MAPA ChemicalChart FluoTech 344 Us-En
MAPA ChemicalChart FluoTech 344 Us-En
MAPA ChemicalChart FluoTech 344 Us-En
FluoTech 344
Permeation Degradation
Chemical Product CAS # time Standard Rating
level level
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 99% 71-55-6 480 6 ASTM F739 NT
1,2 - dichloroethane 99% 107-06-2 289 5 ASTM F739 4 ++
2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol 99% 75-89-8 480 6 ASTM F739 NT
Acetic acid 99% 64-19-7 399 5 EN 16523-1:2015 4 ++
Protection rating is determined by taking into account the effects of both permeation and degradation in an attempt to
provide users with an overall protection guideline when using our glove products against specific chemicals.
Used for high chemical exposure or chemical immersion, limited to breakthrough time based on a working day.
Used for repeated chemical contact, limited to total chemical exposure i.e. : accumulative breakthrough time based on a
working day.
Splash protection only, on chemical exposure the gloves should be discarded and new gloves worn as soon as possible.
Not recommended, these gloves are deemed unsuitable for work with this chemical.
NT : Not tested
NA : Not applicable because not fully tested (only degradation OR permeation results)
The chemical test data and overall chemical protection rating should not be used as the absolute basis for glove selection. Actual in-use conditions may
vary glove performance from the controlled conditions of laboratory tests. Factors other than chemical contact time
Mapa Professionnel
Défense Ouest - 420, rue d'Estienne d'Orves - 92705 Colombes Cedex - France
Tel: (33) 1 49 64 22 00 - Fax: (33) 1 49 64 24 29
Document generated on 2020-07-15 - Page 1/3
Mapa Chemical
FluoTech 344
Permeation Degradation
Chemical Product CAS # time Standard Rating
level level
Methanol 85% 67-56-1 NT NT 4
Methanol 99% 67-56-1 140 4 ASTM F739 4 ++
Methyl Acrylate 99% 96-33-3 19 1 ASTM F739 NT
Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone)
78-93-3 13 1 ASTM F739 1 -
n-Heptane 99% 142-82-5 480 6 ASTM F739 4 ++
Protection rating is determined by taking into account the effects of both permeation and degradation in an attempt to
provide users with an overall protection guideline when using our glove products against specific chemicals.
Used for high chemical exposure or chemical immersion, limited to breakthrough time based on a working day.
Used for repeated chemical contact, limited to total chemical exposure i.e. : accumulative breakthrough time based on a
working day.
Splash protection only, on chemical exposure the gloves should be discarded and new gloves worn as soon as possible.
Not recommended, these gloves are deemed unsuitable for work with this chemical.
NT : Not tested
NA : Not applicable because not fully tested (only degradation OR permeation results)
The chemical test data and overall chemical protection rating should not be used as the absolute basis for glove selection. Actual in-use conditions may
vary glove performance from the controlled conditions of laboratory tests. Factors other than chemical contact time
Mapa Professionnel
Défense Ouest - 420, rue d'Estienne d'Orves - 92705 Colombes Cedex - France
Tel: (33) 1 49 64 22 00 - Fax: (33) 1 49 64 24 29
Document generated on 2020-07-15 - Page 2/3
Mapa Chemical
FluoTech 344
Permeation Degradation
Chemical Product CAS # time Standard Rating
level level
Protection rating is determined by taking into account the effects of both permeation and degradation in an attempt to
provide users with an overall protection guideline when using our glove products against specific chemicals.
Used for high chemical exposure or chemical immersion, limited to breakthrough time based on a working day.
Used for repeated chemical contact, limited to total chemical exposure i.e. : accumulative breakthrough time based on a
working day.
Splash protection only, on chemical exposure the gloves should be discarded and new gloves worn as soon as possible.
Not recommended, these gloves are deemed unsuitable for work with this chemical.
NT : Not tested
NA : Not applicable because not fully tested (only degradation OR permeation results)
The chemical test data and overall chemical protection rating should not be used as the absolute basis for glove selection. Actual in-use conditions may
vary glove performance from the controlled conditions of laboratory tests. Factors other than chemical contact time
Mapa Professionnel
Défense Ouest - 420, rue d'Estienne d'Orves - 92705 Colombes Cedex - France
Tel: (33) 1 49 64 22 00 - Fax: (33) 1 49 64 24 29
Document generated on 2020-07-15 - Page 3/3
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