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18 Breeding Birds

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18 Breeding Birds 1


Quality Status Report 2009

Thematic Report No. 18

Breeding Birds

Kees Koffijberg
Lieuwe Dijksen
Bernd Hlterlein
Karsten Laursen
Petra Potel
Stefan Schrader

Common Wadden Sea Secretariat
Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Group

Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 25 2009

2 18 Breeding Birds


Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS), Wilhelmshaven, Germany;
Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Group (TMAG).

Harald Marencic, Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS)
Virchowstr. 1, D - 26382 Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Jaap de Vlas, Rijkswaterstaat, Waterdienst

NL - Lelystad, The Netherlands

Language support
Seabury Salmon

Lay-out and technical editing

Common Wadden Sea Secretariat

Graphic support
Gerold Leren


ISSN 0946896X

This publication should be cited as:

Kees Koffijberg, Lieuwe Dijksen, Bernd Hlterlein, Karsten Laursen, Petra Potel and Stefan Schrader, 2009.
Breeding Birds. Thematic Report No. 18. In: Marencic, H. & Vlas, J. de (Eds), 2009. Quality Status Report
2009. WaddenSea Ecosystem No. 25. Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Trilateral Monitoring and As-
sessment Group, Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 25 2009

18 Breeding Birds 3

1. Introduction

Little Tern
(Photo: Jan van de Kam)

In addition to 10-12 million migratory birds, complete counts across the entire Wadden Sea.
the Wadden Sea also supports large numbers In the past, a total count of all species, including
of breeding birds. For several breeding bird spe- common species, has been carried out every five
cies like Eurasian spoonbill Platalea leucorodia, years (1991, 1996, 2001, 2006). However, the
oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, avocet interval has now been changed to six years, so
Recurvirostra avosetta, Kentish plover Charadrius the next survey is due in 2012). The monitoring
alexandrinus, common redshank Tringa totanus, scheme aims to assess and detect population
lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus, gull-billed size, distribution and population trends in Wad-
tern Gelochelidon nilotica and sandwich tern den Sea breeding birds. Fieldwork is standardized
Sterna sandvicensis, the salt marshes, dunes and and carried out according to trilaterally harmo-
outer sands of the Wadden Sea are among the nized methods (Hlterlein et al., 1995) by nearly
most important breeding sites in Northwest-Eu- 500 ornithologists, mainly consisting of staff of
rope. Several species are included in Annex I of the NGOs, governmental bodies, site managers and
EU-Bird Directive or listed as Species of European volunteers. A so-called Quality Assurance Meet-
Concern (SPEC). At national level, many Wadden ing (QAM) is organized regularly to provide a
Sea breeding birds represent an important share of platform for exchange of field experience among
national breeding bird populations and are listed participants and for discussion of specific count-
as Red List species. ing pitfalls (e.g. Blew, 2003).
Monitoring of breeding birds in the Wadden Sea This chapter presents an update of the QSR
has been carried out by the Joint Monitoring Group 2004 (Koffijberg et al., 2005). It mainly focuses on
for Breeding Birds (JMBB) in the framework of the trends in numbers of breeding birds 1991-2006
Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Program and highlights some recent developments and
(TMAP) since 1991 (Fleet et al., 1994; Melter et related management issues. Finally an evaluation
al., 1997; Rasmussen et al., 2000; Koffijberg et al., of the targets of the Wadden Sea Plan (1997) is
2006). The monitoring scheme currently focuses made and recommendations are given regarding
on 35 species that are considered characteristic monitoring, research and assessment of manage-
of the Wadden Sea ecosystem. Common breeding ment issues.
birds (eight species) are counted annually in 103
representative census areas evenly distributed
over all regions and habitats. Colonial and rare
breeding birds (27 species) are difficult to survey
with census areas, so they are counted by annual

Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 25 2009

4 18 Breeding Birds

2. Trends in breeding birds 1991 - 2006

The results presented here were derived from the carried out in several parts of the Wadden Sea,
data that currently are being processed for the but failed to halt further declines. Kentish plover
next trilateral breeding bird report on the total is still thriving only in Denmark, and hopefully
count of 2006 (Koffijberg et al., 2009). All trend further investigations will provide some clues
analyses have been carried out with the commonly as to what measures could improve the situa-
used package TRIM from Statistics Netherlands tion for both plovers. Furthermore, management
(Pannekoek and van Strien 1999). Significance was measures in the Het Tij Geleerd program in The
tested for p <0.05 by use of a Wald test. Netherlands might be able to restore some of
the coastal dynamics and provide new breeding
2.1 Overall trends opportunities.
Reliable trend estimates are available for 29 spe- Among the other wader species, black-tailed
cies for a period of 16 years (other species were godwit Limosa limosa and Northern lapwing
too rare to allow proper trend estimates). Between Vanellus vanellus have declined as well, demon-
1991 and 2006 nearly half of the monitored spe- strating that the Wadden Sea does not always
cies (13) have been subject to declines (Table 1). function as a last refuge as has been suggested
Furthermore, 8 species have increased whilst 7 earlier (Rasmussen et al., 2000). Even if breeding
species have remained stable. Gull-billed tern, performance in the Wadden Sea is enhanced by
for which the Wadden Sea is the only known less intensive farming (as shown e.g. on the island
breeding site in Northwest-Europe, is the sole of Mand in Denmark, which supports the best
species for which no significant trend could be breeding site in Denmark), population trends in
detected. Today, this species is only breeding in both species are highly dependent on the situation
the Schleswig-Holstein part of the Elbe Estuary, in agriculturally-managed marshland areas behind
where recorded numbers fluctuate, although not the seawall (Thorup and Laursen, 2008). Here,
significantly. habitat changes due to intensification of farming
The rate of population change differs between and increased predation rates (see below) have had
species (Figure 1). With 11 out of 13 declining a serious impact on breeding birds. In Denmark,
species, the strongest declines have been observed where the coastal marshes are part of the trilateral
in waders. Dunlin Calidris alpina schinzii, ruff cooperation area, recent analyses show a decline
Philomachus pugnax and common snipe Gallinago of 60% in all breeding bird species, including six
gallinago still teeter on the verge of extinction Annex 1 species that have disappeared recently
and might well disappear before the next total (Laursen and Thorup, in press.).
count in 2012. All three species have also suf- Largest increases have been observed in
fered major losses in other parts of their breeding a number of colonial breeding birds, notably
ranges (Zckler, 2002; Thorup, 2006), and their Mediterranean gull Larus melanocephalus, great
Wadden Sea breeding sites (mainly in Denmark) cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis, Eurasian
are only maintained by taking specific conserva- spoonbill, lesser black-backed gull, great black-
tion measures (Thorup, 2003). Declines in dunlin backed gull Larus marinus and common gull
are especially worrying as the small population in Larus canus. In particular, Mediterranean gull and
the Wadden Sea is part of the vulnerable Baltic Eurasian spoonbill have expanded their breeding
population of the subspecies schinzii. range from the southwest to the northeast in
Of the regularly breeding wader species, Kent- the past decade and have colonized most parts
ish plover and great ringed plover Charadrius of the Wadden Sea. In coming years, these spe-
hiaticula show the highest rate of decline and cies will probably extend their breeding range
have abandoned many breeding sites in the past further north. Great cormorant has shown signs
decade. Both species are known to suffer from of stabilization in most inland colonies in Europe
disturbance by beach recreation (Schulz, 1998; (Bregnballe et al., 2003) but it still explores new
Tulp, 1998). In addition many temporarily used breeding and feeding sites in the Wadden Sea.
breeding sites (embankments, industrial areas) Only settlement in Denmark has been halted so
have been deserted as vegetation succession made far, as nests and eggs are controlled annually to
habitat unsuitable to breed (Hlterlein, 1998). prevent successful breeding and expansion of
Besides, natural coastal dynamics a prerequisite the population (Bregnballe and Eskildsen, 2009).
for creating suitable habitat for these species Elsewhere, a lack of safe breeding sites (mainly
is lacking at most sites due to coastal defense islands) might become a limiting factor, resulting
policies. Conservation measures (i.e. prevention of in a saturation of the current population level.
disturbance at potential breeding sites) have been

Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 25 2009

18 Breeding Birds 5

Table 1:
Summary of trends of breeding birds in the Wadden Sea in 1991-2006. Trend classification of significant trends is ex-
pressed as moderate increase (+), strong increase (++), stable (=), moderate decline (-) or strong decline (--). Non-signifi-
cant trends are indicated by F (fluctuating). For 2001-2006 trends have been classified as increasing (INC) or declining
(DEC= when difference in indices between 2001 and 2006 were >10%; changes of <10% have been classified as stable
(STA). This classification merely gives an indication on recent developments. Not included are little egret, barnacle goose,
Eurasian wigeon and pintail, i.e. species that have been added to the list of counted species recently.

Wadden Sea Wadden Sea

Species DK SH NI NL
1991-2006 2001-2006 tendency
Great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo + ++ ++ INC
Eurasian spoonbill Platalea leucorodia ++ ++ ++ INC
Shelduck Tadorna tadorna + + = = + INC
Common eider Somateria mollissima + - + - = DEC
Red-breasted merganser Mergus serrator ++ DEC
Hen harrier Circus cyaneus + - = DEC
Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus = - + - - STA
Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta F + = - - STA
Great ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula - -- -- = - DEC
Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus + -- - - -- DEC
Northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus F - - - - DEC
Dunlin Calidris alpina schinzii -1
Ruff Philomachus pugnax --1 DEC
Common snipe Gallinago gallinago -1
Black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa - + - - - DEC
Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata F - - DEC
Common redshank Tringa totanus + = - - - DEC
Turnstone Arenaria interpres too rare to allow trend classification
Mediterranean gull Larus melanocephalus + ++ INC
Little gull Larus minutus too rare to allow trend classification
Black-headed gull Larus ridibundus F = = = = DEC
Common gull Larus canus + + ++ = ++ STA
Lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ STA
Herring gull Larus argentatus + = - - - DEC
Great black-backed gull Larus marinus F ++ + DEC
Gull-billed tern Gelochelidon nilotica - + - F DEC
Sandwich tern Sterna sandvichensis F - F + = INC
Common tern Sterna hirundo -- = - = - DEC
Arctic tern Sterna paradisaea = = = = = DEC
Little tern Sterna albifrons + = = + = DEC
Short-eared owl Asio flammeus = - = DEC
trend classification not possible due to lack of data; classification is based on results of the surveys in 1991, 1996,
2001 and 2006.

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6 18 Breeding Birds

Mediterranean gull
Figure 1:
Trends in breeding birds Great cormorant
1991-2006, expressed as Red-breasted merganser
the rate of annual popula-
tion change (in %). Non- Eurasian spoonbill
significant changes are Lesser black-backed gull
marked light-blue. Popula- Great black-backed gull
tion changes in common
snipe, ruff and dunlin are Common gull
estimated from the data Shelduck
of the total counts 1991,
Sandw ich tern
1996, 2001 and 2006.
Little tern
Hen harrier
Short-eared owl
Arctic tern

Black-headed gull

Common eider
Common redshank

Common tern
Eurasian curlew

Gull-billed tern
Herring gull
Northern lapw ing
Black-tailed godw it
Great ringed plover

Kentish plover
Common snipe


-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40

annual population change 1991-2006 (%)

2.2 Recent developments are rather small and it is not clear if the observed
For many species, the trends in 1991-2006 are trends are part of natural fluctuations or indicate
consistent throughout the whole 16-year period. a structural decline. On the other hand, rates of
However, changes in indices between 2001 and decline in oystercatcher and avocet have been
2006 suggest that some formerly thriving spe- lower from 2001 onwards, indicating that the
cies or species with a long-term stable trend are long-term negative trend in these species seems
tending to decline recently. This especially applies to have leveled off. Increases in common gull and
to common eider, arctic tern Sterna paradisaea lesser black-backed gull have leveled off as well,
and little tern Sterna albifrons. All three species suggesting that existing colonies are at saturation
have shown nearly annual declines since 2001, level and that perhaps density-dependent factors
and their populations have suffered losses of are starting to operate.
20-40% in the last five years. In common eider, 2.3 Regional differences in
downward trends have been reported already for
a longer term in the important breeding areas in
The Netherlands, due to limited mussel stocks Given the large geographical range and differences
that were depleted by fisheries (see below). The in management, it is not surprising that many
small populations of red-breasted merganser, species do not show comparable trends within the
gull-billed tern and great black-backed gull have four sections of the Wadden Sea (Table 1, Figure
tended to go down as well recently, but numbers 2). Regional differences in trends are important
in several aspects. They might provide a first clue

Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 25 2009

18 Breeding Birds 7

Figure 2:
Niedersachsen Summary of regional
Denmark trends 1991-2006. Given
10 is the number of species
in each trend category for
8 the four respective Wadden

number of species
Sea countries. Fluctuating
number of species

6 6 represents non-significant
trends. Only species that
4 4 occur in relevant numbers
in all four countries have
2 2 been included (N = 17).
0 0
increase decrease stable fluctuating increase decrease stable fluctuating

The Netherlands

number of species

number of species

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
increase decrease stable fluctuating increase decrease stable fluctuating

about the mechanisms that have caused bird or stable numbers elsewhere), great ringed plover
populations to decline, especially when also com- (stable in The Netherlands, declining elsewhere)
paring breeding success in the next years (after and Kentish plover (increase in Denmark, declining
implementation of this parameter in TMAP has elsewhere). All three species are declining on the
been completed). When analyzing the 17 species scale of the Wadden Sea. Furthermore, a south-
that breed all over the Wadden Sea, it is obvious north gradient appears in population trends of
that most populations breeding in the Danish shelduck (increasing to stable towards the north),
Wadden Sea are generally doing well. The large avocet (declining to increasing, apart from small
number of fluctuating trends in this section of the fluctuating population in Denmark) and herring
Wadden Sea is probably a result of the small size gull (declining to increasing). Further analysis
of the Danish part of the Wadden Sea (and thus is necessary to unravel the mechanisms causing
smaller breeding populations in many species). In these patterns.
the other three sections of the Wadden Sea dif-
ferent developments are more or less balanced, 2.4 Comparison with the QSR
although in Niedersachsen and The Netherlands 2004
declining species are clearly dominating. The last QSR 2004 (Essink et al., 2005) included a
In most species no specific pattern in regional trend assessment of Wadden Sea breeding birds
trends could be detected. However, remarkable for 1991-2001. In several species, recent develop-
differences in regional trends were found in oys- ments have caused trends to change when looking
tercatcher (increase in Niedersachsen, declining at the whole 1991-2006 period and decreases

Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 25 2009

8 18 Breeding Birds

have become more pronounced (Figure 3). This tion). Thus, several typical Wadden Sea breeding
is mainly due to negative trends in populations birds, including Annex 1 species (avocet, arctic
of oystercatcher and avocet. Even if the rate of tern, little tern) and/or species that breed in the
decline has tended to level off recently, popula- Wadden Sea in internationally important numbers
tions in both species have declined by 20-30% (oystercatcher, common redshank) are currently
since 1996. Common redshank has changed its showing negative trends. Of the 14 Annex 1 spe-
previous status as stable into a declining trend, cies breeding in the Wadden Sea, five species
mainly as a result of declines of up to 40-50% in show a long term decline, and an additional four
The Netherlands and Niedersachsen in some recent species show a recent tendency to decline. Hence,
years. Besides, former increases in arctic tern and the conservation status of many breeding birds
little tern have now turned into stable trends, with has become worse compared to QSR 2004.
a recent tendency to decline (see previous sec-

Figure 3: 15
Summary of trends in
the Wadden Sea based
QSR 2004
on assessment in 1991-
2001 (QSR 2004) and
QSR 2009
1991-2006 (QSR 2009). 12
Compared to the previous
number of species

QSR, negative trends have

become more pronounced.

increase decrease stable fluctuating

Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 25 2009

18 Breeding Birds 9

3. Target evaluation

The current Wadden Sea Plan (1997) puts forward of available food stocks in other species groups
two targets that are considered relevant for breed- is largely unknown and has not been investigated
ing birds: (1) favorable food availability and (2) in detail so far. In shellfish-eating birds, the long-
natural breeding success. Two other bird targets, term decline and low current population level
natural flight distances and sufficiently large demonstrate that their conservation status is not
and undisturbed moulting sites, are aspects that satisfactory at the moment.
are mainly dealt with in migratory and wintering Breeding success is another important target
birds (see Laursen et al., 2009). Being designed as in assessing the status of breeding birds. An im-
a monitoring scheme, the data from the breeding portant issue that has been pointed at in several
bird surveys provide excellent information on the recent assessments is the lack of breeding success
state of the Wadden Sea breeding birds, but they due to presumed high predation rates. Declines in
do not always provide information on the mecha- avocet at least for some sites in Niedersachsen
nisms that have caused bird numbers to change. and the eastern Wadden Sea in The Netherlands,
Hence, it is mainly specific research carried out in seem to be associated with low reproduction
the past decade, triggered by reports on declines, rates due to high predation risk, mainly of red fox
that has pointed at some processes going on in Vulpes vulpes (Willems et al., 2005, de Boer et al.,
the Wadden Sea. 2007; Melter and Vaas, 2008). Predation is also
Regarding the target favorable food avail- know to play a role in common redshank (Thyen
ability, especially shellfish-eating birds received et al., 2005), black-headed gull (Oltmanns, 2003;
much attention, particularly because of declines Koffijberg et al., 2006) and common tern Sterna
in the Dutch Wadden Sea in the 1990s. For hirundo (Dijksen and Koks 2003), and also has con-
oystercatcher and herring gull Larus argentatus, tributed to the declines in many farmland-breed-
downward trends in breeding birds also coincide ing waders (Teunissen et al., 2005; Langgemach
with negative trends observed in migratory birds and Bellebaum, 2005, Thorup and Laursen, 2008).
(that are part of the same population dealt with But, its impact at Wadden Sea scale is not clear
in the breeding birds scheme). Migratory and win- as breeding success has not been monitored yet
tering common eider Somateria mollissima have and specific studies to quantify predation rates
been subject to declines as well, although only in the Wadden Sea are scant. Birds breeding on
breeding bird numbers in the Netherlands (i.e. the the mainland coast are especially susceptible
core breeding area within the Wadden Sea) have to predation, as usually important mammalian
gone down significantly so far. All three species predators like red fox or mustelids are absent on
have suffered from the limited stocks of food. This most islands. This probably also explains that spe-
especially applies to blue mussels Mytilus edulis in cies like avocet and black-headed gull are doing
the Dutch Wadden Sea, that were depleted mainly better on island-breeding sites (trend 1991-2006:
by shellfish fisheries at the beginning of the 1990s stable) than along the mainland coast (trend:
(Desholm et al., 2002; Rappoldt et al., 2003; Ens 1991-2006 decline). However, in common red-
et al., 2004; Leopold et al. 2004; Verhulst et al., shank only, trends in Niedersachsen differ from the
2004; Kats 2007). In the eastern part of the Dutch expected pattern (stable on islands and declining
Wadden Sea some recovery of mussel beds has mainland), but at the scale of the entire Wadden
been observed recently, but overall stocks remain Sea, populations both on islands and along the
much lower than before 1990 and a population mainland coast are going down. Trends in com-
recovery in shellfish eating (breeding) birds has mon tern are opposite the picture that would be
not been observed so far. For oystercatcher, Van de expected from predation risk: populations on the
Pol et al. (2007) have also shown that the chance mainland coast are performing better than those
of flooding (due to more stormy weather) in the on islands. In this species, food availability might
breeding season has increased and has had a nega- be a better explanation for the observed trends
tive impact on breeding performance. This clearly (Brenninkmeijer et al. 1997; Stienen et al., 2009;
demonstrates the possible impact of changing cf. recent declines in arctic tern and little tern),
weather patterns as part of global climate change but again, this aspect has not been investigated
(also affecting other breeding birds breeding on in detail. Breeding on the fringe of land and water,
the fringe of water and land). In herring gull, the terns are also susceptible to flooding during the
general abandonment of open rubbish dumps will breeding season, as has been demonstrated fre-
have contributed to the negative trend as well quently for breeding sites like the island of Griend
(Koffijberg et al., 2006). Apart from the rather in the Dutch Wadden Sea (Stienen et al., 2009; cf.
well-investigated shellfish-eating birds, the role oystercatcher mentioned previously).

Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 25 2009

10 18 Breeding Birds

Breeding success is an important parameter the framework of a governmental monitoring and

that has not been monitored trilaterally so far. research project (de Boer et al. 2007). For three
Hence, a proper evaluation of the target for natu- of the six species surveyed in The Netherlands
ral breeding success is not possible yet. The pilot (oystercatcher, avocet and herring gull), it was
project 1996-97 (Exo et al., 1996; Thyen et al., shown that downward trends observed in these
1998) showed the importance of this parameter species in the Dutch Wadden Sea are indeed trig-
and previous QSR have recommended that breed- gered by a poor breeding performance. Extension
ing success should be monitored (de Jong et al., of monitoring of breeding success to other parts of
1999; Essink et al,. 2005). Therefore, the recent the Wadden Sea would enable a better insight into
decision to include monitoring of breeding success the mechanisms that cause changes in breeding
as a parameter in TMAP is a major advance. It will bird populations (and e.g. the role of predation). It
be fully implemented in the breeding season of would also help to build understanding of regional
2010, but some fieldwork has already started in differences in the patterns observed and their pos-
2009. In The Netherlands, a monitoring program sible links to management issues or other TMAP
on breeding success has been carried out since parameters like contaminants in bird eggs (Becker
2005, initially as part of an investigation of shell- and Muoz-Fuentes, 2004).
fish-eating birds (Willems et al., 2005) and now in

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18 Breeding Birds 11

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

the past decade. It will produce a major gain in

knowledge of the backgrounds of changes in bird
4.1 Summary and conclusions populations and the cause of the recent declines
Analyses of trends of Wadden Sea breeding birds in many species. Furthermore, following collabo-
in 1991-2006 show that 13 of the 29 analyzed ration between the responsible ministry, fishery
species are in decline. Recent counts suggest that societies and NGOs, changes have been made to
(further) declines also occur in common eider, working practices in shellfish (mussel) fisheries in
arctic tern and little tern. Declining trends are The Netherlands in 2009. These aim to produce
most obvious in waders: 11 of 13 declining species a sustainable method of mussel exploitation for
are in this group and they include both salt marsh human use without affecting food stocks for shell-
breeding species like oystercatcher, avocet and fish-eating birds and to increase the likelihood of
common redshank and more farmland-dependent mussel beds recovering. For future management,
species like Northern lapwing and black-tailed monitoring and research the following measures
godwit. Dunlin, ruff and common snipe have are recommended:
nearly gone extinct and their survival is mainly
dependent upon management of their remaining 4.2.1 Management and conservation
breeding sites in Denmark. Backgrounds of the Improve conservation status of beach-breed-
observed trends are only partly known. At least ing species (Kentish plover, great ringed plover,
in some species it has been demonstrated that little tern) by prevention of disturbance from
breeding success has been low for many years, but outdoor recreation;
as breeding success has not been monitored trilat-
Improve a more bird-friendly management of
erally so far its impact on Wadden Sea level can
the most important agriculturally-managed
not be quantified. Depleted food stocks have had
marshland areas behind the seawall;
a negative impact on especially shellfish-eating
species (common eider, oystercatcher and herring Prevent increase of predation risk at island
gull), but to what extent other species are also af- breeding-sites by reducing the possibilities
fected by food availability is unknown. In Kentish of ground predators reaching the islands (e.g.
plover and great ringed plover, disturbance caused when improving dams);
by outdoor recreation and habitat changes are Adapt targets in the Wadden Sea Plan to the
important limitations that prevent a recovery from conservation objectives in the EU Birds and
the long-term declines observed in both species. Habitats Directives;
At least at local scale, some species have suffered Data collection in monitoring of changes in
an increase in predation rates (notably avocet, but shellfish fisheries;
possibly also other species breeding on the main-
Data collection in conservation measures tak-
land coast), demonstrating how important it is to
ing place in dune areas.
keep islands free from mammalian predators. The
impact of other factors, like changes in salt marsh 4.2.2 Monitoring and research
management, climate change and/or changes in Initiate studies that deal with salt marsh man-
the Wadden Sea ecosystem are largely unknown agement and its impact on breeding birds, i.e.
yet. Compared to the QSR 2004, negative trends link data from different TMAP parameters to
have become more dominant, suggesting that the get insight into what extent changes in salt
conservation status in many species has become marsh vegetation (and management) affect
worse recently. The evaluation of the targets of breeding bird densities;
the Wadden Sea Plan shows that at least some
shellfish-eating breeding birds are affected by Initiate studies to assess the current decline in
less favorable food availability. Breeding success terns, mainly by involving data series on fish
has not been monitored yet, but at least in some monitoring;
declining species it has been demonstrated in Encourage ringing of breeding birds in the
national schemes that declining populations are Wadden Sea to enable assessment of mortality
associated with a poor breeding performance. rates, emigration and immigration, and their
role in population declines.
4.2 Recommendations Furthermore, in coming years years, a system of
Following recommendations in previous QSR, in- so-called alert limits will be established. So far,
corporation of the parameter of breeding success presentation of trend data has been quite basic,
in TMAP in 2009-2010 is one of the most impor- using simple symbols to indicate declining, sta-
tant achievements in breeding bird monitoring in

Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 25 2009

12 18 Breeding Birds

ble, increasing and fluctuating populations. This

approach requires some general knowledge of
population dynamics in breeding birds. Moreover
it is sensitive to annual variation in numbers as it
does not take into account the species biology.
In the United Kingdom, alert-limits have been
established successfully to indicate trends in bird
numbers and initiate conservation action that has
to be taken when alerts are flagged (Atkinson et
al., 2006). Alerts are pre-defined trend classifica-
tions that express population changes within cer-
tain time-windows (e.g. 5, 10 or 25 years). When
declines exceed certain threshold values (e.g. 25
or 50%), an alert is flagged. Alerts are flagged for
short- and long-term changes. Moreover biologi-
cal filters can be applied to analyze a species biol-
ogy (e.g. short- versus long-lived). The use of alerts
will be introduced along with regular updates of

Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 25 2009

18 Breeding Birds 13

5. References

trend information on the TMAP website. Jong, F. de, Bakker, J.F., van Berkel, C. J. M., Dankers, N. M. J.
A, Dahl, K., Gtje, C., Marencic, H. and Potel, P., 1999. Wad-
Becker, P. and Muoz-Cifuentes, A., 2004. Contaminants in den Sea Quality Status Report. Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 9,
bird eggs: recent spatial and temporal trends 1991-2000. Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Trilateral Monitoring and
Wadden Sea Ecosystem No. 18: 5-25. Common Wadden Sea Assessment Group, Quality Status Report Group. Wilhelm-
Secretariat, Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Group, shaven, Germany.
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