidence that concurrent
treatment with topical Vitamin D analogs might accel-
erate and increase the response to NB-UVB in a pro- Practical Aspects of NB-UVB Treatment
portion of patients. However, controlled, larger scale
trials with longer treatment periods are required to cor- NB-UVB is currently the first-line treatment for inducing
roborate this contention. Available data on the combi- repigmentation in generalized vitiligo affecting multiple
nation of NB-UVB with other topical treatments are or large areas of the body and can also be used to arrest
scarce and of low evidence level, thus precluding a disease progression in active vitiligo. NB-UVB photo-
well-founded assessment. therapy is basically easy to perform even if a proper
358 G. Leone and A. Tanew
dosimetry is mandatory to achieve optimum treatment maintain a faint erythema reaction in lesional skin.
results. In terms of photosensitivity, patients with vitiligo Treatment is normally given twice or three times weekly
have traditionally been regarded as Skin Type I and con- and is continued as long as there is ongoing repigmenta-
sequently were treated with very low initial NB-UVB tion. In case that NB-UVB phototherapy was initiated
doses ranging from 150 to 250 mJ/cm2 to avoid severe primarily to arrest disease progression, a 3-month course
sunburn reactions. However, in a recent study, this may often be sufficient. Discontinuation of treatment
approach has been challenged. It was shown that the ery- should be considered if no or minimal repigmentation is
themal sensitivity in vitiliginous skin depends on the skin achieved within 46 months of treatment or if no further
type with darker-skin types tolerating higher UVB doses improvement occurs within 3 months of continuous
than subjects with a fair complexion. In addition, mini- NB-UVB exposure (Figs.
mum erythema dose (MED) values in vitiligo skin were Initiated by the Vitiligo European Task Force, there
on average only 35% (95% CI = 3139%) lower than in is currently a multicenter phototherapy study in prog-
normal skin of the same individual [17]. Based on these ress that compares the conventional protocol of con-
results and empirical knowledge ,there is a trend nowa- tinuous treatment with repeated cycles of onoff
days to initiate vitiligo treatment with higher NB-UVB treatment (2 months treatment, 1 month break). The
doses (50% of the MED of normal skin) (Part 3.10). protocol is based on theoretical considerations that
Subsequently, the exposure dose should be adjusted reg- intermittent irradiation might induce a more effective
ularly to the photoadaption of the irradiated skin by dose stimulation of melanocyte proliferation than a continu-
increments of 1020% with the aim to induce and ous treatment schedule.
(Woods light examination)
a a
b b
might not be used routinely since there is an ongoing NonLaser Light Sources
debate whether tacrolimus might increase the risk for
UV-induced cutaneous cancers. Another possible asso-
Monochromatic Excimer Lamp or Light 308 nm
ciation could be with topical corticosteroids, but no
(MEL 308 nm)
study has still evaluated this combination.
The 308 nm monochromatic radiation can be also
delivered by excimer lamps. In this case, the effective-
ness of a new 308 nm monochromatic excimer source,
with emission close to that used in NB-UVB photo-
therapy, has been initially described in the treatment of
Low-energy heliumneon (HeNe) lasers (632.8 nm)
recalcitrant palmoplantar psoriasis [11, 12, 15, 16].
have been employed in a variety of clinical treatments,
A pilot study reports that 18 out of 37 vitiligo
including vitiligo management. Light-mediated reac-
patients achieved 75% or more repigmentation after
tion to low-energy laser irradiation is referred to have
six months of treatment [62]. The source in this study
biostimulatory rather than thermal effect. A first report
was a 308 nm XeCl MEL device with a power density
was published in 2003 [46]. This study investigated the
of 48 mW/cm2 at a distance of 15 cm from the skin,
effect of heliumneon laser both in vitro and in vivo. In
and the irradiation field covered an area of 504 cm2
vitro studies revealed a significant increase in basic
with rectangular shape (36 14 cm). Interestingly, a
fibroblast growth factor release from both keratinocytes
satisfactory response on the hands was noted: two
and fibroblasts, as well as a significant increase in nerve
patients achieved Grade 3 repigmentation. This finding
growth factor release from keratinocytes. It has also
is not significant because of the limited number of
been shown that melanocyte migration was enhanced
patients that received treatment on the hands in this
either directly by heliumneon laser irradiation or indi-
study (n = 3), but it may suggest the efficacy of higher
rectly by the medium derived from heliumneon laser
NB-UVB fluences on these locations that usually
treated keratinocytes. Furthermore, 30 patients with
respond poorly to conventional treatment [8, 11, 20].
segmental-type vitiligo on the head and/or neck were
The 308 nm MEL may present some advantages over
enrolled in this study. HeliumNeon laser light was
the laser: lower power density and consequently
administered locally at 3 J/cm2 with point stimulation
reduced risk of accidents due to overexposure; larger
once or twice weekly. The percentage of repigmented
irradiation field with the possibility to treat larger areas
area was used for clinical evaluation of effectiveness.
at a time, with shorter treatment duration. More
After an average of 16 treatment sessions, initial repig-
recently, devices that deliver 308 nm MEL to the skin
mentation was noticed. Marked repigmentation was
by means of an optic fiber or with a smaller hand piece
observed in 60% of patients with successive treatments.
have been introduced: this offers the possibility to treat
These results suggest that heliumneon laser irradiation
both small and large lesions.
stimulates melanocyte migration and proliferation,
The cost of these devices is lower than that of lasers,
release of mitogens for melanocytes, and may also res-
and maintenance is less frequently required. Never-
cue damaged melanocytes, therefore providing a
theless, a comparative trial (308 nm excimer laser vs.
microenvironment for inducing repigmentation in viti-
308 nm excimer lamp) in a larger population, in order
ligo. The same group demonstrated that HeliumNeon
to clarify whether the effectiveness of these two
laser induced different physiological changes on mel-
sources, is needed.
anoblasts at different maturation stages and recapitulated
the early events during vitiligo repigmentation process
brought upon by HeliumNeon laser in vitro [46].
Despite the interesting results obtained in cell cul- Excimer Laser/Lamp vs. NB-UVB
tures and the clinical improvement noted in patients
with segmental vitiligo, further clinical studies are An important issue is to demonstrate the greater effec-
required on larger series, also including nonsegmental tiveness of the high potency excimer sources as com-
vitiligo, to confirm the indication for the use of pared to conventional NB-UVB. Earlier studies have
HeliumNeon laser in vitiligo. expounded on the safety and efficacy of treatment with
362 G. Leone and A. Tanew
the 308 nm excimer laser, possibly even more so than weeks of treatment in some subjects. According to these
NB-UVB phototherapy [18, 22]. However, these reports results, broadband UVB could be an efficacious and
involved comparisons of groups of patients, not direct safe modality for the treatment of localized vitiligo. A
comparisons within the same patient. A recent study possible advantage is that these mercury arc lamps are
demonstrated the greater efficacy of the 308 nm exci- less expensive and require minor maintenance as com-
mer laser treatment over NB-UVB phototherapy, pared to the excimer devices.
because it produces a more rapid and profound repig- Another device, similar to the aforementioned, has
mentation. The comparison has been made on 23 been used with interesting results in psoriasis, even if
patients with symmetrical vitiligo patches treated with the current literature lacks a confirmation for the viti-
the 308 nm laser or NB-UVB on a 2-week sessions ligo. The BClear-Targeted PhotoClearing System
schedule for a maximum of 20 treatments [38]. A simi- (Lumenis Inc, Santa Clara, CA) uses a UVB lamp to
lar leftright study has been more recently performed deliver targeted broad-band UVB filtered incoherent
comparing the therapeutic effectiveness of MEL 308 pulsed or continuous UVB light at 290320 nm. Peak
nm and conventional NB-UVB in 21 vitiligo patients irradiance occurs between 310 and 315 nm. The 16
with symmetrical vitiligo lesions. At the end of the 16 mm spot size emits a pulse width of 0.52.0 s with
study (6 months) 37.5% of lesions treated with 308 nm a fluence range of 50800 mJcm2.
MEL and only 6% of lesions treated with NBUVB
achieved an excellent repigmentation [38].
These two comparative studies suggest that the Plasma Lamps
treatment with laser or MEL 308 nm may allow repig-
mentation within a shorter period of time, as compared A phototherapy device, the MultiClear system
to NB-UVB phototherapy, together with circuscribed (CureLight Ltd. USA), has been recently introduced. It
exposure to the irradiation. Also, the rapid onset of is based on Selective Photo Clearing (SPC), a pro-
repigmentation may play an important role in support- prietary technology generating, by means of high-
ing patient motivation and compliance. power plasma light source, emission of different
wavelengths: 296315, 360370, and 405420 nm
(blue light PDT). The system allows to select high
Mercury Arc Lamps intensity of UVB, UVA, and a blend of targeted UVB
and UVA1 delivered by means of a flexible light guide,
Different devices equipped with high-pressure mercury with a treatment spot of 23 23 mm. UVA1 and UVB
arc lamps are now available for targeted phototherapy. could act synergistically to induce repigmentation in
Usually the light is delivered to the skin by means of an vitiligo according to the producers specifications
optic fiber. On the basis of the emission spectrum of (unpublished data). The efficacy of this phototherapy
these lamps, this phototherapy is also referred as tar- device has to be demonstrated with clinical studies in
geted broad band UVB. Interesting results have been vitiligo and in other indications.
described in vitiligo, with a high-pressure mercury lamp
capable of emitting either UVB or UVA (Dua-Light
TheraLight Inc. Carlsbad, CA). The UVB spectral out-
put of this light source includes peaks at 302 and 312 Microphototherapy
nm, with an average weighted erythemal wavelength of
304 nm. The high output of this device allows irradia- Edited by Torello Lotti, Francesca Prignano,
tion of 100 mJ/cm2 of UVB to take place within approx- and Gionata Buggiani)
imately 0.7 s. Ultraviolet radiation is delivered through
a square aperture sized 1.9 1.9 cm. Asawanonda et al. Microphototherapy is based on the photo-exposition
[7] reported their experience on 6 patients and 29 lesions limited to well-defined areas, avoiding the side
were treated with targeted, broadband UVB photother- effects associated to diffuse phototherapy (photoaging,
apy. Treatments were carried out twice weekly for 12 erythema, and burns among the others) [31, 50, 51, 55,
weeks. Some degree of repigmentation occurred in all 59]. The NB-UVB lamp (Philips TL-10) with a wave-
subjects. Onset of repigmentation was as early as three length peak at 311 nm, selectively delivers the light to
3.3.2 UVB Total Body and Targeted Phototherapies 363
the white patches. It allows one to obtain the drastic Microphototherapy, as well as the other photother-
reduction of the total dose of radiation and thus the most apies, is not administered to subjects with actinic sen-
common side effects related to the exposition to UV sitivity (SLE, Xeroderma pigmentosum, porphyriasis,
rays: excessive tanning of the nonaffected skin, photoag- cutaneous viral infections) and in subjects treated
ing, teleangectases, and the risk of neoplasms. Moreover, with topical or systemic photosensitizing agents.
it reduces the chromatic contrast between normal and
lesional skin. With this treatment, different doses of
UVB radiation can be administered in different areas of
the body, optimizing thus the treatment by tailoring it on Mechanism of Action
each and every subject. The initial dose of radiation is of Phototherapies
20% lower than the MED, which is evaluated through
the exposition of affected and unaffected skin to increas-
ing doses of UVB (80, 160, 240, 320, and 400 mW/cm2) Narrow Band UVB
at least three days before the beginning of the treatment.
During the following sessions, every patch is uniformly UVB induces several biological effects including ery-
irradiated. In sensitive areas (i.e., eyelids) 80% of thema, hyperplasia, and nonmelanoma skin cancer. At
MED doses are used. The radiation dose is increased by the cellular level, UVB induces inflammation and DNA
20% at each session: when erythema occurs, the dose is damage. Tissue/DNA repair mechanisms are employed
lowered by 20% in the erythematous area only. Some during mild exposure to UVB. However, prolonged
skin areas can resist more to the photo-stimulation and UVB exposure results in irreversible DNA damage
are thus irradiated with higher regimens (up to twice the leading to the programmed cell death. Thus, extensive
dose of the most sensitive areas). Irradiation sessions are UVB exposure leads to tissue damage through inflam-
repeated every 2130 days, until repigmentation is mation or apoptosis [3, 4, 14, 24, 33, 36, 66, 74, 85].
reached, ranging from 2 months to 2 years [31, 50, 51]. To date, little is known about the mechanism of
A partial repigmentation is often seen after 36 sessions action of NB-UVB in vitiligo. Melanocytes could be
(63% of the cases), beginning just after 2 months of recruited from the outer root sheath of the hair follicle
treatment as a pigment pitting around each follicular to repigment vitiliginous skin through the action of
ostium (follicular repigmentation), usually accompanied phototherapy. Recovery from vitiligo is initiated by
by an evident interfollicular repigmentation. A photo- the activation and proliferation of these melanocytes,
graphic evaluation is useful to assess the clinical results, followed by the upward migration to the nearby
using Woods light for lighter phototypes. In a recent epidermis, accounting for the perifollicular pigmenta-
study [55] 734 patients were irradiated using this proto- tion islands, and by subsequent downward migration
col every 2 weeks for 12 consecutive months. At the end to the hair matrices to produce melanin [39, 46, 69,
of the study period, 69.8% of patients (n = 510) achieved 76, 77, 80, 87, 90]. PUVA acts by stimulating the outer
normal pigmentation on more than 75% of the treated root sheath melanocytes to migrate into the epidermis.
areas, 21.12% (n = 155) achieved 5075% repigmenta- The migration is thought to occur as a result of the
tion on the treated areas, and only 9.4% (n = 69) showed release of cytokines and inflammatory mediators from
less than 50% repigmentation (in five subjects of this the nearby keratinocytes [64, 67]. Abdel-Naser et al.
group vitiligo worsened), without statistical significance [1] reported that PUVA treatment results in the release
between segmental and nonsegmental vitiligo. The of growth factors into blood circulation that can stim-
results of this study are similar to those obtained by total ulate the proliferation of melanocytes and of other
body UVB irradiation in international studies, enriched cells. Similar to the phenomenon observed after PUVA
by the advantage of the lesser side effects. therapy, vitiligo lesions treated with NB-UVB also
Microphototherapy is particularly useful in patients repigmented in a perifollicular pattern and repigmen-
affected by segmental vitiligo and bilateral symmetrical tation is not seen in lesions with amelanotic hairs.
vitiligo, for which the total amount of body surface NB-UVB also stimulates the melanocytes in the outer
involved is less than 20%. The only side effect occa- root sheath of the hair follicles. However, the exact
sionally reported is transient erythema, rarely followed mechanisms of NBUVB in repigmentation are not
by desquamation [51]. still clarified.
364 G. Leone and A. Tanew
There are evidences suggesting that focal adhesion the immunosuppressive action of UV in treating viti-
kinase (FAK) plays a crucial role in transducing a vari- ligo and thus the intense pro apoptotic effect of the 308
ety of signals that modulate cell adhesion and cell nm wavelength on T-cells could play a role also in viti-
migration. Increased expression of phosphorylated ligo [62, 63]. The biological effects of coherent laser
FAK (p125FAK) may indirectly modulate cytoskeletal light may differ from those of incoherent light of the
proteins necessary for cell migration. The matrix met- same wavelength. Conventional UVB sources emit
alloproteinases (MPPs) are a family of enzymes involved polychromatic, continuous, incoherent light, whereas
in the degradation of extracellular matrix components the excimer laser emits coherent, monochromatic, UVB
such as collagen, gelatine and fibronectin. Expression light in short pulses. This permits the variation of some
of MMPs is markedly increased in situations involving important phototherapeutic parameters, such as impulse
active tissue remodeling and cell migration [66]. Both frequency and intensity.
keratinocytes and fibroblasts, natural cellular neighbors These optical properties of the excimer laser could
of melanocytes, release putative melanocytes growth make it more effective than NBU-VB in the treatment of
factors. Melanocytes proliferation is controlled by dif- vitiligo. Namely, the possibility to deliver high doses in a
ferent classes of mitogens: leukotriene (LT) C4 and D4, short interval of time may account for the differences in
endothelin-1 (ET-1) and tyrosine kinase growth factors- biological effects of conventional NB-UVB and those of
basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), stem cell factor, the monochromatic excimer sources. Even if the Bunsen
hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), melanotropin, epider- Roscoe law (BRL) of reciprocity states that a certain bio-
mal growth factor, and platelet-derived growth factor. logical effect is directly proportional to the total energy
Recently, Wu et al. [87] demonstrated that NB-UVB dose irrespective of the administered regimen, in some
radiation stimulates the release of bFGF and ET-1 from cases it has been shown not to hold and this could be also
keratinocytes, which induce melanocyte proliferation. the case for the effects of the excimer laser.
In addition, NB-UVB irradiation stimulating the expres-
sion of p125FAK in melanocytes and inducing the expres-
sion of MMP2 in melanocyte supernatants may enhance
melanocyte migration. Side Effects of Phototherapies
Narrowband UVB
Targeted Phototherapy
Narrowband UVB, as well as targeted phototherapies
Beside the mechanisms possibly responsible for the is in general very well-tolerated. The most common
effectiveness of the conventional NB UVB, some addi- acute adverse reaction is UV-induced erythema in vit-
tive ones can be considered in the case of the new iliginous skin, which is both skin type- (vitiligo patients
potent monochromatic light sources, used for targeted with skin Type I or II have lower erythema threshold in
phototherapy. Photobiologically, the wavelengths of lesional skin than darker-skin types) and UV dose-
the excimer laser (308 nm) and NB UVB (311 nm) are dependent. UVB erythema usually occurs 1224 h
very close to one another, and the therapeutic effects after irradiation and subsides within another 24 h.
may be similar. Recently, the mechanism of the exci- Since patients are not treated on consecutive days, ery-
mer lasers high efficacy in psoriasis treatment has thema induced by the last UVB exposure usually dis-
been investigated. appears before the next treatment session. Thus, it is
The mechanism of action in vitiligo has not been essential to always ask the patients whether, and if so,
still fully understood. Stimulation of melanocyte migra- to what extent, they had developed erythema in
tion and proliferation from progenitor niches located in response to the previous irradiation. It should be kept
hair follicles is certainly the major factor. This stimula- in mind, however, that a slight erythema reaction in
tion is not only due to the direct action of UV on mel- lesional skin is a good guideline for adequate dosime-
anocytes, but also due to the action of cytokines secreted try. Drug-induced photosensitivity is usually not an
by keratinocytes. Recent data on the autoimmune ori- issue since most of the drugs have their action spec-
gins of vitiligo underline the probable implications of trum in the longer UV (UVA) wave range.
3.3.2 UVB Total Body and Targeted Phototherapies 365
Other infrequent side effects include reactivation of skin and do not impair the general well-being of the
herpes simplex infection, dryness of the skin, or elici- patient.
tation of polymorphous light eruption in the initial
phase of treatment. Considering that the doses used for
the treatment of vitiligo are lower than those useful for
the psoriasis management, low rate of acute, and pos-
sibly also long-term, adverse events occurs. Summary Messages
The main possible long-term hazards of NB-UVB Narrowband UVB (NB UVB) currently repre-
treatment pertain to UV carcinogenicity. Sunlight and sents the phototherapy of choice for vitiligo.
therapeutic ultraviolet radiation are known to poten- Side effects are less frequent than in PUVA
tially induce skin cancer, in particular, actinic kera- therapy and efficacy is at least equivalent.
toses, and squamous-cell carcinoma [54]. It is of Generalized active vitiligo is preferentially
special interest in this context that paradoxically skin treated with total body narrowband UVB
cancer appears to occur rarely in vitiliginous skin which can arrest disease progression and may
despite the lack of protection by melanin from ultra- induce significant repigmentation.
violet radiation [61,76]. This phenomenon could be Targeted phototherapy allows for selective
related to epidermal upregulation of wild-type p53 in treatment of lesional skin thereby avoiding
vitiligo [77]. unnecessary irradiation of healthy skin. Other
Most part of the information about the carcinogenic known advantages, particularly when using
risk of UVB irradiation comes from studies in psoriasis high energetic monochromatic light sources,
patients. Recent literature reviews suggest that the include rapid induction of repigmentation and
incidence of skin cancer due to UVB treatment is low; the requirement of fewer treatments to achieve
therefore UVB can be considered a relatively safe repigmentation as compared to traditional NB
treatment with regard to potential long hazards [70]. A UVB.
critical appraisal of the carcinogenic risk of NB-UVB
Although the carcinogenic risk associated
compared to BB-UVB concluded that the cancer risk with NB UVB phototherapy is still poorly
of comparable therapeutic doses of these two wave- defined, it can be assumed that the reduced
bands is presumably similar and much lower than that cumulative UV dose needed to treat vitiligo
of PUVA. Two early follow-up studies on NB-UVB with targeted phototherapy involves a lower
carcinogenicity have been published recently. The first potential for long-term hazards.
one did not find any evidence for increased skin-cancer
development, whereas the other indicates a slight
The emission of some devices is filtered in
order to eliminate erythemogenic radiation,
increase in basal cell-cancer formation (but not
but this process can considerably reduce the
squamous-cell carcinoma or malignant melanoma)
power density.
[52]. However, it has to be pointed out that large mul-
ticenter studies with long follow-up periods will be
required to accurately determine the carcinogenic
potential associated with NB-UVB treatment [25].
Targeted Phototherapy 1. Abdel-Naser MB, Hann SK, Bystryn JC (1997) Oral psoralen
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stimulates cell proliferation. Arch Dermatol 133:15301533
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erythema. Higher therapeutic doses are commonly topical calcipotriol on narrow-band UVB phototherapy in
applied when treating lesional skin only; therefore ery- patients with generalized vitiligo. Photodermatol Photoimmunol
thema reactions may occur more often and with greater Photomed 21:7983
3. Afaq F, Mukhtar H (2001) Effects of solar radiation on cuta-
intensity than with NB-UVB phototherapy. However, neous detoxification pathways. J Photochem Photobiol B
these reactions are confined to small areas of the treated 63:6169
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from hairless mouse epidermis. Dermatology 211:341347
Vitamins and Antioxidants: Topical
and Systemic 3.4
Mauro Picardo and Maria Lucia DellAnna
synthesis and homocysteine build-up. Taking into even if they show high patients dropout or inconsistent
account that homocystinuria can cause the syndrome outcome measures [2, 13, 19].
described as pigmentary dilution, characterized by
fair skin and hair, [14] and that the alteration of the
homocysteine metabolism may be related to the cata- 3.4.4 Antioxidants
lase polymorphism, it is interesting to point out that in
vitiligo patients, the serum level of homocysteine has
been found increased and positively correlated with Background
the activity of the disease [14]. The pteridine in folic
acid might refund the pteridine deficiency, which The occurrence of a redox imbalance, both at epidermal
inhibits the melanogenesis by lowering tyrosine; and systemic levels, has been described in vitiligo
indeed, the pteridine from folic acid may stop the patients (Chap 2.2.6). In vitro data suggest that the pro-
altered recycling of the reduced pterines (6BH4 and duction of free radicals takes place within different cell
7BH4) proved in vitiligo epidermis (Chap. 2.2.6). types and cannot be due to a simple diffusion from the
Finally, the mixed vitamins may support the epidermis. Usually, the redox inbalance is thought to be
UV-induced stimulation of melanocyte stem cells, caused by the hyperproduction of ROS not adequately
through a mechanism independent on the serum level associated with an increased activity of the correspond-
of folic acid [7]. An open study indicated that vitamin- ing detoxifying systems. Antioxidants form an inte-
induced repigmentation occurs mainly in patients with grated network in the cells, and the activity of each
vitiligo more recent than 10 years, independently on compound depends on the presence and function of the
the activity of the disease [7]. rest of the antioxidant molecules. The participating
The combination of folic acid and vitamin B12 was enzymes and non enzymatic molecules act as scaven-
assayed first with promising results in 1992 in the United gers of the free radicals and are able to reduce the oxi-
States of America in an open study in association with dised compounds within the network, allowing the
vitamin C [9]. Another trial was conducted in Sweden, restoration of a correct redox balance. The system gluta-
involving 100 patients treated with Folic acid (5 mg) thione/glutathione peroxidase, catalase, superoxide dis-
and vitamin B12 (1 mg) for three months, and they were mutases, a-lipoic acid, vitamin E, and vitamin C are the
advised to expose their skin to the sun. Repigmentation main components of this antioxidant network. a-lipoic
was observed in 52 out of the treated patients [20]. acid is a lipophilic and hydrophilic compound acting as
It is known that para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) a fatty acids peroxyl and hydroxyl radical scavenger,
induces hair and skin darkening, not specifically in lipoxygenase inhibitor and glutathione synthesis pro-
vitiligo, but in patients treated for different diseases. moter. Moreover, a-lipoic acid is involved in recycling
The trial conducted in vitiligo patients indicated that vitamins C and E. Vitamin C is a hydrophilic antioxi-
1000 mg/day, together with vitamin C and B12 and dant; whereas vitamin E is a lipophilic free-radical scav-
folic acid, enhanced the pigmentation in 12 out of 20 enger and inhibits lipid peroxidation helping to maintain
enrolled patients (Montes, personal communication). membrane integrity. According to physiological princi-
However, this study was limited by the low number of ples, a sound therapeutic approach should provide a bal-
enrolled subjects as well as by the inconsistent out- anced pool of antioxidant molecules, with the aim of
come measures. restoring the correct intracellular network in the right
place (Fig. 3.4.1).
3.4.3 L-Phenylalanine
Studies (see also Chap 3.3.2)
Four trials evaluated the effectiveness of L-phenylalanine
(50100 mg/kg up to 18 months) even as supporting Starting from the occasional uncontrolled experience
therapy of UVA or UVB phototherapy, or of other of an improvement of vitiligo lesions after topical
approaches. All studies reported beneficial effects application or systemic intake of antioxidant com-
(3090% of repigmentation in 2560% of the patients) pounds, several trials have been conducted.
3.4 Vitamins and Antioxidants: Topical and Systemic 371
Fig. 3.4.2 Clinical response and modification of the oxidative stres in patients treated with NB-UVB alone (placebo) or in combina-
tion with lipoic acid
50 enrolled patients) has been described in the second biloba came from Chinese traditional medicines and
study [8]. The trial has been also supported by digital from supporting results provided by an in vitro study.
photography performed at the beginning and at two dif- The main problems with the studies were the limited
ferent subsequent time points of the study. Finally, some number of enrolled patients and the inconsistent out-
studies have been conducted in order to test the possible come parameters. No side effects have been reported
therapeutical use of Gingko biloba; the extract of Gingko until now.
biloba contains polyphenol compounds, including ter- In summary, randomized controlled trials on sys-
penoids, flavonoids, and flavonol glycosides. Extracts temic antioxidant supplements provide a moderate evi-
have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and anti- dence of effectiveness, and therefore, no firm
oxidant activities. The terpenoids gingkolides B, C, J conclusion can be reached at this point (Table 3.4.1).
and M, as well as bilobalide appear to be the main con-
tributors to the antioxidant and free radical-scavenger
activities. Early in vitro data suggested the possible Safety concerns
therapeutical role of Gingko biloba in vitiligo [10]. The
trial was carried out for 12 months with promising The oral intake of antioxidants do not interfere with
results (90% patients stopped the progression and 70% other drugs or other diseases (such as thyroiditis,
of patients showed good or complete repigmentation). diabetes possibly occuring in vitiligo patients).
Further evidence in favor of the effectiveness of G However, long-term follow-up studies have not been
3.4 Vitamins and Antioxidants: Topical and Systemic 373
12. Reyes E, Jaen P, de las Heras E et al (2006) Systemic immuno- catalase PC-KUS in 71 children with vitiligo. Int J Dermatol.
modulatory effects of Polypodium leucotomos as an adjuvant 188:215-218
to PUVA therapy in generalized vitiligo: a pilot study. 17. Schallreuter KU, Moore J, Behrens-Williams S, et al (2002).
J Dermatol Sci 41:213216 Rapid initiation of repigmentation in vitiligo with dead sea
13. Rojas-Urdaneta JE, Poleo-Romero AG (2007) Evaluation of climatotherapy in combination with pseudocatalase
an antioxidant and mitochondria-stimulating cream formula (PC-KUS). Int J Dermatol 41: 482-487.
on the skin of patients with stable common vitiligo. Invest 18. Schallreuter KU, Wood JM, Lemke KR et al (1995) Treatment
Clin 48:2131 of vitiligo with a topical application of pseudocatalase and
14. Shaker OG, El-Tahlawi SMR (2008) Is there a relationship calcium in combination with short-term UVB exposure: a
between homocysteine and vitiligo? Br J Dermatol 159: case study on 33 patients. Dermatol 190: 223229
720724 19. Siddiqui AH, Stolk LML, Bhaggoe R et al (1994)
15. Schallreuter KU, Bahadoran P, Picardo M et al (2008) L-phenylalanine and UVA irradiation in the treatment of
Vitiligo pathogenesis: autoimmune disease, genetic defect, vitiligo. Dermatol 188:215218
excessive reactive oxygen species, calcuim imbalance, or 20. Tjioe M et al (2002) Treatment of vitiligo vulgaris with nar-
what else. Exp Dermatol 17: 139-60 row band UVB (311 nm) for one year and the effect of addi-
16. Schallreuter KU, Kruger C, Wurfel C et al (2008) From basic tion of folic acid and vitamin B12. Acta Derm Venerol 82:
research to bedside: efficacy of topical treatment with pseudo 369372
Systemic Treatments
Corticosteroid Minipulses
Davinder Parsad and Dipankar De
side effects associated with long-term use of daily had mild to moderate repigmentation without appear-
systemic corticosteroids may act as deterrent against ance of new lesions. The pigmentation appeared in
their common use. majority of patients within 15 weeks of starting treat-
ment. No side effects were reported [3]. In the latest
study by Radakovic-Fijan et al. [10], 29 patients, 25
with progressive disease and 4 with stable disease
were included. The daily dose of dexamethasone Oral Corticosteroids Minipulses
was significantly increased to 10 mg/day and the
for Vitiligo treatment was continued for a maximum period of 24
weeks. In addition, plasma cortisol and corticotro-
In the first reported study on OMP in vitiligo by phin levels were measured to detect hypothalamo
Pasricha et al. [6], betamethasone/ dexamethasone was pituitaryadrenal axis suppression before and up to
given as a single oral dose of 5 mg on 2 consecutive 6 days after the dexamethasone pulse in the first and
days per week. This dose of steroids did not have sci- fourth weeks of treatment in 14 patients. Disease
entific reasoning and was decided upon arbitrarily. activity was arrested in 88% of patients with pro-
Progression of the disease was arrested in 91% of the gressive disease after an average treatment period of
patients. A degree of repigmentation was observed in a 18.2 weeks. Marked repigmentation was observed in
proportion of patients, and the side effects were either 6.9% and moderate or slight repigmentation in
not significant or altogether absent. 10.3%, while 72.4% had no response in repigmenta-
In a subsequent trial of 40 patients, 36 with pro- tion. A tendency toward better treatment results was
gressive and 4 with static disease, the same OMP observed with an increasing number of pulses. Side
regimen was used [7]. In children, the dose was pro- effects were observed in 69% patients, which
portionately reduced. In adults who did not respond included weight gain, insomnia, agitation, acne,
to the standard dose of corticosteroids, the dose was menstrual disturbances, and hypertrichosis. Plasma
increased to 7.5 mg/day and then reduced to 5 mg/day cortisol and corticotrophin levels, though markedly
when disease progression was arrested. Within 13 decreased after one pulse, returned to normal before
months of starting treatment, 89% of the patients starting the next pulse. The authors observed that
with progressive disease stabilized, while within 24 ethnic background may have an impact on therapeu-
months, repigmentation was observed in 80% of tic response [10].
total patient cohort. The area of repigmentation con-
tinued to progress as treatment continued, though
none of the patients achieved complete repigmenta-
tion. Seventeen of 40 (42%) had at least one side Personal Remarks
effect, though they were not significant. The side
effects profile included weight gain, dysgeusia, The OMP with either betamethasone or dexametha-
headache, transient mild weakness, acne, mild puffi- sone can arrest progression of spreading disease.
ness of the face alone, perioral dermatitis, herpes However, it is not usually suitable alone for repigmen-
zoster, glaucoma, and amenorrhea. The authors pre- tation of vitiligo lesions. In patients with fast spreading
sumed that the repigmentation observed was sponta- vitiligo, disease progression is usually commenced
neous and thus varied from patient to patient and after this intervention. There are no RCT confirming
lesion to lesion [7]. Subsequently Kanwar et al. [3] that either speed or magnitude of response to photo-
assessed the efficacy of OMP in vitiligo. They used therapy and photochemotherapy in patients with gen-
dexamethasone in a dose of 5 mg/day on two con- eralized fast spreading vitiligo might be potentiated by
secutive days per week and the dose was halved in concomitant administration of oral corticosteroid
children 16 years of age or younger. Of thirty-seven pulses. As noted earlier, the dosage of dexamethasone
patients included with actively spreading disease, 32 used in OMP has been arbitrarily chosen. In majority
were evaluable at the end of the study. About 43.8% of the studies, a dose of 5 mg every day for two
3.5.1 Corticosteroid Minipulses 379
consecutive days per week has been used. For those References
who do not respond, 7.5 mg/day may be used, and then
reduced to 5 mg/day if disease progression is arrested. 1. Farah FS, Kurban AK, Chaglassian HT (1967) The treat-
In our institution, we use 2.5 mg in vitiligo patients ment of vitiligo with psoralens and triamcinolone by mouth.
(unpublished data) and overall this dose is sufficient in Br J Dermatol 79:8991
2. Joshi A, Khaitan BK, Verma KK, Singh MK (1999)
the majority of cases. The drug can be preferably given
Generalized and bullous lichen planus treated successfully
on weekends to increase the compliance as short-term with oral mini-pulse therapy. Indian J Dermatol Venereol
side effects may be troublesome in some. If the 5 mg/day Leprol 65:303304
dose is used, the drug can be gradually tapered off over 3. Kanwar AJ, Dhar S, Dawn G (1995) Oral minipulse therapy
in vitiligo. Dermatology 190:251252
six months, after a desired response is achieved.
4. Kountz SL, Cohn R (1969) Initial treatment of renal
However, when a lower dose is used (2.5 mg/day), the allografts with large intrarenal doses of immunosuppressive
treatment can be stopped abruptly without any notice- drugs. Lancet 1:338340
able manifestation of hypothalamopituitaryadrenal 5. Mittal R, Khaitan BK, Sirka CS (2001) Trachyonychia
treated with oral minipulse therapy. Indian J Dermatol
axis suppression.
Venereol Leprol 67:202203
6. Pasricha JS, Seetharam KA, Dashore A (1989) Evaluation of
Summary Messages five different regimes for the treatment of vitiligo. Indian
J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 55:1821
Oral minipulse (OMP), i.e. intermittent admin- 7. Pasricha JS, Khaitan BK (1993) Oral mini-pulse therapy
istration of betamethasone/dexamethasone, with betamethasone in vitiligo patients having extensive or
fast-spreading disease. Int J Dermatol 32:753757
for the treatment of vitiligo, has been pio- 8. Pasricha JS, Kumrah L (1996) Alopecia totalis treated with
neered in India by Pasricha in 1989. oral mini-pulse (OMP) therapy with betamethasone. Indian
In a first trial the progression of the disease J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 62:106109
was arrested in 91% of the patients without 9. Pasricha JS (2003) Pulse therapy as a cure for autoimmune
diseases. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 69:323328
significant side effects. 10. Radakovic-Fijan S, Firnsinn-Friedl AM, Honigsmann H
A tendency towards better treatment results et al (2001) Oral dexamethasone pulse treatment for vitiligo.
was observed with an increasing number of J Am Acad Dermatol 44:814817
11. Verma K, Verma KK (2001) Infantile periocular haeman-
pulses and of dexamethasone amount (from
gioma treated with two days in a week betamethasone oral
5 to 10 mg/day). mini pulse therapy. Indian J Pediatr 68:355356
OMP is considered as not useful to repigment
stable vitiligo
Week end OMP starting with low doses
(2.5 mg/ day) of dexamethasone is suggested
based on the authors experience for fast
spreading vitiligo, before starting photoherapy
The benefit of adding OMP to phototherapy at
onset of treatment in progressive vitiligo needs
further assessment
Optimal duration of OMP therapy to stop viti-
ligo progression is situated between 3 and 6
Other Immunosuppressive Regimen
Markus Bhm
Experience with low-dose azathioprine (at the mediated autoimmune diseases [23]. The protein con-
maximal dosage of 50 mg/day) in association with centration of these antibodies was about 33 mg/mL
PUVA has been also proposed. Azathioprine is able with an IFN-g neutralizing capacity of more 66 mg/mL
to inhibit the cellular immune response, and it is cur- [19]. Four patients with vitiligo (1214 years old)
rently used in the treatment of rheumatological and received intradermal injections of F(ab)2 fragments
bowel diseases, and of autoimmune dermatoses, (titer: 24 103 IU/mL) generated from goat antibodies
including pemphigus, at the dosage of 50150 mg/ to human IFN-g [22]. Aliquots of 0.1 mL of the anti-
day. A study performed on 60 patients randomized to body were given perilesionally for 10 days. All treated
receive either azathioprine (0.60.75 mg/kg/day) in patients experienced sustained erythema after three
association with PUVA or PUVA-therapy alone, has days of therapy followed by development of small,
demonstrated a potential synergic effect of the two slightly infiltrated pinkish papules in the depigmented
approaches, but true positive results have been dem- areas. On day 10, the authors observed a loss of the
onstrated only in a minority of the subjects, with the well-defined borders between the normal and depig-
limitation of lack of validated, standardized measures mented skin in all treated patients [22]. In 2 of the
for vitiligo assessment [14]. Starting from the patho- intralesionally treated patients an additional course of
genetic concept of a systemic over-activation of cel- anti-IFN-g with intramuscular injections of the IFN-g
lular immunity in vitiligo, systemic cyclosporine has antibody was performed. A gradual diminishment of
been anecdotally used in patients with diffuse dis- the border between the depigmented area and normal
ease, at the dosage of 5 mg/kg/daily with no univocal skin was seen according to the authors [19, 23]. In
response. Furthermore, existing ethical questions addition, the authors reported on the clearance of viti-
regarding the real safety of this therapy, and consid- ligo in another patient with autoimmune polyglandular
ering the kidney and liver toxicity of cyclosporine, syndrome (APS)-4, that is, vitiligo and alopecia areata
further experience in this field was limited [11]. [23]. It is unclear for how long systemic anti-IFN-g
therapy was given in the latter individuals. Moreover,
the aforementioned preclinical study lacks detailed
description of patient characteristics, as well as any Anti-IFN-g Strategy follow-up data. To the best of our knowledge, we are
unaware of any further preclinical studies or clinical
The pioneering concepts and preclinical observations of trials employing the anti-IFN-g strategy in vitiligo. In
Skurkovich et al. will be outlined [20, 21]. These scien- the following section the so-far reported clinical expe-
tists were among the first who proposed to remove not rience of biologics approved in dermatology within
only certain types of IFNs, but also TNF-a to treat vari-
ous autoimmune diseases.
Table 3.5.1 Immunomodulating biologics approved for the
Based on their longstanding research on the patho- treatment of skin diseases within the EU
genetic role of proinflammatory cytokines in immune-
Name Target Biochemical features Indications
mediated inflammatory diseases, Skurkovich et al.
Etanercept TNF-a TNF type II PSO, PA
initially proposed that IFN-g should be removed in (Enbrel) soluble receptor
autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, fusion protein
multiple sclerosis, Type I diabetes, psoriasis vulgaris, Infliximab TNF-a Anti-human PSO, PA
alopecia areata, or vitiligo [23]. In this context, it is (Remicade) TNF-a chimeric
worth mentioning that IFN-g mRNA levels are in fact monoclonal
increased in lesional and in adjacent uninvolved skin antibody
of patients with vitiligo [10]. It is also well-known that Adalimumab TNF-a Humanized PSO, PA
systemic administration of IFN-a can induce or aggra- (Humira) anti-human
vate vitiligo [3, 4, 18], although recently improvement TNF-a
of preexisting vitiligo under pegylated IFN-a-2A was antibody
reported in a patient with hepatitis C [26]. In a small Efalizumab LFA-1 Humanized LFA-1 PSO
preclinical case series, Skurkovich et al. injected poly- (Raptiva) monoclonal
clonal IFN-g antibodies (both IgG and/or F(ab)2 antibody
antibody fragments) into patients with various Th-1- PSO psoriasis; PA psoriasis artritis
3.5.2 Other Immunosuppressive Regimen 383
Europe for the treatment of Psoriasis (Table 3.5.1) will two months. The treatment protocol consisted of weekly
be reviewed. They include anti-TNF-a targeted thera- injections of etanercept (50 mg subcutaneously) for 12
pies (etanercept, infi iximab, adalimumab) and efali- weeks followed by 25 mg of etanercept weekly for
zumab, the latter being an antibody that binds to the another 4 weeks. Treatment success was evaluated pho-
CD11 a sub-unit of LFA-1. tographically and photometrically. Although the overall
tolerability was good, none of the patients had any
repigmentation. However, no aggravation of their viti- Targeting TNF-a by Antibodies ligo was noticed. The authors suggested that monother-
apy with TNF-a antibodies should not be considered as
Since TNF-a protein expression and immunoreactivity a treatment option for vitiligo. In another case report,
is elevated in lesional skin of patients with vitiligo vitiligo improvement was observed in a patient with
[5, 13], it is not surprising that biologics of the anti-TNF-a ankylosing spondylitis under infliximab treatment [17].
family just recently found their way into clinical pilot A 24-year-old male with ankylosing spondylitis since
studies on patients with preexisting vitiligo. Notably, the age of 18 and generalized vitiligo for 11 years
anti-TNF-a therapy, in accordance with its significant received 350 mg infliximab intravenously in weeks 0, 2
potential to trigger other autoimmune phenomena (such and 6, and then every other week for 10 months. Upon
as alopecia and lupus erythematosus-like syndromes) this treatment, the patients disease activity score and
can induce de novo vitiligo. Accordingly, a 61-year-old functional indices as well as his vitiligo improved: six
Caucasian suffering from rheumatoid arthritis was months after infliximab, spreading of two vitiligo spots
reported to develop vitiligo lesions on the dorsa of the at both axilla and pretibial areas was halted. In addition,
hands 6 months after intravenous therapy with inflix- several other vitiligo spots (located on the trunk, finger
imab at 3 mg/kg [15]. Infliximab was not discontinued joints, face, and pretibial areas) revealed partial repig-
and the patients vitiligo was subsequently treated with mentation or even disappeared. In accordance with the
Polypodium leucotomus extracts and topical pseudo- established role of TNF-a as an inhibitor of melanocyte
catalase to regain 50% of his pigmentation. In another proliferation [25] and melanogenesis [12], these data
recent case report, a 66-year-old white man receiving would suggest some potential in the treatment of viti-
adalimumab for the treatment of his psoriasis is ligo (Chap. 2.2.8).
described [24]. Within 4 months of 40 mg adalimumab
administered subcutaneously every other week, his
psoriasis had cleared. However, depigmented skin was
noticed in those areas previously affected by psoriasis, Effects of Efalizumab
but not in unaffected areas. A skin biopsy specimen
from the depigmented skin confirmed the presence of Two anecdotal reports describe a beneficial effect of
vitiligo. As discussed by the authors, concurrence of efalizumab as a T-cell targeted recombinant antibody
psoriasis and vitiligo appears to be a rare event (Chap. binding to the CD11a subunit of LFA-1 [7, 27]. As a
1.3.8). In the present case, perhaps Koebnerization of consequence of such an approach, the influx of blood
vitiligo due to preexisting psoriasis rather than induc- CD11a bearing leukocytes in limited, and the interac-
tion of vitiligo by the anti-TNF-a treatment had tion between LFA-1 and intercellular adhesion mol-
occurred since the vitiligo was not widespread [24]. ecule (ICAM)-1 expressed by numerous activated
Regarding the therapeutic potency of TNF-a anti- resident skin cells is blocked. Previously, expression
bodies in patients with preexisting vitiligo, the data are of ICAM-1 was detected in perilesional melanocytes
limited and controversial. Rigopoulos et al. [16] assessed around active vitiligo patches [2]. Regarding expres-
the therapeutic potential of etanercept in a small open- sion of LFA-1 in vitiligo patients, it was shown that
label pilot study consisting of four male patients with LFA-1 immunoreactivity in leukocytes is higher in
vitiligo vulgaris (mean age: 29.3; mean duration of viti- minigrafts of nonresponders than in responders [1].
ligo: 7.5 months). All patients had progressive disease In the first report, a 52-year-old male Surinamese
with development of new lesions within the previous Hindustani man with plaque psoriasis and universal
three months. Most of the patients had an involvement vitiligo received efalizumab [27]. He had been suffer-
of extremities including hands and feet. All the patients ing from vitiligo since more than 10 years. His previ-
had not received any treatment for vitiligo for the last ous anti-psoriatic therapies had included ultraviolet
384 M. Bhm
(UV) light and psoralen, methotrexate, cyclosporine However, TNF-a antibodies should be considered with
and fumaric acid. Six weeks after starting subcutane- great caution. First, they may trigger de novo develop-
ous efalizumab at 1 mg/kg once per week, the patient ment of vitiligo. The data on the use of anti-TNF-a
developed spotty repigmentation in vitiliginous areas antibodies in preexisting vitiligo are controversial
of his face. Facial repigmentation continued in a peri- regarding the efficacy of these agents with no or only a
follicular pattern under efalizumab treatment for fur- limited repigmentary response at best. Our current
ther six weeks, when treatment had to be terminated knowledge on the use of efalizumab as a prototype of
due to deterioration of his psoriasis. Subsequently, his LFA-1 neutralization is likewise limited and cannot be
vitiligo on the face became worse. In the second casu- generally advised.
istic report, Fernandez-Obregon [7] reported on a Local administration of biologics could become an
43-year-old male Hispanic with a history for vitiligo alternative option in selected vitiligo patients in future.
vulgaris for more than 10 years and plaque psoriasis Therapeutic future approaches in vitiligo should also
for 5 years. Before starting efalizumab he had received include additional anti-cytokine therapies (e. g., target-
topical high-potency steroids, anthralin, and UVB ing the inflammasomal pathway).
phototherapy. However, UVB therapy was not toler-
ated and his vitiligo deteriorated. Upon systemic acit- Summary Messages
retin he developed pruritus and therapy had to be
stopped. Efalizumab was started at 0.7 mg/kg and The imbalance between protective mediators/
thereafter continued at 1 mg/kg/week. At the time growth factors versus proinflammatory cytok-
when the patients psoriasis improved (68 weeks ines/pro-oxidant mediators is considered a
after beginning with efalizumab) his vitiligo also rationale based on which systemic immuno-
showed some improvement, especially on his trunk modulators including biologics have been
and lower extremities. Later, the patient received sys- tested in a limited number of anecdotal reports
temic methyprednisolone followed by methotrexate and small pilot studies.
upon which his vitiligo continued to improve. The so-far tested systemic immunomodulators
These two reports indicate some therapeutic effect in vitiligo include antibodies against interferon
of efalizumab in even in long-standing vitiligo vulgaris. (IFN)-g and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a)
However, the overall number of treated patients is too as well as efalizumab, a monoclonal antibody
low and clinical trials are needed to make definitive against the CD11a subunit of the lymphocyte
draw any clear-cut conclusion on the potential of efali- function-associated antigen (LFA)-1.
zumab in vitiligo. The anti IFN gamma strategy remains to be
tested on a larger scale
The development of antipsoriatic biologics
(such as anti TNF agents and efalizumab) in Concluding Remarks the field of vitiligo is not warranted based on
current knowledge of disease immunology,
Studies with classic immunosuppressants, such as drug tolerance and limited off label use.
methothrexate and azathioprine, are limited and it is There is room for more trials of classic immu-
probably still worth designing new trials in patients nosuppressants in inflammatory proven
with proven immune/inflammatory vitiligo, based on vitiligo
more stringent inclusion criteria and using better
assessment techniques.
Neutralization of IFN-g, TNF-a and LFA-1 by anti-
bodies (biologics) represents a novel systemic immu-
nomodulatory approach in the treatment of vitiligo,
even if limited data regarding its efficacy are available.
1. Abdallah M, Abdel-Naser MB, Moussa MH et al (2003)
Unfortunately, antibodies against IFN-g are not yet Sequential immunohistochemical study of depigmenting
available for the clinician in daily routine, whereas off- and repigmenting minigrafts in vitiligo. Eur J Dermatol
label use of TNF-a antibodies in vitiligo is possible. 13:548552
3.5.2 Other Immunosuppressive Regimen 385
2. al Badri AM, Foulis AK, Todd PM et al (1993) Abnormal 15. Ramrez-Hernndez M, Marras C, Martnez-Escribano JA
expression of MHC class II and ICAM-1 by melanocytes in (2005) Infliximab-induced vitiligo. Dermatology 210: 7980
vitiligo. J Pathol 169:203206 16. Rigopoulos D, Gregoriou S, Larios G et al (2007) Etanercept
3. Anbar TS, Abdel-Rahman AT, Ahmad HM (2007) Vitiligo in the treatment of vitiligo. Dermatology 215:8485
occurring at site of interferon-alpha 2b injection in a patient 17. Simon J-A, Burgos-Vargas R (2008) Vitiligo improvement
with chronic viral hepatitis C: a case report. Clin Exp in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis treated with inflixi-
Dermatol 33:503 mas. Dermatol 216: 234235
4. Bernstein D, Reddy KR, Jeffers L, Schiff E (1995) Canities 18. Simsek H, Savas C, Akkiz H, Telatar H (1996) Interferon-
and vitiligo complicating interferon therapy for hepatitis C. induced vitiligo in a patient with chronic viral hepatitis C
Am J Gastroenterol 90:11761177 infection. Dermatology 193:6566
5. Birol A, Kisa U, Kurtipek GS et al (2006) Increased tumor 19. Skurkovich B, Skurkovich S (2003) Anti-interferon-gamma
necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin 1 alpha antibodies in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Curr
(IL1-alpha) levels in the lesional skin of patients with non- Opin Mol Ther 5:5257
segmental vitiligo. Int J Dermatol 45:992993 20. Skurkovich SV, Klinova EG, Eremkina EI, Levina NV
6. Cara CJ, Pena AS, Sans M et al (2004) Reviewing the mech- (1974) Immunosuppressive effect of an anti-interferon
anism of action of thiopurine drugs: towards a new paradig serum. Nature 247:551552
in clinical practice. Med Sci Monit 10:247254 21. Skurkovich S, Skurkovich B, Bellanti JA (1987) A unifying
7. Fernandez-Obregon AC (2008) Clinical management with model of the immunoregulatory role of the interferon sys-
efalizumab of a patient with psoriasis and comorbid vitiligo. tem: can interferon produce disease in humans? Clin
J Drugs Dermatol 7:679681 Immunol Immunopathol 43:362373
8. Gokhale BB (1979) Cyclophosphamide and vitiligo. Int J 22. Skurkovich S, Korotky NG, Shaova NM, Skurkovich B
Dermatol 18:92 (2002) Successful anti-IFN therapy of alopecia, vitiligo, and
9. Gokhale BB, Parakh AP (1983) Cyclophosphamide in viti- psoriasis. Clin Immunol 103:S103
ligo. Indian J Dermatol 28:710 23. Skurkovich S, Skurkuvich B (2006) Inhibition of IFN-g as a
10. Grimes PE, Morris R, Avaniss-Aghajani E et al (2004) method of treatment of various autoimmune diseases, includ-
Topical tacrolimus therapy for vitiligo: therapeutic responses ing skin disease. In: Numerof R, Dinarello CA, Asadullah K
and skin messenger RNA expression of proinflammatory (eds) Cytokines as potential therapeutic targets for inflam-
cytokines. J Am Acad Dermatol 51:5261 matory skin diseases. Ernst Schering Research Foundation
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on new and emerging options for the treatment of vitiligo. 24. Smith DI, Heffernan MP (2008) Vitiligo after the resolution
Skin Therapy Lett 13:16 of psoriatic plaques during treatment with adalimumab.
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repigmentation in vitiligo patients. J Dermatolog Treat 17: Repigmentation of vitiligo during efalizumab. J Am Acad
151153 Dermatol 59:S57S58
Empirical, Traditional, and Alternative
Treatments 3.6
Mauro Picardo and Alain Taeb
repigmentation in 95% of the patients (n = 41) treated the melagenin in pediatric vitiligo patients. Sixty-two
with Xiaobai mixture, versus 79% of control group out of the 366 treated subjects, ranging from 4 to 15
(n = 33) treated with 10 mg 8-MOP definire. The years old were followed up for 1 year. Depigmentation
mixture was an aqueous extract of walnut, red flower, involved more than 70% of the body. The authors
black sesame, black beans, zhi bei fu ping, lu lu tong, reported that the treatment with melagenin proved to be
and plums (1 mL contains 0.1 g of raw medication), effective in 83% of vitiligo patients [10]. Currently, the
which was administered (160 mL) every day for three placenta extract is used in Cuba, even if the protocol
months [9]. lacks external validation. The possible mechanism of
The main problem associated with these studies was action of the extract has been reported to be associated
the poor description and characterization of the com- with the presence of melanocyte growth factors in pla-
pounds used, as well as the trials methods (group size, centa, including endothelin and sphingolipids [9, 12].
several arms, allocation of patients and outcome mea-
sure). Moreover, the rationale for a biochemical or
molecular impact in vitiligo is clearly lacking within this
empirical class of therapies. Overall, the evidence that 3.6.5 Aspirn
traditional Chinese herbal medicines are effective in the
treatment of vitiligo is inadequate, and none of the treat- The possible therapeutic use of acetylsalicylic acid
ment published have been replicated and confirmed. (aspirin), based on its antioxidative and anti-lipoper-
oxidative effect asociated with immune-modulator
activities, has been advocated by Zailaie in Saudi
3.6.3 Plant-Derived Extracts Arabia [17-20]. A clinical study evaluated the ability
of the daily intake of 300 mg of aspirin for 12 weeks to
block the spreading of the lesions, as well as to induce
Some trials investigated the possible therapeutic activity
repigmentation. The trial included 32 vitiligo patients:
of different plant extracts. Two trials utilized the photo-
in all the enrolled subjects, the progression of the dis-
sensitizing effect of the derivative of the plant Picorrhiza
ease was arrested, and in 2 out of 32, a significant
kurroa, a khellin extract, and their effectiveness was
repigmentation was reported. The mechanism of action
assayed after oral intake in conjunction with UVA or
has been referred to the inhibition of leukotriene syn-
UVB phototherapy. The treatments varied for 312
thesis, and the induction of catalase/glutathione per-
months and were characterized by a small number (n = 32)
oxidase activities [3]. Moreover, a reduction of the
of patients [1]. A high rate of dropout was mentioned.
soluble IL-2 receptor (sIL2R) concentration, as well as
Only 35% of patients obtained a repigmentation of more
of the serum IL-1b, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-a levels and
than 50% [2, 17]. One study investigated the effective-
antimelanocytes antibodies has been reported to be
ness of the topical application of the extract of Cucumis
associated with the treatment. In addition, low dose of
melo [5], the orange melon, in combination with UVB,
aspirin appears to increase the proliferative capacity of
and no differences toward the placebo cream were
the melanocytes and to counteract the lipoperoxidative
detected. One study evaluated the effect of oral adminis-
process in vitro, whereas higher doses increased these
tration of Ginko Biloba itself and two Polypodium leuco-
phenomena. However, the main defect of these data
tomos in combination with photo or photochemiotherapy
results from the lack of external and further validation
(Chap. 3.3.2 and Part 3.4) with the aim to increase the
for both in vivo and in vitro results, and the limited
antioxidant activities of the skin (Chap. 2.2.6).
number of patients evaluated [172].
3.6.4 Melagenin
3.6.6 Statins
The extract of the human placenta, named melagenin,
has been reported to stimulate in vitr the proliferation of Based on a case report and some in vitro studies,the
melanocytes and the synthesis of melanin. A pilot trial possible therapeutic role of the statins has been sug-
evaluated the effectiveness of the topical application of gested for the treatment of the vitiligo.
3.6 Empirical, Traditional, and Alternative Treatments 389
Statins are inhibitors of the hydroxy-3 methyl-3 NB-UVB phototherapy (4 months) evaluated in a left-
glutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase), right comparative study demonstrated that laser abla-
the rate-limiting enzyme of the cholesterol synthesis tion and 5FU application improved the efficacy of
pathway. The reported case describes a woman treated phototherapy [1]. A trial, where 50 adult subjects with
with statins for several months for her lipid abnormali- non segmental vitiligo were enrolled, has been carried
ties. The clinical effectiveness has been related to the out. All patients exhibited symmetrical lesions. One
immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity of side was treated with ER:YAG laser ablation, followed
this family of compounds through the inhibition of by 5FU application before simultaneous NB-UVB
TNF-a, IL-6, IL-8 release, and of the LFA1 and ICAM1 therapy of both sides for a maximum period of 4
expression. Moreover, statins are also able to in vitro months. The overall response to therapy was better
inhibit the expression of MHC class II molecules con- using the combination therapy. The authors reported
tributing thus to the immune suppression. A different for fifty patients (78%) a moderate-marked repigmen-
possible mechanism of action has been related to the tation response when the combinatory protocol was
interference with the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/ applied compared with 23% in the mono-therapy one.
Akt signal transduction pathway [12, 13]. The response was reported to be significantly higher,
except for foot lesions, which were better but not statis-
tically significant. As regards to the possible side
effects, tolerable pain during ablation or at sites of 5FU
3.6.7 Dermabrasion combined with
application was reported in all cases. Transient hyper-
5-Fluorouracil pigmentation occurred in 30% of cases and 3% of
lesions healed by a transient slate blue color. Half of
Skin ablation with mechanical superficial dermabra- the treated periungual lesions showed a temporary tiny
sion combined with topical application of 5% 5-fluo- brownish spot on nail plates and Kebnerization was
rouracil (5FU) was introduced in 1983. Only patients not detected in any patient [1].
with stable disease and limited extension of the mani-
festations can be treated because of the risk of Koebner
phenomenon or hyperpigmentation induced by the
treatment. Overall, microdermabrasion studies have 3.6.8 Others
been overall conducted in small groups of patients.
Protocols, units, and settings were not homogeneous. Sporadic clinical and in vitro evaluations have been
The mechanism of action is mainly based on the com- performed in order to select possible drugs which
bination of epidermal removal and induction of irrita- would be able to interfere with the physiological intra-
tion mediated by 5FU, which through the production of cellular signal transduction pathways, affecting the
inflammatory cytokines and prostaglandins stimulate melanocyte proliferation/migration/differentiation.
melanocyte migration and proliferation. A 5-fluorouracil Among these compounds, the secreted phospholipase
dressing is applied for 7 days following dermabrasion A2, component of the bee venom has been considered
and repigmention can be achieved in the following 6 [7]. When tested in vitro, bee venom was able to pro-
months. Thirty patients were treated by Sethi et al [15]. mote melanocyte proliferation, dendriticity, and
After dermabrasion, a soframycin tulle dressing, a topi- migration; the tyrosinase activity was also positively
cal 5% 5-fluorouracil dressing, and a topical placentrex affected. The molecular mechanism has been sup-
gel dressing were put on three different lesions for each posed to be mediated by the activation of intracellular
patient. The authors described higher efficacy (73%) signal transduction mechanisms, and in particular, of
for the combinatory treatment dermabrasion plus 5-flu- protein kinase A (PKA), ERK, and PI3K/Akt. The
orouracil. Dermabrasion alone and dermabrasion com- water extract (0.1 mg/mL) of the Piper nigrum, and its
bined with placentrex gel were reported to show similar alkaloid piperine, has been demonstrated to promote
efficacy [15]. The replacing of mechanical dermabra- in vitro proliferative activity, probably mediated by
sion by erbium-YAG laser ablation has been proposed activation of PKC, on melanocytes. Clinical observa-
and better results have been reported at least in periun- tions confirmed the in vitro data [8]. The occasional
gual lesions. Moreover the combination with short term report of PGE2-induced hyperpigmentation suggested
390 M. Picardo and A. Taeb
its possible utilization for the topical treatment of the trial indicates that the topical application of a gel con-
vitiligo lesions. In vitro PGE2 have been reported to taining PGE2 gives rise to repigmentation, mainly on
induce the expression of mRNA for bFGF, and the the face, after six months of therapy. Segmental and
oxidative stress-mediated GSH depletion may focal vitiligo have been reported to be characterized
decrease PGE2 level in vitiligo epidermis. A recent by the highest percentage of repigmentation [4].
a b
c d
Once all these variables have been evaluated, the deci- have shown that patients with extensive generalized
sion for the most suitable method can be made. vitiligo and also those suffering from associated auto-
Treatment of leucoderma with transplantation of immune hypothyroidism have a worse outcome com-
autologous melanocytes can be implemented in all pared to patients with more limited disease and those
types of vitiligo and piebaldism. Surgical methods are free from hypothyroidism [27]. In the group of patients
the treatment of choice in piebaldism, focal, and seg- with progressive vitiligo, it was more likely that some
mental vitiligo, and such methods can also be used to or all of the repigmentation obtained was lost during
treat depigmentation after burns and chemical injuries. the follow-up period.
Selecting appropriate candidates among patients with It is accordingly important that the condition is sta-
generalized vitiligo (vitiligo vulgaris) is most difficult. ble before surgery. In a stable condition, neither
Generalized vitiligo is progressive in most cases, and development of new lesions, nor enlargement of old
untreated lesions usually increase in size and number lesions, nor Kbner phenomenon are identified for a
during the patients lifetime. If not in stable condition, certain period of time. There is no consensus definition
autoimmune components and/or other unknown fac- of stability based on clinical grounds in nonsegmental
tors decrease the chance for melanocyte be survival vitiligo. I would recommend a minimum of one year
and attachment. total stability. Furthermore, no reliable test can be used
Patients should be counseled so they have realistic to predict disease activity, future progress, or outcome
expectations about the outcome of the procedure. of melanocyte transplantation treatment in patients
They should be informed that expecting a 100% cos- with generalized vitiligo. Minigrafts have been used
metically perfect result is unrealistic, even if the prior to more extensive treatments as an approach to
whole procedure is faultless. A small area may remain predict stability. However, vitiligo can be active in one
depigmented after the procedure, or a repigmented skin area, and inactive or even in regression in another
area may have a color slightly darker or lighter than one at the same time. The outcome of transplantation
the surrounding skin. Careful evaluation and experi- can be successful in one area and unsuccessful in
ence will help predicting the outcome in individual another one in the same individual at the very same
patients. occasion. The disease can be stable for some time and
Different techniques exist based on technical equip- then activated again in unpredicted cycles and length of
ment, ways of collecting or processing the tissue/cells the periods. Therefore, it is difficult to predict how long
from the donor site, preparing the recipient site, and the disease will be stable, and similarly it is difficult to
fixating the cells or tissue in place for a sufficient time. envisage when it will start to become unstable. Thus, it
Some of the most used methods are reviewed on the can be difficult to draw conclusions from the test spot.
basis of their advantages and limitations in different Until we have a validated blood test to analyze viti-
anatomical sites. A more in-depth discussion of all ligo-specific markers/predictors of the activity of the
technical variants and applications of surgery in viti- disease, we are still dependent on a careful anamnesis.
ligo can be found in a recent book [12]. The final judgment will remain subjective, but based on
long-term experience and logical applications of our
clinical knowledge and progression pattern of the dis-
ease, some level of prediction is possible. But we have to Selection of Patients keep in mind that many patients are willing to try almost
anything, and might also believe that surgical treatment
In piebaldism and stable types of vitiligo (such as seg- can stop the progression of the disease and correct the
mental unilateral vitiligo and focal vitiligo), the out- underlying causative factors. Sometimes, when patients
come of the transplantation treatments is usually know our selection criteria, their strong desire to undergo
excellent; in some cases, transplantation may indeed a transplantation treatment can lead them to adjust their
be the only effective treatment. But in the group of history, which in turn, could bias our decision. We must
patients with generalized vitiligo, we know that an therefore carefully explain how important it is to make
appropriate selection of patients is mandatory to the right treatment selection. We must also explain that
achieve a good success rate. A careful history-taking is we merely treat symptoms in the affected areas of the
mandatory to make a decision. Long-term follow-ups skin, and not the underlying disease.
3.7.1 Background and Techniques 397
The surgical techniques can be grouped in techniques Fig. The Zimmer air dermatome with the high-pressure
utilizing harvested tissue directly, without any process- hose. Make sure you use medical grade air from a tube or hospi-
ing, or techniques based on processing the donor tis- tal outlet
sue/cells before use. The most frequently used and
scientifically proven methods are listed here, along Minigrafting. Small punch biopsies (minigrafts) are
with brief explanations and comments. Some of the harvested with a punch biopsy needle of 2 mm or
more advanced techniques are explained later in greater smaller. The grafts are transferred to the recipient
detail. site and planted into perforations done with the
same biopsy needle and secured in place with an
adhesive tape and pressure bandage. Smaller mini-
grafts give less risk of cobblestone side effect at the
Methods Based on Direct Transplantation recipient site or scarring at the donor site. Easy and
of Unprocessed Tissue inexpensive method [3, 7].
Ultra-thin grafting. An air-driven high speed der-
Suction blisters. Fluid-filled blisters are induced matome is used to harvest ultra-thin shaves. The
with the help of a suction machine connected to suc- machine used is very precise and renders possible a
tion cups on the donor skin. The roof of the blister minimally thin harvest of a donor tissue. The result
top is cut loose with the help of a small curved-eye is in the hand of the surgeon, and if the equipment is
scissors, slipped onto a saline moistened microscope used properly, scarring at the donor site is very rare.
slide to ensure that the thin tissue sheet will stay Medium advanced method [16, 25] Fig
unfolded, and correctly oriented and then trans-
ferred to the prepared bed at the recipient site. The
induction depth of the blisters is at the dermoepi-
Methods Based on Transplantation
dermal junction, and there is no risk of scaring at the
donor site. This a relatively easy and inexpensive of Processed Cells or Tissue
method [11, 13, 17, 18, 29, 31].
Cultured epithelial sheets carrying melanocytes.
Split thickness grafts (Thiersch grafts.) A method This is a technique similar to that used at advanced
utilizing a special knife or dermatome to harvest a burn clinics to cover large areas of burn-injured
dermoepidermal tissue biopsy to be directly trans- skin [4, 8, 10, 19]. A shave-biopsy is taken from a
ferred and fixed on the prepared wound bed at the normally pigmented location. The epidermis is
recipient site. Too thick biopsy may results in a removed from the dermis with the help of the
stuck on appearance and persistent hyperpigmenta- enzymes dispase or trypsin. The basal layer cells
tion. The risk of scaring at the donor site is surgeon- are detached and put in culture. Enough melano-
dependent based on the depth of the shave. This is a cytes should survive in the keratinocyte culture to
relatively easy and inexpensive method [1, 2]. be able to repigment the recipient site. Preseeding
398 M. J. Olsson
of the culture flasks with feeder-layers of 3T3-mouse matrix). These advanced method require minimal
fibroblasts or precoating of the culture flasks with cell-culture facilities and trained personnel.
collagen or fibronectin enhance cell attachment and
Melanocytes and keratinocytes cultured and deliv-
growth potential. For a more defined and safe sys-
ered on defined membranes Attempt to make one of
tem, culture systems free from serum and feeder-
the advanced methods fully defined, reproducible,
layers [19] or defined systems with a coating of
more user-friendly and efficient in the hands of the
plasma-polymers to enhance the growth of both
clinicians [5, 6]. A specialized laboratory performs
keratinocytes and melanocytes [5, 6] are recom-
all the technical steps until the delivery to the bed-
mended. These advanced methods require cell-cul-
side. To achieve optimal growth and transfer condi-
ture facilities and trained personnel.
tions, cells have been seeded on chemically defined
Cultured melanocyte suspension. Technique utiliz- substrates (produced by plasma polymerization of
ing cell-culture expansion of melanocytes from a carboxylic acid, acrylic acid, allylamine, or a mix-
shave-biopsy [2224]. The method gives a high ture of these monomers) either as mono- or co-cul-
yield of melanocytes from a relatively small donor tures and using media combinations [5]. The ability
site. The exchange rate between the donor and of keratinocytes and melanocytes to be transferred
recipient site is high, and large areas of skin can be from cell carriers under different media conditions
treated in one session; alternatively, the treatment to an in vitro human wound bed model has been
can be divided into several smaller sessions and in tested. The number of melanocytes transferred,
that case the melanocytes need to be cryo-preserved their location within the neoepidermis, and their
[28]. The possibility to cryo-store the cells makes it ability to pigment were evaluated as preclinical end
possible to plan and schedule the treatment, when it points. A highly efficient and reproducible transfer
is most suitable for all parties, and to ship cells on of physiologically relevant numbers of melanocytes
dry-ice to be used at another hospital. It is possible capable of pigmentation from the coculture of mel-
to establish 100% pure melanocyte cultures, but anocytes and keratinocytes was obtained using M2
that is not the main purpose for the use in transplan- medium, and a silicone carrier pretreated with 20%
tation treatments. Some accompanying keratino- carboxylic acid deposited by plasma polymeriza-
cytes and fibroblasts do not disturb the outcome of tion [6]. Very advanced method requiring cell-cul-
the treatment. This method allows to control the ture facilities and special trained personnel, which
exact number of melanocytes applied per square needs a further industrial step to reach the clinic.
millimeter. These advanced methods require cell-
culture facilities and trained personnel.
Basal cell-layer suspension. Technique utilizing Preparation
melanocytes and keratinocytes from a shave-biopsy, of the Recipient Area
which has several steps in common with the methods
described earlier (Cultured epithelial sheets carrying
There are a variety of methods for preparing a wound
melanocytes and Cultured melanocyte suspension),
bed at the recipient site:
but instead of expanding basal cells in culture, the
cell suspension is used immediately for transplanta- Suction blisters
tion [9, 26]. It is important to wash the cells and con- Friction blisters
centrate them in a centrifugation step to achieve the Heat separation
right (small) volume and viscosity [26]. Without Chemically induced blisters, e.g., NaOH
centrifugation steps, there is a risk of too high seed- PUVA induced blisters [18]
ing volume, allowing transplant cells to leak out of Liquid nitrogen induced blisters [7, 9, 14, 31]
the recipient area. Methods trying to bind a larger Ultrasonic abrasion [32]
volume of excess liquid with the help of hyaluronic Dermatome shaves [2]
acid, serum, collagen, etc. carry the risk for limiting Flip-top [20]
cell attachment to the recipient surface (i.e., the cells Laser ablation [10, 13, 16, 17, 29, 33]
may remain in suspension in the viscous solution/ Dermabrasion [1, 4, 11, 23, 25]
3.7.1 Background and Techniques 399
Some of these methods utilize the creation of a blister A Guide to Advanced Methods
are not always practical to use. It usually takes a consid- for Vitiligo Surgery
erable time to create a blister and most often, due to the
delay of outcome, it is difficult to know beforehand if a
sufficient blister will be induced or not. Further vitiligo The three methods described hereafter are the most
lesions can have any kind of shape and location and it is efficient in terms of the capacity to cover large areas in
not easy to follow the borders with a blister formation. one session and to produce an even repigmentation.
In practical terms, dermabrasion and laser ablation
are today the most effective, quickest, and most con-
trollable means of removing the epidermis. The draw- Basal Cell-Layer Suspension
back with dermabrasion and laser ablation is that it and Cultured Melanocyte Suspension
creates an aerosol (airborne small fragments of epider-
mal cells and blood particles or smoke). A face visor, The donor cells are derived from a superficial shave
face mask class FFP2 is needed for the operator. For biopsy, taken from a hidden area such as the buttocks.
laser surgery, a suction fan with a particle filter is man-
datory (Fig.
In future, we can expect the development of chemical Donor Tissue
removal of epidermis (i.e., quick and effective peelings)
as well as faster and more easy to maneuver devices for A normally pigmented area of about 2 4 cm2 (or
ultrasonic and heat de-epidermization. somewhat larger if the cells are going to be used
directly and not expanded in culture) is marked, surgi-
cally cleansed and anaesthetized with a solution con-
taining equal amounts of 10 mg/mL lidocaine and
Tribonat (bicarbonate solution from Fresenius Kabi,
Uppsala, Sweden). The bicarbonate solution neutral-
izes the pH, and makes the injection less painful. A
long thin needle is inserted from outside the marked
donor area to avoid bleeding at the site from needle
stick, and then parallel to the skin surface thrust into
the marked area. Avoid the use of adrenaline due to the
risk of a buckled area with embossed lesions. Press the
area with a sterile gauze-pad to facilitate the diffusion.
An even surface makes it easier to harvest a very thin
and coherent sheet.
A shallow shave biopsy is taken with a Goulian skin
graft knife (Edward Weck & Company, Inc, Research
Triangle Park, NC) (Fig. The Goulian knife
Fig. Usage of gears protecting eyes and airways such as Fig. A dermatome such as the Goulian Weck knife,
face mask class FFP2 and face visor is important when a deepi- equipped with a 006 blade shield, can be used to harvest shallow
thelialisation method that spreads airborne particles is used shave biopsies
400 M. J. Olsson
so that the cells do not stick to the sides or ceiling of incubation starting from the tenth day in culture with
the flask. This is to ensure a maximum exchange rate. 45 mg/mL geniticin (G418) is needed to selectively get
A 75 cm2 flask should have a total of about 15 mL rid of the fibroblasts.
medium and a 150 cm2 flask should contain about After 2 weeks, the number of cells cultured from
30 mL of culture medium. one biopsy varies from 10 106 to 50 106 depending
Cells to be used for direct transplantation without on the size of the biopsy and the age of the donor. At
preceding culture expansion should be washed and this stage the cells are ready for transplantation.
centrifuged a second time in 8 mL medium. The cell- When the cells in the flasks are confluent, they are
pellet is then dissolved in a very small volume (a total harvested immediately before the transplantation. The
of 200600 mL), depending on the size of the area to culture medium is removed from the flask and about
be treated, and then ready to be seeded on the recipient 5 mL of 37C trypsin/EDTA solution is added to each
area. 150 cm2 flask. The flask is tilted back and forth a few
times to ensure that the solution comes in contact with
all cells and then incubated in 37C for about 2 min.
Culturing of Melanocytes After the incubation the flask is tapped on the side with
the palm of the hand, while holding the flask with the
The cells should be microscopically controlled every other hand. This gives the flask a jerking acceleration
day to ensure that the cells are morphologically look- sideways, releasing the cells from the plastic surface.
ing healthy, and that there are no signs of infection Transfer the free cells quickly to a 15 mL test tube con-
(Fig. The medium in the culture-flasks should taining 4 mL 15C trypsin inhibitor with the help of a
be changed every third day. When the culture becomes pipette. The remaining cells in the flask are washed with
confluent, the cells are detached with trypsin and sub- additional 5 mL 15C trypsin inhibitor and transferred
cultured. For therapeutic purposes, there is no need to to the same test tube. A gentle spin of 170 g for 6 min
eliminate a possible incorporation of some fibroblasts will settle the cells down into a pellet. The supernatant
and keratinocytes, as they may support the melano- is discarded, and the cells are resuspended in 6 mL
cytes and, theoretically also may enhance the healing room-tempered s-MEM medium without any additives.
process in the treated area. When a 100% pure melano- Resuspension/wash is done twice if cells are to be used
cyte culture is needed for a research purpose, the level for transplantation and only once if the cells are to be
of Ca2+ may be elevated to 1.6 mM for 2 days to dif- seeded into new flasks for subculture. At resuspension
ferentiate and eliminate keratinocytes and a 3 days the cells are only centrifuged for 5 min at 170 g, the
supernatant is discarded, and the cells to be used for
transplantation are resuspended in a very small volume
of s-MEM (about 0.20.4 mL), to be used for immedi-
ate transplantation. The small volume of s-MEM resus-
pended cell-pellet is kept in the test tube for direct
application onto the skin with the help of a pipette.
a b
Fig. Light and uniform capillary bleeding should be seen directly after the dermabrasion. The abraded surface is then kept
a few minutes under saline moistened compresses before the cells are seeded. This is to ensure that the bleeding has stopped
The Tegaderm covering the donor site is also During the first year it is not uncommon to see a slight
removed on the same day as the removal of the dress- hyper- or hypopigmentation. But the color gradually
ing. Usually the skin heals nicely at both the recipient matches with that of the surrounding skin and after a year
and donor sites and a careful flush with sterile saline it most often blends well with the surrounding skin.
solution and light padding with dry gauze compresses Sometimes, a 12 mm depigmented halo persists
is usually sufficient. This is followed by an application around the transplanted area. This is seen more often
of a layer of pure vaseline with a spatula. On skin in patients with generalized vitiligo than in those with
exposed to friction or trauma, such as elbows, hands, piebaldism or segmental vitiligo. Generally, this halo
and feet, the area is after the application of vaseline is repigmented with repeated sun-exposures.
covered with a gauze compress, which is secured in The outcome can be predicted early, but the final
place with a Micropore tape to be worn for another result will usually first be seen about 1.5 years after the
two days. The patient is advised to apply a thin layer of surgery (Fig.
vaseline once a day for seven days after the removal of
the dressing. This is to minimize the frictional trauma
and desiccation to the still fragile surface. A layer of
vaseline is also applied to the donor area. Ultra-Thin Grafting
The patients are advised to expose themselves to
midday sunlight for a few minutes 2 times a week for Treatment of leucoderma with ultra-thin epidermal
about 2 month, commencing at 1 week after the removal sheets can be implemented in all types of vitiligo and
of the bandage. piebaldism. Ultra-thin epidermal sheet transplantation
is quick, effective and appropriate in flat, large, coher-
ent areas that are free from stretching or can be immo-
Follow-Up Evaluation bilized for some time. Areas such as those over the
joints, eyelids, and the corners of ones mouth are more
About 58 months after transplantation, an overall difficult to treat with epidermal sheets than with cells
follow-up evaluation is advised. free in a suspension. Areas in the face should be avoided
During the first few weeks, the transplanted area is due to the increased risk of hyperpigmentation [27].
erythematous, but pigmentation can be seen as early as Lesions in hairy locations should also be avoided due
23 weeks posttransplantation using Woods light or to the simple reason that the growing hair will elevate
diascopy. the sheet and reduce the chance of a graft uptake.
404 M. J. Olsson
3.7.1 Background and Techniques 405
The borders of the chosen recipient areas are marked Normally, pigmented gluteal or thigh skin is shaved and
with a pen (use Woods-light on fair skin). A transpar- sterilized with alcohol. An area of the size of the recipi-
ent film (overhead-projector plastic sheets) is put over ent patch(es) is marked with a sterile surgical marking
the marked areas and the markings are transferred to pen. The marked area is anesthetized as mentioned ear-
the film. The film is copied in a copy machine (Xeroxed) lier. The skin is stretched hard by an assistant and a very
and the outlined areas on the paper are cut out and shallow sheet of skin is taken with a high speed
weighed on an electronic balance. The total area is cal- Zimmer-air driven ultra-dermatome (Zimmer Inc.
culated. This is an important maneuver that will ensure Warsaw, IN). Depending on the anatomical area to be
that excessive donor tissue is not harvested or exces- harvested, the nature of the skin and the total graft size
sive recipient area is not denuded. needed, the machine is fitted with a special shield plate,
controlling the width of the sheet. The machine is deliv-
ered in a special autoclavable metal box, including a set
Premedication of four different bottom plates with width gaps from 1
to 4 in. The level control is set at a shallow marking. In
A still and calm patient is important for success of the principle, it is possible to harvest thinnest possible
procedure. Therefore, we usually recommend 510 mg grafts, but in practice, a coherent melanocyte containing
of diazepam and/or 10 mg of ketobemidone, orally, sheet, strong enough to be transferred to and fastened
6080 min before transplantation, plus 5001,000 mg onto the recipient area, is needed. This is craftsmanship,
of paracetamol 4050 min before the surgery. Heracillin and machines and operators have their own small indi-
(Flukoloxacillin), or other preferable antibiotic, is vidual peculiarities and nature, and therefore, the user
given for eight days, starting on the day of surgery. has to set right his/her own individual settings, depend-
Always ask for a history of known allergic reaction ing on personal angle approach (about 25), forward
against penicillin and ask to avoid any medicine con- speed, and downward pressure. The harvested sheet is
taining salicylates (e.g., Aspirin) for 10 days before immediately moistened with s-MEM, that is, Jokliks
surgery and 1 week after the surgery. modified MEM (GIBCO BRL, Life Technology), so as
not to dry out before it is grafted to the recipient site.
The donor area is covered for 89 days as men-
Anesthesia of Recipient Site tioned earlier.
In all cases, the patient should stay at least for 4 h in An estimation of the total extension of the white areas
a hospital bed after the procedure has been completed, (treated and not treated) is also important to document.
if possible longer. Immobilization improves the This is important for planning of future sessions in
chances for a good outcome. Hands should be splinted, patients with extensive areas and for scientific evalua-
and if legs or feet are treated, the patient should be tion of outcome, when comparing the results in exten-
transported in a wheelchair to the car for home trans- sive versus nonextensive generalized vitiligo [27]. Files
portation. The bandages are removed after 89 days. with anamneses and treatment charts are kept in the hos-
pitals central records.
Follow-Up Inspection
Rafael Falabella
done so far. A slight degree of hyperpigmentation may grafting [15, 24, 22], epidermal suspensions [19, 30],
be expected in a small percentage of patients, but in vitro cultured epidermis with melanocytes [29, 37],
improvement far exceeds this minor side effect [18]. or melanocyte suspensions [5], excellent cosmetic
results without scarring are achieved, since the surgi-
cal trauma is minimal and the healing process occurs Melanocyte Transplantation faster.
Is Mainly Successful In addition, when dermoepidermal grafts performed
in Stable Vitiligo with very thin epidermal sheets [25] and minigrafts are
harvested and implanted with a very small punch
When selecting patients with depigmentation for mel- (1.01.2 mm), dermal disturbance is also minimal, and
anocyte transplantation, one of the important issues is repigmentation outcomes are very acceptable [14].
to define the stability of the depigmented area to be
treated. There are two clinical situations in which mel-
anocyte transplantation is successful: (a) segmental PUVA, NB-UVB, or Sunlight
(unilateral) vitiligo [7] and (b) vitiligo vulgaris (bilat- Exposure Enhance
eral) of long duration, where stability is achieved after
Repigmentation Rates
a prolonged course of the disease. But in such a case,
vitiligo stability should be carefully evaluated [12, 17].
A minigrafting test with 45 minigrafts of 1.01.2 mm After healing, the grafted area slowly recovers, and
implanted within the area to be treated may yield impor- repigmentation occurs several weeks after surgery,
tant information about vitiligo stability (Fig. although color matching is a more slow process, which
gradually improves during several months. Several
publications indicate that with either PUVA, or With Less Invasive Methods, NB-UVB, or plain sunlight exposure starting 23
Better Results Are Achieved weeks after healing, repigmentation will be faster, with
homogeneous spreading, and pigmentation will be sim-
ilar to normal surrounding skin [34, 26]. Depigmented
From different techniques, those methods in which the
spaces between grafts repigment more easily when light
epidermis is only manipulated without harming the
therapy is used.
dermis with invasive procedures, as in epidermal
a b
Fig. (a) Segmental vitiligo. Repigmentation by medical where a depigmented spot of about 1 cm can be observed (lesion
therapy. Same patient of (b, c) disclosing the affected neck area within circle); an extensive area of the right side of his neck was
which became irregularly repigmented after treatment with topi- also involved (see (a) ). (c) Segmental vitiligo after surgical
cal corticosteroid therapy during 2 years. (b) Segmental vitiligo treatment The lesion was completely repigmented after treat-
before surgical treatment. This 15-year-old boy has had segmen- ment with 5 minigrafts of 1.0 mm and complete repigmentation
tal vitiligo affecting a small area of the right ear, next to opening was achieved as observed 12 months later (repigmented area
of the external auditory canal in a difficult location for grafting, within circle)
412 R. Falabella
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12. Falabella R, Arrunategui A, Barona MI et al (1995) The mini- 28. Lntz W, Olsson MJ, Moellmann G (1994) Pigment cell
grafting test for vitiligo: detection of stable lesions for mel- transplantation for treatment of vitiligo: a progress report.
anocyte transplantation. J Am Acad Dermatol 32:228232 J Am Acad Dermatol 30:591597
13. Falabella R, Barona M, Escobar C et al (1995) Surgical com- 29. Mulekar SV (2005) Long-term follow-up study of 142
bination therapy for vitiligo and piebaldism. Dermatol Surg patients with vitiligo vulgaris treated by autologous, non-
21:852857 cultured melanocyte-keratinocyte cell transplantation. Int
14. Falabella R (1997) Surgical therapies for vitiligo Clin J Dermatol 44:841845
Dermatol 15:927939 30. Olsson MJ, Juhlin L (2002) Long-term follow-up of leucod-
15. Falabella R (2001) Surgical therapies for vitiligo and other erma patients treated with transplants of autologous cultured
leukodermas, part 1: minigrafting and suction epidermal melanocytes, ultrathin epidermal sheets and basal cell layer
grafting. Dermatol Ther 14:714 suspension. Br J Dermatol 147:893904
16. Falabella R (2003) Surgical treatment of vitiligo: why, when 31. Olsson MJ, Juhlin L (1995) Transplantation of melanocytes
and how. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 17:518520 in vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 132:587591
17. Falabella R (2004) The minigrafting test for vitiligo: Validation 32. Pianigiani E, Andreassi A, Andreassi L (2005) Autografts
of a predicting tool. J Am Acad Dermatol 51: 672673 and cultured epidermis in the treatment of vitiligo. Clin
18. Falabella R (2005) Surgical approaches for stable vitiligo. Dermatol 23:424429
Dermatol Surg 31:12771284 33. Skouge J, Morison WL (1995) Vitiligo treatment with a
19. Gauthier Y, Surleve-Bazeille JE (1992) Autologous grafting combination of PUVA therapy and epidermal autografts.
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of depigmented lesions. J Am Acad Dermatol 26: 191194 34. Toriyama K, Kamei Y, Kazeto T et al (2004) Combination of
20. Guerra L, Primavera G, Raskovic D et al (2003) Erbium:YAG short-pulsed CO2 laser resurfacing and cultured epidermal
laser and cultured epidermis in the surgical therapy of stable sheet autografting in the treatment of vitiligo: a preliminary
vitiligo. Arch Dermatol 139:13031310 report. Ann Plast Surg 53:178180
Combined Therapies for Vitiligo
Thierry Passeron and Jean-Paul Ortonne
22, 37, 39, 46]. Most of the authors add phototherapy the combination of punch grafting with topical steroids
several weeks after the surgical procedures (usually 3 (fluocinolone acetonide 0.1%) has been shown to be as
or 4 weeks after) and use standard phototherapy pro- effective as punch grafting followed by PUVA [4].
tocols for vitiligo treatment. The interest of combin- More recently, an open series and a case report have
ing phototherapy and surgical procedures has been suggested that low doses of oral steroids might be ben-
proven in a prospective, randomized, double-blind eficial in addition to surgical procedures [24, 29]. This
study that clearly showed that autologous transplanted needs to be confirmed in a controlled trial.
epidermal-cell suspensions followed by narrow-band
UVB (NB-UVB) or PUVA was clearly superior to
phototherapy alone for repigmenting vitiligo [46].
Combination of NB-UVB with surgical therapies 3.8.4 Combination of Phototherapy
has been less studied, while it is a fact that this enhances and Topical Steroids
repigmentation [21, 33, 44]. No direct comparison
between NB-UVB and PUVA, as a synergic agent for
The combined use of UVA with topical steroids has
surgical therapies, is available yet. A series of five
been studied by the Westerhof group [45]. In a prospec-
patients who failed to repigment after the combination
tive, randomized, controlled, leftright comparison
of grafting plus PUVA has been reported to finally
study, it was shown that the combination of UVA and
repigment when the surgical procedure was combined
fluticasone propionate was much more effective than
with NB-UVB [20]. Although interesting, this report
UVA or topical steroid alone.
is not sufficient to prove the superiority of NB-UVB in
To the best of our knowledge, the combination of
this indication, and further studies are required.
UVB therapy with topical steroids has not been still
evaluated, although some series have studied the asso-
ciation of UVB and other synergistic drugs. In our expe-
rience, adjunction of Class 3 topical steroids with
3.8.3 Combination of Surgical Therapies
308 nm excimer laser increases its efficiency for treating
and Corticosteroids vitiligo (Fig. 3.8.1). Association of daily application of
topical steroid increases the speed and the rate of repig-
Although most combined approaches using surgical mentation [14]. This is particularly helpful in difficult to
therapies have been performed with phototherapy, top- treat areas such as bone prominences. Indeed, prospec-
ical and systemic steroids have also been evaluated. In tive studies are certainly lacking, but the combination of
a prospective study performed on 50 vitiligo patients, topical steroids and UVB sources (NB-UVB and 308 nm
a b
Fig. 3.8.1 (a) Vitiligo patches of the face. (b) Clinical aspect after 12 weeks of twice weekly 308 nm excimer laser combined with
daily application desonide 0.05% cream.
3.8 Combined Therapies for Vitiligo 419
excimer lasers or lamps) should provide a useful thera- [8]. The use of calcipotriol with sun or PUVA therapy
peutic approach for difficult to treat areas. has provided some interesting rates of repigmentation.
However, the efficacy of this combination is not clearly
established [4, 29, 30]. Combination of calcipotriol
and UVB also provides controversial data. About half
3.8.5 Combination of Phototherapy and the studies show more potency of UVB when com-
Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors (TCI) bined with calcipotriol or other topical Vitamin D ana-
logs, whereas the other half reports no enhancing effect
TCI, such as tacrolimus and pimecrolimus have shown on repigmentation [1, 2, 11, 17, 19, 24, 26].
some interesting results in the treatment of vitiligo, but Calcipotriol treatment associated with 308 nm exci-
the best results were achieved in sun-exposed area, mer laser was also recently evaluated in a short pro-
especially on the face [13, 25, 38, 40, 42]. Treatment spective study [12]. Results show that the adjunction
with such drugs in monotherapy for other areas pro- of topical calcipotriol does not increase the efficacy of
vided disappointing results [29]. Two studies evaluated the 308 nm excimer laser. Thus, if vitamin D analogs
if the combination of 308 nm excimer laser and topical increase the pigmentation induced by UVB, their
tacrolimus could be synergistic. They have compared effects appear to be at best very limited.
the efficiency of 308 nm excimer combined with tac-
rolimus ointment to 308 nm excimer laser monotherapy
[31] or associated with placebo ointment [18]. In both
cases, a total of 24 sessions were evaluated and tacroli- 3.8.7 Combination of Phototherapy
mus ointment was applied twice a day. The results and Antioxidants
were similar and showed a greater efficiency with the
combined treatment as compared to laser alone. Oxidative stress has been shown to be involved in the
Tolerance was good and side effects were limited to pathogenesis of vitiligo. Pseudocatalase has the ability
constant erythema, sticking due to ointment, and rare to remove hydrogen peroxide and so could be interest-
bullous lesions. These encouraging results are corrobo- ing in the treatment of vitiligo. The combination of
rated by two other reports associating UVB light and topical pseudocatalase with UVB has shown very
topical tacrolimus [6, 41]. More recently, a large retro- promising results in a pilot non-RCT study (complete
spective study reported the synergistic effect of the repigmentation on the face and the dorsum of the hands
combination of topical tacrolimus with NB-UVB [10]. in 90% of patients) [35]. Unfortunately, these results
However, the increased risk of skin cancers promoted were not confirmed in another study [33].
by the association of two immunosuppressive treat- More recently, oral antioxidant supplementation
ments remains to be taken into consideration. Caution was reported to increase the effectiveness of UVB
is thus necessary before embarking on long-term pro- phototherapy in a prospective double-blind placebo-
tocols, and registries of treated patients should be controlled study [8]. Although this study concerned a
implemented. relatively small number of patients with only 80% hav-
ing completed the entire treatment, the results are cer-
tainly encouraging. This potential interest of oral
antioxidants was also supported by a recent prospec-
3.8.6 Combination of Phototherapy
tive double-blind series that study the combination of
and Topical Vitamin D Polypodium leucotomos extract with NB-UVB [27].
Better repigmentation was observed with combination
The occurrence of repigmentation of vitiligo in patients of Polypodium leucotomos extract and UV, but the dif-
treated with calcipotriol (a Vitamin D3 analog) for ference was slight and only observed in a subgroup of
psoriasis has suggested that it might be efficacious in patients. Thus, larger studies are surely required to
treating vitiligo. It appears now quite clear that calci- confirm the interest of oral antioxidants combined with
potriol in monotherapy is useless for treating vitiligo phototherapy.
420 T. Passeron and J.-P. Ortonne
26. Lu-yan T, Wen-wen F, Lei-hong X et al (2006) Topical tacal- 35. Shenoi SD, Srinivas CR, Pai S (1997) Treatment of stable
citol and 308-nm monochromatic excimer light: a synergis- vitiligo with autologous epidermal grafting and PUVA.
tic combination for the treatment of vitiligo. Photodermatol J Am Acad Dermatol 36:802803
Photoimmunol Photomed 22:310314 36. Skouge JW, Morison WL, Diwan RV et al (1992)
27. Middelkamp-Hup MA, Bos JD, Rius-Diaz F et al (2007) Autografting and PUVA. A combination therapy for vitiligo.
Treatment of vitiligo vulgaris with narrow-band UVB and J Dermatol Surg Oncol 18:357360
oral Polypodium leucotomos extract: a randomized double- 37. Skouge J, Morison WL (1995) Vitiligo treatment with a
blind placebo-controlled study. J Eur Acad Dermatol combination of PUVA therapy and epidermal autografts.
Venereol 21:942950 Arch Dermatol 131:12571258
28. Mulekar SV (2006) Stable vitiligo treated by a combination 38. Smith DA, Tofte SJ, Hanifin JM (2002) Repigmentation of
of low-dose oral pulse betamethasone and autologous, non- vitiligo with topical tacrolimus. Dermatology 205:301303
cultured melanocyte-keratinocyte cell transplantation. 39. Suga Y, Butt KI, Takimoto R et al (1996) Successful treat-
Dermatol Surg 32:536541 ment of vitiligo with PUVA-pigmented autologous epider-
29. Ostovari N, Passeron T, Lacour JP et al (2006) Lack of effi- mal grafting. Int J Dermatol 35:518522
cacy of tacrolimus in the treatment of vitiligo in the absence 40. Tanghetti EA (2003) Tacrolimus ointment 0.1% produces
of UV-B exposure. Arch Dermatol 142:252253 repigmentation in patients with vitiligo: results of a prospec-
30. Parsad D, Saini R, Verna R (1998) Combination of PUVAsol tive patient series. Cutis 71:158162
and topical calcipotriol in vitiligo. Dermatology 197: 41. Tanghetti EA, Gillis PR (2003) Clinical evaluation of B
167170 Clear and Protopic treatment for vitiligo. Lasers Surg Med
31. Passeron T, Ostovari N, Zakaria W et al (2004) Topical tac- 32(S15):37
rolimus and the 308-nm excimer laser: a synergistic combi- 42. Travis LB, Weinberg JM, Silverberg NB (2003) Successful
nation for the treatment of vitiligo. Arch Dermatol 140: treatment of vitiligo with 0.1% tacrolimus ointment. Arch
10651069 Dermatol 139:571574
32. Patel DC, Evans AV, Hawk JL (2002) Topical pseudocata- 43. Tsukamoto K, Osada A, Kitamura R et al (2002) Approaches
lase mousse and narrowband UVB phototherapy is not effec- to repigmentation of vitiligo skin: new treatment with ultra-
tive for vitiligo: an open, single-centre study. Clin Exp sonic abrasion, seed-grafting and psoralen plus ultraviolet A
Dermatol 27:641644 therapy. Pigment Cell Res 15:331334
33. Pianigiani E, Risulo M, Andreassi A et al (2005) 44. Van Geel N, Ongenae K, De Mil M et al (2004) Double-
Autologous epidermal cultures and narrow-band ultravio- blind placebo-controlled study of autologous transplanted
let B in the surgical treatment of vitiligo. Dermatol Surg epidermal cell suspensions for repigmenting vitiligo. Arch
31:155159 Dermatol 140:12031208
34. Schallreuter KU, Wood JM, Lemke KR et al (1995) 45. Westerhof W, Nieuweboer-Krobotova L, Mulder PG, et al
Treatment of vitiligo with a topical application of pseudo- (1999) Left-right comparison study of the combination of
catalase and calcium in combination with short-term UVB fluticasone propionate and UV-A vs. either fluticasone propi-
exposure: a case study on 33 patients. Dermatology 190: onate or UV-A alone for the long-term treatment of vitiligo.
223229 Arch Dermatol 135:10611066
Thomas Jouary and Alida DePase
Standard and experimental vitiligo treatment options obtained by the skilled use of corrective cosmetics,
are demanding from the psychological point of view, and such as self-tanners, stains, dyes, whitening lotions,
may be disappointing for both patient and dermatologist. tinted cover creams, compact, liquid and stick founda-
Moreover, repigmentation is often partial, and relapses tions, fixing powders, fixing sprays, cleansers, semi-
may occur after stopping treatment. The treatment of permanent and permanent tattoos, and dyes for facial
hand and face lesions is particularly difficult, because of and head-white hair.
Koebnerisation (Sect. Segmental vitiligo of the It is only recently that camouflage has been recog-
face starts frequently in childhood. At this age, melano- nised as being equally worthy of consideration as a
cyte cell grafts are rarely considered for ethical reasons medical intervention, when there are no other satis-
and because some repigmentation may appear spontane- factory options to really help the patient and when
ously in the future. In all these situations, when classical the disease is recalcitrant to all standard and alterna-
medical treatments fail or cannot be considered, efficient tive therapies (Fig. 3.9.2). Camouflage consultations
camouflage techniques should be proposed to the patient have been developed in some dermatology depart-
(Fig. 3.9.1). ments. The aim of these consultations is to educate
patients about camouflage (Table 3.9.1 details the
application method of commonly used products).
These multidisciplinary consultations, composed of
3.9.3 Camouage as a Medical camouflage trained nurses, dermatologists, and cam-
Intervention? ouflage specialised persons, have had a favourable
impact on patients. Camouflage therapy or education
Dermatologists as a rule do not know much about means also to enable patients to apply the cosmetics
camouflage; in the past, they have been dismissive of themselves. It is worthwhile when the patient can
what they considered merely make-up. They are unin- master the correct procedure with the products cho-
formed about the wide range of available camouflage sen and the various techniques of application. Patients
products and the different techniques of application. should also be informed on where and how to obtain
They are equally unaware of the benefits that can be the camouflage products that suit their individual
Candidates for vitiligo camouflage are patients of
a both genders, and of all ethnic origins and ages. As
with all patients, it is important for the camouflage
practitioner to learn about their prior history, current
medical situation, emotional state, and attitude towards
camouflage. The patients ability and desire to perform
the various camouflage techniques should be discussed
and the patient should be asked whether he/she has
experienced allergic reactions to cosmetics in general
in the past. It is important to discuss with the patient
his or her lifestyle to choose products (self-tanners,
cover creams, etc.) suitable for his/her case.
a b
c d
Fig. 3.9.2 (ad) Camouflaging of facial vitiligo in two dark skinned patients
past behind. This consisted of an ochre-coloured paste of slavery. In the chapter Cutis et faciei vitiis propel-
made of clay and helped to cover the mark made on lendis of his Liber Medicinalis, Quinto Sereno
their forehead with a hot iron, the ignominious stigma Sammonico, a doctor in the Second Century ac,
426 T. Jouary and A. DePase
proposes a remedy to eliminate freckles: Invida si to a colour guide, give a tanned colour instantly. These
maculat faciem lentigo decoram nec prodesse valent products are popular among those who cannot or do not
naturae dona benignae, erucam atque acidum laticem like sun exposure, and can be considered camouflage
simul inline mali Saepiolae cineres ex ossibus omnia products as they disguise depigmentation successfully.
levant (If the horrible ephelids spoil the skin, spoil- Marketed for about 40 years, self-tanners were not suc-
ing its natural beauty, spread a lotion made of vinegar cessful at first because they provided a yellowish and
and rocket on the skin). Until the early twentieth cen- uneven colour, while today the latest formulas give
tury, make-up in general was used only by the rich, excellent aesthetic results. Unfortunately, they are not
theatre actors, or prostitutes. It was only in the twenti- suitable for coloured people, and the best results are in
eth century, with the birth of the film industry, that Caucasians of Phototypes IIII.
camouflage and make-up in general became a must for The active ingredient is DHA, a sugar that reacts
film stars. Products resistant to the effect of stage light- with the proteins of the stratum corneum, and gives a
ing were requested for actors with imperfections to tan resembling the solar UV-induced tan. This is due to
hide. After the First World War, many soldiers came the so-called Maillards reaction, after the author who
back from the front severely burnt or disfigured, and studied the chemical reaction that golden the crust of
camouflage was a necessary blessing for them. The bread in the oven. Recent studies have demonstrated
make-up and camouflage era was born, and mass pro- that DHA reacts totally and only with the first cells
duction for the general public became a reality. with which it comes into contact, and therefore it
remains on the surface of the stratum corneum, until it
is eliminated with the normal turnover of the epider-
mis. Preparations containing DHA are stable between
3.9.5 Camouage Controlled Studies pH 4 and 6. At neutral pH, brown grumes are formed
inactivating pigmentation. It has been noticed that the
Clinical research on camouflage in vitiligo is very lim- presence on the skin or in the product of little organic
ited given the practical importance of this field. A or inorganic molecules may alter the DHA colouring
Cochrane database review in 2006 did not find any capability. Traces of metals such as iron, titanium,
published trial in this field. Some authors report the zinc, or alpha-hydroxy-acids such as lactic acid can
efficacy and safety of dihydroxyacetone (DHA) in inactivate the product. So to avoid the frequent risk of
healthy volunteers and vitiligo patients. These open lack of uniformity, a good rule is not to utilise self-
and/or retrospective studies have compared different tanners after using creams with zinc or titanium or
DHA concentrations in patients of various phototypes. after washing the skin with alkaline or lactic acid-
The higher the concentration, the better the response based soaps largely present in products being defined
observed particularly in darker phototypes [9]. Only by manufacturers as at physiologic pH [1]. They can
one study demonstrated the positive impact of self- be used throughout the year, they are waterproof, and
tanning interventions on the quality of life in a cohort the fake tan developed does not stain clothes or sheets.
of vitiligo patients [8]. These studies were principally However, sea water makes them fade away quickly,
conducted with DHA-based products, which are whilst swimming pool water does not.
described in detail hereafter. No sunless tanner currently available contains ade-
quate sunscreen, so sun-shielding products as well as
moisturisers may be applied during the day, but only
after the desired colour intensity has been obtained.
3.9.6 Self-Tanning Creams, Lotions,
Before applying self-tanners, it is advisable to gently
and Sprays rub the skin with a very soft brush to eliminate dead
cells, especially on elbows, knees, and knuckles, in
Self-tanners in gel, cream, lotion, or spray give the skin order to obtain an even skin colouring. It is advisable
a brown colour that resembles a natural tan, and nor- not to apply these products during the hot hours of the
mally lasts 35 days. The tanning of the skin develops day in summer, because excessive sweat can result in
in about 324 h after the application. Instant colour uneven application and may prevent the active sub-
self-tanners, available by some manufacturers, thanks stance to develop colour properly. Only a small
3.9 Camouage 427
Table 3.9.2 DHA tanning camouflage, practical points Table 3.9.3 Tips on cover creams application technique
-the products are to be used on perfectly dry skin -The cover-cream mixture is applied with the ball of the
-on large areas, they should be developed with circular middle finger, and smoothed over the discoloured area
movements to obtain a homogeneous result, with a light-pressing motion. A flat brush can be used to
- use a very spare quantity on hands, elbows, knuckles, and feather out the outer edges of the thick, opaque cover-
knees cream solution until it is so well-blended to become
- application on eyebrows or near the forehead hairline should undetectable.
be avoided -Fixing powder: with a small cotton pad apply the translucent,
- apply sparingly to the face and neck area, because this part colorless powder to stabilize the foundation. This
of the skin takes to self tanners quite well, and especially procedure makes the application waterproof and resistant
sparingly to the forehead hairline area. If the hair is short, to smudges and friction. A few minutes for the talc to be
the product should be applied behind ears. absorbed, then the excess is dusted off.
- Application on mucosa or near the eyes should be avoided. -Fixing spray: maintains the corrective make-up for a whole
- After applying the product, avoid washing for 3 hours. No day. Vaporized at a distance of 40 cm, it creates, thanks to
swim, bath, or anything that will make sweat for one its silicon and polymers formula, an elastic film that
hour; no tight jeans, belts, shoes, and bras for one hour, if guarantees coverage.
the products have been used on the body.
- wash hands thoroughly, use a nail scrub brush to clean the
nails, but be prudent because of Koebners phenomenon if
this area is not already depigmented. The palms of the They are lightweight and easy to apply, usually free
hands, between the fingers, the knuckles have to be
of contact allergens, but dermatitis and allergic reac-
cleaned well.
tions may occur, due to fragrances and preservatives
present in some brands. The texture is denser than
traditional foundation creams used by the general
quantity of the product should be applied first, and if public, as their aim is to provide effective cover. They
the desired colouring is not achieved, it is possible to may contain up to 50% mineral oils and wax. The
intensify with additional daily applications. If too much texture, different from normal foundation products,
of the product is used, the result will be unnatural. is also due to titanium dioxide, used as a thickening
For small-sized vitiligo lesions, it is advisable to and shielding agent, offering sun protection, while
use a self-tanner in lotion (not in cream) with a q-tip. the colours are provided by iron oxides. Blended to
The lotion is spread from the centre of the lesion complement the individuals particular skin colour,
towards the outside, up to 12 mm from the lesion they can conceal disfiguring vitiligo patches of
edge. A different technique is to spread the product exposed areas. Suitable for men, women, and chil-
over the entire area, for instance hands and arms, dren, their waterproof characteristics allow shower
including the normal pigmented areas and subse- and swimming. They should be applied on the face
quently repeat over only in the white areas using a and removed every day. It is crucial to choose ones
q-tip dipped in the product. basic colour, and then the various shades that can
Most sunless tanners instructions for using the vary indefinitely, according to the different parts of
product advise to rub it well until it is absorbed, but the body, to the seasons or simply from one day to
this takes too much time for hands that are going to be another. Sometimes, it is necessary to mix more
orange. Instead, the product should be applied quickly, colours of different brands.
but thoroughly, spreading it in a circular motion to For a correct application, the skin should be cleaned.
avoid streaking. Other important points are outlined in Any previous makeup has to be gently removed. The
Table 3.9.2. patient has to learn proper makeup-removal tech-
niques, that is, gentle movements to avoid the Koebner
phenomenon. Using a sample palette of cover creams,
two or three shades can be mixed to achieve the desired
3.9.7 Cover Creams, Foundations, Sticks colour match. More than three colours will make the
procedure too complicated and expensive. An optimal
Highly pigmented creams come in compact, liquid, blend of colours should be created, and when applied,
or stick formulations and are available from several this should match the colour of the surrounding skin as
manufacturers in a wide range of natural skin colours. closely as possible (Table 3.9.3).
428 T. Jouary and A. DePase
Transfer-resistant lip colour lasting up to 12 h of wear, Some precautions should be considered when a camou-
in matte formulas, is available in many shades that flage technique is used or proposed to the patients.
duplicate the natural colour of the lips, suitable also Firstly, the patient should be taught that camouflage has
for male patients. They are an alternative to lip tattoos. to be removed smoothly avoiding intensive friction or
These very popular cosmetics are easily available in use of washcloths. This is of importance as the
almost all departmental stores and pharmacies. Koebners phenomenon is observed in areas where an
adherent camouflage needs an intense frictional wash-
ing to pull it off (Sect. Similarly, fixing powder
should be used cautiously and avoided whenever pos-
3.9.9 Leukotrichia sible. Smooth, liquid, and light instant colour self-tan-
ner and stains should be preferred for these reasons.
Leukotrichia can affect visible areas on the beard, Another point of importance is the risk with perma-
moustaches, eyebrows, and eyelashes. In these cases, nent camouflage. Indeed, vitiligo course is highly unpre-
it is advisable to dye the white hair in a hairdressing dictable. Even after many years, stable large patches can
salon the first time, and subsequently the dyeing can resolve spontaneously. Given these considerations, per-
be practiced at home with products formulated for manent camouflage and tattoos should be considered
these delicate areas. with particular caution. The development of a depig-
mented patch around an area previously treated with
these techniques can lead to inaesthetic results. Thus, if
performed in vitiligo, the colour of the tattoo has to be
3.9.10 Permanent and Semi-Permanent very close to the natural pigmentation of the patient,
which is very difficult. Since the colour of the tattoo is
definitive and does not follow the UV-induced tanning
changes, the contrast between tattooed skin and natural
Also referred to as micro-pigmentation, cosmetic pigmented areas may cause problems.
tattooing or dermal pigmentation, are techniques that
require an experienced technician, qualified to offer
these services. Results vary according to the skill of
3.9.12 Conclusion: Camouage
the practitioner and his experience with colours.
Cosmetic tattoo may be suitable for depigmented
as a Balm for Bruised Souls
lips, especially in black people, and for depigmented
nipples. As regards other vitiligo areas, results may Camouflage increases the patients confidence and
be very disappointing. Pigments specially formu- improves his quality of life. It is readily accepted by
lated for cosmetic application are implanted beneath women, who, unlike children and men, may already be
the epidermis into the dermal layer, by microinser- accustomed to use make-up products. But both men and
tion. Topical anaesthetics are used to minimise dis- adolescents can easily learn how to apply the products.
comfort; allergic reactions are rare; sterile needles There are many ways to conceal small or large areas
and surgical gloves are used for each procedure. of vitiligo, and the natural result increases the patients
Semi-permanent camouflage or cosmetic tattooing confidence. No more embarrassing questions or intru-
differs from traditional tattooing, where permanent sive staring, wearing a short-sleeved shirt or shorts in
skin inks and dyes are placed into the skin. It can be the summer, no hands hidden in pockets, greeting with
considered permanent if compared to normal make- a handshake without fear; this is what camouflage
up, but as it will fade with time usually it lasts from therapy can do to improve the quality of life of viti-
2 to 5 years it is actually semi-permanent. ligo patients.
3.9 Camouage 429
Further Reading
www.skin-camouflage.net < http://www.skin-camou-
1. DePase A (2000) Importanza del Camouflage in Pazienti
con Vitiligine. In: Lotti T (ed) La Vitiligine, nuovi Concetti flage.net >
e Nuove Terapie, Ed Utet http://www.redcross.org.uk/standard.asp?id = 49354
Photoprotection Issues
Alessia Pacico, Giovanni Leone, and Mauro Picardo
Table 3.10.1 Fizpatrick SPT classification vitiligo skin which is characterised by a lack of mel-
SPT I Always burns, never tans anocytes. Gniadecka et al. assessed solar simulated
SPT II Burns easily, tans minimally radiation (SSR) MED on amelanotic and adjacent nor-
SPT III Burns moderate, tans gradually to light brown mally pigmented skin of 14 vitiligo patients. Erythema
SPT IV Burns minimally, alias tans well to moderate brown
and melanin content were quantified using a reflectance
SPT V Rarely burns, tans profuse to dark
SPF VI Never burns, deeply pigmented
device, and SC thickness was determined from frozen
skin samples. These authors reported that the predomi-
nant protective factor in both vitiligo and pigmented
melanocytes in the epidermis and studied the effects of skin is the SC where it accounted for 57% of the total
UVB on epidermis reconstructed with and without mel- photoprotection in pigmented skin. Repeated expo-
anocytes. To address more specifically the role of mela- sures to this skin were shown to elicit a protection fac-
nin in fair-skinned individuals, experiments were done tor of 15 in the absence of melanocytes. In contrast,
with cells obtained from human skin of low-skin types selective activation of melanocytes by ultraviolet A
(IIIII). In order to study the effect of constitutive mela- (UVA) that does not induce SC thickening only gave a
nin and possibly that of newly synthesised melanin pre- protection factor of 23. Gniadecka et al. suggested
cursors, a single dose of ultraviolet B (UVB) (45 that SC accounted for over two-thirds of photoprotec-
MED) was administered to reconstructs and the effects tion observed in normal skin and hence was far more
were then monitored over the first 24 h. The results significant in this role than induced tanning [10]. The
clearly showed that low phototype melanocytes protect significance of SC in photoprotection may be greater in
epidermal basal cells against UVB-induced apoptosis fair-skinned individuals than in pigmented individuals,
as well as necrosis, and may thus preserve epidermis especially in vitiligo skin, where the SC may represent
integrity after UVB irradiation. On the other hand, such the only source of protection. However, studies per-
melanocytes do not seem to have a protective role formed by Sheehan et al. did not support a significant
against DNA damage and consequently may not pre- photoprotective role for SC thickening [27]. The dif-
vent skin cancer [4]. ferent results obtained by Gniadecka and Sheehan
In a recent study by Yamaguchi et al., DNA damage may be due to several variables. It is known in fact that
and apoptosis in different skin types before and after UVR sensitivity vary between body sites on the same
UV exposure have been reviewed. Their results, along person.
with other published reports, indicate that UV-induced Kaidbey et al. investigating epidermal UVR trans-
DNA damage is more effectively prevented in darker- mission in black skin (Skin Type VI) as well as
skin types. This study also demonstrated that rates of Caucasian skin (Skin Types IIII), found that in Skin
repair of DNA damage may differ greatly among differ- Types I, II, and III the SC is the main site of UVR
ent individuals and that UV-induced apoptosis is sig- screening, absorbing over 50% of the incident radia-
nificantly greater in darker skin. These results suggest tion. However, samples were taken from previously
that UV-damaged cells are more efficiently removed in sun-exposed sites (abdominal skin) [14]. Kaidbey and
darker skin [29]. Klingman also reported in an earlier study that mel-
In patients with vitiligo, it is generally assumed that anogenesis (without appreciable thickening of the SC)
lesional skin of SPT IVI would be very sensitive to induced by repeated UVA exposure afforded a protec-
UV radiation owing to the fact that pigment is absent in tion factor of 23 [15].
such lesions, but it has been recently established that
there are several mechanisms that contribute to modu-
late UV sensitivity in vitiliginous skin. Depigmented 3.10.2 Photoadaptation of Vitiliginous
area of vitiligo patients does not contain pigment, and Skin to UV Irradiation
thus protection against UV is afforded by the SC and
the rest of epidermis. It might thus be suspected that
hyperkeratosis and epidermal hyperplasia would A recent retrospective study showed that most patients
develop in vitiligo exposed to UV to compensate for with vitiligo treated with narrow band UVB (NB-UVB)
the lack of pigment. The importance of hyperplasia in phototherapy did not develop phototoxicity in their
photoprotection was validated in studies looking at skin despite increasing doses of UV radiation [13].
3.10 Photoprotection Issues 433
Thus, these patients developed photoadaptation, a fre- cannot be due to melanin, but this protection must be
quently observed phenomenon. Photoadaptation has based on other mechanisms. We know that epidermis
been described in different SPT, and it is probably due thickness increases after UV irradiation. In the study
to both pigmentary and non-pigmentary influences. performed by CaronSchreinmachers et al. however,
Several studies have indicated that factors involved in patients skin had not been exposed to UV for at least
photoadaptation include hyperkeratosis, acanthosis, three months, and tests were carried out in regions that
melanogenesis as well as an unknown factor that may had not been exposed to sun so skin thickening could
be due to DNA repair or an immune-related process. not be responsible for the observed differences. One
Photoadaptation was described by Oh et al. as a num- mechanism that possibly accounts for the SPT-related
ber of changes occurred that are adaptive, in the sense differences is the antioxidant status of the skin. It has
that they result in a diminished future response to been already well-established that antioxidants provide
equivalent doses of radiation [21]. One of the methods photoprotection. Bessou-Touya et al. have shown that
to measure photoadaptation is MED phototesting. melanocytes of Caucasian subjects which have a higher
In phototherapy protocols, vitiliginous skin has been content of unsaturated fatty acids in their cell mem-
always classified as Fitzpatricks SPT I or II because of brane, are more prone to the peroxidative effects of UV
the lack of pigment. CaronSchreinmachers et al. have light and that keratinocytes participate in photoprotec-
recently showed that by elicitation of the MED on areas tion via phototype-dependent antioxidant enzyme
of vitiliginous skin, UVR sensitivity varied with total activities [1]. Picardo et al. demonstrated that there are
body skin type even in skin without pigment. Unlike significant differences in antioxidant status in normal
earlier studies in which we only had information about skin between people with high (IIIV) and low (III)
the relation between MED and SPT from normal skin SPT [24]. Possibly, the same differences in antioxidant
of different SPT, in this study, it has been proved that status between the different SPT exist in vitiligo skin as
there is a linear relationship between the SPT of non- well.
affected skin of vitiligo patient and the sensitivity to Overall, the studies performed indicate that photo-
NB-UVB irradiation of lesional skin (Fig. 3.10.1) [5]. adaptation occurs following UVR exposure also in
Since melanocytes are absent or scarcely present in depigmented areas of vitiligo subjects and that the nor-
lesional vitiligo skin, this difference in photosensitivity mally pigmented skin phototype should be taken in
account when a photoprotection strategy (or photo-
therapy) is recommended.
responsible have not been clearly identified. There are 3.10.4 Practical Photoprotection
several indications that UVA might have an important
role in the pathogenesis of melanoma [30]. However, All patients with vitiligo, but particularly those with
this involvement has recently been questioned, since fair skin, should have a photoprotective counselling
only UVB could induce melanoma in a transgenic adapted to their phototype, environmental exposure
mouse model [7]. risk, and therapy plan. Indeed, repigmentation needs
The action spectrum for UV-induced tanning and ery- UV stimulation and an exceedingly high photoprotec-
thema are almost identical. Indirect evidence suggests tion could be counterproductive. However, for photo-
that UVA has a greater role in long-term sun damage protection in sunny and more risky areas such as
than it does in acute effects such as sunburn or Vitamin tropical climates, avoidance of peak sunny hours and
D synthesis, which are overwhelmingly attributable to clothing are the major steps. It is thus most important
UVB [16, 20]. to explain to the patient the importance of wearing sun-
Considering that patients with vitiligo have patches protective clothing (such as wide brimmed hats) to
lacking pigment and that a group of patients develop help prevent tanning and sunburns. Sunblockers come
the disease during childhood, it would be expected that as second in line. Sunscreen that provides protection
these subjects with the involvement of the head, neck, from both UVA and UVB should be used. Besides
and hands, which are sites at constant risk of sun dam- helping to protect the skin from sunburn and resulting
age, should develop an increased risk for NMSC [3]. A koebnerisation, long-term damage of susceptible
review of the literature indicates even a lower risk of depigmented areas, sunscreens also minimises tanning,
NMSC. The rarity of NMSC in vitligo was noted ear- which makes the contrast between normal and depig-
lier in a study by Calanchini-Postizzi and Frank on 23 mented skin less noticeable [12]. A waterproof, broad-
patients who had a mean duration of vitiligo of 15.1 spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at
years. These investigators found only 3 actinic kerato- least 15, should be used on all exposed skin, pigmented
sis in light-exposed vitiligo patches in those 23 patients. and depigmented. Particular attention should be given
In addition, the number of sunburn cells commonly to the formulation of the sunscreen to allow easy
considered as the morphological sign of UV damage to spreading (and removal if needed) without risk of skin
keratinocytes, was found significantly lower compared trauma.
to healthy controls [21]. Schallreuter et al. more Sunscreen act by one of the two mechanisms, either
recently hypothesised that the low incidence for actinic by absorbing UV rays or by blocking or/and scattering
damage, basal and squamous cell carcinomas as docu- these rays. Chemical sunscreens function by absorbing
mented in vitiligo could be due to a protective function UVB and/or UVA. Nowadays, protection against both
of up-regulated wild type p53 induced by the constant UVA and UVB is very common and as a result, sun-
H2O2 stress existing in all the epidermis of vitiligo screens often contain a mixture of light absorbing
patients [25, 26]. chemicals. Sunscreens efficacy in absorbing UVB is
The association between vitligo and melanoma is measured by the sun-protective factor (SPF). The UVB
interesting because both diseases affect melanocytes absorbers have been commonly used worldwide for
and that immunological mechanisms play a part in decades, whereas most UVA and broadband absorbers
both conditions. Different clinical studies report the have been developed in recent years. Since a sunscreen
connection between malignant melanoma and vitiligo, has to protect against the entire UV spectrum, different
and also several authors suggest that the appearance of filters have to be combined in the same product (Table
depigmentation during the course of malignant mela- 3.10.2). The cinnamates (2-ethyl p-methoxycinnamate)
noma or its treatment with interferon can be consid- are by far the most popular UVB absorbers in both
ered a good prognostic sign [2, 11, 19]. United States ofAmerica and Europe and they are used
Thus a series of arguments indicate that either the in combination with other UVB absorbers to achieve a
chronic adaptation to UV stress via increased antioxi- high SPF. The second most popular filters during the
dant responses or reinforced disease-driven immunosur- recent past are camphor derivatives. Salycilates and
veillance against melanocyte antigens may naturally para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and its derivatives are
protect vitiligo patients. However, large-scale epidemio- among the oldest commercially available UVB filters
logical studies are needed to clarify this important issue. and they are still used worldwide. The increasing need
3.10 Photoprotection Issues 435
Table 3.10.2 Sunscreen agents permitted as active ingredients in the European Committee (EU), USA and Australia (AUS)
UVB FILTERS Synonims, abbreviations, trade names PERMITTED IN
PABA derivatives
4-Aminobenzoic acid PABA EC, USA, AUS
Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate Octyl methoxycinnamate, Eusolex 2292, Parsol EC, USA, AUS
2-Ethylhexyl salicylate Octyl salycilate, octisalate, Escalol 587 EC, USA, AUS
Benzylydene camphor sulfonic acid Mexoryl SD-20, Unisol S22 EC, USA, AUS
UVA FILTERS Synonims, abbreviations, trade names PERMITTED IN
2,2-Methylene-bis-6-(2H-benzotriazol-2yl)-4- Tinosorb M EC, AUS
Phenol,2(2H-benzotriazol-2yl)-4-methyl-6[2- Mexoryl XL EC, AUS
Terephthalylidene dicamphor sulfonic acid Mexoryl SX EC, AUS
(1,3,5)-Triazine-2,4-bis((4-(2-ethyl-hexyloxy)-2- Tinosorb S EC, AUS
for broadband agents and improved photostability has cosmetically, it also helps to scatter the UV rays mak-
led to the introduction of a new generation of filters, ing the formulation more effective.
including methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethylbu- It is recommended that the sunscreen be reapplied
tylphenol (Tinosorb M) and bis-ethylhexyloxyphenol approximately every 90 min. In patients with darker-
methoxyphenol triazine (Tinosorb S), both manufac- skin types (>III), we usually recommend the use of
tured by CIBA Specialty (Basel, Switzerland), as well two different sunscreens: the one on the vitiliginous
as terephthalylidene dicamphor sulfonic acid (Mexoryl lesions with SPF around 15 and another one with SPF
SX) and drometrizol trisiloxane (Mexoryl XL), pro- 50+ on surrounding healthy skin, if possible with a
duced by LOreal (Clichy, France). The mexoryls and high UVA protection factor. We find this strategy par-
tinosorbs are not licensed in the United States of ticularly useful in minimising the contrast between
America and Japan [22]. healthy and vitiliginous skin and nevertheless allowing
Physical sunscreens act by blocking or scattering part of the UV spectrum to stimulate pigmentation on
UV rays. Micronised formulations of zinc oxide and affected skin. New long lasting sun blockers (Daylong
titanium dioxide are gaining in popularity. Mixtures of actinica, Spirig) may limit difficult to follow reapplica-
these minerals, along with chemical sunscreens, have tion schemes.
led to a marked reduction in the transmission of both
UVB and UVA. In particular, the use of broad-spec- Summary Messages
trum sunscreens alone limiting tan contrast may be an
effective therapy in vitiligo patients with Skin Type I Using Fitzpatricks grading system for photo-
or II. Many of these agents are also used in cosmetic type, the physician can estimate the relative
products such as eye shadow, foundation, and pow- risk of developing acute and chronic changes
ders. Zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, talc, kaolin, and related to UV exposure.
calamine are examples of physical agents. In the past,
formulations containing these agents were often
Stratum corneum protects against UV mainly
because of reflection of radiation, absorption
opaque, and as a result, patients found them cosmeti-
of the radiant energy and internal scattering.
cally unacceptable. More recently, brown colours,
such as iron oxide, were added as ingredients; not only Melanin is a potent UV absorber and a protec-
tive factor against UV radiation.
does this make the physical sunscreen more appealing
436 A. Pacico et al.
27. Sheehan JM, Potten CS, Young AR (1998) Tanning in 29. Yamaguchi Y, Beer JZ, Hearing VJ (2008) Melanin mediated
human skin types II and III offers modest photoprotection apoptosis of epidermal cells damaged by ultraviolet radia-
against erythema. Photochem Photobiol 68:588592 tion: factors influencing the incidence of skin cancer. Arch
28. Taylor ChR, Stern RS, Leyden JJ, Gilchrest BA (1990) Dermatol Res 300:s43s50
Photoaging/photodamage and photoprotection. J Am Acad 30. Wang SQ, Setlow R, Berwick M et al (2001) Ultraviolet A
Dermatol 22:115 and melanoma: a review. J Am Acad Dermatol 44:837846
Depigmenting Agents
Mauro Picardo and Maria Lucia DellAnna
interfering with RNA and DNA synthesis. HQ has been woman with vitiligo, giving rise to a speedy progres-
identified as the main depigmenting agent, whereas sive depigmentation. The inhibition of c-Kit/SCF has
among the several phenolic derivatives, the monobenzyl been suggested to be responsible for the depigmenting
ether of hydroquinone (MBEH) appeared as the more effect (Chap. 1.2.1).
handful one (Fig. 3.11.1).
3.11.4 Protocol
be discontinued. When the desired degree of depig- vitro promote or inhibit melanogenesis on the basis of
mentation is obtained, monobenzone should be applied the experimental condition and cell type. In guinea pig
as often as needed to maintain depigmentation (usu- model, it has been demonstrated to potentiate the
ally only two times weekly) [4]. depigmenting effect of the monobenzone. The depig-
mentation obtained by 0.025% retinoic acid plus 10%
monobenzone was omogeneous, corresponding to the
complete disappearance of epidermal melanocytes.
3.11.5 Side Effects Initially, the activity of retinoic acid was attributed to
the promotion of keratinocye turnover, leading to the
Among the possible adverse effects, mild, transient skin accelerated melanin loss. As alternative mechanism of
irritation and sensitization, including erythematous and action for retinoic acid, the impairment of the glutathi-
eczematous reactions, have occurred following topical one-dependent defense has been suggested. However,
application of monobenzone. Although these reactions considering the skin irritation and exfoliation induced
are usually transient, the treatment should be discontin- by retinoic acid, other retinoic derivative may be used
ued if irritation, burning sensation, or dermatitis occurs. with more successful results [2].
Sometimes ocular side effects have been reported.
Areas of normal skin distant to the site of monobenzone
application frequently have become depigmented.
3.11.7 Physical Approaches
However, earlier unformulated harm to the building minimal aesthetic complaints. In case of darker com-
of self-image may remain undetected. As indicated plexion, ambulatory elderly patients seek advice as
before, early intervention, whatever the type of viti- younger adults, and should be treated accordingly
ligo in the child, is preferable to limit disease exten- (Chap.1.3.13). Phototherapies should be limited in
sion. However, the benefits/risks of the treatment case of chronic actinic damage or prior exposure to
should be weighted cautiously, in terms of time immunosuppressive drugs, which may be the case if
needed to apply topicals or more importantly, in case vitiligo accompanies a multiple autoimmune
of deciding for phototherapy. The chronic use of cal- syndrome.
cineurin inhibitors is debated in children, but there is
little evidence of induction of local/systemic immu-
nosuppression, especially in a disorder such as viti-
ligo which is not associated with increased skin Gender Issues
The decision to start a phototherapy is based on
Women in vitiligo clinics outnumber men. The ques-
medical grounds, when other especially topical options
tion of camouflage is usually more central in the coun-
are unrealistic, and when the child is able to stand
selling. An expert view on the subject is needed
alone in the cabin. The duration of the sessions is usu-
because the best solutions need an accurate assessment
ally not a problem, but the distance and time to treat-
of the individual situation of the patient (Part 3.9).
ment station can be very limiting. For counselling
Camouflage workshops are organised at specialised
issues, the importance of the Koebners phenomenon
should be clinically evaluated with respect to the
activities of the child. In case of detection of a relevant
trauma-prone activity, the decision for cessation
should be taken in accordance with the child if age
permits, at least for a few months to assess repigmen- 3.12.2 Particular Locations
tation. Particular attention should be given to uncon-
trolled, repeated movements and tics which can be Mucosae
avoided. Guidance through educative slides is helpful.
For segmental vitiligo, there is some clinical evidence
Vitiligo lesions involving the lips, oral, and genital
that neurogenic influences may play an aggravating
mucosa are more resistant to medical therapies, since
role. A clinical and X-ray search for a spine trauma or
no hair follicle pigment cells can be mobilised.
deformation according to segment location can be
Topical calcineurin inhibitors can be effective in lip
indicated, and may require physical therapy or ortho-
and penile vitiligo [8]. Localised-UVB devices are a
paedic measures (Y Gauthier, personal communica-
good indication in a separate or combined approach.
tion). Surgical procedures are rarely attempted in
For lips, tattooing is a possible option in dark-skinned
children. Most would need repeated general anaesthe-
individuals, but the results may deteriorate with time
sia, which is questionable if the disfigurement is lim-
[2, 3]. The surgical approach [5, 6] has been reviewed
ited. Generally, surgery is started at adolescence, when
in Part 1.3.4. Autologous minigrafting (punch graft-
appropriate. Camouflage should be discussed in chil-
ing) is one of the treatments for stable vitiligo spots
dren handicapped by disfiguring lesions, especially
that are recalcitrant to medical local therapy, which
when bullying at school is noticed, and when surgery
can be adapted to lip vitiligo. Punch grafts of 3 mm
is not yet possible. Camouflage workshops are
full thickness from a normally pigmented donor site
organised at some centres and nurses can provide
are placed in the acceptor site at 510 mm distance
information following the visit.
from each other. They are secured with absorbable
sutures. The grafting is followed by narrow-band
UVB irradiation twice a week. Post-treatment obser-
Elderly Patients vation shows repigmentation around the grafts with-
out side effects including cobblestone-like texture or
Vitiligo in light-skinned elderly patients gets fre- scarring at the acceptor site. This technique is an
quently unnoticed. Those patients usually have no or interesting treatment option for the difficult areas of
3.12 Therapy Adapted for Age, Gender, and Specic Locations 445
a b
c d
Fig. 3.12.1 Mucosal minigrafting technique (Pigment Cell Monocryl 6-0 (Ethicon, Johnson & Johnson). (a) Petri dish with
Melanoma Res. 2008;21:277) Donor site location = hip; 7 ses- 3 mm biopsies; (b) acceptor site before transplantation; (c)
sions of minigrafting plus UVB 311nm during one year. The acceptor site during treatment period; (d) acceptor site after
biopsies are done with a 3mm Stiefel punch and sutures with treatment one year later.
stable vitiligo spots of not only the lips, but also for Summary Messages
fingers, arm-pit, and scalp (Fig. 3.12.1).
Objective and perceived severity of disease is
more important than age to make a difficult
therapeutic decision
In children, the primary aim is to treat the
Hairs child, not the parents
Children: always consider lack of observance
The therapeutic approach has been discussed in Part 1.3.6 from the parents in case of failure of treatment
Children : always consider the opinion of the child
when in age of giving one (usually from 67)
Elderly patients: phototherapies should be
Hands limited in case of chronic actinic damage or
prior exposure to immunosuppressive drugs
The repigmentation of the dorsum of hands and digits Females but also males require professional
is particularly challenging, mostly because of the prev- camouflage counselling
alence of a difficult-to-prevent Koebners phenome- Particular locations: mucosal, hair and hand
non. Surgery can be proposed in stable cases [7] and involvement pose specific and particular chal-
camouflage is useful [9]. Occlusive tacrolimus dress- lenging problems and possible solutions con-
ings [4] and the combination of laser and 5-Fluorouracil sist in combining medical and surgical
[1] are new treatment options, which deserve confir- approaches, such as the sutured minigraft
mation studies. The sutured minigrafts technique can technique plus targeted phototherapy.
be used (see above).
446 A. Taeb and L. Nieuweboer-Krobotova
1 2 3
factors associated 1=demographic factors 2=objective
severity 3=personality
3.13.2 Screening Patients in Need who have used a cognitivebehaviour therapy (CBT).
of Psychological Support They indicated that it can help improving the quality
of life, self-esteem, and perceived body-image. They
also suggested that CBT may influence the progres-
Objective criteria like percentage of the body area sion of the condition itself. Even if their findings are
affected and staging score [15] are important, but not based on a very small sample of patients and if their
enough for patients assessment and follow-up. A psy- conclusions are difficult to acknowledge without res-
chologically oriented interview is essential in order to ervation, this work offers new perspectives.
evaluate the perceived impact of the skin disorder. This Dermatologists might consider adding psychosocial
perceived impact is important to tailor the manage- interventions to standard medical treatment [13].
ment to the patients needs and difficulties. A simple In addition, based on our experience, a simple psy-
visual analogue scale from 0 to 10 with the notice chological interview and a supportive attitude can also
How much does your skin disease bother you cur- be beneficial. Patients are happy to have the opportunity
rently? helps to measure coarsely, the way patients to express difficulties resulting from their disease.
feel about their disease, independent of medical find- Being understood and listened to is a part of the global
ings. A simple questionnaire of quality of life such as management of vitiligo. Sometimes, a simple discus-
the DLQI [18, 19, 20] which is very easy and rapid to sion with a professional can help the patient become
use can also be used to measure patients daily diffi- free from the complexes caused by the disease and
culties associated with their skin disorder. embarrassing comments he has to endure. Throughout
this process, patients may evolve from the status of
patients to that of near normal individuals.
During the interview, we can also evaluate the
3.13.3 Psychological Interventions patients socioprofessional context and the stigmati-
sation caused by the disorder either at work or during
Different types of psychological support and help can daily activities. Different strategies to be adopted to
be proposed. Most published articles concentrate on enjoy better social life can be proposed. Patients who
the type of psychological difficulties and the factors can benefit from a psychological follow-up can receive
that influence them, but do not mention specific inter- more attention and may just feel better because of that.
ventions. The only psychological intervention pub- The objective is that patients negative thoughts related
lished on vitiligo is that of Papadopoulos et al. [12], to the disease should be gradually replaced by other
3.13 Psychological Interventions 449
more positive thoughts based on their personality and 3. Matoo SK, Handa S, Kaur I et al (2002) Psychiatric morbid-
qualities. By doing so, patients should be able to ity in vitiligo: prevalence and correlates in India. J Eur Acad
Dermatol Venereol 16:573578
improve their self-esteem and socialisation. 4. Porter JR, Beuf AH, Lerner A, Nordlund J (1986)
Psychosocial effect of vitiligo: a comparison of vitiligo
patients with normal control subjects, with psoriasis
patients and patients with other pigmentary disorders. J Am
3.13.4 Concluding Remarks Acad Dermatol 15:220224
5. Porter JR, Beuf AH, Lerner A, Nordlund J (1979)
Psychological reaction to chronic skin disorders: a study of
Psychological support primarily has the intention to patients with vitiligo. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 1:7377
help the patients express their psychological suffer- 6. Porter JR, Beuf AH, Lerner A, Nordlund J (1990) The effect
of vitiligo in sexual relationships. J Am Acad Dermatol
ing and the negative feelings associated with the dis- 22:221222
ease. It is also aimed at helping the patients accept 7. Sampogna F, Raskovic D, Guerra L et al (2008) Identification
themselves as they are, with or without the disease. In of categories at risk for high quality of life impairment in
case of beneficial impact of the intervention, patients patients with vitiligo. Br J Dermatol 159:351359
8. Picardi A, Abeni D, Melchi CF et al (2000) Psychiatric mor-
may be able, not only to resume their activities and to bidity in dermatological outpatients:an issue to be recogn-
participate in their social life without feeling handi- ised. Br J Dermatol 143:983991
capped by their skin disorder, but also to develop 9. Kent G, AlAbadie M (1996) Psychologic effects of vitiligo:
their own personality without being restricted by dis- a critical incident analysis. J Am Acad Dermatol
ease considerations. 10. Matoo SK, Handa S, Kaur I et al (2002) Psychiatric morbid-
ity in vitiligo and psoriasis: a comparative study from India.
J Dermatol 28:424432
Summary Messages 11. Harlow B, Poyner T, Finlay AY, Dykes PJ (2000) Impaired
quality of life of adults with skin disease in primary care. Br
A low self-esteem and high levels of perceived J Dermatol 143:979982
stigma seem to be important factors for quality 12. Papadopoulos L, Bor R, Legg C (1999) Coping with the dis-
figuring effects of vitiligo: a preliminary investigation into
of life impairment in vitiligo patients the effects of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy. Br J Med
A simple visual analogue scale from 0 to 10 Psychol 72:385396
with the notice How much do your skin dis- 13. Picardi A, Abeni D (2001) Can Cognitive-Behavioural
ease bother you? help to measure coarsely Therapy help patients with vitiligo? Arch Dermatol 137:
how patients feel about their disease indepen- 14. Salzer B, Schallreuter KU (1995) Investigation of the per-
dently of medical findings sonality structure in patients with vitiligo and a possible
Management should be tailored to self per- association with catecholamine metabolism. Dermatology
ceived disease severity 190:109115
15. Taieb A, Picardo M (2007) The definition and assessment of
Cognitive-behavioural therapy might help vitiligo: a consensus report of the Vitiligo European Task
improving the quality of life, self-esteem and Force. Pigment Cell Res 20:2735
perceived body-image 16. Whitton ME, Ashcroft DM, Barrett CW, Gonzlez U (2006)
Interventions for vitiligo. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
17. Kostopoulou P, Jouary T, Quintard B et al (2009) Objective
vs subjective factors in the psychological impact of vitiligo:
the experience from a French referral centre. Br J Dermatol
References 161:128133
18. Finlay AY, Khan GK (1994) Dermatology Life Quality
Index (DLQI). A simple practical measure for routine clini-
1. Firooz A, Bouzari N, Fallah N et al (2004) What patients cal use. Clin Exp Dermatol 19:210216
with vitiligo believed about their condition. Int J Dermatol 19. Finlay AY(1997) Quality of life measurement in dermatol-
43:811814 ogy: a practical guide. Br J Dermatol 136:305314
2. Kent G, Al Abadie M (1996) Factors affecting responses on 20. Ongenae K, Van Geel N, De Schepper, Naeyaert JM (2005)
dermatology life quality index items among vitiligo suffer- Effect of vitiligo on self-reported health-related quality of
ers. Clin Exp Dermatol 21:330333 life. Br J Dermatol 152:11651172
The Patient Perspective
Maxine E. Whitton and Alida DePase
Useful Websites................................................................... 459 For adults, especially when exposed areas of the body
References ........................................................................... 459
or genitals are affected, vitiligo can be devastating and
can severely affect the quality of life. The unpredict-
able course of the disease as well as its tendency to
spread only adds to the anxiety and stress as the patient
struggles to adjust to impaired appearance and increas-
ing disfigurement and, in some cases, the possible loss
of identity [14]. Vitiligo can undermine self-confidence
and self-esteem, leading in some cases to severe
depression, and even to suicidal thoughts. It can cause
M. E. Whitton ()
Wanstead, UK a feeling of isolation and can influence many aspects
e-mail: mewhitton@googlemail.com of everyday life and social interaction (Table 3.14.1).
Children people with different skin diseases and did not just tar-
get parents, but other family members. However, the
majority of cases were eczema sufferers with only one
Around half of the people with vitiligo develop the
patient with vitiligo included in the study. Studies to
condition before the age of 20. This means that a large
ascertain how vitiligo affects families could well prove
proportion of patients are children with the prospect of
to be of value if the results lead to a method of helping
living with a chronic, incurable, lifelong disease.
families to cope. As vitiligo is such a difficult disease
Although physical symptoms are not severe, restricted
to treat, this could be an important element in the care
to susceptibility to sunburn on affected areas or itching
and support of patients and their families. Family
in some sufferers, the disease can have a devastating
impact should be taken into consideration when assess-
ing and treating patients and also in study design.
Children can be the butt of cruel teasing and bully-
ing at school, leading to withdrawal, loneliness, poor
self-esteem, lack of confidence and underachieving in
school subjects. Transition from primary to secondary 3.14.3 Role of Psychotherapy
school can be a particularly difficult time for children
when they have to adjust to a change and make new
Acceptance of the disease can vastly improve the
friends. The onset of vitiligo during adolescence can
patients quality of life. There are clearly some patients
be devastating, as this is a crucial stage in the childs
who could benefit from psychological interventions,
development in the journey towards adulthood. At this
but few psychotherapists are trained or experienced to
stage, young people want to be part of the crowd and
work with patients with chronic skin disease. Despite
belong to a group, but vitiligo makes them stand out.
the fact that many clinicians acknowledge the need to
There are anecdotal reports of some adolescents who
address the psychosocial impact of skin disease, there
avoid forming relationships or having sexual inter-
is no provision for it. Quite apart from the cost to the
course for fear of having to reveal affected genitals.
patient, unless it is accepted as a useful adjunct to con-
ventional treatment, it will continue to be talked about,
but not implemented. The lack of evidence for this
Families type of intervention is also a concern and may also
make dermatologists reluctant to suggest it. When
Parents sometimes go to great lengths and pay a lot of patients request it, not many dermatologists can rec-
money to try and cure their child. Some parents can ommend suitably qualified practitioners.
unknowingly transfer their anxieties to their child by It is an indisputable fact that emotional and psy-
relentlessly seeking a cure instead of offering support, chological distress are the main symptoms of vitiligo
understanding, and the security of love in spite of the which is probably why it has always been considered
way the child looks. Having a child with vitiligo can put merely a cosmetic problem and therefore easily dis-
a strain on the parents, on marriages, and also the fam- missed as trivial [3]. The failure of medical interven-
ily unit as a whole. In a study by Basra and Finlay [1], tions to provide a lasting improvement makes it
the majority of relatives in their sample reported that imperative that this aspect of the disease is given
having a family member with a skin condition had a more priority until a cure or more effective treatments
detrimental effect on their lives. The sample included can be found.
3.14 The Patient Perspective 453
continuous state of feeling guilty, threatened and My friends and family have played a huge role in helping
vulnerable I know that somebody with a visible skin me through this journey. I now help others to deal with
disease was refused admission to the gym where I used the condition and try to encourage them not to hide it. We
to go. have to educate others and raise awareness of vitiligo so
we can eliminate the ignorance which people have.
After joining other patients of the Vitiligo Group, I have Having vitiligo is part of my life now and many people
come to the conclusion that I live best and with least dont even see it on me as they see someone with
distress if I openly talk about my condition, explaining confidence. This is how I want others with vitiligo to feel.
clearly what it is about. In the long run, hiding myself You can lead a happy life with vitiligo and it should not
and hiding it leads to isolation and anxiety. stop us from doing anything.
One reaction was based on ignorance. And thats not a diseases in the United Kingdom. The SCC also gets
negative thing. The little girl had never seen anything like advice and support from dermatologists, pharmacists,
me before; sometimes ignorance can cause fear. But the
other little girl in the grocery store thought she knew what and other health professionals as well as sponsorship
was wrong. Because of that, she had no fear. She had from a number of pharmaceutical companies.
compassion and concern and displayed a kind heart. Both, the National Vitiligo Foundation (NVFI) and the
Vitiligo Support International (VSI) are members of the
Coalition of Skin Diseases (CSD), a voluntary coalition
of patient groups based in the United States of America.
3.14.5 Patient Support Organisations
They also work closely with the National Institute
of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
If proof were needed of the importance of emotional (NIAMS) to coordinate research in skin diseases. The
support, this can be amply supplied by the existence of VSI is also involved with The National Coalition of
Patient Support Organisations (PSOs). Most were set up Autoimmune Patient Groups (NCAPG). The NCAPG
by people with vitiligo (many of whom are volunteers) works to consolidate the voice of autoimmune disease
who want to share experiences, support each other, and patients and to promote increased education, awareness,
gather information about the disease. Organisations vary and research into all aspects of autoimmune diseases
in size and resources as well as in membership, with through a collaborative approach.
many in Europe struggling to survive. Some, unfortu-
nately, have lost the battle. The list of PSOs in Table
3.14.2 is not comprehensive but gives some idea of the
variety and achievements of patient support organisa- 3.14.7 Other Issues
tions which can be a lifeline for people with vitiligo.
3.14.6 Inter-Organisational
Current treatments are not satisfactory and often
require great commitment on the part of the patient and
may result in only partial repigmentation. Even when
In order to get more recognition for the disease and normal colour is restored, it can often be lost again in
have more influence on health policy, some organisa- the same treated areas, and the disease can spread more
tions have formed alliances with other skin groups. aggressively than before. There is no strategy for main-
Individual patient organisations may find it difficult to tenance of improvement once treatment has stopped
make a significant contribution to research, whereas an and for all these reasons some patients are unwilling to
alliance is likely to have a bigger voice and a stronger undergo therapy. Many practitioners recommend cos-
influence and raise more money for research. metic camouflage as a useful way of disguising the
In the United Kingdom, the Vitiligo Society is a white patches on the face and other exposed areas, thus
member of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Skin improving confidence.
(APPGS) whose aims include raising awareness of skin
issues in Parliament and making recommendations to
the government to improve dermatology services. Over
the years, they have produced reports on issues such as Family doctors, Misdiagnosis,
training for health professionals and the influence of Early Diagnosis, and Treatment
skin disease on patients lives. The Society provided
written evidence for these reports and representatives As with all chronic illnesses where the cause is
from the Society gave evidence in the House of unknown, the fruitless pilgrimage of the patient from
Commons and sat on some of the Expert Committees. one specialist to another can be as discouraging as the
The Vitiligo Society is also a founder member of the treatments prescribed. It is not unusual for patients at
Skin Care Campaign (SCC), an umbrella organisation their first visit to their family doctor to be given no
that represents the interests of all people with skin information and offered no treatment or advice, just
456 M. E. Whitton and A. DePase
told the oft repeated mantra think yourself lucky that of thousands of pages on the disease, treatments, and
you dont have cancer, theres nothing to be done, learn cures of every description including miracle cures from
to live with it. If and when the hoped for referral comes all over the world [4]. It is difficult to know which of
to a specialist, more disappointments often follow. these cures, if any, have any scientific basis for their
Very often, in fair-skinned individuals, the best treat- claims. In some countries without national health sys-
ment for vitiligo is no treatment at all and aggressive tems, treatment can be costly and vulnerable patients,
treatment is generally not used in children. For the desperate to find a cure, can be exploited. Many indi-
majority of patients, early diagnosis is the key to halt- viduals with vitiligo decide to try alternative and
ing the progress of the disease, and there are still some unproven therapies but what is the real cost to them, not
family doctors who misdiagnose vitiligo. There are just in terms of money but of the effect on their lives?
many anecdotal reports of patients who have been pre- Clinicians can be offhand, belittling the impact of viti-
scribed Selsun shampoo, for example, in the mistaken ligo, trivialising the condition, and sending patients
belief that they have pityriasis versicolor. Because topi- away with no hope. It is not at all surprising that in these
cal creams, including potent corticosteroids and the circumstances people will go to any lengths to find help
newer calcineurin inhibitors are not licensed for viti- and clutch at any straws that offer them hope of a cure.
ligo, general practitioners are, understandably, reluctant What patients really want is an effective treatment
to prescribe them. The result is that the patients vitiligo that is easy to use, and that which will not require many
is often very advanced by the time they get to see a time-consuming weekly trips to hospital.
dermatologist, which could make it much harder to
treat the disease. In the case of children it is even more
important to start treatment at early onset as in general Research
they appear to respond better to treatment than adults.
Although vitiligo is not a rare disease, investment in
vitiligo research is poor, partly because it is not consid-
Internet and Alternative Treatments ered a proper disease in spite of being classified as
such by the WHO (International Classification of
If we search for vitiligo on the Internet, we are inundated Diseases, ICD, L80). In addition, there is no apparent
with thousands of scientific publications and hundreds strategy to develop clinical research in this area.
458 M. E. Whitton and A. DePase
The last 10 years have seen an increase in vitiligo in the European Society for Pigment Cell Research, an
research and a better understanding of the underlying established association of scientists and researchers that
mechanisms of the disease, for example, genetic sus- has lately focused on vitiligo. The ARIV and the Vitiligo
ceptibility and the link to autoimmunity. It is also Society support the work of the Vitiligo European Task
encouraging to note that researchers around the world Force (VETF), the largest European group to work in
are beginning to share their knowledge and expertise partnership with patients and scientists on vitiligo. The
to improve their understanding of the pathogenesis of task force acknowledges the importance of patient input
vitiligo [10]. in devising the patient assessment form.
Many patient support organisations fund specific
research projects, reporting on their progress to mem-
bers and the general public via newsletters and their
Involvement of Patients and Patient
websites. The growing movement of patient involve-
Support Organisations in Research ment in health care and research means that patients are
no longer confined to being only participants in studies,
Recognising the paucity of good research and the lack but now have the opportunity to work in partnership
of effective, evidence-based treatments, all Patient with investigators and healthcare professionals to drive
Support Groups strive to support, fund, and encourage the agenda for research that is more relevant to patients
research (Fig. 3.14.1). The degree to which they can do needs. The following are some examples of this.
this is largely dependent on their resources. The Vitiligo INVOLVE is a national advisory group funded by
Society part funded the study by Gottumukkala et al., the Department of Health in the United Kingdom which
investigating auto-antibodies in vitiligo [5], and the pilot aims to promote and support active public involvement
study by Papadopoulos et al. [8]. Patient Groups around in public and social-health research. The Cochrane Skin
the world including the Associazione Italiana Ricerca Group, part of the international Cochrane Collaboration,
e Informazione per la Vitiligine (ARIV), VSI, the NVFI encourages patient involvement at all levels of develop-
in the United States of America, and the UK Vitiligo ing a systematic review, including commenting on pro-
Society, have participated in the VitGene Consortium tocols and reviews. The Cochrane Systematic Review
which includes 23 physicians and researchers from the of interventions for Vitiligo is a patient-led review,
United States of America, Columbia, Japan, Korea, which highlights the gaps in research and the lack of
Pakistan, England, France, Holland, Belgium, and Italy, robust evidence for current treatments [13]. The British
all pooling their resources to discover the genes that are Association of Dermatologists had patient representa-
involved in vitiligo. The ARIV also takes an active part tion on the vitiligo guideline committee, which has
3.15.2 Meta-Analyses
B: A body of evidence including studies rated as 2++, directly 1: Meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with
applicable to the target population, and demonstrating a high risk of bias
overall consistency of results; or extrapolated evidence 2++: High-quality systematic reviews of casecontrol or cohort
from studies rated as 1++ or 1+ studies; High-quality casecontrol or cohort studies with a
very low risk of confounding, bias, or chance and a high
probability that the relationship is causal
C: A body of evidence including studies rated as 2+, directly 2+: Well-conducted casecontrol or cohort studies with a low
applicable to the target population and demonstrating risk of confounding, bias, or chance and a moderate
overall consistency of results; or extrapolated evidence probability that the relationship is causal
from studies rated as 2++
D: Evidence level 3 or 4; or extrapolated evidence 2: Casecontrol or cohort studies with a high risk of
from studies rated as 2+ confounding, bias, or chance and a significant risk that the
relationship is not causal
4: Expert opinion
RCT randomized controlled trial
Table 3.15.2 Levels of evidence for surgical approaches UVB therapy, the authors concluded that UVB (nar-
(as used by the Indian Surgery Task Force) row-band or broad-band) therapy or oral methox-
Level Research-based Studies and results salen plus UVA was recommended for the treatment
of generalized vitiligo. However, the authors stated
A Strong High quality, homogeneous
that oral methoxsalen plus UVA was associated
B Moderate Multiple adequate studies
C Limited At least one adequate study with the highest rates of side effects and recom-
D Absent Expert panel evaluation or mended that guidelines for maximum cumulative
other information PUVA doses in vitiligo should follow those recom-
mended for psoriasis. This meta-analysis included a
systematic review of the effectiveness, safety, and
class 4 corticosteroids. For generalized vitiligo, oral applicability of autologous transplantation methods
methoxsalen plus sunlight and oral trioxsalen plus in vitiligo. Sixty-three studies were obtained, of
sunlight RCT were reviewed but no RCT was found which 16 reported on minigrafting, 13 on split-thick-
on narrow-band and broad-band UVB therapy. Oral ness, 15 on grafting epidermal blisters, 17 on graft-
methoxsalen plus UVA was associated with the high- ing of cultured melanocytes, and 2 on grafting of
est rates of side effects. On the basis of this review, noncultured epidermal suspension. However, non-
several recommendations were made concerning the controlled trials were included. Split thickness and
choice of the most effective and safest therapy. For epidermal blister grafting were recommended as the
localized vitiligo, class 3 corticosteroid was advised most effective and safest techniques. No definite
as the first-choice treatment. Although, there were at conclusions could be drawn about the effectiveness
that time still insufficient data to provide strong evi- of culturing techniques because only a small number
dence-based guidelines concerning narrow-band of patients had been studied.
3.15 Evidence-Based Medicine Perspective 463
The 2006 Cochrane Skin Group meta-analysis support existing therapies for vitiligo. However, they
found that the different design and outcome measure-
The Cochrane group assessed interventions used to
ments, lack of quality of life measures, and adverse
manage vitiligo [17]. The material for this review
effect reporting in the reported studies limited the use-
was obtained by a search of several databases (the
fulness of their findings. Another main conclusion was
Cochrane Skin Group, the Cochrane Central Register
that high-quality randomized trials using standardized
of Controlled Trials, Medline, EMBASE, AMED,
measures of repigmentation and addressing relevant
and other databases). The search ended on September
clinical outcomes, including quality of life, were
2004. Only RCTs were considered. Initially, 22 stud-
ies were identified, of which 19 with a total of
No RCT studies for depigmentation were avail-
1,350 participants were included. All studies assessed
able. Only an open retrospective study of 18 patients
outcomes as the presence of repigmentation. None
treated with monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone was
of the trials had similar enough interventions to
published. Eight of these patients achieved 100%
allow data pooling. The results are summarized as
depigmentation. Guidelines for the use of MBEH
were suggested: (a) desire of permanent depigmenta-
The use of a combination of a light source and a
tion in patient with vitiligo; (b) age over 40; (c) more
photoactive chemical (i.e., psoralens or khellin)
than 50% of the skin depigmented; and (d) willing-
administered either orally or topically was the most
ness to accept the fact that the repigmentation will
common intervention among the included trials (12
no longer be possible (this statement is not fully
RCTs). The Cochrane group search uncovered lim-
true since patients depigmented by MBEH can
ited to moderate evidence to various types and regi-
mens of phototherapy (UVA and UVB) used alone or
One study reported that the combination treatment
in combination with psoralens, calcipotriol, folic
topical 4-methoxyphenol + Q-switched ruby laser can
acid and vitamin B12, oral l-phenylalanine, and top-
be useful for depigmentation. Cryotherapy has also
ical pseudocatalase. Topical khellin combined with
been demonstrated to achieve complete and permanent
UVA is commonly used, but there was a lack of avail-
able evidence of benefit. There was also limited evi-
dence of the benefit of topical immunosuppressants
and topical calcipotriol, used in conjunction with
ultraviolet. Several studies with topical steroids 3.15.3 Lim and Hexsels Algorithm
showed a good evidence of efficacy. Results of indi-
vidual studies showed that clobetasol propionate was An editorial published in 2007 summarized the pres-
better than PUVAsol, bethametasone valerate was ent status of vitiligo treatments and proposed a treat-
better than placebo; there was no difference between ment algorithm (Fig. 3.15.1). This review focused
tacrolimus and clobetasol propionate, and flucasone primarily on the more recent studies (n = 15) with a
propionate was better when used in combination high level of evidence. The main statement in this
with UVA than either UVA or fluticasone alone. paper is that the question when managing patients with
Intralesional or oral corticosteroids had been evalu- vitiligo, especially that involving exposed sites, is no
ated in trials of limited quality. Topical tacrolimus longer whether to treat or not to treat, but to decide
appeared to have similar effects to topical steroids which treatment method is most appropriate for the
(but a better safety profile), but required further eval- individual patients [9].
uation (Chap. 3.2.2). Based on this algorithm, on exposed areas, if the
Sea climatotherapy and gingko biloba extract were body surface area (BSA) involved is superior to 11%,
found to give some evidence of repigmentation. the first-choice treatment is narrow-band UVB with or
Another unconventional intervention, melagenina, without calcipotriene or oral PUVA with or without
showed no statistical difference with placebo. Grafting calcipotriol. Oral PUVA should be second line as evi-
appeared to work best on stable nonsegmental vitiligo dence exists that UVB irradiation is not associated
and on segmental forms using split-thickness/suction with an increased risk of skin cancer while it is defi-
grafts. The authors concluded that some evidence nitely increased in PUVA therapy. On exposed areas, if
464 J.-P. Ortonne et al.
the BSA is equal or inferior to 10%, several treatment 3.15.4 The 2007 German Evidence-
options should be considered: topical calcineurin Based Analysis
inhibitors with or without natural sun-exposure; topi-
cal corticosteroids with or without normal natural sun-
exposure; targeted UVB exposure (311 nm) This analysis [3] includes clinical trials published
phototherapy (308 nm excimer lamp or laser) with or from 1997 to 2006. It includes modern therapeutic
without topical calcipotriol or with or without inhibi- options such as topical immunomodulators (tacroli-
tors. PUVA therapy can be considered, but not first line mus, pimecrolimus), excimer laser, and surgery/
and not on the face. transplantation.
For surgical repigmentation, the authors concluded The results can be summarized as follows: photo-
that maximal repigmentation occurred with split-thick- therapy achieves good results, especially in general-
ness grafting when compared with minigrafting. ized vitiligo with narrow-band UVB appearing
Grafting of cultured autologous melanocytes has the superior to broad-band UVB. Vitamin D3 analogues,
unique advantage of allowing treatment of large depig- such as calcipotriol, do not show convincing either
mented areas. However, the major disadvantages are in monotherapy or in combination with UVB. In
the cost and the required infrastructure. comparison to conventional narrow-band UVB,
When more than 81% of BSA is involved, depig- excimer laser treatment achieves significantly better
mentation therapy should be considered either using results. Combination of tacrolimus and excimer laser
depigmenting agents (20% monobenzyl ether of hyd- increases efficacy of times and facilities, thus limit-
roquinone) or a combination of topical depigmenting ing its widespread use. Topical immunomodulators
agents and Q-switched Ruby laser treatment. are considered as better suitable for use on the face.
3.15 Evidence-Based Medicine Perspective 465
Topical Treatment
Systemic Therapy
Surgical Treatments
3.15.7 The Indian Evidence-Based the patients history, test minigrafting may be done as
Practice Guidelines for Surgical proposed by Falabella et al. [1]. The test was consid-
ered positive if unequivocal repigmentation took place
Management of Vitiligo
beyond 1 mm from the border of the implanted graft
over a period of 3 months. Although this test has been
Communicated by D. Parsad and S. Gupta on behalf considered as the gold standard for establishing the sta-
of the ad hoc Indian Task Force bility and success of repigmentation, doubts have been
expressed over its utility. Spontaneous repigmentation
These guidelines provide minimal standards of care should be considered as a favorable sign for the trans-
for various surgical methods of treatment of vitiligo, plantation procedure. A test graft may be considered
with a brief description of the procedures as well as whenever there is a doubt about the stability, or the
their advantages and disadvantages. patient is unable to give a clear history on the stability.
It needs to be stressed here that the treating physician
Facility should always consider each patient individually and
Vitiligo surgery can be performed safely in an outpa- exercise his/her judgment (Level D).
tient day care dermatosurgical facility under local The age of the patient for surgery
anesthesia. The day care operating theater should be
equipped with facilities for monitoring and handling Vitiligo surgery is generally performed under local
emergencies. Transplantation for extensive areas of anesthesia, which would be difficult in children.
vitiligo may need general anesthesia, and in such cases, General anesthesia for vitiligo surgery in a young child
an operation theater facility in a hospital setting and poses unacceptable risks, and the progress of the dis-
the presence of an anesthetist are recommended. ease is difficult to predict in children. Hence, many
dermatologists feel that surgical procedures should not
Indications for surgery and patient selection be performed in children. However, studies have sug-
Surgery is indicated for all types of stable vitiligo, gested that results of transplantation procedures were
including segmental, generalized, and acrofacial better in younger individuals than in older ones [5, 7].
types, that do not respond to medical treatment. Test Thus, no consensus exists in this aspect, and physi-
grafting may be performed in doubtful cases to detect cians should exercise their judgment after taking all
stability. The choice of surgical intervention should aspects of the individual patient into consideration
be individualized according to the type of vitiligo, (Level C).
stability, localization of lesions, and cost-effectiveness Preoperative counseling and informed consent
of the procedure.
Proper counseling is essential; the nature of the disease,
Consensus recommendation of the task force on procedure, expected outcome, and possible complica-
stability tions should be clearly explained to the patient. The need
The stability status of vitiligo is the single, most- for concomitant medical therapy should be emphasized.
important prerequisite in case selection. However, there Patients should understand that proper results may take
is no consensus regarding the minimum required period time to appear (few months to 1 year). A detailed con-
of stability. The recommended period of stability in dif- sent form, describing the procedure and possible com-
ferent studies has varied from 4 months to 3 years. plications, should be signed by the patient. The consent
Although there is no consensus on definitive parame- form should specifically state the limitations of the pro-
ters for stability, various recommendations suggest a cedure, possible future disease progression, and whether
period of disease inactivity ranging from 6 months to 2 more procedures will be needed for optimal outcome.
years. The task force agrees on a year of disease inactiv- Anesthesia
ity as the cut-off period for defining stability (Level D).
The parameters include absence of new lesions, no The recipient and donor sites are locally anesthetized
extension of old lesions, and absence of Koebner phe- by infiltration of 2% xylocaine, the pain of which can
nomenon during the past 1 year. If there is a doubt in be reduced by prior application of EMLA cream
468 J.-P. Ortonne et al.
applied under occlusion for 12 h. Adrenaline should mostly subjective and has not been validated for inter-
not be used on the recipient site as it makes the judg- observer bias in a large sample size [6] (Level C).
ment of adequacy of the denudation to the required Various meta-analyses of published studies have
depth difficult. Tumescent anesthesia and nerve blocks shown that tissue grafting methods split-thickness
may be used in larger areas. If grafting is planned for grafting, suction blister epidermal grafting, and punch
extensive areas, general anesthesia may be needed in a grafting have comparable success rates of repigmenta-
hospital setting (Level D). tion [2, 11, 14, 15] (Level A) (Fig. 3.15.2).
Similarly, all three cellular grafting techniques (NCES,
Methods of surgical modalities
cultured melanocytes, and cultured epidermis) were
Tissue grafts include punch grafts, suction blister epi- found to be equally effective [8, 12]. However, in com-
dermal grafts (SBEGs), split thickness skin grafts, hair parison to tissue grafts, cellular grafts showed slightly
follicle grafts, and flip-top grafts. Cellular grafts lower success rates (Level A). One explanation may be
include autologous noncultured epidermal cell suspen- that cellular grafts are generally used to treat larger areas
sion (NCES), Autologous cultured melanocytes, and in comparison to tissue grafts, and the success rates are
autologous cultured epithelial grafts. lower when transplantation is done in patients with large
surface area of involvement than in patients with smaller
Evidence-based practice guidelines for the choice
surface area of involvement regardless of stability.
of method
When compared on the basis of adverse events, the
As already highlighted, there is no uniformly acceptable highest incidence of adverse events was reported with
objective measurement tool to compare the surgical out- punch grafting followed by split-thickness grafting
come of a given modality (see Chaps. 1.4). A scoring and suction blister epidermal grafting. Cellular graft-
system has been suggested to evaluate the outcome of ing methods were associated with the lowest incidence
transplantation procedures in vitiligo, although it is of adverse events (Level B) [11, 15].
Transplantation method
bilateral vitiligo Segmental/focal vitiligo All types
Success rate (%)
Fig. 3.15.2 Success rates of various transplantation methods in vitiligo, including its subtypes. The values given on each bar
represent numbers of successful patients/total number of patients (From [8])
3.15 Evidence-Based Medicine Perspective 469
The choice of the procedure is dependent upon 5. Gupta S, Kumar B (2002) Epidermal grafting for vitiligo in
the site, area, availability of infrastructure (for cellular adolescents. Pediatr Dermatol 19:159162
6. Gupta S, Handa S, Kumar B (2002) A novel scoring system
grafts), expertise of the dermatological surgeon, cost for evaluation of results of autologous transplantation meth-
of the procedure, and the patients preference ods in vitiligo. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 68:
(Table 3.15.4). 3337
7. Gupta S, Kumar B (2003) Epidermal grafting in vitiligo:
influence of age, site of lesion, and type of disease on out-
come. J Am Acad Dermatol 49:99104
Summary Messages 8. Gupta S, Narang T, Olsson MJ, Ortonne JP (2007) Surgical
management of vitiligo and other leukodermas: evidence-
To treat or not to treat is a possible question in
based practice guidelines. In: Gupta S, Olsson MJ, Kanwar
patients with a fair skin complexion AJ, Ortonne JP (eds) Surgical management of vitiligo.
Some medical or surgical possibilities have Blackwell, Oxford, pp 6979
shown efficacy and can be advocated based on 9. Lim HW, Hexsel CL (2007) Vitiligo: to treat or not to treat.
Arch Dermatol 143:643646
EBM principles
10. Njoo MD, Spuls PI, Bos JD et al (1998) Nonsurgical repig-
However, the level of evidence and quality for mentation therapies in vitiligo. Meta-analysis of the litera-
studies is generally low, and EBM recommen- ture. Arch Dermatol 134:15321540
dations reach overall a low grade for vitiligo 11. Njoo MD, Westerhof W, Bos JD et al (1998) A systematic
review of autologous transplantation methods in vitiligo.
interventions. Arch dermatol 134:15431549
12. Olsson MJ, Juhlin L (2002) Long-term follow-up of leucod-
erma patients treated with transplants of autologous cultured
melanocytes, ultrathin epidermal sheets and basal cell layer
suspension. Br J Dermatol 147:893904
13. Parsad D, Gupta S; IADVL Dermatosurgery Task Force
References (2008) Standard guidelines of care for vitiligo surgery.
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 74(Suppl):S37S45
14. Rusfianti M, Wirohadidjodjo YW (2006) Dermatosurgical
1. Falabella R, Arrunategui A, Barona MI, Alzate A (1995) The techniques for repigmentation of vitiligo. Int J Dermatol
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Editors Synthesis and Perspectives
Alain Taeb and Mauro Picardo
3.16.1 From EBM Guidelines to Clinical
3.16.1 From EBM Guidelines to Clinical Practice ......... 471 Practice
3.16.2 Perspectives............................................................. 472
References ........................................................................... 473 The major interest of EBM reviews and meta-analyses
is to point to potentially harmful interventions or those
with limited interest. Given the importance of charla-
tanism in the vitiligo field, counselling patients to
avoid some therapies of dubious efficacy is indeed a
major step.
As partly stated in the Cochrane review [12], there are
many limitations to derive a valuable algorithm of treat-
ment for all vitiligo patients based on RCTs. First, RCTs
are rare and often lacking important methodological
steps or details. Second, studies have often been con-
ducted in heterogeneous groups in terms of vitiligo dura-
tion or progression, if not mixing localized, segmental
and non-segmental forms. Third, confounding factors
are many, e.g. light exposure in long term interventions,
for which light sources may influence outcome, nutri-
tional intake if antioxidant status is considered, or aware-
ness of the limitation of the Koebners phenomenon,
which is rarely taken into account.
Nevertheless, a stepwise treatment approach divided
by the type of vitiligo and the extent, which needs modu-
lation by visibility, age and coping, is outlined in Table
3.16.1 [11]. A zero line is always possible, meaning no
treatment if the disease is not bothering the patient. The
environmental factors (occupation, Koebners phenome-
non, sustained stress or anxiety) should be always dis-
cussed in the management plan. For segmental vitiligo
(SV), triggering neurogenic factors are usually envisaged
but good studies to prove this point are lacking. This step-
A. Taieb() wise approach should be considered as a proposal, based
Service de Dermatologie, Hpital St Andr,
CHU de Bordeaux, France mostly on EBM data. However, there is much room for
e-mail: alain.taieb@chu-bordeaux.fr modulation and innovation based on this scheme.
Table 3.16.1 General outline of management for vitiligo (adapted from Taieb and Picardo [11]).
Type of vitiligo Usual management
Segmental and limited First line: Avoidance of triggering factors, local therapies (corticosteroids, calcineurin
non-segmental <23% body inhibitors).
surface involvement Second line: Localized NB-UVB therapy, especially Excimer monochromatic lamp or laser.
Third line: Consider surgical techniques if repigmentation is cosmetically unsatisfactory on
visible areas
NSV First line: Avoidance of triggering/aggravating factors. Stabilization with NB-UVB therapy, at
least 3 months. Optimal duration at least 9 months after response. Combination with
systemic/topical therapies, including reinforcement with localized UVB therapy, if
Second line: Consider systemic steroids (e.g. 34 month minipulse therapy) or immunosup-
pressants in case of rapidly progressing disease or absence of stabilization under
Third line: Consider surgical techniques in non responding areas especially with high
cosmetic impact. However, Koebner phenomenon limits the persistence of grafts. Relative
contraindication in areas such as dorsum of hands
Fourth line: Consider depigmentation techniques (hydroquinone monobenzyl ether or
4-methoxyphenol alone or associated with Q switch ruby laser) in non responding
widespread (>50%) or highly visible recalcitrant facial/hands vitiligo
A no treatment option (zero line) can be considered in patients with a fair complexion after discussion. For children, phototherapy
is limited by feasibility in the younger age group and surgical techniques rarely proposed before prepubertal age. There is no current
recommendation applicable to the case of rapidly progressive vitiligo, not stabilized by UV therapy. For all subtypes of the disease
or the lines of treatment, psychological support and counselling, including access to camouflage instructors is needed
A Anti-NALP 5, 130
Aatrillal, 7 Antinuclear antibodies (ANA), 121
Acceleration phase, 314 Antioxidants, 210, 233, 369
Accuracy of the diagnosis, 127 Antioxidant status of the epidermis, 472
Acetylcholine, 304 Antithyroid antibodies, 130, 141, 320
Acetyl salicylic acid, 388 Anti TPO antibodies, 121
Acquired generalised hypomelanoses, 14 Apoptosis, 113, 178, 213
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 93 demise of apoptosis, 312
Acquired macular hypomelanosis, 20 fragments, clearance, 293
Acquired melanocytic nevus, 62 APS-1, 86
Acrofacial vitiligo, 22, 36, 37, 141 APS-2, 86
Activator protein-1 (AP-1), 328 APS-3, 86
Active disease, 140 APS-4, 86
Acupuncture lines, 44 Aregene, 86
Addisons disease, 80, 83, 121, 124, 156 Argentaffin property of melanin, 27
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 112 Argyrophilia, 27
Adhesion of melanocytes, 314 Aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), 109, 110
b2-Adrenoceptor-activated, 232 Associated autoimmune diseases, 121
Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), 284, 285 Associated disorders, 130
Adult onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, 80, 84 Associated skin conditions, 120, 121
Age of onset, 124 Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT), 112114
Aggressive parents, 443 Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM), 112
Aging defect, 129 Atopic dermatitis, 15, 18, 43, 99, 100, 121, 314, 336
Aging process, 144 Atopic dermatitis area and severity index (ADASI), 185
Agouti-signaling protein (ASIP), 284 Autoantibodies, 110, 206, 213
AIS1, 159 Autoantigens, 109
Alabras, 4 Autoimmunity, 101, 205, 207
Albinism, 14, 75 autoimmune/autoinflammatory disorders, 19, 144
Alexithymia, 133 auto-immune diathesis, 144
Alezzandrini's syndrome, 69, 87 autoimmune diseases, 156
Allergens, 208 autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome (APS), 86, 110, 111
Alopecia areata, 54, 69, 81, 82, 95, 110, 121, 124 autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-
Altered redox status, 112 ectodermaldystrophy (APECED), 86, 110, 121, 159
Amelanotic, 210 autoimmune regulator (AIRE), 86, 109, 110, 159
Ammidin, 7 Autoimmune theory, 5
Ammi majus linnaeus (AML), 6, 7 autoimmune thyroid disease, 80, 156
Ammoidin, 7 autoimmune thyroiditis, 54
Ampullae, 75 Autologous grafting, 472
Anal mucosa, 58 Autologous melanocyte transfer, 59
Animal models, 109 Autophagocytosis, 200, 210
Ankylosing spondilytis, 85 Autosomal dominant vitiligo, 109
Annular erythema, 102 Axonal damage, 309
Annular lichenoid dermatitis of youth, 102
Anterior chamber, 73 B
Antigen-presenting cells, 261, 262 Backscattering, 191
Anti 21-hydroxylase autoantibodies, 130 Baras, 4, 6, 7
Antimicrobial peptides, 244, 245 Barred plymouth rock (BPR), 209
476 Index
Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), 272, 275, 307 CD4+, 213, 259
Bavachee, 6 CD8, 92, 213, 263
Bavacheree, 7 CD4+ cells, 63
Bawachi, 7 CD11c+, 257
Bcl2, 269, 279 CD8/CD4 ratio, 29
BClear-Targeted Photo Clearing System, 362 CD3+CD8+T lymphocytes, 29
Behl, P.N., 7 CD4 to CD8, 257
Bergamot, 7 Celery, 7
Betamethasone, 318 Cell exhaustion, 313
Betamethasone dipropionate, 341 Cell isolation and culture, 219221
Bilateral SV, 47 Cellular components, 241, 242
Biologic impact of irradiation sources on repigmentation, 307 Cellular environment, 472
Biopterins, 186, 234 Charak, 4
Black box warning, 336 Charlatanism, 471
Black-pepper, 7 Checkerboard pattern, 299
Blaschko, A., 298 Chemical leukoderma, 53
Blaschkos lines (BL), 21, 22, 44, 296 Children, 443, 444
Blindness, 75 benefits/risks, 444
Blochs reaction, 27 Camouflage workshops, 444
Bloom syndrome, 114 deformation, 444
Blue vitiligo, 38 neglect, 443
Body image, 447 personal belief, 443
Bohak, 4 repeated movements, 444
Brainstem auditory responses, 77 surgery, 444
Breakthrough pigmentation, 54 tics, 444
Brightness, 192 time needed to apply topicals, 444
Budesonide, 329 Chinese herbs, 387
Buffalos, 208 Chloroquine, 21
Bulge, 66 Cholinergic influence, 304
Bunsen-Roscoe law (BRL), 364 Choroid, 73
Burning sensation of the eyelids, 119 Chronic actinic damage, 444
Chronic active hepatitis, 86
C Chronic adaptation, 434
Caf au lait spots, 114 Chronic urticaria, 81
Calcineurin inhibitors, 444 c-kit, 269, 275, 281
application scheme, 334336 CLA antigen, 63
combination therapy, 332 Classification, 13, 44, 118
comparative studies, 332334 Clinical characteristics, 119
general outcome, 334 Clinical features, 52, 169, 170
mode of action, 331, 332 Clinically non-inflammatory SV, 102
monotherapy, 332 Clinical markers of prognosis, 141
rationale for use, 331, 332 Clobetasol, 328
safety issues, 336 Clonally expanded T cells, 63
side effects, 336 Clothing, 136
studies, 332334 Clove, 7
Calcipotriol, 125, 339341, 356 Cobblestone-like texture, 444
Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), 303 Cocultures, 219
Calcitriol, 340 Cognitive-behaviour therapy, 448
Calcium-dependent adhesion mechanisms, 472 Combinatory chemical approaches, 441
Camouflage, 55, 321 Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), 95
Candidate gene, 157 Complement, 245
Canities, 65, 68, 69 Complementation, 113
Cardiolipin, 225 Confocal microscopy, 190
Catalase, 213, 233, 234 Congenital vitiligo, 118
Catecholamins, 232 Consensus scoring system, 128
Catechol O methyl transferase (COMT), 232, 234 Contact dermatitis, 54
Catechols, 176 Contagion, 6, 8
CATERPILLER protein family, 111 Correlations Between Assessment Variables, 133
C57Bl/J6-vit/vit, 208 Cosmetics, 136
CCL17, 259 Counseling, 137, 321
CCR4, 259 Crohns disease, 84
CCR7, 259 CTLA4, 158
Index 477
J Melanocortins, 284
Juhlin, M., 8 Melanocytes, 197, 198, 219, 220, 296, 312, 314, 472
antibodies, 248253
K antigens, 250, 307
Keratin disorders, 298 compartments, 66
Keratinocytes, 198, 219, 220, 306, 307, 332 cultures, 301
Kilas, 135 degeneration, 198
Kilasa, 4, 5 detection, 27
Koebner, H., 5, 167 loss, 272, 312
Koebnerization, 15 precursors, 472
Koebners phenomenon, 22, 36, 64, 96, 103, 118120, 128, reservoir, 65, 66
141, 144, 312314, 319, 444, 445 stem cells, 69
Kogas classification, 5, 42, 305 stemness, 313
Melanocytic migration, 332
L Melanocytic targets, 144
Langerhans cells (LC), 30, 198, 307, 313 Melanocytorrhagic hypothesis, 5
Late-onset vitiligo, 123 Melanogenesis, 66, 332
Leadwort root, 7 Melanogenic cytokines, 272
Lemon, 7 Melanogenic growth factors, 269
Leprosy, 3, 4, 6, 19 Melanoma, 207
Leptomeningeal melanocytes, 73 melanoma-associated depigmentation, 17, 19
Leptomeningeal pigmentation, 77 melanoma-associated hypopigmentation, 252, 253
Leucoderma acquisitum centrifugum, 61 Melanoma T-cell responses, 260, 261
Leukoderma, 5 Melanophages, 15
Leukotrichia, 5, 43, 47, 65, 67, 69, 140, 141, 144, 297 Melanophores, 304
Lichen planus, 15, 54, 87 Melanosomes, 200, 212
Lichen sclerosus, 15, 36, 87, 100, 101, 121 transfer, 223
Lichenoid dermatitis, 102 transport, 234
Lichenoid inflammation, 15 MELAS, 111, 112
Lichenoid pattern, 102 Melasma, 20, 21
Light brown leghorn (LBL), 212 Melatonin, 304
Lipidomics, 228, 314 Menks syndrome, 15
Lipids, 293 Mercury arc lamps, 362
metabolism, 314 Metabolomic, 228
peroxidation, 235 Methotrexate, 472
Lip involvement, 58 8-Methoxypsoralen, 7, 307
a-Lipoic acid, 370 Methylprednisolone aceponate, 329
Localised-UVB devices, 444 M. furfur, 20
Long-standing lesions, 28 MHC class I, 257
Loss of heterozygosity (LOH), 300 MHC class II, 257
L-phenylalanine, 370 Microdepigmentation, 28, 145
Lupus erythematosus, 27, 88 Microinflammation, 26, 145
Lymphomas, 5 Micro-inflammatory component, 144
Microphototherapy, 362
M Microphthalmia (mi), 208, 209, 281
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 158, 212 Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF), 209,
Malignant melanoma, 5, 88 234, 279, 314
Malignant Suttons phenomenon, 17 Minigrafting, 7, 444
Management-oriented evaluation, 319, 320 Minimal erythema dose (MED), 358, 431
Mannose binding lectin (MBL), 95 Minipulse therapy, 319
Marriage and social contacts, 55 MITF-M, 279
Mass spectrometry, 228 Mitochondrial, 178, 234, 235
Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9, 332 Mitochondrial disorders, 111, 112
Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 activity, 307 Mixed vitiligo, 22, 37, 43, 45
MC-1R, 284, 287 Mode of action, 178, 327, 328
MC-4R, 287 Modes of inheritance, 14, 124
MEL-5(clone TA99), 26 Modiolus of the cochlea, 75
Melagenin, 388 Mometasone furoate, 329
MelanA/MART1, 26, 249 Monobenzone, 440
Melanin, 186, 209 Monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone (MBEH), 54, 440
Melanin-concentrating hormone receptor (MCHR1), 249 Monochromatic excimer lamp, 361
Melanin index, 190 Monogenic disorders, 107
Melanoblasts, 306 Monozygous twin concordance, 14
480 Index
Waardenburgs syndrome, 15, 18, 77
Wet labial mucosa, 58
Whitaker syndrome, 86
White leghorn (WL), 209