Enl 7
Enl 7
Enl 7
Leprosy reactions: coinfections as a possible risk factor
Ana Carolina F. Motta, Karla Juliana Pereira, Daniela Chaves Tarqunio, Mariana Bellini Vieira, Karina
Miyake, Norma Tiraboschi Foss
University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto Medical School, Division of Dermatology, Departamento de Clnica Medica, Ribeirao Preto/SP, Brazil.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the frequency of coinfections in leprosy patients and whether there is a
relationship between the presence of coinfections and the development of leprosy reactional episodes.
METHOD: A cross-sectional study based on an analysis of the medical records of the patients who were treated at
the Leprosy Clinics of the Ribeirao Preto Medical School, University of Sao Paulo, was conducted from 2000 to 2010.
Information was recorded regarding the age, sex, clinical status, WHO classification, treatment, presence of
reactions and coinfections. Focal and systemic infections were diagnosed based on the history, physical
examination, and laboratory tests. Multinomial logistic regression was used to evaluate the associations between
the leprosy reactions and the patients gender, age, WHO classification and coinfections.
RESULTS: Two hundred twenty-five patients were studied. Most of these patients were males (155/225 = 68.8%) of
an average age of 49.3115.92 years, and the most prevalent clinical manifestation was the multibacillary (MB)
form (n = 146), followed by the paucibacillary (PB) form (n = 79). Erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) was more
prevalent (78/122 = 63.9%) than the reversal reaction (RR) (44/122 = 36.1%), especially in the MB patients (OR 5.07; CI
2.86-8.99; p,0.0001) who exhibited coinfections (OR 2.26; CI 1.56-3.27; p,0.0001). Eighty-eight (88/225 = 39.1%)
patients exhibited coinfections. Oral coinfections were the most prevalent (40/88 = 45.5%), followed by urinary tract
infections (17/88 = 19.3%), sinusopathy (6/88 = 6.8%), hepatitis C (6/88 = 6.8%), and hepatitis B (6/88 = 6.8%).
CONCLUSIONS: Coinfections may be involved in the development and maintenance of leprosy reactions.
Leprosy reactions and coinfections CLINICS 2012;67(10):1145-1148
Motta AC et al.
the Leprosy Clinics and whose diagnoses were based on the Table 1 - The number (n) and row percentages (%) of the
Ridley and Jopling classification criteria (1966) (10) were demographic and clinical data from the leprosy patients
included in the study. The following clinical data were managed at the Leprosy Clinics of the Ribeirao Preto
considered: age at diagnosis, gender, clinical form of Clinical Hospital at the Medical School of Sao Paulo
leprosy, World Health Organization (WHO) classification, University, calendar period 2000-2010.
REs, multidrug therapy (MDT) and coinfections confirmed
by clinical and laboratory examinations. Subjects were Variables Patients
excluded if they had not concluded treatment or if they n %
were pregnant or breastfeeding. The study was approved by
the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital, Ribeirao Gender
Preto Medical School, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Male 155 68.9
Female 70 31.1
Age (years)
Study design #30 27 12.0
The clinical forms of leprosy were characterized as 31-45 62 27.5
indeterminate (I), tuberculoid (TT), borderline tuberculoid 46-60 79 35.1
.60 57 25.3
(BT), borderline (BB), borderline lepromatous (BL), and
WHO classification
lepromatous leprosy (LL); the leprosy reactions were PB 79 35.1
characterized as RRs or ENL. The frequencies of the clinical MB 146 64.9
forms and REs were correlated with the frequency of Leprosy evolution
coinfections. The diagnosis of leprosy REs was based on the ,6 months 71 31.5
presence of erythema and/or the infiltration of the previous 612 months 65 28.8
.12 months 89 39.5
lesions; new erythematous or hypochromic lesions; nerve Leprosy treatment - MDT
thickening; edema of the hands, feet or face and/or diffuse 6 months 35 15.5
cutaneous hyperesthesia (for RRs); and the presence of 12 months 115 51.1
erythematous nodules, with or without systemic symptoms .12 months 65 28.8
such as fever, asthenia, nerve thickening and pain, myalgia Reactional episodes
Erythema nodosum 78 34.6
and lymphadenitis (for ENL).
Reverse reaction 44 19.6
No reaction 103 45.7
Statistical analysis Reactional episodes evolution*
The odds ratio obtained by multinomial logistic regres- Before MDT 49 40.1
During MDT 63 51.6
sion was used to evaluate the associations between the
After MDT 49 40.1
leprosy reactions and the gender, age, WHO classifica- Coinfections
tion and coinfections. The statistical significance of these Yes 88 39.1
associations was evaluated by the chi-square (x2) test. The No 137 60.9
level of significance was set at 5% in all of the analyses,
MDT: multidrug therapy; *Thirty-nine patients presented more than one
which were performed using the Statistical Analysis System reactional episode: 1 before and after MDT, 1 before and during MDT, 35
- SASH 9.0 software (San Diego, Cary, NC, USA). during and after MDT, and 2 before, during and after MDT.
Reactional episodes
One-hundred twenty-two (122/225 = 54.2%) patients
exhibited REs, 78 (78/122 = 63.9%) presented with ENL, The determination of which patients may be considered
and 44 (44/122 = 36.1%) exhibited RRs. One-hundred three to be at risk of developing leprosy REs has important
(103/225 = 45.8%) patients did not exhibit any REs (Table 2). implications for reducing the morbidity of these inflamma-
ENL was more prevalent in the MB patients (74/78 = 94.9%) tory reactions (11-15). The analysis of our results revealed
(OR 5.07; CI 2.86-8.99; p,0.0001) and in those patients who that 122 (54.2%) patients presented with REs (Table 1), and
exhibited coinfections (47/88 = 53.4%) (OR 2.26; CI 1.56-3.27; most of the cases (98/122 = 80.3%) were associated with MB
p,0.0001). The analysis of the RE evolution based on the patients rather than PB patients (24/122 = 19.7%). Although
MDT revealed that most of the patients with REs (69/ these data are consistent with those from other studies
CLINICS 2012;67(10):1145-1148 Leprosy reactions and coinfections
Motta AC et al.
Table 2 - A comparison of the number (n) and percentages (%) of reactional episodes (RE) by gender, age and the
presence of infections among the leprosy patients managed at the Leprosy Clinics of the Ribeirao Preto Clinical Hospital
in the Medical School of Sao Paulo University, calendar period 2000-2010.
Reversal reaction Erythema nodosum None reaction
Variables (n = 44) (n = 78) (n = 103) p-value*
Male 28 (63.6) 56 (71.8) 71 (68.9) 0.64
Female 16 (36.4) 22 (28.2) 32 (31.1)
Age (years)
#30 7 (15.9) 7 (9) 13 (12.6) 0.20
31-45 9 (20.4) 28 (36) 25 (24.2)
46-60 12 (27.3) 26 (33.3) 41 (39.8)
.60 16 (36.4) 17 (21.7) 24 (23.4)
WHO classification
PB 20 (45.4) 4 (5.2) 55 (53.4) ,0.0001
MB 24 (54.5) 74 (94.8) 48 (46.6)
Yes 15 (34.1) 47 (60.3) 26 (25.2) ,0.0001
No 29 (65.9) 31 (39.7) 77 (74.8)
chi-square test.
(12-14), the results are not typical of a non-endemic region, or immunosuppressive drugs and corticosteroids, and those
such as the area of this present investigation. However, patients who presented with multiple recurrent episodes
these findings can be explained by the fact that the present were excluded from the study.
study was conducted at a referral center that treats patients The analysis of the RE evolution with respect to MDT
with more severe complications, such as leprosy reactions. revealed that most of the patients with REs (69/122 = 51.6%)
Of the two main types of leprosy reactions, ENL is the exhibited these reactions during their MDTs (Table 1). The
most common, with a prevalence of approximately 50% MDT consists of dapsone, rifampicin and clofazimine; based
among leprosy patients (12,14). Most people with ENL have on the bacteriostatic effect of dapsone on M. leprae, this
acute multiple episodes of ENL or chronic ENL over several therapy would be expected to promote moderate bacillary
years. ENL is recurrent, especially in MB patients. These destruction and, consequently, a decreased inflammatory
episodes involve a type 2 immune-mediated reaction that is reaction. However, MDT drugs have different mechanisms
characterized by a peripheral inflammatory reaction (6), and of action, and the bactericidal drug rifampicin (600 mg/
the disease may manifest as fever, arthralgias, myalgias, an month) promotes massive bacillary destruction and the
orexia, and sparse, tender, and erythematous nodules on the release of many antigenic fractions that cause an inflamma-
extensor surfaces of the extremities. Conjunctivitis, neuritis, tory reaction. This reaction, in most cases, is not controlled
synovitis, nephritis, hepatosplenomegaly, orchitis, and by clofazimine (300 mg/month) or by a daily dose of
lymphadenopathy may also occur (16). Our results demon- dapsone (100 mg) and clofazimine (50 mg). These facts
strated that 63.9% (78/122) of the patients with RE had ENL could explain the high proportion of reactions during MDT
(Tables 2 and 3). In addition, a high prevalence of ENL was in the present study.
associated with the MB patients; ENL occurred in 74 (74/ The results of the multinomial analysis, after adjusting
78 = 94.9%) MB patients as opposed to 4 (4/78 = 5.1%) PB for the gender and age group, revealed that the opera-
patients. Subjects exhibiting REs were treated with steroids tional classification and the presence of coinfections were
Table 3 - Multinomial logistic regression model of the risk factors for reactional episodes (reference = no reaction) by the
gender, age, WHO classification, and presence of coinfections in the leprosy patients managed at the Leprosy Clinics of
the Ribeirao Preto Clinical Hospital in the Medical School of Sao Paulo University, calendar period 2000-2010. Odds ratio
(OR), 95% confidence interval (95% CI) and p-value.
Male vs. Female 0.81 0.55-1.20 0.29 0.80 0.53-1.20 0.29
Age (years)
#30{ 1.0 - - - - -
31-45 0.80 0.41-1.55 0.51 1.61 0.87-2.97 0.13
46-60 0.66 0.36-1.19 0.16 0.89 0.50-1.59 0.70
.60 1.47 0.81-2.66 0.20 0.85 0.45-1.61 0.62
WHO classification
MB vs. PB 1.21 0.83-1.76 0.32 5.07 2.86-8.99 ,0.0001
Yes vs. No 1.26 0.85-1.86 0.25 2.26 1.56-3.27 ,0.0001
relationship used as reference for comparison between the other variables.
Leprosy reactions and coinfections CLINICS 2012;67(10):1145-1148
Motta AC et al.