OSCEs For Dentistry
OSCEs For Dentistry
OSCEs For Dentistry
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1 author:
Grant T McIntyre
University of Dundee
All content following this page was uploaded by Grant T McIntyre on 25 October 2015.
Clinical success in looks at occlusal trauma, loss of posterior and also a section on law and ethics
support, furcations, mobility, and high risk towards the back of the book. However,
management of patients. The seventh chapter examines it is unfortunate that orthodontics and
advanced periodontitis prognosis and long term outcome
which includes the goals of periodontal
child dental health are lumped together,
limiting the range of scenarios that could
R. Detienville management, limits to treatment, and be included. Specifically, there is no
UK: Quintessence maintenance. mention of questions about orthodontic
price 46.00, pp 120 Although aimed at GDPs, specialist appliance treatment, adult orthodontics
ISBN 2912550416 referral would be appropriate for some of or the multidisciplinary aspects of
The aim of this book, published by the cases illustrated. It is to some extent malocclusion. Nonetheless, the book
Quintessence, is to advise and guide a hybrid an atlas of periodontology is not intended to be a syllabus for all
the GDP through the management of and periodontics, but not a technical types of OSCE examinations, and those
advanced periodontitis. This soft bound manual, with more supporting text than taking OSCE examinations will be able
book has 120 pages with seven chapters, a usual for an atlas and a sprinkling of to compensate for these drawbacks to
glossary, a bibliography, and an index. It is references to the scientific literature. It is what is in general a good text. The book
well illustrated and attractively presented. didactic in style, with little discussion of is illustrated with a number of colour
The author is an Assistant Professor alternative treatment approaches. Those pictures, but there is a significant bias
at Ren Descartes University, Paris. GDPs with a reluctance to treat advanced to OMFS related illustrations, which is
Though the translation is adequate periodontitis, or whose knowledge is presumably a function of the authors
overall, several errors can be found in outdated, will probably find this text a specialty interests.
the text. For the most part these errors pleasant read. Those dentists looking for a The book is designed for undergraduate
are merely irritating, though they could comprehensive reference book may wish students and those taking the MFDS
cause confusion for students starting to investigate other titles. examination and is pitched at the right
their studies. My confidence in the text A. Pye level. It will therefore be spotted on an
was left shaken on reading on page 9 that increasingly frequent basis in dental
Advanced periodontitis is most often OSCEs for dentistry schools. The book is not intended to
observed in younger patients. K. F. M. Fan, J. Jones be used for cover-to-cover reading or
A certain level of knowledge is assumed. UK: PasTest alternatively for rote learning. Moreover,
The author focuses on what he presumably price 18.95, pp 284 the book would be best for dipping into
believes is relevant to GDPs, excluding ISBN 190462751X during spare clinical time or whilst
some underlying theory. This is likely to be travelling for example as I found I did
of some relief to GDPs not wishing to relive Objective Structured Clinical Examinations whilst getting a feel for the book. Despite
their student days, but obviously limits its (OSCEs) are rapidly becoming the en vogue the minor criticisms detailed above,
usefulness for exam study. examination format in dentistry for testing OSCEs for dentistry is a welcome addition
It is clearly stated that the book only both factual knowledge and clinical skills to the growing stable of books covering
considers chronic and aggressive forms of including ethics, communication and the various examination formats and
periodontitis. The first chapter discusses information delivery, as well as practical examination techniques in dentistry. I
the criteria for, and prevalence of, dental skills. would recommend it as a must have text
advanced disease. Chapter two looks at The preliminary pages of this book for undergraduate students and those
pathogenesis including microbiological contain the preface, a useful introduction, sitting the surgical royal colleges MFDS
considerations. The third chapter a section on the duties of a dentist and a examinations.
reviews diagnosis. Included are the list of abbreviations. Although the latter G. T. McIntyre
new classification system, signs and is a useful inclusion, I for one would like
symptoms, microbiological analysis, and to have seen a statement to the effect Netters head and neck
complexity factors. The fourth chapter that abbreviations should not be used in anatomy for dentistry
discusses criteria for therapeutic success; routine clinical practice because these
effects of bacterial plaque control, can be ambiguous. The main section of N. S. Norton
scaling, root planing, surgical therapy; the book is populated with series of OSCE UK: Elsevier
and the use of antibiotics and antiseptics. scenarios ordered into the main dental price 26.99, pp 610
The fifth chapter discusses treatments: discipline groups. It is refreshing to see a ISBN 1929007884
hygiene phase therapy, surgery, splinting, specific set of scenarios on history taking This book consists of 21 chapters over
orthodontics, and implants. Chapter six and examination near the beginning 610 pages and is packed with information