Ob - I
Ob - I
Ob - I
Organizational Behavior (OB) investigates the impact that individuals and groups have on behavior
within organization to improve organizational effectiveness. OB is an applied field. It is built on
contributions from a number of behavioral disciplines like psychology, social psychology, sociology,
anthropology and political science. The first discipline helps us to understand individual behavior
whereas the rest contribute to our understanding of group processes and organizational system. The
study of OB equips would-be managers to develop their people skills, such that they are effective in
their jobs. Some of the issues that OB deals with are improving employee productivity, job
satisfaction, motivation and organization engagement; as well as reducing absenteeism, turnover
and deviant workplace behavior.
The first part of OB, spread across 20 sessions, deals with study of self and interpersonal relationship.
It tries to explain why people behave act in response to a stimulus - the way they do.
Lecture, Discussion, Case, Role Play, Instruments and Reading
Text Book: Organizational Behavior by Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge and Neharika Vohra.
14th Edition. Pearson
Component Weightage
Class Participation 20%
Quizzes 20%
Mid Term Exam 30%
End Term Exam 30%
Total 100%
Module I: Fundamentals of OB
Module Objective:
Present an overview of course.
Understand the field of OB.
Identify the challenges and opportunities managers have in applying OB concepts.
Module Objective:
To understand the individual dynamics of OB
To understand the relationship among value, attitude and behavior
Case: Noharia, N., Matthew, B. and Wademan, D. 2009. Life stories of recent MBAs: Value and ethical
challenges. Harvard Business School, Case no 9-410-029.
Module III: Perception and Emotions
Module Objective:
Role of perception in understanding the organizational dynamics.
Understanding emotions and its role in organizational life.
Session 7: Emotion
Objective: To study:
Emotion: difference between mood and emotions.
Circumplex model of affect
Emotional intelligence
1. Davidson, M. N. (2001) Expressing emotions in interpersonal interactions, Technical Note,
Darden Business Publishing, UV0543.
2. Goleman, D. (1998) What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, 76 (6), pp. 93-102.
Psychometric test: Emotional intelligence
Module Objective: To understand the various determinants of personality, and its dynamics at an
organizational level.
Module Objective:
To understand the various theories of motivation and evaluate their applicability in todays
To identify the relation between motivation and performance.
Module Objective:
To understand individual decision making in organizational context with respect to rationality
vis-a-vis heuristic perspectives
To understand the importance of ethical framework for decision making within an
organizational context