The document discusses the changing role of optometric clinical faculty. It summarizes that clinical faculty now spend about 80% of their time on clinical teaching, direct patient care, and related duties due to changes in healthcare reimbursement focusing on productivity. This leaves less time for scholarly activities required for career advancement. The Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry aims to address this challenge through faculty development institutes that help clinical faculty balance responsibilities and career demands through time management strategies. The institutes recognize the new reality for academic clinicians of requiring over a 40-hour work week to successfully pursue an optometric teaching career.
The document discusses the changing role of optometric clinical faculty. It summarizes that clinical faculty now spend about 80% of their time on clinical teaching, direct patient care, and related duties due to changes in healthcare reimbursement focusing on productivity. This leaves less time for scholarly activities required for career advancement. The Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry aims to address this challenge through faculty development institutes that help clinical faculty balance responsibilities and career demands through time management strategies. The institutes recognize the new reality for academic clinicians of requiring over a 40-hour work week to successfully pursue an optometric teaching career.
The document discusses the changing role of optometric clinical faculty. It summarizes that clinical faculty now spend about 80% of their time on clinical teaching, direct patient care, and related duties due to changes in healthcare reimbursement focusing on productivity. This leaves less time for scholarly activities required for career advancement. The Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry aims to address this challenge through faculty development institutes that help clinical faculty balance responsibilities and career demands through time management strategies. The institutes recognize the new reality for academic clinicians of requiring over a 40-hour work week to successfully pursue an optometric teaching career.
The document discusses the changing role of optometric clinical faculty. It summarizes that clinical faculty now spend about 80% of their time on clinical teaching, direct patient care, and related duties due to changes in healthcare reimbursement focusing on productivity. This leaves less time for scholarly activities required for career advancement. The Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry aims to address this challenge through faculty development institutes that help clinical faculty balance responsibilities and career demands through time management strategies. The institutes recognize the new reality for academic clinicians of requiring over a 40-hour work week to successfully pursue an optometric teaching career.
Colleges of Optometry (ASCO) sponsored its second Summer Institute for Faculty Development from July 22nd to July 25th of this year in St. The meeting was unique in that for the better part of four days a diverse group of optometric clinical faculty members in- teracted in the hall, during presentations, at breakout groups and meal times. As a tent and experienced clinicians with ex- cellent credentials. They do not fit the old saying, Those who cant, teach. By and large, they would be an asset to any type of practice setting. Yet, for whatever rea- Louis. The deans and presidents of the listener, it became evident to me that the sons, they have chosen an academic ca- professions educational institutions had role of academic clinical faculty has un- reer, where the financial rewards are less been asked to nominate attendees. At dergone a gradual, but significant change. than that in other professional venues. The least one faculty member from each of The health care reimbursement system recent announcements of new colleges of the nations schools and colleges of op- has increasingly resulted in a focus on optometry being formed in California and tometry attended. The coordinators of the clinical productivity; namely, the bottom Texas will make these individuals with Institute were Dr. David Health, President line. Thus, I found that the vast major- teaching experience very desirable com- of the State University of New York and ity of these optometrists devoted about modities. The challenge for the existing Dr. Janice Sharre, Academic Dean at the 80% of their time to some combination schools and colleges will not only be to Illinois College of Optometry. Facilitators of clinically related didactic teaching, in keep these individuals in academia, but to included: Dr. Elizabeth Hoppe, founding clinic teaching , and direct patient care. plan for further recruitment and develop- Dean at the Western University College Add to this the usual committee assign- ment of others of equal competence and of Optometry, Charles Haine, Academic ments, and it is clear that the previously dedication. The commitment of ASCO to Dean at the Southern College of Optom- more generous allotment of time given conduct and continue these Summer Insti- etry (SCO), SCO faculty member Dr. for faculty development is now much tutes for Faculty Development is a signifi- David Damari, and Dr. Linda Casser, Di- less. The conundrum is that for advance- cant step in this direction. rector of Clinical Examinations at the Na- ment of academic rank and tenure, there tional Board of Examiners in Optometry. is the universal requirement of scholarly The Institute was funded by ASCO and activity achievement. This includes in- several corporate sponsors. I was privi- volvement in funded research and be- leged to be one of several presenters on ing published in peer reviewed journals. topics that were pertinent to the mission The Institutes planners recognized this of the Institute. problem in advance, and psychologist Thirty-two faculty members from the Dr. Pamela A. Cogdals topic was Time nations optometric schools and colleges Management for Early Career Faculty. were in attendance. The groups aver- The thrust of her presentation was how to age faculty tenure was about five years, balance family and other responsibilities with relatively few at the extreme ends with career demands. Audience interac- of the bell curve. All held optometric tions at Dr. Cogdals presentation and in professional degrees, and there were sev- breakout groups showed that the previous eral who had advanced academic degrees. position of the academic clinician residing More than half had completed a fellow- in an ivy tower no longer exists. Indeed, if ship or residency program. All were en- one is to successfully pursue and advance gaged in active clinical teaching and/or in an optometric clinical teaching career, in classroom teaching in clinically related more than a forty-hour work week is re- topics. It was apparent to me that these in- quired dividuals viewed their faculty positions as I came away from the meeting convinced Irwin B. Suchoff, O.D., D.O.S. careers, not just jobs. that these young optometrists are compe- Volume 18/2007/Number 4/Page 86 Journal of Behavioral Optometry