Oracle Database

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Competency Name: Oracle Database

Broad Definition: This competency refers to the ability of an individual to use Oracle Database technology with expertise in industry application
Criteria E0 E1 E2 E3 E4
I Criteria for defining
proficiency vis-à-vis
knowledge & skills
1.Precondition Should have Should satisfy all Should satisfy all Should satisfy all Should satisfy all
[ Expressed as a prerequisite - BE/BTech/MCA. conditions of the previous conditions of the conditions of the previous conditions of the
in terms of academic level. previous levels. levels. previous levels.
qualification AND / OR Should be aware of the
industry experience basic RDBMS and SQL Should have worked in Should have worked in Should have worked as a Should have worked as a
(whichever is applicable) AND concepts. Oracle environment with Database technologies DBA in multiple DBA specialist with more
/ OR relevant knowledge in atleast 1-3 years with atleast 2-5 years environment with atleast 6- than 9 years experience.
any other competency experience. experience. 8 years experience.

2. Knowledge Should have knowledge Should have accquired E0 Should have knowledge Should have good Should have knowledge
[Expressed as Area of of database level in this competency on database architecture knowledge of RAC. and concept of High
knowledge and not skill, concepts/SQL imparted and the oracle database OR availability(HA)
includes knowledge of through self learning,ILP Should have knowledge product. architecture and
process, methodologies, or internal training. on database architecture Should have good Maximum Availability
concepts and tools.] and understanding of Should have knowledge knowledge on database Architecture(MAA). OR
oracle processes. SQL about the kernel Performance tuning
concepts parameters and should Should have knowledge
know how to set it. Should have good of Performance
Knowledge on Unix tuning,strong knowledge
scripting on Unix and clear
understanding of
Should have indepth database estimation and
knowledge of monitoring sizing.
and sizing different buffers.

3. Experience
[Expressed as duration in
months / years wrt exposure,
including breadth & the depth
of assignments; also beyond
project experience]

TCS Confidential
3.1 Type of project Should have minimum Should minimum Should have atleast Should have accquired E2 Should have accquired
experience experience of 1 year experience of 1-3 years 4years experience in level in this competency E3 level in this
[Includes 'type' in the form of database technology competency
implementation, end-to-end Should have hands on Should have experience in
project, support, roll outs, experience on Unix Should have accquired implementation of end-to- Should have done at
upgrades, professional fundamentals. E1 level in this end project, support, roll least one consulting
services, consulting competency outs, of 9i/10g/11g engagements on HA and
engagements AND / OR the databases with RAC OR MAA architecture OR
Number of projects AND / OR Should have worked on
Time spent on the project ( for at least one project as a Should have experience in Should have designed
eg., 3 consulting projects of DBA on Oracle Database ugradation of databases of the process of end to end
minimum 6 months duration ; OR HA and MAA architecture. project of new database
1 roll out project of at least 18 technologies.
months] Should have worked on Should have expereince in
at least one production RAC with atleast 4 years of Should have
support project as a DBA experience in multiple implemented HA
OR environments. architecture and design
the processes and
Should have experience Should have managed architecture of continuity
in supporting multiple multiple VLDB databases of business(COB) OR
instances on different on different technologies.
operating systems OR Should have
with a minimum 2-5 implemented MAA
years experience. Should have handled RAC architecture
databases and integration with atleast 9 years
with multiple applications experience.
with an experience of 6-8
years. Should have experience
in architecture
Should have exposure to Frameworks like
Database architecture Upgrade, Data Migration,
(HA,MAA) and Upgrade, Performance
Data Migration, Tuning,Unix and
Performance Tuning,Unix PL/SQL.
and Oracle programming

TCS Confidential
3.2 Beyond project N/A N/A Should have conducted Should have proposed Should have given 3
development experience atleast 1 training on solutions on database different proposal
[Includes Oracle database OR solutions on Database
[1) Solutioning of proposals Technology technology.
2) Reviews done (9i/10g/11g/Oracle Should have created
3) No. of contributions made Programming) . competency asset(s) on
to trainings/training material] Database technologies.

Should have done Project

Reviews and resolved
technical issues on
4. Asset Creation
[Expressed as any reusable
and deployable assets created
in the knowledge
management system of the
4.1 Process frameworks N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
[Articulated as the process
improvement designed OR a
new process framework

4.2 Tool creation N/A N/A N/A N/A Should have created the
[Expressed as a system or following:-
function tool designed OR - Error handling
created towards improving framework
business delivery / learning] - Performance Tips &
- Technical Paper
4.3 Reusable & deployable N/A N/A Should have created at Should have created at Should have created at
assets created least 1 reusable asset on least 3 assets on Oracle least 5 assets on Oracle
[Expressed as reusable and Oracle database Database New Technology Database New
deployable assets created technology. Technology.
(like those in Mighty &

TCS Confidential
No. of training material N/A N/A Should have created Should have prepared at Should update at least
created competency asset(s) on least one training material one training material on
[Expressed as the number of Oracle database/Hands- on Oracle Database Oracle Database
relevant training material on/case study on project Technology technology to incorporate
created towards development level. the latest version
of a particular body of features.
knowledge or skill]

5. Industry contribution
[Expressed as the
contributions made to the
industry.This criteria should
be measured by mechanisms
for eg: TCS GEMS]

5.1 Recognized by Peers N/A N/A N/A Should be registered as a

[Expressed as the recognition SME on Knowmax
given by the peer community discussion forums and
and should be measured by contribute in responding to
appropriate mechanism such queries on Knowmax
as TCS GEMS] Discussion forum for
Oracle Database.
Recognized by a Parent N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
[Expressed as the contribution
recognized by a renowned
and recognized parent body]

Invited as Speakers N/A N/A N/A N/A Should partcipate as
[Expressed as recognition speaker at technology
from an external body when it and industry forums
extends an invitation to the
speaker to address a
recognized forum]

II Assessment / Evaluation
Methodology vis-à-vis
Proficiency Level

TCS Confidential
1. Certification N/A N/A Should have Should have OCP 10g/11g
[Expressed as achievement of OCA(9i/10g/11g) OR OCM.
external programs - certifying
a part of the proficiency level,
Achievement of internal
programs - internal trainings

2. Evaluation Test Should have completed Should have completed Should have completed Should have completed the Should have completed
[Expressed as a certification the following in iCALMS: the following in iCALMS: the following in iCALMS: following in iCALMS: the following in iCALMS:
the individual has to achieve -Self assessment -Self assessment -Self assessment -Self assessment -Self assessment
towards the said proficiency -Learning Object -Learning Object -Learning Object -Learning Object -Learning Object
level. (for eg.,Type of tests for -Supervisor/ Manager -Supervisor/ Manager -Supervisor/ Manager
each proficiency should be assessment assessment assessment
defined-like for E0 level it will - SME assessment - SME assessment
be only self assessment, for
E1 it should be panel review
Version History
Project Details: Enterprise Solutions Oracle COE

Parent Project:: Enterprise Solutions Oracle COE & 1010974

Project Owner/GL: Saroj Dash (107893)

Amendment History:
Version Defined By - Role & Group Approved By - Role & Group Date Remarks
Saroj Dash Enterprise Solutions Oracle Sameer Mithani (171434) Corporate Technology 8-Dec-08
1.0 (107893) COE Excellence Group - Oracle

TCS Confidential

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