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Case number: 09-2292


Date admitted: ________________

By: ___________________________
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Sexual Practices
in the United States

Edward 01 Laumann, John H. Gagnon,

.Robert T. Michael, and Stuart Michaels



The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637

The Univ'ersity of Chicago Press" LId., London
@ 1994 by Edward O. Laumann, Robert T. Michael,
List of
CSG Enterprises, Inc., and Stuart Michaels List of
All rights reserved. Published 1994 Ackno '
Paperback edition 2000 Prologl
Printed in the United States of Anerica

09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 3 4 5 6 7 Part I
ISBN: 0-226-46957-3 (cloth) 1 Theore
ISBN: 0-226-47020-2 (paperbacJt)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
1.3 I
The Social organization of sexuality: sexual practices in the United States / Edward O. Laumann
1.4 I
... let al.].
1.5 I
p. cm. 1.6 I
Includes bibliographical refenmces and indexes.
1. Sex customs--United States. 2. Sexual behavior surveys--United States. I. lau-
mann, Edward O. 2 The Sn
HQ18.U5S59 1994
2.1 I
306.T0973-dc20 94-3736
2.2 (

Part II
3 Sexual
3. 1 ~
3.2 ~
3.4 I
3.5 (
@ The paper used in this publica:ion meets the minimum requirements of the American National
Standard for Information Sciences--Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Malerials, ANSI 4 The SOl
Z39.48--1992. Sexu.

to apply in the case of sexual partnerships, it would provide a parsimonious CHAPTER 8

description of tables such as table 7.1. It is likely, however, that even if such
models are partially applicable to sexual relationships, they will have to be
modified to take into account the many unique features of sexual relationships. Homosexuality
Finally, as we have already pointed out, aggregate tables such as those in
chapter 6, section 6.5 , and even table 7.1 fail to capture certain types of higher-
order structure. Thus, bridging groups and other network features involving
indirect ties are not explicitly represented. This is an important limitation that
can be corrected only through modification of the existing models.
Clearly, much careful work will need to be done before the information Perhaps no other single number in this study will attract greater public interest
contained in the data we have collected can be translated into formal models than our estimate of the prevalence of homosexuality.' Dramatic evidence of
that will allow us both to explain the path that AIDS has taken in the population this popular interest is found in the recent protracted debates over President
thus far and, more important, to predict the path that it will take in the future. Clinton's proposal to eliminate the ban on gays in the military and the responses
On a less formal level, however, we believe that these data offer a convincing of the Congress and the military itself to such a proposition. Given the highly
explanation of why AIDS has not achieved as high a prevalence in the general charged political atmosphere in which all sides adduced wildly contradictory
population as was originally thought. This, of course, is not meant to belittle statistics in support of their claims, we want to be especially careful that our
the tragic effects of the infection . Nor are we denying the fact that many people data and interpretations are put forward in as responsible and straightforward
will continue to become infected with the disease, many of these through het- a manner as possible. Of course, we have no way of controlling or even antici-
erosexual contact . We are suggesting, however, that the general lack of connec- pating the ways in which our findings will be used, but we do want to avoid
tivity present in sexual networks among adults in the United States, together obvious misinterpretations wherever possible. In short, neither pedantry nor
with the relatively low t~an smi sion probability of AIDS through vaginal inter- extreme scientific cautiousness leads us to assert that estimating a single num-
course, will significantly restrict the extent to which this disease will spread ber for ::'1e prevalence of homosexuality is a futile exercise because it presup-
into the general population. poses assumptions that are patently false: that homosexuality is a uniform attri-
bute across individuals . that it is stable over time. and that it can be easily
Estimating the prevalence of various forms of sexual behavior is at the very
heart of our research. In fact, the lack of data on the prevalence of men who
have sex with other men was a major motivation for the original federally
funded project that led to this study. By the mid-1980s, it was clear that the
majority of AIDS cases involved men who had sex with men (Institute of Med-

We gratefully acknowledge tho assistance with ·data analysi s provided by Fang Li and Dawne
Moon . The chapter was drafted and the bulk of the data analysis performed by Stuart Michaels.
I. We have used the terms homosexuality and same-gender sex or sexuality interchangeably in
this chapter. We mean these tenns to be taken as descriptive of specific partnerships. practices. or
feelings. There are some problems with this usage . Homosexual and homosexuality (and, slightly
later. helerosexual and helerosexuality ) are late nineteenth-century creations and bear the mark of
their development in a period of the medicalization of sexuality (Katz 1983; Foucault 1978;
Chauncey 1983; and Halperin 1990). In particular. they are associated with the emergence of the
notion of sexual types or beings defined in terms of the gender of their sex partners or related
attributes. We have tried to avoid evoking these notions and to distance our discussion from infer-
ences about etiology, associations. and consequences of the behaviors and feeling s reponed. Gay
and lesbian as alternative terms referring to sexual pallems have the disadvantage of being associ-
ated with a panicular historical moment and social (and often political) self-identification. The
laner involves issues such as participation in a community and culture that are beyond the current
research and its primary focus on the sexual. (For a related discussion in the context of the consid-
eration of the work. of Kinsey. see Gagnon 1990).


icine 1986; Shilts 1988). These early cases were men who had had many male Essentialism in various forms is probably the most widespread view, espe-
sex partners recruited from the gay communities of a handful of major cities cially in popular thinking, although it also has many proponents among schol-
on the East and West Coasts (Klovdahl 1986). We also knew that the infectious ars and researchers . An essentialist view of homosexuality is closely related
agent (HIV) could be transmitted sexually and that certain practices, such as to perspectives that view sexuality through an individualistic, biological, or
anal intercourse, were much more efficient routes of transmission than others. psychological lens. Those who explain sexuality as the expression of certain
What we did not know was how many men engaged in these practices, the fundamental biological drives are likely to view homosexuality in such terms
extent to which these men were concentrated in large cities, how they thought as well. In this view, homosexuality is thought of as defining a separate species
of themselves, how many partners they had, and so on. These data are needed of sexual being, the homosexual. The paradigmatic form of this thinking is a
to make projections about the spread of the disease, to identify the locations kind of biological or genetic causal model. The category homosexual describes
of the next phase of the epidemic, and to illuminate the social and attitudinal an aspect of a person that corresponds to some objective core or inner essence
correlates of these behaviors. of the person. Homosexuality is treated as analogous to similar views of gender
The social stigma attached to homosexuality creates an added challenge for or race, where, while the biological and social are seen as quite separate, the
us. Homosexuality in Western societies has historically been viewed as a sin, former is seen as producing a set of outcomes that, in tum, have social conse-
a disease, or an aberration. These notions are still extremely widespread. Dur- quences and responses. All members of the categories in these various domains
ing the twenty years prior to this survey, from 1972 to 1991, an overwhelming (be they men or women, heterosexuals or homosexuals, whites, blacks, or
majority (over 70 percent) of the U.S. adult population has answered that ho- Asians) share an essential feature that is identical. Usually this essence is
mosexuality is always wrong in response to a question asked annually as part thought to be a single quality-for example, an X and a Y chromosome-that
of the General Social Survey.2 In spite of this apparent stability in public opin- leads to external physical attributes (genitalia, etc.). Or this essence may be
ion over a long period of time, the past twenty-five years have seen a notable thought to be a range along a dimension-perhaps like skin color or levels of
increase in the legitimation and visibility of homosexuality, in part the result male hormone. People within this range are clearly to be distinguished from
of a growing political moverr:en! of lesbians and gay men. others.
The findings from our research need to be understood in this context. The Sociai constructionism, on the other har:d, almost always involv~s a descrip-
widespread, strongly negative view of homosexuality shapes both behaviors tion and critique of essentialism. This is because elements of essentialism are
and our attempts to measure them . While we have attempted to be nonjudg- so much a part of the "taken-for-granted," commonsense view that they need
mental in our inquiries, many respondents are likely to have been reluctant to to be brought explicitly into focus . Constructionism examines the implicit as-
report behaviors and feelings that they think might reflect badly on them in the sumptions of our thinking about sexual preferences and orientations and ques-
eyes of the interviewers or the researchers. The estimates derived from survey tions their universality. It emphasizes the historical and cultural variability of
data on socially stigmatized sexual behaviors and feelings , whether they be such sexual categories as homosexuality and heterosexuality, stressing how
masturbation, homosexual relations, anal sex, or extramarital affairs, are no conceptions of sexual orientation and practices have changed over time and
doubt lower-bound estimates. vary across societies. It raises questions about how the categories emerge, are
Independent of questions of valuation and judgment, recent writing and maintained, and change.
thinking about homosexuality can be divided into two major camps. These two We cannot adjudicate the conceptual and theoretical differences between
basic views of homosexuality (and many minor variants of them) can be found these two opposing positions and their many variants . The data from a cross-
both in popular thought and in more theoretical and scientific debates . These sectional survey conducted in a single country at a given moment are simply
two perspectives have come to be called essentialism and social construc- inappropriate to resolve these issues . While our general theoretical framework
tionism (Foucault 1978; Greenberg 1988 ; Halperin 1990; Stein 1992).3 is highly compatible with the social constructionist approach, the data them-
selves can certainly be treated from various points of view. A population-based
2. The question asks specifically about whether "sex ual relations between two adults of the survey lends itself to a continuous, multifaceted approach to defining and mea-
same sex" are "always wrong. almost always wrong, wrong only sometimes, or not wrong at all." suring homosexuality. It makes more sense to ask about specific aspects of
From 1972 to 1991, the most negative category of the four possible has averaged 73 percent. The
exact wording of the question, repeated in the NHSLS , can be found in appendix C, section to,
question 4. During the same time, a substantial minority, and often even a majority, of Americans innateness of homosexuality, some of their arguments have recently been taken up by the right-
have opposed discrimination against homosexuals. wing anti-gay forces , who believe that homosexuality is a sin and Want to argue that homosexuality
3. The basic division that will be described is quite independent of the valuation of homosexual- is a choice. Views of homosexuality as a pathological condition or disease have traditionally sought
ity. People who accept one basic viewpoint or the other can hold either pro- or anti-gay beliefs. its "cause." an essentiali st notion, usually to cure or eradicate it. Ironically, today, many gay people
Social constructionism was mainly developed by pro-gay intellectuals. However, m denymg the are strong believers in some version of essentialism.

same-gender behavior, practice, and feelings during specific periods of an indi- there are a number of questions that need to be addressed. First, what was the
vidual's life rather than a single yes-or-no question about whether a person is empirical basis of the widely accepted figure of 10 percent? How much cre-
homosexual. This approach opens up the possibility of asking about the inter- dence should it have been given? How should the results from a number of
relation of these various elements . Rather than assuming that homosexuality is different surveys be interpreted? Are there other notions about homosexuality
a single, uniform trait with the same underlying cause and the same outcome that should be revised in addition to the fairly widely accepted idea about its
in all people, one can begin to look at vai;ation in the aspects and extent of prevalence?
homosexual activity in different individuals.
As an underlying orientation, essentialist notions of homosexuality, on the 8.2 The Myth of 10 Percent and the Kinsey Research
other hand, correspond to widespread assumptions that many, if not most, of
It is beyond the scope of this chapter to explain why so many people, both
the respondents to our survey believe. Their answers are likely to reflect these
the lay public and professional researchers, came to believe in a 10 percent
conceptions, even if reality is more complex . For example, if respondents think
figure so firmly, but it is worth discussing its probable origin . Strangely
that there are basically two types of people in the world, homosexuals and
enough, both a strong argument against the notion that there is a single preva-
heterosexuals, they are likely to think about their own behavior in those terms .
lence rate of homosexuality and a single estimate of 10 percent come from the
If those respondents see themselves as fundamentally heterosexual but have
same source, Alfred Kinsey (Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin 1948; Kinsey et
had on occasion homosexual feelings or experiences, they may simply not re-
al. 1953).
port such feelings or behaviors because they are not "real" or "truly indicative"
In chapter 2, we criticized the lack of probability samples in Kinsey's re-
of their underlying nature.
search, and we also acknowledged his important pioneering role in the study
An essentialist view also pervades much of the discussion of the prevalence
of human sexuality. He found, as we have, that, in order to ask people questions
of homosexuality. Many of the questions and debates about the number and
and expect reasonable and interpretable answers about their sexual experi-
distribution of homosexuals in the population implicitly assume a clearly iden-
ences, one must be both direct and precise. In particular, one must specify
tifiable and easily quantifia ble phenomenon. These questions also implicitly
clearly and simply the behaviors and the time period in which one is interested.
assume that the instances to be counted are all the same. We argue that these
The results of such queries, moreover, cannot be reduced to simple categoriza-
notions are incorrect. tIOns.
8.1 Prior Research on the Prevalence of Homosexuality In particular, Kinsey argued strongly against the notion that the world can
be split neatly into two classes, homosexuals and heterosexuals. To avoid this
Much public attention has been focused recently on the question of the pre-
error, Kinsey reported many numbers rather than one. We do the same. It is in
valence of homosexuality. Much of this popular interest has been aroused
the nature of an empirical study of a complex pattern of behavior across a large
by hotly contested debates about social control and civil rights. Passion runs
and variable population to do so.
high on all sides. Debates about how widespread homosexuality is, its causes,
Let us briefly review Kinsey's numbers and see how they compare to the
and its nature play key roles in arguments about public policies involving the
numbers reported in this research and other recent surveys. It is important to
extension, protection, or prohibition of certain rights. In the process, scientific
powt out that much of the debate on prevalence has been about men, although
exploration and hypotheses have been heid ho tage or used in inappropriate
sometimes this is only implicit 4 In summarizing the rates of homosexuality
ways. among the white men he interviewed, Kinsey lists thirteen different statistics.
One of the many ironies of our research effort is that politicians such as
A few of these numbers stand out either conceptually or because they have
Senator Jesse Helms and former Representative William Dannemeyer, who
often been repeated. To provide a sense of the range as well as the specificity
represented the extreme Right on these issues, led the attacks against the fed-
and style of Kinsey's statements, some are quoted here:
eral efforts to carry out national surveys of sexual behavior in large part be-
cause they were convinced that these studies would help legitimate homosexu-
ality by demonstrating how widespread it was. At the time, 1988-92, while
4. There are many reasons for this. Kinse y's figures for men appeared first (in 1948) and were
unwilling to accept the widely held notion that 10 percent of the population presented more expiIclily than the later discussion of women (1953) . Kinsey's primary measure of
was homosexual, they feared that surveys might help promote this idea or even sexual behaVIOr was the orgasm, and this turned oUlto be a much easier measure to use with men
than With women (see chapter 3). Historically, there has been a cel1ain invisibility of lesbianism,
increase the estimated proportion to 20 percent. Yet all the recent population-
and the debates about homosexuality have tended to reftectthis. This can be seen in the terminol-
based surveys of sexual behavior, including this one, have found rates that are ogy Itself. Homosexual and homosexualiry have no inherent gender re ference-they denote sex
much lower than 10 percent. Before considering the matter settled, however, between people of the same gender. Yet they have often been used to refer solely to men .

37 percent of the total male population has at least some overt homosex- lation, male and female. 7 The choice of 10 percent as the single estimate to
ual experience to the point of orgasm between adolescence and old age. This take from this list represents an interesting compromise. Its attraction seems
accounts for nearly 2 males out of every 5 that one may meet. .. . to reside in the fact that it is a simple round number and one that is neither
50 percent of all males (approximately) have neither overt nor psychic "too small" nor "too large." It avoids the extremes of counting someone as
experience in the homosexual after the onset of adolescence .... homosexual who engages in such activity only sporadically and not counting
25 percent of the male population has more than incidental homosex-
people with extensive homosexual experience who have also had heterosex-
ual experience or reactions (i .e., rates 2- 6) for at least three years between
ual experiences.
the ages of 16 and 55 . In tenns of averages, one male out of approximately
Kinsey's figures are much higher than those found in all the recent popula-
every four has had or will have such distinct and continued homosexual expe-
tion surveys, including ours. There are a number of reasons for this. As empha-
rience . ...
10 percent of the males are more or less exclusively homosexual (i.e., sized in chapter 2, the major difference between Kinsey and recent research is
rate 5 or 6) for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55 . This is one that Kinsey did not use probability sampling. Kinsey's respondents were all
male in ten in the white male population ... . purposefully recruited rather than sampled with known probabilities of inclu-
4 percent of the white males are exclusively homosexual throughout sion. This means both that they were volunteers who may have differed in
their lives, after the onset of adolescence. (Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin systematic ways from those who did not participate (e.g., by being more open
1948,650-51) and comfortable about their sex lives and perhaps more sexually active) and
This section in the Kinsey volume on men, with its boldface type, has al- that there is no statistically sound way to generalize from his sample to a popu-
ways been easy to find and has been much quoted and cited.~ Kinsey begins lation. In fact, Kinsey roamed far and wide in selecting his subjects. He was
the list with 37 percent, which represents a measure of "any homosexual expe- not averse to using institutional settings, including prisons and refonn schools,
rience," and ends with 4 percent, which represents a measure of "exclusive from which to recruit his subjects . Kinsey also purposely recruited subjects for
homosexuality." These seem to correspond to "folk" notions of what consti- his research from homosexual friendship and acquaintance networks in big
tutes homosexuality. To many, homosexuality of aD.y sort seems so foreign and cities . Kinsey combined fantasy, masturbation, and sexual activity with part-
deviant that any homosexual experience is enough to define someone as homo- ners in some of his calculations (e.g., the 50 percent figure). Experiences were
collected retrospectively over the whole lifetime and almost as a matter of
sexual. On the other hand, exclusive homosexuality has often been treated as
the expected state for the "true homosexual." 6 Of course, one reason for re- course were reported to include activity since puberty or since age sixteen.
porting the data this way is to emphasize the variation in the mixture of hetero- These devices would all tend to bias Kinsey's results toward higher estimates
sexual and homosexual experience, something that Kinsey was trying to do . of homosexuality (and other rarer sexual practices) than those that he would
(This seems a major function of the 50 percent figure that refers to the propor- have obtained using probability sampling.s Almost all the recent sexual behav-
tion of men who had not had any homosexual experience after puberty, whether ior research, largely prompted by AIDS and the sexual transmission of disease,
or not it resulted in orgasm. Of course, that means that 50 percent of the men has focused on behavior, primarily penetrative sexual practices.
in Kinsey's sample had some sort of homosexual experience.)
Many people h3ve pointed to the 10 percent figure in this passage and cited
7. In fact, Bruce Voeller (1990) claims to have originated the 10 percent estimate as part of the
it as the source for the conventional population estimate of homosexual preva~ modem gay n ghts movement's campaign in the late 1970s to convince politicians and the public
lence. In fact, of course, this number refers only to men (white men at that), that "We [gays and lesbians] Are Everywhere." At the time, Voeller was the chair of the National
whereas \0 percent has been most commonly used to refer to the whole popu- Gay Task Force. He says that. using Kinsey, he averaged a 13 percent number for men and a 7
percent number for women to come up with an approximate number of 10 percent for the whole
5. Kinsey and his colleagues did not report comparable numbers for women in their 1953 vol - 8. A reanalysis of a subset of the Kinsey data on men (Gagnon and Simon 1973, 131-32) demon-
ume . Instead, they found that women reported lower levels of homosexual activity, generally a strated how much early experience contributed to the higher numbers. Analyzing the data from
half to a third the comparable levels for men (Kinsey et al. 1953,474-75). young men in college between 1938 and 1950, a group that was thought to be less subject to
6. These notions are not confined to everyday life and folklore. In a recent short discussion of volunteer bias and other foans of selection that might have artificially increased the rate of same-
homosexuality, Billy et al. (1993) highlighted just such measures . Among their respondents, men gender experience (e.g., incarceration or being referred through homosexual networks), Gagnon
between the ages of twenty and thirty-nine. 2.3 percent had at least one homosexual experience. and Simon found that about 30 percent had at least one homosexual experience (roughly compar-
and 1. 1 percent had had exclusi vely homosexual experiences for the past ten years. (Note that thIS able to the 37 percent quoted earlier). But. for over half these men (16 percent of the total), this
includes experiences of boys as young as ten years old.) The press devoted a lot of attentIon to this experience was before the age of fifteen and not after. and, for another 9 percent. this experience
report , particularly to the second number of about I percent representing exclusively homosexual was primarily in adolescence and had completely ended by age twenty. The remainder, about 5 or
experience, often treating it as an estimate of the size of the gay population (Barringer 1993). 6 percent , was equally divided between those who had exclusively homosexual experience and

There is one other fundamental difference between the Kinsey approach

others and that combinations of these attributes, taken two or three at a time,
and contemporary surveys. Kinsey and a handful of highly trained colleagues are also possible.
conducted all the interviews. The structure of the Kinsey interview was a "sex
Examples abound. Some people have fantasies or thoughts about sex with
history," and people were taken through their lifetime in segments. They were
someone of their own gender without ever acting on these thoughts or wishes .
intensively questioned about a wide variety of forms of sexual activity, includ-
And the holder of such thoughts may be pleased, excited, or upset and made
ing fantasies. The focus seems to have been largely on numbers of orgasms
to feel guilty by them . They may occur as a passing phase, only sporadically,
achieved in various ways. Having no written and fixed questionnaire, the inter-
or even as a persisting feature of a person's fantasy life. They mayor may not
viewers memorized the question order, and wording could be varied by the
have any effect at all on whether a person thinks of himself or herself as a
interviewer as he (or occasionally she) saw fit. These interviewers were not
homosexual in any sense. Clearly, there are people who experience erotic inter-
averse to challenging respondents who they believed were not admitting to
est in people of both genders and sustain sexual relationships over time with
stigmatized behaviors such as masturbation or homosexuality. The interview
both men and women. Some engage in sex with same-gender partners without
took respondents chronologically from their early childhood experiences to the any erotic or psychological desire because they have been forced or enticed
time of the interview. It asked a lot about fantasy. The emphasis on ideation into doing so. A classic example is sex in prison. Deprived of the opportunity
and the encouragement of subjects to describe homosexual thoughts and fanta- to have sex with opposite-gender partners gives rise to same-gender sex, by
sies may have increased reports of other homosexual behaviors as well. It is volition or as the result of force . Surely this is to be distinguished phenome-
possible that some of these techniques may have increased the disclosure and nally from situations in which people who, given access to both genders, ac-
reporting of stigmatized activities. .
tively seek out and choose to have sex with same-gender partners. Develop-
ment of self-identification as homosexual or gay is a psychologically and
socially complex state, something which, in this society, is achieved only over
8.3 Dimensions of Homosexuality time, often with considerable personal struggle and self-doubt, not to mention
To quantify or count something requires unambiguous definition of .he phe- social discomfort. All these motives, attractions, identifications, and behaviors
nomenon in question. And we lack this in speaking of homosexuality. When vary over time and circumstances wilh respect to one another-that is, are
people ask how many gays there are, they assume that everyone knows exactly dynamically changing features of an individual's sexual expression.
what is meant. Historians and anthropologists have shown that homosexualIty This discussion postulates no specific theory or viewpoint on the etiology
as a category describing same-gender sexual desire and behavior is a relatively and nature of homosexuality-another much contested terrain. Instead, we
recent phenomenon (only about 100 years old) peculiar to the West (Foucault took as our starting point the need to collect good descriptive data on various
1978; Chauncey 1983; Katz 1983; Halperin 1990; Stein 1992). But, even features of same-gender practices and affect. For these descriptive purposes,
within contemporary Western societies, one must ask whether this question we have identified three dimensions of homosexuality: same-gender sexual be-
refers to same-gender behavior, desire, self-definition, or identification or some havior (and its associated practices), same-gender desire and sexual attraction ,
combination of these elements. In asking the question, most people treat ho- and self-identity as a homosexual. We have paid most attention to behavior.
mosexuality as such a distinc tive category that it is as iJ all these elements must Public health concerns about AIDS lent priority to questions about behaviors
go together. On reflection, it is obvious that this is not true. One can easily that place people at risk. Also, behavior seemed to be one of the least ambigu-
think of cases where anyone of these elements would be present without the ous elements of sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular. However,
as soon as one thinks of the widely divergent meanings of a given sexual act
to the participants, one begins to appreciate the oversimplification inherent in
an exclusively behavioral approach. The prisoner in the state penitentiary who
those who had "substantial homosexual as well as heterosexual histories." One still wonders at the
almost one-third who reported any homosexual experience compared to a maximal figure inour
takes sex where he finds it and the young man cruising a city park, a known
survey for a similar group of 10-12 percent (see table 8.2 below under any sex): One POSSlblllty haunt of gay men, are engaging in meaningfully different, if superficially simi-
suggested to us by our colleague George Chauncey is that thlS may i~ part reftect hlstoncal changes lar, behaviors.
in the sex lives of American men. Remember that Kinsey was tnterv lew10g In the years sur-
rounding World War U (1938-47) and that the sex lives being described would have extended back
We have broken the behavioral dimension itself into three separate aspects:
from then, whereas our oldest respondents were born in 1933 . Changes 10 the structure of adoles- the gender of sex partners, specific sexual acts or techniques, and the time
cence as well as the increasing visibility and labeling of homosexuality may inhibit the amount of frame within which sexual relationships or activities take place. We treat same-
adolescent sexual experimentation that goes on among young men more recentl y.
gender dyads and their sexual practices just as opposite-gender dyads and prac-

tices. 9 Rather than assuming that the world is made up of two very different desire, and identity. The questions that we asked about behavior always refer
types of sexual beings, homosexuals and heterosexuals, we make no assump- to partners or practices in specific time frames. Desire and identity are mea-
tion about inherent differences between various sexual practices and have let sured by questions about the respondents' .current states of mind. Because of
the distinctions, if any, emerge from the data. the many ways in which these three aspe<;ts of sexuality might be defined, we
Behavior is only one component of sexuality. It has been the focus of most first explain how we operationalized them in our questionnaire and then com-
of the recent discussions about the prevalence of homosexuality since these are pare their reponed frequencies, before turning to an investigation of their inter-
the data emerging from AIDS-related surveys . While we, too, have emphasized relations.
sexual behavior, we have also investigated the affective or cognitive dimension. Two quite different questions were asked to ascertain the presence of same-
While these data are more limited, they allow us to ask some interesting ques- gender sexual "desire." The first asked about the appeal of sex with someone
tions about their relation to the behavioral aspect of same-gender sexuality. We of the same gender, the second about the gender of the people to whom the
cannot understand behavior without some sense of how the actor thinks about respondent is sexually attracted. These questions appear toward the end of the
his or her actions and their relation to internal, psychological states and the interview after the main questions about partners and behavior. The first ques-
actor's relation to others. The more psychological literature on homosexuality tion was worded, "On a scale of 1 to 4, where I is very appealing and 4 is not
has emphasized internal states related to sexual desire. Especially before at all appealing, how would you rate each of these activities: ... having sex
AIDS, homosexuality was viewed as an underlying sexual orientation, with with someone of the same sex?" (see appendix C, section 7, question 4). For
desire for or sexual interest in people of the same gender treated as more funda- this analysis, the two answers "very appealing" and "somewhat appealing" are
mental than behavior (Marmor 1980). On the other hand, much of the sociolog- combined and treated as indicating the presence of homosexual desire. We call
ical, historical, and social psychological work of the 1970s, following the dra- this measure appeal.
matic emergence of the lesbian and gay civil rights movement, has emphasized Later in the interview, at the end of a set of questions about early ctUldhood
the process of "coming out," the development of self-consciousness, and a rela- and first sexual experiences, women were asked, "In general, are you sexually
tively public sexual identity in the context of an emerging lesbian and gay attracted to only men, mostly men, both men and women, mostly women, only
community (Weinberg and Williams 1974; Levine 1979; Herdt 1992).10 women?" (see appendix C, section 8, question 47). Men were asked the same
question (appendix C, section 8, question 48), except that the order of the
8.4 Measurement and Prevalence of Same-Gender Behavior, answer categories was reversed. Respondents answering with any of the four
Desire, and Identity categories referring to people of the same gender are treated here as expressing
For the purpose of this analysis, we have divided the questions that relate to some level of homosexual desire. We refer to this variable as attraction.
homosexual experiences and feelings into three basic dimensions : behavior, Immediately following the question about attraction, a single question was
asked about how respondents think of themselves: "Do you think of yourself
as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or something else?" (appendix C, sec-
9. It may surprise readers to realize that almost all the data reported in this boOk were genef1lt~d tion 8, question 49). This question yielded our measure of self-identification."
without mention of the word Iwmosexual or heterosexual. These words are used only once. late m
the questionnaire, when we asked. "Do you think of yourself as heterosexual. h~mosexual. bi- For the purpose of this analysis, we have treated respondents who said either
sexual, or something else?" (see appendix C. section 8. question 49). All the behaVIOral data were "homosexual" or "bisexual" as having some degree of same-gender identity.
generated from questions that asked only about specific partners or practices. In the c~ of part- Altogether, 2.8 percent of the men and 1.4 percent of the women reponed some
ners. either the respondent had identified a partner and was then asked about the partner s gender
(these questions always stated that all partners. whether men or women. should be mcluded; e.g., level of homosexual (or bisexual) identity. 12
see appendix C. section 2. question I. and section 4. question I). or the ~spo~den! was asked
about how many male and female partners he or she had had of a given type m a gIven orne penod.
At the very end of the questionnaire, respondents were asked whether they had ever engaged m II. This question posed several problems. Firsl. aboul 5 percent of the men and 6 percent of the
specific sexual acts. These acts and questions were specified separately for male and female part- women seemed 10 be uncertain about the meaning of these lenns and gave answers that were coded
ners (appendix C. SAQ 4F and SAQ 4M). ." . by inlerviewers as equivalent 10 "nonnal or straighl." In addition. under I percent of the respon-
10. Of course, there are any number of other aspects of personalIty and SOCIal mteraC!lon that dents (thineen men and ten women in the cross section) answered "something else" and were
one might consider. Historically. homosexuality was thought of as .being aSSOCIated WIth ferrurunlty prompted 10 explain. A few of these (two men and four women) said "gay" or "lesbian " and
in men and masculinity in women . Over ume. the pnmary definitions of homosexualIty have been have been included with those who chose "homosexual." Two respondents said that they did nol
separated from these notions. although incompletely (Green 1987). AIDS-related research. m p~­ distinguish panners on the basis of their sex (gender). They appeared 10 be defining themselves as
ticular. has ignored these dimensions almost completely. Issues related 10 SOCIal Identity and Its bisexual. but we were hesitant to recode them as such until we checked their sexu.1 experience.
relation 10 an organized sel of instilutions or • communilY have also been neglecled In survey~. Since they had had both male and female panners, we included them with the bisexuals.
Some have poinled 10 the need 10 invesligate social and emolional preferences for people of one s 12. It would be interesting to compare and contrast homosexual (and gayllesbian) identilY with
own gender. sometimes called homosocialiry (Klein 1990). bisexual identity. but Ihe numbers in a sample like ours are jusl 100 small. Fewer than I percent of

We have constructed five different measures of same-gender behavior. Fig-

ure 8.1 displays these measures for men and women as well as the affective
measures described above. On the left in the figure are three measures based
on the proportion of men and women who report same-gender sex partners in
three different time periods : the past twelve months, the past five years, and
since turning eighteen . I) The rates for women are lower than the rates for men,
varying from 1.3 percent of the sexually active women in the past year re-
porting at least one female partner to 4. I percent reporting any female partners
since turning eighteen. The rates for men vary from 2.7 percent in the past year
to 4.9 percent with any male partners since age eighteen. The next two sets of
bars labeled any age and any sex extend the period for same-gender sex back
to puberty. Conceptually, they measure the same thing; however, they approach
the measurement in different ways and produce different estimates, especialJy
for the men .
Any age is a measure of the proportion of respondents who have had a same-
gender partner at any time since puberty. It is constructed by combining re-
sponses from the previous three partner/time frame questions (past year, past
five years, and since age eighteen) and the response to a question about the
first sexual experience after puberty with a person of the same gender. 14 About
3.8 percent of the women and 7. J percent of the men had had at least one
same-gender partner since p!.lberty according to this variable.
Any sex is based on questions asked on a self-administered questionnaire
(SAQ) at the very end of the interview. The interviewer does not see the an- :~~
.. , ..
swers to these questions because the SAQ is placed in an envelope and sealed
by the respondent before being handed back. These questions ask about ever
having engaged in specific sexual activities with a man or woman since pu-
berty. Both male and female respondents were asked about active and receptive
oral sex and the question, "Have you ever done anything else sexual with an-
other (woman/man)?" (see appendix C, SAQ 4F, questions 8-11, and SAQ 4M,
questions 8-12). Male respondents were also asked about active and receptive
ana! sex with another man. Any sex is the proportion of respondents who com-
pleted the self-administered questionnaire who answe ed yes to any of the ':lC-
tivities. O ver 4 percent of the women and 9 percent of the men reported having

the men and women said that they were bisexual. Later in this c hapter. we look at the mixture o f
maJe and femaJe panners among the larger group reporting any same-ge:Jder partners, but without
neceSSarily se lf-identifying as bisexual.
13. The base N's for these rates include all people on whom we have information . In panicular.
they include the sexually inactive, who have no partners in a given time frame . In that sense. these
are incidence and prevalence rates for pannering behavior.
14. The exact wording of the question is. "Now I would like to ask you some questions about o
sexual experience with (SAME SEX AS R; males/females) after you were 12 o r 13, that is, after o
pUberty. Howald were yo u the fi rst time you had sex with a (SAME SEX AS R ; male/fe male)?"
(see appendix C, section 8, question 40).

engaged in at least one of these sexual practices with a person of their own sexual interest or desire are only moderately correlated. The relative levels of
gender since puberty. the two measures also differ for men and women, although this difference is
This last measure produced the highest reporting of same-gender sexual not statistically significant. More men report being at least somewhat attracted
behavior. But the differences are slight for the women and dramatic for the to men (6.2 percent) than report finding sex with another man appealing (4.5
men . There are a number of factors that help explain this pattern. Very few percent). In contrast, more women report finding the idea of sex with a woman
women (about OJ percent) who report having sex between puberty and age appealing (5.6 percent) than report any sexual attraction to women (4.4 per-
eighteen with a female partner do not also have sex with a woman after elgh- cent). In an analysis not shown, we found that 7 .7 percent of the men and
teen.IS On the other hand, almost 2 percent of the men (comparing any age and 7.5 percent of the women report one or the other form of same-gender sexual
since 18) report sex before eighteen but not after. However, when we look at attraction or interest. About one-third of those (39 percent of the men and 34
any sex, the rate of women having a female partner Since puberty mcreases percent of the women) reporting any same-gender desire expressed both forms,
another 0.5 percentage point, from 3.8 to 4.3 percent. But the rate. for. men while the other two-thirds expressed only one form.
increases another 2 percentage points , from 7.1 to 9.1 percent. If thiS hIgher Our final measure, the self-reported same-gender sexual identity, has the
number is correct, this implies that almost 4 percent of the men have sex with lowest prevalence of any of these measures. About 1.4 percent of the women
another male before turning eighteen but not after. These men, who report and 2.8 percent of the men report identifying with a label denoting same-
same-gender sex only before they turned eighteen, not afterward, constitute 42 gender sexuality. The ratio of homosexual to bisexual identification is about
percent of the total number of men who report ever having a same-gender ex- 2: 1, slightly lower for women (1.8: 1) and slightly higher for men (2.5: 1). This
perience. result is discussed in some detail later in this chapter.
But why should one measure be so much higher for the men than another How do these simple rates compare with those found in other recent sur-
conceptually similar measure? There are several possibilities . The ~ncreas.ed veys? It is not our purpose to make an in-depth comparison, but overall we find
privacy of the self-administered form may increase reportmg of socially Stlg- that our results are remarkably similar to those from other surveys of sexual
matized behavior. Or u~e question may be understood somewhat dIfferently by behavior that have been conducted on national popUlations using probability
the respondent and may prompt a different answer. Any sex is based on ques- sampling methoGs. In pa:1.i::ular, lwo very large-scale surveys were being car-
tions about specific sexual practices rather than a question about sex partners. ried out at the same time as we were designing and beginning to field such a
Some respondents may not have given an age for a first same-gender sex part- survey in the United States, one in France (Spira et aI. 1993) and one in Britain
ner (the major component of any age) but might be prompted to remember a (Wellings et aI. 1994). (These were discussed briefly in chapter 2.) There are
specific incident when a sexual act occurred. Some of these acts ma~ not have many basic similarities and overlaps between the three surveys, but there are
been considered when reporting about a first same-gender partner. Fmally, the also many variations in methods and design. For example, the French survey
questions about any sex are asked at the very end of the questionnaire, pr?vid- interviewed 20,055 adults aged eighteen to sixty-nine over the telephone, and
ing the fullest chance for recall. This measure produces a dramatlcally hIgher the British survey conducted 18,876 face-to-face interviews with people aged
rate of same-gender partners than the other measures for men. However, It sixteen to fifty-nine living in England, Wales, and Scotland, but most of the
should be pointed out that, while this 9 percent is higher than any figure re- sexual behavior questions were asked in a self-administered supplement. The
ported from the other recent surveys, and while it may be an under-report, It IS British survey reports rates of same-gender sexual experience for men that
still a far cry from the 37 percent that Kinsey reported. range from 1.1 percent (in the past year) to 6.1 percent (ever having had any
How do these rates of same-gender partners compare with questions about homosexual experience). The comparable figures for women are 0.4 and 3.4
attraction, appeal, and self-identification? The latter are displayed on the right- percent (Wellings et al. 1994, 187). The French study results range from 1.1
hand side of figure 8.1. The rates of reporting some degree of same-gender percent of the men reporting at least one male partner in the past year and 4.1
desire as a current state of mind are higher for both men and women than the percent reporting any male sex partners in their entire life (Spira et al. 1993,
rates of reporting same-gender partners for the more recent time frames (one 138). These rates are somewhat lower than the rates that we found, but they
and five years) . The levels of reported sexual attraction to one's own gender are still quite close, especially compared to the rates found by Kinsey. The
and the appeal of same-gender sex are also much more comparable for women patterns of the findings in these recent surveys are also quite similar in terms
and men (varying around 5 percent). These different aspects of same-gender of gender and age and elevated rates in large urban areas. 16

16. Similar results have been reported regarding the homosexual experience of men in the
IS . The exact figures on which fig. 8.1 is based are reported in table 8.2 below. United Stales (cf. Fay et al. 1989; Rogers and Turner 1991; and Billy et al. 1993 ).

8.5 The Interrelation of Same-Gender Sexual Behavior, Desire, A. Women

and Identity
How are these three aspects of homosexuality interrelated? To answer this
question, we first need to define a simple dichotomous variable denoting the
presence or absence of each dimension. We sought relatively broad and inclu- 59%
sive summary measures for this analysis. However, we have excluded people (88)
who report their only same-gender sex partners before they turned eighteen.
Thus, we have defined behavior in tenns of a composite measure intended to 1%
tap the presence of any same-gender partner after age eighteen. 17 Desire com- (I)
bines the appeal and attraction measures defined above. For this purpose, any
respondent who reported either being attracted to people of his or her own Behavior
gender or finding same-gender sex appealing is considered to have some same- Identity
gender desire. Same-gender identity includes people who said that they consid- ( 19) o
ered themselves to be either homosexual or bisexual (or an equivalent).
Figure 8.2 displays the overlap among these three conceptually separable
dimensions of homosexuality using Venn diagrams. These diagrams make use
of overlapping circles to display all the logically possible intersections among
different categories. While a Venn diagram distinguishes all possible combina-
tions, it does not attempt to scale the areas in the circles to reflect the relative
numbers of respondents in each category because of technical constraints in
B. Men
the geometry of representation. The latter is indicated by the numbers ai1d
percentages attached to each area.
The three circles each represent a dimension or component of same-gender
sexuality. The totals of 150 women and 143 men, respectively, who report any Desire
same-gender behavior, desire, or identity are distributed across all the possible 44%
mutually exclusive combinations of the three categories. For example, the area
of the circle labeled desire that does not overlap with either of the other circles
includes only those respondents who reported some same-gender desire but (9)
reported neither same-gender partners since eighteen nor self-identification as
a homosexual or bisexual. Desire with no corresponding adult behavior or
identity is the largest category for both men and ·, .·omen, with about 59 percent Behavior Identity
of the women and 44 percent of the men in this cell. About 13 percent of the 22% 2%
(32) (3)

17. There are four different sets of questions that were used to construct this composite: (I)
questions about the number of male and female sex partners since turning eighteen asked on a
self-administered form early in the interview (appendix C. SAQ 2. questions 8 and 9): (2) enumer-
ated sex partners from cohabitational relationships and in the last year (appendix C. sections 2 and
4); (3) counts of sex partners of each gender during the life course since age eighteen (appendix
flc. 8.2 Interrelation of components of homosexuality. A, For ISO women (8.6 percent of
C. section 6); and (4) respondents who report an age of first sexual experience with someone of
.... lotal 1,749) who report any adult same-gender sexuality. B, For 143 men (10.1 percent
the same gender as eighteen or older (appendix C. section 8. question 40). Not surprisingly, since
these questions are asked in different places and in different ways (face-to-face vs. self-
'" ~ total 1,410) who report any adult same-gender sexuality.
completion. directly vs . indirectly. etc .). there were some inconsistencies xtween responses. A
respondent who answered that he or she had sarne-gender sex partners on any of these questions
is treated here as having had an adult homosexual experience. According to this coding scheme,
5.3 percent of the men and 3.5 percent of the women had had at least one same-gender sex partner
since their eighteenth birthday.
A. Women
women and 22 percent of the men report a same-gender partner since turning
eighteen, but no current desire or identity. 18
No women reported homosexual identity alone. But there were three men
who said that they considered themselves homosexual or bisexual even though
they did not report desire or partners. This being an unlikely status, i~ is P?S-
sible that these men simply misunderstood the categones of self-IdentificatIOn
since none of them reported any same-gender experience or interest. ""- Desire only (59%)
About 15 percent of the women and 24 percent of the men are found in the
intersection of all three circles. This is practically all the women (twenty-three
out of twenty-four) and the vast majority of the men (thirty-four out of thirty-
nine) who identify as homosexual or bisexual. In order to see the relative pro-
portions in each set of categories more clearly, pie charts based on the same
data and categories are displayed in figure 8.3. B. Men
As it is measured here, sexual identity does not appear to represent an ana- All three
lytically separate dimension because it logically entails the existence of b~th
desire and action. Desire, behavior, and the combination of deSire and behaVIOr
Identity & desire ( I %)
seem to exist in at least a substantial minority of the cases, but identity inde- Identity only (2%) - Desire only (44%)
pendent of the other two is quite rare. 19 It is thus not surprising that no men or Behavior & identity (0%)
women reported behavior and identity without deSIre. Some. sort of homosex-
ual desire seems at the heart of most notions of homosexualldenlity. To report
same-geI1dc:r pa. . tners, and 10 say that one considers oneself to be homo~~xu~1
\ Desire & behavior (6%)
or bisexual, but to deny any attraction or appeal ofhomosexuahty, seems Illogi-
Fig. 8.3 interrelation oi difi'e''f:.:lt 1iSp.:..~ of ~me-ge!ld~!' ~:rul!!ity. A, For 150 women (8.6
cal. On the other hand, the idea of someone reporting desire and identity but
percent of the total 1,749) who report any adult same-gender sexuality. B, For 143 meo (10.1
no (adult) behavior does not seem so implausible since hom~sexuality is often percent of the total 1,410) who report any adult same-gender sexuality.
thought of as an underlying sexual orientation understood In a psychological
sense of fantasy or desire. One can at least imagine people who conSider them-
selves to be homosexual (or bisexual) without necessarily having had any sex same-gender partners, and express homosexual desires, there are also sizable
partners. In fact, this state appears to be quite rare, with only one woman and groups who do not consider themselves to be either homosexual or bisexual
two men found in this category. but have had adult homosexual experiences or express some degree of desire.
This analysis demonstrates the high degree of variability in the .way that Despite pervasive social disapproval, about 5 percent of the men and women
differing elements of homosexuality are distributed in the populatIOn . ThiS in our sample express some same-gender desire, but no other indicators of
variability relates to the way that homosexuality is both organized as a set of adult activity or self-identification. A sizable number have had same-gender
behaviors and practices and experienced subjectively. It raises qUlle provoca- partners, but consider themselves neither as bisexual or homosexual nor as
tive questions about the definition of homosexuality. While there is a core experiencing any current homosexual desire. While the measurement of same-
group (about 2.4 percent of the total men and about 1.3 percent of the total gender practices and attitudes is crude at best, with unknown levels of underre-
women) in our survey who define themselves as homosexual or bisexual, have porting for each, this preliminary analysis provides unambiguous evidence that
no single number can be used to provide an accurate and valid characterization
of the incidence and prevalence of homosex uality in the population at large. In
18. Even for the most current time period available. the past twelve months. 10 percent of the sum, homosexuality is fundamentally a multidimensional phenomenon that
women and II percent of the men who had had a same-gender sex partner In the past year did not has manifold meanings and interpretations, depending on context and purpose.
report either desire or identity. Please note the small number bases for these est1~ate s.
19. The group of people who report behavior and deSire but not Identity IS qUite small among
the men but fairly sizable among the women. comparable to the women ~ho had sex partners but
nothing else and to those who exhibit all three characteristics. This may mdlcate a shghtly lower
threshold of homosexual and bisexual identity among men than among women . This would fit
with the historically greater visibility of gay men as opposed to lesbians.

8.6 The Relation of Master Statuses and Same-Gender Sexuality I 8. 1 Percentage Reporting Any Same-Gender Sex Partners in Different
Modification of Master Status Variizbles Time Periods, by Selected SoclaVDemographic Variables (GSS and
NHSLS combined)
Tables 8. I and 8.2 present the distributions of a number of measures of
same-gender sex uality by various social and demographic variables . These ta- Parmers
bles use social and demographic variables similar to the master status variables Last Year Pasl 5 Years Since Age 18 Total N
introduced in the preceding chapters, but we have collapsed some categories
because the relative rarity of same-gender sexuality made more fine-grained M W M W M W M W
analysis statistically unreliable. 20 In addition, we took advantage of the replica- ..,-
tion of these measures in the General Social Survey (GSS) since 1988 21 In I 29 30 1.6 4.3 2.5 4.4 4.2 1. 169 1.369
~ 39 3.5 1.8
particular, the three measures of gender of sex partners in different time peri- 5.4 3.2 6.6 5.3 1.220 1.544
ods (past year. past five years, and since age eighteen) appeared in the Gss n ~ 59
3.9 3.6 968 1.141
4.2 2.2 558 773
In table 8.1, we pool the data from the GSS and the NHSLS to increase the Toul 2.7 1.3 4. 1 2.2 4.9 4.1
sample size of U.S . adults aged eighteen to fifty-nine from a maximum of ,\' 3,493 4,376 2.223 2.838 3.072 3.853 3.915 4.827
3,159 for the NHSLS to a combined maximum of 8,744 for those variables \Lariw stalus:
that are in both the GSS and the NHSLS. Table 8.2 is based on the data from Ne'er married 6.6 3.6 9.2 4.8 9.5 8.2 1.188 1.079
~t.arried 1.0 .2 1.7
the NHSLS alone. .8 2.4 2.1 2. 153 2.588
Div}wid.lsep. LO 1.3 2.2 2.7 4.9 4.5 560 1. 138
Three new variables are added to the list of master variables: urbanfrural Toul 2.7 1.2 4 .1 2. 1 5.0 4 .0
place of residence, both at the time of the interview and while growing Up,2J N 3.479 4,354 2.209 2.816 3.058 3.831 3.901 4.805
E..-\lcalio n:
Less than HS 3. 1 .9 3.0 2.2 4.5 4 .9 592 770
20. Age was collapsed inlo fo ur categories instead of the original eight five-year age intervals. HS grad. 1.4 8 2.7 1.4 2.7 2.7 1.129 1,531
In the new version. ten-year groupings are used. This has been done because the rates of reporting SOfTIe cullege 3.0 1.. 1 4.6 2.0 5.3 3.8 1.142 1.442
of same-gender sex are so low for many of these measures Ihat the number of respondenls within College grad. 3.5 2.5 5.4 3.5 6.9 5.8 1,039 1.066
smaller subgroups of the sa mple as a whole ca n become vani shingly small.
TOIal 2.7 1.3 4.1 2.2 4.9 4. 1
21. Marital status has been collapsed imo tnree calegories: never married. currently married.
and previously married (i.e., separated. divorced. and widowed). This was done both to have fewer
....' 3,481 4.363 2.214 2.826 3.061 3.839 3.902 4,809
categories and because cohabitational status is not available in the GSS. Since same-gender mar- Religion :
riage is not legally recognized in the United States. we assume thaI all the marriages are between Type I Prot. 3.0 1.7 5.0 2.2 5.3 4.0 1.0 19 1,308
men and women; similarly. the separalions. divorces, and deaths of spouses reported in the GSS Type II Prot. 1.8 .6 2.5 17 3.3 3.5 1. 197 1.692
refer to such unions. Catholic 1.7 .7 2.3 1.2 2.8 2.5 979 1.268
22. In collaboration with our earlier work leading up 10 the NHSLS. the GSS began including kwi sh 4.5 2.7 8.7 2.0 5.0 6.7 74 83
a self-adminislered fonn with sexual behavior queslions in 1988. It was modified slightly. mainly ~one 5.9 4.0 8.1 5.7 10.7 9.7 504 356
through the addition of items. in 1989 and 1990. The same basic form was used in 1991 and 1993. Other 3.4 4.2 7.5 9.8 10.9 11.6 134 III
:md that form was used in the NHSLS in 1992. (For tne exacl wording of the questions as used in Total 2.7 1.3 4. 1 2.2 5.0 4.1
the NHSLS . see appendix C, SAQ 2. In the NHSLS, these questions were actually presented to
N 3,487 4.370 2,2 17 2,834 3.067 3.848 3.907 4.818
the respondent al the end of the first secli on of the questionnaire [demographyJ before any other
sex questions . For a complete description of tne GSS and the variations in question wordings, see Rdigious attendance:
Davis and Smith [199IJ. In the GSS, the self-administered form with these questions was given to Never 4.4 2.7 6.7 3.1 8.8 6.6 681 648
Ihe respondent at the very end of the interview. Fo r further comparisons of the GSS and NHSLS < 3 times per year 2.5 1.7 4.0 3.8 4.5 5.6 1.078 954
samples and other questions. see appendiX B.) }-39 times per year 2.5 1.1 4.2 1.8 4 .4 3.8 1. 169 1.558
For the purposes of thi s analysis. we have merged the NHSLS cross-sectional cases and the > 39 ti mes per year 1.9 .7 2.2 1.3 3.4 2.6 951 1.621
GSS cases aged eighteen to fifty -nine from 1988. 1989. 1990. 1991. and 1993 inlo a single data Total 2.7 1.3 4.1 2.2 4.9 4.1
set. The sa mple sizes for these variables differ because not all questions were asked each year in N 3,462 4.337 2.206 2.811 3.043 3.816 3.879 4.781
the GSS. Only the gender of partners in the past year appears in every year of the GSS. The number
of partners since age eighteen was added in 1989. and Ihe number of partners in the pasl five years
White 2.7 1.2 40 1.9 5.0 3.7 3.329 3.916
was added in 1990. We looked carefully for any effects of the year of the GSS survey on answers
to the questions. Since no systematic patterns of temporal effects were det~cted. we feel justified Bl ack 3.6 1.3 5.4 2.9 5.0 5.4 423 692
in pooling the multiyear surveys into a single grand sample. Other 1.4 2.1 1.3 5.9 3.3 7.4 165 219
23 . The GSS uses age sixteen as the reference age for the question . The NHSLS changed the Total 2.7 1.3 41 2.2 4.9 4.1
age to founeen to correspond to other surveys such as the National LongitUdinal Survey. In both N 3.494 4.376 2.224 2.838 3.073 3,853 3.9 17 4.827
cases. the intent is to get an idea of where respondenls were living while growing up and before [ contillued)

Table 8.1 (continued) ~8.2 Percentage Reporting Various Types or Same-Gender (SG) Sexuality with a
Partners Partner (P), by Selected Social and Demograpbic Variables

Last Year Past 5 Years Since Age 18 Total N Any Age, Any Sex,
SG Ps SG Sex Attraction, Appeal, Desire, Identity,
M W M W M W M W since since SG SG Sex Attract or Homol
Pubeny Puberty Attraction Appealing Appeal Bisexual
Place of residence:
Top 12 central cities MWMWMWMWMWMW
(CCs) 10.2 2.1 14.3 3.3 16.4 6.2 283 378
Next 88 central cities 3.6 1.2 5.2 2.5 5.7 5.5 433 607 7.1 3.8 9. 1 4.3 6.2 4.4 4.5 5.6 7.7 7.5 2.8 1.4
Suburbs top 12 CCs 2.7 1.2 5.4 1.9 5.9 4.3 430 530
18--29 5.1 2.9 6.4 4.2 7.4 4.4 5.6 4.7 9.1
Suburbs next 88 CCs 1.6 1.3 3.5 J.7 3.4 3.6 635 773 6.7 2.9 1.6
30-39 8.8 5.0 10.6 5.4 6.3 6.0 5.4 6.8 7.2
Other urban areas 1.8 .8 2.5 J.7 4. 1 2.9 1,446 1,659 9.2 4.2 1.8
~9 8.0 4.5 10.9 4.6 6.7 3.3
Rural areas 1.0 .6 .9 1.0 1.5 2.8 422 529 3.7 7.3 8.6 8.3 2.2 1.3
50-59 6.5 2.1 8.8 1.9 2.5 2.8 1.5 2.5 4.0
Total 2.6 1.1 4.1 1.9 5.0 3.& 4.6 .5 .4
).b;ntal status:
N 3,255 4,054 1,983 2,512 2,829 3,530 3,649 4,476
"ever mamed 11.8 5.6 14.4 5.9 12.1 7.7 10.1 7.1 13.9 10.4 7.1 3.7
Place of residence age 14/16
Married 4. 1 2.6 6. 1 2.8 3.5 2.1 1.7
Rural 1.2 .7 l.l 20 2.2 4.3 972 1,041 4.3 4.7 5.2 .6 .1
DivJwid Jsep . 6.9 4.1 7.7 5.5 3.0 6.4 1.5
Townlmed. citylsuburb 2.5 1.3 3.5 2.0 4.& 3.7 1,783 2,376 6.6 3.9 9.6 1.0 1.9
lion :
Large city/metro. area 4 .4 1.6 7.1 2.6 7.3 4.6 1,158 1,393
less than HS 4.7 3.3 4.7 1.8 4.3 1.7 2.6 2.0 5.8 3.3 1.6 .4
Total 2.7 1.3 4.1 2.2 4.9 4.1
H5 grad. 5.2 1.8 7.3 2.3 4.8 1.6 2.2
N 3.491 4,366 2,222 2,830 3,070 3,844 3,913 4,810 4.1 5.5 5.3 1.8 .4
Some college/voc. 9.1 3.9 9.8 5.1 6.4 4.8 6.7 5.6 8.9 7.3 3.8 1.2
CoUege grad. 7.8 6.7 12.0 7.3 8.3 9.3 5.0 9.2 9.4 12.8 3.3 3.6
:-tone 12.4 9".9 15.4 1!.3 lD.9 12.8 8.2 12.6 12.9 15.8 6.2 4.6
T)~ I Prot. 7.7 2.1 9.5 2.0 7.7 3.3 4.6 2.8 8.3 5.2 3.1
and frequency of religious attendance. The levels of urbanization of current .5
TYJ>e U Prot. 4.7 2.9 5.9 3.3 3.2 1.7 3.4 4.9 5.6 5.5 .7 .3
and adolescent place of residence are included because we thought it relevant D1holic 6.4 3.4 7.9 4.2 4.3 5.3 2.4 5.9 5.3 8.4 2.1 1.7
to reports and experience of homosexuality. The existence of highly visible kwish 7.7 6.9 17.4 12.5 11.5 10.3 7.7 6.9 11.5 10.3 7.7 3.4
gay and lesbian communities and neighborhoods in certain major cities like OIber 9.8 18.9 17.1 14.7 14.6 8. 1 12.2 13.5 19.5 16.2 7.5 5.4
New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago led us to wonder whether '·gious anendance :
N~\'er 10.9 4.4 13.2 5.7 6.4
place of residence would affect the incidence and prevalence of homosexuality 4.4 6.3 7.0 7.6 7 .4 4.7 2.2
< 3 times per year 5.3 6.4 7.2 7.2 8.2 7.9 3.8 7.3 9.6 10.1 2.6 3.1
(cf. Levine 1979; D'Emilio 1983; and Murray 1992). Urban-rural differences >-39 times per year 6.5 3.7 8.1 3.2 5.5 4.5 6.3 5.7 7.9 8.0 2.9 I.l
regarding sexual behavior were also reported in the Kinsey volumes. The type > 39 times per year 7.5 2.2 9.7 3.0 4.5 2.2 1.8 4. 1 5.1 5.5 1.5 .3
of place where respondents grew up (as measured at either fourteen or sixteen i.a:.eJethnicity:
years of age) was added to help investigate whether the effect of current resi- \!''hite 76 4.0 9.6 4.7 5.9 5. 1 4.8 5 .7 7.4 7.8 3.0 1.7
8l.o.ck 5.8 3.5 8.0
dence was due primarily to migration or to something else. Religious atten- 2.8 5.3 2.6 3.4 5 .9 6.7 7.0 l.5 .6
Hispanic 8& 3.8 7.5 3.5 13.3 3.9 4.4 6.0 13.9
dance is often used in place of or in addition to religious affiliation itself in 7.6 3.7 1.I
Asian 0.0 3.3 3.2 0.0 14.3 0.0 2.9 0.0 17. 1 0.0 0.0 0.0
explaining sexual behavior and attitudes because it is believed to index more - of residence :
adequately individuals' involvement in the social life of religious communities Top 12 central cities (CCs) 14.2 6.5 15.8 4.6 15 .8 5.9 10.8 8.4 16.7 9.7 9.2 2.6
(cf, Lenski 1960; Laumann 1973; Schuman 1971: Glock and Stark 1965: Sext 88 central cities &.6 5.7 10. 1 7.7 9.1 5.3 6.3 6. 1 11.4 7.8 3.5 1.6
Suburbs top 12 CCs 10.3 5.7 11.9 4.1 7.6 4.8 5.6
Roof 1993). 6.7 10.3 9.0 4.2 1.9
burbs next 88 CCs 4.9 3.3 6.0 4.8 3.3 5.5 2.5 7.5 4.5 9.8 1.3 1.6
OIber urban areas 6.5 2.7 9.7 3.4 4.6 4. 1 3.4 4.7 5.3 6.9 1.9 1.I
RuraJ areas 2.5 2. 1 2.7 2.2 4.4 .5 3.8 1.6 7.5 2. 1 1.3 0.0
leaving home to live independently. For the sake of brevity, and to have a comparable measure for
all respondents, a sing le age for all respondents before the age of majority is used .

et al. estimates, especially the 2.3 percent, are quite low in comparison to our
Urbanization of Place of Residence findings for this age group, the two are closer to each other than the 10 percent
One of the most striking relations in tables 8.1 and 8.2 is between the level estimate widely accepted in the past.
of urbanization of the current residence of respondents and the various meas- While a single estimate is one of a number of possible summary measures
ures of same-gender sexuality. Men living in the central cities of the twelve for a whole population, it may not accurately reftect the situation of a specific
largest metropolitan areas report rates of same-gender sexuality of between 9.2 subgroup within that population. A single number often masks very important
and 16.7 percent (see the columns referring to identity and desire, respec- differences. For example, in this book, we have generally avoided averaging
tively), as compared to rates for all men on these measures of 2.8 and 7.7 the rates of various measures of sexual activity for men and women into a
percent, respectively. And the rates generally decline monotonically with de- single estimate for the population as a whole because the consistent and obvi-
cline in urbanization .24 ous differences between men and women across almost all our measures
While the rates of reported same-gender sexuality for women generally fol- seemed worth preserving. One could easily argue that other group differences
Iowa similar pattern to those for men, that is, they are positively correlated are important. The only case where a single statistic completely represents a
with degree of urbanization, this pattern is not nearly so marked as with the population characteristic is where a distribution is uniform across the whole
men. In general, the relation is not statistically significant for women, although population without regard to any social or other characteristic. The use of and
it is quite consistent across the different measures of homosexuality. 25 debates about a single number as a measure of incidence of homosexuality in
Before turning to a discussion of possible explanations for the relation be- the popUlation, be it 10 or 2 percent (or some other number), are based on the
tween residence and same-gender sexuality, a few general comments on the implicit assumption that homosexuality is randomly (and uniformly) distrib-
interpretation and social effect of this relation seem appropriate. This relation uted in the population. This would fit with certain analogies to genetically or
is an illustration of the limitations of relying on a single number as a summary biologically based traits such as left-handedness or intelligence. However, that
for a complete distribution. While we were writing this book in 1993, extensive is exactly what we do not find. Homosexuality (or at least reports about homo-
media di scussion and debate exploded over the low rates of homosexuality sexuality) is clearly distributed differentially within categories of the social
(however measured) found in various recent sample surveys, including the and demographic variables L'lat are u ed in tables 8.1 and 8.2.26
ass. These debates focused on single estimates produced for the male popula- One of the more interesting features of the distribution of same-gender sex-
tion as a whole, numbers such as 1.1 percent of men between the ages of uality by type of place is that it helps explain some of the disbelief expressed
twenty and forty exclusively homosexual during the previous ten-year period by members of the gay community in response to recent estimates of the preva-
and a 2.3 percent estimate of any homosexuality during the same time period lence of homosexuality. Even if one assumes that the distribution found by our
(Billy et al. 1993; Barringer 1993) or a 2.5 percent figure of adult men re- research is accurate (rather than a lower bound or underestimate), our data
porting male sex partners in the last year (Rogers and Turner 1991; Rogers indicate that about 9 percent of eighteen- to fifty-nine-year-old men living in
1993). The NHSLS estimates are not so different from these. While the Billy the largest central cities in the United States currently identify as either homo-
sexual or bisexual; a higher proportion (14 percent) have had male sex partners
24. This measure of urbanization is taken from the GSS and is based on a coding ofsampling in the last five years; and an even higher proportion report some level of sexual
point for the interview rather than a question asked of the respondent. See the diSCUSSIon of the
attraction to other men (about 16 percent). For men living in gay communities
variable SRCBELT in Davis and Smith (199 1).
25. In the combined NHSLS and GSS data, the only relation for women that is statistically in such cities as New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Chicago, this im-
significan t is that between reside nce and same-gender partners since age .eighteen . (The p-value plies that an even higher proportion of the men with whom they come in con-
of the chi·square with five degrees of freedom IS .024.) As with any test of SIgnificance of a relauon
tact would be gay identified. Research implying that the "true" percentage was
between two variables, statistical significance is a funCllon of both the SIze of the sample and the
degree ("strength") of the association or relation (i.e., the. larger the sample, the more likely that a on the order of 1 or 2 percent would seem quite inaccurate to such people. Of
given degree of association will be found SIgnificant). ThIS IS based on a large sample SIze (3,530 course, the other side of the coin is that generalizing the experience of people
women) and what appears to be a relatively marked assoclauon. With percentages varymg from
living in the twelve largest cities (where about one-third of the U.S. population
6.2 percent for women living in the central cities of the twel ve large st metropol>tan areas W 2.8
percent among the women living in rural areas. In contrast. the relauon for men IS strongly slgmfi·
cant for all three same-gender partner variables in the combined data set, WIth probabl iJtles less 26. There is a statistically significant relation between all the master status variables in table 8.1
than .00 I . However. a number of the patterns of association are as strong for the women as they and at least one of the same-gender partner measures for both men and women. There are two
are for partners since eighteen (cf. allY age, appeal. and any desire in table 8.2), although the exceptions: urbanization while growing up for women and race for men . However, the relation
sample size is much smaller (about 1,750 women in NHSLS alone vs. about 3,500 m the combmed between race and same-gender partners for women is due to the different (so mewhat elevated)
GSS and NHSLS data set). rate for "other" rather than any differences between whites and blacks.

lives) or in gayflesbian networks to the rest of the country is equally in appro- are so widespread. It implies that the environment in which people grow up
affects their sexuality in very basic ways. But this is exactly one way to read
~~? . .,.
What are the possible mechanisms that could explam the dlstnbutlOn of the many of the patterns that we have found throughout this research. In fact, there
various measures of same-gender sexuality by urbanization of place of resI- is evidence for the effect of the degree of urbanization of residence while
dence that we observe? One obvious mechanism is migration. People inter- growing up on reported homosexuality. This effect is quite marked and strong
ested in sex with people of their own gender move to more congenial social for men and practically nonexistent for women. Table 8.1 displays the relation
environments. Large cities are congenial in a number of ways. Large urban between the urbanization of the place where respondents were living at age
centers generally have more diversity and a greater tolerance of diversity, less fourteen (sixteen for the GSS). We find a similar but much more moderated
familiarity among and scrutiny by neighbors, and an increased variety of work relation to current residence: among the male respondents, there is a clear mon-
and leisure opportunities than smaller cities and towns. In t~e United St.a~es, otonic relation between the level of urbanization and the proportion reporting
many larger cities have substantial and visible gay and lesbIan commUnItIes, same-gender partners in a given time period. Unlike current residence, resi-
which occupy residential areas with high concentrations of openly gayflesblan dence at age fourteen or sixteen is very unlikely to be the result of a choice by
people and institutions that cater to or are tolerant of them. Younger people the respondent based on sexual preference.
living in smaller towns or rural areas who are interested in same-gender sex The relation of urbanization to same-gender sexuality is quite marked for
are likely to learn of these communities and may migrate to them, especIally men but much weaker for women. This is true for both current residence and
if they feel constrained by negative sanctions toward open homosexualIty gen- residence while growing up. This suggests that homosexuality among men and
erally or in their local social networks of friends and family. . women in the United States may be socially organized quite differently. It is
The migration model for explaining the increased proportIOns ~f same- even possible that the phenomena themselves (the various forms of same-
gender sexual practice, interest, and identification among people m l~ger gender sexuality) are different for men and women. (Of course, we have al-
cities assumes that people discover their own inclinations more or less mde- ready demonstrated that the various forms of same-gender sexuality differ in
pendently of their ~nvironment and then adjust their environment to their "in- substantial ways among men and among women as well.) Discussions of ho-
ner nature." But there is another possibility. Large cities may provide a conge- mosexuality often treat any sam~-gender sexual behaviQr or interest as funda-
nial environment for the development and expression of same-gender interest. mentally the same. These results challenge such easy conclusions.
This is not the same as saying that homosexuality is a personal, deliberate or
conscious choice. But an environment that provides increased opportunities Education and the Prevalence of Same-Gender Sexuality among Women
for and fewer negative sanctions against same-gender sexuality may both allow Most of the patterns in the relations between same-gender sexuality and the
and even elicit expression of same-gender interest and sexual behavIOr. social and demographic master status variables observed in tables 8.1 and 8.2
To test these two models empirically is quite difficult. To do so, one would are similar for men and women. Except for one variable, the appeal of having
need longitudinal data. In any case, these two models or explanati~ns are not sex with someone of one's own sex, the rates for women are always lower than
mutually exclusive. Both might operate to varying degrees. We dId .not ~sk the rates for men in any particular category. Education, however, does seem to
respondents about why they moved to their current residence, but mIgratIOn stand out for women in a way that it does not for men. Higher levels of educa-
seems plausible as at least one of the mechanisms by which (h.e higher rates of tion are generally associated with higher rates on any given measure of same-
same-gender sexuality among people living in big cities come about. It fits gender sexuality. But this pattern is more pronounced and more monotonic for
with many of the generally accepted notions about the "coming-out:' process women than it is for men . In general, women with high school degrees or less
for gays and lesbians and historical work on gay commUnIties (Lev me 1979; report very low rates of same-gender sexuality. The strength and consistency
D'Emilio 1983; Murray 1992). . of the pattern for women is mainly due to the fact that women who have gradu-
The elicitation/opportunity hypothesis is the less obvious explanation. It ated from college always report the highest level of same-gender sexuality. In
runs counter to the more essentialist, biological views of homosexuality that the case of the measures of desire or interest, the female college graduates'
rates are higher than those of comparable men, even for sexual attraction,
27. This may be similar to the mechanism that leads many to think . th~t there is much more where the overall rate for women is lower than that for men. For the measures
sexual activity and more variegated sexual practices throughout the SOCIety than the kInds of fig- of appeal and desire, the women's overall rates are higher than or comparable
ures that research such as ours would imply. The images and contexts of sexuahty WIth whIch we to the men's rates, but this turns out to be largely due to the especially high rate
are usually presented in the mass media are often those of the young. the educated. the urban. the
uncoupled. or those just beginning sexual reiallonshlps. Just the places where we have found ele-
among the college educated .
vated levels of sexual activity and variety. There does not seem to be an obvious explanation for this pattern. Higher
levels of education are associated with greater social and sexual liberalism (see Table 8.3A Prevalence of Same-Gender and Opposite-Gender
chapter 14) and with greater sexual experimentation (see Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Partners (Ps) (percentages)
Martin 1948; Kinsey et aL 1953; and chapter 3 above). Acceptance of nontradi-
tional sexual behavior is likely to be higher among the more educated. This Ps in Past 5
may facilitate higher rates of reporting among the better educated, even if be- Ps in Last Year Years Ps since Age 18 Ps since Puberty
havioral differences across education levels are negligible. But it seems likely M W M W M W M W
that both effects occur.
No panners 10.5 13.3 5.9 7.1
We have already observed some drop-off in heterosexual partners (and rates 3.8 l 3.4 3.3 2.2
Opposite gender only 86.8 85.4 90.0 90.7
of sexual activity) among the more highly educated women (see chapters 3 and 91.3 925 90.3 94.3
Both men and women .7 .3 2.1 1.4 4.0 3.7 5.8 3.3
5). On the one hand, more education for women may represent greater gender Same gender only 2.0 1.0 2.0 .8 .9 .4 .6 .2
nonconformity. But it may also represent a higher level of personal resources Any same-gender sex (%):
(human capital) that can translate into more economic and social opportunities, Both men and women 25.3 25.0 51.6 62.9 81.6 899 90.7 94.9
Same gender only 74.7 75 .0 48.4 37.1
which would, in turn, increase one's ability to please oneself rather than others . 18.4 10.1 9.3 5.1
Total N 3.494 4,376 2,224 2,8 38
The fact that younger women (those under forty) report higher levels of same- 3,073 3,853 1,334 1,678
gender partners in all three time periods but do not so clearly report higher Nore: Partner variables (last year, past five years, and since eight~n) are from combined GSS and NHSLS
levels of same-gender desire may be due to historical changes that affect the data (appendix C, SAQ 2, questions 4, 7, 8, and 9 cumulatively). Partners since puberty is based on age
of first vagmal '"tercourse and age of first same-gender partner from NHSLS (appendix C, section 8,
opportunities and norms for cohorts differentially. In particular, the expectation questIons 20 and 40) .
and need for women to work and the lowering of barriers to economic success
have had a greater effect on younger women. A more general pattern of
Table 8.3B Prevalence of Sexual Identity and Sexual Attraction,
younger women's sexual experiences becoming somewhat more like men's
by Gender (percentages)
seems to be emerging in te:ms of hoth same- and opposite-gender activity.
Sexual Identity" M W Sexual Attraction'
Both the ideology of women's equality and the structural bases for its realiza- M W
tion have been increasing in the postwar period, but with especially marked Other .3 .1 Only opposite gender 93 .8 95.6
increases since the late 1960s. Heterosexual 96.9 98 .6 Mostly opposite gender 2.6 2.7
Bisexual .8 .5 Both genders .6 .8
The Mixture of Same- and Opposite-Gender Sex Partners Homosexual 2.0 .9 Mostly same gender .7 .6
Any same-gender sex (%): Only same gender 2.4 .3
So far we have focused on the existence of any same-gender partners in TotalN
Both men and women 28 .2 37.5 1.404 1.731
given time periods or the expression of sexual interest in people of the same Same gender only 71. 8 62.5
gender. Many of those who report same-gender sexual experience or interest Total N 1,401 1,732
also have sexual experiences with and interest in people of the opposite gender
'From appendix C, section 8, question 49.
as well. Tables 8.3A and 8.3B show the gender breakdown of sex partners in
"From appendix C, section 8. questions 47 and 48 .
various time periods and the distribution of sexual identification and sexual
attraction for men and women.
First, let us look at the mixture of genders of sex partners in four different
and 1.3 percent of the women a female partner. Of these, about three out of
time periods: the past year, the past five years, since age eighteen, and since
four report having only same-gender partners in the past twelve months, while
puberty. As would be expected, the longer the time period, the higher the pro-
the other quarter had at least one partner of each gender. In the past five years,
portion of people who report having had any same-gender partners. However,
4. I percent of the men and 2.2 percent of the women had at least one same-
the relative proportion of people who have had only same-gender partners gender partner. About half these men had both male and female partners in this
compared to the proportion who have had partners of both genders changes time period . The women are more likely than the men to have had sex with
dramaticalIy. While the overall proportions of men and women reporting any
both men and women than only same-gender partners. Almost two-thirds of
same-gender partners differ, the general pattern of how these are distributed
the women reporting a female partner in the past five years also report a male
between people having only same-gender partners and tho~e havmg partners
partner. The proportion of the men with male partners since age eighteen who
of both genders is quite similar. Beginning with the distribution of partners by
report having had only male partners declines to about 20 percent of the total.
gender in the last year, we find that 2.7 percent of the men had a male partner
For women, the comparable figure is about 10 percent. When the time period

under consideration is extended to all partners since puberty, the proportion of ual to one of bisexual is similar to the ratio of having only same-gender part-
men with only male partners declines again to 10 percent of the men with any ners to having partners of both genders in the past year (between 2: I and 3: I).
male partners.2" Translated to a prevalence rate for the men as a whole, this Responses to the question about sexual attraction display another interest-
means that, since puberty, under I percent of all men (0.6 percent) have had ing difference between men and women . If one looks only at the respondents
sex only with other boys or men and never with a female partner. For women, who report any sexual attraction to people of their own gender, one finds that,
the proportion is even smaller. About 5 percent of the women who have had whereas the men follow a bimodal distribution, the women's distribution is
female partners since puberty have never had sex with a male partner. This monotonic. An equal proportion of men (2.4 percent) report being attracted
means that, overall, only 0.2 percent of all women have had sex only with only to other men as report being attracted mostly to women (2.6 percent). The
women . other categories of same-gender attraction for men, that is, the men who report
These findings based on measures of sex partners indicate once again just equal attraction to men and women and the men who report mainly but not
how normative heterosexuality is in our society. Over a lifetime, the vast major- exclusively being attracted to other men, are much lower, at 0.6 and 0.7 per-
ity of people who report sex with others include at least one opposite-gender cent, respectively. For the women, the pattern is quite different. The largest
partner. On the other hand, we have seen that there is a minority, about 9 per- group of women who report same-gender attraction are those who report
cent of men and 4 percent of women, who have sex with someone of their mostly, but not exclusively, being attracted to men, 2.7 percent. As the degree
own gender (see the any sex column in table 8.2) . These data also indicate the of sexual attraction to other women increases, the proportion of women re-
importance of the life course in viewing issues such as the gender of sex part- porting it decl.ines. Only 0.3 percent of women report being exclusively at-
ners as a dynamic process. Given the relatively low rates of same-gender part- tracted to other women. Now compare these rates with the rates of self-
ners and the small size of our sample, it is not possible to look at questions of identification (categories of sexual orientation). Slightly more men report be-
the movement back and forth between partners of each gender over time. For ing exclusively attracted to other men than report considering themselves to be
many, no doubt, the pattern of the mixture of partners. represent.s some experi- homosexual (2.4 vs. 2.0 percent), whereas more women consider themselves
mentation early on ana WP. settling into a fixed chOice later, If for no other to be homosexual than report exclusive same-gender attraction (0.9 vs. 0.3 per-
reason than the fact that most people have relatively few partners overall (see cent). 'woile t.he ilumbers here are very small, it appears that. whereas two-
chapter 5) . On the other hand, there are some people who have had both male thirds of the women who consider themselves to be homosexual report at least
and female partners in the past one to five years . Here again, men and women some minimal level of sexual attraction to men, a much smaller minority of
also appear to differ. Women are much more likely than men in any time frame the men who report attraction to men but none to women do not consider them-
longer than a year to have had male as well as female partners, given that they selves to be homosexual. Again, there seem to be somewhat elusive (owing to
have any same-gender partners. small sample sizes) but intriguing differences between the way that arne-
Let us now turn briefly to the questions of self-identification and sexual gender sexuality is experienced by men and women in the United States .
attraction (table 8.38). The questions that we asked are in the present tense
and refer to the respondents' self-assessment at the time of the interview. The Sex Partners, Frequency, and Practices
distribution of the responses on sexual identification resembles the distribution In this section, we return to some key measures of sexual behavior from
of partners in the past year.29 Does this mean that answers to a question about chapters 3 and 5 and compare their prevalence for people who do and do not
sexual orientation reflect a statement about current behavior, or do current be- report same-gender partners . This is a preliminary analysis based on crude
havior and orientation express relatively stable outcomes of a developmental summaries of means and proportions. We are limited by the fact that the rates
process? In either case, the ratio of reports of a self-identification of homosex- of reporting same-gender sexual behavior are so low and our sample size is
small. In chapters 3 and 4, we have already seen that the distribution of sexual
behaviors is related to a variety of social characteristics. We have also seen that
28. The meas ure used here for panners since puberty is based solely on the questions about the the distribution of same-gender sexuality is similarly differentiated. Ideally.
age of sex (after puberty ) with first same- and first eppesite-gender panner in the childhood and
ade lescence sectien of the questionnaire. This produces a slightly lewer rate ef same-gender pan- one would want to look at the differences between sexual behavior between
ners than the any same- gender parrner measure used in fig. 8. 1 and table 8.2. . same- and opposite-gender couples, taking into account these other social sta-
29. The major difference is that. while about 10 percent ef the sample had no. panners In .the tuses and contexts. However, we have barely thirty men and women in many
pas t year. practically everye ne gave an answer that closely fit inloene e f the three major categenes,
heterosexual, hemesexual, er bisexual. The distribution is con sistent with the Idea that the non- of these categories , the minimum that we have set for computing group esti-
sexually acti ve peeple had the same distributio n e n sexual identity as the sexually aCll ve pee ple . mates. In several cases, there are fewer than thirty women who had same-

gender partners in the past year or who consider themselves homosexual or Table 8.4 Mean Numbers of Sex Partners, by Measures of Same-Gender Sexuality,
bisexual. Still, it seems worthwhile to report these summary statistics where Sexually Active Respondents Only
we have sufficient data as a preliminary indication of patterns that deserve Time Frame
further investigation when larger samples are available.
Table 8.4 displays data on the number of partners in various time frames: Partners in Last Year Partners in Last 5 Years Partners since Age 18
the past year, the past five years, and since age eighteen. Four different meas- Confidence Confidence Confidence
ures are used to divide respondents into two groups based on the presence or Interval Interval interval
absence of same-gender sexuality: self-identification as homosexuallbisexual
Mean Low High Mean Low High Mean Low High
and having any same-gender partners in a given time frame. The mean number
of partners includes all partners, both men and women, during the given time Men
period. Only sexually active people are included in the calculation of the Any same· gender
None 1.8 1.5 2.0 4.9 4.3 56 16.5 13.7 19.4
We have included 95 percent confidence intervals for the means in this table
Homo/bisexual 3. 1 1.9 4.2 18.0 9.3 26.7 42.8 12.4 73 .1
to give a better sense of the variability in these distributions. 30 These lower and Any same· gender
upper limits provide a sense of how large the range is within which the true partners since
means are likely to lie. When the intervals are overlapping, this implies that age 18:
the differences between the means are not statistically significant. J1 None 1.8 1.5 2.0 4.9 4.2 5.5 15.7 12.9 18.4
There is a clear overall pattern in this table. In all cases, when we dichoto- Some 2.3 J.7 2.9 12.2 7.2 17.2 44.3 22.2 66.5
Any same· gender
mize our sample, the group of people with same-gender partners (or who de- partners in past
fine themselves as homosexual or bisexual) have higher average numbers of 5 years :
par1i1eiS than the rest of the sexually active people in the sample. In many, if None 1.7 1.5 2.0 4.8 4.2 5.4 16.9 14.0 19.9
not most, of the cases for the men, these differences are not statistically sig- Some 2.9 2.1 3.8 16.7 9.9 23 .5 26.6 15.1 38.0
Any same-gender
nificant. Thus, the mean number of partners in the last year is just under two
partners in past
for men without any male partners and around three for men with at least one year:
male partner. But the differences for the split based on identity and any partners None 1.8 1.5 2.0 4.9 4.2 5.5 17.1 14.1 201
since eighteen are clearly not statistically significant since the confidence inter- Some 3.4 2.3 4.5 20.7 11.6 29 .8 30.0 17.9 42.2
vals are overlapping. For partners in the past five years, the differences are Women
larger and produce intervals that do not overlap and are more separated. Men Any same-gender
with no male partners had a mean of about five partners in the past five years, identity :
as compared to means between twelve and twenty-one for the men with same-
gender partners. Even though the discrepancies between the means for partners Any same-gender
since age eighteen are quite large, in fact in only one case is the interval non- partners since
overlapping. The pattern for the women is quite similar to that for the men, age 18:
although the mean number of partners in the two longer time periods is gener- None I.3 1.2 1.3 2.2 2.0 2.4 49 4.4 5.5
Some 3.8 - .2 7.7 7.6 2.4 12.9 19.7 13.0 26.3
Any same-gender
partners in past
30. The limits for these intervals are computed by adding and subtracting approximately two 5 years:
standard errors to and from the mean. Under the assumption that these variables are normally None 1.3 1.2 1.3 2.2 2.0 2.4 5.2 4.6 5.8
disuibuted, these calculated limits would include the true mean ninety-five times out of a hundred -1.5 19.2 19.9 9.4 30.4
Some 5.7 12.8 101 1.0
in repeated samples. Of course, number of partners is hardly normally distributed. but generally
violation of the normality assumption still provides a reasonable approximation to more exact Any same-gender
calculations. A major purpose of interval estimation is that it gives one a sense of the variability partners in past
involved in the estimate . Variability of estimates is especially large for small sample sizes. year:
31. Even when the intervals do not overlap, the true means may still not differ. That is because None
the calculations used here assume that our method s produce more precision than we know they So me
actuall y do. The point here is ma inly to provide some guard against apparent differences, but
additi onal caution against generali zati on is warranted . • Fewer than thiny cases.

ally less than half the rates for men. For the women, it is only the confidence Table 8.S Mean Frequency or Sex per Month ror Past Year. by Measures or
intervals based on the number of partners since eighteen that clearly separate Same-Gender Sexuality
the two groups. Remember that the mean number of partners here is based on Men Women
both male and female partners. Part of the difference in mean numbers of part-
ners is due to the fact that the "same-gender" groups include many people who Confidence Confidence
Interval Interval
have both same- and opposite-gender partners.
The higher mean numbers of partners for respondents reporting same- Mean Low High Mean Low High
gender sex corresponds to a stereotype of male homosexuals that is widespread All men 6.5 6.2 6.8 All women 6.2 5.9 6.5
in our society. It is thought to be both easier for men to find short-term male Any same-gender Any same-gender
partners and harder for them to form long-term relationships. While some evi- identification: identification:
dence in our data supports this general tendency, the differences do not appear None 6.6 6.3 6.9 None
very large in view of the higher variability in our measures that results from Homolbisexual 4.5 2.8 6.2 Homolbisexual
Any same-gender Any same· gender
the small sample sizes of homosexually active men. From analyses not shown partners since 18: partners since 18:
here, we estimate that over one-third of the men who had only male partners None 6.1 5.8 6.5 None 5.5 5.2 5.8
in the past year were living with a partner at the time of the interview. This Some 5.7 4.4 7.0 Some 6.1 4.6 7.6
compares with two-thirds of the men who only had female partners in the past Any same-gender partners Any same-gender partners
in past 5 years: in past 5 years:
year. Of course, for the latter this includes married as well as live-in partners.
None 6.3 6.0 6.6 None 5.8 5.5 6.1
Lack of formal recognition of same-gender relationships and lack of social Some 4.4 3.0 5.7 Some 5.5 3.4 7.7
pressure and support to maintain them no doubt contribute to the lower rate Any same-gender partners Any same-gender partners
of longer-term relationships and the higher rate at which new partners are in past year: in past year:
acquired. None 6.6 6.3 6.9 None
Some 4.3 2.6 5.9 Some
One stereotype about lesbians, on the other hand, holds that they form ex-
tremely strong bonds with each other, leading one to expect lower rates at 'Fewer than thirty cases.
which new partners are acquired. But our data do not fit that pattern. We al-
ready noted the large proportion of the women reporting female panners in
our sample who also have sex with men. Analysis based on larger samples is Kinsey. Pomeroy. and Martin (1948). where it was applied to homosexually
necessary to sort out whether the lesbians' larger average number of partners active men. Table 8.5 reports the mean frequency of sex per month (for the
is due to having relatively more female or male partners. exact wording of the question. see appendix C, SAQ 2, question 5). We find
Is the comparison of people who report any same-gender sex partners with practically no difference between the rates of sex per month for the different
all those who do not the most appropriate? We have shown that the former are comparisons. The mean rates for men with male partners are consistently, but
younger, more educated, more likely to live in large cities, and generally less not significantly. lower than the rates for the rest of the men. The rates for
religious. All these factors are also associated with having more sex partners. women hardly differ at all between the two groups.
Again, we need a larger sample to pursue more refined and appropriate com-
parisons. Selected Sexual Practices
In table 8.6, we tum to a preliminary investigation of the sexual practices
Frequency of Sex in the lAst Year of the people defined by several of our measures of same-gender sexuality. We
In chapter 5, we pointed out that the relation between numbers of partners add one group defined in terms of same-gender experience to the set that we
and the frequency of sex is nonlinear. Except for a very small proportion of have been using. We have included a category in table 8.6 labeled any SG
people with many partners, the frequency of partnered sex generally declines [same gender] sexuality, behavior, and desire. This group includes all the
with an increase in partners. This seems to be largely a matter of the ineffi- people in the Venn diagrams and pie chans (figs. 8.2 and 8.3). This broad fuzzy
ciencies of having to find new partners with whom to have sex rather than set consists of all those one might consider labeling homosexual in almost any
having sex with the same person, especially if that person shares living quar- sense of that term during adulthood (i.e., since age eighteen), given the meas-
ters with the respondent. This is a classic argument dating back at least to ures thaI we have in our survey. The measures of same-gender sexuality used

Table 8.6 Percentage Reporting Selected Sexual Practices, by Various Measures or the comparisons made for numbers of partners. The same-gender sexuality
Same-Gender Sexuality groupings tend to be younger, more highly educated, more urbanized, and less
Proportions Reporting Having Engaged in Practice
religious. They are also less likely to be currently cohabiting or married. Per-
Masturbation in Last
Year since Puberty (on final SAQ) haps they are also less subject to social taboos related to sexuality so that, in
crossing a major line of sexual demarcation, they have lowered fears of
Once per breaching other barriers as well.
Week or Active Oral Receptive Active Anal Receptive
Oral Sex Sex Anal Sex The sexual practices in this table refer to lifetime rates (i.e., since puberty)
Not at All More Sex
of ever having engaged in the specific practice with a person of the same gen-
M W M W M W M W M W M W der (see appendix C, SAQ 4F [for females] and SAQ 4M [for males]). The
comparison rates for the sample as a whole are based on reports of ever engag-
Total population 36.7 58.3 26.7 7.6 766' 67.7' 78 .7' 73.1' 25.6' N.A. N.A. 20.4'
Any same-gender (SG)
ing in the equivalent practice with someone of the opposite gender. For ex-
sexuality, behavior. ample, the total population rate for active oral sex for men refers to men who
and desire 24.4 29.5 49.6 18.7 32.3 267 39.9 34.6 27.3 N.A. 29.3 N.A. performed oral sex on a woman (cunnilingus). The proportions below it for the
Any SG partners (Ps) various same-gender groupings refer to performing oral sex on another man
since age 18 15.3 29.8 55.6 19.3 58.9 61.8 69.9 72.2 50.0 N.A. 53.4 N.A.
(fellatio). For the women, the total population rate for active oral sex refers to
Any SGPs in past 5
11.8 30.0 64.7 20.0 74.5 71.4 80.4 82.1 64.0 N.A. 62.8 N.A. fellatio performed on a male partner, and, for the same-gender groupings, the
68.6 886
, b
, 79.4 N.A. 77.1 N.A. proportions are of women who performed oral sex (cunnilingus) on a female
Any SG Ps in past year
74.4 89.5 , b
, 75.7 N.A. 816 N.A. partner. The anal sex columns refer to anal intercourse and therefore were not
Any SG identity
asked of women in terms of other women. The total population rates are based
NOIe: N.A. = not applicable.
'Proportion of respondents reporting practice with an opposite-gender partner (e.g .. active oral sex reported
on active anal intercourse by men with female partners and receptive anal sex
by male respondents refers to ever having performed oral sex on a woman). reported by female respondents with male partners.
'Fewer than thirty cases. Similar to the pattern for masturbation, there are increasing proportions of
the groups who report ever having engaged in a given practice as one moves
down the columns in the table. In the first and, by far, the broadest grouping,
in this table become more narrowly and exclusively defined as one moves down about a third of the men report ever performing oral sex on another man, and
the columns. J2 about 40 percent report having had oral sex performed on them.» These pro-
Table 8.6 includes masturbation in the past year, active and receptive oral portions increase markedly in each of the next three rows as one moves down
sex, and active and receptive anal sex. The two tails of the distribution of mas- the column to the group of men who had sex with men in the past year. The
turbation are included: no masturbation in the past year and masturbating once highest level of active oral sex is close to 90 percent, receptive oral sex 94
a week or more. The proportion reporting each level of masturbation in the percent, and 90 percent of those who identify as either homosexual or bisexual
various groups defined by our measures of same-gender sexuality is displayed, report receptive oral sex. For women, the rates and pattern of oral sex are quite
as is the proportion for the total popUlation. The rates of masturbation increase similar. Unfortunately, there are fewer than thirty women in the two last catego-
as one goes down the columns for both men and women. This appears as a ries, but, even for these groups (not shown here), the rates continue to increase.
decline in the proportion of people who say that they did not masturbate and The highest rate for the women is 92 percent reported by the women identified
an increase in the proportion who said that they masturbated frequently in the as homosexual or bisexual. The rates of oral sex with same-gender partners for
past year. The rates of masturbation for all these groups :u-e much higher than those who report a same-gender partner in the past year or who identify as
the rates observed for the sample as a whole. We can only speculate why this homosexual or bisexual rise above those reported between opposite-gender
might be the case. There is a compositional problem here similar to that for partners for the sample as a whole. While, for these groups, oral sex becomes
almost universal, approaching 90-95 percent, it is not so high among people
32. This is not always true. although the exceptions are quite minor. The exceptions are that
there are a few respondents who report same-gender partners in the past five years who did not
have such partners since turning eighteen (i.e .. among those under twenty-three at the time of the 33. Many of [he people in this set may never have had any sex with a person of their own gender.
interview). Also. there were five men and one woman who did not have same-gender partners but But this is not by definition or design. While 59 percent of the women and 44 percent of the men
who considered themselves to be homosexual or bisexual. These exceptions have only a very minor in [his group reported only desire but no behavior and identity in adulthood. the sexual practice
effect on the proportions in this table. questions refer to activity any time since puberty.

reporting at least one same-gender partner since turning eighteen. Only 60-70 CHAPTER 9
percent of these men and women report ever having oral sex with a same-
gender partner.
Anal intercourse among men follows the pattern for oral sex, although at Fonnative Sexual Experiences
slightly lower r::ltes. Anal sex increases from almost 30 percent to about 80
percent as one moves down the columns in the table. There is even more con-
sistency between rates of reporting active and receptive anal intercourse. These
rates are higher, even for the broadest definition of a same-gender category,
than the lifetime rates for opposite-gender anal sex. On the other hand, while
high, these rates are not as high as those for oral sex; 20-25 percent of the
narrowest categorization of the men report never having had anal intercourse. In this chapter, we discuss sexual experiences that are highly salient and emo-
They are also lower than the high rates of over 95 percent for vaginal inter- tionally charged: first vaginal intercourse and coercive or abusive sex. Al-
course reported in chapter 3. though first intercourse and forced sex are at first glance disparate topics, in
this chapter we have grouped them together under the rubric of formative sex-
8.7 Conclusion ual experiences. As we will see, all these experiences involve issues of consent
In contrast to much of the literature on homosexuality, which draws sharp dis- and each has a special power to shape future sexual and nonsexual adjustment.
tinctions between people who identify socially and psychologically with the In our culture, first heterosexual intercourse usually represents the initiation
gay and lesbian experience and everyone else, we have not treated people who into partnered sexual activity. This transition, or at least the age at which it
had same-gender experiences as being somehow fundamentally different. Fol- occurs, has been the subject of extensive previous research that has been moti-
lowing such reasoning, we have included the whole population in all the analy- vated in large part by changing policy concerns ranging from "sexual permis-
ses (with a few exceptions) throughout the book. It was only in deference to siveness" in the 1950s to more recent concerns with teenage pregnancy and
the widespread interest in homosexuality per se that we decided to report our sexually transmitted infections among young people. OUf research also treats
primary results on same-gender sexual practices and preferences in a separate the topic of age at first intercourse, but we have expanded the discussion to a
chapter. broader consideration of the changing quality of adolescents' sexual lives and
Our data, limited in some respects though they may be, represent the most how respondents characterize the social context of their early sexual experi-
varied and comprehensive measures of different aspects of homosexuality to ences. In this way, we hope to get a sense of the qualitative aspects of how
be collected on a representative sample of U.S. adults. We have broadened the individuals experience a transition that has so much symbolic importance in
perspective of population-based sex research beyond a narrow focus on a small our culture.
set of sexual behaviors between people of the same gender. Put simply, we Coercive and abusive sexual experiences are also "formative" in the sense
contend that there is no single answer to questions about the prevalence of that they have, as we will see, important consequences for the happiness and
homosexuality. Rather, homosexuality is a complex, multidimensional phe- well-being of those who experience them. Unlike research on age at first ihter-
nomenon whose salient features are related to one another in highly contingent course, research on forced sex has been limited by a lack of data from high-
and diverse ways. For example, the highest rates of same-gender experience quality national samples. Our data include some of the first estimates of the
are found in the largest cities, with sharp declines across levels of urbanization. prevalence of forced sex experiences based on a national probability sample
And there are marked gender differences in the report of same-gender experi- of adult men and women as well as a broader treatment of the victims' relation-
ences that also interact in complex ways with age and education. It is findings ships to their attackers and the physical and emotional consequences of
such as these that underscore the importance of understanding the social organ- forced sex.
ization of sexuality throughout the life course. Although our data include useful information about the social context of
first intercourse and the prevalence of coerced sex, we must be sensitive to
certain features of survey research methodology. We have gathered retrospec-

This chapter was drafted by Kristen Olson. with help from Nora Leibowitz. Fang Li, and Dawne
Moon in data analysis and literature review. It was produced under the direction of Edward O.
Laumann and John H. Gagnon.


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