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Preqin PESL Feb 17 First Time Fund Managers

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View the full edition of Spotlight at: https://www.preqin.com/docs/newsletters/pe/Preqin-Private-Equity-and-Venture-Capital-Spotlight-February-2017.



Here, we provide an overview of first-time private equity fund managers, including fundraising, performance and investor interest, using data
from Private Equity Online.

T he private equity industry continues

to grow as new entrants emerge and
market their funds to investors. Strong
Furthermore, there is a widening division
between the average size of funds
raised by first-time and established
2010 vs. 2016
investor appetite for the asset class as fund managers. Although historically
well as recent high distributions have experienced fund managers have on
encouraged LPs to invest large sums of average been able to raise greater sums
capital back into the industry in order to of capital than first-time managers, the
meet their target allocations. Despite this difference has increased in recent years.
demand, there are signs that the market The average size of a first-time fund closed 149
is bifurcating, making it more difficult in 2010 was $114mn, compared with
for emerging managers launching their $313mn for non-first-time funds; for funds
first fund as many investors seek out closed in 2016 the first-time average has
established managers with a proven track increased to $149mn, whereas the average 2010 2016
record. Only 195 first-time funds closed size for established managers has jumped First-Time Fund Managers
in 2016, the lowest number of emerging to $564mn. All Other Fund Managers
funds closed since 2010, raising $25bn in
aggregate capital (Fig. 1). There are other advantages to coming to PERFORMANCE
market from an experienced position, as Although emerging manager funds have
FUNDRAISING can be seen in the proportion of funds generally found it more difficult to attract
The recent lower levels of first-time funds exceeding their target size. In 2016, 54% investor capital, they have tended to
reaching a final close reflect a broader of closed non-first-time funds exceeded deliver better returns to investors. Fig. 3
trend in which fundraising by emerging their target size, with 23% coming in shows that first-time funds have higher
managers as a proportion of the total under target; by comparison, only 35% of median net IRRs across most vintages
private equity industry has decreased. first-time funds exceeded their target size since 2000, with a significant difference
Where first-time funds made up 27% of and 30% fell short. Additionally, the need (of at least three percentage points) for
funds closed in 2009, they represented to persuade investors of the benefits of a 2000-2003 vintage and 2010-2012 vintage
23% in 2016 (Fig. 2). Although the first-time fund and conduct the necessary funds. The outperformance can be seen
proportion of capital raised by emerging due diligence means that first-time funds particularly in terms of quartile rankings:
managers has varied, it has generally typically spend longer in market before when compared to similar funds, 31% of
followed the same trend, with the 2016 reaching a final close: first-time funds first-time funds fall in the top quartile, with
proportion (7%) lower than that of 2009 closed in 2016 had spent an average of 15 a further 23% in the second.
(12%) and significantly below the recent months raising capital, compared to 14
peak of 20% in 2011. months for their established peers.

Fig. 1: Annual First-Time Private Equity Fundraising, Fig. 2: First-Time Fundraising as a Proportion of All Private
2009 - 2016 Equity Fundraising, 2009 - 2016
300 30%
243 25% 24%
250 25% 24% 24%
223 222 23% 23%
210 218
193 195 20%
Proportion of Total

200 189 20%

150 15%
12% 11%
100 10%
7% 6% 7%
50 43 5%
25 18 25 21 20 21 25

0 0%
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Year of Final Close Year of Final Close
No. of Funds Closed Aggregate Capital Raised ($bn) No. of Funds Closed Aggregate Capital Raised
Source: Preqin Private Equity Online Source: Preqin Private Equity Online

3 Private Equity & Venture Capital Spotlight | February 2017 Preqin Ltd. 2017 / www.preqin.com
View the full edition of Spotlight at: https://www.preqin.com/docs/newsletters/pe/Preqin-Private-Equity-and-Venture-Capital-Spotlight-February-2017.pdf


Fund selection remains important, Fig. 3: Median Net IRRs by Vintage Year: First-Time vs. Non-First-Time Private Equity
however, as there are considerable Funds
differences between the performance of 25%
first-time funds in the top and bottom
quartiles, with at least a 10 percentage
point difference in median net IRRs for all

Net IRR since Inception

vintages except 2007 (Fig. 4).
Despite some investors reservations 10% Non-First-
about first-time funds, there remains a Time Funds
sizeable group of institutions interested
in investing with emerging managers: 5%
30% of investors tracked by Preqins
Private Equity Online have expressed a 0%
preference for investing in first-time funds, 2000













with a further 10% that will only invest in
spin-offs. An additional 17% will consider Vintage Year
Source: Preqin Private Equity Online
investing in first-time funds. However,
in line with LPs recent views on the Some larger investors, recognizing the the road, seeking an aggregate $197bn
importance of track records when sourcing potential benefits of exposure to new in capital commitments from investors.
funds, the proportion of investors that will managers, go further in their backing of Although some investors have become
invest in first-time funds has decreased new talent in the industry. California Public more cautious about allocating to new
slightly from five years ago (Fig. 5). Employees Retirement System (CalPERS), managers, the potential benefits of
for example, has developed an Emerging doing so diversification and higher
Larger institutions are more likely to be Manager Program which supports early returns through identifying talented
open to investing with first-time fund stage managers raising their first or second managers early, the opportunity to build
managers than smaller LPs; while many fund with allocations of between $8mn a relationship that may help in gaining
LPs recognize the potential for portfolio and $20mn. The pension fund announced access to successor funds and the
diversification and higher returns in some in June 2016 that it plans to invest an favourable terms that some managers
first-time funds, larger LPs are more likely additional $4bn via the program by 2020 offer to early supporters of their firm
to have the internal resources necessary across all asset classes including private mean that other investors will continue to
to carry out the additional due diligence equity, global equity and real estate, in be open to first-time funds and that there
and also a private equity portfolio large addition to its $7bn investment in its new will remain opportunities for these fund
enough to include exposure to first-time Transition Manager Program. managers to attract capital in the year
fund managers alongside established ahead.
firms. Sixty-five percent of investors with OUTLOOK
over $10bn in AUM either currently invest Notwithstanding the challenges, new
or would consider investing with emerging fund managers continue to bring vehicles
managers; the figure drops to 50% for to the market: at the start of 2017, there
investors with less than $1bn. are 654 first-time private equity funds on

Fig. 4: First-Time Private Equity Funds: Median Net IRRs and Fig. 5: Investor Appetite for First-Time Private Equity Funds,
Quartile Boundaries by Vintage Year 2011 vs. 2016
45% 100%
40% 90%
35% 34% 30% Will Invest in
Top Quartile Net 80% First-Time Funds
Net IRR since Inception

IRR Boundary 70%

Proportion of Investors

10% Will Invest in
20% 60% 16%
Median Net IRR Spin-offs Only
15% 50% 17%
10% 16% Will Consider
5% Bottom Quartile Investing in First-
Net IRR Boundary 30% Time Funds
20% 43% Will Not Invest in
-5% 35%
First-Time Funds
-10% 10%

Dec-11 Dec-16
Vintage Year
Source: Preqin Private Equity Online Source: Preqin Private Equity Online

4 Private Equity & Venture Capital Spotlight | February 2017 Preqin Ltd. 2017 / www.preqin.com

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