Introduction Lesson Plan

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Date: 10 February 2017 (Friday)

Time: 7:40-8:40 (60 minutes)

Class: 5U

Enrolment: 25 pupils

Subject: English

Proficiency Level Average

Theme: -

Topic: Introduction

Focused Skill: Listening & Speaking

Integrated Skill(s): Writing

Content Standard: -

Learning Standard: -

Prior Knowledge -

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

Learning Objective(s): a) introduce themselves in full sentences.
b) complete the diagnostic test.
Language focus -
Educational Emphases: Contextual learning

Thinking Skill: Critical thinking skills

Moral Value: Teamwork

Teaching Aids Diagnostic test

Stages Teacher and pupils activity

Set induction 1. Teacher introduces self and write his name on the
(5 minutes) 2. Teacher informs pupils of the duration the teacher is
teaching them.

1. Teacher asks pupils to introduce themselves.

2. Teacher writes on the board the framework.
Presentation 3. Teacher models an example.
4. Pupils stand up one by one and introduce themselves.
(15 minutes)
5. Other pupils listen and pay attention.
6. Teacher encourages other pupils to help their friends
when they have trouble introducing themselves

1. Teacher explains to pupils his expectations and rules

of the classroom.
Practice Listen carefully
Take part in all activities
(15 minutes) Obey rules
Respect each other
2. Pupils listen to the teachers explanation.
3. Teacher checks if pupils understand the rules or not.

1. Teacher explains to pupils about the diagnostic test.

Production 2. Teacher explains how to complete the diagnostic test.
3. Teacher distributes the diagnostic test to each pupils.
(20 minutes)
4. Pupils complete the diagnostic test given
5. Teacher moves around to help pupils.

1. Teacher reminds pupils of the classroom rules.
(5 minutes) 2. Pupils copy it into their exercise book.
Rationale Remarks

1. To foster rapport between teacher and


1. To get to know pupils better. Introduction: Name, home, hobby, ambition

2. To better understand pupils background.
3. To inculcate the moral value of Moral value: Teamwork

1. To explain to pupils the classroom rules.

2. To ensure the teacher is able to control
pupils during the teaching and learning.

Teaching aids:
1. To gauge pupils proficiency level.
Diagnostic test
2. To better understand pupils background
knowledge of the English language.

1. To remind pupils of the classroom rules.

2. To ensure that pupils remember the

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