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A Strategy for Classifying the Built Environment

Table 41 Materials

Pre Consensus Approved Draft - 2012-10-30

Pre Consensus Approved Draft - 2012-10-30

Table 41 - Materials
Materials are basic substances used in construction or to manufacture products and other items used
in construction. These substances may be raw materials or refined compounds, and are presented
entirely without reference to their form.

This table classifies the substances from which construction resources are made. The entries describe
and classify these substances without regard to the form the material may take in the resulting
construction resource. Because some material names imply a certain form, apparent overlap between
this table and Table 23- Products should be understood in light of the intended content and use of the
two tables. The entries in this table are names that can be applied as values for a property describing
material content of an object, but do not have expressed forms because they are not intended to
represent the object itself. This table is not intended to be an exhaustive list of possible material
Any composition that can be described without implicitly or explicitly defining the form would be included
in this table. Forms are characteristics like "board," "bar," "sheet," "block," etc. An example of this is
Aluminum -- aluminum is a chemical composition. Although aluminum products come in bars, sheets,
and other forms, the term aluminum describes the material from which each of those products is made.

Material names in this table include both formal chemical compound names and more well-known,
occasionally informal material names. Some materials included in this table are raw material names
that may include both chemical composition and some type of form, because they are typically
encountered in nature in that form. For example, the chemical composition of "sand" is silicon dioxide,
but because sand is a naturally occurring form of silicon dioxide and because we use sand as a
constituent material of other products, it is included in this table. Because sand is also a commodity in
its natural form, it will also show up in Table 23- Products .

Metals, Igneous Rocks, Coal Tar Pitch, Timber, Glass, Plastics, Butyl Rubber

Table Uses
Material names can be thought of as modifiers and can be combined with a product classification from
Table 23to enrich a product classification by the material from which it is made. For example,
Aluminum-Framed Entrances is a product classification in Table 23, which can be associated with the
material Aluminum from Table 41.

Table Users
Because materials are a fundamental property of many construction resources, anyone having need to
define the requirements for or the properties of those resources would be a potential user of the
Materials Table.

CI/SfB Construction Indexing Manual
ISO 12006-2, Table 4.17 Properties and characteristics (by type)
Uniclass Table P Materials
Periodic Table of the Elements
OmniClass Table 41 - Materials

All contents copyright 2012 the OmniClass Secretariat. All Rights Reserved. See OmniClass License for more information.

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OmniClass Table 41 - Materials

2012 DRAFT OmniClass Table 41 - Materials

Number Level 1 Title Level 2 Title Level 3 Title Level 4 Title Level 5 Title Level 6 Title Definition
41-10 00 00 Chemical Elements A pure chemical substance consisting of one type of atom distinguished by its atomic

41-10 10 00 Metals An element, compound or alloy that is a good conductor of both electricity and heat.

41-10 10 10 Alkali Metals Group 1 elements of the periodic table, most of which occur in nature, highly reactive.

41-10 10 10 10 Potassium Atomic Number 19; primarily used as a fertilizer.

41-10 10 20 Alkaline Earth Metals Group 2 elements, somewhat reactive. Not commonly used in construction.
41-10 10 30 Lanthanoids A series of the fifteen metallic chemical elements with atomic numbers 57 through 71.

41-10 10 30 10 Neodymium Atomic Number 60; primarily found in rare earth magnets.
41-10 10 40 Actinoids Includes elements such as uranium and plutonium and are not commonly used in
41-10 10 50 Transition Metals Any element in the d-block of the periodic table.
41-10 10 50 11 Scandium Atomic Number 21; aluminum alloy material.
41-10 10 50 13 Titanium Atomic Number 22; primarily used as a pigment and a component of stainless steel;
occasionally used as a cladding material.
41-10 10 50 15 Vanadium Atomic Number 23; primarily used as an alloy in steel.
41-10 10 50 17 Chromium Atomic Number 24; primarily used as a coating/finish and a component of stainless steel;
still sometimes used as a pigment; used as a wood preservative in CCA.

41-10 10 50 19 Manganese Atomic Number 25; primarily used as an alloy material in steel and aluminum.
41-10 10 50 21 Iron Atomic Number 26; primarily used in steel, wrought and cast iron.
41-10 10 50 23 Nickel Atomic Number 28; primarily used as an alloy material in steel.
41-10 10 50 25 Copper Atomic Number 29; primarily used in electric wires, roofing and plumbing; also used as a
41-10 10 50 27 Zinc Atomic Number 30; primarily used for galvanizing iron and steel, as an alloy in brass, and
as a cladding material.
41-10 10 50 29 Niobium Atomic Number 41; primarily used as an alloy material in steel.
41-10 10 50 31 Molybdenum Atomic Number 42; primarily used as an alloy material in steel.
41-10 10 50 33 Silver Atomic Number 47; primarily used in construction as a plating material.
41-10 10 50 35 Cadmium Atomic Number 48; primarily used as a pigment and as a stabilizer in PVC. Also for
plating steel.
41-10 10 50 37 Gold Atomic Number 79; primarily used in construction as a plating material.
41-10 10 60 Post-Transition Metals The category of metallic elements to the right of the transition elements on the periodic
41-10 10 60 11 Aluminum Atomic Number 13; alloys are used primarily in windows, doors, cladding.
41-10 10 60 13 Tin Atomic Number 50; used with lead as solder and in historic restorations.
41-10 10 60 15 Lead Atomic Number 82; used in radiation shielding, stained glass, sound deadening, roofing
materials, cladding, flashings.
41-10 10 60 17 Bismuth Atomic number 83; used in solder as well as fire detection systems.
41-10 20 00 Metalloids A chemical element with properties that are in-between or a mixture of metals and
41-10 20 11 Boron Atomic Number 5; primarily used in glass, cleaning products, semiconductors, magnets,
and fiberglass insulation.
41-10 20 13 Silicon Atomic Number 14; used in elemental form for semiconductors and in manufacture of
steel, aluminum casting.
41-10 20 15 Germanium Atomic Number 32; primarily used as germanium dioxide as a catalyst for PET; usually
alloyed with silicon for use as a semiconductor; also alloyed with some metals.

41-10 20 17 Arsenic Atomic Number 33; used as a wood preservative in CCA and in alloys for use in batteries
and semiconductors.
41-10 20 19 Antimony Atomic Number 51; used primarily as a flame retardant and in alloys.
41-10 20 21 Tellurium Atomic Number 52; used in production of cadmium telluride (for solar panels) and in
41-10 20 23 Polonium Atomic Number 84; used in devices to eliminate static charges (for example in textile
41-10 30 00 Non-Metals Chemical Group of elements that are generally defined by their contrast to metals.

41-10 30 10 Halogens Non-metals family showing propensity for being highly reactive (due to being highly
41-10 30 10 11 Fluorine Atomic Number 9; primarily used in the production of steel and cast iron, as well as
ceramics, glass, and cement.
41-10 30 10 13 Chlorine Atomic Number 17; primarily used in the production of plastics, cleaning products, and
water purification.

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OmniClass Table 41 - Materials

41-10 30 10 15 Bromine Atomic Number 35; primarily used in the manufacture of flame retardants, and water and
air purification.
41-10 30 10 17 Iodine Atomic Number 53; primarily used as a disinfectant.
41-10 30 30 Noble Gases Non-metal inert gases, odorless, colorless, with very low chemical reactivity.
41-10 30 30 11 Helium Atomic Number 2; primarily used in welding with some use in leak detection, lasers (like
those for bar-code readers) and as a refrigerant.
41-10 30 30 13 Neon Atomic Number 10; primarily used in lighting, lightning arrestors, wave meter tubes,
television tubes, and helium-neon lasers.
41-10 30 30 15 Argon Atomic Number 18; mostly used as an inert shielding gas in welding and other high-
temperature industrial processes; also has uses in incandescent and fluorescent lighting,
and other types of gas discharge tubes.
41-10 30 30 17 Krypton Atomic Number 36; primarily used with argon in energy saving fluorescent lamps and
"neon" lighting.
41-10 30 30 19 Xenon Atomic Number 54; primarily used as a starter gas in high pressure sodium lamps.

41-10 30 50 Other Non-Metals Non-Metallic elements which are not previously classified.
41-10 30 50 11 Hydrogen Atomic Number 1; found naturally as an element; typically used in processes (primarily
as a reactant) but also as a coolant and for use in specialty welding.
41-10 30 50 13 Carbon Atomic Number 6; found naturally as an element with three naturally occurring isotopes
(two stable and one radioactive); typically used in lubricants, pigments, and in alloys and
other compounds in the built environment.
41-10 30 50 15 Nitrogen Atomic Number 7; found naturally as an element; primarily occurring in the built
environment in incandescent bulbs.
41-10 30 50 17 Oxygen Atomic Number 8; found naturally as an element; primarily used in the production of steel
but also used as a reactant for chemicals and in welding.
41-10 30 50 19 Phosphorus Atomic Number 15; primarily used as a fertilizer but also used for water softening, as a
plasticizer, and as a reactant in metal purification.
41-10 30 50 21 Sulfur Atomic Number 16; found naturally as an element; primarily used as a fertilizer but also
used for water softening, as a plasticizer, and as a reactant in metal purification.

41-10 30 50 23 Selenium Atomic Number 15; primarily used in the production of fertilizer but also in the
vulcanization of rubber.
41-30 00 00 Solid Compounds Compounds defined as solids when observed at normal room temperature.
41-30 10 00 Mineral Compounds Compounds which are laden with mineral deposits.

41-30 10 11 Igneous Rocks Rocks formed from the cooling of magma or lava.
41-30 10 11 11 Granite A naturally occurring type of coarse-grained igneous rock.
41-30 10 11 21 Quartz An abundant mineral made up of silicon and oxygen crystals.
41-30 10 11 21 11 Onyx A rock made up of colored bands of silica, quartz and moganite.
41-30 10 13 Sedimentary Rocks Rocks formed from the accumulated deposits of materials often in or around bodies of
41-30 10 13 11 Limestone A naturally occurring rock produced through layering and sedimentary collection of calcite
and aragonite typically produced from skeletal fragments of marine life.

41-30 10 13 11 11 Chalk A compound rock formed from limestone and calcite

41-30 10 13 11 13 Lime A general term used for calcium-containing inorganic materials extracted in the process
of excessive heat application.
41-30 10 13 11 13 11 Hydrated Lime The compound of traditional lime materials and water.

41-30 10 13 11 13 13 Quicklime The heating of lime to remove Carbon dioxide leaving Calcium oxide.

41-30 10 13 11 13 15 Slaked Lime The compound created when Quicklime and water are mixed.

41-30 10 13 11 15 Travertine A form of limestone deposited by mineral (geothermally heated) springs through a rapid
accumulation of calcium carbonate.
41-30 10 13 11 17 Tufa A form of limestone deposited by mineral (ambient temperature) springs through a rapid
accumulation of calcium carbonate.
41-30 10 13 11 19 Barite A concentrated amount of barium sulfate often found in lead-zinc veins of limestone.

41-30 10 13 13 Sandstone A traditionally porous rock composed of sand-sized quartz and feldspar minerals.

41-30 10 13 15 Shale A rock composed of mud and clay materials typically in long, thin parallel layers.

41-30 10 13 15 11 Expanded Shale Shale that has been heated to expand past its normal size.
41-30 10 15 Metamorphic Rocks Rocks formed from the transformation of existing rock types through change in physical
and chemical conditions.
41-30 10 15 11 Graphite The residual rock formed by the reduction of sedimentary carbon compounds.
41-30 10 15 13 Marble A naturally occurring metamorphic rock composed of carbonite minerals (typically calcite
or dolomite) in a recrystallized state.

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OmniClass Table 41 - Materials

41-30 10 15 13 11 Marble Stone Marble which is used in products that benefit from a polished appearance.
41-30 10 15 13 15 Limestone Marble Marble which is used in less demanding ways such as walls and columns.
41-30 10 15 13 17 Periclase (Magnesia) Naturally occurring rock usually found in marble produced by metamorphism of
41-30 10 15 15 Quartzite Sandstone that has been heated through pressure often as a result of tectonic
41-30 10 15 17 Slate A rock derived originally derived from shale or other clay like materials.
41-30 10 25 Binding Compounds A mixture of substances that forms an adhesive.
41-30 10 25 11 Clay A malleable substance resulting from the weathering of rocks and other substances over
long periods of time.
41-30 10 25 11 11 Fire Clay A type of clay used in creation of ceramics and fire brick.
41-30 10 25 11 13 Bentonite A type of clay formed from volcanic ash, used in industrial purposes.
41-30 10 25 11 15 Expanded Clay Clay that has been heated to make it more permeable, durable and better at thermal
41-30 10 25 11 17 Vermiculite A type of clay that expands when heat is applied. Typically used in automotive brake
linings, soil conditioning, and roofing.
41-30 10 25 11 17 11 Expanded Vermiculite Vermiculite to which heat has been applied and has expanded past its normal volume.

41-30 10 25 13 Ceramic A substance made solid by heating and then cooling, typically used in the application of
pottery and other decorative means, but has gained popularity as a binding agent for
other materials in recent years. Also used in semiconductors.

41-30 10 25 13 11 Brick Typically bound with mortar, brick blocks are a common building product used to
construct nearly every type of vertical structure.
41-30 10 25 13 13 Earthenware A common ceramic material, which is used extensively for pottery tableware and
decorative objects. May also be glazed in order to become watertight.
41-30 10 25 13 15 Terracotta Historically used for sculpture and pottery, as well as shingles and brick, this substance
is one of the earliest ceramics still in use. Typically not watertight and porous, but can be
glazed to ensure watertightness.
41-30 10 25 13 17 Fired Shale Shale that has been fired and hardened into a specific shape.
41-30 10 25 13 19 Porcelain Primarily formed from Kaolin, this material originated in China and is recognized by its
white color. Very resistant to thermal shock and considerably strong.

41-30 10 25 13 21 Vitreous China A compound composed of clay and other compounds, the material is fired and then
coated with ceramic to ensure watertightness.
41-30 10 25 15 Soil A compound composed of organic and inorganic materials, this substance is typically
used for planting and vegetation purposes.
41-30 10 25 17 Gypsum A unique material that is moderately water-soluble but becomes less soluble at higher
temperatures. Typically used in finishes such as gypsum board and plaster.

41-30 10 25 19 Silicate A compound containing a silicon earing anion. Typical silicates include sand and
Portland Cement, as well as thousands of other minerals.
41-30 10 25 19 11 Asbestos A compound composed of six naturally occurring silicate minerals. Historically used for
its sound absorption, tensile strength and resistance to fire, heat and electrical damage,
this substance has been found to be highly toxic and is no longer as extensively used.

41-30 10 25 19 13 Calcium Silicate A compound used as a safer solution to asbestos. Typically used for insulation and fire
41-30 10 25 19 15 Cement A binding compound that, when set and hardened, binds two or more materials together.
Typically used in mortar and concrete.
41-30 10 25 19 15 11 Portland Cement The most common type of cement in use worldwide. Typically used in concrete.

41-30 10 25 19 17 Mica A compound classified as one or more of 37 phyllosilicate minerals that have a layered or
platy texture.
41-30 10 25 19 17 11 Expanded Mica Mica that has been heated to expand past its original volume.

41-30 10 25 19 19 Sand A naturally occurring compound made of rock and mineral particles.
41-30 10 27 Manufactured Mineral Compounds which are man made but whose primary sources are normally naturally
Compounds occurring.
41-30 10 27 11 Carbon Fiber A material consisting of thin crystalline carbon filaments. Typically used for its surprising
strength to weight ratio.
41-30 10 27 13 Cermet A compound with materials of both ceramic and metal. Typically used in manufacturing
of capacitors, resistors and other electrical components.
41-30 10 27 15 Fly Ash Ash that rises with other gases from combustion. Typically used in products such as
Portland Cement, Roller-compacted Concrete and applications such as soil stabilization
as well as waste treatment.
41-30 10 27 17 Glasses and Glass-Like Compounds contain glass or primarily formed from glass materials.
41-30 10 27 17 11 Glass A typically brittle and transparent compound with a variety of uses.

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OmniClass Table 41 - Materials

41-30 10 27 17 13 Perlite A compound made of volcanic glass with a high water content. Typically used for
plasters, mortars, insulation and tiling. Also useful in filtration and to prevent soil
41-30 10 27 17 13 11 Expanded Perlite Perlite that has been heated to expand past its original volume.

41-30 10 27 17 15 Porcelain Enamel A compound created by fusing powdered glass to a substrate by firing.
41-30 10 27 19 Rock Fibers Small parts of rock used to form various items for construction.
41-30 10 27 21 Silicon Carbide A compound consisting of silicon and carbon. Naturally occurs in an extremely rare
mineral called moissanite, however most is man made due to its rare nature.

41-30 10 27 23 Unrefined Salt (Sodium Sodium Chloride which has not been altered or manufactured synthetically. Typically
Chloride) used as a food flavoring or preservative, but also in cosmetic applications.

41-30 20 00 Metallic Alloys Compounds laden with metallic deposits or derived primarily from metal.
41-30 20 11 Ferrous Alloys Compounds laden with iron deposits.
41-30 20 11 11 Carbon Steel A compound used in steel applications, this is typically less ductile or malleable than
stainless steel. Typical term used to denote any steel which is not stainless.

41-30 20 11 14 Stainless Steel Corrosion, stain and rust resistant steel. Typically more ductile and malleable than
traditional carbon steel.
41-30 20 11 17 Cast Iron Iron which has been heated to liquefaction and then poured into a mold to solidify.

41-30 20 11 21 Wrought Iron Iron alloy with a grain texture.

41-30 20 11 25 Ductile Iron Iron which is more flexible and elastic than traditional iron. Typically used in piping.

41-30 20 11 29 Malleable Iron Iron which is more malleable or able to bend than traditional iron. Often used for casting
that require tensile strength and flexibility.
41-30 20 14 Aluminum Alloys Compounds laden with aluminum deposits.
41-30 20 17 Copper Alloys Compounds laden with copper deposits.
41-30 20 17 11 Brass Composed of copper and zinc. Typically used in a variety of metallic purposes where
low friction is required.
41-30 20 17 14 Bronze Composed of copper and tin. Typically used in sculpture, weather-stripping and bronze
wool for woodworking applications.
41-30 20 21 Zinc Alloys Compounds laden with zinc deposits.
41-30 20 21 11 Zamak A collection of alloys whose primary base metal is zinc but is alloyed with aluminum,
magnesium and/or copper.
41-30 20 21 14 Mazac Developed in answer to Zamak where pure zinc was not available. This employed a
manufactured zinc.
41-30 20 24 Lead Alloys Compounds laden with lead deposits.
41-30 20 24 11 Solder Compound which is heated and applied as a binding agent to two or more items that
have a higher melting point than the solder.
41-30 20 24 14 Terne Used to inhibit corrosion, typically on steel, this coating was historically comprised of lead
and tin. In recent years, lead has been replaced by zinc.
41-30 30 00 Organic Compounds Compounds laden with plant and/or animal deposits or derived primarily from plants or

41-30 30 11 Plant Materials Compounds which are laden with plant deposits or derived generally from plants.

41-30 30 11 11 Sap Compound that appears as a fluid that circulates in the cellular structure of plants.

41-30 30 11 11 11 Combustion Residues Compounds that are remnants of the firing or burning of another material.
41-30 30 11 11 13 Natural Rubber A compound derived from latex and refined into useable rubber.
41-30 30 11 13 Fibers Compounds that make up filaments typically woven into other stronger substances.

41-30 30 11 13 11 Cellulose A compound found in the cell walls of green plants, this is the most common organic
compound found on Earth.
41-30 30 11 13 13 Coir A compound extracted from coconut husks.
41-30 30 11 13 15 Cotton A compound which originates from the cotton plant. Typically used in yarn, thread, and
other textiles.
41-30 30 11 13 17 Jute A compound made of vegetable fiber usually spun into coarse long threads.
41-30 30 11 13 19 Linen A compound identified as a textile which is made from the fibers of flax.
41-30 30 11 13 21 Reeds A compound which is actually a tall plant similar to grass that typically grows in wet
41-30 30 11 13 23 Straw A compound made from the dry stalks of cereal plants.
41-30 30 11 13 25 Textiles A compound which is a flexible woven material consisting of natural or artificial fibers.

41-30 30 11 15 Pulp Plant material leftover after some type of extraction process. Typically formless and
faceless but malleable.

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OmniClass Table 41 - Materials

41-30 30 11 15 11 Paper A thin compound used for writing, printing, drawing or packaging.
41-30 30 11 17 Bark, Stem or Root Plant materials that typically constitute the outside of a plant or the exterior edge.

41-30 30 11 17 11 Cork An impermeable, buoyant material typically made of bark tissue from the Cork Oak.

41-30 30 11 17 13 Grass A compound common to most domestic yards. Typically a green substance with narrow
leaves that grow from the base.
41-30 30 11 17 13 11 Bamboo A perennial evergreen thought to be the fastest growing plant in the world. Typically
grows in long, hollow chutes.
41-30 30 11 19 Timber Wood which has been designated for use and extracted from its original form in some
41-30 30 11 19 11 Softwood Timber A type of timber from the family of trees known as gymnosperms and also used to
describe evergreens.
41-30 30 11 19 11 11 Southern Pine A collection of pine trees that grow in the southern United States. Loblolly is
one of the most prevalent in the US.
41-30 30 11 19 11 13 Douglas Fir-Larch An evergreen coniferous tree of the Pseudotsuga genus.

41-30 30 11 19 11 15 Spruce-Pine-Fir A type of Canadian wood with moderate strength that holds nails well and takes paint
41-30 30 11 19 11 17 Redwood A type of giant conifer tree characterized by a thick fibrous bark. Sequoias belong to this
family. Typically found in California and Oregon.
41-30 30 11 19 11 19 Western Red Cedar A species of evergreen coniferous tree in the Cupressaceae family. Typically found in
western North America.
41-30 30 11 19 13 Hardwood Timber A type of timber often from deciduous trees.
41-30 30 11 19 13 11 White Oak One of the most pre-eminent hardwoods of eastern North America.

41-30 30 11 19 13 13 Red Oak A high quality, durable wood typically found in North, Central & South America. There
are a wide variety of Red Oaks prevalent in the Americas.
41-30 30 11 19 13 15 Maple Over 128 species of trees, most of which are native to Asia, characterized by their
pointed leaves. Typically used for syrup, timber and pulpwood.
41-30 30 11 19 13 17 Cherry Comprising the Prunus genus of tree, this is particularly useful for furniture and for it's
fruit-bearing nature.
41-30 30 21 Animal Materials Compounds which are laden with animal deposits or derived from animals.
41-30 30 21 11 Hair and Skin Hair and flesh of animals used by humans to achieve a desired purpose.
41-30 30 21 11 11 Leather A durable and flexible material created by tanning of animal hide.
41-30 30 21 11 13 Horsehair Long coarse hair grown on the manes and tails of horses.
41-30 30 21 11 15 Wool A fiber used in textiles, sourced from sheep and other animals such as goats (cashmere).

41-30 30 21 13 Food or Fuel Compounds that constitute something that, when consumed in a system, provides
energy to power that system.
41-30 30 21 13 11 Tallow A compound rendered from the fat of beef or mutton. Typically used in high-end soaps,
candles and as a lubricant.
41-30 30 21 13 13 Beeswax A natural compound produced by bees. Typically used in food, cosmetics and
41-30 30 21 15 Silk Produced primarily by spiders, this is typically used in the creation and manufacturing of
41-30 50 00 Synthetic Compounds which are laden with human-made deposits or created by humans.
41-30 50 11 Acids Compounds with a low pH.
41-30 50 14 Bases (Alkalis) Compounds with a high pH.
41-30 50 17 Salts Composed primarily of sodium chloride, this crystallized compound is typically used in
food consumption and preservation.
41-30 50 21 Plastics Man made moldable compounds used in a wide variety of purposes.
41-30 50 21 11 Acrylonitrile-Butadiene- A compound known as a copolymer made by polymerizing styrene and acrylonitrile.
Styrene (ABS)
41-30 50 21 14 Acrylic, Polymethyl An acrylic with high-quality clarity which is often used as a glass substitute.
41-30 50 21 17 Epoxy A thermosetting polymer formed from reaction of a resin with a hardener.
41-30 50 21 21 Polyamide A polymer containing monomers of amides joined by peptide bonds.
41-30 50 21 24 Polybutylene (PB) A polyolefin which, when applied as a pure or reinforced resin, can replace materials like
metal, rubber and engineering polymers.
41-30 50 21 27 Phenolic A class of chemical compounds consisting of a hydroxyl group bonded directly to an
aromatic hydrocarbon group.
41-30 50 21 31 Polycarbonate A group of thermoplastic polymers that are easily worked, molded and thermoformed.

41-30 50 21 34 Polyester A category of polymers which contain the ester functional group in their main chain.

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OmniClass Table 41 - Materials

41-30 50 21 37 Polyethylene, Polythene The most common type of plastic.

41-30 50 21 41 Polyisocyanurate An improvement on polyurethane. Typically produced as a foam and used in rigid
thermal insulation.
41-30 50 21 51 Polypropylene A thermoplastic polymer used in packaging, labeling, textiles, stationery and a wide
variety of other uses.
41-30 50 21 54 Polystyrene An aromatic polymer made from the monomer styrene.
41-30 50 21 61 Polyurethane A polymer composed of a chain of organic units joined by carbamate links.
41-30 50 21 64 Polyvinyl Chloride, A PVC with plasticizers; more flexible than standard PVC and can be used for wire
Plasticized (PVC) insulation.
41-30 50 21 71 Polyvinyl Chloride, A cheap, strong compound typically used in manufacturing pipes.
Unplasticised (PVC-U)
41-30 50 21 74 Polyvinylidene Fluoride A highly non-reactive and pure thermoplastic fluoropolymer produced by the
polymerization of vinylidene difluoride.
41-30 50 21 81 Urea Formaldehyde A non-transparent thermosetting resin or plastic made from urea and formaldehyde
heated in the presence of a mild base such as ammonia or pyridine.

41-30 50 21 84 Vinyl Any organic compound that contains a vinyl group, which are derivatives of ethene.

41-30 50 24 Rubbers Any type of artificial elastomer, invariably a polymer.

41-30 50 24 11 Butyl Rubber Impermeable to air and used in many applications requiring an airtight rubber.
41-30 50 24 14 Neoprene Good chemical stability and maintains flexibility over a wide temperature range.
41-30 50 24 17 Silicone Typically heat-resistant, used in sealants, adhesives, lubricants, medical applications and
41-30 50 24 21 Polysulfide A class of chemical compound containing chains of sulfur atoms.
41-30 50 27 Petrochemical Compounds originating from Petroleum-based substances mixed with other sources.
41-30 50 27 11 Asphalts Compounds consisting of a sticky, black and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid present in
most petroleums and natural deposits.
41-30 50 27 11 11 Asphalt Primarily used in road construction.
41-30 50 27 11 13 Polymer Modified Asphalt An asphalt with greater elastic and durability properties and greater temperature stability.

41-30 50 27 13 Coal Tars Compound that occurs when coal is carbonized. Typically a brown or black liquid which
is highly viscous.
41-30 50 27 13 11 Carbon Black A compound produced by incomplete combustion of petroleum products. Typically used
as a pigment and heat transfer agent for automobile tires.
41-30 50 27 13 13 Coal Tar Pitch A compound found as residue from coal firing. Typically used in waterproofing.
41-30 50 27 15 Paraffin Compound typically used in fuels, waxes and paints, as well as some medical
applications in liquid form.
41-30 50 27 17 Waxes Compounds that are malleable in normal ambient temperatures. Typically used as a
sealer and to make candles.
41-50 00 00 Liquids Compounds defined as fluids when observed at normal room temperature.
41-50 10 00 Normal Liquids with a neutral pH.
41-50 10 11 Distilled Water Water which has had many of its impurities removed through distillation (boiling).

41-50 10 15 Deionized Water Water which has had the ions removed.
41-50 30 00 Acid Liquids with a low pH.
41-50 30 11 Rain Water Water that falls from the sky, generally considered unfit for human consumption.

41-50 50 00 Alkali Liquids with a high pH.

41-50 50 11 Ammonia Typically used as a fertilizer, cleaning agent, and refrigerant.
41-50 50 15 Sea Water Water which occurs in nature, typically in oceans, lakes, and most other bodies of water
that connect to an ocean.
41-50 70 00 Other Liquids Liquids with varying pH.
41-50 70 11 Ground Water Water harvested or collected using subsurface means.
41-50 70 15 Petroleum Products Fuels and other applications such as lubricants.
41-50 70 19 Alcohols Cleaning agents, fuels, and recreational drugs. Various types of alcohol abound, with
varying levels of toxicity.
41-50 70 23 Lubricants Used to prevent wear on moving parts that touch or move closely together.
41-70 00 00 Gases Compounds defined as gases when observed at normal room temperature.
41-70 10 00 Non-Toxic Gases Gases which are not inherently harmful to humans.
41-70 10 11 Air A mixture of oxygen and other gases in the atmosphere.
41-70 10 19 Helium Typically used in cryogenic applications for its cooling capabilities and as a shielding gas
for arc welding.

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41-70 10 23 Neon Typically used in signage, this gas emits a bright reddish-orange light. Though still
referred to as "neon" all other colors are produced by noble gases or fluorescent lighting.

41-70 10 27 Water Vapor Occurs when water is heated to the point of evaporation, this is simply water heated to its
gaseous state.
41-70 30 00 Toxic or Harmful Gases which are inherently harmful to humans.
41-70 30 10 Flammable Gases Gases which can ignite.
41-70 30 10 11 Acetylene Typically used in welding and while not especially toxic, it can contain toxic impurities
when generated from calcium carbide.
41-70 30 10 15 Butane A fuel typically used for pocket cigar/cigarette lighters and torches.
41-70 30 10 19 Ethylene Used in polymerization, oxidation and other applications.
41-70 30 10 23 Propane Used as a fuel for both furnaces and stoves, this gas is naturally odorless but
manufactured (purchased) propane has a human-added odor for safety.
41-70 30 10 27 Hydrogen Used in the petroleum and chemical industries and for the production of ammonia, as
well as a coolant.
41-70 30 10 31 Isobutan Flammable gas, typically used as a refrigerant and propellant for aerosol cans and foam
41-70 30 10 35 Methane A relatively potent greenhouse gas used in industrial chemical processes.
41-70 30 30 Toxic Gases Gases which can cause injury or death when encountered.
41-70 30 30 11 Arsine Used in the semiconductor industry and for the synthesis of organoarsenic compounds.

41-70 30 30 15 Carbon Dioxide Emitted naturally by humans, plants convert this gas into oxygen. May cause Carbon
dioxide poisoning.
41-70 30 30 19 Carbon Monoxide This gas is the result of a single carbon and single oxygen molecular bond.
41-70 30 30 23 Ethyl Chloride Commonly used to produce tetraethyllead (TEL), an anti-knock additive for gasoline, it
has also been used as a refrigerant, aerosol spray propellant, an anesthetic and a
blowing agent for foam packaging.
41-70 30 30 27 Methyl Chloride A widely used refrigerant in the past, it is no longer in use due to its toxicity and
41-70 30 30 31 Nitrogen Dioxide Typically a byproduct of internal combustion engines and thermal power stations.

41-70 30 30 35 Oxygen Toxic at high concentration, this gas comprises most of the mass of living organisms.

41-70 30 50 Other Harmful Gases Gases which may or may not be inherently combustible or toxic but may still cause harm.

41-70 30 50 11 Refrigerant Used for cooling purposes, these gases are non-toxic but may cause suffocation.

Pre Consensus Approved Draft 2012-10-30 Page 9/9

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