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Equations of State For Technical Applications Span2000

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7 Generalised Equations of State

In the preceding section it was shown that state-of-the-art technical equations of

state with simultaneously optimised functional form are numerically very stable
and that they have surprising predictive capabilities. Such equations disprove
common teachings which say that empirical equations of state should only be used
in regions where they were fitted to a sufficiently dense set of accurate experimen-
tal data. However, even equations of state with simultaneously optimised func-
tional form are bound to fail when fitted either to extremely small data sets or to
small data sets with large inconsistencies. Thus, thermodynamic property models
with further restricted numerical flexibility and with increased predictive capabili-
ties are still needed to describe the broad variety of substances which is relevant
for instance for applications in the chemical or petrochemical industry! An im-
measurable multitude of models and equations of state has been developed either
to fulfil the corresponding technical demands, or, more often, to advance the sci-
entific search for the physically "true" description of the thermodynamic properties
of fluids.
For a brief overview, the generalised equations of state for pure substances
which are in use today may be subdivided into five groups:
Cubic equations of state are direct descendants of the famous van der Waals
equation of state, which was able to correctly describe the typical behaviour of
fluids for the very first time. Classical representatives of this group are the well
known equations of state by Redlich and Kwong (1949), Soave (1972), and
Peng and Robinson (1976). Information on at least some of these equations can
be found in textbooks on thermodynamics today, see, e.g., Baehr (1992) or
Reid et al. (1987). However, the work on cubic equations of state continues.
Examples for recent developments can be found in the articles by Trebble and
Bishnoi (1987), Schwarzentruber et al. (1989), Zhang et al. (1997), Ji and
Lempe (1997/1998), and Nagel and Bier (1998). In particular, the introduction
of "volume translations" has improved cubic equations of state with respect to
some of their traditional shortcomings, but it has also sacrificed their simplicity
in part.
Semiempiric equations of state have tried to improve the description of the
contribution of repulsive forces between molecules which are overly simplified
in cubic equations. In most cases, these forces were modelled by some kind of
hard sphere term. A well known example for this kind of equation of state is

I The need for generalised relations becomes even more pressing when considering mixtures, see
Chap. 8.

R. Span, Multiparameter Equations of State

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000
278 7 Generalised Equations of State

the fonnulation by Carnahan and Starling (1969). Recent work focuses on an

improved description of the effects of attractive forces as well. Articles like
those of Haar and Shenker (1971), Boublik (1975), Boublik and Nezbeda
(1977), and Kohler and Haar (1981) were fonnulated in a very theoretical way
- the corresponding equations of state were used mainly by members of a small
scientific community. Only the work of Deiters (1981a/b / 1982) resulted in a
certain acceptance of advanced semiempiric equations of state in technical
applications. A recent and promising development in the tradition of semiem-
piric equations of state is the "BACKONE family of equations of state': see
Saager et al. (1992), Saager and Fischer (1992), Muller et al. (1996), and
Calero et al. (1998).
Generalised empirical equations are based on an extended corresponding
states approach in general. The acentric factor w and / or similar parameters are
either used to interpolate between properties of reference fluids, see Lee and
Kessler (1975) and Pl6cker et al. (1978), or to calculate values of coefficients
nj(w, ... ), see Starling (1973), Yamada (1973), Brule et al. (1982), Platzer and
Maurer (1989), and Soave (1995).
Shape factor models are based on empirical equations for reference fluids and
corresponding states approaches as well. However, the fonnulations which de-
scribe similarity - the shape functions - are much more complex in these
models; yet no general temperature and density dependent fonnulation for
these functions has been found. The work on shape factor models was initiated
by Leach et al. (1968) and Fisher and Leland (1970) and was continued by the
group around Ely for a long time, see Ely (1990). Recent developments were
reported by Huber and Ely (1994) and Estela-Uribe and Trusler (1998).
Group contribution methods are common especially to describe phase equili-
bria of mixtures with complex compounds. However, more recently the use of
group contribution based cubic equations of state has become common besides
the well known excess-free-enthalpy (gE) models; for an overview see
Gmehling et al. (1993) and Gmehling (1995). For the first time, Tillner-Roth
(1998) discussed a group contribution concept which is based on accurate
multiparameter e~uations of state. However, a broad application of this concept
is yet not in sight.
Besides this multitude of generalised models for the calculation of thennodynamic
properties, a variety of articles have been published which assess the perfonnance

2 The numerical efforts which are caused by multiparameter equations of state are justified only
if the results are significantly more accurate than those from simple equations of state. This is
true for the use of multiparameter equations in group contribution approaches as well. Exten-
sive sets of accurate data or accurate equations of state are required for a broad variety of sub-
stances to identify group contributions for different characteristic groups with the required ac-
curacy - this necessary basis is lacking today. A significant extension of the group of de-
scribed pure substances, which is stil restricted to n-alkanes, is not to be expected until a suit-
able foundation has been set up by long lasting systematic efforts. However, at such time it
will be interesting to see whether the simplifications involved by group contribution ap-
proaches allow a sufficiently accurate description of thermodynamic properties. If the corre-
sponding problems can be solved, the long term potential of such approaches is tremendous
especially for the description of mixtures.
7.1 BACKONE Equations of State 279

of different approaches more or less systematically, see e.g. Toledo and Reich
(1988), Sharif and Groves (1990), Wong et al. (1990), Ye et al. (1992), Garipis
and Stamatoudis (1992), Karkaris et al. (1992), and Hemptinne and Ungerer
(1995). The results of these comparisons coincide perfectly with the author's ex-
periences - the uncertainties of generalised equations of state and thermodynamic
property models exceed the demands formulated for advanced technical equations
of state in Sect. 6.2 far, in most cases by more than one order of magnitude. Corre-
spondingly, comparisons to the data sets discussed in Chap. 6 result usually in
weighted variances ifwt ~ '" 30 -100.
Since this work focuses on accurate empirical equations of state, the intention of
this section is not to discuss all of the approaches mentioned above in detail; to do
so would require an additional volume. Instead of this, three approaches are de-
scribed which belong to the most accurate generalised models, which involve em-
pirical multiparameter equations, and which are regarded as promising starting
points for the development of more accurate 3 future models.

7.1 BACKONE Equations of State

The general set-up of BACKONE equations of state follows the set-up which was
given for equations of state with hard sphere terms in Eq. 3.35, with the only ex-
ception that the residual contribution a r* which describes the effect of attractive
intermolecular forces is subdivided even further for polar fluids. For nonpolar
fluids the SIMBACKONE equation of state can be written as

a(T,p) = aO(T,p)+ah(T,p)+aa(T,p) =aO(r,o)+ah(r,o)+aa(r,o), (7.1)

with r = To / T and 0 =p / Po, where To and Po are the corresponding parameters of
the hard sphere term. The repulsive term a h corresponds to the contribution of the
hard sphere term presented in Sect., see Eq. 3.37. The term aa describes the
attractive dispersion forces between nonpolar molecules.
The functional form used for aa was established by Muller et al. (1996) using
data for methane, oxygen, and ethane. Data for all three substances could be used
simultaneously due to a combination of a typical empirical multiparameter form
with 28 terms with the substance specific anisotropy parameter <p, which is used in
the hard sphere term as well. The resulting form reads

2: ct rn,'12 Om,' <pji + 2: ct r n,'12 Om,' <pji exp( _0

19 28
aa(r,o) = 1,') (7.2)
i=1 i=20

3 Based on recent knowledege, it is not to be expected that generalised equations of state can
strictly fulfil the demands which were given in Table 6.1, except for very simple substances.
When working on more accurate future models, it is useful to strive for formulations which
fulfil the corresponding demands for most states and which do not fail completely in regions
which are difficult to describe. Such equations would result in typical weighted variances of
c1wt = I, see also the discussion in Chap. 6.
280 7 Generalised Equations of State

and was established using the optimisation algorithm by Setzmann and Wagner
(1989). The required values for cf, jj, If, mf, and nt were given by MUller et al.
(1996) and do not depend on the considered substance. Thus, the use of aac'Z',O)
does not increase the number of substance specific parameters; just as in the hard
sphere terms the adjustable parameters are To, Po, and rp. To establish Eq. 7.2 ppT
data, linearlsed Maxwell data (see Sect. 4.3.2), enthalpies of evaporation, isochoric
heat capacities, and data for the second virial coefficient were used. Data for prop-
erties which result in nonlinear residua were avoided.
For polar substances, Eq. 7.1 is extended by an additional term which considers
the effects of the corresponding polar interactions. For dipolar substances the so
called DIBACKONE equation becomes


Both the functional form and the not substance dependent coefficients of the dipo-
lar contribution ad were determined by Saager and Fischer (1992) based on fits to
molecular simulation results by Saager et al. (1991). The functional form of ad

with the reduced dipole moment #*2 as the only substance specific parameter. For
the polar contribution Saager and Fischer (1992) replaced the inverse reduced
temperature 'Z' by i = 1.15 'Z'. More recently, MUller et al. (1996) used i = 1.13 'Z'
without changing the coefficients Cj of Eqs. 7.4 and 7.6; for the results presented in
Sect. 7.1.2 this change was adopted. The required values for kf, If, mf, and cf, nf
are given by Saager and Fischer (1992) or MUller et al. (1996). The use of non-
integer exponents mJ2 is unsatisfactory from a theoretical point of view. The
smallest uneven value of mj is mj 3 and thus in a Z,p-diagram the DIBACKONE
equation results in an infinite curvature of isotherms in the limit of vanishing
density and it cannot be evaluated for third or higher virial coefficients, see also
Sect. 4.4.1.
For quadrupolar fluids the so called QUABACKONE equation becomes


The functional form and the coefficients of the quadrupolar contribution a q were
determined by Saager and Fischer (1992) again, based on molecular dynamic
simulations published in the same article. The functional form of a q reads

a q ('Z',O) = 2:
C( in?/2 om? 12 (Q*2)
k q /4
i 2:
C( in?12 Om?/2 (Q*2)
k q /4
i exp(-02), (7.6)
i=7 i=1

with the reduced quadrupol moment Q*2 as the only substance specific parameter.
The required values for c,!, k'!, m,!, and n,! are given by Saager and Fischer (1992)
and MUller et al. (1996) again. The use of non-integer exponents mJ2 with a
7.1 BACKONE Equations of State 281

smallest uneven value of mi = 5 allows calculations of third but not of fourth and
higher virial coefficients and is still unsatisfactory from a theoretical point of view.
Calero et al. (1998) found that most of the H-FKW and H-FCKW refrigerants
which are either used or discussed today are not represented satisfactorily either by
Eq. 7.3 or by Eq. 7.5. Based on this observation the hypothesis was formulated,
that the interactions between the molecules of these substances are influenced both
by dipolar and quadrupolar moments. Since no explicit formulation for the consid-
eration of such mixed interactions is available yet, it was assumed that the ex-
tended formulation

yields a good approximation for these effects. This D+QBACKONE called five
parameter equation could be used to describe the properties of eight refrigerants
with some success.
BACKONE equations of state can be used like typical multiparameter equations
of state in terms of the reduced Helmholtz energy if the corresponding algorithms
are designed for the use of hard sphere terms, see Sect., and non-integer
density exponents. Based on the generalised coefficients cf, cr,
and C( and on the
substance specific parameters cp, #*2, and Q,*2 BACKONE equations can be re-
formulated as
Jpol Jpol+J"p
a(r,a)= aO(r,a)+ah(r,a)+ 2:Cj rtj adj + 2: cj rtj a dj exp(-a 1j ) (7.8)
j=l j=Jpol+l



respectively. Written in this form, BACKONE equations correspond to multi-

parameter equations of state with a hard sphere term and 28 polynomial and expo-
nential terms for nonpolar fluids, with 56 polynomial and exponential terms for
dipolar fluids, with 45 polynomial and exponential terms for quadrupolar fluids,
and with 73 polynomial and exponential terms for fluids where both polar contri-
butions have to be considered. Thus, BACKONE equations are in fact rather
complex equations of state, but they require only 3 to 5 substance specific parame-
ters. These parameters have been determined successfully by fitting equations just
to some vapour pressure and saturated liquid density data, see Muller et al. (1996).

7.1.1 Fitting BACKONE Equations of State to Data

Compared to multiparameter equations of state, a typical disadvantage of semi-

empiric and generalised equations of state is that the derivatives of a r (and of the
282 7 Generalised Equations of State

derivatives of a r required for the calculation of thennodynamic properties) with

respect to the adjustable parameters become nonlinear. This is true for BACKONE
equations of state as well. A systematic description of the methods which are used
to fit equations of state to data was given in Sects. 4.1 and 4.3. This section gives
just a simple example to illustrate the complications caused by the set-up of the
BACKONE equation. To deduce all the required residua and derivatives would go
beyond the scope of this section.
For a typical multiparameter equation of state the residuum of a ppT data point
was given as

~pPT =(P;Z~~T)- tni (;r (~~ )J, (7.9)

in Sect. 4.3.1, see also Eq. 4.45. With this residuum, the derivatives
(a~ppT/ anj)n"'#!j,~,{) which are required to detennine the coefficients ni become


if Aj corresponds to a polynomial tenn and

1 ( d. -y . p. UJi.p.)
= --
Pr J J J
U J 7: /.
J exp(-y. d p.)
J , (7.11)

if Aj corresponds to an exponential tenn; for the underlying functional fonn see

e.g. Eq. 3.25. These derivatives are completely decoupled, since they contain nei-
ther nj itself nor any other of the fitted coefficients nj, and can be used both in
linear and nonlinear fits. Starting values for the coefficients nj' which are required
in nonlinear fits, can be detennined in preceding linear fits.
When fitting parameters of BACKONE equations of state, Eq. 7.9 has to be re-
written as

whereby the polar contributions are optional, see above. Derivatives with respect
to reduced variables are avoided in Eq. 7.12. When fitting the reducing parameters
Po and To derivatives at constant T and p are not identical with derivatives at con-
stant d and'! and fits which are based on residua fonnulated in tenns of reduced
variables become numerically instable. With this residuum the derivatives with
respect to the adjustable parameters read
7.1 BACKONE Equations of State 283



( d~PPT
J = -[~+ 2q>+3+(2q>-3);].(d;J
1- ; (1 _ 1:)3 dp
~~ ~ ~~~

~ amt ji ( - P Jmt-I(TO
-L..Ci - -
)n~a q>'j-_I
i=1 Po Po T

_~ Cf1L[mf -It(LJ1tJ(LJmt-I(TO)nI q>j,-I exp[JLJ1iJ. (7.15)

i=20 Po Po Po T 1. Po

~ a mf (p
- L.. c" - -
Jmi -nf (TO)n~a_1
q> ,
i=1 I P Po 2T T

_~ cf mf _It (LJ1i J(LJmi . nt (To )2-

ni 1 q>ji exp[ _(LJ1i J
a a a

i=20 P P Po Po 2T T Po
284 7 Generalised Equations of State

17 q (
~ L
) m'(
2 1.1 3n i
q (
1.13 To
) n'( _I
i=7 2p Po 2T T

_ic,![m'( + I,! (L)l'l ](L)iq

i=1 2p P Po Po

_~ -c1 m1: (L)i

d d

+1 (1.13 To )n~ (fl*2) k!

i=11 4p Po T
7.1 BACKONE Equations of State 285


with (-ap
a~) =n- [a+(I-a)r-r ]-1 ,
T,To,Po Po

n = 0.1617, a = 0.689, and y = 0.3674. The derivatives of ~ppT' Eqs. 7.12-7.17,

are highly intercorrelated and cannot be used in linear fits. Starting values for the
adjustable parameters have to be estimated. The derivatives of residua for proper-
ties which involve higher derivatives of a with respect to p or T become corre-
spondingly more complex, see Sects. 4.3.2 and 4.3.3~
A comparison of Eqs. 7.9-7.11 with Eqs. 7.11-7.17 illustrates that the prob-
lems which have to be solved when fitting an equation of state to experimental
data depend mainly on the set-up of the equation and only in the second place on
the number of fitted parameters. The number of fitted parameters and intercorrela-
tions between these parameters become relevant only where fits to very small data
sets require a high degree of numerical stability, see Sects. 6.2.1 and

7.1.2 Some Results

To assess the quality of BACKONE equations of state, published equations were

compared with data sets described in Sects. 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 for four nonpolar fluids
and nine polar fluids. However, these comparisons may be considered as unfair to
a certain degree, since both Muller et al. (1996) and Calero et al. (1998)5 fitted

4 In Sects. 4.3.2 and 4.3.3, the corresponding residua are formulated based on derivatives of a
with respect to T and O. These derivatives can easily be transformed into derivatives with re-
spect to T and p using Eqs. 3.42 - 3.47.
5 Calero et al. (1998) fitted their equations only to four vapour pressure and saturated liquid
density data to demonstrate the predictive capabilities of BACKONE equations of state.
286 7 Generalised Equations of State

Nonpolar fluids Polar fluids

1087 I Sim. opt., 12 terms
I BACKONE, original
<1) 100 - o BACKONE, refitted
u d
I b d
c d
'r;;-a I d
'"0 10 r- - r- l- I- f- e -

a a
"Eh I
~ f- a a f- r- - r- I
I- - l- f-- r--


0. 1 1.. .I ,I
~ ~

~ 0
I .I

.I ~ N
.I ,I
"'"::s::s >< e;;:.o
~ ~. ~ t1 :0
U u~
Fitted substance
a) SIMBACKONE, MOller et al. (1996) c) DIBACKONE, MOller et al. (1996)
b) QUABACKO E, Milller et aI. (1996) d) D+QBACKONE, Calero et aI. (1998)

Fig. 7.1. Weighted variances which result from comparisons and fits of BACKONE equations to
data sets of 8 nonpolar and 9 polar fluids. Results of the simultaneously optimised equations pre-
sented in Sects. 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 are given for comparison.

their equations only to thermal properties while the data sets which were used for
comparison contained caloric properties as well. Thus, Span (1998b) refitted pub-
lished equations to the complete data sets with some success. For some of the
considered substances, the performance of the equations could be improved sig-
nificantly (e.g. for argon, oxygen, R134a, and RI52a), while no significant im-
provements could be achieved for other substances. Furthermore, BACKONE
equations were established for four more complex nonpolar fluids, namely for
propane, isobutane, n-butane, and cyclohexane. In terms of the weighted variance,
see Eq. 6.9, the results of these comparisons and fits are summarised in Fig. 7.1.
The considered data sets contained both thermal and caloric properties and were
weighted according to the demands summarised in Table 6.1. For information on
the correlations which were used to describe the ideal part of the reduced Helm-
holtz energy, a~ see Tables 6.3 and 6.5.
For methane and oxygen the SIMBACKONE equation yields very good results.
When using the weighted variance as a criterion, one has to conclude that the
equations even overfulfil the demands formulated for future generalised equations
of state, a:.t""
1 (see footnote 3), for these substances. However, this result is no
surprise since data sets for methane and oxygen were used when setting up the
rather complex functional form of a~ see Eq. 7.2.
7.1 BACKONE Equations of State 287

0.5 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

-0.5 L..----L.---L...LJ...J...JJL.1.L_.l...-.l-.I....J...L.ilLL..--L-L..L...L...LJ...J.J...I.-_-'-.L......J
0.01 0.03 0.1 0.3 1 3 10 30
Pressure p/MPa
o Boyes, 250 K (') Boyes, 350 K
a Ewing & Goodwin, 255 K v Ewing & Goodwin, 300 K
[] Estrada-Alexanders & Trusler, 110 K 121 Estrada-Alexanders & Trusler, 140 K
lSI Estrada-Alexanders & Trusler, 180 K <> Estrada-Alexanders & Trusler, 300 K
~ Estrada-Alexanders & Trusler, 450 K

Fig. 7.2. Percentage deviations 100,1.w/w == 100 (wexp- Weale)/Wexp between experimental data for
the speed of sound in argon by Ewing and Goodwin (1992), Boyes (1992), and Estrada-
Alexanders and Trusler (1995) and vaIues calculated from the SIMBACKONE equation by
Milller et aI. (1996).

Transferred to other simple substances like argon, the SIMBACKONE equation

still yields results of comparable accuracy. At gaseous and gas-like supercritical
states, both thermal and caloric properties are represented well within the de-
manded uncertainties. As an example, Fig. 7.2 shows deviations between highly
accurate experimental results for the speed of sound in argon and values calculated
from the corresponding SIMBACKONE equation by Muller et al. (1996); for
comparison see also Fig. 5.17. At liquid states, liquid-like supercritical states, and
in the extended critical region the observed uncertainties exceed the demands
formulated in Table 6.1, but for a generalised equation of state with just three

Pressure plMPa
[] Gilgen et aI., 90 K <> Gilgen et aI., 120 K 121 Gilgen et aI., 140 K
lSI Gilgen et aI., 180 K ~ Gilgen et aI., 340 K a Klimeck et aI., 235 K
v Klimeck et a!., 340 K <I Klimeck et a!., 400 K I> Klimeck et a!., 520 K

Fig. 7.3. Percentage deviations 100 /!,p / P == 100 (pexp- Peale) / Pexp between experimental results
for the density of argon by Gilgen et a!. (1997a) and Klimeck et al. (1998) and vaIues calculated
from the SIMBACKONE equation by Milller et aI. (1996).
288 7 Generalised Equations of State

2 ~ ~ ~

121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121121121121121
00 00 EB EB EB EB
axm lSI oEB r \il,.,lSI
. lSI ~lSI
~ 0 0
"'0 v

0 0
0 0 0 0E90 0 0

0.5 2 5 10 20 50
Pressure plMPa
[] Haynes, 90 K 121Haynes, 130 K
lSI Haynes, 240 K o Thomas & Harrison, 298 K
o Thomas & Harrison, 373 K 49 Thomas & Harrison, 523 K

Fig. 7.4. Percentage deviations 100!+.p I P = 100 (pexp- pcale) I pexp between experimental results
for the density of propane by Haynes (1983) and Thomas and Harrison (1982) and values calcu-
lated from the SIMBACKONE equation by Span (l998b).

adjustable parameters, the results are still surprisingly good. For a broad range of
states, the representation of highly accurate ppT data is illustrated in Fig. 7.3, see
also Figs. 5.4 and 6.22 for comparison.
However, when dealing with more complex nonpolar molecules, the perform-
ance of SIMBACKONE equations worsens drastically. As an example, Fig. 7.4
shows deviations between experimental results for the density of propane and
values calculated from the SIMBACKONE equation by Span (1998b). In the liq-
uid phase and at high temperatures the observed density deviations increase up to
l!.p I P "" 2 % and thus they exceed the demanded value by a whole order of
magnitude. For speeds of sound at liquid states deviations up to Awlw "" + 15 %
are to be observed for propane. For isobutane and n-butane the results become
significantly worse.
In the BACKONE family of equations of state, the anisotropy parameter cp,
which is contained in the formulations for a h and a~ is used to account for the
different shape or, more precisely, for the different elongation of molecules. From
the underlying theory, it was to be expected, that properties of fluids like cyclo-
hexane cannot be described accurately with this approach. But the fact that the
SIMBACKONE equation fails for simple alkanes as well indicates a major short-
coming. The relation for aa was fitted to data for methane, oxygen, and ethane,
thus to fluids which cover the range 1.00:S; cp :s; 1.21. The fits for propane and n-
butane resulted in values of cp "" 1.31 and cp "" 1.35, respectively. Most likely,
Eq. 7.2 does not account properly for such larger values of cpo Without sacrificing
the general set-up of BACKONE equations, improvements may be possible by a
reformulation of the equation for a~ Eq. 7.2, based on data for a broader set of
substances including substances with more pronounced elongation.
For weakly polar fluids, such as nitrogen and ethylene, the results found for
BACKONE equations are comparable to those found for simple nonpolar fluids,
but the obtained weighted variances already exceed the demanded value of ifwt "" 1
7.1 BACKONE Equations of State 289


~ 0

2 3 5 10
Pressure plMPa
0 Nowak et aI., 66K [!] Nowaketal., 90K 121 Nowak et aI., 110 K
lSI Nowak et aI., 150 K In Nowak et aI., 240 K 8 Nowak et aI., 320 K
0 Klimeck et aI., 240 K e Klimeck et aI., 310 K (J) Klimeck et aI., 520 K
Pieperbeck et aI., 273 K ~ Pieperbeck et aI., 323 K 6 Duschek et aI., 273 K
V Duschek et aI., 323 K
Fig. 7.5. Percentage deviations 100 D.p / p = 100 (pexp- peale) / pexp between experimental data for
the density of nitrogen by Nowak et al. (l997a), Klimeck et al. (1998), Pieperbeck et al. (1991),
and Duschek et al. (1988) and values calculated from the QUABACKONE equation by MUller et
al. (1996).

considerably. As an example, Fig. 7.5 shows deviations between highly accurate

experimental results for the density of nitrogen and values calculated from the
corresponding QUABACKONE equation by Muller et al. (1996); for comparison
see also Figs. 5.3 and 5.10. At low temperatures liquid densities are described
surprisingly well, but at higher temperatures the uncertainty of calculated densities
increases to IIp/p ~0.5%, exceeding the demands formulated for advanced
technical equations of state by a factor of 2.5. More severe shortcomings are to be
observed for ppT data at high density gaseous states, in the extended critical re-
gion, and at temperatures above 500 K and pressures above 30 MPa. However, the
representation of caloric properties satisfies the demands formulated in Table 6.1
in general; speeds of sound are represented with surprisingly high accuracy both at
liquid and supercritical states. Similar results were found for ethylene as well.
When considering substances with more pronounced polarity, the results of
BACKONE equations again become worse. In general, the obtained weighted
variances exceed the limit of ~t = 10. Figure 7.6 illustrates the representation of
ppT data for carbon dioxide by the QUABACKONE equation of state by Muller et
al. (1996); for comparison see Figs. 5.5, 5.11, and 6.41. Just as for propane, the
observed density deviations increase up to IIp / P '" 2 % and results for caloric
properties become even worse, especially at liquid states.
The D+QBACKONE concept introduced by Calero et al. (1998) improves the
representation of properties of the haloginated ethane derivatives, but it still does
not yield satisfactory results. Figure 7.7 shows deviations between experimental
results for the density of refrigerant R134a and corresponding values calculated
from the QUABACKONE equation and from the D+QBACKONE equation, both
published by Calero et al. (1998). The D+QBACKONE equation was refitted by
290 7 Generalised Equations of State

Pressure plMPa
CJ Duschek et aI., 220 K f2I Duschek et aI., 260 K lSIDuschek et aI., 340 K
t:. Gilgen et aI., 280 K v Gilgen et aI., 323 K o Brachthiiuser, 233 K
(') Brachthauser, 523 K <> Klimeck et aI., 300 K () Klimeck et ai., 430 K
Fig. 7.6. Percentage deviations 100 f>p / P = 100 (Pexp- Peale) 1pexp between experimental results
for the density of carbon dioxide by Duschek et al. (1990), Gi1gen et al. (1992), Brachthiiuser
(1993), and Klimeck et al. (2000) and values calculated from the corresponding
QUABACKONE equation by Miiller et al. (1996).


00 o
o o

OOOO~ D+QBACKONE, refitted
0 00008 v

v 0
%<><><> 0
3 5 10 20 30
Pressure plMPa
CJ Tillner-Roth & Baehr, 313 K G Tillner-Roth & Baehr, 423 K
<> Tillner-Roth & Baehr, 263 K () Tillner-Roth & Baehr, 363 K
t:. Dressner & Bier, 373 K v Dressner & Bier, 423 K
o Klomfar et aI., 236 K o Klomfar et ai., 298 K
Fig.7.7. Percentage deviations between experimental results for the density of R134a by Tillner-
Roth and Baehr (1992/1993), Dressner and Bier (1993) and Klomfar et al. (1993) and values
calculated from the corresponding QUABACKONE equation by Calero et al. (1998) and from
the refitted D+QBACKONE equation by Span (1998b).
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 291

Span (1998b). The five parameter D+QBACKONE equation is superior especially

with respect to the representation of properties at gaseous- and gas-like supercriti-
cal states. At these states, the accuracy of the formulation can be regarded as satis-
factory. But at the same time, the description of properties at liquid states becomes
worse. The largest observed deviations are still in an order of flp/ p "" 2 %. Both
equations fail to fulfil the demands formulated for advanced generalised equations
However, the shortcomings observed for the polar fluids do not necessarily
mean, that the correlations for the polar contributions to a, Eqs. 7.4 and 7.6, need
to be reformulated as well. For all of the haloginated ethanes the fits result in ani-
sotropy factors rp 2:: 1.38; the observed problems may be related to the assumed
erroneous behaviour of aa as well. The question, whether it is necessary to con-
sider dipole / quadrupole interactions as an additional independent contribution to
a, as it was discussed briefly by Calero et al. (1998), cannot be answered before
the problems regarding aa are overcome.
To sum up, the group of substances for which BACKONE equations satisfy the
demands formulated for advanced technical applications is still restricted to simple
non- and weakly polar substances without or with small anisotropy. However,
among the generalised equations of state which are available today, BACKONE
equations still yield the best description of the thermodynamic properties of fluids
with nonpolar and polar molecules with moderate anisotropy, such as the halogi-
nated ethane derivates discussed by Calero et al. (1998). Besides the actual advan-
tages and disadvantages of the published equations, the strongest point of the
BACKONE concept is its additive set-up which considers contributions from di-
and quadrupole interactions explicitly for the first time. This concept avoids inter-
correlations between the parameters rp, f-l*2, and Q*; as they are frequently encoun-
tered for multiparameter extended corresponding states approaches, to a large
extent and guarantees a high degree of numerical stability. Improvements with
regard to the shortcomings of BACKONE equations seem to be possible and dif-
ferent approaches may adapt their general set-up as well.

7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State

As already mentioned, empirical approaches for a generalised description of ther-

modynamic properties of fluids are usually based on more or less simple multi-
pararmeter equations of state which belong to the group of technical equations of
state, group 3 in Chap. 5. Even if the generalisation succeeds without loss of qual-
ity, the resulting models cannot yield better results than the corresponding sub-
stance specific equations of state. Thus, most of the available models cannot sat-
isfy the demands implied by advanced technical applications, since the underlying
substance specific equations do not satisfy them, see the comparisons shown in
Chap. 5. Based on this assessment, this section discusses just two generalised
models, which are based on sufficiently accurate multiparameter equations of state
and which therefore have the potential to match advanced demands.
292 7 Generalised Equations of State

7.2.1 The Approach by Platzer and Maurer

Based on the critical temperature, Te, the critical density, Pc, the acentric factor w,
and the "polar factor'; X~ Platzer and Maurer (1989) used a four parameter corre-
sponding states approach to generalise the coefficients of the equation of state
established by Bender (1970). Written in terms of reduced properties the Bender-
type equation of state reads
14 19
.-L=Z(T,O)= ,Ln;Tt' ad, + ,Ln;Tt, ad, exp(-02), (7.18)
pRT ;=1 ;=14

with T = Tc / T and a = p / Pc; for the corresponding exponents t; and d; see Platzer
and Maurer (1989). Based on this general form the coefficients were rewritten as

nI = g4 . + gl . W + g2 . X + g * g3 . W X + g5 . X2 .
,I ,l ,I ,I ,I

In this way, the 19 coefficients n; of the Bender-type equation of state are ex-
pressed in terms of a system of simple correlations, which involve a total of 95
coefficients gj,;' The 19 coefficients g4,; correspond to the coefficients n; of a hypo-
thetical simple fluid with w =X = 0, while the other gj,i describe the deviating be-
haviour of real fluids. The parameter g* was chosen to be equal to 1 in general and
equal to 10 for perfluorinated (completely fluorinated) substances. The values of
the 95 coefficients gj,; were determined by a simultaneous fit to ppT data and line-
arised Maxwell data (see Sect. 4.3.2) for 26 nonpolar and polar fluids. Since this
fit involved only linear data and since the acentric and polar factors were treated as
substance specific constants and not as adjustable parameters, the gj,; could be
determined in a linear fit without starting values and with an unequivocal solution.
For the resulting gj,i see Platzer and Maurer (1989).
When used in the way described above, the approach of Platzer and Maurer
(1989) is completely predictive, since the coefficients of Bender-type equations
can be determined based only on values of the acentric factor wand the polar
factor X - no fits are involved in the application of Eqs. 7.18 and 7.19 to pure
fluids. The necessary values for w (see Chap. 6, footnote 3) and X (see footnote 6)
can be calculated from accurate vapour pressure equations which are available for
a broad variety of substances today, see e.g. Reid et al. (1987). Besides wand X,
only Te and Pc are required to reduce the temperature and the density:

6 The polar factor was originally introduced by Halm and Stiel (1967) and describes reduced
vapour pressures just like the acentric factor OJ, see footnote 3 in Chap. 6. The polar factor is
defined as X = log(Ps(O.6 Tc) / pc) + 1.7 OJ + 1.552.
7 This completely predictive set-up differs clearly from the other models discussed in this chap-
ter which involve three to five adjustable parameters. However, this set-up relies on accurate
values for the critical temperature and density which are available only for substances with
reasonably extensive data sets (see also Sect. For these substances, three to five ad-
justable parameters can be determined as well, at least if the used model is numerically suffi-
ciently stable.
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 293

Nonpolar flu ids Polar fluids

1000 1465 I
I o All properties 0 ppT-data
u 100
.~ I
> I
'0 10 f-+-
~ I
~ I
~ j
0. 1 I

Considered substance
Fig. 7.8. Weighted variances which result from comparisons of data sets for 13 nonpolar and 14
polar fluids with values calculated from the model of Platzer and Maurer (1989). Some Results

To assess the performance of the approach of Platzer and Maurer (1989) results
calculated from the generalised Bender-type equation defined by Eqs. 7.18 and
7.19 were compared with the data sets described in Sects. 6.2.2 and 6.2.3. The
experimental data were again weighted with the demanded uncertainties summa-
rised in Table 6.1. Equation 7.18 was used in an integrated form as formulation for
the residual part of the reduced Helmholtz energy, a~ see Sect. 3.1.2.l. The re-
quired formulations for the ideal part of the reduced Helmholtz energy, a? were
established based on the correlations for the isobaric heat capacity which were
cited in Tables 6.3 and 6.5, respectively. Figure 7.8 shows the weighted variances
which result from these comparisons. The comparisons to "all properties" include
available data for all kinds of thermal and caloric properties, while comparisons to
"ppT data" involve only the data sets which are available for the ppT relation of
the corresponding substance.
From Fig. 7.8 it becomes obvious at once, that the model by Platzer and Maurer
(1989) is not able to satisfy the formulated demands on the accuracy of calculated
data, see footnote 3. The weighted variances resulting from comparisons to "all
properties" exceed ifwt = 10 for all substances, and the variances which result from
comparisons to "ppT data" do so for most substances. On average, the results are
worse than those obtained with BACKONE equations of state, see Fig. 7.1, but the
model by Platzer and Maurer can be used for a broader group of substances. To
294 7 Generalised Equations of State



<> 121


2 3 5 10 20 30
Pressure p / MPa
o Gilgen et aI., 90 K <> Gilgen et aI., 120 K 121 Gilgen et aI., 140 K
lSI Gilgen et aI., 180 K ~ Gilgen et al., 340 K I:; Klimeck et aI., 235 K
v Klimeck et aI., 340 K <I Klimeck et aI., 400 K I> Klimeck et aI., 520 K
Fig. 7.9. Percentage deviations 100 f'J / P = 100 (Pexp- peale) / pexp between experimental results
for the density of argon by Gilgen et al. (1997a) and Klimeck et al. (1998) and values calculated
from Eq. 7.18 with coefficients according to Eq. 7.19.

.3- IZI
~ i ~ ~ISI~ISI o 0 ~
~ 0 o 0
0 121 121

1 2 3 5 10 20 30
Pressure plMPa
o Duschek et aI., 220 K 121 Duschek et aI., 260 K lSIDuschek et aI., 340 K
Gilgen et aI., 280 K
I:; v Gilgen et aI., 323 K o Brachthauser, 233 K
o Brachthauser, 523 K <> Klimeck et aI., 300 K <> Klimeck et aI., 430 K
Fig. 7.10. Percentage deviations 100 f'J I P = 100 (pexp- Peale) / Pexp between experimental results
for the density of carbon dioxide by Duschek et al. (1990), Gilgen et al. (1992), Brachthauser
(1993), and Klimeck et al. (2000) and values calculated from Eq. 7.18 with coefficients accord-
ing to Eq. 7.19.

illustrate the accuracy of the most sophisticated generalised multiparameter equa-

tions of state and to explain the foundation of the approach described in the next
section, these results will be discussed in some more detail.
Figure 7.9 shows deviations between highly accurate experimental ppT data for
argon and values calculated from Eq. 7.18; for comparison see Figs. 5.4, 6.22, and
7.3. The experimental data are mostly represented within flp/p::; 1 %. Signifi-
cantly enlarged deviations are to be observed for gaseous states when approaching
the phase boundary and for supercritical states in the range of medium densities.
For the highest considered temperature, T =520 K, the deviations at high pres-
sures increase as well.
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 295


Pressure p /MPa
"" Muringer et aI., 223 K v Muringer et aI., 273 K [> Muringer et aI., 298 K
o Susnar et aI., 294 K + Nichols et aI., 344 K x Nichols et aI., 444 K
Fig. 7.11. Percentage deviations 100 /P = 100 (pexp- Peale) I pexp between experimental data for
the density of n-heptane measured by Muringer et al. (1985), Susnar et al. (1992), and Nichols et
al. (1955) and values calculated from Eq. 7.18 with coefficients according to Eq. 7.19.

For less simple substances, larger deviations are to be observed, but the general
tendencies remain the same. The deviations between selected ppT data for carbon
dioxide and values calculated from Eq. 7.18 remain within f)p / P ::; 2 % in most
cases, see Fig. 7.10. Enlarged deviations occur in the extended critical region, at
supercritical temperatures for states in the range of medium densities, and for the
highest considered temperatures. The same set of data was used for comparisons in
Figs. 5.5, 5.11, and 6.41.
For higher alkanes, experimental data are available almost only in the liquid
phase. Figure 7.11 shows deviations between accurate ppT data in the liquid phase
of n-heptane and values calculated from Eq. 7.18; for comparison see Fig. 6.21.
The observed deviations exceed f)p / P '" 2 % slightly, especially at low tempera-
tures. At low temperatures, the deviations are almost independent of pressure, but
at T =444 K (T / Tc '" 0.82) the pressure dependency becomes relevant. Based on
comparisons with the available experimental data, the general tendencies again
seem to be the same as described above. Thus, densities calculated from the model
of Platzer and Maurer (1989) can be assumed to be accurate to f)p / P ::; 2 % in
general, but enlarged uncertainties are to be assumed in the regions described
Typical uncertainties for thermal properties on the vapour-liquid phase bound-
ary are of the same order as those for ppT data. For isobutane, Fig. 7.12 shows
deviations between experimental results for the vapour pressure and the saturated
liquid density and values calculated from the model of Platzer and Maurer (1989);
see also Fig. 5.33. Representative comparisons for saturated vapour densities are
difficult, since accurate data for this property are available only for few sub-
stances. However, since the uncertainty of calculated saturated vapour densities is
determined by the uncertainty of calculated vapour pressures and densities in the

8 Significantly larger deviations may result from uncertain values of Te, pe, ro, and X, see the
discussion below.
296 7 Generalised Equations of State

1J~ 0 0 l' 8 0 0, o. ,J

i Jt:=V-:-~O 0 J
250 300 350 400

100 200 300 400

Temperature T/K
I> Aston et al. (1940) <> Martinez et al. (1978)
o Weber (1989) lSI Connolly (1962)
o Haynes & Hiza (1977) x McClune (1976)
I:> Orrit & Laupretre (1978) "l Das & Kulor (1967)
121 Kaminishi et al. (1988)

Fig. 7.12. Percentage deviations 100Ay /y = 100 (yexp- Ycalc)/Yexp with Y = Ps,p' between selected
experimental results for isobutane and values calculated from Eq. 7.18 with coefficients accord-
ing to Eq. 7.19.



0 121
om 0.03 0.1 0.3 1 3 10 30
Pressure p/MPa
o Boyes, 250 K o Boyes, 350 K
I:> Ewing & Goodwin, 255 K "l Ewing & Goodwin, 300 K
o Estrada-Alexanders & Trusler, 110 K 121Estrada-Alexanders & Trusler, 140 K
lSI Estrada-Alexanders & Trusler, 180 K <> Estrada-Alexanders & Trusler, 300 K
~ Estrada-Alexanders & Trusler, 450 K

Fig. 7.13. Percentage deviations 100 Aw/w = 100 (wexp- Wcalc)/Wexp between experimental data
for the speed of sound in argon by Ewing and Goodwin (1992), Boyes (1992), and Estrada-
Alexanders and Trusler (1995) and values calculated from Eq. 7.18 with coefficients according
to Eq. 7.19 and an independent formulation for a?

gas phase close to the phase boundary, enlarged uncertainties are to be expected
for this property. Where comparisons are possible, they support this conclusion.
For caloric properties a more detailed examination is necessary. Figure 7.13
shows deviations between experimental results for the speed of sound in argon at
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 297


--- ii
6. "
9 lK ZZ
<:] 0 v

0 fill ~ 0
0 lSI
250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Temperature T/K
o 2MPa I2l 4MPa lSI 10 MPa l;. 20 MPa 'V 30 MPa
Fig. 7.14. Percentage deviations 100 !1cp / Cp = 100 (cp,exp- Cp,calc)/ cp,exp between experimental
data for the isobaric heat capacity of RII measured by Wirbser et al. (1992) and values calcu-
lated from Eq. 7.18 with coefficients according to Eq. 7.19 and an independent formulation for a~

gaseous and gas-like supercritical states and values calculated from the model of
Platzer and Maurer (1989). The same data set was used in Fig. 5.17.
Keeping in mind the general discussion on the sensitivity of such data, see Sect.
5.2, the observed deviations clearly support the thesis that the model of Platzer and
Maurer (1989) shows significant shortcomings at gaseous states. Deviations up to
Llw/w",-12% in the gas phase exceed results found for simple technical equa-
tions of state by more than one order of magnitude, see e.g. Fig. 5.21. At far super-
critical gas-like states, the accuracy of speeds of sound calculated from Eq. 7.18 in
combination with a suitable formulation for 0.0 becomes satisfactory for common
technical applications. The representation of speeds of sound at liquid states is
unsatisfactory on the whole.
Different results were found for heat capacities in many cases. Figure 7.14
shows deviations between experimental results for the isobaric heat capacity of
refrigerant R11 and values calculated from Eq. 7.18 in combination with the corre-
sponding formulation for a~ The selected data cover supercritical states and liquid
states at reduced temperatures T I Tc > '" 0.6. The generalised equation describes
these data almost as accurately as the corresponding simultaneously optimised
equation of state, Eq. 6.13, see Fig. 6.31. However, deviations up to
Llcvl C v '" 30 % were found e.g. for corresponding states of refrigerant R143a.
Aside from these differences, one feature was common for all considered sub-
stances: the uncertainty of calculated caloric properties in the liquid phase in-
creases at low temperatures. For refrigerant R134a and for n-butane, Fig. 7.15
shows deviations between measured heat capacities of the saturated liquid, Ca' and
values calculated from the model of Platzer and Maurer (1989). While the ob-
served deviations stay within Llca/ Ca '" 1O % for R134a, Eq. 7.18 even predicts
negative heat capacities for liquid n-butane. The large weighted variance obtained
for the comparison to "all properties" for n-butane, see Fig. 7.8, results mainly
from these unreasonable results for heat capacities at liquid states. In a similar
way, the large weighted variance for n-hexane results from completely unreason-
able results for speeds of sound at liquid states.
298 7 Generalised Equations of State

220 240 260 280 300

D -200 -10 '-
_ _ -'--_--'.
---'-_----''------'.1...-_ _
150 200 200 250 300
Temperature TfK
Fig. 7.15. Percentage deviations 100 i1cu fc u =100(Cu,exp-Cu,calc)/Cu,exp between experimental
results for R134a by Magee (1992) and for n-butane by Magee and Liiddecke (1998) and values
calculated from Eq. 7.18 with coefficients according to Eq. 7.19 and an independent formulation

These extreme differences, especially in the representation of caloric properties,

explain the large difference in the results found for the model of Platzer and
Maurer (1989) in comparisons e.g. by Turk et al. (1997) and by Karkaris et al.
(1992); the obtained results depend completely on the considered property and
substance. Just like other existing generalised multiparameter equations of state,
Eqs. 7.18 and 7.19 should not be used for the calculation of caloric properties,
unless a sufficient accuracy can be verified by comparison with experimental data
for the considered fluid.
Independent of these comparisons, approaches like the one used by Platzer and
Maurer (1989) can be criticised for two more general reasons. First of all, the
accuracy of calculated properties depends directly on the accuracy of the values
used for the critical temperature and the critical density. A shift in Pc directly re-
sults in a corresponding relative shift of calculated densities in the homogeneous
regions. The way in which the representation of derived properties is distorted
depends on the considered states and properties. Erroneous values of Tc result in
more complex distortions, since they exercise an influence both on!' = TcfT and
on (J) and X, which depend on the values assumed for the critical temperature and
the critical pressure. Thus, models which use corresponding states approaches in a
predictive way can never be more accurate than the critical parameters used, even
if the assumed similarity of fluids were an exact one. Keeping in mind the typical
uncertainty of predicted critical parameters, see Table 6.2, such approaches cannot
result in accuracies which satisfy advanced technical demands, except for sub-
stances with well known critical parameters. However, for these substances exten-
sive data sets are available in general, allowing the development of more accurate
substance specific equations of state as well.
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 299

a) 0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Acentric factor (0
Fig. 7.16. Values of the coefficients of the integrated form of Eq. 7.18 which result from
Eq. 7.19 for 11 nonpolar fluids.

The second point is related to the set-up of Eq. 7.19 in combination with the
underlying functional form of Eq. 7.18. Figure 7.16 shows the values of the 19
coefficients ni of the integrated form of Eq. 7.18 plotted over the acentric factor w
for 11 nonpolar substances. Compared to the coefficients of substance specific
Bender-type equations, see Fig. 6.3, the resulting plots are of course rather sys-
tematic, but on average the coefficients are still large with alternating signs, indi-
cating significant intercorrelations between groups of terms. And even for these
substances, which should be described well by a three parameter corresponding
states approach depending only on Tc, Pc, and w, the coefficients which result from
Eq. 7.19 show obvious discontinuities when plotted over w. The set-up ofEq. 7.19
implies intercorrelations between the used values for wand X and yields
"unphysical" oscillations for the coefficients ni' Amplified by intercorrelations
between the groups of terms in Eq. 7.18, these oscillations result in the unpredict-
able behaviour, especially of derived caloric properties, which was discussed
above. Models which are based on simpler multiparameter equations of state such
as BWR-type (Benedict et aI., 1940) or Starling-type (Starling, 1973) equations
minimise these problems, since intercorrelations between terms are less pro-
nounced in these equations, see e.g. Fig. 6.3 for BWR-type equations. However,
these simple equations of state are not accurate enough to fulfil advanced technical
demands even when used with substance specific coefficients, see Chap. 5.
Turk et aI. (1997) proposed the use of a readjusted reducing density instead of
Pc to improve the results of the model by Platzer and Maurer (1989). This ap-
proach can be useful to improve the representation of certain properties, but it
cannot solve the general problems discussed above. To use all of the parameters
Tc, Pc, (0, and X as adjustable parameters could improve the results of the model for
substances with extensive data sets significantly, but when fitted to small data sets
the intercorrelations described above cause unpredictable results especially for
derived properties. Numerically more stable models are required to use the in-
volved corresponding states parameters as adjustable parameters.
300 7 Generalised Equations of State

7.2.2 The Approach by Span and Wagner

Based on the discussion in Sect. 7.2.1, the following features seem to be necessary
preconditions for a sufficiently accurate and reliable thermodynamic property
model based on a generalised empirical equation of state:
The functional form of the underlying equation of state needs to be suitable for
the aspired level of accuracy. Functional forms which do not fulfil the demands
on accuracy when fitted directly to extensive data sets of well measured sub-
stances cannot fulfil the corresponding demands when used in a generalised
Intercorrelations between groups of terms of the underlying equation of state
need to be reduced as far as possible, since such intecorrelations significantly
increase the influence of uncertain substance specific parameters.
Generalised coefficients should be formulated in terms of a single substance
specific parameter to avoid intercorrelations which make results of the gener-
alisation less reliable.
Although the model needs to be based on an extended corresponding states
approach in principle, the parameters of this approach must be adjustable to
compensate for uncertainties of the critical parameters and for the limited accu-
racy of the extended corresponding states approach itself.
Starting from these fundamentals, Span and Wagner have developed a generalised
empirical equation of state which is able to satisfy advanced technical demands on
the accuracy of thermodynamic properties for the first time. The results of this
ongoing project are summarised in this section; a corresponding article is being
prepared (Span and Wagner, 2000d).
When expressing coefficients of a generalised empirical equation of state as a
function of a single substance dependent parameter, the resulting model is neces-
sarily restricted to nonpolar fluids, since a single parameter cannot properly ac-
count for both the influence of molecular anisotropy and polar interactions. How-
ever, the reduction of intercorrelations is the predominant task when working on a
generalised model which is reliable at a high level of accuracy. Thus, the restric-
tion to nonpolar fluids has to be accepted in a first step. The influence of polar
interactions needs to be considered in a second step, preferably using an additive
set-up like the one of the BACKONE equations of state, see Sect. 7.1. Since this
development is not complete yet, this section is restricted to results for non- and
weakly polar fluids.
The foundation of generalised empirical models is clearly the underlying equa-
tion of state. The simultaneous optimisation algorithm described in Sect. 6.1 re-
sulted in equations of state which are both sufficiently accurate to fulfil the formu-
lated demands on the accuracy of technical equations of state, see Table 6.1, and
numerically stable enough to be fitted to small data sets. These equations build a
significantly improved basis for a generalised empirical model. In Sect. 6.2.1 it
was shown that simultaneously optimised equations of state with 12 terms are
numerically stable enough to be fitted to small data sets. Due to their inferior accu-
racy, numerically more stable equations with only 10 terms (see Fig. 6.9) were
rejected at that point; these equations failed to strictly fulfil the formulated de-
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 301

Table 7.1. Parameters of the simultaneously optimised functional form used in the generalised
equation of state by Span and Wagner (2000d), Eq. 7.20.

Form ti di Yi Pi

I Polynomial 0.125 I 0 0
2 Polynomial 1.125 1 0 0
3 Polynomial 1.250 2 0 0
4 Polynomial 0.250 3 0 0
5 Polynomial 0.750 8 0 0
6 Exponential 0.625 2
7 Exponential 2.000 3 1
8 Exponential 4.125 I 2
9 Exponential 4.125 4 2
10 Exponential 17.000 3 3

mands. However, when working on generalised equations, it became apparent that

generalisations of the simultaneously optimised equation for nonpolar fluids with
10 terms yield better results than those of the corresponding equation with 12
terms, Eq. 6.12. The comparatively small, but already obvious intercorrelations
between the terms in Eq. 6.12 make the results of a generalisation less accurate
and less reliable. Of course, the shortcomings of the functional form with 10 terms
cannot be overcome by using it in a generalised model, but in this case slightly
enlarged uncertainties can easily be accepted, see also footnote 3. Simultaneously
optimised equations of state with only 9 terms are numerically even more stable,
but their performance becomes significantly worse, both on the basis of substance
specific fits and on the basis of generalised use.
Finally, Span and Wagner (2000d) formulated the following equation of state:

a(T,p) =ao(T,p)+ar(r,o)

2: [C1,i +C ,i w+c3,i w
=aO(T,p)+ 2
4] rli Odi exp(-Yi OPi), (7.20)
with r = Trl T and 0 =p IPro In Eq. 7.20, Tro Pro and w are the substance dependent
adjustable parameters. The parameters t i, d;, Pi, and Yi were determined by simulta-
neous optimisation of the functional form considering data sets for 13 non- and
weakly polar substances, see Sect. 6.2.2. Table 7.1 summarises the corresponding
results. The generalised coefficients Cj,i in Eq. 7.20 were determined by a fit to data
sets for argon, methane, oxygen, ethane, propane, isobutane, n-butane, n-pentane,
n-hexane, n-heptane, and n-octane: Nonlinear algorithms were used to be able to
consider available data for all kinds of thermal and caloric properties and to fit the
Cj,i simultaneously with the substance specific parameters. The used data sets were

9 For the formulations which were used to describe the contribution of the hypothetical ideal
gas, a~ see Table 6.3.
302 7 Generalised Equations of State

Table 7.2. Substance independent coefficients of the generalised equation of state by Span and
Wagner (2000d), Eq. 7.20.

CI,i C2,i C3,i

1 0.636479524 10+0 0.822473420.10+0 -0.186193063.10+ 1

2 -0.174667493.10+ 1 -0.954932692.10+0 0.105083555.10+2
3 -0.144442644.10- 1 -0.74546232810+0 0.164032330.10+ 1
4 0.679973100.10-1 0.18268559310+0 -0.613747797 10+0
5 0.76732003210-4 0.54712014210-4 -0.693188290.10-3
6 0.21819414310+0 0.76169791310+0 -0.705727791.10+ 1
7 0.810318494.10- 1 0.41569132410+0 -0.290006245 .10+ I
8 -0.907368899.10- 1 -0.82520637310+0 -0.232497527 10+0
9 0.253122250.10- 1 -0.240558288 10+0 -0.282346515 10+0
10 -0.209937023.10- 1 -0.643818403.10- 1 0.254250643.10+ 1

identical with those described in Sect. 6.2.2 and were also weighted with the de-
manded uncertainties summarised in Table 6.1. The only difference was that data
for the saturated vapour and liquid density, pIt and were used only for reduced
temperatures TITc:::; 0.995. In this way, an unreasonably large influence of a few
points in the critical regions was avoided. With the generalised parameters Cj,i
which are given in Table 7.2, Eq. 7.20 becomes an empirical three parameter
equation of state for nonpolar fluids.
If the substance specific parameters Tn Pn and w are known, Eq. 7.20 can be
used just like a usual substance specific equation of state with
, ,I ,I 3,IW4 (7.21)

In general, the dominant contribution to the ni results from the linear part In


I I I I ~I ?

o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Acentric factor w
Fig.7.17. Values of the coefficients ni which result from Eq. 7.21 for 11 nonpolar fluids.
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 303

Eq. 7.21, namely from the Cl,i and C2,i' For most substances the term c3,i' w4 yields
only small corrections which are, however, necessary for an accurate description
of the higher alkanes. To illustrate the numerical stability of Eq. 7.20, Fig. 7.17
shows the plot of the ni resulting from Eq. 7.21 for the 11 nonpolar substances
which were used to establish the model. When comparing Fig. 7.17 with Fig. 7.16,
the advantages of the three parameter approach and of the numerically very stable
simultaneously optimised functional form become obvious.
In some detail, results of the approach by Span and Wagner (2000d) for non-
and weakly polar fluids will be discussed in Sect. The numerical stability
of Eq. 7.20 will be discussed in Sect. The next section focuses on the
techniques which are required to fit the substance specific parameters of Eq. 7.20. Fitting the Substance Specific Parameters

While Eq. 7.20 can be used like common multiparameter equations of state in form
of the reduced Helmholtz energy, the determination of the substance specific pa-
rameters Tn Pn and w requires different algorithms. The first fundamental differ-
ence is that the Tn Pn and w can be fitted only with nonlinear algorithms, since the

Table 7.3. Derivatives of the residual part a r in Eq. 7.20 with respect to T and P

Derivative, abbreviation and formulation in T" pr, r = T, I T, and 0 = P / pr

a2a r ) =arr
( --2 r ~[ Cl,i +C2,i W+C3,i W4] ti (t i 2+ 1) 0 dir ti+2 exp (-Yi oPi )
aT p i=l Tr
a2ar ) to -{ ] odi-l t,
( a aT =a~T=L Cl.i+C2,iW+C3,iW4 --(di-YiPiOPi)trfi+lexp(-YiOPi)
'P 1=1 Pr r

3 r
aa ) r to [ odi-l4] , ti(ti + 1) H2 '
(-a aT -2 =a prr=~~,f
,1 ,f
P 1 1 1 T2 exp(-y,op,)
'P f~ r r
304 7 Generalised Equations of State

set-up of Eq. 7.20 is nonlinear with respect to these parameters; for details see
Sect. 4.1. When fitting the parameters of Eq. 7.20, the critical temperature Te , the
critical density Po and the acentric factor OJ can be used as starting solutions for T"
p" and w, respectively.
Just as discussed for BACKONE equations of state in Sect. 7.1.1, the use of re-
ducing parameters as adjustable parameters makes it advantageous to reformulate
the residua given in Sects. 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 in terms of derivatives with respect to T
and p instead of rand O. This step can easily be managed using the relations given
in Eqs. 3.44-3.49; for an example see Eqs. 7.9 and 7.12. However, to evaluate the
rewritten residua, derivatives of the residual part a r with respect to T and p become
necessary as well. These derivatives are summarised in Table 7.3. For reasons of
simplification, the relations given in this section do not distinguish between poly-
nomial and exponential terms; polynomial terms can simply be treated like expo-
nential terms with Yi = O.
Besides the residua and the derivatives with respect to T and p, fitting routines
need derivatives of the residua with respect to the adjustable parameters, see
Sect. 4.1. These derivatives can be composed from the definition of the residua

Table 7.4. Derivatives of the residual part a r and its derivatives with respect to Tr

Derivative and formulation in Tn pr,' = Trl T, and a = P / pr

.(( d i -YiPiaPi)( d i -l-YiPiaPi )-y~ pla Pi ) i r

,ti exp( -Yi aPi )

aa J
= L-
10 [
ti(ti + I)
+c2,i w+c3.i w 4] --2-adi,ti +1 eXP(-YiaPi)
aTr W,Pr '-1

aarr J = L..
(----;rr:: ~[ CI.i + C2.i W+ C3.i W4] ti(ti +l)(ti
T. 3
+2) d
a "
1+2 ( p)
' exp -Y ia i
W,Pr 1=1 r

rT 1 =~-[CI'+C2'W+C3'W
L...I.I .1
4 adi - I tJt i + I) ti+1
P 1 1 1 T.2 exp(-y.a
Pi )
r 1=1 r r

[- -
L.. CI' +C2'
W+C3' W4]a
di - l (
d -y.p.a P,,)ti(ti +l)(ti +2) " t+2 exp (-y.a Pi )
1 liT? 1
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 305

Table 7.5. Derivatives of the residual part a r and its derivatives with respect to pr

Derivative and formulation in T" p" r

= Trl T. and = p / pr

(-di{d i -l)+YiPi OP ;(2di -1+ Pi -YiPi OP;)) i

r t;+! exp(-Yi OP;)

10 Od-I
"-[CI .+c2 . w+c3 . w 4 ] - ' -
L.J ,I ,I ,I 2
i~ p,

and from the derivatives of a' and its derivatives with respect to the adjustable
parameters, see Sect. 4.3.3. Derivatives with respect to ware almost as simple as
for the linear coefficients ni in typical multiparameter equations of state. Using the
first density derivative of the reduced Helmholtz energy as an example, the de-
rivative with respect to w becomes
306 7 Generalised Equations of State

(~:J T"p,


In the same way, the necessary relations can be derived from the other derivatives
summarised in Table 7.3. However, for Tr and Pr the corresponding derivatives
become more complex. Table 7.4 summarises the required derivatives with respect
to Tr and Table 7.5 summarises the derivatives with respect to Pro When using
these relations in iterative nonlinear fits, the values for 'Z' and 0 have to be calcu-
lated with the current values for Tr and Pr in each step. Results for Non- and Weakly Polar Fluids

To demonstrate both the capabilities and the limitations of Eq. 7.20, this section
shows representative comparisons between experimental and calculated data for 15
non- and weakly polar fluids. The considered data sets correspond to those dis-
cussed in Sect. 6.2.2. Table 7.6 summarises the substance specific parameters as
they were obtained from nonlinear fits to the corresponding data sets. For compari-
son, see the critical parameters Tc and Pc and the acentric factors w which were

Table 7.6. Substance specific parameters of Eq. 7.20 for the 15 non- and weakly polar fluids
considered in this section (to be used with R = 8.314510 J mort K- t).

Substance T, p, w

Methane 186.659809 163.413536 0.010528102
Ethane 295.159630 207.557649 0.095234716
Propane 354.964211 221.906745 0.149041513
n-Butane 406.785141 230.384826 0.194240287
n-Pentane 449.271155 233.873368 0.247058753
n-Hexane 487.762087 235.700888 0.298052404
n-Heptane 525.389862 235.977855 0.350780196
n-Octane 565.427917 234.605116 0.402698435
Other non- or weakly polar substances
Argon 147.707801 540.014968 0.000305675
Oxygen 150.875090 439.519141 0.023479051
Nitrogen 122.520245 316.134310 0.043553140
Ethylene 273.316763 216.108926 0.085703183
Isobutane 390.355535 228.302484 0.178714317
Cyc10hexane 526.231121 274.647526 0.221837522
SF6 304.013497 747.815849 0.181815238
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 307

1087 1465

100 -
10 - - I- -

I.,11., 1.,1., .I ., j., J., ,I., JI.,

0.1 .,C
c C
B B ., ::I:., B
.,c.. 0B

~ co co
::I C
~ 0
:2 C:
C: C 6 6
::I: i
Considered substance
Span & Wagner (2000d), Eq. 7.20 Platzer & Maurer (1989), Eq. 7.18
o BACKONE refitted, Eq. 7.1 not used to detennine the c, in Eq. 7.20

Fig. 7.18. Weighted variances which result from comparisons of experimental data with results
obtained from different generalised empirical equations of state for 15 non- and weakly polar

summarised in Table 6.3. The significant differences between Tr and Tc which are
observed for some of the substances can be interpreted as an additional propor-
tionality factor in the effective substance specific coefficients, see Eq. 6.11. The Pr
and w differ from Pc and w only moderately.
In terms of the weighted variance, Fig. 7.18 compares the results obtained from
Eq. 7.20 with those obtained from BACKONE equations of state which were fitted
to the same data sets and from comparisons with the predictive model of Platzer
and Maurer (1989). The data sets were weighted with the demanded uncertainties
summarised in Table 6.1. For alkanes and other common nonpolar fluids, Eq. 7.20
results in weighted variances ~t '" 0.4-1.0. Thus, for nonpolar fluids Eq.7.20
already satisfies the demands initially formulated for the variance of "more accu-
rate future models;' see footnote 3. The new formulation is clearly superior to
existing generalised equations of state, except for simple nonpolar fluids with
small anisotropy where BACKONE equations yield comparable results. However,
comparisons which are based only on a single quality criterion cannot describe the
performance of an equation of state completely. Representative comparisons with
reliable experimental data are given below.
Although designed for nonpolar substances, Eq. 7.20 still yields results which
are as good as those obtained with four parameter QUBACKONE equations for
fluids with weakly polar molecules like nitrogen and ethylene. Significantly worse
results were found only for sulfurhexafluoride. Even though the molecules of sul-
furhexafluoride are almost perfectly anisotropic and no polarity is expected, the
results found for the thermodynamic properties do not agree with those for other
308 7 Generalised Equations of State

nonpolar substances. Problems which were already discussed for equations of state
with generalised functional form, see Sect. 6.2.2, become more pronounced when
using a less flexible generalised equation. The results found for cyclohexane are
discussed briefly in Sect.
For nonpolar fluids, experimental ppT data are mostly represented by Eq. 7.20
within the accuracy demanded for advanced technical applications, namely within
/!,p I p ~ 0.2 % for pressures up to 30 MPa and within /!,p I p ~ 0.5 % at pressures
up to 100 MPa. Enlarged deviations are to be observed mainly for liquid states at
very low (reduced) temperatures, for high density gaseous states close to the phase
boundary, and in the extended critical region. In general, these deviations remain
within /!,p I p ~ 0.5 % except for the extended critical region where uncertainties
of flp I p "" 0.3 % are common.
Figure 7.19 shows deviations between experimental results for the density of
propane and values calculated from Eq. 7.20. Most of the data at moderate pres-


lSI ~ ~1Ie\\il
~ 0
0 0 0 o E9~
0 E9~~
& 0
0.5 2 5 10 20 50
Pressure plMPa
o Haynes, 90 K Haynes, 130 K
lSI Haynes, 240 K o Thomas & Harrison, 298 K
o Thomas & Harrison, 373 K Thomas & Harrison, 523 K

Fig. 7.19. Percentage deviations 100 I'1p / P = 100 (pexp- Peale) Ipexp between experimental results
for the density of propane by Haynes (1983) and Thomas and Harrison (1982) and values calcu-
lated from Eq. 7.20.


o 238-285 K
443-463 K
1 2 5 10 20 50 100
Pressure p/MPa
Fig. 7.20. Percentage deviations 100 I'1p / P = 100 (Pexp- Peale) I pexp between experimental data for
the density ofn-pentane measured by Kratzke et al. (1985) and values calculated from Eq. 7.20.
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 309

0.5 ~--------------------.

-0.5 L.L.L..L.I...L-_----.JL----1----1-...L....l--LJ...L.L._ _..L----L---L---L-.L.L.LLJ

0.5 2 5 10 20 50 100
Pressure p/MPa
Muringer et aI., 223 K
l>. "V Muringer et aI., 273 K I> Muringer et aI., 298 K
o Susnar et aI., 294 K + Nichols et aI., 344 K x Nichols et aI., 444 K
Fig. 7.21. Percentage deviations 100 ft.p / P = 100 (Pexp- Peale) I pexp between experimental data for
the density of n-heptane measured by Muringer et aI. (1985), Susnar et aI. (1992), and Nichols et
aI. (1955) and values calculated from Eq. 7.20.

sures are represented within fJlp ~ 0.2 %. Significantly enlarged deviations

become obvious for liquid states at T= 90 K (TITc "" 0.24) and in the critical re-
gion (T= 373 K, TITc "" 1.01) including the high density gas phase close to the
critical temperature. Data for liquid states at T = 130 K (T I Tc "" 0.35) are again
represented within the expected uncertainties. Comparisons with the same set of
data were shown for a SIMBACKONE equation of state in Fig. 7.4.
Figure 7.20 illustrates deviations between measured liquid densities for n-
pentane and values calculated from Eq. 7.20. With only a few exceptions, the data
are represented by the generalised equation of state within fJ /P ~ 0.2 % up to
high pressures. For comparison, see also Fig. 6.20 where the same data set is com-
pared with results obtained from the corresponding simultaneously optimised
equation of state with 12 terms, Eq. 6.12.


~ 0
E9 E9E9 1:'.
<D CE9 E9
oati E:@
0 <D(lJ)
<I<D o I:D 00
I 2 5 10 20 50 100
Pressure p/MPa
o Weber (1970),56-58 K e Weber (1970), 1I8-122 K
(J) Weber (1970), 175K Weber(1970),300K
o Weber (1977), 84 - 88 K 121 Weber (1977), 130 - 134 K
lSI Weber (1977), 220 K [;] Weber (1977), 300 K

Fig. 7.22. Percentage deviations 100 ft.p / P = 100 (Pexp- Peale) IPexp between experimental data for
the density of oxygen and values calculated from Eq. 7.20.
310 7 Generalised Equations of State


(J) (J)(J)(J)
e (J)(J)
0 lSI 0
0 lSI 0
[J ~ lSI m ~
~ ~1!:!1!!12I~12I~ 0
2 3 5 10 20 30
Pressure plMPa
o Nowak et aI., 66 K I!l Nowak et aI., 90 K IZI Nowak et aI., 11 0 K
lSI Nowak et aI., 150 K III Nowak et aI., 240 K 8 Nowak et aI., 320 K
o Klimeck et aI., 240 K e Klimeck et aI., 310 K (J) Klimeck et aI., 520 K
Pieperbeck et aI., 273 K ~ Pieperbeck et aI., 323 K /:" Duschek et aI., 273 K
V Duschek et al., 323 K

Fig. 7.23. Percentage deviations 100!!.p / p = 100 (pexp- peale) / pexp between experimental data for
the density of nitrogen by Nowak et al. (1997a), Klimeck et al. (1998), Pieperbeck et al. (1991),
and Duschek et al. (1988) and values calculated from Eq. 7.20.

For n-heptane, measured liquid densities are compared with results obtained
from Eq. 7.20 in Fig. 7.21. Again, the experimental data are mostly represented
within IIp I P ~ 0.2 % up to high pressures. For comparison see also Fig. 6.21.
Figure 7.22 shows results for the density of oxygen at gaseous, liquid, and su-
percritical states. Except for a few points on the isotherm T = 300 K the experi-
mental data are represented within the limits defined by Table 6.1. The data at
T = 175 K (T/ Tc "" 1.13) for which enlarged density deviations become obvious in
Fig. 7.22 are represented well within I!l.p I p ~ 0.2 %.
For fluids with weakly polar molecules, enlarged deviations are to be observed.
This fact is illustrated in Fig. 7.23 where results from Eq. 7.20 are compared with
selected ppT data for nitrogen; for comparison see also Figs. 5.3, 5.10, and 7.5.
For substances like nitrogen and ethylene, typical uncertainties of ppT data calcu-
lated from Eq. 7.20 are in an order of llplp "" 0.3 % - 0.5 %. On the isotherm
T= 150 K (TITc "" 1.19) the observed deviations increase up to llplp "" -0.6%. In
general, this result was expected, see the discussion at the beginning of Chap. 5.
Equation 7.20 was not intended for an application to fluids with polar molecules.
However, the results found for weakly polar fluids are still comparable with results
obtained from sophisticated semiempirical equations of state which take polar
interactions into account explicitly, see Fig. 7.5.
Results found for the representation of saturated liquid densities are consistent
with the results which were discussed for ppT data in the homogeneous liquid
region above. Accurate data are represented within IIp' / pi ~ 0.2 % on the whole.
Enlarged uncertainties are encountered only when approaching the critical tem-
perature and in some cases at reduced temperatures below about TITc "" 0.35~o
Slightly larger deviations are found for vapour pressures in general. The typical

10 For most fluids, this shortcoming is not relevant since reduced temperatures T / Tc < 0.35
correspond to states below the triple point temperature, see Table 6.3.
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 311

i _JZ::::~V~:\
100 200 300
Temperature T/K
t> Aston et al. (1940) <> Martinez et al. (1978)
o Weber (1989) lSI Connolly (1962)
[J Haynes & Hiza (1977) x McClune (1976)
ll. Orrit & Laupretre (1978) v Das & Kulor (1967)
121 Kaminishi et al. (1988)
- - Span & Wagner (2000b), Eq. 6.12

Fig.7.24. Percentage deviations 100!+"y/y = 100 (yexp- Ycalc)lyexp with y =p"p' between selected
experimental results for isobutane and values calculated from Eq. 7.20. Values calculated from
the corresponding simultaneously optimised equation of state with 12 terms, Eq. 6.12, are plotted
as dashed lines for comparison.

uncertainty of calculated vapour pressures is dps/p,:;' 0.4 %; as usual, increased

relative deviations are to be observed for very low vapour pressures. Correspond-
ingly enlarged deviations can also be found for saturated vapour densities which
depend directly on the accuracy of calculated vapour pressures. Figure 7.24 illus-
trates these features using selected experimental results for the vapour pressure and
the saturated liquid density of isobutane as an example. For comparison, results of
the corresponding simultaneously optimised equation of state with 12 terms, Eq.
6.12, are plotted as dashed lines. The same set of data was used in comparisons
with an MBWR-type multiparameter equation of state (Fig. 5.33) and with the
generalised model by Platzer and Maurer (Fig. 7.12).
Caloric properties on the vapour-liquid phase boundary are represented gener-
ally within the accuracy expected for advanced technical equations of state. For
example, Fig. 7.25 shows deviations between experimental results for the heat
capacity Ca of saturated liquid n-butane and values calculated from Eq. 7.12, from
the simultaneously optimised equation of state by Span and Wagner (2000b),
Eq. 6.12, and from the MBWR-type equation by Younglove and Ely (1987). Re-
sults from the generalised equation by Platzer and Maurer (1989) were compared
to the same data set in Fig. 7.15. Equations 7.20 and 6.12 yield results which agree
with the data within L\ca / ca ,., 1 %-2 %. The 32 term equation by Younglove
and Ely (1987) yields results of similar accuracy as well, but close to the triple
point temperature significantly larger deviations are observed, see also the discus-
312 7 Generalised Equations of State

<I Magee & Liiddecke (1998)
---u" 0
0 i
{r 1 b

150 200 250 300

Temperature T/K
- - - Span & Wagner (2000b), Eq. 6.12 _._.- Younglove & Ely (1987)

Fig. 7.25. Percentage deviations 100 !:1ca /ca == 100 (ca .exp- Co.calc) / ca,exp between experimental
results for n-butane by Magee and Ltiddecke (1998) and values calculated from Eq. 7.20. Values
calculated with the equations by Span and Wagner (2000b), Eq. 6.12, and by Younglove and Ely
(1987) are plotted as dash-dotted lines for comparison.

sion on MBWR-type equations of state in Chap. 5. When calculating caloric prop-

erties on the phase boundary from Eq. 7.20, increased uncertainties are to be ex-
pected only at very low reduced temperatures for speeds of sound in the saturated
With respect to the representation of thermal properties on the phase boundary,
Eq. 7.20 is clearly inferior to the simultaneously optimised equations of state by
Span and Wagner (2000b), Eq. 6.12. However, the accuracy of Eq. 7.20 is still
sufficient for most technical applications and Eq. 7.20 is far superior to other gen-
eralised models. With regard to the representation of caloric properties on the
phase boundary, Eq. 7.20 comes close to the performance ofEq. 6.12.
Regarding the representation of caloric properties at homogeneous states,
Eq. 7.20 is only slightly inferior to the corresponding simultaneously optimised
equations of state, Eq. 6.12. Significantly enlarged deviations are observed only

---<l~ 0
o .. o~
0 0

0.5 2 5 10 20 40
Pressure p IMPa
o Straty, 210 K 0 Straty, 240 K
<> Trusler & Costa Gomes, 250 K <> Trusler & Costa Gomes, 350 K
o Van Itterbeek et aI., 111 K 0 Van Itterbeek et aI., 170 K

Fig. 7.26. Percentage deviations 100 !:1w/w == 100(wexp-Wcalc)/Wexp between experimental data
for the speed of sound in methane by Straty (1975), Trusler and Costa Gomes (1996), and van
Itterbeek et al. (1967) and values calculated from Eq. 7.20.
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 313

;s: oo OJ
<l 0
.0 o

0 R
'0=' 0

-0.4 -1L-----~--~--~
0.01 0.1 10 10 20 30 40
Pressure p /MPa
o Ewing & Trusler, 80 K o Ewing & Trusler, 100 K
e Ewing & Trusler, 150 K (J) Ewing & Trusler, 373 K
l>. Boyes, 250 K " Boyes, 325 K
o Costa-Gomes & Trusler, 250 K EI Costa-Gomes & Trusler, 350 K
Fig. 7.27. Percentage deviations 100 D.w / W = 100 (Wexp- Weak) / wexp between experimental data
for the speed of sound in nitrogen by Ewing and Trusler (1992), Boyes (1992), and Costa Gomes
and Trusler (1998a) and values calculated from Eq. 7.20.

for speeds of sound at low temperature (T / Tc < "" 0.35) liquid states. As an exam-
ple for the representation of speeds of sound at typical liquid and supercritical
states, Fig. 7.26 shows the representation of experimental results for methane. Data
at liquid states are usually represented within ~w / w ::; 2 % and data at supercriti-
cal states are represented within ~w/w::; 1 %. In general, the demands formu-
lated in Table 6.1 are satisfied.
For weakly polar fluids slightly enlarged uncertainties are encountered for ca-
loric properties as well. However, at gaseous and supercritical states the enlarged
uncertainties hardly become obvious. Figure 7.27 shows deviations between highly
accurate speeds of sound for nitrogen and values calculated from Eq. 7.20. The
same set of data was used for comparisons to different equations of state in Figs.
5.16,5.18,5.21, and 6.24. At gaseous and gas-like supercritical states, Eq. 7.20 is
clearly inferior to the simultaneous optimised equation of state, Eq. 6.12. At higher
pressures, both equations yield similar results. The observed deviations stay within
the demanded uncertainty of ~w/w::; 1 % and they are significantly smaller than
those found for common technical equations of state, see Fig. 5.21.
In Fig. 7.28, a comparison to the recent data from Abdulagatov (1998) is used
to assess the accuracy of isochoric heat capacities calculated from Eq. 7.20 for
higher alkanes. The representation of these data is similar to the predictive results
obtained from the simultaneously optimised equation, Eq. 6.12, see Fig. 6.15.
Significantly enlarged deviations can again be found in the extended critical re-
gion, where simple equations of state cannot be expected to represent isochoric
heat capacities accurately, see Sects. 4.5.1 and 4.5.2. Keeping in mind that relative
deviations for isochoric heat capacities are usually larger than those for isobaric
heat capacities, the representation of these data satisfies typical technical demands.
The performance of Eq. 7.20 is clearly superior to other generalised and technical
equations of state, especially at liquid states.
314 7 Generalised Equations of State

,. 5
<I 0
...... Tc
500 550 600 650 700
o 66-74 kgm- (:..0.3 Pc)
3 D. 235 -250 kgm- (:"Pc)
3 0 366-388 kgm-3 (:.. 1.6 Pc)

,. 5

<I 0
...... T
500 550 600 650 700
Temperature T / K

Fig. 7.28. Percentage deviations 100 (Cv.calc-Cv."'1')/Cv,exp between experimental data for the iso-
choric heat capacity of n-heptane and n-octane by Abdulagatov (1998) and values calculated
from Eq. 7.20.

For a broad variety of nonpolar fluids which ranges from fluids with spherical
molecules such as argon or methane to molecules with a pronounced elongation
such as n-heptane or n-octane, Eq. 7.20 describes thermodynamic properties with
an accuracy which comes close to the accuracy of simultaneously optimised equa-
tions of state with 12 terms, see Sect. 6.2.2. Compared to simultaneously optimised
equations, disadvantages are to be observed mainly for thermal properties on the
phase boundary, for liquid states at low (reduced) temperatures, and for high den-
sity gaseous states close to the phase boundary. With only three substance specific
parameters, the performance of Eq. 7.20 is comparable with that of Bender-type
equations of state, see Sect. 5.1, and satisfies the demands which were initially
formulated for advanced generalised models. For nonpolar substances, for which
only very restricted data sets are available, the use of generalised equations of state
in the form of Eq. 7.20 is a promising alternative to simultaneously optimised
equations of state which were discussed in Sect. 6.2. In this case, the superior
numerical stability of the three parameter equation of state may be more important
than the superior accuracy of the 12 term equation - however, this superior nu-
merical stability still needs to be proved. Numerical Stability

In Sect. it was shown that equations of state with simultaneously optimised
functional form are numerically much more stable than common technical equa-
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 315


2 5 10 20


'"'" 10

-e ~


0.4 8
0.5 2 5 10 20
Reduced temperature T / T,
Fig. 7.29. Ideal curves of the compression factor calculated from the generalised equation of
state by Span and Wagner (2000d), Eq. 7.20, for methane and n-octane. For a definition of the
ideal curves see Sect. 4.6.3. The hatched areas correspond to the regions, where reliable data are
available for thermodynamic properties of the corresponding substance.

tions of state. Thus, comparisons between the numerical stability of Eq. 6.12 and
Eq. 7.20 necessarily have to be comparisons on a very high level.
As a first indication for the numerical stability of the generalised equation of
state by Span and Wagner (2000d), Eq. 7.20, Fig. 7.29 shows plots of the Ideal
curve, the Boyle curve, the Joule-Thomson inversion curve, and the Joule inver-
sion curve (see also Sect. 4.6.3) obtained for methane and n-octane. Up to the
Joule curve, the new three parameter equation of state is able to predict proper
316 7 Generalised Equations of State

Complete data set Reduced data set

10 ppTdata,y= p
J o w data,y = w
o cp data, y = cp
I-::- =
I- ~ =
~ ~
'- : - - -- -

I-- I-- r---- I-

---:--= -

0.1 ~

Cl Cl Cl
VI "tl
.;; .;;
0'" a' .~ ....J ::r: 0'" 0' .~ ....J ::E
..... .. .. .. .. ..
' i:
:J 'i:
t,) ,,; ,,; :J U
,,;" ,,;"
~ ~ ~ ~
Q. Q. Q. Q.
Q. Q.
;:l ;:l ;:l :::I ;:l
V'l V'l :::I
V'l V'l Vl V'l

Considered region
Fig. 7.30. Percentage average absolute deviations between densities, speeds of sound, and iso-
baric heat capacities calculated from Eq. 7.20 for methane and from the reference equation by
Setzmann and Wagner (1991). For an explanation of the different supercritical regions see
Sect. In the critical region, pressure deviations were used instead of density deviations.

ideal curves even when fitted to very restricted data sets. However, this is still not
an advantage when compared to simultaneously optimised equations of state. The
numerically stable functional form of these equations resulted in qualitatively
similar results, see Figs. 6.1 3, 6.14, and 6.35.
More systematic comparisons can be carried out based on well defined data sets
calculated from highly accurate reference equations of state. Therefore, the com-
parisons carried out in Sect. for the data set calculated from the reference
equation of state by Setzmann and Wagner (1991) for methane were repeated for
the generalised equation of state by Span and Wagner, Eq. 7.20. Under the heading
"complete data set'; Fig. 7.30 shows results of a fit of Eq. 7.20 to all 511 ppT, 511
c p , 511 w, 20 p" 20 P:
and 20 p" data which were calculated from the equation by
Setzmann and Wagner (1991). As expected, the results for Eq. 7.20 are in general
inferior to the corresponding results of Eq. 6.12, see Fig. 6.11 for comparison.
However, for all properties and in all regions, the average absolute deviations (see
Eq. 6.10) found for Eq. 7.20 are smaller than the uncertainties demanded in Table
6.1. For a generalised equation of state, this result is absolutely satisfactory and it
is consistent with the comparisons shown in the preceding section.
Under the heading "reduced data set'; Fig. 7.30 shows results which were ob-
tained from fitting Eq. 7.20 to just 8 data points: 4 ppT data at T = 230 K and
p = 5 MPa, 10 MPa, 15 MPa, and 20 MPa, 2 saturated liquid densities at T= l30 K
and 170 K and 2 vapour pressures at the same temperatures. Te, Pc, and (J) were
used as starting values for the substance specific parameters of Eq. 7.20. The com-
parisons consider only those data from the complete data set, which were not used
7.2 Generalised Empirical Equations of State 317

5 r---------------------------------,

5 r---------------------------------,
~ ~~~ O~ ~61 Cl6ICCCl
o I :Q....--
.-- e_._._e _.-.
-5 i
300 400 500 600 700
Temperature TIK
x Sun et al. (1987) o Murdaev (1982)
<>Safir et aI. (1975) o Rastorguev et al. (1976)
_._.- Penoncello et al. (1995) - - - Span & Wagner (2000b), Eq. 6.12

Fig. 7.31. Percentage deviations between experimental results for the isobaric heat capacity of
cyclohexane and values calculated from Eq. 7.20. For comparison, values calculated from the
equation of Penoncello et al. (1995) and from the simultaneously optimised equation of state,
Eq. 6.12, are plotted as dash-dotted lines.

to fit the equation. No significant differences become obvious between the equa-
tion fitted to all 1593 data and the equation which was fitted to just 8 data. Obvi-
ously, a very small number of accurate experimental results is sufficient to adjust
the substance specific parameters of Eq. 7.20. Any attempt to fit the 12 coeffi-
cients of Eq. 6.12 to the same data set is bond to fail due to numerical limitations -
the number of data has to be larger than the number of fitted parameters when
using the algorithms described in Sect. 4.1.
The numerical stability of Eq. 7.20 can be advantageous for investigations of
quite large, but inconsistent data sets as well. Based on results of simultaneously
optimised equations of state, the data set for cyclohexane was discussed in Sect.
6.2.2. When fitted to the selected data set for cyclohexane, Eq. 7.20 results in an
enlarged weighted variance, see Fig. 7.18. However, this enlarged weighted vari-
ance does not result primarily from data at supercritical temperatures, but from
enlarged deviations to old data for the saturated liquid density at high tempera-
tures. These data are represented well (and may be too well) by Eq. 6.12 and by
the equation of Penoncello et al. (1995). Isobaric heat capacities at high tempera-
tures are represented by Eq. 7.20 as well as by Eq. 6.12 and even better than by the
equation by Penoncello et al. (1995), see Fig. 7.31. The remaining systematic
offset may very well be caused by Eq. 7.20 and seems at any rate more reasonable
than the trends predicted by the numerically less stable equations of state. From
these results, it seems likely that the observed problems are caused by inconsis-
318 7 Generalised Equations of State

tencies among the experimental results for thermal properties. New data for the
density of saturated and homogeneous liquid cyclohexane at high temperatures
may already be sufficient to clarify the data situation.

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