Weller B Xi Combustion Model PDF
Weller B Xi Combustion Model PDF
Weller B Xi Combustion Model PDF
Combustion Model
Using Conditional Averaging
H.G. Weller
Thermo-Fluids Section Report TF/9307
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine
23th March 1993
1 Introduction 6
1.0.1 Analysis of EBU based Combustion Models : : : : : : : : 7
2 Development of Flame Area Models 11
2.1 Conditional Averaging : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 11
2.1.1 Formulae for Conditional Averaging : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12 Conditional Averaging Dierential Operations : : 12 Decomposition Operations : : : : : : : : : : : : : 13
2.1.2 Conditional Averaging Transport Equations : : : : : : : : 13
2.1.3 Interface Transport Equation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 14
2.1.4 A General Denition for Wrinkle Factor : : : : : : : : : 15
2.1.5 Transport Equation for b in terms of : : : : : : : : : : : 16
2.1.6 Transport Equation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 jrbj Transport Equation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 Transport Equation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 19 Transport Equation Assembly : : : : : : : : : 19
2.1.7 Modelling the b Transport Equation : : : : : : : : : : : : : 22
2.1.8 Modelling the Transport Equation : : : : : : : : : : : : 25
2.2 Conditionally Averaged Velocities : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 28
2.2.1 Conditionally Averaged Continuity Equations : : : : : : : 29
2.2.2 Conditionally Averaged Momentum equations : : : : : : : 29
2.2.3 Solution of the Conditionally Averaged Equations : : : : : 31
2.3 Ensemble Averaged Equations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 32
2.3.1 Transport Equation for eb : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 32
2.3.2 Transport Equation for : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 35
2.3.3 A One Equation Model : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 35
3 Assessment of the eb { Models 37
3.1 Constant Density : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 39
3.2 Variable Density : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 42
3.3 Boundary Layer Flame Propagation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 47
4 Conclusion 52
Contents 2
5 Acknowledgement 54
List of Figures
2.1 Flame Interface : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12
2.2 Ensemble of Flame Interfaces : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 16
2.3 Construction of Term III for a Gaussian Flame : : : : : : : : : : 21
2.4 \Cusp" Formation for a Laminar Flame in a Taylor Vortex : : : : 22
2.5 Modelling Surface Averages : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 25
3.1 One Dimensional Open Duct Test Case : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 37
3.2 One Dimensional Semi-Closed Duct Test Case : : : : : : : : : : : 38
3.3 eb { Model b Prole : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 39
3.4 eb { Model Prole : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 40
3.5 eb { Model Prole : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 40
3.6 \Cusp" Formation and Dissipation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 41
3.7 Eect of Doubling \Cusp" Dissipation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 42
3.8 \eddy break-up" Model b Prole : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 43
3.9 eb { Model b Prole : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 43
3.10 \eddy break-up" Model Flame Propagation : : : : : : : : : : : : : 44
3.11 eb { Model Flame Propagation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 45
3.12 eb { Model Development : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 45
3.13 1 Equation Model Flame Propagation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 46
3.14 eb { and \eddy break-up" Model Exit Velocity : : : : : : : : : : 47
3.15 Boundary Layer Test Case : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 48
3.16 eb { Model Flame Propagation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 49
3.17 eb { 1-Equation Model Flame Propagation : : : : : : : : : : : : 50
3.18 \Eddy break-up" Model Flame Propagation : : : : : : : : : : : : 51
Roman Symbols
A Area
A Combustion model coecient
b Regress variable (normalised fuel concentration) (b = 1 ? c)
C Constant
c Progress variable (normalised product concentration) (c = 1 ? b)
D Diusive transport term
D Diusion coecient
f fuel mass fraction
G Generation coecient
G Generation rate
h Specic enthalph
I Indicator function
I Identity matrix
k Turbulence kinetic energy
l Turbulence integral length scale
l Spectral length scale
n Unit normal
p Pressure
Q Tensor property of any rank
R Gas constant
R Source term
S Surface
S Laminar
ame speed
T Temperature
t Time
U Velocity
V Volume
x Spatial position
Nomenclature 5
Greek Symbols
Phase volume fraction
ame \wrinkling"
(l) Flame \wrinkle" density function
Length scale
Flame area per unit volume
Stress tensor
" Turbulence dissipation rate
Laminar kinematic viscosity
Equivalence ratio
Time scale
Qb Burnt gas
Qeq Equilibrium
QI Interface
Qs Surface
Qt Turbulent
Qu Unburnt gas
Zone in which
! 1
Q Kolmogorov
QT Transpose
Q000 Fluctuation with respect to ensemble average
Q Fluctuation with respect to density weighted ensemble average
Q] Fluctuation with respect to surface average
Q Ensemble average
Conditional ensemble average
f Density weighted ensemble average
f Conditional density weighted ensemble average
Q Surface average
Q_ Rate of change
Chapter 1
The need for turbulent combustion modelling became apparent through the study
of the computational cost of handling
ame kinetics reactions schemes directly.
These problems are two-fold, rstly there is the the complexity of the reaction
schemes, although this problem may be overcome by the use of simplied schemes
[1], and secondly there is the problem of averaging, the average reaction rates
cannot simply be expressed in terms of the average temperature [2]. With the
advent of \transported joint PDF" techniques for handling the coupling between
the kinetics and the
ow [3], the need for turbulent combustion models appears
to have lessened. It must, however, be remembered that \transported PDF"
methods for turbulent combustion closure are computationally expensive, the
extent of which is only now becoming apparent. Also there are numerical and
modelling diculties, particularly with respect to the turbulence and mixing,
with these schemes which require further research. Meanwhile there is still much
that can be gained from the more traditional approaches to turbulent combustion
modelling, and under some condition, for example in internal combustion engines,
these methods may prove superior.
There are several traditional approaches to combustion modelling, although
there are marked similarities between many of them, even between some derived
using fundamentally dierent methods. Under some combustion conditions the
chemical kinetics may be assumed innitely fast in which case the combustion
process is controlled by mixing. Using this idea, Spalding [4] proposed the \eddy
break-up" (EBU) model which has spawned many derivatives [5, 6, 7, 8]. One
form of these were developed in an attempt to extend the range of applicability of
the basic model by including chemical kinetics eects, often by the introduction
of the laminar
ame speed to represent the combustion process occurring between
the unburnt and burnt gases as they mix [9, 10, 11, 12, 13].
Alternative methods for combining both turbulent mixing and chemical ki-
netics eects in turbulent combustion models include the \presumed PDF" [14,
15, 16, 17] and the \laminar-
amelet" [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 20]
approaches. In the former, the reaction rate probability density function is no
Introduction 7
longer assumed to be a double function, implicit in the EBU models, but some
other simple alternative is chosen, and kinetics eects are then included directly
using some simplied kinetics scheme. The \laminar
amelet" model is funda-
mentally similar, in that a PDF is assumed, usually a double function with or
without embellishments, the dierence being in the way the kinetics information
is introduced. It is supposed that the turbulent
ame may be represented as a
distribution of reaction zones, \
amelets", each of which is considered to be a
ame evaluated at the local conditions. In simple forms of this modelling
the laminar
amelets are assumed to be undisturbed by the turbulent
ow eld
but in more recent work the local stretch and curvature eects are incorporated.
Many of these models bare a marked similarity to the extended EBU models in
the form of the reaction expression used [23, 24], or, in the limit of fast kinetics
reduce to the EBU expression [14, 15, 16, 17], and are expected to exhibit the
same limitation as the original models under such conditions. The behaviour of
the EBU type models will now be analysed in order to clarify its limitations and
to give a reference point for comparison of the present work.
we_ / cg
00 2
where cg 00 2
is the density weighted ensemble average progress variable
and t is a characteristic turbulent time scale. A consequence of the rst assump-
tion is that the probability density function of the progress variable is a double
Introduction 8
we_ / c(1? c)
e e
In most simple combustion models, t is considered to be the \eddy turn-over"
time, and evaluated from the turbulence kinetic energy ke and dissipation rate "e
t = k"e
Consider the solution of the simple, modelled, density weighted ensemble aver-
aged convective-diusive transport equation for a reaction progress variable ce,
incorporating the simple \eddy break-up" combustion model :
@ce + r (U fce) ? r (D e c rce) = "e ce(1 ? ce) (1.4)
@t Ae
The form of the reaction rate expression in the above equation may be rein-
terpreted through the use of the asymptotic analysis proposed by Kolmogorov,
Petrovsky and Piscounov (KPP) [27], and applied to simple combustion models
by Hakberg [28], which suggests that the turbulent
ame speed is proportional
to u0. Thus the reaction rate expression may be rewritten by decomposing the
time scale thus
"e = u0 ; (1.5)
ke l
where the turbulence integral length scale l is dened as
l u"k : (1.6)
Thus the
ame length scale is eectively being imposed rather than it being
obtained through the solution of the transport equation. This lies at the heart
of the instability problem associated with such models, as will be demonstrated
in the following simple one dimensional analysis.
Consider the solution of the above equation for a one dimensional steady state
ame propagation through static homogeneous turbulence. Assuming the
reaches a stable wave-like propagation, the turbulent
ame speed for this problem
can be obtained by integrating the volumetric reaction rate across the
ame from
the unburnt gas to the fully burnt gas [8]:
St = R_ dl (1.7)
?1 ec
Introduction 9
R_ ec = A ul ce(1 ? ce) (1.8)
For such a simple case the above integral may be decomposed into a characteristic
length scale for the
ame f and the integral of R_ ec in ce space
Z ec=1
St = f R_ ec dc (1.9)
Clearly if the length scale of the
ame increases the speed will increase pro-
portionally. So, if the initial hypothesis of the
ame scale being proportional to
the turbulent length scale is correct, then the
ame speed will be stable. How-
ever, if there is an instability in the equation set such that the
ame thickness
increases, then the speed will also increase.
To test this point numerical solutions of Eqn. (1.4) have been obtained for
the aforementioned 1D circumstances, using a ne mesh and small time step to
eliminate numerical errors. Initially, the heat release is set to zero so that no
ow is generated. The result, is, as expected, a stable wave-
ame which propagates at a constant speed proportional to the prescribed
u0 and has a width of approximately one integral length scale. This result is
consistent with KPP analysis, and supports the premise that the
ame thickness
is known and may be incorporated directly into the model. However, with heat
release and the associated
ow changes due to gas expansion, the behaviour is
quite dierent. Now, the
ame has a tendency to expand due to the divergent
velocity eld, which increases the
ame speed. The increase in
ame thickness
increases the integral heat release, which in turn maintains the velocity diver-
gence. Hence the coupling between the equation for ce and the density weighted
ensemble average momentum equations is unstable and unphysical. This result
is inconsistent with KPP analysis due to it's reliance on the assumption that the
ame propagation is governed by the behaviour of the
ame tip rather than the
integral heat release. An alternative method for analysing the
ame propaga-
tion, which make no assumption about
ame behaviour is eigenvalue analysis [8]
which, for this case, does not produce a single
ame speed eigenvalue indicating
that the model is unstable.
It is now time to review the fundamental basis of the simple models by com-
parison with recent multi-equation models derived from a more physical under-
standing of
ame behaviour. Through such analysis it may be possible to assess
the deciencies of the simple models and propose more qualitatively reasonable
ones by careful reduction of the more complex schemes.
An extension of the \laminar
amelet" approach proposed by Marble and
Broadwell [29], and further developed by many others [30, 31, 32], considers the
ame as a sheet propagating locally as a laminar
ame and increasing in area
due to the formation of distortions by its interaction with the turbulent
Introduction 10
[33]. These models comprise transport equations for the progress variable and
ame area per unit volume , and do not resemble the EBU models in any
way. The physical approach used to derive such models makes them appealing
and enables development in many directions.
The present work is an alternative approach to the traditional based models
in that the
ame distribution is represented by the
ame \wrinkle" density ,
which is the
ame area per unit area resolved in the mean direction of propa-
gation. This enables more physically justiable modelling of the velocity eld
generated by the combustion, rather than the traditional density weighted en-
semble averaging and gradient transport modelling. Also, may be decomposed
as a spectral density function in length scale phase space, enabling detailed rep-
resentation of the turbulence-
ame interactions processes [33].
This paper contains a detailed derivation of the \wrinkle" density trans-
port equation, and the corresponding equation for the regress variable (which
may be considered a normalised fuel concentration), from its origins as a
area model to a closed pair of coupled transport equations, and a simple one
equation model derived there-from. This derivation relies heavily on the use of
conditional-averaging techniques developed by Dopazo [34]. As a result of this
analysis the resulting transport equations involve conditional average properties,
such as the unburnt gas conditional velocity, which must be obtained for their so-
lution. The conditional averaged momentum equations are proposed as a method
of obtaining the required information, but their solution is considered unneces-
sarily complicated for the present work, and simple models for all the conditional
properties required are developed. The resulting models are analysed for stability
and compared with the simple EBU models. Finally, the models are solved in
simple one-dimensional and boundary layer test cases, the results again compared
with the EBU model. It is found that both the one and two-equation models are
inherently stable to both width and speed perturbations, and produce plausible
solutions of
ame behaviour for all cases tested, unlike the EBU model which
failed in all cases except one dimensional propagation without heat release.
Chapter 2
Development of Flame Area
The transport equation for ce is usually derived by ensemble or time averaging
the transport equation for a reacting species mass fraction [21, 2]. The Reynolds
ux term in the resulting equation is then modelled by applying the Boussi-
nesq approximation (\gradient transport") and reaction rate modelled either by
heuristic argument or on the basis of a presumed PDF. In the case of homoge-
neous turbulent combustion of a highly reactive species (high Damk}ohler number)
at moderate Reynolds number, the PDF may be assumed to be a double delta
function, i.e. the
ame reaction zone is considered innitesimally thin, which
allows for various mathematical and modelling approaches to be applied to the
ame. For example the
ame may be considered a sheet, the dynamics of which
may be represented and modelled through a transport equation for the
ame area
per unit volume [29, 31, 32, 30]. Alternatively the PDF may be substituted into
the Reynolds averaged equations to represent combustion eects, together with
a representation of the burning rate [22, 23]. Both of these approaches may be
considered traditional in that they are well represented in the literature and are
becoming widely accepted as a basis for combustion modelling. However, if the
ame may be considered innitesimally thin, then a dierent approach to the
derivation of the averaged transport equations can be taken { that of conditional
averaging [35], as will now be described.
Burnt Su I=1
1 Z
= Vlim
!0 V S(x; t)
dS: (2.7)
Equation Eqn. (2.5) may then be re-written as
I rQ = r(
) ? Qn
: (2.8)
z }| {
I r Q = r (
) ? Q:n
z }| {
@ (
I @@tQ =
@t + QUs:n
z }| {
UI :n = UI : n + UI ] :n]
z }| {
z }| { z }| {
z }| {
@t I I I
Further simplication may be made to Eqn. (2.20) by substituting Q 1 into
Eqn. (2.8) resulting in
n = rb z}|{
which may be substituted into Eqn. (2.20) yielding
@b + U :rb + U ] :n] = ?S
z }| { z }| {
z }| {
In the expectation that the surface
uctuation correlation term will be modelled
as some kind of diusion term, it will be denoted Db, in which case the transport
equation for b may be written
@b + U :rb + D = ?S
z }| {
z }| {
I b I
Db = UI ]:n]
z }| {
z }| {
where Af is the average
ame area per unit volume in the control volume V , i.e.
z }| {
1 Z
Af = Vlim dS
z }| {
!0 V S(x; t)
= (2.26)
2.1 Conditional Averaging 16
Contours of b
and As is the average
ame area projected onto the mean propagation direction
z }| {
!0 V S(x; t)
= j n j: z}|{
From Eqs. (2.26, 2.27 and 2.21) may be expressed as
= 1 (2.28)
= (2.29)
n^ n^ = jr
2.1.5 Transport Equation for b in terms of
Decomposing the source term in Eqn. (2.23) using Eqn. (2.29) gives
@b + U :rb + D = ?S jrbj:
z }| { z }| {
I b I
2.1 Conditional Averaging 17
The signicance of this equation does not become apparent until jrbj is expressed
as n^ :rb, in which case
@b + U :rb + D = ?S ^n:rb;
z }| {
z }| {
@t I b I
the right hand side of which is clearly a propagation term, with SI the turbulent
z }| {
ame propagation speed and n^ the direction of propagation. The meaning of the
ame wrinkle factor is now apparent: it is the turbulent/laminar
ame speed
ratio. For convenience a total transport velocity is dened as
Ut = UI + SI ^n (2.33)
z }| { z }| { z }| {
= rb :r @b
jrbj !@t x
= n^ :r @b
@t x (2.37)
2.1 Conditional Averaging 18
= ?Ut :rrb ? (rUt):rb ? rDb (2.38)
z }| { z }| {
Combining Eqn. (2.37) with Eqn. (2.38) and substituting Eqn. (2.30) produces
@ jrbj = ?U :rrb:n^ ?n^ :rU :rb ?n^ :rD :
z }| { z }| {
t t b (2.39)
@t x
Noting that
r(rb:rb) = 2(rrb):rb (2.40)
term II in Eqn. (2.39) may be rewritten
II = ? 21 Ut : r(rb:rb) : (2.41)
z }| {
From Eqn. (2.29)
rb:rb = (2.42)
in which case
r = 2 r
= 2 jrbj r ? jrbjr :
Combining Eqn. (2.39), Eqn. (2.41) and Eqn. (2.43) gives
@ jrbj = ? Ut : r ? jrbjr ? n^ :rUt :rb ? n^ :rDb
z }| {
z }| {
@t x (2.44)
which concludes the derivation of the transport equation for jrbj. Substitution
of Eqn. (2.44) into Eqn. (2.35) yields
@ + U :r = ^n:rU :n^
z }| { z }| {
@t x t t
1 @ + Ut :r
z }| {
jrbj @t x jrbj
+ ^n :rDb : (2.45)
2.1 Conditional Averaging 19
@t s s
t t s
+ Ut ? Us : r
z }| { z }| {
+ ^n :rDb : (2.47)
After substituting for from Eqn. (2.29) and rearranging, there results
@ + U :r = ? n:rU :n
z }| {
z }| {
s s
+ ^n:rUt :n^ II
z }| {
+ Ut ? Us :
jrbj III
z }| { z }| {
G = ? n] :rUs:n] + n] :rUs] : n + n :rUs ]:n]
}| { z }| { z }| {
z}|{ z}|{
2.1 Conditional Averaging 20
+ Ut ? Us : rjrbj III :
z }| { z }| {
The rate of change and transport terms on the l.h.s. of the above are self ex-
planatory, but note the velocity transporting is the surface-averaged interface
value. The analysis of D is deferred to the modelling stage of the equation
Term I on the r.h.s. represents turbulence and interface
uctuation eects,
resulting in an increase or decrease of the interface area. This term may be
identied with the modelling of
ame interface behaviour presented in an earlier
paper by the author [33].
Term II on the r.h.s. of Eqn. (2.51) represents the mean stretch and prop-
agation eects on , the rst part of which is the generation due to meam
stretch and the interaction of propagation with mean curvature and the second
part correcting for these eects on the projected area. If this correction were not
present the
ame \wrinkling" could be reduced even if the surface were smooth.
The signicance of term III is not immediately obvious, however a clue to the
behaviour is given by the velocity part, which represents the dierence between
the overall propagation velocity and the average interface velocity, which increases
with interface distortion. The term in b may be best interpreted by constructing
the distribution through a hypothetical Gaussian
ame Fig. (2.3). The choice of
a Gaussian is considered reasonable on the basis of experimental results for rod
stabilised \V-shaped"
ames [36, 37]. From Fig. (2.3) it can be seen that the
function of b in term III tends to +1 at the back of the
ame and ?1 at the
front. Thus at the front of the
ame term III has the eect of smoothing out
ame by forcing ! 1. Note cannot become less than 1, by virtue of
the fact that the dierence between the two propagation velocities is zero for a
ame. This point becomes clear if the velocity dierence is evaluated in
terms of using Eqs. (2.33 and 2.17). Surface averaging of Eqn. (2.17) creates
a correlation between the laminar
ame speed and the local interface normal.
Neglecting this correlation and applying Eqn. (2.48) produces
Us UI + SI n^ (2.51)
z }| { z }| { z }| {
- 0.4
- 6.0 - 4.0 - 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0
Figure 2.4:
\Cusp" Formation for a Laminar Flame in a Taylor
UI ] :n] ?DI r n
z }| {
which may be decomposed using Eqs. (2.28 and 2.29) to give
DI r n = DI r n^
= ?DI :rb + DI (r n^ )^n:rb: (2.55)
The last term of Eqn. (2.55) represents the correlation between the velocity
tuations and the
ame mean curvature. Such an eect is likely to be negligible in
all cases except perhaps early kernel growth. For clarity this term is neglected in
the present work. Combining Eqs. (2.53 and 2.55) to form the complete modelled
form of Db and substituting into Eqn. (2.34) provides the transport equation for
b in closed form
@b + U :rb = ?S jrbj: z }| {
or equivalently, dening a suitable total transport velocity UT ,
@b + U :rb = 0 (2.57)
2.1 Conditional Averaging 24
UT UI + SI ^n (2.58)
z }| {
It is clear from Eqn. (2.57) that the use of \gradient transport" modelling
for the surface
uctuation correlations has provided an equation which does not
contain explicitly a dispersion process for the interface: however such information
is contained in the conditional averaged velocity. Also Eqn. (2.57) has the form
of a wave equation and hence is bounded and non-conservative, which is to be
expected since the transported property b need not be conserved but must be
bounded between 0 and 1. Another important feature of Eqn. (2.57) is that the
ame burning velocity eigenvalue is simply SI , i.e. the turbulent burning veloc-
z }| {
ity resulting from the modelling of . Unfortunately the
ame width eigenvalue
cannot be evaluated simply from the form of the equation as it results from the
interaction of the combustion with the unburnt gas.
There remains the problem of choosing the zone or zone averaging used in
specifying UI and SI in terms of the known conditional average velocities. There
z }| {
is evidence from direct simulation studies that the creation of
ame distortion is
dominated by the turbulence in the unburnt gas, due to the density change across
the interface \ejecting" the vortices from the burnt side preventing interaction
with the
ame [38]. On this basis one might expect that DI Du. However, it
seem unlikely that the interface behaviour can be represented purely in terms of
the unburnt gas properties: at least the interface
uid velocity must be depen-
dent on both the unburnt and burnt gases. An alternative approach proposed by
Dancy [39] and developed by Chen et al. [35] is to postulate that
uctuations of
the interface properties, about the interfacial point average, are uncorrelated and
the interface average can be approximated by the conventional average. Although
this may be a reasonable approximation for the case of no density change across
the interface, as in [35], the application to the general combustion case is unrea-
sonable. Consider a \simple"
ame interface containing cusps, Fig. (2.5). At the
back of the
ame the unburnt gas is partially trapped by the \cusps" and one
would expect that the local interface properties will be highly correlated with the
unburnt gas conditional properties. Conversely, the burnt gas is predominantly
in the \free" gas surrounding the
ame and unlikely to be strongly correlated
with the interface properties. A similar condition exists at the front of the
except that the interface has a lower curvature than at the back and hence is less
These arguments suggest that a form of inverse averaging (in which the value
of the interface average, as the unburnt gas fraction approaches 1, is dominated
by the burnt gas conditional properties and vice versa) should be applied to the
conditional averages in order to construct the interface transport conditional av-
erage. It is considered appropriate to average the momentum (density weighted
velocity) at the interface rather than the velocity, as the former varies continu-
ously across the interface and the later discontinuously. A second advantage in
2.1 Conditional Averaging 25
partially Uu
unburnt gas
Su gas
Ub Ub
the use of density weighting is that the unburnt gas properties will dominate the
interface behaviour as suggested by direct simulation [38]. The density weighted
uid velocity is constructed thus
I UI (1 ? b)uU b Ub
gu + b g (2.59)
I = (1 ? b)u + bb: (2.60)
I SI = uSu
z }| { z }| {
I DI (1 ? b)uD
gu + b D
b b (2.62)
D, and the turbulence interaction term G . The former comprises a combination
of the diusion term of the b equation and the
uctuation of the interface
velocity part of the convective transport term, the models for which may be
2.1 Conditional Averaging 26
jrbj !
= ?DI :r + n
^ n
jrbj :r jrbjDI r : (2.63)
Us = UI + SI n^ (2.64)
z }| {
If, for the purposes of the modelling of diusion in the transport equation,
mean surface curvature eects are neglected, the second term on the r.h.s. of
Eqn. (2.66) becomes
r jrbjDI r = jrbj r jrbjDI r 1 (2.65)
eq may be specied in a wide variety of ways, i.e. from the solution of the spectral
equation, from correlations of experimental data, or from simple models of
propagation e.g. fractal models. For the purposes of the present investigation, a
simple conventional linear relation with the turbulence intensity u0 will be used:
eq = 1 + u (2.72)
z }| {
2.2 Conditionally Averaged Velocities 28
+ SI ? + DI r : rjrbj :
1 (2.73)
z }| {
It is interesting to consider now, the dierences between the development
of the transport equation and the modelling of the transport equation by
the various developers [29, 43, 32]. The present analysis does not add any new
information to the original form of the transport equation [31], however, the
manipulation to convert into has separated out a term which represents
annihilation by \cusps", a term which does not require modelling. Whereas, in the
modelling of the equation, all the work to date has involved the introduction
of a modelled term representing this important feature of
ame behaviour. It
is concluded that while it is necessary to introduce a term to represent
area removal by propagation (R2 in Eqn. (2.73)), it is unnecessary to give this
term spatial dependency (as in the work of Marble and Broadwell [29] and all
subsequent developments), such that a stable
ame width may be obtained. This
function is fullled by the dierence in propagation behaviour of , and hence of
, manifesting itself as a \cusp" term.
A comparison may also be draw between the transport equation for b, Eqn.
(2.23), and that for G in the work of Peters [44]. Clearly, if G is considered an
indicator function, rather than a continuous scalar eld, the G and b are identical.
However, in the work of Peters, G is not given such a concrete denition, and the
interpretation of G as an indicator function is open to question. The use of condi-
tional averaging in the present work introduces the concept of surface averaged as
well as conditionally averaged properties, which requires a form of closure quite
unlike the more traditional moment closure, as used in the G equation. Finally,
the way in which surface eects are treated in the two approaches are quite dier-
ent. In the G equation, surface stretch and curvature eects are treated directly
through the mean and variance of G, whereas in the present work these eects are
represented through the
ame \wrinkling" and the physical processes involved in
it's development. Thus, although the starting point of the equation derivation
may be considered similar, the modelling and closure are quite dierent.
where the subscript
represents conditional average for the zone
and the tilde
represents the use of density weighting.
}| {
z }| {
is conditionally averaged in the same manner as the continuity equation, yielding
+r (
) + r
= ?r
?US +n
: ? r (Un
+ n
U) + pn
z }| {
z }| {
= ?
+ r
T : (2.79)
The rst line of Eqn. (2.78) resembles the density-weighted ensemble averaged
momentum equation except for the presence of the zone volume fraction
all the terms. The second line however does not have any counterpart in the
conventional averaged form and represents the eect of the interface on the zone
momentum. Apart from the various terms in the laminar viscosity there remains
the problem of decomposing and modelling the velocity correlation U
the surface average terms involving velocity and pressure. The rst of these may
be decomposed into terms involving the average and a
uctuation correlation in
the same manner as ensemble averaging
= U
U ^
+ U00 U00
the second term of which requires either modelling or the solution of a suitable
transport equation. It is considered that, in these preliminary studies of the use
of conditional averaging for combusting systems, the solution of Reynolds stress
equations is unnecessary and the use of \gradient transport" models for the zone
property correlations is adequate. This judgement is based on the earlier obser-
vation that the density variations within the zones are an order of magnitude
less than those across the interface, in which case the eect of \counter-gradient
transport" observed in
ames might be adequately represented through condi-
tional averaging without recourse to second order closure. However, it is noted
that for complex
ow problems involving curvature and adverse pressure gra-
dients \gradient transport" approximations have proved inadequate, for which
cases, with combustion, it is also expected that this approximation will prove
inadequate. However, such analysis is best deferred until the principles presented
here are proven. The application of \gradient transport" to Eqn. (2.80) results
= ?D
+ rUfT ? 2 (r U
)I + 2 kI
3 (2.81)
where I is the identity matrix.
The surface-average term in Eqn. (2.78) involving velocity may be decom-
posed, noting that S is constant across the interface (see Eqn. (2.15)), in which
2.2 Conditionally Averaged Velocities 31
uctuations of this property may be considered small compared with
ations in the interface velocity which have the order of magnitude of the density
change across the interface, thus
I UI SI I SI UI : (2.82)
z }| { z }| {z }| {
The pressure terms have been decomposed and combined to form the pressure
driving force within the zone and that due to the pressure dierence between
the interface and the zone. The last term on the right hand side represents
the transfer of momentum between the zones due to the gas transfer by
and the transport equations for the zone energies, from which the zone temper-
atures are obtained, may be solved to obtain the conditional average properties.
These are then used to construct the interface average properties which in turn
are used to solve for the interface structure, b and . This equation set should be
capable of describing much of behaviour of premixed turbulent
ames, but is far
more complex than the ensemble-average equations set presently being used to
describe combustion in engineering calculations [46]. It may be that such com-
plexity is unnecessary for most engineering purposes, and that one need only solve
for the ensemble average properties in order to adequately represent turbulent
ame behaviour. This possibility will now be explored.
eb = ub
1 ? eb = b 1 ? b
= ub + b 1 ? b (2.89)
Eqn. (2.75) may then be written
@eb + r U eb = ? S jrbj
z }| {
u u u
which is in conservative form with respect to the unburnt gas but not with respect
to the ensemble average properties. Also, due to the presence of the unburnt gas
density and velocity in this equation, it cannot be expressed in bounded form by
2.3 Ensemble Averaged Equations 33
b b(1 ? b)
2.3 Ensemble Averaged Equations 34
where the turbulent diusion coecient De is the same as that used in the enthalpy
transport equation. Substitution of Eqs. (2.96 and 2.93) into Eqn. (2.90) yields
" ! #
@eb + r (U e b reb) = ? Su jrbj ? r (1 ? eb) u ? 1 S u ^
feb) ? r (D
z }| {
@t t u b (2.97)
which may be simplied by rearranging the second term on the r.h.s using Eqn.
(2.89), in the form
(1 ? eb) u ? 1 = u ? (2.98)
resulting in
@eb + r (U e b reb) = ? Su jrbj
feb) ? r (D
z }| {
@t t u
? r (u ? ) eb S u^n : (2.99)
Decomposing the last term of Eqn. (2.99) using Eqn. (2.89) produces
r (u ? ) eb S u^n = S u^n:ru eb ? b + u eb ? b r S u^n
z}|{ z}|{ z}|{
which, when combined with Eqn. (2.99) nally results in
@eb + r (U e b reb) = ? Su jrebj
feb) ? r (D
z }| {
@t t u
? u eb ? b r S u^n
? eb ? b S u^n:ru (2.101)
The last term on the r.h.s of the above will be small in comparison with the
rst due to the gradients of the unburnt gas properties being small compared to
the ensemble-averaged properties within the
ame. However the second term on
the r.h.s will be signicant and dominated by the gradient of at the back of
ame produced by \cusp" formation. This term creates a problem with the
equation due to the requirements for conservation and boundedness. If removed
the equation will be bounded but non-conservative, and if retained the equation
will be conservative and unbounded. The boundedness requirement is crucial
due to the need for a smooth distribution of b in order to evaluate the second
derivatives in the equation, apart from the realisability requirement. If conser-
vation is violated in this equation but corrected for by constructing a consistent
fuel consumption rate for the energy equation, the
ame will not propagate at
the correct speed. In the expectation that such an error in speed will be small
2.3 Ensemble Averaged Equations 35
@t t u
2.3.2 Transport Equation for
The transport equation requires little alteration, but the interface
uid velocity
UI must be expressed in terms of ensemble averaged properties, consistent with
the modelling of the eb equation. The interface
uid velocity may be expressed
in terms of the density weighted ensemble average and the \slip" velocities by
manipulating Eqs. (2.59, 2.60 and 2.89), resulting in
f + (1 ? eb) ? b eb Uub :
UI = U (2.104)
I u
I = u + eb b ? 1 (2.105)
and the \slip" velocity is modelled as Eqn. (2.96).
all; instead a simple analytical expression for can be used in the eb equation.
For example substituting = eq (assuming local equilibrium) into Eqn. (2.102)
results in the following simple transport equation for eb:
@eb + r (U
feb) ? r (De b reb) = ? eq Su jrebj
z }| {
@t t u
Such a model will not represent \cusp" formation and dissipation processes which
are responsible for maintaining a stable
ame width: thus the
ame may increase
in width indenitely, and hence the model may only be applicable to small ge-
ometries, for example internal combustion engines. The lack of transient response
could be remedied by obtaining eq from analytical expressions for the turbulent
burning speed, for example those developed to represent
ame kernel growth in
internal combustion engines [47, 48]. However, in the present work, such com-
plexity is not warranted and the following simple linear expression for eq will be
used in both the one and two equation models:
eq = 1 + A u : (2.107)
z }| {
Chapter 3
Assessment of the b { Models f
In order to study the behaviour of the one and two equation models described,
Eqs. (2.102, 2.73 and 2.106), simple one-dimensional test cases are used, from
which information about the
ame structure and stability is obtained. The results
are compared and contrasted with those of the simple \eddy break-up" model
Eqn. (1.4) analysed in the introduction. Initial tests are performed in an open
duct, see Fig. (3.1), with the
ame stabilised in the centre by adjusting the inlet
velocity to balance the propagation, which allows for good spatial resolution
and cheap computation. The conditions of the case are give in Table 3.1. For
conditions under which a stable
ame could not be obtained in this geometry, a
semi-closed duct is used, see Fig. (3.2) the
ame being initiated at the left-hand
end, which is closed, and then propagates towards the open end. This allows the
form of the instability to be analysed in order that the range of applicability of
the model may be ascertained. The conditions for the semi-closed duct case are
also as in Table 3.1 except that the unburnt gas velocity need not be specied.
Ub Position Uu
Constant Specified
Figure 3.1: One Dimensional Open Duct Test Case
Assessment of the eb { Models 38
ρb u
Figure 3.2: One Dimensional Semi-Closed Duct Test Case
3.1 Constant Density 39
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
as specied is that the point in the
ame where the \cusp" terms are zero does
not correspond to the point where the diusion term in the \slip" velocity is zero,
see Eqs. (2.73 and 2.96). This dierence causes \wrinkling" from the back of the
ame to diuse into the
ame increasing the speed of propagation. This problem
could be remedied by reformulating the diusion term as in the work of Cant
and Pope [32], which in this case, where the surface correlation term is already
accounted for, has the form
?De rjr
bj : (3.1)
However, it is dicult to extend this form of diusion modelling to account for the
density eects at the
ame interface, accompanying combustion with heat release.
Alternative diusion representations are possible, which may be formulated to
allow for the correct propagation speed but their development and testing is left
to future work. Suce it to say that the error in the propagation speed is of the
order of 1% and hence is not considered critical.
The prole, Fig. (3.4), and
ame width are very similar to those produced
by Cant and Pope [32], which exhibits a smooth Gaussian like shape at the front
of the
ame and a much steeper prole at the back. This is indicative of the
3.1 Constant Density 40
Σ /10
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
presence of \cusps" at the back of the
ame which can be seen more clearly
in the distribution, plotted against b in Fig. (3.5), which is monotonic and
increasing rapidly at the back tending to innity. The long leading edge in the
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
prole can be attributed to the gradual decrease in . This quantity does tend
towards 1 at the front of the
ame but only at the very tip, behaviour which can
be attributed to the smoothing of the \wrinkles" due to propagation. The balance
between the \cusp" formation and dissipation terms appearing in Eqn. (2.73) is
presented in Fig. (3.6) If the diusion coecient in the \cusp" dissipation term
is doubled the
ame becomes correspondingly wider see Fig. (3.7), which lends
weight to the physical interpretation of the term as opposing \cusp" formation
3.1 Constant Density 41
1.0 Generation
Cusp Terms /10
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
and hence an important factor in determining the
ame width. If the dissipation
term is removed the
ame becomes unstable with the back propagating into
which becomes innitesimally thin.
It is dicult to make judgements about the correctness of the
ame width due
to the dissparity in published results. As already mentioned the present results
are in good agreement with those of Cant and Pope [32] but are considerably
dierent to those obtained by Pope using a transported joint PDF method [3], in
which a
ame, under the present conditions, would have a width of approximately
2l i.e. four time the value obtained here. Experimental data is not available for
ames under these conditions and so the issue of the
ame width cannot be
immediately resolved. However, data is available for various types of burner
and stabilised
ame, which suggest the
ame width is of the order of the integral
length scale, so it is not expected that the present model is excessively inaccurate.
It may be possible to resolve the issue by comparison with direct simulation
results, work which is left for the future.
The one-equation model, Eqn. (2.102), does not produce a completely stable
solution in the open duct case due to the need for a prole to counter-balance
the diusion eect. The width increases continuously at a decreasing rate, al-
though the
ame speed remains constant at the correct value corresponding to
the equilibrium wrinkling eq .
The \eddy break-up" model also produces a stable
ame for the constant
3.2 Variable Density 42
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
density case, with a near-symmetric prole for b (see Fig. (3.8)). However, in order
to obtain this stable condition the coecient A in Eqn. (1.4) required adjustment
until the turbulent
ame speed reached the expected value and counter-balanced
the inlet unburnt gas velocity, this coecient value being 3.1. The
ame is wider
than that for the eb { model, at approximately 1:2l, and the shape is quite
dierent, not exhibiting the strong asymmetry attributed to \cusps".
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
the back of the
ame and then decreases. It is expected that this behaviour will
be corrected if the full conditionally averaged system is solved.
The \eddy break-up" fails to produce a result in this case because of the
instability induced by the coupling between the reaction rate and the velocity
divergence via the density, resulting in unphysical
ame spreading, as described
in Section 1.0.1. A transient solution can however be obtained for the semi-closed
duct by tracking the
ame propagation from the ignition plane to the exit, the
results of which are compared with the equivalent obtained from the eb { model
and the one-equation model. eb proles at time intervals of 0.01s are plotted in
Figs. (3.10, 3.11 and 3.13) for each of the three models. In addition, the prole
at time intervals of 0.01s is plotted in Fig. (3.12) for the eb { model.
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
The \eddy break-up" results show the characteristic
ame spreading, and it
is apparent that the the
ame propagation is so slow at the back, that within the
time of calculation it does not release from the wall, and the resulting increase
ame width produces a corresponding increase in the integral heat release and
propagation speed (see Section 1.0.1). Clearly this behaviour is unrealistic and
unacceptable. Eigenvalue analysis supports this nding in that for such condi-
tions a steady solution cannot be obtained [8]. In contrast, the eb { model
produces a smooth development of
ame width (Fig. (3.11)), \wrinkling" (Fig.
(3.12)), and speed. The one-equation model produces qualitatively similar re-
sults, Fig. (3.13), the
ame width developing slowly and appears to approach a
steady level, although it is not expected that a stable value would be obtained for
an arbitrarily large duct. Clearly the
ame assumes a physically realistic prole,
3.2 Variable Density 45
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Fig. (3.13), compared to the \eddy break-up" model, gebuPropb, and within
the space of 10l does not become unreasonably wide. It would thus seem that
the one-equation model may be applied with condence to small and moderately
sized combustion systems such as internal combustion engines, furnaces, turbines
etc., but may not be reasonable for unconned vapour cloud explosions.
In order to study the approach to equilibrium of the eb { and one-equation
models, and the speed instability of the \eddy break-up" model in more detail,
the normalised duct exit velocity vs normalised time is plotted in Fig. (3.14)
for a 50l long duct. The continuous acceleration of the \eddy break-up" model
is clear, whereas both the eb { and one-equation models approach a state of
steady propagation. The eb { model stabilises with a speed speed 30% lower
than for the open duct case, due to the dierence in
ame structure, caused by
the compression of the back of the
ame by the expanding burnt gas driving the
ame forward. This compression eect decreases the
ame wrinkling through the
mean stretch eect term in the equation, Eqn. (2.73).
ame speed for the one-equation model develops faster than for the two-
equation eb { model, Fig. (3.14), due to the use of the equilibrium rather
than solving for it's time development. This has an unfortunate side eect of
causing large oscillations in the velocity eld about the correct value which damp
out with time. This is a feature of the ignition process being a plane
the sudden introduction of which causes pressure and hence velocity waves. Such
behaviour is not obtained for a spherically propagating
ame in which the ignition
kernel is small. The
ame does, however, attain the expected speed, Sueq , the
3.3 Boundary Layer Flame Propagation 47
Exit U/(R-1)S
compression eects present in the equation not being represented through the
equilibrium assumption.
This choice being made, there is left the decision as to which low-Reynolds number
model is the most appropriate. The various models have been tailored to specic
ranges of
ow conditions, the important features to be represented here are the
position and magnitude of the peaks in the k and " distributions near the wall.
On the basis of the review by Patel et.al. [50] the Lam-Bremhorst model [51] is
considered to represent best the important
ow features of the present study.
There are various ways in which a turbulent boundary layer, through which a
ame propagates, may be generated. For example, it may be self induced as in a
ame tube experiment, or, it may be a driven
ow, in which case the boundary
layer exists before the
ame ignition. The problem with the former case is that a
transition to turbulence must be modelled, and that the computational domain
must be large enough for both this development period and and a period of
ame propagation through the resulting turbulent boundary layer. The latter
case results in the propagation of two opposed
ames, one of which propagates
towards the gas inlet. To avoid both these sets of problems a rather articial
case is constructed, which is more computationally convenient. It consists of
two parallel plates, innitely large in one direction, Fig. (3.15). A premixed
Initial flame "Fully-developed"
Profile Symmetry Plane Profile
Ub U u
fuel-air mixture is injected at one end with a velocity and turbulence prole
corresponding to the fully-developed state. The
ow is maintained until a steady
state is reached. The
ame is initiated by imposing a simple ramp prole in eb
near the inlet, and setting the inlet conditions to the equivalent fully-developed
ow for the burnt gas state. The
ame then propagates along the duct, the
computation ceasing when the
ame reaches the outlet. The dimensions of the
duct and the
ow conditions are given in Table 3.2.
The eb { model produces a
ame that appears to reach a steady state of
propagation, although the duct is not long enough to be certain that such a state
is attained. The velocity vectors, eb and contours are shown in Fig. (3.16).
3.3 Boundary Layer Flame Propagation 49
Property Symbol Value Dimension
Distance Between Plates h 20.0 mm
Initial mean pressure p 1.0 bar
Initial temperature T 300.0 K
Initial Velocity U Fully Developed m=s
Inlet Mean Velocity U 30.0 m=s
Initial Flame Prole
ramp Length 8.0 mm
Fuel Methane
Equivalance Ratio 0.8
Laminar Flame Speed Su 0.3 m=s
Density Ratio u=b 6.72
Laminar Viscosity 15:6 10?6 m2 =s
The inlet center line velocity being approximately 30m=s, the black contours of
ranging from 0:05 ! 0:95 and the coloured contours of ranging from 1 ! 6.
ame shape is clearly plausible and similar to schlieren photographs of
in ducts [52]. More than this cannot be said until more detailed experiments
ames near-walls are made. There are, however, many interesting features
in these results which require closer examination, and may shed light on the
behaviour of
ames in boundary layers. It is interesting to see that the
\wrinkling" at the
ame tip is low, indicating that the gas expansion in the
combustion process accelerates and stretches the
ame tip, forcing it to become
smooth. The
ame \wrinkling", with it's slower propagation rate (see Eqs. (2.64
and 2.58)), becomes dominant towards the back of the
ame, and peaks near the
peak in the near-wall turbulence kinetic energy distribution. Another important
feature of the
ame is that the
ame width does not appear to scale with the
3.3 Boundary Layer Flame Propagation 50
relation used in the model. As in the previous case, the one-equation model
produces a
ame which is qualitatively similar to the two-equation model, except
that it's width increases continuously, but slowly. This model does, however,
reproduce the correct speed behaviour and thus is considered applicable to
propagation in moderate sized geometries such as internal combustion engines.
The \eddy break-up" model produces a
ame which increases in speed and width
continuously and rapidly, and is therefore considered unphysical.
The dierence between the models is even more extreme in the boundary layer
calculation. Both the eb ? and one-equation models produce plausible
shapes and speeds, although there is a marked dierence in the
ame structure
due to the local equilibrium assumption used in the one-equation model. The
\eddy break-up" model produced a
ame in which a needle like protrusion of the
front propagates between the laminar sub-layer and the buer layer at phenome-
nal speeds (> 108m=s) and creates a shock wave parallel to the wall. Clearly, this
result is unphysical and demonstrates that such simple models cannot be used in
near-wall combustion.
It is thus concluded that the two models developed in this report are simple,
stable and produce encouraging results for a range of simple test cases. It remains
to apply these models to more complex combusting systems such as spark ignition
internal combustion engines and explosions in complex geometries, for which the
models are considered particularly suited.
Chapter 5
I acknowledge with gratitude, guidance and tuition freely given by Dr. C.J.
Marooney, without whose help this work would not have been possible. I would
also like to thank Prof. A.D. Gosman and Dr. R.P. Lindstedt for all the help and
encouragement they have given me throughout my work. This work has been
partly funded through a research grant given by Renault.
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