CNN Project - GTSRB Dataset

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Mohamed Tarek ElHefnawy CIE 409 Final Project ID: 201303636

Description of the dataset

Our dataset represents images for different traffic signs generated by German Traffic Sign
Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) where there are 51840 different images of 43 distinct traffic
signs with different frequencies. This dataset was created from 10 hours of recording a video in a
car driven in different road types in Germany recorded in three different months; March, October
and November so we can see that these photos were taken in various circumstances such as
illumination changes, different orientations, weather conditions and partial occlusions as shown in
the figure below.
These variations makes our dataset more
challenging. Every number of those signs
could be categorized according to either
their shape such as triangle and circle or
color. This technique of categorization
helps humans in detecting these signs and
identifying it with very high accuracy but
in our project we are aiming to do this using
the amazing machine learning algorithms.
From the above figure, we can see that
there are two main shapes for the signs
which are the triangle and the circle with
two signs only having different shapes; one
is a hexagon and the other one is a
diamond. After that, we can make
subcategories according to the signs most
dominant color or the color combinations to
even divide the dataset more and increase
the number of features correlated to certain
classes and not correlated to others which
would contribute in decreasing the error in
identifying this sign.
The 51840 instances were divided into 75% as training set and 25% as test set so the training set
consists of 39210 instances while the test set consists of 12630 instance.

Preprocessing of Dataset

All input samples are preprocessed as follows:

They are resized to be 32*32 pixels
They are converted into gray-scale images
Mohamed Tarek ElHefnawy CIE 409 Final Project ID: 201303636

Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)


Multi-scale CNN is an extension of MLP which is inspired by the visual cortex. Regarding the
traditional feedforward neural network in image recognition, it deals with pixels that are close to
each other like those far away from each other, so it suffers from the curse of dimensionality due
to the full connectivity between the network nodes and they
cant scale well to higher resolution images.

So, instead of using the complete forward neural network

connection with different weight for each connection,
convolutional NN concept saved a lot of this computational
work. It depends on the correlation between features in the
input data like audio, video or image. So, the same weights can
be scanned (convolved) throughout the whole input data in
order which saves a lot of time and get great results. It can be
found that CNN is not useful for the input data whose features order is not important like detecting
breast cancer which depends on age, gender, habitat, etc.., the order of these features is not
important so CNN isnt recommended in these cases.

The components of CNN

- Convolutional Layer
- Activation Layer
- Max-pooling layer
- Full connecting layer

Convolutional layer
A filter is used with a smaller size than that of input data (image). This filter is considered as the
weights of the neural network which are updated in training stage. Its convolved through the
whole input image by a dot product to get an output of the same size as the input (width and height)
but a third dimension for the output is updated according to the number of filters used.

Activation Layer
An activation function is applied to the neurons output. It increases the nonlinear properties of
the whole network without affecting the convolutional layer. There are many types of activation
functions like ReLu function (Rectified Linear Units) which can be expressed as f(x) = max(0,x)
and sigmoid function which can be expressed by f(x) = (1+ e^-x)^-1

Max-Pooling layer

It partitions the input image into a set of non-overlapping rectangles and, for each such sub-region,
outputs the maximum. The intuition is that the exact location of a feature is less important than its
rough location relative to other features. The pooling layer serves to progressively reduce the
spatial size of the representation, to reduce the number of parameters and amount of computation
in the network, and hence to also control overfitting
Mohamed Tarek ElHefnawy CIE 409 Final Project ID: 201303636

Fully-Connected Layer

Neurons in a fully connected layer have full connections to all activations in the previous layer, as
seen in regular Neural Networks. Their activations can hence be computed with a matrix
multiplication followed by a bias offset.

Here is a summary diagram of CNN architecture

Practical Implementation

Here is a diagram that summarizes the linkage between various libraries and packages used for
implementing CNN on our dataset
Mohamed Tarek ElHefnawy CIE 409 Final Project ID: 201303636

Results of Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Experiment Dropout No. of Activation Validation Test Number Average

Conv function accuracy Accuracy of Epoch
Layers Epochs time

1 0.25 2 ReLu 96.8 91 6 2.5 min

2 0.5 2 ReLu 96 91.1 6 3 min

3 0.25 2 Sigmoid 63.6 57.34 6 5 min

4 0.25 3 ReLu 97.8 94.4 6 4 min

5 0.25 3 ReLu 98.8 95.55 15 4.5 min

6 0.25 4 ReLu 98.85 96.1 15 5 min

7 0.25 5 ReLu 99.1 96.45 15 6 min

In Experiment #2, Dropout is increased in order to avoid any over fitting but no much effect on
the accuracy and more time
In Experiment #3 , the activation function is changed from rectified linear units to sigmoid function,
but it decreases the accuracy dramatically in addition to more time.
From Experiment #4 to Experiment #7, Number of convolution layers are increased, It can be
found that the accuracy increases but more time is consumed.
In addition, Increasing number of epochs leads to more training and more accuracy but more total

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