C1329 - Standard Specification For Mortar Cement
C1329 - Standard Specification For Mortar Cement
C1329 - Standard Specification For Mortar Cement
Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
C 1329 03
4. Classification 11. Time of Setting
4.1 Mortar cements are classified as Type N, S, or M, 11.1 Determine the time of setting by the Gillmore needle
according to the physical requirements prescribed in Table 1. method in accordance with Test Method C 266.
C 1329 03
TABLE 2 Cement in Laboratory Batch of Mortar cubes from the molds, and place them in the moist cabinet or
Mortar Cement Type Mass of Cement, g moist room for 5 days in such a manner as to allow free
N 480 circulation of air around at least five faces of the specimens. At
S 510 the age of 7 days, immerse the cubes for the 28-day tests in
M 540
saturated lime water in storage tanks of noncorrodible materi-
17.2 Procedure:
The mass of dry sand in 28 L of loose damp sand is 36 kg.
17.2.1 Test the cube specimens immediately after their
28 L of Type N mortar cement has a mass of 32 kg.
28 L of Type S mortar cement has a mass of 34 kg. removal from the moist cabinet or moist room for 7-day
28 L of Type M mortar cement has a mass of 36 kg. specimens, and immediately after their removal from storage
For example, the amount of cement needed to provide a 1:3 volume water for all other specimens. If more than one specimen at a
proportion of cement to sand using a Type N mortar cement is calculated time is removed from the moist cabinet or moist room for
as follows: 7-day tests, cover these cubes with a damp cloth until the time
A 5 1620 3 ~C/B! 5 1620 3 ~32/108! 5 480 (1) of testing.
17.2.2 The remainder of the testing procedure shall conform
where: to Test Method C 109/C 109M.
A = number of grams of cement to be used in the mortar
with 1620 g of sand, 18. Water Retention
B = 3 3 36 = 108 kg, the mass of dry sand in 84 (or 3 3 18.1 Water retention shall be determined in accordance with
28) L of loose damp sand, and the procedures in Test Method C 1506.
C = mass of Type N mortar cement per 28 L.
15.2 Mixing of MortarsMix the mortar in accordance 19. Flexural Bond Strength
with Practice C 305. 19.1 Flexural bond strength shall be determined in accor-
15.3 Determination of FlowDetermine the flow in accor- dance with the procedure set forth in Annex A1 of this
dance with Test Method C 109/C 109M. specification.
16. Air Entrainment 20. Storage
16.1 ProcedureIf the mortar has the correct flow, use a 20.1 The cement shall be stored in such a manner as to
separate portion of the mortar for the determination of en- permit easy access for proper inspection and identification of
trained air. Determine the mass of 400 mL of mortar in each shipment, and in a suitable weathertight building that will
accordance with Test Method C 185. protect the cement from dampness and minimize warehouse
16.2 CalculationCalculate the air content of the mortar, set.
and report it to the nearest 1 % as follows:
D 5 ~W1 1 W2 1 Vw!/@~W1/S1! 1 ~W2/S2! 21. Inspection
1 Vw # A 21.1 Adequate facilities shall be provided to the purchaser
5 100 2 ~Wm/4D! (2) for the necessary inspection and sampling.
21.2 All packages shall be in good condition at the time of
D = density of air-free mortar, g/cm3, inspection.
W1 = mass of cement, g, 22. Rejection
W2 = mass of sand, g,
Vw = mL-g of water used, 22.1 At the option of the purchaser, the cement shall be
S1 = density of cement, g/cm3, rejected if it fails to meet any of the requirements of this
S2 = density of standard sand, 2.65 g/cm3, specification.
A = volume percent of entrained air, and 22.2 At the option of the purchaser, packages more than 2 %
Wm = mass of 400 mL of mortar, g. below the mass marked thereon shall be rejected. At the option
of the purchaser, the entire shipment shall be rejected if the
17. Compressive Strength average mass of packages in any shipment, as shown by
17.1 Test Specimens: weighing 50 packages taken at random, is less than that marked
17.1.1 MoldingImmediately after determining the flow on the packages.
and mass of 400 mL of mortar, return all of the mortar to the 22.3 At the option of the purchaser, cement remaining in
mixing bowl and remix for 15 s at the medium speed. Then storage prior to shipment for a period greater than six months
mold the test specimens in accordance with Test Method after testing shall be retested and, at the option of the
C 109/C 109M, except that the elapsed time for mixing mortar, purchaser, shall be rejected if it fails to meet any of the
determining flow, determining air entrainment, and starting the requirements of this specification.
molding of cubes shall be within 8 min.
17.1.2 StorageImmediately after molding, store all test 23. Manufacturers Certification
specimens in the molds on plane plates in a moist cabinet or 23.1 Upon request of the purchaser in the contract or order,
moist room for 48 to 52 h in such a manner that the upper a manufacturers report shall be furnished at the time of
surfaces shall be exposed to the moist air. Then remove the shipment stating the results of the tests made on samples of the
C 1329 03
material taken during production or transfer and certifying that NOTE 2To facilitate the change to SI units, a standard metric package
the applicable requirements of this specification have been met. size of 32 kg for Type N, 34 kg for Type S, and 36 kg for Type M will
provide convenient mass increments reasonably similar to the traditional
24. Packaging and Package Marking 70, 75, and 80lb packages.
24.1 When mortar cement is delivered in packages, the
brand, name of the manufacturer, type of mortar cement, and 25. Keywords
net mass of the package in kilograms (Note 2) shall be 25.1 flexural bond strength; masonry; mortar; mortar
indicated plainly thereon. Similar information shall be pro- cement
vided in the shipping documents accompanying the shipment
of mortar cement in bulk.
(Mandatory Information)
C 1329 03
NOTE 1Base: 20 by 30 by 6.0-mm (8 by 12 by 14-in.) plate. Angles: 51 by 51 by 6 mm (2 by 2 by 14 in.), 414 mm (16516 in.) in length.
FIG. A1.1 Jig Used in Prism Fabrication
A1.5.1.7 During manufacturing of the standard masonry mixer. If the flow meets the required consistency, the batch
unit, precaution shall be exercised to prevent contamination of (including material used to determine flow) shall be mixed for
the surfaces of the unit by a mold release agent. the remaining 2 mins. If the flow is less than 120, additional
A1.5.1.8 Upon delivery, units shall be protected from any water is not prohibited from being added to the batch (includ-
outside contamination by means of covering with stretch ing material used to determine flow) and mixed for 1 min. If
wrapping or shrink wrapping. At seven days prior to use, units the flow then meets the required consistency, the batch (includ-
to be used shall be stored under conditions of laboratory ing material used to determine flow) shall be mixed for the
temperature and humiduty. The units shall not be wetted or remaining minute. If after the one-time addition of water the
surface treated prior to or during prism fabrication. flow does not meet the required consistrency, the batch shall be
discarded. Whenever the measured flow exceeds 130 the batch
A1.6 Procedure shall be discarded.
A1.6.1 Mortar shall be prepared in accordance with the A1.6.1.4 The initial cone penetration shall be determined in
following: accordance with Test Method C 780, immediately after mixing
A1.6.1.1 Sand shall be a blend of an equal mass of graded the mortar. Mortar shall not be used when the cone penetration
standard sand and standard 2030 m sand conforming to is less than 80 % of the initial cone penetration value.
Specification C 778. Mortar shall be proportioned to contain a
A1.6.2 Test specimens shall consist of a set of prisms such
mass of cement in kg equal to 0.20 times the net mass in kg
that 30 mortar joints are fabricated for testing. Prism specimens
printed on the bag and 22.0 kg of sand.
A1.6.1.2 Mortar materials shall be mixed in a paddle-type shall be not more than six units in height.
mortar mixer of no less than 18 L (0.6 ft3) capacity for 5 min. A1.6.3 Fabricate the test specimens as follows:
A1.6.1.3 Mortar flow shall be determined in accordance A1.6.3.1 Each prism shall be built in an opened moisture-
with Test Method C 109/C 109M. Water shall be adjusted until tight bag that is large enough to enclose and seal the completed
flow of 125 6 5 is achieved. The flow shall be determined on prism. Set the first unit of each prism on a 12-mm (12-in.)
mortar mixed 3 min after all of the ingredients are added to the plywood pallet in an alignment jig, as shown in Fig. A1.1.
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A1.6.3.2 Place the mortar template shown in Fig. A1.2 on in the laboratory air, maintained at a temperature of 24 6 9C
the unit so that the mortar bed depth prior to compaction is 12 (75 6 16F), with a relative humidity between 30 and 70 %.
mm (12 in.). Place the mortar in the template, and strike off A1.6.4 Determine the flexural bond strength of the test
excess mortar with a straight edge. specimens in accordance with the procedure outlined in Test
A1.6.3.3 Remove the template, and immediately place the Method C 1072.
next unit on the mortar bed in contact with the three alignment
bolts for that course using a bulls-eye level to ensure uniform A1.7 Calculation
initial contact of the unit surface and bed mortar. Carefully A1.7.1 Calculate the modulus of rupture of each mortar
position the drop hammer apparatus shown in Fig. A1.3 on top joint as follows:
of the unit, and drop its 1.8 kg (4 lb), round end down, once 6~PL 1 P1L1! ~ P 1 P1 !
from a height of 38 mm (1.5 in.). fr 5 2 bd
bd 2
A1.6.3.4 Repeat the steps given in A1.6.3.2 and A1.6.3.3
until the prisms are complete. where:
A1.6.3.5 Joints shall be cut flush after the prism is com- fr = modulus of rupture, MPa (psi),
pletely built. The joints shall not be tooled. P = maximum applied load, N (lbf),
A1.6.3.6 Place two masonry units of the type used to P1 = weight of loading arm, N (lbf),
construct the prism upon the top course 1 h 6 15 min after the L = distance from center of prism to loading point, mm
completion of construction. (in.),
A1.6.3.7 Identify all test specimens using a water-resistant L1 = distance from center of prism to centroid of loading
marker. arm, mm (in.),
A1.6.3.8 Draw and seal the moisture-tight bag around the b = average width of cross section of failure surface, mm
prism. (in.), and
d = average thickness of cross section of failure surface,
A1.6.3.9 Cure all test specimens for 28 days. Two days prior
mm (in.).
to testing, remove the moisture-tight bag and continue curing
C 1329 03
A1.7.2 The flexural bond strength of mortar cement shall be A1.8.4 Report the standard deviation for all 30 joints tested.
determined as the average modulus of rupture of 30 joints A1.8.5 Report the flexural bond strength of the mortar
minus 1.28 times the standard deviation of the sample, which cement as determined in accordance with A1.7.2.
yields a value that a mortar joints modulus of rupture will
equal or exceed 9 out of 10 times. A1.9 Precision and Bias
A1.8 Report A1.9.1 Insufficient data are currently available for a preci-
A1.8.1 Include the name of the manufacturer of the mortar sion and bias statement.
cement being evaluated, place of manufacture, type of mortar
cement, date of testing, laboratory name, and names of A1.10 Keywords
laboratory staff in the report.
A1.8.2 Report the mortar flow and initial cone penetration. A1.10.1 flexural bond strength; mortar cement; standard
A1.8.3 Identify the prism and joint tested. Report the concrete masonry unit
maximum applied test load and the modulus of rupture.
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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