Schedule Waste - Basic Module
Schedule Waste - Basic Module
Schedule Waste - Basic Module
Scheduled Waste
Management Training
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Scheduled Waste Management Training
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Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Waste ) Regulations 2005
Treat me with care,
otherwise I can
destroy the environment.
When I am
labeled as “Scheduled
Waste,” proper
disposal is necessary.
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Environmental Quality (Scheduled
1. Citation) and
commencement 2005
(1) These regulations may be cited as the Environmental Quality ( Scheduled Wastes)
Regulations 2005
“ Scheduled wastes” means any waste falling within the categories of waste listed in the First
“Incompatible scheduled wastes” means scheduled wastes specified in the fourth schedule
which , when mixed , will produce hazardous situations through heat generations, fire explosions,
or the release of toxic substances;
“On- site treatment facility ”means facility, other than a scheduled waste incinerator or a land
treatment facility, located on a waste generator’s site and that is used solely to deal with
scheduled wastes produced on that site ;
“ Contractor” means any person licensed by the Director General of Environmental Quality
under subsection 18 (1 A) of the Act ;
“ Waste Generator “ means any person who generates scheduled wastes
“Prescribed premises “ means premises prescribed by the Environmental Quality ( Prescribed
Premises ) ( Scheduled Waste Treatment and Disposal Facilities) Order 1989 ¹
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Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Waste ) Regulations 2005
Group 1 – Metal and metal – bearing waste
( 10 categories – from SW 101-110)
Group 2 –Wastes containing principally inorganic constituents which may contain metals or organic
(7 categories – from SW 201 – 207 )
Group 3 – Waste containing principally organic constituents which may contain metals inorganic
(27 categories – from SW 301- 327
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Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Wasteof )theRegulations
3.Notification 2005
generation of scheduled wastes.
(1) Every waste generator shall, within 30 days from the date of generation
of scheduled wastes, notify the Director General of the new categories and
quantities of scheduled wastes which are generated.
(2) The notification given under sub-regulation (1) shall include the information
provided in the Second Schedule.
4.Disposal of scheduled wastes
(1)Scheduled wastes shall be disposed of at prescribed premises only.
(2)Scheduled wastes shall, as far as is practicable, be rendered innocuous
prior to disposal.
5.Treatment of scheduled wastes
(1) Scheduled wastes shall be treated at prescribed
premises or at on-site treatment facilities only.
(2)Residuals from treatment of scheduled wastes
shall be treated or disposed of at prescribed premises.
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Environmental Quality (Scheduled
6.Recovery ) Regulations
of material or product from scheduled2005
(1) Recovery of material or product from scheduled wastes shall be done
at prescribed premises or at on-site recovery facilities.
(2) Residuals from recovery of material or product from scheduled wastes
shall be treated or disposed of at prescribed premises.
(2) Every waste generator shall ensure that scheduled wastes that are subjected to movement
or transfer be packaged, labeled and transported in accordance
with the guidelines prescribed by the Director General.
We care
Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste
) 9.Storage
of scheduled wastes.2005
(1) Scheduled wastes shall be stored in containers which are compatible with the scheduled
wastes to be stored, durable and which are able to prevent spillage or leakage of the
scheduled wastes into the environment.
(2) Incompatible scheduled wastes shall be stored in separate containers, and such
containers shall be placed in separate secondary containment areas.
(3) Containers containing scheduled wastes shall always be closed during storage except
when it is necessary to add or remove the scheduled wastes.
(4) Areas for the storage of the containers shall be designed, constructed and maintained
adequately in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the
Director General to prevent spillage or leakage of scheduled wastes into the environment.
We care
Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Waste ) Regulations 2005
(5) Any person may store scheduled wastes generated by him for 180 days or less after its
generation provided that—
(a)the quantity of scheduled wastes accumulated on site shall not exceed 20 metric tons; and
(b) the Director General may at any time, direct the waste generator to send any scheduled wastes
for treatment, disposal or recovery of material or product from the scheduled wastes up to such
quantity as he deems necessary.
(6) A waste generator may apply to the Director General in writing to store more than 20 metric
tons of scheduled wastes.
(7) If the Director General is satisfied with the application made under sub-regulation (6), the
Director General may grant a written approval either with or without conditions.
We care
Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Waste ) General
(7) If the Director Regulations 2005
is satisfied with the application made under
Sub-regulation (6), the Director General may grant a written approval either with or without
We care
Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Waste ) Regulations
11.Waste generator 2005wastes
shall keep an inventory of scheduled
A waste generator shall keep accurate and up-to-date inventory in accordance
with the Fifth Schedule of the categories and quantities of scheduled wastes
being generated.
We care
Environmental Quality (Scheduled
13. Scheduled)wastes
Regulations 2005
transported outside waste generator’s premises to be
accompanied by information.
(1) Every waste generator shall provide information in accordance with the
Seventh Schedule in respect of each category of scheduled wastes to be delivered
to the contractor and shall give the Schedule to the contractor upon delivery
of the waste to him.
(2) The waste generator shall inform the contractor of the purpose and use
of the Seventh Schedule.
(3) The contractor shall carry with him the Seventh Schedule for each category
of scheduled wastes being transported and shall observe and comply with the
instructions contained there in.
We care
Environmental Quality Act (Scheduled
Waste ) Regulations 2005
(4) The contractor shall, in the selection of transportation routes, as far as
possible avoid densely populated areas, water catchments area and other
environmentally sensitive areas.
(5) The contractor shall ensure that all his employees that are involved in
the handling, transportation and storage of scheduled wastes attend training
(6) The contractor shall ensure that during the training program each
employee is well informed of the purpose and use of the Seventh Schedule.
We care
Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Waste ) Regulations
14.Spill or accidental discharge 2005
(1) In the event of any spill or accidental discharge of any scheduled
wastes, the contractor responsible for the waste shall immediately inform the Director
General of the occurrence.
(2) The contractor shall do everything that is practicable to contain, cleanse or abate the
spill or accidental discharge and to recover substances involved in the spill or accidental
(3) The waste generator shall provide technical expertise and supporting assistance in any
clean-up operation referred to in sub-regulation (2).
(4) The contractor shall undertake studies to determine the impact of the spillage or
accidental discharge on the environment over a period of time to be determined by the
Director General.
We care
Environmental Quality (Scheduled
Waste ) Regulations 2005
15.Conduct of training
Every waste generator shall ensure that all his employees involved in the
identification, handling, labeling, transportation, storage and spillage or discharge response of
scheduled wastes attend training programs.
16.Compounding of offences
(1) Every offence which consists of any omission or neglect to comply
with, or any act done or attempted to be done contrary to these Regulations may be
compounded under section 45 of the Act. ( RM 2000 maximum)
(2) The compounding of offences referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be
in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Environmental Quality
(Compounding of Offences) Rules 1978 [P.U. (A) 281/1978].
The Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes)
Regulations 1989 [P.U. (A) 139/1989] is revoked.
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