Co CB2017-18
Co CB2017-18
Co CB2017-18
1. Course Code: MKT401 2. Course Title: Consumer Behaviour
3. Course Overview:
Consumer behavior is woven into the fabric of our lives, interacting with each one of us in a
multitude of important decisions to take. Consumer choices confront us in our daily existence; and
can range from major choices such as deciding on a college degree, a career to pursue, or minor
choices about the food to eat, clothes to wear, a television show to watch, or an internet site to visit.
Consumer behavior encompasses our daily lives and getting to understand the patterns in this
behavior can reap rich dividends for a marketing organization.
The course of Consumer Behavior encompasses the art and science of understanding the consumer
choices in the backdrop of their individual characteristics. It also focuses upon group influences as a
key determinant of consumer choices and their decision making process. A robust understanding of
this course equips the student with the theoretical foundations to interpret and unpack how and why
consumers behave as they do. It also offers the insights on the necessary marketing interventions to
shape this behavior for serving the marketing agenda of a firm. For a great grasp on the course
students may interpret and analyze their own behavior in various buying decision making situations.
An understanding of how knowledge of consumer behaviour can be used to develop profitable,
efficient and fair marketing techniques and tactics, and an ability to view marketing techniques from
both a managerial and a consumers perspective.
The course specifically addresses formation and adjustment of consumer attitudes, influence of
personality and lifestyle in shaping consumer preference, cross-cultural variation in consumer
behaviour, consumer motives in a buying situation, implications of consumer learning and memory
for effective brand strategy formulation etc. The course also addresses the issue of unethical
consumer influence techniques. This course will not only raise the above issues; but it will also
provide explanations based on robust consumer research studies.
5. List of Topics/ Modules:
Module 2: Internal Module two will focus upon the drivers of consumer behaviour
determinants of consumer which vary from one individual consumer to the other. Internal
behaviour constructs such as perception, learning, memory, motivation,
personality, and attitude will be taken up for discussion with the
help of brief cases.
Module 3: External Drivers of Module three includes all aspects of group influences on
Consumer Behaviour consumer decisions; which include influence of culture and sub-
cultural identities, institution of family, social classes, and the
role of reference groups.
6. Evaluation Criteria:
Component Description Learning Weight
Using advertisements and information marketing strategy, 1, 4 5
the student will be required to map a brands journey
through the last decade; to identify the modifications in
marketing communication and overall strategy based on
evolving consumer behaviour trends.
7. Recommended/ Reference Text Books & Resources:
Text Book
Schiffman, Leon G., Wisenblit Joseph, and S. Ramesh Kumar (2015). Consumer Behaviour. (11 th
Edition). New Delhi: Pearson Education.
Peter, P.J.; and Oslon, JC (2010), Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy, (9 th Edition),
Singapore, McGraw Hill International Edition (P&O).
Solomon, M.R, (2013), Consumer Behaviour- Buying, Having and Being, (10 th Edition), New
Delhi, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. (MRS)
Hawkins, Del I., Roger J. Best, Kenneth A. Coney, and Amit Mookerjee (2008). Consumer
Behaviour: Building Marketing Strategy. (9th Ed). New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. (HRK)
Hoyer, Wayne D. and Deborah J. Macinnis (2010). Consumer Behaviour. (8th Edition) New
Delhi: Cengage Learning. (HD)
Business World, Business India, 4 Ps Magazine, Economic Times, Indian Journal of
Marketing, ICFAI Journal of Consumer Behavior, Harvard Business Review; MIT Sloan
Review; Journal of Consumer Research.
Internet Resources: It gives reviews about different types of consumer products This website tracks the global trends in changing
consumer preferences. This website provides information on digital marketing and online
consumer behaviour. This website brings new articles in the area of social networks
and online consumer behaviour
The little Albert Experiment; YouTube Video on classical conditioning experiment
Drs Robert Epsteen and B K Skinner with Pigeon Part I; video on operant conditioning
Gestalt Principles of perception; YouTube video on Perception
The ASCH experiment; YouTube video on group dynamics.
Key Readings:
1. Meeting changes & challenges, Schiffman, Leon G., Leslie L. Kanuk, and S. Ramesh Kumar
(2010). Consumer Behaviour. (10th Edition),Pp.2-4.
2. Consumer Motivation, Schiffman, Leon G., Leslie L. Kanuk, and S. Ramesh Kumar (2010).
Consumer Behaviour. (10th Edition), Pp.88-90.
3. Turner, John; and Oakes, Penny (1986). "The significance of the social identity concept for
social psychology with reference to individualism, interactionism and social influence"
British Journal of Social Psychology 25 (3): 237252
4. Consumer Attitude, Schiffman, Leon G., Leslie L. Kanuk, and S. Ramesh Kumar (2010).
Consumer Behaviour. (10th Edition),Pp.232-234.
5. Petty R. E. and Cacioppo J. T. (1979); Issues Involvement can increase or decrease
persuasion by enhancing message relevant cognitive responses; Journal of Personality &
Social Psychology, 37: 1915-1926.
6. R Chandrashekrana; and Shanker Krishnan (2009); Shoppers stop: targeting the young,
Case Studies in Marketing Management; Richard Ivy School of Business.
8. Session Plan:
5 The Facets of Personality Demonstrating the
Theories of Personality (FreudianText Ch 3, Pp. 72-88 ability to match
Theory, Neo-Freudian PersonalityReading 3 : The between consumer
theory, Trait Theory) significance of social and brand
Personality traits and ConsumerIdentity personality-like
Behaviour Handout traits
Debate: Do products LO 1
shape the personality
or personality shape
the products?
Assignment due
6 Strategies for pitching the market Case 3 : HCL Examining the
offering to achieve an effective brand concept of
consumer fit Handout personality &
Product & Brand personification Text Ch 3, Pp. 88-94 lifestyle to product
Self and self- image purchase
LO 4, 5
7 Guest Lecture (Consumer Lifestyle) L O 1,2
Consumer Perceptions and Brand LO 1, 2, 3
Positioning Challenge Text Ch 4, Pp. 98-120
8 Sensory Dynamics of Perception
Elements of perception Finalization of groups
Structure of human brainAssignment of Project
(Right, Left brain) and its topics
implications for marketing
Impulse buying
9 Effective Marketing Interventions forCase 4: The brave new LO1,4,5
shaping and reshaping perceptions world of Subway
Consumer imagery and its Advertising
market application Hand out
Perceived Quality Text Ch 4, Pp. 122-133
Perceived Risk
11 Consumer attitudes: shaping and Being able to
formation Text, Ch 6, pp. 168- capture & device
Consumer attitudes definition 188 mechanism for
Structural models of attitude Reading 4: Consumer favorable
Attitude formation Attitude consumer attitude
Handout for product &
Reading 5: Issues services.
Involvement can LO1, 2, 3
Increase or decrease
12 Modification of consumer attitudesText Ch 6, pp. 188-197 Analyzing the role
using effective marketing interventions Case 5: Tata Gold of attitude in
Attitudinal Change and market place
Project review due LO1, 4, 5
13 How does Marketing influence Integrating the
attitude? Guest Lecture 2 Concepts
a summative guest lecture/panel LO 1, 2, 4
discussion (of two or more experts)
with firms who are struggling with or
have successfully modified consumer
behaviour in some way.
Module 3: External Drivers of Consumer Behaviour (Group influences)
14 Group membership influences on Understanding the
consumer choices consumer profile
Role of opinion leaders/roleText Ch 9, Pp. 250-263 in cultural setting
models/celebrities etc., when do & its marketing
they fail to influence? implications
LO1, 5
15 Marketing Interventions for mobilizing Text Ch 9, Pp. 264- Demonstrating
positive word of mouth and Opinion270 role of reference
Leadership group in product
LO1, 4, 5
16 Role of family structure in determining LO1,2
the consumption patternsText Ch. 10 Pp. 278-
Consumption socialization through297
Family Life cycle
Family decision making and
buying roles
Impact of Changing family &
family decision making on
marketing Strategy Formulation
17 Role of social class and income inReading 6: Shoppers Demonstrating
determining consumption patterns Stop influence of social
Social classification schema class in product
Measurement and profiling of Handout purchase
social class Text Ch 10, pp. 297-
Application of social class in311 LO1,2, 3, 4
understanding behavior
18 Influence of culture on consumer Examining
aspirations and behaviour Text, Ch 11, Pp. 314- consumer profile
Dynamism of culture and sub325 in cultural setting
culture & its marketing
Measurement of culture and implications
profiling LO1, 3, 5
Multicultural Marketing Strategies
Module 4: Consumer Decision Making
19 Structure and Process of consumer Probing decision
decisions making models to
Levels /Types of decision making Text Ch 13, Pp. 366- understand
Consumer Decisions - High,375 development of
medium and low involvement consumer
Managing the dissonance engagement with
challenge brand
Impact of Social Networking Sites LO 2
on consumer decision making
Why do consumers develop brand
1. Critically evaluate the research methodology used by Himalaya to gain consumer insight
2. Comment on the usage of have different types of scales in a questionnaire and their benefit in
2. Titan watches
1. 1. Discuss how the TITAN watches changed the consumers motivation to buy a common wrist
watch market?
2. Suggest the kind of message which may be used by Titan to meet consumers changing desire
from durability to sophistication and utilitarian to hedonism?
3. How can product manager of wrist watches use possible research findings that the Indian
market is willing to buy a high priced Indian made watch when he hears that the same company has
a global reach?
2. Critique the sensory appeal of the subway ads. What implications does your answer have for
the advertisers? Analyze on the basis of the principles of attention covered in the topic of
perception, why are subway ads being received so positively?
7. HCS Sugarfree -
1. General discussion
9. Contact Details:
Name of the Instructor: Dr. Puneet Rai
Office Location: Room No. 207 (Old Building)
Telephone: Office ext. 296; Mobile: 9838546952
Teaching Venue: As per Time Table Schedule
Office Hours: 9:30 am to 5:30 pm (Monday to Friday)
Online Links (Link to Blackboard etc.):