Lab Report 15-134
Lab Report 15-134
Lab Report 15-134
Propur Water Purification Systems
Report #16-326
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Bordentown, New Jersey 08505
PHONE 856-583-0445
EPA ID # NJ01298 NJ DEP ID # 03048
Drinking Water Contaminant Tested Influent Water Filter Element ProOne G2.0 Effluent %
Concentration in g/L Concentration in g/L Reduction
Volatile Organic Contaminants in g/L
Dichlorodifluoromethane 80.5 <0.1 99.9+
Chloromethane 80.2 <0.1 99.9+
Vinylchloride 80.3 1.0 98.8
Bromomethane 80.5 0.2 99.8
Chloroethane 80.2 1.9 97.6
Trichlorofluoromethane 81.1 3.49 95.7
1,1-Dichloroethene 83.0 0.3 99.6
Methylene Chloride 81.2 1.7 97.9
trans-1,2-Dichloroehene 81.5 <0.1 99.9+
MTBE 81.5 3.0 96.3
1,1-Dichlorethane 82.2 <0.1 99.9+
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 170.1 <0.1 99.9+
2,2-Dichloropropane 81.1 <0.1 99.9+
Bromochloromethane 80.0 <0.1 99.9+
Chloroform 80.1 1.4 98.3
Carbon Tetrachloride 81.0 <0.1 99.9+
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 81.2 <0.1 99.9+
1,1-Dichloropropene 81.2 <0.1 99.9+
Benzene 81.4 <0.1 99.9+
1,2-Dichloroethane 80.4 0.2 99.8
Trichloroethene 180.3 0.2 99.9
Dibromomethane 80.1 0.5 99.4
1,2-Dichloropropane 80.3 0.8 99.0
Bromodichloromethane 80.2 1.1 98.6
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50.2 0.2 99.6
Toluene 80.2 0.2 99.8
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 81.0 <0.1 99.9+
Tetrachloroethene 80.1 <0.1 99.9+
1,1,2-Trichloroethane 150.3 <0.1 99.9+
Chlorodibromomethane 80.4 <0.1 99.9+
1,3-Dichloropropane 79.1 0.4 99.5
Ethylbenzene 82.0 0.7 99.1
Chlorobenzene 79.5 <0.1 99.9+
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 79.8 <0.1 99.9+
m-Xylene 70.1 <0.1 99.9+
o-Xylene 70.1 <0.1 99.9+
Styrene 80.0 <0.1 99.9+
Bromoform 80.2 0.8 99.0
Isopropylbenzene 80.3 <0.1 99.9+
n-Propylbenzene 80.2 <0.1 99.9+
Bromobenzene 80.0 <0.1 99.9+
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 81.0 <0.1 99.9+
1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 80.1 <0.1 99.9+
2-Chlorotoluene 80.2 0.4 99.5
1,2,3-Trichloropropane 80.2 0.3 99.6
4-Chlorotoluene 80.2 0.4 99.5
tert-Butylbenzene 80.2 <0.1 99.9+
1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 80.5 <0.1 99.9+
sec-Butylbenzene 80.3 <0.1 99.9+
4-Isopropyltoluene 80.2 0.2 99.8
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 80.1 <0.1 99.9+
Report #16-326
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Bordentown, New Jersey 08505
PHONE 856-583-0445
EPA ID # NJ01298 NJ DEP ID # 03048
Drinking Water Contaminant Tested Influent Water Filter Element ProOne G2.0 Effluent %
Concentration in g/L Concentration in g/L Reduction
Volatile Organic Contaminants in g/L
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 40.3 <0.1 99.9+
n-Butylbenzene 80.2 <0.1 99.9+
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 80.3 <0.1 99.9+
Hexachlorobutadiene 44.0 0.2 99.5
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 160.2 <0.1 99.9+
Naphthalene 80.4 0.9 98.9
1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 80.1 0.5 99.4
Total Trihalomethanes Contaminants in g/L
Chloroform 80.1 1.4 98.3
Bromodichloromethane 80.2 1.1 98.6
Chlorodibromomethane 80.4 <0.1 99.9+
Bromoform 80.2 0.8 99.0
Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs) 320.9 3.3 99.0
Heavy Metal Contaminants in g/L
Aluminum 220 4.3 98.0
Antimony 6.2 <0.5 99.9+
Arsenic (+3 and +5) 310 2.7 99.7
Beryllium 50.3 <0.5 99.9+
Bismuth 50.1 1.2 97.6
Cadmium 30.2 <0.5 99.9+
Chromium (+3 and +6) 302 3.9 98.7
Copper 3050 310 89.8
Iron 3030 31 99.0
Lead 152 <0.5 99.9+
Manganese 1020 2.9 99.7
Mercury 6.1 <0.1 99.9+
Nickel 102 0.7 99.3
Selenium 106 < 99.9+
Vanadium 102 <1 99.9+
Zinc 102 <1 99.9+
Pesticide Contaminants in g/L
4,4-DDD 50.2 <0.1 99.9+
4,4-DDE 50.3 <0.1 99.9+
4,4-DDT 50.4 <0.1 99.9+
Alachlor 40.4 0.2 99.5
Aldrin 50.2 <0.1 99.9+
Alpha-BHC 49.8 <0.1 99.9+
Ametryn 50.0 <0.1 99.9+
Atraton 51.2 <0.1 99.9+
Atrazine 9.9 <0.1 99.9+
Beta-BHC 49.9 <0.1 99.9+
Bromacil 51.2 <0.1 99.9+
Carbofuran 80.2 <0.1 99.9+
Chlordane 40.2 0.2 99.5
Chlorneb 51.0 0.3 99.4
Chlorobenzilate 49.9 0.3 99.4
Chlorothalonil 50.2 0.2 99.6
Chlorprophane 51.2 0.2 99.6
Chlorpyrifos 51.3 0.2 99.6
Cyanizene 51.1 0.3 99.4
Delta-BHC 50.9 0.4 99.2
Dichlorvos 50.2 0.3 99.4
Dieldrin 50.9 0.5 99.0
Diphenamid 51.2 0.8 98.4
Disulfoton 50.4 0.9 98.2
Endosulfan Sulfate 51.0 0.5 99.0
Endrin 6.1 0.8 86.9
Endrin Aldehide 51.5 0.7 98.6
Report #16-326
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Bordentown, New Jersey 08505
PHONE 856-583-0445
EPA ID # NJ01298 NJ DEP ID # 03048
Drinking Water Contaminant Tested Influent Water Filter Element ProOne G2.0 Effluent %
Concentration in g/L Concentration in g/L Reduction
Pesticide Contaminants in g/L
Endrin Ketone 51.0 0.6 98.8
Endusulfan I 49.8 0.4 99.2
Endusulfan II 50.3 0.8 98.4
Ethoprop 50.4 0.9 98.2
Fenamiphos 51.2 0.6 98.8
Fenarimol 50.4 0.9 98.2
Fluoridone 51.4 0.3 99.4
Gamma-BHC (Lindane) 2.1 <0.1 99.9+
Glyphosate 798 0.2 100.0
Heptachlor 80.0 0.6 99.3
Heptachlor Epoxide 4.0 0.6 85.0
Methoxychlor 122 0.8 99.3
Molinate 50.4 0.6 98.8
PCBs 10.4 0.7 93.3
Prometron 50.1 0.2 99.6
Simazine 12.0 0.1 99.2
Toxaphene 15.3 0.1 99.3
Semivolatile Contaminants in g/L
Acenaphthylene 50.2 1.0 98.0
Anthracene 50.2 1.1 97.8
Benz[a]anthracene 51.8 1.1 97.9
Benzo[b]fluoranthene 50.4 1.2 97.6
Benzo[k]fluoranthene 50.4 1.3 97.4
Benzo[a]pyrene 51.9 1.2 97.7
Benzo[g,h,i]perylene 50.2 1 98.0
Butylbenzylphthalate 50.4 1.2 97.6
Carboxin 50.5 1.1 97.8
2-Chlorobiphenyl 50.4 1.2 97.6
Chrysene 50.5 1.3 97.4
Cycloate 49.8 0.5 99.0
Dacthal (DCPA) 49.6 0.5 99.0
Diazinon 50.2 0.6 98.8
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 50.3 0.8 98.4
Di-n-Butylphthalate 51.4 0.9 98.2
2,3-Dichlorobiphenyl 52.3 0.9 98.3
Diethylphthalate 50.2 0.9 98.2
Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 51.2 0.2 99.6
Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 50.3 0.8 98.4
Dimethylphthalate 51.8 0.2 99.6
EPTC 52.3 0.8 98.5
Fluorene 51.2 0.9 98.2
2,2', 3,3', 4,4', 6-Heptachlorobiphenyl 50.0 0.8 98.4
Hexachlorobenzene 49.9 0.9 98.2
2,2', 4,4', 5,6'-Hexachlorobiphenyl 51.2 0.6 98.8
Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha 50.0 0.9 98.2
Hexachlorocyclohexane, beta 50.2 0.9 98.2
Hexachlorocyclohexane, delta 50.4 0.9 98.2
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 51.9 0.9 98.3
Hexazinone 51.4 0.2 99.6
Indeno[1,2,3,c,d]pyrene 50.1 0.8 98.4
Isophorone 50.0 0.2 99.6
Merphos 50.5 0.2 99.6
Methyl Paraoxon 50.8 0.2 99.6
Norflurazon 50.4 0.2 99.6
2,2', 3,3', 4,5', 6,6'-Octachlorobiphenyl 51.2 0.2 99.6
Pebulate 50.8 0.2 99.6
2,2', 3', 4,6'-Pentachlorobiphenyl 49.2 0.5 99.0
Pentachlorophenol 51.2 0.5 99.0
Phenanthrene 50.1 0.5 99.0
Report #16-326
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Bordentown, New Jersey 08505
PHONE 856-583-0445
EPA ID # NJ01298 NJ DEP ID # 03048
Drinking Water Contaminant Tested Influent Water Filter Element ProOne G2.0 Effluent %
Concentration in g/L Concentration in g/L Reduction
Semivolatile Contaminants in g/L
cis-Permethrin 50.2 0.2 99.6
trans-Permethrin 49.0 0.5 99.0
Prometon 51.0 0.5 99.0
Prometryn 51.0 0.2 99.6
Pronamide 49.0 0.3 99.4
Propachlor 50.0 0.3 99.4
Propazine 50.9 0.6 98.8
Triademefon 49.2 0.9 98.2
2,4,5-Trichlorobiphenyl 49.0 0.2 99.6
Tricyclazole 49.4 0.5 99.0
Trifluralin 50.5 0.2 99.6
Vernolate 50.2 0.3 99.4
Disinfectant and Inorganic Non-Metallic Contaminants in mg/L
Chloramines 3.1 <0.1 99.9+
Free Chlorine 2.1 <0.1 99.9+
Chloride 250 <0.1 99.9+
Perchlorate 0.100 <0.004 99.9+
Cyanide 50 <0.1 99.9+
Sodium Fluoride 8.0 0.2 97.5
Hexafluorosilicate 8.3 0.4 94.0
Fluorosilic Acid 8.1 0.3 96.3
Nitrates 27.2 0.5 98.2
Nitrites 2.9 <0.1 99.9+
Turbidity 11.0 <0.5 99.9+
Herbicide Contaminants in g/L
Dalapon 152 0.1 99.9
Dicamba 150 0.5 99.7
Dinosep 20.2 0.9 95.5
Dichlorporp 150 0.8 99.5
2,4-D 210 0.7 99.7
Pentachlorophenol 10.2 0.8 92.2
Picoram 151 0.5 99.7
2,4,5-T 152 0.9 99.4
2,4,5-TP (Silvex) 151 0.8 99.5
2,4-DB 150 1.2 99.2
Bentazom 149 0.9 99.4
DCPA 149 1.3 99.1
Quinclorac 151 0.9 99.4
Aciflurfen 149 0.7 99.5
Pharmaceutical Drugs Contaminants in g/L
Acetaminofen 20.2 0.8 96.0
Caffeine 19.8 0.9 95.5
Carbamazepine 20.3 0.8 96.1
Ciprofloxacin HCl 20.4 0.9 95.6
Erythromycin USP 20.5 0.7 96.6
Sulfamethoxazole 20.6 0.5 97.6
Trimethoprim 21.0 0.4 98.1
Bisphenol A 20.9 0.9 95.7
Diclofenac Sodium 19.6 0.9 95.4
4-para-Nonylphenol 20.0 0.6 97.0
4-tert-Octylphenol 20.4 0.8 96.1
Primidone 20.9 0.9 95.7
Progestrone 20.5 1.1 94.6
Gemfibrozil 20.4 1.2 94.1
Ibuprofen 20.3 0.9 95.6
Naproxen Sodium 20.2 0.9 95.5
Triclosan 20.9 1.1 94.7
Report #16-326
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Bordentown, New Jersey 08505
PHONE 856-583-0445
EPA ID # NJ01298 NJ DEP ID # 03048
Drinking Water Contaminant Tested Influent Water Filter Element ProOne G2.0 Effluent %
Concentration in g/L Concentration in g/L Reduction
Microbilogical Contaminants in Colonies Forming Units/100mL (CFU/mL)
Total coliform 1000 CFU/100mL 1 CFU/100mL 99.9
Eschericia coli 500 CFU/100mL 0 CFU/100mL 100
Fecal Coliform 500 CFU/100mL 0 CFU/100mL 100
Cryptosporidium 50,000 oocysts/L <10 oocysts/L 99.95+
Radiological Contaminants (pCi/L)
Gross Alpha:
Americum 241
Plutonium 236
Uranium 238 35.50 pCi/L 6.53 pCi/L 81.6%
Thorium 232
Radium 226 and 228
Polonium 210
Gross Beta:
Cobalt 60
Strontium 70 24.91 pCi/L 3.95 pCi/L 84.1%
Technetium 99
Iodine 129 and 131
Cesium 137
Fluorinated Organic Acids in g/L
Perfluorobutane Sulfonate (PFBS) 1.0 <0.002 99.9+
Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) 1.0 <0.002 99.9+
Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) 1.0 <0.002 99.9+
Perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) 1.0 <0.002 99.9+
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) (C8) 1.0 <0.002 99.9+
Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) 1.0 <0.002 99.9+
Perfluorohexane Sulfonate (PFSxS) 1.0 <0.002 99.9+
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 1.0 <0.002 99.9+
Fluorotelomer alcohol 8:2 (PTOH) 1.0 <0.002 99.9+
Copepods (Parasite) Contaminants
Tigriopus californicus 104/L 0 99.999+
Tisbe biminiensis 104/L 0 99.999+
Apocyclops panamensis 104/L 0 99.999+
Blue-Green Algae (Parasite) Contaminants
Microspora amoena (green algae) 104/L 0 99.999+
Anabaena (blue-green algae) 104/L 0 99.999+
Eucapsis (blue-green algae) 104/L 0 99.999+
Fischerella (blue-green algae) 104/L 0 99.999+
Spirulina (blue-green algae) 104/L 0 99.999+
Merismopedia (blue-green algae) 104/L 0 99.999+
Tolypothrix (blue-green algae) 104/L 0 99.999+
Report #16-326
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Bordentown, New Jersey 08505
PHONE 856-583-0445
EPA ID # NJ01298 NJ DEP ID # 03048
I certify in writing that all analyses, and reporting performed herein, comply with all requirements set forth in
N.J.A.C. 7:9E and N.J.A.C. 7:18, and hereby certify that this laboratory is in compliance with all laboratory
certification and quality control procedures and requirements as set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:18; the NYCRR Subpart
55-2 and the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) Institute Standards.
Disclaimer: The test results are only related to the filter sample tested.
Jaime Young
Jaime Young
Lab Director
The reduction of contaminants or other substances that may be present in your water supply may vary depending on its content. The
contaminants or other substances reduced are not necessarily present in all users water. Some contaminants may be more easily filtered
than others. Percentage of reduction will vary over the life of the filter based on the level of contaminant(s) found in your water supply,
user rate and psi of your water source. Testing was performed under standard laboratory conditions. Actual performance may vary. Do not
use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown water quality with adequate disinfection.
Report #16-326
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