3691participant List of Nepal EST Forum - Final Version

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Final list of participants

Ninth Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum in Asia

17 20 November 2015
Kathmandu, Nepal

List of Participants

National Government Representatives

1. Mr. Sadraddin Sayah
National Environmental Protection Agency
Parwan2. sq. Kabul, Afghanistan
Tel: +93789595533
Email: sadradding_saya@yahoo.com; eb.hamzeh@yahoo.com

2. Mr. Eshaq ali Akbari

Executive Assistant to Minister
Ministry of Urban Development Affairs
Kabul, 3rd macroryan, Afghanistan
Tel: +93781354465
Email: Shqakbari@gmail.com

3. Mr. Abdul Wassay Rahim

Senior Technical Advisor
Ministry of Urban Development Affairs
Kabul, 3rd macroryan, Afghanistan
Tel: +93779494943
Email: awassayrahim@yahoo.com

Final list of participants

4. Mr. Gafgaz Adigozalov
Senior Advisor
Department of International Relations
Ministry of Transport
AZ 1122 Baku, Tbilisi ave. 1054, Azerbaijan
Email: g.adigozalov@mot.gov.az, g.adigozalov@mintrans.az

5. Hon. Mr. Abdullah Al Islam Jakob
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bangladesh
Tel: +88 029577007; Fax: +88 029540210

6. Mr. Safiqul Islam

Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges
Building No. 7, Floor No. 8, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Tel: +88 0295 53900; Fax: +88 0295 74046
Email: safiqul85@yahoo.com

7. Mr. Md. Kamrul Haque

Superintending Engineer
Roads and Highways Department, Roads Design and Safety Circle
Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges
Building No. 7, Floor No. 8, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Email: kamrul.rhd@gmail.com

8. Mr. Noor-E- Alam

Project Manager Greater Dhaka
Sustainable Urban Transport Project
Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges
House no-04, Road No-21, Sector-04, Uttara Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tel: +880-2791-1062
Email: pm1rhd.gdsutp@gmail.com; jewel_rhd2009@yahoo.com

9. Mr. Mohammad Jamal Hossain

Final list of participants

Ministry of Environment and Forest

111, Free School Street, Kathal, Began, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh
Tel: +880 1712 671955
Email: jamal.mh@gmail.com

10. Mr. Kinley Dorji
Ministry of Information and Communications
Post Box: 482, Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel: +975 2 329223
Email: secretary@moic.gov.bt

11. Mr. Lhaba Tshering

Chief Planning Officer
Perspective Planning Division
Gross National Happiness Commission, Bhutan
Tel: +975-2-333230; Fax: +975-326779
Email: ltshering@gnhc.gov.bt

12. Mr. Tshering Dendup

Assistant Environment Officer
National Environment Commission
Thimphu, Post Box No.466, Bhutan
Tel: +97502323384
Email: tsheringdendup@nec.gov.bt

13. Ms. Pema Lhamo

Assistant Transport Officer
Road Safety and Transport Authority
Dechhen Lam, Thimphu, Bhutan
Email: plhamo@rsta.gov.bt

14. Mr. Chan Dara
Director General

Final list of participants

Department of Transport
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Corner Norodom Blvd/Street 106, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: +855 12 271 327
Email: chan_dara@online.com.kh

15. Mr. Hong Sinara

Deputy Director General
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Corner Norodom Blvd/Street 106, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Email: hong.sinara@yahoo.com

16. Mr. UK Raksmey

Chief of Environmental and Social Office
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Corner Norodom Blvd/Street 106, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: +855 12 71 88 30
Email: ukraksmey@gmail.com

17. Mr. Taing Meng Eang

Director of Green Economy
National Council for Sustainable Development
Ministry of Environment
#48, Preah Sihanouk Blvd., Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkamorn, Cambodia
Tel: +855 (0) 92 736 669
Email: mengeangtaing@gmail.com

18. Ms. Aseri Driu
Transport Policy Analyst
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
P.O.Box 2493, Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji
Email: aseri.driu@mwtpu.gov.fj

19. Mr. Vinod Bhatia

Final list of participants

Ministry of Railways
F-11, Parshant Vihar, New Delhi, 110085, India
Tel: +919971397174; Fax: +9111-23383720
Email: onlynodi@gmail.com

20. Ms. Elly Adriani Sinaga
Director General
Research and Development Agency
Ministry of Transportation
J1. Medan Merdeka Timur No.5, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: +6221 348 33060; Fax: +6221 348 33060
Email: ellysinaga@dephub.go.id

21. Mr. Zulfikri

Research and Development Center for Multimoda Transport Management, Development
Ministry of Transportation
J1. Medan Merdeka Timur No.5, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: +6221 3523205
Email: zulfilr.ri@dephub.go.id

22. Ms. Ratna Kartikasari

Head of Division
Division of Air Pollution Control from Transportation
Ministry of Environment and Forestry
J1. DI. Panjaitan, Kav.24 Gedung C, 3rd Floor, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: +628 1310 697818; Fax: +622185906678
Email: emaknyauyi@yahoo.com

23. Ms. Endang Nooryastuti

Section of Air, Marine and Heavy Equipment Transportation
Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Final list of participants

Air Pollution Control Directorat Minsitry of Environment and Forest, 3rd Floow, B Buil JI. DI
Panjaitan Kav 24 Kebon Nanas Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 85911027; Fax: +62 21 859 06678
Email: endang_nooryastuti@yahoo.com

24. Mr. Akhmad Rizal Arifudin

Research and Development Agency
Ministry of Transportation
Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Transportation, J1. Medan Merdeka Timur
No.5, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 352 3205; Fax: +62 21 352 3205
Email: akhmad_rizal@dephub.go.id

Islamic Republic of Iran

25. Mr. Mahmoud Saffarzadeh
Deputy of Research & Technology
Road, Housing & Urban Development Research Center
Ministry of Roads and Urban Development
Hekmat St.- Marvi St.- Shahrake Farhangian- Sheikh Fazlollah Highway, Tehran, Islam
Republic of Iran
Tel: +98 91211 25096; Fax: +98 21 882 67919
Email: saffar_m@modares.ac.ir

26. Mr. Teruyoshi Hayamizu
Councillor, Minister's Secretariat
Ministry of the Environment
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8975 Japan

27. Mr. Takashi Honda

Assistant Director
Environmental Transport Policy Division, Environmental Management Bureau
Ministry of the Environment
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8975 Japan

Final list of participants

28. Mr. Atsushi Kato

Chief of Guidance Section
Ministry of the Environment
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8975 Japan

29. Ms. Naomi Nishitani

Ministry of the Environment
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8975 Japan

Republic of Korea
30. Dr. Jihong Park
New Transport Development Division
Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport
Room 622, Government complex building 6, #11, Doum-ro 6, Sejong Special Self-governing
City, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82 44 201 3817; Fax: +82 44 201 5582
Email: jihong1919@gmail.com

31. Mr. Hojun Lee

Deputy Director
Urban & Metropolitan Transport Division
Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport
Room 622 Government complex building 6, #11, Doum-ro 6, Sejong Special Self-governing
City, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82 44 201 3810; Fax: +82 44 201 5582
Email: fighting@korea.kr

32. Mr. Sanghan Bae

Assistant Deputy Director
Public Transport Division
Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport
Room 622 Government complex building 6, #11, Doum-ro 6, Sejong Special Self-governing
City, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82 44 201 3830; Fax: +82 44 201 5582
Email: Baesh82@korea.kr

Final list of participants

33. Mr. Tilek Esenbekov
Assistant to Minister
Ministry of Transport and Communications, Kyrgyzstan
Tel: +996 312 314 381; Fax: +996 312 312 811
Email: pomoshnik@mtk.gov.kg

34. Hon. Dr. Bounchanh Sinthavong
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Lanxang Avenue, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR

35. Mr. Viengsavath Siphandone

Director General
Department of Transport
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Lanxang Avenue, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
Tel: +856 20 999 01325; Fax: +856 21 412250

36. Dr. Saynakhone Inthavong

Director General
Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment
P.O. Box 7864. Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tel: +856 21 250643; Fax: +856 21 250643
Email: mounthala@hotmail.com

37. Dr. Bounta Onnavong

Division of Planning and Budgeting, Department of Transport
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Lanxang Avenue, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
Tel: +856 20 554 66466; Fax: +856 21 453 187
Email: bounta_ov@yahoo.com

Final list of participants

38. Mr. Nalongxay Myvapadith

Secretary to Minister
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Lanxang Avenue, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
Tel: +856 20 588 70086; Fax: +856 21 453 187
Email: nalongxayn@gmail.com

39. Ms. Normazahani Muhthar
Assistant Secretary
Strategic Planning & International Division
Ministry of Transport
Level 8, Ministry of Transport, No.26, Tun Hussein Road, Precinct 4, 62100 W.P. Putrajaya,
Tel: +603 8892 1395; Fax: 603 8888 0185
Email: normazahani@mot.gov.my

40. Mr. Ooi Chean Weai

Principal Assistant Director
Department of Environment
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Level 4, Podium 2&3, Wisma Sumber Asli No.25, Persiaran Perdana, Precinct 4 62574
Putrajaya, Malaysia
Tel: +603 8871 2349; Fax: +603 8888 4151
Email: ocw@doe.gov.my

41. Hon. Mr. Ali Amir
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Environment and Energy
Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun, Mal 20392, Maldives

42. Mr. Mohamed Jinan Saeed

Civil Engineer
Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure
Ameenee Magu, Maafannu, Male 20392, Maldives

Final list of participants

Tel: +960 7995223; Fax: +960 3004301

Email: mohamed.jinan@housing.gov.mv

43. Mr. Battulga Nergui
Senior Officer
Technology and Standards Division
Ministry of Road and Trasnportation
Chinggis avenue-11, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaataar 14251, Mongolia
Tel: +976-99115633; Fax: +976-62263182
Email: battulga@mrt.gov.mn

44. Mr. Nerguibaatar Tsevegjav

Senior officer
Road Transport Division
Ministry of Road and Transportation
Government Building - 13, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, 14251, Mongolia
Email: nerguibaatar@mrt.gov.mn

45. Hon. Dr. Thet Thet Zin
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry
Building No(28), Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry, Nay Pyi Taw,

46. Ms. Khin Thida Tin

Deputy Director
Environmental Conservation Department
Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry
Building No(28), Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry, Nay Pyi Taw,
Tel: +95 067 431497; Fax: +95 067 431322
Email: thidatin.env@gmail.com

47. Mr. Aung Ye Tun

Final list of participants

Assistant Secretary
Ministry of Transport
Building No (5), Ministry of Transport, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Tel: +95 67 411520; Fax: +95 67 411419
Email: aungyetun010@gmail.com

48. Mr. Soe Win

Chief Engineer
Road Transport Department
Ministry of Rail Transport
Building 29, Nay Pyi Taw, Ministry of Rail Transportation, Myanmar
Tel: +95 67 405415; Fax: +95 67 405415
Email: soe.rtad@gmail.com

49. Mr. Thein Han Oo

Executive Engineer
Road Transport Administration Department
Ministry of Rail Transport
Building 29, Nay Pyi Taw, Ministry of Rail Transportation, Myanmar
Tel: +95 95 340277; Fax: +95 12 585082
Email: thano69@gmail.com

50. Rt.Honble Mr. K. P. Sharma Oli
Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Nepal

51. Hon. Mr. Bijaya Kumar Gachhadar

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

52. Hon. Mr. Rabindra Prasad Adhikari

Parliamentary Development Committee / Parliament Member, Nepal

53. Mr. Jeevan Ram Chaudhari

Environment Protection Committee

Final list of participants

Legislature Parliament Committees, Nepal

54. Mr. Naindra Prasad Upadhaya

Ministry of Commerce and Supplies, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4211 446; Fax: +977 1 4211 67
Email: secretary@mocs.gov.np

55. Mr. Shanta Bahadur Shrestha

Ministry of Health and Population, Nepal
Tel: +977 01 426 2590; Fax: +977 01 4262 468
Email: yesshrestha@gmail.com

56. Mr. Sunil Bahadur Malla

Ministry of Information and Communications Technology, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4211650; Fax: +977 1 4211729
Email: sunilbmalla@gmail.com

57. Mr. Suman Prasad Sharma

Ministry of Finance, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4211 161; Fax: +977 1 4211 164
Email: spsharma@mof.gov.np; spsharma77@gmail.com

58. Mr. Dinesh Kumar Thapaliya

Ministry of Housing, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Nepal
Tel: +977 142 11870; Fax: +977 1 4211 758
Email: dkthapaliya@gmail.com

59. Mr. Shanta Raj Subedi

Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority, Nepal
Tel: +977 98511 85500; Fax: +977 1 444 0128

Final list of participants

Email: akhtiyar@ntc.net.np

60. Mr. Gajendra Kumar Thakur

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841743005; Fax: +9771 42211 720
Email: gkthakur175@gmail.com

61. Mr. Anup Kumar Upadhyay

Ministry of Irrigation, Nepal
Tel: +977 985 1222248; Fax: +977 1 4200026
Email: anupupdhy@yahoo.com

62. Mr. Shankar Das Bairagi

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nepal
Email: fso@mofa.gov.np

63. Mr. Buddhi Sagar Thapa

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Urban Development, Nepal
Tel: +977 985 1002528
Email: bsthapa.ktm@gmail.com

64. Mr. Tara Prasad Pokhrel

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nepal
Email: info@mofa.gov.np

65. Mr. Padma Kumar Mainalee

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Urban Development
Ministry of Urban Development, Singh Durbar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4211 969; Fax: +977 1 4211 969
Email: pkmainalee@hotmail.com

Final list of participants

66. Dr. Somlal Subedi

Chief Secretary
Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Nepal
Tel: +977 142 11000; Fax: +977 1420 1065
Email: kbhattarai@nepal.gov.np

67. Mr. Narayan Malego

Permanent Secretary
Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4211 025; Fax: +977 1 4211 020
Email: nmalego@nepal.gov.np; nmalego@yahoo.com

68. Mr. Baikuntha Aryal

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Finance, Nepal
Tel: +977 1421 1801; Fax: +977 1421 1348
Email: baryal@mof.gov.np

69. Mr. Ram Krishna Sapkota

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, Nepal
Tel: +977 98511 36773
Email: naru.kanchu@gmail.com

70. Ms. Pramila Devi Shakya Bajracharya

Joint Secretary
National Vigilance Centre, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841316901
Email: pramila_bajracharya@yahoo.com

71. Mr. Keshab Dhoj Adhikari

Joint Secretary
Water and Energy Commission Secretariat, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4211 429; Fax: +977 1 4211 425
Email: keshabdhoj@gmail.com

Final list of participants

72. Mr. Sunil Kumar Karn

Joint Secretary
Public Procurement Monitoring Office, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841 515 857; Fax: +977 440 30642
Email: sunil.karn5@gmail.com

73. Mr. Devendra Karki

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851089739
Email: erdevendrakarki@hotmail.com

74. Mr. Bishnu Om Bade

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841826827; Fax: +977 9771-4211720
Email: bishnuombade@hotmail.com

75. Mr. Dhruba Raj Joshi

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841600015; Fax: +9771 4211720
Email: joshirdr@yahoo.com

76. Mr. Surya Prasad Acharya

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Finance, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851123119
Email: suryapracharya@yahoo.com

77. Mr. Rabindra Nath Shrestha

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4211584
Email: gholirabindra@yahoo.com

Final list of participants

78. Mr. Kamal Pande

Former Joint Secretary, Transport Infrastructure Specialist
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4471478
Email: erkrpande@gmail.com

79. Mr. Puspa Raj Katuwal

Under Secretary
Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Nepal
Tel: +977 2 9851 233181
Email: puspa.kc@gmail.com

80. Mr. Durga Prasad Bhandari

Under Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nepal
Tel: +977 9849202306
Email: dpbhan162@gmail.com; durga.bhandari@mofa.gov.np

81. Mr. Dilid Kumar Gautam

Under Secretary
Ministry of Finance, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841 354946
Email: dilip.gautam33@gmail.com

82. Mr. Raju Babu Pudasaini

Under Secretary
Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841440338
Email: rbpudasaini@hotmail.com; pudasainirb@gmail.com

83. Mr. Tilak Paudel

Under Secretary
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977-1-4211945
Email: paudeltilak@gmail.com

Final list of participants

84. Mr. Nirman Kumar Karki

Under Secretary
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851 191 726; Fax: +977 4211 720
Email: nirmankarki@yahoo.com

85. Mr. Bisu Kumar K.C.

Under Secretary
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +97714211680
Email: bisukc@gmail.com

86. Mr. Sudar Bhattarai

Under Secretary
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +9779841526283; Fax: +97714211720
Email: sunbhat123@gmail.com

87. Mr. Krishna Kumar Karki

Under Secretary
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841363972
Email: krikukarki@gmail.com

88. Mr. Tulsi Nath Gautam

Under Secretary
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841266165
Email: tngautam25@gmail.com

89. Mr. Govinda Prasad Kharel

Under Secretary
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4211 1796; Fax: +977 1 4211 720
Email: gpkharel@gmail.com

Final list of participants

90. Mr. Ram Prasad Bhattarai

Under Secretary
Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4200 251; Fax: +977 1 4200 116
Email: bhattarairampd@gmail.com

91. Mr. Shambhu KC

Joint Secretary
Ministry of Urban Development, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4211 565; Fax: +977 1 4211 873
Email: shambhu2017@gmail.com

92. Mr. Upendra Kant Aryal

Chief of Nepal Police /Inspector General of Nepal Police
Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal
Tel: +977 14412432/9851280017; Fax: +977 14415593
Email: upendraaryal@hotmail.com

93. Mr. Govind Raj Pokharel

Former Vice-Chairperson, National Planning Commission, Nepal

94. Mr. Dinesh Chandra Devkota

Former Vice-Chairperson, National Planning Commission, Nepal

95. Mr. Chandra Man Shrestha

Director General
Department of Transport Management
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4474 768; Fax: +977 1 4274 922
Email: cmshrestha15@gmail.com

96. Mr. Ananta Acharya

Director General
Department of Railways
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

Final list of participants

Tel: +977 9851 172520

Email: anantaacharya50@gmail.com

97. Mr. Madhab Kumar Karki

Director General
Department of Roads
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 115529106; 0155 29075
Email: mkkarki59@hotmail.com

98. Prof. Ashok Ratna Bajracharya

Executive Director
Ministry of Health and Population, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 526 0806; Fax: +977 1 416 8254
Email: ashokbaj@gmail.com

99. Mr. Pradeep Thapa

Deputy Director-General
Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851 0033 09
Email: erpradth@yahoo.com

100. Mr. Shira Hari Sharma

Deputy Director General
Ministry of Urban Development, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851058699
Email: waglesh@hotmail.com

101. Mr. Surendra Subedi

Deputy Director General
Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841469162; Fax: +977 5551149
Email: surendrasubedi91@yahoo.com

102. Mr. Keshab Kumar Sharma

Deputy Director General

Final list of participants

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

Tel: +977 1 5533958; +977 9851194884
Email: ksbsharma@gmail.com

103. Mr. Jaya Bahadur Chand

Deputy Director-General of Police
Metropolitan Traffic Police Division
Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851105835
Email: jbchand9@gmail.com

104. Mr. Sanjaya Kumar Shrestha

Deputy Director General
Department of Road
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841284146
Email: stfpsanjaya@yahoo.com

105. Mr. Shanmukhesh Amatya

Landslide Management Section
Ministry of Irrigation, Nepal
Email: amatyasc@hotmail.com

106. Mr. Santosh Narayan Shrestha

Board of Director
Nepal Electricity Authority, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4153051, 9851161213; Fax: +977 1 4153009
Email: santoshnshrestha@gmail.com, info@nea.org.np

107. Mr. Gopal Prasad Sigdel

Project Director
Department of Roads
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 911-1-5529130; Fax: +977 911-1-5529130
Email: sigdelgopal@gmail.com

Final list of participants

108. Mr. Bharat Kaji Deoju

Project Manager
Department of Roads
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9759 002229
Email: bharat_deoju@live.com

109. Mr. Purna Kadariya

Infrastructure Specialist
Government of Nepal/Asian Development Bank, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4374 273
Email: purnakadariya@gmail.com

110. Mr. PD. Balarm Mishra

Project Director
Department of Roads
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 144106685; Fax: +144106685
Email: erbalram39@gmail.com

111. Ms. Shova Bhandari

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9813780744
Email: shovabhandari56@gmail.com

112. Ms. Satyendra Shakya

Project Manager
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4465853
Email: satyendra.shakya@gmail.com

113. Mr. Bharat Mani Pandey

Executive Officer
Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, Nepal

Final list of participants

Tel: +977 1 5522 563; Fax: +977 1 555 3966

Email: bmpandey@hotmail.com

114. Ms. Nabina Maharjan

Environment Officer
Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Nepal
Email: nabenv@gmail.com

115. Mr. Rupa Rai

Environment Officer
Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841 960 896
Email: ruparae@hoy.mail.com

116. Ms. Remita Shrestha

Senior Divisional Engineer
Ministry of Urban Development, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4200507
Email: ramita_stha@hotmail.com

117. Mr. Ram Gopal Lageju

Senior Divisional Engineer
Ministry of Energy, Nepal
Tel: +9779841372927
Email: lageju@rediffmail.com

118. Mr. Rajendra Raj Sharma

Senior Divisional Engineer
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977-1-4437422
Email: razendra@live.com

119. Mr. Krishna Bahadur Khadka

Engineer,Gazzetted 3rd Class
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 984910 5337

Final list of participants

Email: Krishnakhadka340@gmail.com

120. Mr. Govinda Khanal

Senior Divisional Engineer
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9849 244 603
Email: Kgobinda76@gmail.com

121. Ms. Nisha Thakur

Mechanical Engineer
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9849 668 454
Email: nishathakur066@gmail.com

122. Mr. Mahesh Aryal

Senior Divisional Engineer
Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, Nepal
Tel: +977 985 119 2635
Email: mahesharyala@gmail.com

123. Mr. Shanta Kumar Maharjan

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841 0111 77
Email: bkganesh013@gmail.com

124. Mr. Nijjal Shrestha

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 985 11 63 119
Email: nijjalshrestha@gmail.com

125. Mr. Arjun Jung Thapa

Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 442 9688; Fax: +977 1 4440 128

Final list of participants

Email: arjunjung@yahoo.com

126. Mr. Rajeshwar Man Singh

Superintendent Engineer
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851006700
Email: rajeshwar_ms@yahoo.com

127. Mr. Shiva Hari Sapkoa

Superintendent Engineer
Department of Roads
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851144689
Email: botshiva@gmail.com

128. Ms. Sushma Shrestha

Computer Engineer
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841821257
Email: sushma.shrestha@mopit.gov.np

129. Mr. Man Bahadur Budha

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841436293
Email: mbbudha@yahoo.com

130. Ms. Pratima Karanjit

Computer Officer
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Email: pratima.karanjit@gmail.com

131. Mr. Lekhnath Gyawali

Chief Administrative Officer
Department of Roads
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

Final list of participants

Tel: +977-9841351429
Email: lekhnathgyawali@gmail.com

132. Mr. Ramesh Shrestha

Section Officer
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 984149 1367
Email: ramesjee@yahoo.com

133. Mr. Naindra Kumar Paudel

Section Officer
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841 354916; Fax: +977 4211 720
Email: naindrapaudel@yahoo.com

134. Ms. Durga Devi Khatiwada

Account Officer
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Fax: +977 1 4211 720
Email: durggaacharya@gmail.com

135. Mr. Ganesh B.K.

Computer Operator
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9846 325917
Email: bkganesh013@gmail.com

136. Ms. Sapana Adhikari

Account Officer
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 98419 32684
Email: Sapanaadhikari.77@gmail.com

137. Mr. Ramkrishana Baniya

Office Assistant
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

Final list of participants

Tel: +977 9841 750 341


138. Mr. Jagannath Ghimire

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841457859
Email: jagannath.ghimire@yahoo.com

139. Mr. Arjun Kumar Thapa

Department of Transport Management
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

140. Mr. Ayodhya Pd. Shrestha

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

141. Mr. Babu Ram Kharel

Nepal Police
Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal

142. Mr. Bed Kanthe Goyal

Department of Road
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

143. Mr. Chandra Narayan Yadav

Department of Road
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

144. Mr. Chiranjivi Lamichhane

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

145. Mr. Dipak Shrestha

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

146. Mr. Dipesh Shrestha

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

Final list of participants

147. Mr. Hari Narayan Shrestha

Nepal Police
Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal

148. Mr. Indu Dhakal

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

149. Mr. Jeevan Kumar Shrestha

Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads
Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, Nepal

150. Mr. Kamal Khadka

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

151. Mr. Khem Raj Kafle

The National Planning Commission of Nepal, Nepal

152. Mr. Mukti Gutam

Department of Road
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

153. Mr. Mukti K.C

Department of Transport Management
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

154. Mr. Nabin Kumar Pokharel

Department of Transport Management
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

155. Mr. Narendra Subedi

Department of Road
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

156. Mr. Naresh Bhatta

National Planning Commission, Nepal

Final list of participants

157. Mr. Prabhat Kumar Jha

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

158. Mr. Pramit Karanjit

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

159. Mr. Raj Kumar Bohara

Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal

160. Mr. Raja Karmacharya

Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads
Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, Nepal

161. Mr. Rajan Thapa

Nepal Police
Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal

162. Mr. Rajan Thapa

Nepal Police
Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal

163. Mr. Rakesh Khanal

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

164. Mr. Ram Raja Subedi

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

165. Mr. Ramesh Pal

Nepal Police
Ministry of Home Affairs, Nepal

166. Mr. Ranjan Khadka

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

167. Mr. Saroj K. Pradhan

Department of Road

Final list of participants

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

168. Mr. Surya Prasad Acharya

Ministry of Finance, Nepal

169. Mr. Umesh Jha

Department of Road
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

170. Mr. Uttam Lal Pradhan

Department of Road
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

171. Mr. Vijaya Kumar Mahato

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Nepal

172. Mr. Khizer Javaid
Department Director
Ministry of Communications
3ed, Floor, 'D'Block. Pak Secretariat, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-9202711; Fax: +92-51-9210229
Email: khizerja@gmail.com

173. Mr. Nisar Azmat Chattha

Section Officer
Ministry of Climate Change
Flat No-16/21, Gulshan-I-Jinaah Opposite Gilgit Baltistan House, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92 345 843 3323; Fax: +92 51 924 5533
Email: nisar_chattha@yahoo.com

The Philippines
174. Ms. Reggie B. Ramos
Assistant Secretary
Department of Transportation and Communications
The Columbia Tower Brgy. Wack-wack, Ortigas Avenue. Mandaluyong City, the Philippines

Final list of participants

Tel: +639 17243934; Fax: +639 17259304

Email: rbramos@dotc.gov.ph

175. Ms. Andrea Bernarte

Senior Administrative Assistant III and Procurement Specialist
Department of Transportation and Communications
Unit 153, 15th Floor, the Columbia Tower, Orhgas Avenue, the Philippines
Tel: +639 175488841; Fax: +63 02 654 7725
Email: andreabernarte@dotc.gov.ph

176. Mr. Alday Ernesto Jr.

Engineer III
Planning Service
Department of Public Works and Highways
Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila, the Philippines
Tel: +63 2 304 3471; Fax: +63 2 304 3578
Email: alday.ernesto_jr@dpwh.gov.ph; engr_john_alday@yahoo.com

177. Ms. Vanda Faasoa Chan Ting
Assistant Chief Executive Officer
Renewable Energy Division
Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment
Level 3, TATTE Building, Sogi, P.O. Private Bag, Apia, Samoa
Tel: +685 7582273; Fax: +685 23176
Email: vanda@mnre.gov.ws

Sri Lanka
178. Hon. Mr. Anuradha Jayarathne
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment
500, T.B. Jayah Mw, 6110, Sri Lanka

179. Mr. Harsha Kumara Wickramasinghe

Deputy Director General
Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority

Final list of participants

Ministry of Power and Energy

3M39, National Housing Scheme, Kiribathgoda, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 11 2911 713
Email: harshawk@gmail.com

180. Mr. S.A.L. Subasinghe

Assistant Director (Planning)
Ministry of Transport
1 D. R. Wijewardena Mawatha, Colombo 01000, Sri Lanka
Email: asstdirplan4@transport.gov.lk

181. Mr. Aksakolov Ukumatsho
Head of Economic Analysis and Forecasting Department
Ministry of Transport
734042 Dushanbe 14 Ayni str, Tajikistan
Email: olim-mirzo@mail.ru

182. Mr. Somsak Hommaung
Inspector General
Ministry of Transport
38 Ratchadamnoen Nokave, Bangkok 10100, Thailand
Tel: +662 281 3919; Fax: 662 280 5860
Email: s.hommaung@gmail.com

183. Ms. Chutinthorn Mankhong

Policy and Plan Analyst
Ministry of Transport
35 Phetburi Phayathai Ratchawi Bangkok, 10400, Thailand
Tel: +662 2163480; Fax: +662 2163 481
Email: chutinthorn.p@gmail.com

184. Ms. Wipada Unlumlert

Policy and Plan Analyst
Sustainable Transport Promotion Division, Safety Planning Bureau, Office of Transport and

Final list of participants

Traffic Policy and Planning

Ministry of Transport
38 Ratchadamnoen Nokave, Bangkok 10100, Thailand
Email: wipada52@hotmail.com

185. Ms. Mallika Ploynoi

Transport Technical Officer
Ministry of Transport
38 Ratchadamnoen Nokave, Bangkok 10100, Thailand
Tel: +662280 56389; Fax: +66 2280 1714
Email: mploynoi@gmail.com

Timor Leste
186. Mr. Antonio Lelo Taci
National Director for Environment
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment
Edificio Central MCIA Fomento Building, Rua Dom Alexico Cortereal Dili Timor Leste
Tel: +670 3339119
Email: antonio_eiatl@yahoo.com

187. Mr. Alexandre Freitas

Legal Advisor
Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications
Telecom Building Room 9, Avenida Bispo de Madeiros, Dili, Timor Leste
Tel: +67 77266393; Fax: +67 333 9350
Email: alexeastimor@yahoo.com

Viet Nam
188. Mr. Tran Anh Duong
Director General
Department of Environment
Ministry of Transport
80 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Tel: +84 4 3822 2432; Fax: +84 4 3942 3291
Email: trananhduong@mt.gov.vn

Final list of participants

189. Mr. Nguyen Van Thach

Director General
Transport Safety Department
Ministry of Transport
80 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Email: thachnv161@gmail.com

190. Ms. Duong Thi Phuong Anh

Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
479 Hoang Quoc Viet road, Cau Giay dis, Ha Noi, Viet Nam.
Tel: +844 37931629/221; Fax: +844 37931730
Email: dtpanh@isponre.gov.vn

Local and Regional Government Representatives

Bangladesh, Sylhet
191. Mr. Enamul Habib
Chief Executive Officer
Sylhet City Corporation
Sylhet City Corporation, Nagar Bhaban, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Tel: +88 0821 718132; Fax: +88 0171 1239820
Email: enamulhabib@hotmail.com

192. Mr. Nur Azizur Rahman

Chief Engineer
Sylhet City Corporation
Sylhet City Corporation, Nagar Bhaban, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Tel: +88 0821 719534; Fax: +88 0821 719336
Email: cescc09@gmail.com

Bangladesh, Dhaka North

193. Mr. Khondoker Mahbub Alam
Executive Engineer
Dhaka Norh City Corporation

Final list of participants

House-226/3, Road-07, Block-A, Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh

Fax: +88 02 8835558; Tel: +88 02 9896418
Email: shohag_buet92@yahoo.com

Cambodia, Phnom Penh

194. Mr. Nuon Samnavuth
Deputy Director
Waste Management Division
Phnom Penh Capital Hall
# 69, Preah Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Srah Chak, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: +855-17-505-888; +855-17-722-228; Fax: +855-23-430-681
Email: sopheaknita@gmail.com; navuth_sam@hotmail.com

Cambodia, Siem Reap

195. Mr. Kim Chhaihieng
Siem Reap Provincial Hall
60m Streed, Boeng Donpa Village, Sangkat Slorkram, Siem Reap Municipality, Siem Reap
Province, Cambodia
Tel: +855 61595963
Email: chhaihieng@yahoo.com

Indonesia, Yogyakarta
196. Mr. Harydi Suyuti
Yogyakarta City Government
Jl.Kenari No.56 Yogyakarta 55165, Indonesia
Tel: +62 081 126 6588; Fax: +62 0274 515 864
Email: bun_lita@iuj.ac.jp

197. Mr. Eko Budi Baskoro

Secretary of Mayor
Yogyakarta City Government
Jl.Kenari No.56 Yogyakarta 55165, Indonesia
Fax: +62 0274 515 864
Email: sekittans@jogjakata.go.ld

Final list of participants

198. Mr. Dnny Febridndmto

Consultant on Transportation
Yogyakarta City Government
Jl.Kenari No.56 Yogyakarta 55165, Indonesia
Tel: +0077 3871 0299; Fax: +62 0274 52 0332
Email: ta.transportasi@gmail.com

Lao PDR, Vientiane

199. Mr. Bounchanh Keosithamma
Deputy Director General
Department of Public Works and Transport
Vientiane Capital
Settathildth Road Ban Kaoyod Sisatthanak Dist Vientiane Capital, Po Box: 2787, Lao PDR
Tel: +85621240859; Fax: +85621212629
Email: bkeosith1@hotmail.com

Malaysia, Kuching South

200. Dato. James Chan Khay Syn
Council of the City of Kuching South
Jalan Padungan, 93675 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Tel: +6082-354286; Fax: +6082-410505
Email: jamescks@mbks.gov.my; mayor@mbks.gov.my

201. Ms. Lilian Liew

Head of Public Relations & Corporate Development
Council of the City of Kuching South
Jalan Padungan, 93675 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Tel: +6082-354314; Fax: +6082-421851
Email: liewli@mbks.gov.my

Nepal, Hetauda
202. Mr. Sudev Kumar Pokharel
Chief and Executive Officer
Hetauda Sub-Metropolitan City Office, Nepal
Tel: +977 9855068834; Fax: +977 057522876

Final list of participants


Nepal, Madhyapur Thimi

203. Mr. Bhupendra Sapkota
Chief Executive Officer
Madhyapur Thimi Municipality, Nepal
Tel: +977 9843034424
Email: ict.bhaktapurmun@gmail.com

Pakistan, Karachi
204. Mr. Muhammad Athar
Director General
Karachi Metropolitan Corporation
8th floor, Civil Center Gulsshan-E-Iqbal, Karachi, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-99230655; Fax: +92-21-99230655
Email: muhammad.athar1@gmail.com

205. Mr. Shoaib Muhammad Khan

Senior Director
Karachi Metropolitan Corporation
8th floor, Civil Center Gulsshan-E-Iqbal, Karachi, Pakistan
Tel: +92 21 9923 2438
Email: kmtc_kmc@hotmail.com

206. Mr. Samiuddin Siddiqui

Metropolitan Commissioner
Karachi Metropolitan Corporation
2nd Floor Civic Centre Gulshan-E-Iqbal, Karachi, Pakistan
Tel: +92 21 9923 2422; Fax: +92 21 9923 2432; 9923 1161 75
Email: kmtc_kmc@hotmail.com

Sri Lanka, Kattankudy

207. Mr. Shahul Hameed Mohamed Asfar
Secretary Urban Council Kattankudy
41-1, Sherief Proctor Road, Kattankudy, 02, Sri Lanka.

Final list of participants

Tel: +94 77 3138330; Fax: +94 65 2247893

Email: kattankudy.uc@gmail.com

Sri Lanka, Colombo

208. Mrs. Thercy Devika Abeysuriya
Deputy Director Engineering
Colombo Municipal Council
Municipal Engineer's Dept, Colombo Municipal Council, Town Hall, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 1126 91941; Fax: +94 1126 91941
Email: devika.abeysuriya@gmail.com

Sri Lanka, Matale

209. Mr. Amila Nawaratna
Municipal Commissioner
Matale Municipal Council, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 717 039091; Fax: +94 066 2223093
Email: amilanawa@yahoo.com

Thailand, Chiang Mai

210. Mr. Natchudet Viriyadilokthum
Deputy Mayor
Chiang Mai Municipality
1 Wangsingkham Road, Chang Moi Sub-district, Meung District, Chiang Mai, 50300, Thailand
Tel: +66 5325-9015; Fax: +66 5387-6237
Email: cmcity.foreignaffairs@gmail.com

211. Mr. Paisarn Surathamvit

Secretary to the Mayor
Chiang Mai Municipality
1 Wangsingkham Road, Chang Moi Sub-district, Meung District, Chiang Mai, 50300, Thailand
Tel: +66-5325-9017; Fax: +66-5387-6237
Email: paisarn53@gmail.com

International Resource Persons and Experts

212. Dr. Jasper Cook
Team Leader

Final list of participants

ReCAP (Research for Community Access Partnership)

46 Loman Street, London, SE1 0EH, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 07787 518 545
Email: jasper.cook@cardno.uk.com

213. Prof. Linsheng Gu

Executive Dean of IDMR
Sichuan University and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University- Institute for Disaster
Management and Reconstruction (IDMR)
Central Huanghe Road Section 1, Shuangliu County,Chengdu,Sichuan, PR. China
Tel: +86-18608009931; Fax: +86-028-85996656
Email: gulinsheng67@scu.edu.cn

214. Mr. Colin Hughes

National Policy and Project Evaluation
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
1810 First St. NW, Unit B, Washington, DC 20001, USA
Tel: +1 5104998026
Email: colin.hughes@itdp.org

215. Mr. Cornie Huizenga

SLoCaT Partnership
B-1811, Far Easst International Plaza, Xianxia Road 317, Shanghai, 200051, PR. China
Tel: +8613901949332
Email: cornie.huizenga@slocatpartnership.org

216. Prof. Alexiz Kai Hon Lau

Professor / Dean
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Institute for the Environment, Room 4332, Lift 3, Academic Building, Clear Water Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, PR. China
Tel: +852 2385 6944; Fax: +852 2385 1582
Email: alau@ust.hk

Final list of participants

217. Mr. Todd Litman

Executive Director
Victoria Transport Policy Institute
1250 Rudlin Street, Victoria, BC, V8V 3R7, Canada
Tel: +1 250 360 1560
Email: litman@vtpi.org

218. Prof. Huapu Lu

Professor / Director of Institute
Institute of Transportation Engineering
Tsinghua University
Tsinghua garden, Haidian District, Beijing, 100084, PR. China
Tel: +86 1062795339; Fax: +86 1062795339
Email: luhp@tsinghua.edu.cn

219. Prof. Yoshitaka Motoda

Iwate Prefectural University
152-52 Sugo, Takizawa City, Iwate Prefecture, 020 2693, Japan
Tel: +81-19-694-2732; Fax: +81-19-694-2701
Email: motoda@iwate-pu.ac.jp

220. Mr. Simon Ng

Chief Research Officer
Civic Exchange
Flat D, 1/F, Block 12, Pristine Villa, 18 Pak Lok Path, Tai Wai, Hong Kong, PR. China
Tel: +852 9376-7376; Fax: +852 3105-9713
Email: kwsng@civic-exchange.org

221. Mr. A.S.M. Abdul Quium

Transport Expert, Thailand
Email: abdul.quium@gmail.com

222. Mr. Bindu Shamsher Rana

Road Administrator/ JICA Expert
Project for Operation and Maintenance of Sinduli Road, Nepal

Final list of participants

Email: +977 9851048647

Email: ranabindu@hotmail.com

223. Mr. Dhruba Raj Regmi

Transport Specialist, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851 081222
Email: dhrubarr@gmail.com

224. Dr. Yusaf Samiullah

Y&D International Consulting Limited
6 Gorringe Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex. BN22 8XL, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1323 641 281
Email: yusafsamiullah55@hotmail.com

225. Dr. Chandra Bahadur Shrestha

Regional Technical Manager
Research in Community Access Partnership
GPO 8975; EPC 1125, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +9771-9841298970
Email: c-shrestha@ntdrc.org

226. Prof. Sanjivi Sundar

The Energy and Resources Institute
TERI University
Darbari Seth Block, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, 110 003, India
Tel: +91 2468 2100; Fax: +91 2468 2145
Email: ssundar@teri.res.in

227. Prof. Marie Elisabeth Thyell

Associate Professor
Peace and Development Research
University of Gothenburg
Ovre Husargatan 25B, SE-413 04 Gothenburg, Sweden
Tel: +46 31 786 49 37

Final list of participants

Email: marie.thynell@globalstudies.gu.se

228. Dr. Bingwei Tian

Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction
Sichuan University-The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Jiangan Campus, Sichuan University, Shuangliu County, 610207, Chengdu, P.R. China
Tel: +86 135 5120 0510
Email: bwtian@scu.edu.cn; bwtian@qq.com

229. Mr. Swarnim Wagle

Former Member, National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal
Former Senior Economist, The World Bank, Nepal
Tel: +977 98550 66107
Email: Swarnim.wagle@gmail.com

230. Prof. Jac Wismans

Visiting Professor
Chalmers University
Lamalaan 3 Son, 5691GJ, the Netherlands
Tel: +31634333355
Email: jac.wismans@Chalmers.se

UN/International Organizations / Scientific, Research and other Organizations

Asian Development Bank

231. Mr. Tyrrell Duncan
Technical Advisor for Transport
Asian Development Bank
6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila, the Philippines
Tel: +632 632 5319
Email: tduncan@adb.org

Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

232. Dr. Krishna Devkota
Technical Specialist

Final list of participants

Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

SM Tower, 24th Floor, 979/69 Paholyothin Road, Samsen Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400,
Tel: +66 94 336 1947; Fax: +662 298 0012-13
Email: kesandevkota@gmail.com

Asia Pacific Natural Gas Vehicles Association

233. Mr. Giok Seng Lee
Executive Director / Secretary
Asia Pacific Natural Gas Vehicles Association
Level 20, Tower 1, Etiqa Twins, No. 11, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +6 03 2166 5140; Fax: +6 03 2181 5135
Email: leegs@angva.org

Bir Hospital, Nepal

234. Dr. Amal Basnet
Bir Hospital, Nepal

235. Dr. Jivan Thapa

Bir Hospital, Nepal

Confederation of Nepalest Industry

236. Mr. Pradeep Sigdel
Financial Expert - Infrastructure Cell, Nepal
Email: psiqdel@cnind.org

Deferation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCIS)

237. Mr. Rajan Sharma
Transportation and Treaties Committies, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4430817
Email: qfs@mail.com.np

Department for International Development (DFID)

238. Mr. Manoj Shrestha
Team Leader

Final list of participants

Road Maintenance, Rural Access Programme (RAP)

DFID, Nepal

Ecomo Foundation
239. Dr. Masaru Kumai
Deputy Manager
Environment Transport Promotion Division
Ecomo Foundation
Gobancho KU Bldg. 10 Goban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0076, Japan
Tel: +81 33221 7636; Fax: +81 33321 6674
Email: m-kumai@ecomo.or.jp

Electric Vehicle Association of Nepal

240. Mr. Umesh Raj Shrestha
Electric Vehicle Association of Nepal, Nepal
Email: umeshsev@yahoo.com

Electric Vehicle Entrepreneur Association of Nepal

241. Mr. Lohani Rajan
General Secretary
Electric Vehicle Entrepreneur Association of Nepal, Nepal
Email: rl-bte@hotmail.com

Electric Vehicle Manufacturers & Importers Association, Nepal

242. Mr. Bijaya Man Shrechan
Electric Vehicle Manufacturers & Importers Association, Nepal
Tel: +977 98510 23922
Email: bijayavaman.shrechan@gmail.com

243. Mr. Trigg Tali
Team Leader
Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
c/o The Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, 60/1 Soi

Final list of participants

Pibunwattana 7, Rama 6 Rd, Sam Sen Nai, Phayathai, Thailand

Tel: +66-2-298-6647
Email: Tali.Trigg@giz.de

244. Mr. Armin Wagner

Team Leader
Transport Policy Advisory Services
Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Division 44 - Water, Energy, Transport P.O. Box 5180, Germany
Tel: +49 6196 79 2650; Fax: +49 6196 79 80 2650
Email: armin.wagner@giz.de

245. Mr. Werner Paul Meyer
Waldeggstr.39 CH-8405 Winterthur, Schwei, Switzerland
Tel: +41 77 425 3923; Fax: +41 43 300 3653
Email: wpmeyer@bluewin.ch

ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development)

246. Dr. Eklabya Sharma
GPO Box 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: eklabya.sharma@icimod.org

247. Ms. Vanisa Surapipith

Atmospheric Modeller
GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 5003222 (ext. 415)
Email: vanisa.surapipith@icimod.org

248. Dr. Arnico Panday

Senior Atmospheric Scientist & Programme Coordinator, Atmosphere Initiative

Final list of participants

GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: +977 1 5003222; Fax: +977 1 5003299
Email: arnico.panday@icimod.org

249. Ms. Bidya Banmali Pradhan

Associate Coordinator - Atmosphere Initiative Atmospheric Environment Specialist
GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 5003222 (412); Fax: +977 1 5003277
Email: bidya.pradhan@icimod.org

250. Mr. Nirmala Baduwal

Programme Associate
Atmosphere Initiative
GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: nirmala.baduwal@icimod.org

251. Ms. Ayushma Basnyat

Programme Officer
Atmosphere Initiative
GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: ayushma.basnyat@icimod.org

252. Mr. Umesh Upadhyaya

IT Associate
GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: umesh.upadhyaya@icimod.org

253. Ms. Subasana Shrestha

Communication and PR Associate
GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: subasana.shrestha@icimod.org

Final list of participants

254. Mr. Ramesh A Vaidya

Senior Advisor
GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: ramesh.vaidya@icimod.org

255. Mr. Arun Bhaka Shrestha

Regional Programme Manager
GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: arun.shrestha@icimod.org

256. Mr. Sujan Shrestha

Atmosphere Initiative
GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: sujan.shrestha@icimod.org

257. Ms. Shreta Ghimire

Atmosphere Initiative
GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: shreta.ghimire@icimod.org

258. Ms. Alpha Thapa

Atmosphere Initiative
GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: alpha.thapa@icimod.org

259. Mr. Jiterndra Raj Bajracharya

GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

260. Ms. Prerna Thapa

Final list of participants

GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

261. Ms. Sweety Shrestha

GPO. Box. 3226, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability South Asia)

262. Mr. Ashish Rao Ghorpade
Regional Executive Manager
Ground Floor, NSIC-STP Complex, NSIC Bhawan, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi
110020, India
Tel: +91 11 4106 7220; Fax: +91 11 4106 7221
Email: ashish.rao-ghorpade@iclei.org

IFRC (International Federation for Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)
263. Ms. Cessie Petchi
Senior Advisor
Global Road Safety Partnership
Chemin des Crts, 17, 1209 Petit Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 730 4537
Email: cessie.petchi@ifrc.org

IGES (Institute of Global Environmental Strategies)

264. Dr. Bindu Lohani
Distinguished Fellow
Email: bnlohani@gmail.com

Institute for Development Policy Studies

265. Dr. Surya Raj Acharya
Institute for Development Policy Studies
Gha 314, Lainchaur, Kathmandu-29, Nepal

Final list of participants

Tel: +977 1 4370843; Fax: +977 1 4370843

Email: suryaraj.acharya@gmail.com

International Union of Railways

266. Mr. Jean-Pierre Loubinoux
Director General
16 Rue Jean Rey, 75015, Paris, France
Tel: +33 14449 2020; Fax: +33 14449 2029

International Recovery Platform

267. Mr. Shingo Kouchi
Senior Recovery Expert
International Recovery Platform, Japan
Tel: +81 78 262 6041; Fax: +81 78 262 6046
Email: kouchi@recoveryplatform.org

Investment Board Nepal

268. Mr. Radhesh Pant
Chief Executive Officer
Investment Board Nepal, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 447 5277; Fax: +977 1 4475 281
Email: radhesh.pant@ibn.gov.np

Jeev Career Institute (JCI-Nepal)

269. Khadka Amita
Program Coordinator
Jeev Career Institute, Nepal
Email: jcinepal@gmail.com

Knorad Adenauer Stiftung

270. Dr. Peter Hefele
Regional Project
Energy Security and Climate Change Asia Pacific
Knorad Adenauer Stiftung
Unit 3712, 37F Tower 1, Lippo centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong, PR China

Final list of participants

Tel: +852 2882 2245; Fax: +852 2882 8515

Email: peter.hefele@kas.de

271. Mr. Johannes Vogel

Project Coordinator
Regional Project
Energy Security and Climate Change Asia-Pacific
Knorad Adenauer Stiftung
Unit 3712, 37F Tower 1, Lippo centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong, PR China
Tel: +852 2882 2849; Fax: +852 2882 8515
Email: peter.hefele@kas.de

Korea Transport Institute

272. Mr. Sang Jin Han
Korea Transport Institute, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82 44 211 3285
Email: han@koti.re.kr

Lalitpur Engineering College

273. Ms. Shubhechchha Bhatta
Assistant Lecturer
Lalitpur Engineering College, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841772108
Email: Sububhatta07@gmail.com

Management Association of Nepal

274. Mr. Sushil Bhatta
Officiating Chairman, 17th Executive Committee
Management Association of Nepal, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4224475, +977 9851052027; Fax: +977 1 4240475
Email: man@man.org.np, sushilbhatta@gmail.com

NADA Automobile Association of Nepal

275. Mr. Shrestha Anjan

Final list of participants

NADA Automobile Association of Nepal, Nepal

Email: anjan@laxmihyundai.com

National Economic Concern Society

276. Mr. Ganga Bahadur Thapa
National Economic Concern Society, Nepal
Email: gbthapa.necs@gmail.com

Nepal Auto Gas (LPG) Alliance

277. Mr. Basant Raj Nakarmi
Nepal Auto Gas (LPG) Alliance, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4485366; Fax: +977 1 4473563
Email: nautogasalliance@gmail.com

Nepal Institute of Urban and Regional Studies

278. Dr. Jagadish Chandra Pokharel
Nepal Institute of Urban and Regional Studies, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851036088, +977-1-5521663
Email: Jagadish@pokharel.net

Pokhara University
279. Prof. Padma Bahadur Shahi
Pokhara University, Nepal
Tel: +9851091057/014992335
Email: pb_shahi@yahoo.com

Road Board Nepal

280. Mr. Sagar Gnawali
Acting Executive Director
Roads Board Nepal, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 4493515/4493529; Fax: +977 1 4460871/4493542
Email: info@roadsboardnepal.org; sagargnawali@yahoo.com

Final list of participants

Tribhuvan University
281. Prof. Tri Ratna Bajracharya
Insitute of Engineering
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 5521 531; Fax: +977 1 5525 830
Email: triratna@ioe.edu.np

282. Prof. Padma Khadka

Institute of Engineering
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 984130 5745
Email: padma@ioe.edu.np

283. Prof. Ranjan Kumar Dahal

Associate Professor
Geodisaster Research Center, Cental Department of Geology
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977-1-4332449
Email: rkdahal@gmail.com

284. Mr. Mithun Paudel

Part time Lecturer
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: 977-9851043015
Email: paudelmithun@gmail.com

285. Dr. Govinda Pokharel

Institute of Engineering
Tribhuvan University, Nepal

286. Mr. Hemant Tiwari

Institute of Engineering
Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Final list of participants

United Nation Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)

287. Ms. Chikako Takase
Nagono 1-47-1, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-0001, Japan
Tel: +81 52 561 9377
Email: takasec@uncrd.or.jp

288. Mr. Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty

Environment Programme Coordinator
Nagono 1-47-1, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-0001, Japan
Tel: +91 52 561 9417
Email: mohantyc@uncrd.or.jp; est@uncrd.or.jp

289. Dr. Ganesh Raj Joshi

Researcher (EST)
Nagono 1-47-1, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-0001, Japan
Tel: +81 52 561 9536
Email: joshi@uncrd.or.jp; est@uncrd.or.jp

290. Dr. Anupam Khajuria

Nagono 1-47-1, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-0001, Japan
Tel: +81 52 561 9416
Email: khajuria@uncrd.or.jp

291. Ms. Caixia Mao

Operations Assistant
Nagono 1-47-1, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-0001, Japan
Tel: +81 52 561 9382
Email: maoc@uncrd.or.jp; est@uncrd.or.jp

Final list of participants

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP)
292. Mr. Peter O'Neill
Chief of Transport Policy and Development Section
The United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel: +66 2288 1234; Fax: +66 2288 1000
Email: oneillp@un.org

293. Dr. Madan B. Regmi

Economic Affairs Officer
Transport Policy and Development Section
The United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Tel: +662 288 1571; Fax: +662 288 1067
Email: regmi.unescap@un.org

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat)

294. Mr. Bhushan Tuladhar
Regional Technical Advisor
South Asia, Urban Basic Services Branch
UN Habitat
UN-Habitat, P.O. Box 107, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-9851017819; Fax: +977 1 5539877
Email: bhushan.tuladhar@unhabitat.org.np

United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

295. Mr. Stefan Kohler
DRR for Resilience Programme Manager
Infrastructure and Project Management Group
UNOPS, Demark
Tel: +45 4533 7516
Email: stefank@UNOPS.org

296. Mr. Charles Callanan


Final list of participants

GPSO / New York

The Chrysler Building, 405 Lexington Avenue, 5th Floor, New York 10174, USA
Tel: +1 212 457 1870; Fax: +1 212 457 4044
Email: charlesc@unops.org

Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology

297. Dr. Sameer Deshkar
Department of Architecture and Planning
Vixvevaraya National Institute of Technology, India
Email: sdeshkar@gmail.com; smdeshkar@arc.vnit.ac.in

World Health Organization (WHO)

298. Mr. Raja Ram Pote Shrestha
National Professional Officer
UN House, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal POB 108 Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 1552 3200; Fax: +977 1552 77756
Email: senepwr@who.int

Private Sector
Carpool Kathmandu
299. Ms. Sumana Shrestha
Carpool Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 9801083552
Email: sumana.shrestha@gmail.com

Indian Oil Corporation Limited

300. Mr. Satish Chandra Sharma
Chief Project Manager
India Oil Corporation Limited, India
Tel: +91-120-2448614; Fax: +91-120-2448606
Email: sharmasatish2@indianoil.in

Nippon Koei

Final list of participants

301. Mr. Mikihiro Mori

Technical Manager
Geosphere and Disaster Management Office
Nippon Koei
4,Kojimachi 5-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8539, Japan
Tel: +8103-5276-7259; Fax: +81 3-5276-3326
Email: mori-mk@n-koei.jp

302. Mr. Hiroki Shinkai

Chief Advisor/ Road Maintenance Management
Nippon Koei, Nepal
Tel: +977 981 8523974
Email: shinkai-hr@n-koei.jp

303. Mr. Masahito Toriu

Coordination/ Road Maintenance Management Support
Nippon Koei, Nepal
Tel: +977 981 8537626
Email: toriu-ms@n-koei.jp

Sajha Tatayat Co-operative Ltd

304. Mr. Kanak Mani Dixit
Sajha Tatayat Co-operative Ltd, Nepal
Tel: +977 1 555 2686; Fax: +977 1 5524 679
Email: kanakd@himalmag.com

305. Mr. Mahendra Raj Pandeya

Acting CEO / Manager
Sajha Tatayat Co-operative Ltd, Nepal
Email: mahendra99@hotmail.com

Valley Autogas Ltd

306. Mr. Suchit Raj Nakarmi
Valley Autogas Ltd, Nepal

Final list of participants

Tel: +977 9841297742; Fax: +977 1 4473563

Email: nakarmisuchit@gmail.com

Non-Governmental Organizations
Clean Air Asia
307. Mr. Bjarne Pederson
Executive Director
Clean Air Asia
Unit 3505 Robinsons Equitable Tower, ADB Avenue, Pasig City 1605, the Philippines
Tel: +632 631 1042; Fax: +632 631 1390
Email: Bjarne.Pedersen@cleanairasia.org

Clean Energy Nepal

308. Mr. Prashanta Khanal
Program Coordinator
Clean Energy Nepal, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841401236
Email: pkhanal@cen.org.np

SLoCaT Partnership
309. Mr. Karl Peet
Research Director
SLoCaT Partnership
2230 N. Lincoln Park West, Apt 2H, Chicago, IL 60614, USA
Tel: +1 312 813 0111
Email: karl.peet@slocatpartnership.org

Walk 21
310. Ms. Bronwen Thornton
Development Director
Walk 21
24 Moorend Road Cheltenham, GL53 0HD, United Kingdom
Tel: +447963065505
Email: bronwen.thornton@walk21.com


Final list of participants

311. Mr. Mir Aqa

Tolo News, Afghanistan
Email: miraqapopal@gmail.com

312. Mr. Noor Gul Shafaq

Producer and Presenter
Azadi Radio, Afghanistan
Email: ng.shafaq@gmail.com

313. Mr. Najibullah Yamin

Freelancer, Afghanistan
Email: najib.yamin1@gmail.com

314. Mr. Md Sohrab Hossain

The Daily Star; The Daily Rupantor, Bangladesh
Email: hossain45@gmail.com

315. Mr. Parvez Babul

Deputy Editor
Weekly HOLIDAY, Manikganj, Bangladesh
Email: parvezbabul@gmail.com

316. Md Rafiqul Islam

Senior Reporter
Dhaka Courier United News of Bangladesh, Bangladesh
Email: rafiq_cu7@yahoo.com

317. Ms. Dawa Gelmo

Kuensel Corporation Limited, Bhutan
Email: dpgyelmo777@gmail.com

318. Ms. Alka Chetri


Final list of participants

Business Bhutan, Bhutan

Email: bhutanyouthkatwal@gmail.com

319. Mr. Yeshi Gyaltshen

Reporter, Bhutan
Email: gyaltshen59@gmail.com

320. Ms. Yan Wang

News China Magazine, PR. China
Email: jessicawang33@gmail.com

321. Ms. Yun Sun

Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Environmental Impact Assessment Magazine, PR. China
Email: yusun8088@126.com

322. Mr. Alok Kumar Gupta

Down to Earth, New York Times, Hong Kong, PR. China
Email: alok.gupta2227@gmail.com

323. Ms. Marianne Sharlene Nazareth

Former Assistant Efitor / Freelancer
The Hindu, India
Email: mde.nazareth@gmail.com

324. Ms. Venkata Padma Tata

Freelance Science Correspondent
Nature India, India
Email: tvpadma_10@yahoo.co.in

325. Ms. Vaishnavi Chandrashekhar

The Times of India, India

Final list of participants

Email: cvaishnavi@gmail.com

326. Ms. Theint Theint Aye

Reporter / Anchor
Myanmar Radio and Television, Myanmar
Email: theinttheint881@gmail.com

327. Ms. May Myat Thu

The Traveller Journal, Myanmar
Email: maymone93@gmail.com

328. Ms. Ratna Kumari Chaudhary

Senior Programme Assistant
Radio Nepal, Nepal
Email: ratnatharu@yahoo.com

329. Mr. Nabin Luitel

Radio Sagarmatha fm 102.4 mhz, Nepal
Email: reporternabin@gmail.com

330. Mr. Narayan Prasad Prasai

Freelance Videographer, Nepal
Email: prasainarayan@gmail.com

331. Mr. Raghu Nath Khakurel

enepalikhabar.com, Nepal
Email: raghukhakurel@gmail.com

332. Mr. Krishna Adhikari

Executive Editor
RSS, Nepal
Email: krishnarss72@gmail.com

Final list of participants

333. Ms. Pragati Shahi

The Kathmandu Post, Nepal
Email: pragati.journo@gmail.com

334. Ms. Sahina Shrestha

The Nepali Times, Nepal
Email: sahina.99@gmail.com

335. Mr. Kunda Dixit

Nepal Times, Nepal
Email: kunda.dixit@gmail.com

336. Ms. Ramyata Limbu

Head of Operations
Panos South Asia, Nepal
Email: ramyata@panossouthasia.org

337. Mr. Deepak Bajaracharya

Aura Creations, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851061731
Email: deepbajra@yahoo.com

338. Mr. Badri Kaji Gurung

Nepal Television, Nepal

339. Mr. Bipin Kr. Shrivastav

ABC Television, Nepal

340. Mr. Jaya Prakash Shrestha

ABC Television, Nepal

341. Mr. Anand Gurung

Final list of participants

ABC Television, Nepal

342. Mr. Diwakar Pokharel

Himalayan Television, Nepal

343. Mr. Gyanendra Poudel

Himalayan Television, Nepal

344. Mr. Nabin Luitel

Radio Sagarmatha, Nepal

345. Ms. Shreen Bano

Daily Ausaf, Gilgit, Baltistan, Pakistan
Email: shereenkarim22@gmail.com

346. Mr. Ahsan Jamil

Assistant Editor
Weekly Technology Times, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Email: ahsanjamil87@gmail.com

347. Ms. Ferya Ilyas

Senior Sub Editor
The Express Tribune, Karachi, Pakistan
Email: ferya_ilyas@yahoo.com

348. Mr. Mohammad Saleem

Freelance Science & Climate Change Multimedia Journalist
Thomson Reuters Foundation, Lahore, Pakistan
Email: saleemzeal@gmail.com

349. Ms. Siddiqui Bushra
Karachi Metropolitan Corporation, Pakistan

350. Ms. Lee Ann Mee Kim Kwan

Final list of participants

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, PR. China

Tel: +852 2385 6944
Email: alau@ust.hk

351. Prof. Jing Yang

Institute of Transportation Engineering
Tsinghua University
Tsinghua garden, Haidian District, Beijing, 100084, PR. China
Tel: +8613601385203; Fax: +861062795339
Email: yangjing@tsinghua.edu.cn

Student Volunteer
352. Ms. Aarju Basnet
Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9849978254
Email: rjubsnt@gmail.com

353. Mr. Aakash Parajuli

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9849426811
Email: aakashparajuli49@gmail.com

354. Ms. Kushalta Nyoupane

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9847432032
Email: kneupane2049@gmail.com

355. Ms. Pooja Dhakal

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9845517785
Email: dhakalp10@gmail.com

356. Mr. Prabin Thapa

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851159407

Final list of participants

Email: prabinthapa044@gmail.com

357. Mr. Pratik Raj Pahari

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841554500
Email pratikpahari8@gmail.com

358. Ms. Sampada Thapa Magar

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9849643972
Email: sampadaji@gmail.com

359. Mr. Saujanya Nepal

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841607987
Email: saujanyanepal@gmail.com

360. Mr. Serox Sukupayo

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9849894308
Email: seroxsukupayo@gmail.com

361. Ms. Shrinkhala Khatiwada

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841296455
Email: shrinkhalakhatiwada@gmail.com

362. Ms. Shubhechchha Bhatta

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9841772108
Email: pratikpahari8@gmail.com

363. Mr. Yagya Raj Joshi

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Tel: +977 9851011081
Email: yrjoshi48@gmail.com


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