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Practical Guidelines for the Inspection and Repair of

Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings



Surface Conditions (SC)


A - Accept R - Reject N - Negotiate C - Clean REP - Repair

RESPONSIBILITY: G - Galvanized D - Designer B - Builder/Fabricator S -
Steel Type/Surface

Effect /
Remedy A/R/N
SC Description Cause Example
/ /C/REP
1 APPEARANCE OF Although the Maintain A
SODIUM recommended concentration of
DICHROMATE. quantity of sodium dichromate
A small amount of sodium at about 0,15 to
sodium dichromate dichromate is 0,3%. G
is generally added about 0,15 to
to the quench water 0,3%,
bath for passivation. occasionally
when topping
up, more is
added. This
often results
in a dark
yellow to
brown colour
on the
surface. The
darker colour
will provide

2 ASH DEPOSITS. Zinc oxide The coating is A/N

Ash deposits are deposits coo normally intact
grey, non-metallic take place underneath the ash
deposits consisting when the deposits. Ash must
of zinc oxide that component is be removed and the
have been deposited dipped or coating thickness REP
no the hot dip when it is verified for If
galvanized coating. removed from conformance to the
the both. specification
Remove ash from all
liquid conveyance
pipes. G
3 BARE SPOTS. There are several causes of bare A/R
Although excluded spats. These include:
from ISO 1461, Overdrying. If the time between
bare spots of about fluxing and hut dip galvanizing is
5mm (2,2 x prolonged or the drying temperature
2,2mm), due to is toe high, the barrier protection REP
small localised provided by the flux may be lost. If
flows, ore This is indicated by a rusty
adequately appearance on the ungalvanized
protected by the article, which can result in coating
sacrificial properties discontinuities after hot dip
of zinc and will have galvanizing. G
very little effect on Excess Aluminium. A condition
the service life of sometimes referred to as black.
the coaling. Where spats may occur if the aluminium
necessary, such content of a bath becomes too high.
spots may be No trouble should be experienced if
repaired using one flux concentration is correct and the
of the specified aluminium content of the both is
repair methods. maintained below approximately
Gross uncoated
areas ore a cause 0,007%. G
for rejection. See Further causes are:
Coating Repair Blowouts; flux deposits; stains and
Procedures. inclusions; mechanical damage;
touch marks; uncoated surfaces
caused by - surface contaminants,
scale or sand; welds and weld
spatter. See SC No's 6, 16, 19,
30, 33, 34, 35 and 37

4 BLACK STEEL Components Insufficient A/R

INSPECTION. should be inspection prior to
Inspection prior to checked for hot dip galvanizing
hot dip galvanizing distortion can be the cause of
is extremely caused during dispute. G
important. rolling or
Check for
vent, fill and
removal of
weld slag and
venting of
clearance for
moving ports
and potential
distortion due
to the

5 BLASTING Incurred A hot dip galvanized R

DAMAGE. nozzle coating wi8 be
Sweep blasting, pressure; partially or fully
dune correctly, nozzle angle; destroyed by
substantially sweeping excessive blasting.
increases paint distance; size Refer to the
adhesion and final of abrasive HDGASA Cede of
coating appearance and recycling Practice. D/B
hut done incorrectly of grit.
can result in coating

6 BLOWOUTS. Pre-treatment Pre-heat item prior A

Staining and coating chemicals to immersion in zinc
defects around penetrating both to dry out C/REP
unsealed weld areas sealed overlap overlap area as If
and vent holes. areas through
Similar to stains the required much as possible.
ceased by weeping. vent holes and D/G
See SC 28. escaping
immersion in
the molten
zinc. This
effect tends to
damage the
flux coating,

7 CLOGGED HOLES. Molten zinc Make holes as large A

Zinc film clogging or has a high as possible.
partly bridging surface Removal of molten C
holes. tension and zinc over the bath If
will not easily and utilization of
drain from vibrators will reduce required
holes under the likelihood of
8mm in clogging. D/G

8 CLOGGED Insufficient
The correct R
THREADS. centrifuging or
Threaded poor drainage
equipment or post C/REP
components or of threaded
galvanizing thread
attachments have attachments
cleaning by heating,
threads dogged with on withdrawal
wire brushing or
zinc. from theoversize tapping of
nuts, will generally
bath. remove clogging. If
necessary specify
9 DESIGN Double delivery
Touch upofandbolts end
nutsbein avoided,
nutted upthe
STRUCTURES IN dipping can can
MODULAR sometimes be costfarm.of Ghut dip C/REP
LENGTHS AND used to hot galvanizing reduced
OPTIMUM dip galvanize and the overall
WIDTHS TO SUIT fabrications quality improved, if
AVAILABLE BATH that are too the design of the
SIZES. long or wide component is
far single restricted to the
immersion. If length, width and
the fabrication depth 0f the
exceeds the galvanizing bath.
10 DISCOLOURING bath size,
Materiel D/Bthe cause has
Once A
stored in in been removed the
GALVANIZING the fabrication
contact with stains will gradually C
CAUSED BY may require
rusty steel, or disappear. B
touching up.
GRINDING OR iron filings can
OTHER RESIDUES. cause surface possible
rust staining.

11 DISTORTION. The hot dip Use symmetrical A/N

Distortion is the galvanizing designs; Use
unwanted warping process occurs sections of similar
that occasionally ala molten thickness; Stiffen
becomes evident zinc unsupported thin
after hut dip temperature wall sections; Use REP
galvanizing. of 450 dug C. preformed members If
This is at the with the correct
lower end of minimum bend
the stress radii; Use balanced
relieving or staggered
temperature welding techniques;
for treating Make use of
steel. Thus, temporary braces on
any inherent thin walled sections
rolling or such as troughs,
welding cylinders and angle
stresses in the frames. Avoid
fabrication, quenching after
are likely to galvanizing.
be released. Components can be
This may straightened after
result in a hot dip galvanizing.
dimensional D/G
change, i.e.

12 DRAINAGE The edge Drainage spikes are A/N

SPIKES. mast likely to easily removed at
Spikes and have these the bath while still
teardrops of zinc spikes is the molten but with
often appear along last to leave complex
the edge of a the bath on fabrications, the C/REP
component after hot withdrawal. solidified spikes will If
dip galvanizing. This applies be removed by
particularly to fettling by the
complex galvanizer prior to
fabrications. inspection. G
13 DROSS. Gross dross Dross consists of the R/N
Dross particles are deposit from same iron/zinc alloy Mechanically
iron/zinc alloy the bottom of as the coating, it remove if
crystals produced the zinc both, will provide the possible, repair
when hut dip trapped in the same corrosion or regalvanize
galvanizing steel. corner of a protection as a
These precipitate to fabrication. normal hot dip C/REP
the bottom of the The dross galvanized coating. If
bath and are incorporated G
removed by the in the coating necessary
galvanizer. prevents
drainage of
the zinc in the
area and a
build up Although not as A
MOTTLED appearance
occurs. aesthetically
COATING indicates the pleasing as a
APPEARANCE. presence of coating with free
Dull grey or mottled extensive zinc on the surface,
coatings can appear iron/zinc allay a dull grey coating
as a dark grey phase growth, provides similar or
circular patter, a mused by hotter corrosion
localised dull patch steels with protection. D/S
or, may extend over high reactive
the entire surface of levels of
the component. Silicon and
in steels.

15 FLAKING OR High Use a steel that has R/N

DELAMINATION phosphorous a phosphorous
OF COATING. content content of lower
No adhesion of zinc (greater) than than 0,03%. D/S
to steel surface. 0,03% causes
Thick, rough entire coating
coating. to delaminate
from the steel.

16 FLUX DEPOSITS, Flux deposits Flux deposits or A

STAINS AND or stains may stains should be
INCLUSIONS. occur as a removed and the
Flux deposits or result of underl~4ng coaling
stains from the excessive measured to
galvanizing process "dusting" with determine whether
may adhere to the ammonium it conforms to the
steel or become chloride on minimum C/REP
included in the withdrawal requirements of the
coating. Flux from the If
specification. G
residues are black, molten zinc. necessary
brown, grey or Flux inclusions
yellowish non- can occur
metallic deposits when a
consisting mainly of surface flux
ammonium chloride. blanket is
applied to the
zinc surface
Flux blankets
are normally
only used for
galvanizing of
tubes and

17 DISCOLOURATION Inadequate Make use of the R

OF THE PAINT repair of a correct repair
COATING OVER damaged materials and REP
HOT DIP surface on the application
GALVANIZING hot dip procedures when
AFTER EXPOSURE galvanized touching up cut or
TO THE coating prier welded hot dip
ENVIRONMENT. to the galvanized
application of components. See
18 COATING a paint
No matter Coating hot
Specify Repair
THICKNESS how the zinc galvanized B
PROVIDED ON coating is to ISO 1461, where
FASTENERS USE applied, the required.
TO ASSEMBLE coating life is Alternatively
HOT DIP proportional to overcoat fastener REP
GALVANIZED its thickness with an approved If
STRUCTURES. in a given zinc rich point or
environment. epoxy. See Coating
Often Repair Procedures.
electroplated D/B
fasteners with
thickness are
usedusein of Warning labels, A
DAMAGE. chains,
externalwire highlighting a thick
Mechanical handling ropes,
environments. coating and possible
or transport damage dragging or damage if
may occur, dropping of manhandled, should
particularly with the be attached by the REP
extremely thick component galvanizer, before If
coatings, which tend onto a hard the component is
to be brittle in surface, can transported. The
nature. cause use of nylon lifting
mechanical slings is
damage. This recommended.
is particularly G/B
relevant with
20 OXIDE LINES. thick
Due to brittle
the No effect on
Light aluminium shape and/ or corrosion resistance.
oxide film lines on drainage The overall
hot dip galvanized conditions of appearance
surface. some becomes uniform in
components, time. G
the hoist
crane has
stopped and
started upon
withdrawal of
the items from
the molten

21 PIMPLES OR Dross pimples The galvanizer A

BLISTERS. result from should avoid
Pimples or blisters agitation of disturbing the dross
formed during hot the dross layer at the bottom
dip galvanizing are layer at the of the bath by
usually associated bottom of the controlling C
with surface bath or from immersion depths If
imperfections such dragging and dressing
as dross inclusions. material regularly. Since
through the dross pimples
dross layer. represent minor
They appear disturbances in
as small, hard coating uniformity,
lumps on an they do not affect
otherwise corrosion
normal resistance. G
Blisters may
be formed by
22 REACTIVE AND This difference
hydrogen, Select the same A/N
NON-REACTIVE in coating
which is steel for fabricating
STEELS, WELDED thickness,
absorbed is a component. If
TOGETHER. brought about
daring pickling need be, accept a
Variations in coating by
anda diffused concession request
thicknesses can combination
at galvanizing of by the galvanizer
arise when reactive a more
temperatures. when the thinner
and non-reactive reactive silicon coating is possibly
steels are welded killed steel, below specification.
together. Efforts to and/or high D/B
increase coating phosphorous
thickness on the resulting in a
less reactive steel thicker coating
may result in an and a less
undesirably thick reactive
and brittle coating aluminium
on the most reactive killed steel,
steel. resulting in a
below that
required in the
Should the
galvanizer be
asked to
regalvanize in
with the
the resultant
thickness on
the reactive
steel will be
resulting in a
brittle coating
susceptible to

23 REMOVAL OF ZINC Excessive The affected areas R

COATING BY cleaning of the usually only appear
EXCESSIVE coating, after the component REP
CLEANING. particularly is installed. Care At the
Unless otherwise the edges, by should be exercised galvanizer or
agreed, the mechanical by the galvanizer to alternatively at
galvanizer will limit methods, can avoid over site
cleaning of the final result in cleaning. G/B
coating by uncoated
mechanical means areas.
to that required in
the specification.

24 ROLLING DEFECTS Steel may Surface flaws in the A

IN STEEL. occasionally base material
These defects include maybe removed by
maybe broadly laminations, local grinding after
classified as surface
laps, folds and hot dip galvanizing
discontinuities in the
nonmetallic followed by repair of REP
steel that have been
impurities, the affected surface. If
elongated duringwhich result in Minor surface
rolling. slivers rolled defects will not
into the metal adversely influence
surface. coating life. S
Defects of this
type are
before or after
pickling, but
25 ROUGH may
Rough only The rougher surface A
COATINGS, become
surfaces, will produce a
CAUSED BY STEEL typical of after thicker coating and
SURFACE hot dip on
coatings result in a longer
CONDITIONS. galvanizing.
corroded steel service life. S
surfaces, can
be hot dip
The coating
will, however,
reflect the
texture of the
Other causes
of rough
uneven cold
working, over
pickling, a
and/ or
immersion in
the molten

26 ROUGH HEAVY Rough, heavy The thicker coating A/R

COATINGS, coatings refer produced will
CAUSED BY A to hot dip provide greater
ROUGH SURFACE galvanized corrosion protection.
AND/OR THE components Except when the
CHEMICAL showing coating tends to
COMPOSITION OF markedly flake off or
THE STEEL "TREE rough delaminate see SC
BARK EFFECT" surfaces. This 15. S
can include
coatings that
have a
rough surface
and, in some
cases, groove
type surface
"tree bark
effect" caused
by variations
in surface
steel analysis.

27 ROUGH HEAVY Efficient Provided the R

COATINGS centrifuging, steal/casting surface
CAUSED BY will generally is reasonably C/REP
INSUFFICIENT remove smooth, correctly If
CENTRIFUGING. excess zinc centrifuged articles
and provide a will provide an acceptable
smooth and acceptable finish.
attractive G

28 STAINS CAUSED The salts from The stains can be A

BY WEEPING. acid or flex easily removed by
that have means of bristle
penetrated brushing. Should
porous the component be
welding or destined for a C/REP
between corrosive area, the If
contact crevice should be
surfaces sealed with a
during pickling sealant after
can weep after cleaning. D/B
hot dip
and water
29 TIGHTLY Heavy
producingwallsa The galvanizer R
stained area. should ensure all
OF ZINC ON THE flanges used zinc hen been
INSIDE OF HEAVY in the removed from the
WALLED STEEL manufacture aside of the pipe by
PIPING. of piping can longer immersion C/REP
act as a heat times. G If
sink when
immersed in
molten zinc.
This effect
lengthens the
the galvanizer
will remove
30 TOUCH MARKS. the pipes
Articles Minimise contact A
The zinc in the before allthe
entering the between
galvanizing bath zinc has
galvanizing components and jig
should have free melted from
baths should connections.
access to all the inside
not of
be in tight (Loosen jigging
component surfaces the pipe.with
contact wire). Small REP
or small unmated or each other. components can be If
damaged areas can Jigging wire centrifuged. G
result. should also be
loosely and
attached to acceptable
eliminate wire
marks. Where
a component
has been
resting on
jigging or
equipment, an
uncoated area
en touch mark
could appear.

31 TYPICAL Surface Small additions of A

SPANGLED HOT appearances aluminium to the
DIP GALVANIZED may vary molten zinc,
COATING. according to brightens the
A typical hot dip the chemical coating. S/G
galvanized surface composition of
is shown in the the steel.
example. The Cooling rate
surface is silver grey has a direct
in colour and not effect on the
necessary but often surface
has a spangled brightness and
effect (zinc crystals) spangle size.
in a range of sizes. Easter cooling
usually results
in a brighter
coating with a
spangle size.

32 UNEVEN This condition Although not A

DRAINAGE. can occur over particularly
Uneven drainage the entire attractive, this C
results in an uneven
surface Grin condition dons not If
or lumpy area onisolated areas. adversely affect
which zinc build op
Uneven coating necessary
has occurred. drainage also performance.
includes drips Protuberances and
en the ends of lumps, which
ports, runs interfere with
near halos. mating surfaces are
The cause is unacceptable. G
speed too high
or low
33 UNCOATED Residues,
temperature. Ensure all paint or A/N/R
SURFACES such as oil grease is removed
CAUSED BY STEEL based paint, prior to hot dip
SURFACE grease, oil or galvanizing. Make
CONTAMINANTS labels on the usual suitable
OR ENTRAPPED steel surface marking pens for REP
AIR. or incorrectly temporary If
positioned identification.
vent holes, Correctly position
can result in adequately sized
localised vent hubs. B
areas in an
Defects after
34 UNGALVANIZED can very
Sand in
on cast These ungalvanized R/N
iron or from
scale areas may occur in
on theblack
steelto a linear pattern on REP
OR SAND. brown while
surface is angles, channels or
no galvanized
generally other rolled
caused by hasthe products. They can acceptable
been formed.
process used also appear on cast
to form or roll iron products.
the product. A S/G
area in an
coating can
occur if scale
or sand from
the moulding
or rolling is
not removed
by acid
pickling or

35 UNGALVANIZED A localised Weld slag deposits R/N

AREA IN THE ungalvanized should be removed
VICINITY OF A area near a by the fabricator by
WELD. weld can be means of abrasive
caused by blast cleaning. The
weld slug deposit can also be REP
deposit, weld removed by proper If
porosity or chipping or wire
weld brushing. Shielded
undercut. arc welding as
Oxide deposits opposed to slick
and residues welding is preferred
from welding for components
are resistant which are to ho hot
to normal dip galvanized. B
pickling adds
and mint be
36 USE removed
Conventional Coating repair can A
drilling and be done by zinc
work is after
FIXING METHODS bolting pickled motel spraying urn REP
SUCH AS BOLTS and hot dip
hot dip zinc rich painter
AND NUTS, OR galvanized. is
galvanizing epoxy, providing the
REPAIR DAMAGED preferred. product conforms to
COATINGS Should the requirements of
CAUSED BY welding or the specification.
WELDING OR noon- (See Coating Repair
NON0- conventional Procedures). D/B
FIXING METHODS. fixing be used,
resulting in
37 WELD SPATTER. Weld spatter Loosely adherent A/N
damage to the
Weld spatter is is caused by weld spatter should
coating, an
oxidised, normally weld pool be removed prior to
spherical expelled explosions hot dip galvanizing.
repair method
weld metal, that is when Although not
is necessary.
fused or not onto improper acceptable in terms
the surrounding welding of the specification
material during parameters the presence of
welding. are used, or if tightly adherent
the material is weld spotter after
dirty or hot dip galvanizing
contaminated. will not affect the
corrosion resistant
properties of the
coating. B

38 WET STORAGE Wet storage Wet storage stain A

STAIN OR WHITE stain (zinc ceases when the
RUST. hydroxide) is cause is eliminated.
Wet storage stain or formed on If the coating
white rust as it is freshly thickness at the
commonly called, is galvanized affected area is C
a white voluminous surfaces equal to, or greater If
deposit that is whirls are in than the minimum
occasionally found close contact required in the
on the surface of a in presence of specification, it is
freshly galvanized moisture. not a cause for
coating. Freshly rejection, other than
galvanized for aesthetic
coatings react reasons. The latter
with the is subject to
environment discussion with the
until such time end user. Customer
as a stable is to exercise
zinc carbonate caution during
film is formed transport and
on the cooling storage. G/B

39 ZINC METAL In order for Prepare surface for A

SPRAYED REPAIR zinc metal repair by adequate
APPLIED TO spraying to blasting. Loosely C
INADEQUATELY adhere on applied zinc metal
BLASTED application, sprayed coating at
SURFACES OR the damaged the perimeter of the
NOT WIRE galvanized repair should ho
BRUSHED AFTER surface mast removed by wire
APPLICATION. be adequately brushing If net
blasted. As it removed, there is
is difficult not no compromise in
to over spray, the corrosion
excess zinc
40 ZING SPLATTER. When hot dip The loosely G/B
metal spray
Splashes and flakes galvanizing an adherent zinc
of loosely adherent unusually
adheres to the
splashes are easily C
zinc, caused by deep removed. An
moisture on the fabrication by experienced
steal surface when double galvanizer can
hot dip galvanizing. dipping, ensure the coating
moisture an overlap on double
the surface of end dipped surface,
the steel is not visible. G
contacts with
the molten
zinc causing
splashes of
zinc to loosely
adhere to the
already hot
dip galvanized

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