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Inside the APA Support of Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Civil Marriage
American Psychiatric POSITION STATEMENT
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"Policy documents are approved by the APA Assembly and Board of Trustees… These APA News
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are …position statements that define APA official policy on specific subjects…" -- APA
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Associations Operations Manual. Cuts in Medicare Payments
Early Career Psychiatrists APA Statement on Shootings
Electronic Health Records As physicians who frequently evaluate the impact of social and family relationships on child Physicians Back Public Option
Ethics development, and the ability of adults and children to cope with stress and mental illness, AACAP Provides Prescribing Guide
Healthy Minds. Healthy psychiatrists note the invariably positive influence of a stable, adult partnership on the health of Psychiatrists Write Fewer Than 1
Lives. all family members. Sustained and committed marital and family relationships are in 4 Psychoactive Prescriptions
HIV Psychiatry cornerstones of our social support network as we face life’s challenges, including illness and Member Feedback
Interest Groups loss. There is ample evidence that long-term spousal and family support enhances physical
Membership and mental health at all stages of development.
Office of Minority and This position statement is about the legal recognition of same-sex civil marriage, not Calendar of Events
National Affairs religious marriage, and it does not pertain to any organized religion’s view of same-sex December 1, 2009
Position Statements marriage. Deadline to request online ballot
Psychiatric News Heterosexual relationships have a legal framework for their existence through civil marriage,
May 22-26, 2010
which provides a stabilizing force. In the United States, with the exception of Massachusetts, Annual Meeting 2010
same-sex couples are currently denied the important legal benefits, rights and responsibilities New Orleans, LA
Resources of civil marriage. Same-sex couples therefore experience several kinds of state-sanctioned more events...
discrimination that can adversely affect the stability of their relationships and their mental
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The children of unmarried gay and lesbian parents do not have the same protection that civil
Partnership for Workplace marriage affords the children of heterosexual couples. Adoptive and divorced lesbian and gay
Mental Health
parents face additional obstacles. An adoptive parent who is lesbian or gay is often
Physician Litigation Stress
Resource prejudicially presumed as unfit in many U.S. jurisdictions. Furthermore, when unmarried
Physician Resources for couples do adopt, usually one parent is granted legal rights, while the other parent may have
Underserved Communities no legal standing. These obstacles occur even though no research has shown that the
The Psychiatrists' Program children raised by lesbians and gay men are less well adjusted than those reared within
heterosexual relationships.
As the population ages, the denial of legal recognition of civil marriage has consequences
for increasing numbers of older adults in same-sex relationships who face age-related health
and financial concerns. Excluding these adults from civil marriage protections of survivorship
and inheritance rights, financial benefits, and legal recognition as a couple in health care
settings increases the psychological burden associated with aging.
The American Psychiatric Association has historically supported equity, parity, and non-
discrimination in matters that have an impact on mental health. APA has also supported
same-sex civil unions and the right of same-sex couples to adopt and co-parent children. This
is because APA has a longstanding interest in civil rights and legal issues that affect mental
health as well as a code of ethics that supports and respects human dignity. Educating the
public about lesbian and gay relationships and supporting efforts to establish legal recognition
of same-sex civil marriage is consistent with the Association’s advocacy for minority groups.
Civil marriage is associated with a unique set of benefits that provide legal and economic
protections to adults in committed relationships and to their children. Equal access to the
institution of civil marriage is consistent with the APA’s opposition to discrimination based on
sexual orientation.
http://www.psych.org/departments/edu/library/apaofficialdocumentsandrelated/positionstat... 12/1/2009
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http://www.psych.org/departments/edu/library/apaofficialdocumentsandrelated/positionstat... 12/1/2009