DC Hyd
DC Hyd
DC Hyd
11 14
Max: 37.3OC
Min: 26.1OC
RH: 48%
India slips to 45th spot in Sai Praneeth wins
Rainfall: Nil World Competitiveness list Thailand Open badminton
Forecast: Cloudy sky.
Rain likely. Max/Min deccanchronicle.com, facebook.com/deccannews, twitter.com/deccanchronicle, google.com/+deccanchronicle Vol. 80 No. 155 Established 1938 | 40 PAGES | `4.00
temp. 38/26C
DRUNK DRIVER INDIA WHACKS PAK NO NOTA FOR 3 with knives attack people on the streets
returning home. smashed pub windows of a terror attack outside Borough Market in central
and reportedly cut the London on Saturday. AFP
Page 6: All relatives DC CORRESPONDENT his leg, in an attempt to passing through the road throats of drinkers as
except one were drunk HYDERABAD JUNE 4 negotiate a pothole in the on Erragadda to ESI civilians barricaded the- Armed police rushed to Attacks in London
middle of the road, after stretch, he suddenly mselves inside and fought the scene and shot dead are shocking &
Killer potholes in Hydera- his bike fell in it. The inci- noticed a deep pothole in off the attackers with pint all three suspects within
bad continue to be a dan- dent occurred on Sunday the middle of the road. glasses and chairs. eight minutes of receiving anguishing. We condemn
RAMZAN TIMINGS ger to citizens. Despite on the busy Erragadda ESI Unable to hit the brake One witness saw a the first emergency call at them. My thoughts are
IFTAR strict instructions from stretch. in time, he drove ahead, dark-skinned man in a 10.08 pm (2108 GMT) and with families of the
Chief Minister K. Chand- Kondreddy Edukondalu, but as soon as the front red tracksuit calmly placed the area on lock deceased & prayers with
(TODAY) rasekhar Rao to make the a resident of Champapet, wheel dropped into the Hyderabad June 4: Two stab a man three times down. AFP, Agencies
6.53 pm city pothole-free by May is working as a supervisor pothole, he lost control of persons from AP on while another witnessed a the injured
31, pothole-ridden roads in a construction compa- the bike and it was thrown board LPG/C Windsor victim being stabbed in Page 11: Nightmare on NARENDRA MODI,
SEHRI can still be seen in differ- ny. On Sunday morning aside. He fell on the road merchant ship, are cry- the face. London bridge
Prime Minister
(TOMORROW) ent parts of the city. he went to a site in along with the bike. ing for immediate help as
A 28-year-old employee Kukatpally. After work he the ship was arrested in
4.09 am of a construction firm, wh-
ile riding on a bike, broke
was returning home on
his bike. While he was
Page 3: Many fell into
this pothole
Djibouti port.
Full report on Page 6
syed imran dafedar abdul baseer
CPIs D. Raja says Opposition, under
Sonias leadership, will soon decide
on secular Presidential candidate
Fresh thunderstorm
increased in
Law panel seeks views on warnings for TS
been mulling over this
idea for quite some time
Discussions were initi-
annually through taxes and officials, all other
people should be allowed
to place their bets on reg-
istered websites.
for dumping building
waste material in city.
During a meeting on
handling issues during
already deployed on a spe-
cial task to complete
ongoing works in time.
The meeting discussed
ated with some of the DC CORRESPONDENT, process from India lawyer of the Hyderabad Justice Mudgal and the monsoon, Commissi- 400 sensitive waterlog-
stakeholders and the HYDERABAD, JUNE 4 through foreign coun- High Court, opined that Justice Lodha Committ- oner of GHMC B. Janard- ging areas and planned to
Commission is working tries and that the Mafia right now skill games ees have made a distinc- han Reddy said that spe- tag them with GPS map-
towards a possible rep- As per a recent report was behind the betting like horse racing and 13 tion between betting and cial teams would be ping. Managing Director
ort. Justice RM Lodha, published by the racket. According to the cards rummy have been fixing. deployed to restore rain of Hyderabad Metro Rail
former Chief Justice of Federation of Indian legal experts, legalising regulated under the Ga- The Supreme Court in gauge stations in city and Limited N.V.S. Reddy,
India, also advocated leg- Chambers of Commerce betting would bring in ming Acts across the BCCI versus State of to take necessary action Cantonment CEO Mr. Ch-
alising cricket betting in and Industry (FICCI) the more competition and states in the country. He Bihar case referred to the in time in cases of any andrashekar, Hyderabad
India. Involvement of te- Centre could earn transparency into the felt that since cricket is recommendations of the emergency. We imposed city traffic joint commis-
rrorist elements in betti- `19,000 crore annually secret world of bookies, also purely a skill game, Justice Lodha Committee restriction on road cut- sioner V. Ravinder and
ng is causing a serious th- by imposing a 20 per which could curtail ille- it should be legalised where it stated the rec- tings in view of the other officials took part
reat to national security. cent tax on sports bet- gal betting. and brought under the ommendation made by upcoming rainy season in the meeting.
Mr Nilay Dutta, senior ting, particularly in cri- Mr T. Pradyumna tax bracket so that con- the Committee that bet-
advocate and member of cket, after it is legalised. Kumar Reddy, criminal siderable revenue can be ting should be legalised
the Justice Mudgal Com- The Committee of GST lawyer at the Hyderabad generated for the by law, involves the enact-
mittee, which has been
set up to probe the IPL
has proposed 28 per cent
tax on the gaming sector
High Court, said that
legalizing betting in
Mr S Pradeep Kumar,
ment of a law which is a
matter that may be exam-
match-fixing scam, added
his opinion to the report
in its recommendations
submitted to the Centre.
cricket is a sound move.
But legalising betting
criminal lawyer of the
city, took a different
ined by the Law Commis-
of the committee by stat- Indian betting market may also be risky as it view. He felt legalising The Apex Court noted
ing that, Influx of Haw- worth `3,00,000 crore. could become a catalyst cricket betting would that the Committee has DC CORRESPONDENT the water while Deepak
ala money and involvem- According to the esti- for other unethical have many adverse taken the view that bet- HYDERABAD, JUNE 4 was standing by the
ent of terrorist elements mates of the intelligence activities like spot-fix- effects on society and it ting by administrators, edge said the sub-insp-
IN BRIEF in betting and fixing of
sports is causing a seri-
agencies in India, the
Indian betting market is
ing and match-fixing.
So, he adds, the enforc-
would encourage anti-
social elements.
players, match officials,
team officials, owners,
Two minor students
drowned while learning
ector of Medchal Police,
R. Veerabhramam.
GHMC raids meat ous threat to national
worth an enormous
`3,00,000 crore. Intellig-
ing authorities must
focus on curbing other
Mr C Mallesh Rao, sen-
ior criminal lawyer of
etc., should continue to
be an offence under the
swimming under Medc-
hal Police Station limits
Based on a complaint
received by Johns
shops in city In view of the national
interest involved, it
ence agencies as well as
the enforcement direc-
illegal activities. The
law makers should pro-
the city, opined that
legalising betting is
BCCI and IPL rules and
on Sunday evening. The
kids, identified as D.
father, Emmanuel, a pri-
vate employee, Medchal
Hyderabad: The Grater would be necessary to torate have been time vide a mechanism for nothing but giving per- Based on these observa- Dinesh, 14, and John police immediately
Hyderabad Municipal explore the options avail- and again reiterating strict implementation of mission and credibility tions, the Law Commiss- Paul, 15, were Class IX rushed to the spot and
Corporation (GHMC) on able to Parliament and that the money involved betting in the event of it to an unethical act ion has made an appeal students and residents started fishing out the
Sunday conducted raids on the Legislatures of vari- in betting has been rout- being legalised. which would harm the inviting views and sug- of Attivelli in Medchal. bodies of the two kids.
mutton, chicken and fish sale ous states to adopt the ed through the hawala Mr Pappu Nageswara social and ethical fabric gestions for legalising On Sunday evening We are putting our
points in circles 15 and 17. procedure stipulated in and money laundering Rao, another criminal of this country. betting in India and to around 5:30 pm, the duo, efforts to pull out the
The civic body registered two Article 252 of the recommend the Union of along with their friend, bodies since the past few
cases against organisers for Constitution of India. India to bring out appro- one Deepak, 14, a Class hours. Once we do, we
violating rules. He added that betting schedule of the Cons- form law on this applica- Committee, which was priate legislation which VIII student, went to a will book a case under
Raid teams confiscated 30 kg and gambling being a titution of India, there ble to the entire country. constituted by the would be enforceable in lake near their house to relevant sections and
of meat from a shop on the state subject in the 7th was no consolidated uni- The Justice R M Lodha Supreme Court to reform the entire country. swim and drowned in start an investigations.
charges of illegal slaughter-
ing and imposed a com-
pounding fine of `2,500 for
operational projects to
private players on TOT
model and proposed
Hyderabad Outer Ring
46% die within a year after heart failure
instructed the contractor to Road (ORR) are not likely added that the proposed Road as one of the prime KANIZA GARARI | DC FOR A HEALTHY HEART ogist Dr M. Srinivas Rao.
prepare general arrangement to get the benefit of this in decision of central gov- candidates for this model. HYDERABAD, JUNE 4 Cases of heart failure
drawings. After finalising the near future. ernment to cancel the toll At present HMDA is col- Eat healthy fats, avoid trans-fats. remain undetected or un-
them, the GHMC will send the As the current Toll collection is not applica- lecting `192 crore (`16 Forty six per cent of Maintain a physically active lifestyle der diagnosed due to low
plan to the state government Management System ble to ORR since ORR is a crore per month) toll tax Indians who suffer heart Do not sit continuously for long periods awareness, inaccurate
for approval. (TMS) contract is set to special one. annually. But the HMDA failure die within a year, diagnosis and ineffective
Similarly, the GHMC has end on July 18, 2017, the The NHAI has identified is expecting the revenue according to a new study. Watch your weight regularly treatment protocols.
changed the plan at Uppal and Hyderabad Metropolitan 75 National Highway proj- to be much higher now. The finding is part of Maintain a proper sleep routine Rising levels of obesi-
Rasoolpura junctions. Development Authority ects with an operational According to the TOT the global International Avoid exposure to second-hand smoke ty, unhealthy diets and se-
The GHMC has written to the (HMDA) is ready call ten- history of two years that model, the private player Congestive Heart Failure Manage your stress levels dentary lifestyles are ma-
directorate of coordination, ders in the proposed new could opt for the TOT would offer an upfront Study, conducted by car- jor factors for increasing
police wireless, Union home system of Toll Operate model. lump sum amount to diologists on 5,823 patien- instances of cardiovascu-
ministry, to initiate action to Transfer (TOT). Earlier these projects HMDA in lieu of the right ts in 108 centres in Africa, mately 10 years younger with cardiac arrest. lar diseases, senior car-
hand over 1.62 acres of land at Ever since the central were functioning under to collect user fee and India, South East Asia, than those in South Cardiac arrest is when diologist Dr Shiv Kumar
Rasoolpura junction to meet government authorised E n g i n e e r i n g , maintain the project for a China and South Amer- America and China. The the heart is not function- says. Some three crore
the larger interest of the city. National Highway Procurement and period of 30 years. ica. The patients 60 per mean age for heart fail- ing properly but there is a Indians suffer from coro-
The GHMC has taken up the Authority of India (NHAI) Construction (EPC) or This cash inflow will cent men and 40 per cent ure was 59 years in India. scope to rectify it; heart nary artery disease a
SRDP at an estimated cost of to monetize the opera- Built Operate and help the HMDA to direct women were followed The researchers con- failure is a potentially condition in which the
`19,263 crore in four phases. tional highway projects Transfer (BOT) model. the funds to newer proj- up for six months. cluded that the general life-threatening condition arteries that supply blood
The state government has through TOT model, state Invest India, the nation- ects. The responsibility of The study found that population in India does in which the heart is to the heart muscle hard-
sanctioned `2,631 crore for the governments are evaluat- al investment promotion maintaining the ORR heart failure patients in not understand the dis- unable to pump enough en or narrow and near-
first phase, and work is expect- ing the pros and cons of and facilitation agency would be completely India, Africa and South ease properly and heart blood around the body, ly 30 lakh people suffer
ed to be complete by April the new system. promoted by the passed on to the private East Asia were approxi- failure is often confused explained senior cardiol- heart attack every year.
next year. The Hyderabad Growth Department of Industrial player.
syed imran dafedar abdul baseer
Uttam backs Mallannasagar oustees,
demands TS implement 2013 Land
Acquisition Act, not amended Act
234 areas prone
Hyderabad: Candidates who have TSPOLYCET is conducted by the State
qualified for the Telangana Board of Technical and Training for
Polytechnic Common Entrance Test the candidates seeking admission to
(TS Polycet) 2017 need to attend the diploma courses in engineering, non-
certification verfication programme at engineering or technology at poly-
to water-logging
any of the 21 help-line centres technic institutions including aided
between June 6 and 8. and unaided private polytechnics.
TRS wings
expressed shock and that he will no longer in irregularities. registration system. tiative, Rashtriya
Uchchatar Shiksha
Abhiyan (RUSA) which
DC CORRESPONDENT is a collaboration of the
HYDERABAD, JUNE 4 Centre and state govern-
after 2013
need of the hour that the 4th ANNIVERSARY
AICC vice-president Rahul Gandhi in Guntur on Sunday. P. ANIL KUMAR minorities come forward
and avail the benefits
Congress, Left behind government of Telangana.
The government has
introduced various educa-
tion programmes for stu-
Assemblies are the registered ister M. Venkaiah Nai- in India. said that cows must be have more civil servants 1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY
voters. This modified election du on Sunday accused protected and recog- from the community.
notification is most likely to be the Opposition, especi- M. VENKAIAH nised as the National Moreover, the govern-
issued on June 15. ally the Congress and NAIDU, Animal. The ment has allotted land for
NOTA option first became Left parties of creating Union minister Opposition, which is the Anees-ul-Ghurba
operational in 2013, where the an unnecessary con- making a hue and cry, orphanage at Nampally.
voter had the option of reject- troversy over the issue. for the people to raise appears to have forgot- There will be shops con-
ing all the candidates listed in Condemning the Op- objections. Only after ten all this, he said. structed so that the
the ballot paper and register position parties for the that did the Centre Speaking to news- orphanage can utilise the
their negative vote through slaughter of a calf on notify the guidelines. men at TS BJP office rent to educate the
electronic voting machines the streets in Kerala, However, there is no here, Mr Naidu said orphans, Mr Khan said.
(EVMs) and ballot papers. Mr Naidu said that the ban on eating beef in that the Opposition
This is the first Presidential Centre had only acted the notification. Even parties have no work scholarship for Late Dr. Ponneri Srinivasa Rao
DOB: 20.7.1934 DOD: 5.6.2016
election after the NOTA ruling on the directions of ap- the Kerala High Court as on date and that was students going "Although you left us, your mem-
of 2013. ex court and brought specifically asked the the reason they were
At the workshop, ARO, Dr. S. in regulations over petitioner who chal- creating controversies
abroad for fur- ories are always in our hearts
Raja Sadaram who is the slaughter of animals. lenged the order about from every issue. Unf- ther studies has been Inserted By:
Telangana Legislature secre- It was on the direc- this, he said. ortunately for them, enhanced. It is the best Sons: P. VAMANRAO, P. ANANDRAO
P. Ganeshrao & Family members.
tary, raised a query about the tion of the apex court The Union minister the people are fully su- possible time to utilise Ph:7799117687
NOTA status in the that we formulated said that ban on cow pporting Prime Min- these opportunities
Presidential election. guidelines on slaugh- slaughter was in vogue ister Narendra Modi in
The Election Commission ter of various animals. in many Congress- every sphere, includ- A.K. KHAN OBITUARY
confirmed its absence, though The same guidelines ruled states. It has ing the latest regula- Adviser to the TS gov-
no official reasons were stated. had been uploaded on been there in a few tion on slaughter of
a website for 30 days Congress-ruled states animals, he said. ernment on minority affairs
WOMAN | POWER Nizamabad district has most beneficiaries, Nirmal the least
HYDERABAD, JUNE 4 BENEFICIARIES IDENTIFIED pected 3.60 lakh applicatio- with fewer applications,
Expired on 01.06.2017
Funeral on 6.6.2017 at 11 a.m. at
IN DISTRICTS ns as per the household su- the expenditure would not St. Marys Basilica, Secunderabad
followed by Burial at Mettuguda
Nizamabad district has the rvey conducted in August cross over `1,500 crore.
highest number of benefi-
Adilabad (1,602) Nagarkurnool (3,160) 2014, it received just 1.42 la- Panchayat raj and rural
ciaries for the Telangana Kothagudem (4,742) Nalgonda (5,867) kh applications, of which development department
Inserted by: Family Members
state governments single Hyderabad (5,028) Nirmal (1,277) 1.08 lakh were found to be has been appointed as the
woman pension scheme Jagtial (3,757) Nizamabad (8,367) eligible after verification. nodal agency for imple- 1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY 1st DEATH ANNIVERSARY 8th SHRADHANJALI
that was formally laun- Jangoan (1,421) Peddapally (1,989) In Nizamabad, officials menting the scheme. I will dwell in the house of the
ched across the state on Bhoopalapally (2,319) received around 11,730 app- We extended the dead- Lord forever. Psalms 23:6
Sunday, while Nirmal dis- Siricilla (1,591) lications, and after scruti- line thrice to enable more
trict has the least number. Gadwal (1,744) Ranga Reddy (5,054) ny they found 8,367 eligible. single women submit
All ministers, MPs, Kamareddy (3,522) Sangareddy (5,167) Minister Pocharam Srin- applications. We took up
MLAs etc. distributed Karimnagar (2,785) Siddipet (2,975) ivas Reddy, who formally awareness programmes
allotment letters to benefi- Khammam (6,412) launched the single wom- from the village-level to
ciaries on Sunday extend- Suryapet (5,093) an pension scheme at Ban- state-level seeking applica-
Asifabad (2,435)
ing `1,000 per month pen-
Mahbubabad (2,578) Vikarabad (4,260) swada and Nizamabad, tions. Despite this, getting
sion for single women.
Mahbubnagar (6,333) Wanaparty (2,404) said that Telangana was just over 1 lakh applica- (D.O.D: 05.06.2016)
Since Chief Minister K. the only state in the coun- tions surprised us. We will
Chandrasekhar Rao ann- Macherial (2,275) Warangal rural (2,327) try to give `1,000 social take up the issue with CM
We miss you MAHARUKH profoundly.
We cherish memories of our long
ounced implementation of Medak (3,614) Warangal urban (1,918) security pension. Of one and request him to give association, of your joyful smiles, your
Mrs. P.S. JACOB countless acts of kindness and your
scheme with retrospective Medchal (3,925) and Yadadri (2361) crore families in the state, one more opportunity to W/o Cyril Jacob binding love for all. You lived a full,
effect from April 1 this ye- around 50 per cent will be submit applications, if the- Retired Head Mistress useful and good life and left a trail of M. PADMAJA
sweetness behind. From the abun- W/o M.S. Naidu
ar, beneficiaries were gi- directly credited into the However, applications covered under different re are any leftover benefic- Rly High School, Chilkalguda. dance of His garden God has plucked
ven `2,000 pension each for bank accounts/post office received for the scheme pension schemes, he said. iaries, said Jupally Krish- D.O.B: 2.5.1937 D.O.D: 5.6.2016 the flower of His choice Time never erases memories
Inserted by - Husband: Cyril Jacob Inserted by: Rohinton, Zubin, Friyana, We miss you and love you
April and May. accounts of beneficiaries were much below the gov- The government sanc- na Rao, minister for panch- Nazreen and Feroze Ph: 8008056555
Ph: 65961389
The amount will be by the 8th of every month. ernments expectations. tioned `4,000 crore for the ayat raj.
(S/1718/D00343) (S/1718/D00331)
syed imran dafedar abdul baseer
Scientists are developing environment
friendly vehicle batteries, which could
be recharged using fluid electrolytes. Environment PAGE
leaders convene at UN
headquarters next week
for the first major bid to
solve the toughest prob-
Oceans have
Grow food at
lems facing our oceans,
from coral bleaching to
plastic pollution, overfish-
ing and rising seas due to
absorbed about one
third of the carbon dioxide
released by human activi-
SAVE WATER. Just Across the world, 80 tril-
home: Experts
climate change. ties, protecting the one per cent of the lion aluminium cans are New Delhi, June 4: Growing some
IN BRIEF The Ocean Conference in
New York June 5-9
planet from the full total water available used every year. Use recy- When it comes to issues of
global warming, green
of our own food
has no guts
to fight for
Girl tortured, put ONE WAS
SCS, hence he
is slinging mud DRUNK
on the
Congress to work by mom DC CORRESPONDENT
friend is Ritesh. On May 29 realise the folly later. owners to avoid logo before
Fareeq went to pick up his After deleting the wrong duplication downloading
friend from Trimulgherry and app they are scrolling
was driving towards DC CORRESPONDENT down the Playstore list MANY USERS POSTED MESSAGES TO THE
Bowenpally when a scooter KHAMMAM, JUNE 4 to find the government
driven rashly rammed their wallet (that has a differ- PUNE FIRM NOT TO SPOIL
bike," said SI B. Police has booked a case ent logo) and then down- TELANGANAS IMAGE WITH THEIR APP
Satyanarayana. The boys against a shopkeeper for load it. The government
were rushed to hospital raping a widow and e-wallet was not in the
where Fareeq died while charged his wife with top-20 list initially, but
undergoing treatment.
where they are undergoing Two persons from Andhra (47) from Srikakulam who orders from owners and ing on it ever since. A online shopping, flower vate app working since
treatment", said the Sub Pradesh along with 20 is a fitter. In addition to Captain Todor V Ivanov, few weeks afterwards we order, bus/hotel/flight May 2016. Kindly check
Inspector of Sultan Bazar other crew onboard these two, are 13 Indians from Djibouti to Fujairah. learnt that a mobile bookings etc. and find the details if you
Police, G.V. Narsing Rao.
The driver of the bus has
been identified as K.
PE CHARCHA LPG/C Windsor merchant
ship, are crying for imme-
diate help as the ship was
from different
states, two each from
VIOLATING | RULES Two counselling sessions made compulsory if caught without helmet
from being a businessman, he ing revelations. We
was also an active member of decided not to abandon
the Telugu Desam Party and a the matter midway, and
Naidu, Jagan
are not
pressing for
Noise: Citizens sing Sonu Nigam tune
category status
as they are Religious institutions blamed for high decibel noise at odd hours, vehicles, industries too faulted
Party halls culprits
When it comes to noise
pollution, religious insti- Abids, Paradise have the highest noise levels, day and night; Gachibowli better off DC CORRESPONDENT the residential areas and
Rahul Gandhi
tutions seem to be saying, JUBLEE HILLS ABIDS PARADISE JEEDIMETLA GACHIBOWLI HYDERABAD JUNE 4 are a source of constant
AICC vice-president it is their right. This, in disturbance to the people
the face of increasing MONTH Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night The increasing number of staying in the locality.
complaints against tem- function halls near the res- The residents at old
IN BRIEF ples, churches and masjids
for playing loud music or
Jan-17 60 56 74 70 72 72 65 58 60 52 idential areas has irked
the public. With parties
Bowenpally have also com-
plained against erring
City zoo set to get chanting prayers on loud-
speakers in the banned
Jan-17 60 54 73 69 73 72 66 60 63 54 going beyond midnight
and music brazenly blar-
function halls. There is a
Bhagyashree function hall
Jan-17 60 56 73 70 73 73 66 61 61 54
pair of giraffe slot of 10pm-6am.
Many religious groups
ing much after the 10 pm
deadline, it is evident that
that has residential houses
and schools around it.
Hyderabad: The Nehru conduct their programmes Jan-17 60 57 73 69 74 73 66 61 62 54 the function hall owners They have a DJ playing till
Zoological Park, Hyderabad through the night or in the and those renting them late at night. How much
is all set to welcome a pair of early hours of the morn-
Stds 55 45 65 55 65 55 75 70 50 40 have no qualms about vio- can you keep complaining
Giraffe from Alipore Zoo at ing. Residents living near- lating the law. to the police? We need a
Kolkata. The request was by have taken to complaint the protests very kindly. mosques for disrupting 10-15 per cent rise in levels There are 4-5 function permanent solution, read
made almost a year back and forums to voice their con- DECIBEL LEVELS set Said Raj Kumar of the the silence of the morn- for the month of May. halls near my house. They one of the complaints.
there had been constant dis- cern. for residential, com- Ganesh Utsav committee ing. One must under- These are attributed to start playing music only Schools, hospitals and
cussion and efforts to get Rajashekhar Rao, the mercial, industrial and that conducts overnight stand that Azaan is just a vehicular noise pollution after 10 pm that goes on till religious places are con-
the pair of Giraffe in secretary of welfare asso- functions during Ganesh call for prayer, so if it is and pollution from indis- early in the morning, sidered silent zones. There
exchange of a pair of jaguar. ciation of TRT colony,
sensitive areas are 50, Chaturthi, Overnight not made on loudspeaker, criminate use of loud said Abhijith Nair who are two schools nearby
The Central Zoo authority, Vidyanagar, says their 65, 75 and 50 respec- functions and celebrations it is meaningless. Also, it speakers and industrial stays at Gudimalkapur in and law mandates that
New Delhi, issued a no colony is surrounded by tively for the day and are a one-off thing for lasts just 3-4 minutes," works. Mehdipatnam. He says he within 100 meters of silent
objection certificate for the about 10 mosques and tem- for the the night they which we take necessary says Rizwan Qureshi, cler- The police, which is the has tried to complain to zones, music is supposed
exchange which will take ples that create severe permissions. The prayers ic at Macca Masjid. implementing authority, the police who have said to be at its bare minimum.
place in the coming month. noise pollution. We dont were set at 45, 55, 70 help in instilling religious The rules on noise levels says that permissions are the patrolling vehicles For TRT colony in
Nehru Zoological Park that is want to make it a commu- and 40. values and peace in peo- in public are clear and given with the caution that would take care of the Vidyanagar, it is ironic
home to one Giraffe will nal issue, both mosques ple. well explained, but the if violated that is, sound same but no follow-up has because the areas around
soon have three and the and temples make it hard the religious structures The Muslim call for number of violations are is above 50 decibels or happened yet. religious institutions are
work for building a bigger for us to live here, said they have to deal with high prayer, Azaan, also came only increasing. extends to night the The police say GHMC marked as silent zones but
enclosure is underway. Rao. With only 200-300 levels of noise daily. under the scanner when According to PCB, noise offenders are liable to face must be careful about giv- the noise is coming out of
metres of distance Religious organisations, singer Sonu Nigam took to monitoring data from 11 legal action as per the City ing permission to these those very places of wor-
between their colony and however, are not taking to Twitter to criticise centres in the city showed Police Act. halls that have come up in ship and function halls.
Vitamin-D is vital
for healthy baby
HYDERABAD, JUNE 4 mentation for a preg-
nant woman helps to
The largely indoor reduce the risk of
lifestyle that most of us
have adopted today is baby developing
resulting in some serious asthma
health issues that were
hitherto taken care of Earlier, we did not have
naturally. such an acute level of
An increasing number vitamin D deficiency in
of people, for instance, patients. Vitamin D helps
now run the risk of acute in controlling allergies. It
Vitamin D deficiency. also has anti-cancer prop-
A recent study conduct- erties. So, this study
ed by Kings College, should be taken seriously
London, concluded that and measures taken to
Vitamin D supplementa- increase the Vitamin D
tion for pregnant women in-take to the required
is a must to reduce the amounts.
risk of their babies devel- Dr Rooma Sinha, a
oping asthma. The study gynaecologist at Apollo
claims that regular sup- Hospital, said, We
plementation of Vitamin always advise pregnant
D helps foetal lung women to get enough
growth and maturation. exposure to the sun dur-
Earlier, pregnant ing the early hours of the
women were encouraged morning and take a dose
to bask in the morning of Vitamin D as it helps
sun either by taking to build the calcium
short walks or just relax- metabolism in children.
ing with a cup of tea in Gynaecologist Dr
the sun. But the changing Vimee Bhindra said,
lifestyle, increasing air The first trimester is
pollution and high rise critical as this is the time
buildings that cut off when most of the organs
sunlight, are all coming of the foetus develop,
together to heighten the including the lungs. Most
health problem. women today suffer from
Said gynaecologist Dr Vitamin D deficiency and
Sasikala Kola, Cases of therefore we always try
asthma have increased to build the vitamin D in-
with all these changes. take.
syed imranMIND POWER
dafedar abdul baseer cmyk
JUNE 5 | 2017
he body language at Prime Minister Narendra Modis meeting
with French President Emmanuel Macron had so much to portray
when seen against events surrounding the Paris Agreement, now
swirling in world politics. The affectionate bearhug was in direct
contrast to the stiff handshake that only last week marked a similar first
encounter between US President Donald Trump and Mr Macron. The rest
of the world is, justifiably, angry at the US President for reneging on the
deal, allowing the internal compulsions of a divided America to dominate
his decision-making. The US pullout may have changed the equations
somewhat, while the chemistry Mr Modi and Mr Macron appeared to
share is positive not only for bilateral ties between two democracies but
also for a world waking up to the need to get together in an effort to save
the planet from global warming.
A touch of Americas exit from the landmark climate
desperation is, deal will come into force only years later. Mr
however, visible in Trump is also besieged by a clutch of top US
reactions to the US corporations and political thinkers who still
swear allegiance to the plan to save the plan-
move. Its et. It appears even Mr Trumps daughter
important everyone Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner were
moves on from ignored as he took this regressive decision.
World wont wait while LETTERS
rhetoric and gets All may not be lost, but US funding, expected
to be around 20 per cent of the massive fund-
down to working ing needed to phase out polluting power
on reducing plants and, more important, its cutting-edge
greenhouse technology in energy, will be sorely missed.
Trump experiments Although we welcome KCR
kits a lot of improvement is
needed in government hos-
pitals like adequate doc-
gas emissions Mr Modi and Mr Macron, like Germanys
Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese PM Li President Trump is sug- event occurring once
tors, nurses, ayahs, ward
Keqiang in Berlin just days earlier, pledged to go above and beyond the gesting that his relation- every 20 years and this boys, housekeeping per-
Paris deal to protect future generations. ship with the world is introspective mood will sonnel, medicines, equip-
It appears, in Mr Trumps abdication, there are willing takers for world transactional, apart pass, as have his prede- ment and efficient services
leadership, at least to save the Paris deal and leave a better world for pos-
S. Nihal Singh from ending the so-
called Islamic State.
cessors litanies. The
question this leaves (CM gifts KCR kits, gets
A touch of desperation is, however, visible in reactions to the US move. Further, he believes that unanswered is the harm complaints in return, June
Its important everyone moves on from sharp rhetoric and gets down to
working seriously on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The financing
Talking Turkey the world had taken
America for a ride in the
that the Trump adminis-
tration will inflict on the
4). The kits scheme will
succeed only then. Even
of the deal may have to change, but there can be no returning to the old post-World War II world. country and the world
arguments on whether all polluters pay equally or make differentiated These are strange ideas while it remains in though there are many
payments. Who steps in to close the yawning financial gap left by the US e are liv- with Europe, in making coming from power. problems we hope the
is vital, and this is where global unity will be first tested. ing in stir- the world safer from the Washington, which has The world will not scheme will succeed.
Indias global role may be constrained by its own difficulties in coming ring and ravages of global warm- exercised tremendous stand still while
up with funding to switch off coal-fired plants and increase output from troubled ing. The Chinese are the influence in Europe and President Trump con- P.V. Tirumala Rao
renewable sources, now producing less than a fifth of its power. Even so, t i m e s , last people to look gift the world in keeping the ducts his unique experi- Hyderabad
its visibility in rubbing shoulders with world leaders at this crucial time with the post-World War horses in the mouth. peace in a largely US- ments in governance.
comes through in its aspiration to take on this responsibility. The climate
deal is, after all, to do with saving the planet rather than scoring diplo-
II map of Europe and the
world changing. First,
Judging by the confu-
sion that reigns at the
ordained world order.
American failures and
The primary responsi-
bility falls on Europe
matic points. Europes pre-eminent policymaking levels, tragedies were largely and Ms Merkel in partic- The NIA and other Central agen-
leader, Germanys with the state depart- self-inflicted such as its ular. But Ms Merkel has cies are going in the right direction
escalation of the hurdles to cross, first in
Waiting for July 1
Chancellor Angela ment short-changed in in tackling Kashmiri separatists
Merkel, drew her con- the projected budget, Vietnam conflict, the winning the forthcom- (NIA raids terror funders, June 4).
clusions from her meet- policy formulation is foolish invasion of Iraq, ing parliamentary elec- The Centre should give a free hand
ings with US President still in a process of trial its hands-off policy tion, then to devise a to them to achieve permanent
he Goods and Services Tax seems all set for its July 1 rollout, with Donald Trump at a and error. After his cam- towards Libya except for workable formula to peace in the valley.
finance minister Arun Jaitley confident of keeping this launch date series of summit meet- paign abuse, Chinas using its air power, and bring wayward member Jayakumar K.
despite doubts by the lone dissenter, West Bengals chief minister, ings to pronounce that President Xi Jinping taking over the troubled states into line and Secunderabad
who sought more time. GST, hailed as the biggest reform since the econo- the European Union seems to have been Soviet mantle in begin the long process of
my was liberalised, will subsume most indirect taxes, creating a more
transparent system. Its hoped it will reduce the chances of corruption,
could no longer entirely
depend upon the United
given a free pass. But we
have US defence secre-
Afghanistan. These
were of course decisions
forming a tight defence
apparatus less depen- BOLD DECISION
rampant under the old system. It was hoped GST would reduce the 28 per States and Britain, on tary James Mattis warn- taken by Mr Trumps dent upon the US and
tax on bidis, the poor mans smoke, but it instead taxed it at the highest 28 the verge of leaving the ing Beijing of the dan- predecessors. Britain. The Election Commission has
per cent, from the present five per cent, in the name of protecting the EU, for its defence. gers of repudiating The question the world In Europe, Britain is taken a bold decision by ruling out
health of smokers. While this is debatable, the GST Council must be com- Ms Merkels forebod- international law to mil- is asking is: Where does facing continuing prob- going back to paper ballots and to
mended for the thought it put into finalising GST. For instance, it lowered ing was proved days itarise outcrops in the it go from here? With lems of terrorism, with continue with EVMs. It is also good
the tax on solar panels to five per cent, from the existing 12 per cent, to later by Mr Trumps South China Sea. Mr Trump in power for the next general election to note that the VVPAT slip can be
give alternative energy a boost. The steep drop in GST on processed foods announcement that his How long can Europe the next three and a half days away. But the UK seen for seven seconds to assure the
will give relief to working women as they rush to work after doing their country was withdraw- survive these shock- years impeachment has always been an odd voter that his voting is in the right.
household chores. There will always be some sections left unhappy, as in ing from the landmark waves coming from seems to be a remote man (or, more appropri- Varadachari P.
the case of the diamond industry, which is peeved that diamond roughs Paris climate agree- Washington? They have possibility at present ately, woman). It has not Secunderabad
have been taxed at a nominal 0.25 per cent. Mr Jaitley had a point when ment. The US President created a crisis mood in will he learn on the job been able to reconcile
he said it was imposed to keep track of items. Its well known that the dia-
mond trade is one of the largest sources of unaccounted money, so this is
had lectured North
Atlantic Treaty
Europe, and Ms Merkel
captured well by raising
or continue to wreck the
post-World War II order?
itself with its relatively
modest pecking order in SAVE ENVIRONMENT
one more step to curb black money, after last Novembers demonetisation Organisation (Nato) the existential question To an extent, Mr Trump a new world after having
exercise. members to pay their of the European Unions has been forced to been the great imperial On June 5 World Environment Day
full share of two per cent security. It comes at a change his opinions, as power not so long ago. is observed across the world (China
of gross domestic prod- particularly difficult for instance on going Now it is paying for its vows to adhere to Paris climate deal,
uct to the organisation. time for the EU because back on his promise to foolishness in turning June 2). The real challenge that
DECCAN CHRONICLE These developments of Britains exit sched- move the US embassy its back on the EU. mankind faces today is greenhouse
T. VENKATRAM REDDY follow the seeming nega- ule, the defiance of EU from Tel Aviv to In a sense, it will now gas emissions.
Chairman of the Board tion of the post-World norms by two member Jerusalem. Second, he depend upon a sequence Vijaya Kumari Nunna
War II order orchestrat- states, Poland and does not believe that of events to set equa- Secunderabad
Editor Printer & Publisher ed, guided and largely Hungary, and the need Nato is obsolete, as he tions for the future.
funded by Washington. for greater cohesion did during the cam- Ms Merkel has to win D. Kishan Prasad Rao (Cricket with
DECCAN CHRONICLE offices are located at: It has now been overtak- inside the organisation. paign, insulting the and, as luck would have
en by Mr Trumps One consequence of organisations leaders it, she has a worthy col- Pak, May 31) wins the prize for the
Hyderabad: 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad - 500 003, Ph: 040-27803930-4; Fax : 040-
27805256 America First credo, this soul-searching will instead for not paying laborator in the new weeks best letter. Email your let-
Vijayawada: No.C-3 & 4 Patamata, Industrial Estate, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada (A.P.), Ph: 0866- first leaving the Trans- be a changed relation- their full dues. French President ters to info@deccanmail.com, edi-
2555284/2555287; Telefax: 0866-2555234
Visakhapatnam: Survey No.1/3A Beach Road, Near Kailasagiri Ropeway, Sector-9 MVP Colony,
Pacific Partnership ship between the EU and American scholars Emmanuel Macron to tor@deccanmail.com, or fax them
Visakhapatnam - 530 017 (A.P), Ph: 0891-2552333/2552334; Fax: 0891-2755285 (TPP) put together by Russia. Europe, suggest that this soul- join forces with her for a to 27805256. You can also send
the Obama administra- although not short of jin- searching is a cyclical more prosperous and
Rajahmundry: Vemagiri, Dhawaleswaram Rd, Rajahmundry, Ph: 0883-2417618/2417208; Telefax:
0883-2417208 tion to take in Far East goists, has a different safer European future. them to Editor, Deccan Chronicle,
Anantapur: Thapovan colony, Bangalore By-Pass Road, Anantapur - 515004, Ph: 08554-276903; Fax: economies in particular view of Moscow, painted Americans, mean- 36, Sarojini Devi Road,
by excluding China. in lurid black colours in It will depend upon while, have their own Secunderabad-500 003. Letters
Karimnagar: Survey No.1341, Vavilalapally Colony, Jagityala Road, Karimnagar - 505 001, Ph:
0878-2228908; Telefax: 0878-2220433 China quietly pocketed Washington. Signific- a sequence of future to think of. without full address will not be con-
Nellore: Survey No.527/2, Burranpur Village, Venkatachalam (M), Chemmudugunta Panchayat, this American gift to antly, Ms Merkel men- events to set Americans by nature
sidered for the prize.
Nellore, Ph: 0861-2348581/82; Telefax: 0861-2348580 launch its new Silk Road tioned relations with are not selfish people.
Chennai: SP-3 Developed Plot, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032, Ph: 044-22254747/
Moscow in her look at
equations for the Perhaps this idea was
initiative and now, with
48/50/51; Advt Fax: 22254765/22254766/42305325
Bengaluru: 5th Floor, BMTC Commercial Complex, 80 Feet Road, Koramangala, Bengaluru-560 095 President Trump with- the future. Yet the pic- future. Ms Merkel best symbolised by the
Ph: 080-43460500; Fax: 080-22960552.
Coimbatore: 77, Vivekananda Road, Ramnagar, Coimbatore - 641 009, Ph : 0422 2231255
Kochi: No.3-B, 3rd Floor of DD TRADE TOWER, Kaloor-Kadavanthara Road, Ernakulam, Ph: 0484-
drawing from the clim-
ate agreement, Chinese
Prime Minister Li
ture looks incomplete,
with Mr Trump chang-
ing his positions and the
has to win and, as
luck would have it,
concept of the Peace
Corps in offering help
everywhere in the world
4039408 she has a worthy at the grassroots level,
Keqiang took full advan- extent of American with-
Thiruvananthapuram: St Joseph's Press, TC 15/1040, Cotton Hill, Thycaud (PO),
Thiruvananthapuram 695 014 tage of it during his visit drawal from Europe and collaborator in whatever other benefits
Kozhikode: Door No 6/1002 E, First Floor of City Mall, Opp. YMCA, Kannur Road, Kozhikode - 673 to Europe to claim a the world unclear. French President it might or might not
001, Fax : 0495 4019 018
leadership role, together At the very least, Emmanuel Macron have brought.
2 British Airliners
Gram: CHRONICLE Postal registration no: No. H/SD-348/2006-08
ell, this wasnt sup- way back before the general paranoid. But the N-League retirement and there was may ves Nawaz stands disqualified. with 88 people aboard includ-
posed to happen. election. The longer-term rea- may have got it right for the be one other left in the high Because disqualification will ing five crew, crashed last
The month of quiet son, in the N-Leagues reckon- wrong reason. First, to the N- courts. The court had reverted restore the pre-eminence of night on slopes of Mount
is upon us, a time to ing, is this: Nawaz needs to be Leagues paranoia. It began to tradition: cautious, slow- the court and because of a Canigou in France.
power down and mostly forget ousted and kept out because of with the dissenting judgement moving, august. sense that the democratic pro- Within 12 hours another air-
about politics. Two rounds in his India agenda. He wants a by the bench of five. Nothing Years since his exit, the ject can only be nudged for- liner crashed into a post office
the Supreme Court have pro- breakthrough with India, the more was needed nothing Chaudhry model can be recog- wards if the political lot in Stockport, England, killing
duced no evidence against boys do not. other than a majority vote. nised for what it was: a crass realise they will be held to 72 including five crew.
Nawaz or his progeny. Joint The mechanism is this: That didnt happen, which populism wedded to a belief account. Its probably too late Last night, all the 88 people
investigation teams (JITs) are theres six members in the brought us to the JIT. that power of others must now, but there lies the final aboard a chartered holiday-
a dime a dozen and easily JIT; the Federal Investigation Initially, the N-League be held to account. Thats why mistake of the N-League: its flight to Spain died when their
defeated. So why the kerfuffle?
On then to the N-Leagues
Agency chap, because he
reports to the interior min-
Cyril Almeida rejoiced in the majority three.
The mistake the N-League
Nawaz is in trouble. The court
is struggling to find an identi-
bumbling, contradictory
approach to the court trig-
British airliner plunged into a
mountain near Prades, French
theory. Some of it is fact, a
bunch of it is fantasy but
istry, is out of the equation;
that leaves four votes needed View from has made is that it doesnt
understand the court. Theres
ty and factions are pulling it in
opposite directions.
gered an impulse in the court
to seek ouster. The court want-
The four-engined Douglas DC-
when youre the government from five. Two are already in always, for the PML(N), a The five-judge bench ed to be respected, Nawaz 4 aircraft crashed on the slopes
what you think matters. the bag the boys represen- straight line between political exposed the problem: the wanted to survive. of the 9000-foot Canigou peak
The theory is this: the court tatives. Which leaves the instability and the boys. minority judgement, to bor- And linking the boys to the and became the ninth victim in
is trying to oust Nawaz. Not other three: National Accou- But something funny has row Army Chief Bajwas com- JITs composition and work- 16 years of the windswept
gather evidence, not go by the ntability Bureau, Securities the court itself has set up a happened with the court. And ments from elsewhere, was ings has a potential benefit of mountain region pilots call
book, but get the JIT to pro- and Exchange Commission of dangerous equation. so, at the risk of drawing the wrong but popular; the major- drawing external attention The Evil Triangle.
duce a report that gives the Pakistan and State Bank of Five specially selected votes only ire that most truly fear, itys correct but unpopular. no one wants a coup, so every- Eye-witnesses said the air-
court no option other than to Pakistan. versus one on the JIT; just into the court we must delve. There is without a doubt, one will do whatever it takes craft packed with 83 tourists
oust Nawaz. Youre catching on. The four votes needed to potential- The Chaudhry era was over. and its possible to say this to make the possibility go bound for Costa Brava beaches
The immediate reason is weirdness of surreptitious ly justify action. Just four Hyper judicial activism was because the next two chief jus- away. The court has Nawaz in veered off course unexpectedly
this: get Nawaz now in the calls made public and a rejec- votes from the start of the dead. The last Chaudhry tices of Pakistan have handed its sights. shortly before it was due to
run-up to an election and he tion of names offered until the dreamed-of ouster. acolyte on the court, Jawwad down a verdict saying so, a land at Perpignan 40 miles (60
wont have time to figure out a preferred were picked out by You get why the N-League is Khawaja, had passed into group in the court that belie- By arrangement with Dawn kms) away. AFP
syed imran dafedar abdul baseer
Word SPY
speedometer-odometer mismatch levels soon. Tax revenues the falling investment to data. Mr Scissors recently dispensation as a
mostly went up because of GDP ratio are some give- wrote: Most people from Keynesian pump priming
additional tax collections aways pointing of a lower pluralist open societies of the economy. So what is
on the Seventh Pay speed. But the cacophony want to see pluralist, open happening here?
Mohan Guruswamy Commission back dues.
GDP growth is like the
of lies orchestrated every
day in the media, particu-
India do well. For now,
however, India has the
I have told this story
before. I will say it again as
number on the speedome- larly on television, tries to same level of economic its aptness to describe our
ter in a car. It tells us at the drown out the reality. But credibility as a country leadership style has never
pace the nations economic like the mismatched read- like Vietnam, which pub- been so exact. The
car is moving. By knowing ings on speedometer and lishes GDP, results even Russians have a great joke
this, we can estimate the odometer, the truth cannot before the year ends! on every misfortune they
n January 2017, no claimed for the previous distance to the next desti- be hidden for long. The World-beating growth? have to endure. One of the
sooner the demoneti- year. Mind you, the 2015-16 nation. But suppose some- GDP post-demonetisation Maybe. Or maybe poorly best I have heard is about
sation period was growth factors in a defla- body tinkered with the is now officially fixed at 6.1 founded quasi-propagan- Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev
officially over, chief tion of 1.4 per cent, which speedometer to read more per cent. But take out that da. Even Raghuram and Brezhnev travelling
statistician T.C.A. means the nominal GDP even when at zero? Even 2.2 per cent and it is actual- Rajan, the RBI governor, together on a train when it
Anant informed us: The growth was only 6.4 per when the vehicle is not ly moving at 3.9 per cent, expressed concern about unexpectedly stops. Then
growth in GDP during cent. In the real world, it is moving the meter will tell or a good one per cent GDP data collection and come up with suggestions
2016-17 is estimated at 7.1 nominal GDP which is you it is moving, and when below that in the last UPA analysis. to fix the problem. Lenin
per cent, as compared to more important as value it is moving it will tell you year, which left us so True or false, the figures suggests a subbotnik or
the growth rate of 7.6 per addition, profits and taxes it is moving faster than it despondent that 31 per cent put out by the government day of voluntary labour so
cent in 2015-16. He also are computed, as they are actually is. This is what of the country took the reveal an even more that workers and peasants ACROSS 59 ___ the finish 13 Tiny bit
said that the volatility due without adjusting for infla- the Narendra Modi regime economic prognostications worrisome trend. While can fix the problem. (having potential to 14 Log craft
to the withdrawal of notes tion or deflation. did in February 2015. The of Narendra Modi and GDP growth has slowed Nothing happens. Stalin 1 Rod at a pig roast win) 19 Crypto City at Ft.
had been weathered and Demonetisation was sup- GDP growth rate was Baba Ramdev seriously, to down to 6.1 per cent, public puts his head out of the 5 Vehicles with 60 Peppers milder Meade
that the economy was back posed to be the great big tweaked to put India on a give the NDA a mandate to administration and window and shouts that if medallions than habaneros 22 ___ luck!
on the growth trajectory. magic wand to clean up the higher trajectory, giving take us out of the morass. defence has grown by 17 the train doesnt move 9 Partner of circum- 62 Warm Pacific cur- 25 Log construction
Immediately the full offi- economy, elevate revenues itself an added 2.2 per cent Several well-regarded per cent. These two heads immediately, the engine stance rent 27 Parks of the civil
cial caboodle, right from and put us on a higher growth as a bonus. Since it economists have ques- are classified as part of the driver will be shot. 13 Result of a sock in 64 Is in the hole rights movement
the Prime Minister down growth trajectory. None of was not real, it was like tioned the data that the services sector. They Nothing happens. the eye 65 Ill-gotten goods 30 Rock scientists
to the patently ignorant this has happened. Cash adding water to milk. finance ministry and the account for about 15 per Khrushchev then suggests 15 Colorful, warm- 66 Attaches, as a car- 34 Year, in 43-Down
party spokespersons, went transactions are once Adding this gave us a CSO are churning out. cent of services, which to have the rails from blooded fish nation 35 Cheers setting
to town and said that the again the norm. According growth of 7.4 per cent in Derek Scissors of the now account for almost 60 behind put in front so that 16 Cowboy boot 67 Soak up the sun 36 Change with the
ill-effects, if any, of the to RBI data, the number of 2015-16. Without this American Enterprise per cent of GDP. When the train can start moving. accessory 68 Theater, dance, times
demonetisation were a digital transactions tweaking it would have Institute, who tracks the announcing the Nothing happens. When 17 Tomorrow, in 43- etc. 37 Okra units
passing blip and all was increased by 100 million to been 5.2 per cent in line Chinese and Indian acceptance of the Seventh his turn comes, Brezhnev Down 69 Roald who wrote 38 Forrest Gumps
well. 200 million during 2014-16. with the IMFs forecast. If economies, equates the two Pay Commissions says: Comrades, lets draw 18 Mexican president Fantastic Mr. Fox C.O.
What they didnt tell the This went up to 300 million the Manmohan Singh gov- when it comes to fudging recommendations of an the curtains, turn on the Enrique 39 Profile-altering
nation was that the data on till November last year. ernment had done it a year Demonetisation across-the-board salary gramophone and pretend 20 Pavlov with a DOWN plastic surgery
hand was till November During the months of earlier the growth in its boost of 23 per cent, we are moving! Nobel 40 Pacific battle site
2016, before that singular November and December last year would have been a was supposed to finance minister Arun There is a similar air of 21 Biceps and ham- 1 Bic or Gillette offer- of 1945
act of great stupidity was 2016, when 86 per cent of healthy-looking 6.9 per be the great big Jaitley said that it will make-believe in this gov- strings ings 41 Parts of hypoder-
inflicted on the nation. the cash was withdrawn cent instead of the dismal magic wand to clean boost demand. Didar ernments persistent 23 Buy It ___ (eBay 2 Theyre broken at mics
This is typical of how this the number of digital 4.7 per cent computed. up the economy, ele- Singh, secretary-general of euphoria on the economic option) parties 43 Language that
government misuses data transactions shot up to Tweaked speed on the Ficci, said: The pay hike front. 24 Word after motion 3 How butterflies utilizes the letter
to create the illusion of well over 500 million. In speedometer gets caught vate revenues and of nearly `1 lakh crore for or lie might be caught 44 43-Down, in 43-
well-being. It is now the first three months out when speed and time put us on a higher government employees The writer, a policy analyst 26 Puh-lease! 4 Highest point value Down
known that demonetisa- since currency curbs were cannot be reconciled with growth trajectory. will give a strong boost to studying economic and 28 Persona ___ (wel- for a Scrabble tile 45 One of eight in
tion costs us much more. withdrawn, the number of the distance travelled, and None of this has consumer demand and security issues, held senior come guest) 5 He placed the sun a V-8
Indias GDP growth for the digital transactions fell to things like fuel consump- help uplift the growth of positions in government 29 1987-94 Star Trek at the center of the 49 Greek poet who
year is officially pegged at 350 million. This down- tion. The lack of new jobs,
happened. Cash the economy. Clearly and industry. He also spe- series, briefly universe wrote The Distaff
6.1 per cent, a huge fall ward trajectory suggests just 210,000 in the organ- transactions are spending ever more on its cialises in the Chinese econ- 31 Eyes, to bards 6 Tiptop 51 Message left on a
from the 7.8 per cent hitting pre-demonetisation ised sector last year, and once again the norm. employees is seen by this omy. 32 Pothook shape 7 Bathrooms, in 43- hotline, perhaps
33 Count in music Down 52 Northeast Corridor
35 Lowest-voiced 8 Tuned too high express train
Rahul Gandhi India has decided to NOTES IN RAIDS home for her last rites as he
was denied a mortuary van
hence placed his wifes body
on a motorcycle, with him-
Congress V-P fully exploit its strategic at a government hospital. self holding it as pillion
advantage along the He was unable to afford a rider to reach their village
Line of Control with private ambulance. home.
security forces having Srinagar/Jammu, Shankar Sah, 60, is a resi- District Magistrate Pankaj
been directed to launch June 4: The National dent of Ranibari village of Kumar Pal said he had
a major offensive as Investigation Agency Purnia district, whose wife already ordered a probe into
IN BRIEF additional deployment
has already been
probing the funding of
subversive activities in
Susheela Devi, 50, died of ill- the matter. ANI
Chinese chopper
Even since Pakistans TO GET AZIZS esperson said.
Raids took place in the
SFIO to trawl social media
Indias competitiveness falls New Delhi, June 4: The gov-
ernments white-collar crime
investigation agency SFIO is
developing a new system,
Institute for Management Developments rankings show dip of 4 spots which will trawl social media AND SAFEGUARD GULLIBLE INVESTORS
platforms for leads on any
New Delhi, June 4: India possible fraud-in-making. THE SFIO, which THE NEW SYSTEM would leverage
The bottom of comes under the MCA 21 database as primary data
has been ranked 45th,
down four notches from PECKING ORDER the table, mean-
Also, the new system will
help in early detection of cor- corporate affairs along with data available from other
last year, in terms of com- porate frauds and safeguard ministry, has float- regulatory organisations and external
petitiveness in the annual THE IMD WORLD COMPETITIVENESS YEARBOOK IS THE LEADING while, is largely gullible investors from fly-by- ed a tender for sources
rankings compiled by ANNUAL REPORT ON THE COMPETITIVENESS OF NATIONS AND occupied by coun- night operators. selection of a man-
IMD which saw Hong HAS BEEN PUBLISHED BY IMD SINCE 1989 tries experiencing The Serious Fraud Investi- aged service
Kong topping the list. political and eco- gation Office (SFIO), which provider to
1. Hong Kong
US was pushed out of nomic upheaval comes under the corporate
the top three slots while affairs ministry, has floated a
develop this
Hong Kong consolidated 2. Switzerland tender for selection of a man- Early Warning
its dominance of the At the top of the aged service provider to devel- System
3. Singapore digital ranking is (EWS).
annual rankings for the criterias are used op this Early Warning System
second year in the list 4. USA to measure differ- Singapore, fol- (EWS). The interested parties
compiled by the Inter- 5. Netherlands lowed by Sweden, can submit their bids till July
national Institute for ent facets of com- 10. The idea of developing an
Management Develop- 6. Ireland petitiveness. The the USA, Finland EWS was first floated in 2009 media, that help in detecting companies or persons.
ments (IMD) World rankings bench- and Denmark, after the Satyam fraud came potential frauds. Besides, it would help in
Competitiveness Center. 7. Denmark while the bottom into light. It would generate the data identifying companies for fur-
marks the per-
Switzerland and 8. Luxembourg formance of 63 five are Indonesia, The new system would that helps in raising red flags ther examination, scrutiny or
Singapore were ranked Ukraine, Mongolia, leverage MCA 21 database as and alerts using business detailed investigation by
second and third respec- 9. Sweden nations primary data along with data intelligence and analytics Registrar of Companies,
tively, with the USA at the Peru and available from other regulato- capabilities. It would help in other offices of ministry of
10. UAE Venezuela
fourth spot its lowest ry organisations and external protecting investors from get- corporate affairs, or by the
position in five years and 18. China (7 ) 45. India (4 ) sources including social ting exploited by the deceitful SFIO. PTI
down from third last year.
The Netherlands com-
pleted the top five, jump- If you look at China, its improvement of
ing up from eighth last
year. Others in the top 10
list include Ireland at
seven places to 18th can be traced to its
dedication to international trade. This con- ZF plans to partner two Indian startups
tinues to drive the economy and the improve-
6th, Denmark 7th, Lux- ARCHAK SENGUPTA | DC Nvidia and recently, we had firms, startups can provide
embourg (8th), Sweden ment in government and business efficiency HYDERABAD, JUNE 4 invited startups from all over us with useful insights due to
(9th) and UAE at 10th. PROFESSOR ARTURO BRIS, the world. Two startups from their focused approach
As India slid, China Director, IMD World Competitiveness Center With the race for automated India managed to pique our towards a problem.
improved its position by driving tech hotting up, interest with their technolo- When asked about the two
seven places to 18th, German tech firm ZF is con- gy. We think their technology, Indian start-ups she said,
thanks to its dedication and business efficiency, Ukraine was ranked every year since 1989. ing countries digital sidering collaborating with if developed further, can help Its too early to reveal any-
to international trade. professor Arturo Bris, 60th, while Brazil was This years list comprises competitiveness. two Indian start-ups to fur- the product become better. thing more but we hope to
If you look at China, director of the IMD placed at the 61st position 63 countries with Cyprus At the top of the digital ther its goals, according to a In recent days, the race for share it soon.
its improvement of seven World Competitiveness and Venezuela at 63rd. and Saudi Arabia making ranking is Singapore, fol- top official. self-driven vehicles has ZF, which inaugurated its
places to 18th can be Center said. The IMD World their first appearance. lowed by Sweden, the Speaking to this newspaper become complex due to firms technology centre in
traced to its dedication to The bottom of the table, Competitiveness Center Meanwhile, for the first USA, Finland and ZF chief digital officer tying up with multiple part- Hyderabad in March, is also
international trade. This meanwhile, is largely is a research group at time this year, the IMD Denmark, while the bot- Mamtha Chamarthi, who was ners. So, when asked whether considering building a test
continues to drive the occupied by countries IMD business school in World Competitiveness tom five are Indonesia, in Hyderabad, said, The com- ZF would prefer tie-ups with track for their automated
economy and the impro- experiencing political Switzerland. It has been Center also published Ukraine, Mongolia, Peru pany is open to all options big firms or with start-ups, vehicles after the
vement in government and economic upheaval. publishing the rankings a separate report rank- and Venezuela. PTI (partnership or acquisition). Ms Chamarthi said, While Government of Telangana
We already collaborate with we wouldnt rule out the big offered land for it.
syed imran
dafedar abdul baseer
syed imran dafedar abdul baseer
David Warner insists Oz are entirely focused
on their CT campaign, arent distracted of a
rare break from the game of up to two months
Champions Trophy opener at Number of century partnerships
Edgbaston on Sunday. between Rohit and Dhawan in
Pakistan, set a revised target
of 289 in 41 overs following Champions Trophy, the most by any
three rain interruptions, fin- pair.
ished on 164, with injured last
man Wahab Riaz unable to bat
as India won with 44 balls to The highest score
spare. for Rohit Sharma
Earlier, Virat Kohli and against Pakistan.
Yuvraj Singh stood out in an The previous high-
all-round batting effort, pro- est was 68, which
Steven Finn pelling India to 319 for three
after rain halted proceedings
came in Asia Cup 2012.
Finn to replace twice in the marquee clash.
Indian batsmen remained
injured Woakes focussed despite the rain
breaks with Rohit Sharma (91
Runs India
London: Steven Finn will off 119), Shikhar Dhawan (68 t h e scored in
replaced injured fellow off 65), Virat Kohli (81 not out London the last
paceman Chris Woakes in off 68) and Yuvraj (53 off 32) Bridge ter- four overs
England's Champions rising to the occasion in a rorist attack. of which 23 came
Trophy squad, the game reduced to 48 overs a The start of in the last
International Cricket Council side. the Indian
i n n i n g s
confirmed Sunday. Thanks to the big hitting by
Woakes was ruled out of the Yuvraj, Kohli and Hardik increased the
rest of the 50-over tourna- Pandya, India amassed 72 runs excitement
ment, which features the in the last four overs with the levels by a
world's top eight one-day 46th and 48th going for 21 and few notches
international teams, with a 23 runs. with a
side strain suffered while Pakistan's target, though, is charged-up Bhuvneshwar Kumar (left) and captain Virat Kohli celebrate the dis-
bowling just two overs at 324 in 48 overs. Mohammad missal of Ahmed Shehzad during the ICC Champions Trophy match
the start of England's open- While Kohli punished pacer Amir beating against Pakistan at Edgbaston in Birmingham on Sunday. AP
ing Group A win over Wahab Riaz, Pandya smashed Rohit's bat three
Bangladesh at the Oval on times in what
The experienced Finn, 28,
turned out to be a
maiden over. SCORECARD
will join the England squad It was a cautious start by India: R. Sharma run out (Babar Azam/Sarfraz
ahead of their second match both the openers with just 15 Ahmed) 91, S. Dhawan c Azhar Ali b Shadab Khan
of the tournament, against coming in five overs. 68, V. Kohli (not out) 81, Yuvraj Singh lbw b Hasan
New Zealand in Cardiff on Amir's first spell of four Ali 53, H. Pandya (not out) 20. Extras (lb 2, w 2,
Tuesday. overs was exceptional as he nb 2) 6. Total (3 wickets; 48 overs) 319.
The ICC has confirmed that gave away 14 runs and was a FoW: 1-136, 2-192, 3-285.
the event technical commit- tad unlucky to not get a wick- Bowling: Amir 8.1-1-32-0, Wasim 9.1-0-66-0,
tee of the ICC Champions et. Hasan 10-0-70-1, Wahab 8.4-0-87-0, Shadab 10-
Trophy 2017 has approved Skipper Ahmed started with 0-52-1, Shoaib 2-0-10-0.
Steven Finn as a replace- the pace of Amir and left-arm Pakistan: Azhar Ali c Pandya b Jadeja 50, Ahmed
ment, said a brief state- spin of Wasim. Though Wasim Shehzad lbw b Kumar 12, Babar Azam c Jadeja b
ment from cricket's global was economical, facing a spin- Yadav 8, Mohammad Hafeez c Kumar b Jadeja
governing body. AFP ner early on released the pres- 33, Shoaib Malik run out (Jadeja) 15, Sarfraz
sure on Rohit and Dhawan Ahmed c Dhoni b Pandya 15, Imad Wasim c
with Amir cranking up good Jadhav b Pandya, Shadab Khan not out 14,
Aussies satisfied pace at the other end. Mohammad Amir c Jadhav b Yadav 9, Hasan Ali c
Dhawan b Yadav 0, Wahab Riaz absent hurt.
The experienced duo then
with CT security played their strokes, especially
Rohit, who exquisitely
Extras: (lb 2, w 6)7. Total (9 wickets; 33.4 overrs)
London: Australian crickets punched through the off-side. FoW: 1-47, 2-61, 3-91, 4-114, 5-131, 6-135, 7-151, 8-
governing body said they three consecutive sixes off He brought his fifty by deposit- 164, 9-164.
are satisfied with security left-arm spinner Imad Wasim ing spinner Shadab Khan over Bowling: Bhuvneshwar Kumar 5-1-23-1, Umesh
ahead of their Champions in the final over. deep mid-wicket for a six. The Yadav 7.4-1-30-3, Jasprit Bumrah 5-0-23-0,
Trophy match with In a match watched by stylish batsman was playing Hardik Pandya 8-0-43-2, Ravindra Jadeja 8-0-
Bangladesh on Monday in Sachin Tendulkar from the in his first international game 43-2.
light of the attack that left stands, Indian batsmen went since October last year, having
seven dead and dozens on the rampage in the death undergone a thigh surgery in
injured in London. overs after patiently seeing off November.
Cricket Australia were two rain breaks. After Rohit reached his half
among many sporting bod- Play was stopped first when century, Dhawan too changed
ies and teams to offer their India were 46 for no loss in the gears as he smashed pacer
condolences to the victims. 10th over and rain played Wahab Riaz for three succes-
As with the rest of the spoilsport again when they sive fours before completing
world, the Australian team is were 173 for one in the 34th his half century.
shocked and saddened at over with Rohit and Kohli After the fall of openers,
the events that have holding fort. Kohli and Yuvraj took the
occurred in London It was not surprising that innings forward. While Kohli Rohit Sharma
overnight and our thoughts Sarfraz Ahmed sent India in to was scratchy for a major part en route to
are with those directly bat after winning the toss of his innings, Yuvraj was in his 91. AP
involved and their loved under overcast conditions. full flow from the word go, hit-
ones, said a Cricket The atmosphere around the ting the Pak bowlers to all
Australia spokesman in a ground was electric though over. The southpaw hit
statement. The team, sup- the day began on a sombre eight crisp bound-
port staff and travelling con- note with players of both aries and a six in
tingent have been account- teams observing a minute's his innings.
ed for. Our security team is silence for the people killed in Agencies
working closely with the A security official frisks a spectator at
ICC. Agencies Edgbaston on Sunday. AP
Group A ICC Champions Q Australia: 361-8 in 50 QAustralia: 198-5 in 50 ror attack here, the overnight. The ICC and the ICC has suspended the Sri
Trophy match at the overs at Dhaka in 2011 overs at Darwin in 2008 International Cricket ECB continue to place safe- Lanka captain from the
Kennington Oval, here on Council (ICC) revealed on ty and security at the ICC next two Champions
QBangladesh : 295-6 in 50 QBangladesh: 74 in London, June Sunday, saying it will Champions Trophy and the Trophy matches after his
The Australian bowlers overs at Dhaka in 2011 27.4 overs at Darwin in 4: Australias crick- review security at the ICC womens World Cup side was ruled to be four
received a severe thrashing 2008 eters have been told ongoing Champions this summer as the highest overs short of its target
at the hands of New to be extra attentive Trophy in line with priority, the world body against South Africa on
Zealand batsmen in their HIGHEST INDIVIDUAL BEST BOWLING by captain Steve the threat levels. stated. Saturday.
previous game before rain SCORES PERFORMANCE Smith in the wake Three knife-wield- We operate on advice David Boon of the
gods intervened and the of the attack in ing attackers, wear- from our Tournament Emirates Elite Panel of
match was abandoned. Q Australia: 185* Shane Q Australia: 5-18 Andrew London that left ing fake suicide Security Directorate in ICC Match Referees
It was the first one-day Watson at Dhaka in 2011 Symonds at Manchester in seven dead vests, unleashed a conjunction with the ECB imposed the suspension.
match for Mitchell Starc QBangladesh: 100 2005 and dozens terror rampage and relevant police and Players were fined 10
since February while Josh Mohammed Ashraful at Q Bangladesh : 3-36 Abdur injured late on through central security authorities per cent of their
Hazlewood had also only Cardiff in 2005 Razzak at Chittagong in 2006 Saturday. London, plowing a to ensure that we can match fees for the
one warm-up game under Crickets global high-speed van into deliver a safe and first two overs and
his belt in a similar period. On the other hand, the Asian minnows and in governing body pedestrians on the secure event. 20 per cent of their
The rust was clearly visi- Bangladesh may not have white ball cricket, they the International iconic London We will continue to match fees for the
ble and the fancied team won their first match have emerged as a strong Cricket Council Bridge before stabbing work with the author- additional overs their
would be hoping that the against England but their force. (ICC) has released a revellers in a nearby ities over the com- side failed
attack puts in a sharper batting was impressive. It wont be a surprise if statement confirming market, killing seven ing hours and to bowl in
performance tomorrow. Tamim Iqbal and former they dominate the enhanced security meas- people and injuring 48. days and the allot-
Because of the lackluster captain Mahmudullah led Australian bowlers and ures would continue to be Following last nights review our ted time,
performance, the Kiwis put the batting but the bowlers their own bowlers too are reviewed in line with the incident all team hotels security in with the cap-
on board 291 in 45 overs, could not complement the capable of springing a sur- threat levels. went into lockdown and line with the tain also
though they were in a great good work as England prise. You never want to see teams, match officials and threat lev- receiving two
position to score better. chased the down the chal- The fact that one more that happening around staff were all quickly els. suspension
The Australian batsmen lenging 306-run target with defeat will almost block the world particularly accounted for. The The secu- points. As two
too struggled when they remarkable ease. Bangladeshs road to semi- when were so close to the enhanced security around rity situa- suspension
were set a revised target of Joe Root was all class in finals, the Tigers are events that happened last venues implemented fol- t i o n points equate
235 in 33 overs, managing his in his unbeaten 133-run expected to give their all in night, said Smith . Steve Smith lowing the Manchester h a s to a ban from
only 53 for three in nine knock that never gave the contest. Weve been briefed by attack remains in place, b e e n one Test or two
overs which were possible. Bangladesh any chance to One more defeat will our security team this this includes significantly v e r y Upul Tharanga ODIs or two T20Is,
Their top-order surren- score an upset win. mean that they may not fig- morning, and they are enhanced police and secu- much whatever comes first
dered before the Kiwi Australia will have to put ure in the top-two in the comfortable with where rity for todays match, the f ro n t for the player,
bowlers, who exploited the up a better show since group. security is at. For us, its ICC said in a statement. and cen- Tharanga has been
conditions well. Bangladesh are no more PTI about just being diligent The heightened security tre of our suspended from
with everything that we in place is for the marquee prepara- upcoming match-
Live on TV Bangladesh vs Australia 6PM Star Sports 1 & HD 1 do, he added.
India-Pakistan clash, in
said. PTI
it es, the release
said. PTI
syed imran dafedar abdul baseer
Atletico Madrid star
Antoine Griezmann to stay
at Spanish club next season
Zidane can
stay at Real
Madrid for the
Praneeth wins
rest of his
life. Every Real Thailand title
Madrid fan is so Bangkok, June 4:
grateful to him, Shuttler B. Sai Praneeth
won his maiden Grand
he lifted our level Prix gold title by posting
a come-from-behind vic-
of talent when he tory over Indonesian
arrived in 2001 Jonatan Christie in the
mens singles final of
and was the best the $1,20,000 Thailand
Open here on Sunday.
player in the The third seeded
world. Now, he is Indian prevailed 17-21,
21-18, 21-19 over the
the best coach in fourth seeded
Indonesian in a contest
the world. that lasted an hour and
11 minutes.
Florentino Perez This is Praneeths sec-
Real Madrid ond consecutive title
president win, following the
Singapore Open victory.
He had reached the
finals of Syed Modi
International in
January at Hyderabad,
where he lost to Sameer
Praneeth, ranked 24 in
Sai Praneeth poses with
DUTEE FASTEST the world, did not have
an ideal start in the final
as he went down in the
the Thailand Open trophy
on Sunday.
Merlin K. Joseph of Kerala took Juventus 4-1 in Cardiff on and European Super Cup. Making a brilliant ed the official handle of
bronze with a time of 11.68 sec-
Saturday to become the
first team to retain the
12: Real Madrid
7: AC Milan
5: Bayern Munich,
Barcelona, Liverpool
Zidanes joy was his for-
mer club Juves despair,
TARGETS MORE TROPHIES comeback in the second
game, Praneeth surged
the Prime Minister.
Meanwhile, Javelin thrower Anu European Cup in the 4: Ajax Massimiliano Allegris Cardiff, June 4: competition for the last ahead 5-0 and then 9-3
Rani was the star performer by Champions League era. side crashing in Cristiano Ronaldo said five seasons. but failed to maintain
throwing the spear 61.86 m to
break her own national record
The Portugal superstars
opener was cancelled out
3: Inter Milan, Manchester
United Champions League finals
and seventh in total,
he had no intention of
slowing down after
I think people dont
have words to criticise,
his huge lead as his
opponent won six suc-
of 60.01 m in the last event of
the competition. In the process
by an astonishing Mario
Mandzukic strike, but
Juventus 1
extending their own des-
perately unwanted record.
spearheading a 4-1 victo-
ry over Juventus that
because the numbers
dont lie, he said after
cessive points to make it
9-9. Leading 17-16,
Rani, representing Uttar Pradesh goals from Casemiro, (Mandzukic 27) The first Champions made Real Madrid the receiving the man-of-the- Praneeth managed to New Delhi, June 4:
qualified for the World Ronaldo and Marco Real Madrid 4 League final to be played first team to retain the match award from Alex bag three more points to Badminton Association of
(Ronaldo 20, 64,
Championships in London, the Asensio secured Madrids Casemiro 61, Asensio 90) beneath a closed roof saw UEFA Champions Ferguson. move ahead 20-16. India president Himanta
qualifying mark for which was third Champions League Juve hit their heads League. Im very happy. It was Although he wasted two Biswa Sarma has
set at 61.40 m. Suman Devi, also triumph in four years and against a familiar ceiling Ronaldos double in an amazing season game points, he eventu- announced a cash reward
of Uttar Pradesh took silver with 12th in total. scored exactly 600 goals for as they missed out on a Saturdays final at again. We won trophies. ally won it 21-18. of `3 lakh for B. Sai
55.03 m while K. Rashmi of Now a four-time club and country in his chance to complete the Cardiff s Principality Its one of the best In the decider, Christie Praneeth for winning the
Karnataka took bronze with Champions League win- extraordinary career. first Treble in their histo- Stadium, allied to goals moments in my career. I opened up a 8-3 lead but Thailand Open Grand
51.12 m. Prem Kumar won the ner, Ronaldo finished as Zinedine Zidane, a head ry. Madrid drew first blood by Casemiro and Marco have the opportunity to Praneeth caught up with Prix on Sunday.
mens 110m hurdles, crossing the the competitions top scor- coach for only 17 months, in the 20th minute when Asensio, earned him a say that every year. But him at 9-9. At 17-17, It is a matter of
finish line in 14.34 seconds. He er for the fifth season run- became the first boss to Ronaldo flicked the ball fourth Champions its true. Praneeth won two cru- extreme pride for me and
finished ahead of Suresh and T. ning, substantially oversee back-to-back wide to Carvajal before League win and gave This year was amaz- cial points to take a 19-17 the whole of BAI to see
Balamurugan, both of Tamil enhancing his chances of European Cup successes sweeping his pass into the Madrid their third in ing again, last year was lead only to concede the Sai take the podium in
Nadu. Suresh clocked 14.35 sec- matching fierce rival since Arrigo Sacchis bottom-left corner. It was a four years and 12th in amazing too. Now I have advantage. Christie Thailand. I called him
onds while Balamurugan Lionel Messis tally of five fabled AC Milan team won fine strike, and it made total. He has now scored two days off to rest and bagged the next two right after the game and
claimed bronze with a time of Ballon dOr crowns. the tournament in 1989 Ronaldo the first player to 600 career goals for club after we have a qualify- points to tie at 19-19. congratulated him,
14.52 seconds. Were very happy to be and 1990. have scored in three finals and country, including ing game for Portugal However, the Indian held Sarma said.
Odishas Amiya completed a the first team to win the Victory crowned a glori- in the post-1992 105 in the Champions and we have the on to his nerves to reel Anup Narang, secretary
sprint double adding the 100 m Champions League in two ous season for Madrid, Champions League, but it League, and has finished Confederations Cup, he off two quick points to general of BAI added: It
title to the 200 m he had won consecutive years, said who have pulled off a La was quickly cancelled out as the top scorer in the added. PTI wrap up the match and is great day for Indian
earlier. Ronaldo, who has now Liga and European Cup Juves unit. AFP the title. PTI badminton. PTI
Venus, Muguruza
crash out on clay
Paris, June 4: There will be womens draw was wide
a first-time Grand Slam open, because of the
champion at the French absences of Williams sister,
Open. And theres a week Serena, and Maria
left in the tournament to fig- Sharapova. How right those
ure out which of the 12 folks were.
women still around that will This was Muguruzas first
be. attempt at defending a
Venus Williams was the Grand Slam championship,
last of the past major title and she ran into a deter-
winners in the draw, and she mined Mladenovic, who was
lost in the fourth round to backed by a vocal crowd of
30th-seeded Timea countrymen who chanted
Bacsinszky 5-7, 6-2, 6-1 at her nickname, Kiki,
Court Philippe Chatrier on throughout the match.
Sunday. That happened less Mladenovic often played to
than an hour after defend- the fans, waving her arms to
ing champion Garbine ask for more noise. And as
Muguruza was beaten 6-1, 3- Muguruza walked to the
6, 6-3 by 13th-seeded Kristina locker room after her defeat,
Mladenovic at Court she wagged a finger toward
Suzanne Lenglen. the stands as if to say, Tsk,
The only other two women tsk!
with a Grand Slam trophy The 24-year-old
on their resumes who made Mladenovic never had been
it to the fourth round past the third round at her
Svetlana Kuznetsova and home major and has
Samantha Stosur lost ear- never made it beyond the
lier Sunday to women with- quarterfinals at any other.
out one. But she managed to pull off
Kuznetsova, who won the the biggest victory of her
2009 French Open and 2004 career despite 16 double-
U.S. Open, was ousted by faults, seven in each of the
two-time major finalist last two sets on a windy day
Caroline Wozniacki 6-1, 4-6, with the temperature in the
6-2, while 2011 U.S. Open 60s (teens Celsius).
champion Stosur was elimi- Everything wasnt per-
nated by 19-year-old Jelena fect. There were a few con-
Ostapenko of Latvia 2-6, 6-2, cerns, Mladenovic said,
6-4. before joking: I made about
Mladenovic will face 35 double-faults today, but
Bacsinszky next, and everythings OK!
Wozniacki meets Muguruza, who was seed-
Ostapenko. Plus, all eight ed No. 4 in Paris, beat
women who play for quar- Serena Williams in the
terfinal berths Monday are French Open final last year.
seeking a first major title. She also was the runner-up
Heading into this French to the American at
Open, many figured the Wimbledon in 2015. AP