Panduan Triple Rinsing
Panduan Triple Rinsing
Panduan Triple Rinsing
What do you do with the empty agrochemical containers after you have finished
your agrochemical application?
No matter how an empty pesticide
container is disposed of, it must be
properly rinsed. Unrinsed agrochemical Why is rinsing
containers are not really clean. They may
still hold about 1% of the original amount
of agrochemical. Although this figure Environmentally: It helps
sounds low, the agrochemical that prevent potential
remains in an unrinsed container still problems with unrinsed
remains a potential hazard to humans, containers, rinsate
animals, and the environment.
storage, and agrochemical
Inappropriate disposal of empty crop
wastes. Properly rinsed
protection product containers can lead to
health risks for humans and livestock as containers are classified as
well as causing environmental pollution. clean, solid waste. New
However, most empty pesticide ecological and economical
containers can be rinsed. Proper rinsing ways for their disposal are
of agrochemical containers reduces a available.
potential source of contamination of soil,
Agricultural practice:
surface, and ground water and removes a
potential source of agrochemical Rinsing empty containers
exposure to people, animals, and wildlife. is a good, sound farming
Agrochemical containers must be triple practice.
rinsed immediately after use. Proper Economically: It improves
rinsed agrochemical containers are the return on your
classified as non-hazardous.
investment, as all the
agrochemical quantity is
Legislative: It is required
by law.