Rule 8. Fire Safety Enforcers Chapter 1. Qualifications of Fire Safety Enforcers Division 1. Minimum Requirements
Rule 8. Fire Safety Enforcers Chapter 1. Qualifications of Fire Safety Enforcers Division 1. Minimum Requirements
Rule 8. Fire Safety Enforcers Chapter 1. Qualifications of Fire Safety Enforcers Division 1. Minimum Requirements
B. Shall have undergone at least forty (40) hours of relevant training on the
Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008 and other relevant fire safety
The following shall be the main duties and responsibilities of Fire Safety
C. Testify in any judicial and quasi-judicial bodies regarding matters relating
to the Fire Code of the Philippines and this IRR, and/or the performance of
his/her duties related thereto, when needed;
The following shall be the main duties and responsibilities of Plan Evaluators:
B. The Plan Evaluator shall undertake the necessary evaluation and review of
the plans indicating whether or not such plans conform to the fire safety
and life safety requirements of the Fire Code of the Philippines and this IRR.
For this purpose, a Fire Safety Checklist (FSC) shall be used to facilitate
checking of the building plan. The evaluated plans and the
corresponding FSC shall then be submitted to the Chief, Fire Safety
Enforcement Section (FSES).
C. The Chief, FSES shall consolidate and review the findings of the Plan
Evaluator and shall submit, without delay, the evaluation report and/or
recommendations to the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction.
E. No building plan shall be evaluated without the submission of Fire and Life
Safety Assessment Report 1 (FALAR 1) in accordance with Division 3 of this
observed. He shall cause the correction of any defects/deficiencies
noted, when necessary.
1. The process starts with the endorsement by the Building Official (BO) of
the application for Occupancy Permit accompanied by a Certificate
of Completion. The Customer Relation Officer or designated staff shall
assess the Fire Code Fees and issue Order of Payment to be paid at
the Cashiers Office or the AGDB or AGSB of the BFP. After payment,
the owner shall submit a copy of the Official Receipt to the Customer
Relation Officer. The Customer Relation Officer shall then assign an
application control number on the endorsement/application and
prepare an Inspection Order.
3. The Chief, FSES will endorse the said Inspection Order including the
name of assigned FSI to the City/Municipal Fire Marshall having
jurisdiction for approval and signature. The Inspection Order will then
be given back to the Record Section for the assignment of a control
number and dispatch to assigned FSI.
4. The FSI shall conduct final inspection in the establishment applying for
Occupancy Permit then shall prepare an After Inspection Report (AIR)
using the Classified Standard Checklist.
6. The Chief, FSES will evaluate and recommend final action, which is
subject to the approval of the City/Municipal Fire Marshall having
7. No FSIC shall be issued without the submission of Fire and Life Safety
Assessment Report 2 (FALAR 2) in accordance with Division 3 of this
The City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction shall cause the conduct
of periodic fire safety inspection of any building, structure, facility or
premises for the purpose of determining compliance with the provisions of
the Fire Code and this IRR. For this purpose, Inspection Order shall be
issued by the City/Municipal Fire Marshal having jurisdiction. Before
leaving the place inspected, report shall be prepared. Such inspection
Order and After Inspection Report shall conform to the herein prescribed
format, prepared in three sets and distributed as indicated. Format of the
After Inspection Report shall follow the approved fire safety standard
inspection checklist.
D. No FSIC shall be issued without the submission of Fire and Life Safety
Assessment Report 3 (FALAR 3) in accordance with Division 3 of this Rule.
1. Objectives
c. Occupancy Classification;
i. Basis of design;
ii. Number of exits;
iii. Travel distances;
iv. Exit calculations (may be included in appendices); and
v. Timed-exit analysis (for equivalencies and variances);
iv. Equipment capacities and description
i. Description;
ii. Typical location of exit lights and emergency lighting systems;
iii. Design criteria; and
iv. Calculations (equivalencies and variances).
i. Description;
ii. Capacities; and
iii. Calculations (may be included in appendices)
l. Other issues not discussed above including elevator recall and use
of elevators for evacuation
3. Enforcing Authorities.
c. Occupant characterization- description of any changes from
FALAR 1. If none, a statement saying none.
(It consists of a written report prepared by the building owner, his fire
safety officer or his authorized representative. This is a compilation of the
maintenance and testing records kept by the buildings engineering and
maintenance departments. )
1. Objectives
c. Occupancy Classifications.
f. Fire Suppression
Upon compliance of the fire safety requirements under Rule 10 of this IRR, a
Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC) shall be issued by the BFP as a pre
requisite for the issuance of Business or Mayors Permit, Permit to Operate,
Occupancy Permit, PHILHEALTH Accreditation for Hospitals, DOH License to
Operate and other permits or licenses being issued by other government
Fire Safety Clearance shall be required for the storage, handling, installation
and transportation of hazardous materials, operations and processes as may
be prescribed in other provisions of this IRR.
All persons having fire insurance coverage on their properties and/or business
shall submit a certified true copy of all coverages currently in effect, including
subsequent and/or additional policies to the City/Municipal Fire Marshal
having jurisdiction not later than ten (10) days after receipt of the document
from any insurance company. Exempted from this requirement are owners of
detached, single- or two-family dwellings actually being used for residential
This Rule covers the Fire Safety Measure for Buildings, Structures and Facilities,
Hazardous Materials and Wastes, Hazardous Operations and Processes and
Miscellaneous Hazardous Premises and/or conditions, that by its very nature
or relation to life, property and environment poses threat or danger.
A. This Chapter deals with life safety from fire and like emergencies in
buildings, structures and facilities. It covers construction, protection and
occupancy features to minimize danger to life from fire, smoke, vapor
and fumes before buildings are vacated. It also discusses procedures and
guidelines in fire drills required for all types of occupancies to prevent
panic in times of emergencies. It specifies the number, size, and
arrangement of means of egress sufficient to permit prompt and safe
escape of occupants from buildings, or structures or facilities in case of
fire or other conditions dangerous to life and property.