Work Stage and Code Potential Defects How Determined Likely Cause Suggestions For Action

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Inspection Guide

Work stage Potential defects How determined Likely cause Suggestions for action
and code
A. Raw steel
Inaccessibility for Visual Design precludes access for inform Engineer that the work cannot be performed specified,
1 treatment of surfaces specified treatment provide him with a record of work actually done
Oil or grease Visual Cranes, jigs, machinery, trucks Scrub with emulsion cleaner.. Rinse with fresh

2 Excessive corrosion Visual .etc Allow for longer or improved surface preparation; then check
with pitting Old stock or severe storage for removal of soluble corrosion products
3 ,Welding discontinuities Visual
Poor welding practice .Refer to Engineer for re-welding as necessary
remove residues and spatter
.residues, spatter Visual
4 Poor fabrication Radius edges; fettle welds and burrs as necessary. Grind out
laminations and shelling. Undercut welds (extent of treatment
,Sharp edges, rough welds Visual
dependent on type of coating and severity of exposure)

5 ,burrs, laminations Poor fabrication

shelling. undercut welds

,Distortion, dishing
6 buckling, undercut welds

B. Blast- cleaned
Visual or adhesive Treat oil grease Shield working area from contamination.
1 ,Oil or grease,dirt, dust tape or filter paper Poor working conditions (a) Improve vacuum cleaning
or reflectomer
detritus, water
.Discard grit and re-blast with fresh supply
Contaminated grit (b)
.Improve oil and water traps on air supply
Surface too rough relative to
Visual Contaminated c ()
2 coating thickness
compressed air
Longer blasting time and extra coats, refer to steel inspector
a) Excessively corroded
By instrumental Extra costs to be agreed. Change grit for subsequent work
raw steel
comparison of blast and/or improved angle of blast
profile with standard
Visual and/or Surclean
Incorrect grit size b
comparison with and/or angle of blast
Residual mill-scale
standard Re-blast to the required standard. Heavy mill-scale may require
3 initial treatment with larger size abrasive or a switch to mixture
Inadequate blasting of grit and shot
Inspection guide (continued)
Work stage Potential defects How determined Likely cause Suggestions for action
Residual rust Visual Inadequate blasting Re-blast to the required standard (heavily corroded steel
4 may require smaller size abrasive; then check for removal
of soluble corrosion products

General darkening Visual and/or Too long delay Re-blast to the required standard and coat quickly
or rusting between cleaning and improve conditions
5 Surclean comparison coating or conditions too
with standard humid or metal too cold

Lamination/shelling Poor rolling of steel at mill Refer to steel Inspector/engineer for possible quality
Visual regarding of steel. Grind out

C. Pickled steel

Rough and/or pitted Visual Correct acid and inhibitor concentrations and
1 surface Incorrect concentration (a) temperatures of the pickling bath
of acid and/or inhibitor

Too long in (b)

pickling tank

Dark patches Visual Corroded surfaces (c) Re-pickle

2 Dark patches with sticky

surface Test with pH-paper a()
before pickling
Re-rinse or scrub small areas with clean water
Residual mill-scale or rust
3 Test with chloride (b) Residual acid
Powdery or crystalline paper Re-rinse
Residual chlorides
Visual or pH-paper test
Carbon deposits or smut Brush off and re-treat if severe. filter reagents and replace
Poor rinsing
4 Visual or with white cloth

Acid surface Re-rinse or re-treat after pH adjustments of tanks

Contamination of pickling
5 Too heavy phosphate pH-paper Special re-treatment necessary
deposits Poor rinsing. or overacidity of
Cold surface Laboratory check final process Adjust program to ensure that advantage of coating on
Too long or too strong a process warm surface is maintained
6 Contact thermometer Too long delay before priming

Inspection guide (continued)
Work stageand Potential defects How determined Likely cause Suggestions for action
D. Flame - cleaned

Moisture deposits Visual or filter paper Rate of travel of flame too high Reduce rate of travel until no moisture is deposited
Detritus residues Visual or adhesive tape poor wire-brushing and cleaning Improve remove of dust and detritus after flame-cleaning be
air blow or vacuum
2 Cold surface Touch or contact Too long delay before priming Adjust program so that coating is applied to warm surface

3 Distortion Visual Too much heat on too low a gauge


cleaned steel
(includes use of
hand-held power

Rust, slag and loose scale Visual comparison with Inadequate work and/or Further work with less worn or more suitable tools, if
1 standard and/or written tools necessary

Burns, sharp cuts, peaks of Visual and touch Improper use of power tools Remove defects by most appropriate means and control
steel methods of working with power tools
2 Bumished surfaces Visual Too vigorous brushing Mark area for emulsion cleansing before painting and control
more closely the wire brushing operations. Use of a
(manual or power) pretreatment primer would also help subsequent adhesion
during application

Too cold Air and contact Poor air conditioning in Improve temperature to acceptable level, but little or no
1 thermometers works or externally license should be allowed with limit specified. Open-flame
inclement weather heaters should not be used
Too hot contact thermometer Heated surfaces Reduce temperature below 35 oC or to whatever higher
temperature is allowed with special paints
Inspection guide (continued)
Work stage Potential defects How determined Likely cause Suggestions for action
and code
Too damp Hygrometer of visual Poor air conditioning in works or Improve conditioning to acceptable level
3 externally inclements weather

Too wet Visual and/or moisture Protect operations with suitable sheeting. but avoid causing
Rain, sleet or snow condensation. Provide suitable ventilation
Condensation (b)
Too dusty Visual Shield work or delay it till wind abates

Protect work from blasting dust, improve extraction

5 Air too foul Smell and/or instruments Too much wind a () Improve ventilation to point where TLVs of solvents, etc. are
not exceeded and/or provide fresh air supply to operators

Poor dust extraction b ()

6 Poor ventilation

G. Paint mixing
and storage
Wrong weight of container of Spring balance Poor filling containers or wrong Reject all full under weight containers. A check on other
1 paint paint containers with the same batch number will probably indicate
if material is at fault

Wrong specific gravity SG cup and balance Reconstitute if possible

Poor mixing of paint (a)
2 Reject all paintwork where such paint has been used and either
remove by stripping or, if agreed by the Engineer, apply an
-Thinning or over (b) extra coat of the correct paint
Thin consistency Visual and/or flow cup

3 Defective or wrong paint (a)

Thick consistency Visual and/or flow cup Poor mixing (b)
Thinning or over-thinning (c )
4 Control the correct use of thinners . Adjust viscosity
Discard all paints affected
Defective or wrong paint (a)
Poor mixing (b)
Thinning not as specified (c)
Outside the pot life (d)
Inspection guide (continued)
Work stage Potential defects How determined Likely cause Suggestions for action
and code
Wrong colour in container Visual comparison with Obtain supplies of correct paint
5 wet standard Wrong paint supplied (a)
Set aside until manufacturer certifies supply as satisfactory

Poor colour matching or b ()

variation in raw materials
Wrong colour and other Visual , instrumental Discard unless proportions used are known and can be

characterizes when
thoroughly mixed
Not thoroughly mixed (c) corrected

Paint contaminated with Visual Clean up paint store, provide adequate heating and ventilation
Wrong proportions of multi-pack
7 Deterioration of paint in tins, Visual
Dirty paint store, inadequately
.setting separation. gelling etc heated and or ventilated
Refer stocks to manufactures for clearance before permitting
further use
8 Old stocks outside the A()
stipulated storage period

Use of stock out of delivery b
order, leading to cause (a) above

Storage conditions too hot (c)

too cold

H. Metal coatings
galvanized, plated,

Thin coating Instrumental Incorrect processing Reject, reprocess where possible or agree additional coats,
. provided that surface has not become contaminates
Random bare spots Visual Incorrect processing
Reject if areas are large or are the result of unsatisfactory
2 preparation, but by agreement small areas can be made good
by adequate surface preparation and suitable zinc-rich paint,
low-melting-point alloy sticks or metal spray
Corrosion products Visual Poor storage conditions or over-
long period before further Reject all rusted material and any from which a substantial
treatment part of the coating has been lost. Obtain fresh supplies or
Unsatisfactory adhesion Instruments Incorrect processing completely re-treat as specified

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