Gas Fuelled Engine Installations: Ships
Gas Fuelled Engine Installations: Ships
Gas Fuelled Engine Installations: Ships
Sec. 1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 5
Sec. 2 Materials ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Sec. 3 Arrangement and System Design ............................................................................................... 9
Sec. 4 Fire Safety ................................................................................................................................ 13
Sec. 5 Electrical Systems .................................................................................................................... 14
Sec. 6 Control, Monitoring and Safety Systems ................................................................................. 16
Sec. 7 Compressors and Gas Engines ................................................................................................. 21
Sec. 8 Manufacture, Workmanship and Testing ................................................................................. 22
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Rules for Ships, January 2007
Pt.6 Ch.13 Contents Page 3
and specie rooms, store rooms, workshops other than those drawings and specifications of insulation for low temper-
forming part of the machinery spaces and similar spaces and ature piping where such insulation is installed
trunks to such spaces. specification of electrical bonding of piping
119 Single gas fuel system is a power generating system con- specification of means for removal of liquid contents
sisting of gas-only engines, not able to switch over to fuel oil from bunkering pipes prior to disconnecting the shore
running. connection, see E100
cooling or heating water system in connection with gas
fuel system, if fitted.
C. Documentation 104 The following plans and particulars for the safety re-
lief valves shall be submitted for approval:
C 100 Plans and particulars drawings and specifications for safety relief valves and
101 Arrangement plans shall be submitted for approval giv- pressure/vacuum relief valves and associated ventilation
ing location of: piping
calculation of required gas tank relief valve capacity, in-
machinery and boiler spaces, accommodation, service and cluding back pressure
control station spaces specification of procedures for changing of set pressures
gas tanks and gas containment systems of cargo tank safety relief valves if such arrangements
gas pump and compressor rooms are contemplated
gas piping with shore connections calculations for safety valves ventilation mast: location,
tank hatches, ventilation pipes and any other openings to height, details.
the gas tanks
ventilating pipes, doors and openings to gas pump rooms, 105 Plans of the following equipment and systems with par-
compressor rooms and other hazardous areas ticulars shall be submitted:
entrances, air inlets and openings to accommodation, serv-
ice and control station spaces drawings showing location and construction of air locks
hazardous areas of zone 0, 1 and 2, and their extent. with alarm equipment, if fitted
drawings of gastight bulkhead penetrations, if fitted
102 Plans of the gas containment system with the following arrangements and specifications of mechanical ventilation
particulars shall be submitted for approval: systems in spaces covering gas fuel system, giving capac-
ity and location of fans and their motors. Drawings and
drawing of gas tanks including information on non-de- material specifications of rotating parts and casings for
structive testing of welds and strength and tightness test- fans and portable ventilators
ing of tanks drawings and specifications of protection of hull steel be-
drawings of support and staying of independent tanks neath liquid piping where liquid leakage may be antici-
specification of materials in gas tanks and gas piping pated, such as at shore connections and at pump seals
systems arrangement and specifications of piping systems for gas
specifications of welding procedures for gas tanks freeing and purging of gas tanks
specification of stress relieving procedures for independ- for fixed gas detection and alarm systems: specification
ent tanks type C (thermal or mechanical) and location of detectors, alarm devices and call points,
specification of design loads and structural analysis of and cable routing layout drawing
gas tanks bilge and drainage arrangements in gas pump rooms,
a complete stress analysis shall be submitted for inde- compressor rooms, tank rooms
pendent tanks type C exhaust gas system.
specification of cooling-down procedure for gas tanks
arrangement and specifications of secondary barriers 106 Plans of the following equipment and systems regarding
drawings and specifications of tank insulation fire protection shall be submitted for approval:
drawing of marking plate for independent tanks.
arrangement and specification of water spray system, in-
103 Plans of the following piping systems shall be submitted cluding pipes, valves, nozzles and fittings
for approval: arrangement of ventilation duct required for gas pipes lead
through enclosed spaces
drawings and specifications of gas piping including venti- arrangement of ventilation duct for storage tank fitted
lation lines of safety relief valves or similar piping below deck, if applicable
drawings and specifications of offsets, loops, bends and arrangement of fire detection system for storage tank
mechanical expansion joints, such as bellows, slip joints and ventilation trunk
(only inside tank) or similar means in the gas piping arrangement of fire insulation for storage tank and
drawings and specifications of flanges, valves and other pipes, ventilation trunks for storage tank room
fittings in the gas piping system. For valves intended for arrangement and specification of dry chemical powder
piping systems with a design temperature below minus installation.
55C, documentation for leak test and functional test at de-
sign temperature (type test) is required 107 Plans of electrical installations giving the following
complete stress analysis of piping system when design particulars shall be submitted for approval:
temperature is below minus 110C
documentation of type tests for expansion components in drawing(s) showing location of all electrical equipment
the gas piping system in hazardous areas and data for verification of the com-
specification of materials, welding, post-weld heat treat- patibility between the barrier and the field component
ment and non-destructive testing of gas piping single line diagram for intrinsically safe circuits
specification of pressure tests (structural and tightness list of explosion protected equipment with reference to
tests) of gas piping drawings together with certificates
program for functional tests of all piping systems includ- maintenance manual as specified in Sec.5 D, for electri-
ing valves, fittings and associated equipment for handling cal installations in hazardous areas shall be submitted
gas (liquid or vapour) for information.
108 The following control and monitoring systems shall be 402 For general requirements and in regard to testing of
approved by the Society: pumps: See Pt.4 Ch.6.
gas detection system 403 For general requirements and with regard to testing of
gas tank monitoring system compressors: See Pt.4 Ch.5.
gas compressors control and monitoring system
gas engines control and monitoring system.
For requirements to documentation, see Pt.4 Ch.9. E. Operation and Maintenance Manuals
109 A failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) examining E 100 Contents
all possible faults affecting the combustion process in the gas
engines shall be submitted for approval. 101 An operation manual shall include:
110 A test program for the safety functions of the gas instal- bunkering procedure
lation in the form of a Cause and Effect diagram is to be sub- gas freeing and inerting procedures
mitted for approval.
normal operation procedures of the gas system
111 An operation manual shall be submitted for approval, to emergency operation procedures of the gas system.
include information as outlined in E100.
102 A plan for systematic maintenance and function testing
shall be kept onboard showing in detail how components and
systems shall be tested and what shall be observed during the
D. Certification tests. Columns showing test dates and verification of tests car-
ried out shall be included. The plan shall include:
D 100 Gas engines
101 Gas engines are in addition to the requirements in this all instrumentation, automation and control systems af-
chapter shall be certified in accordance with Pt.4 Ch.3. fecting the gas supply system
test intervals to reflect the consequences of failure involv-
D 200 Pressure vessels ing a particular system. Functional testing of critical
201 Pressure vessels, which under normal operations will alarms should not exceed 3 months intervals. Normally the
contain gas in the liquid and/or gaseous state, shall be certified longest intervals shall not surpass 12 months.
as class I pressure vessels in accordance with Pt.4 Ch.7.
The plan should be included in the plan required for the class
D 300 Valves notation E0.
301 For valves a DNV product certificate is required, as giv- Guidance note:
en in Pt.4 Ch.6. Critical alarms are defined as low lubricating oil pressure alarms
for rotating machinery.
D 400 Pumps and compressors
401 Pumps and compressors in gas systems shall be deliv-
ered with a DNV product certificate.
202 For low pressure gas systems ventilation inlet openings matic filling of the duct with nitrogen upon detection of
for the double wall piping or duct can be accepted located in gas is arranged for. The fan motors shall be placed outside
the engine room on the condition that a gas detection system is the ventilated pipe or duct. The ventilation outlet shall be
fitted in the engine room. covered by a protection screen and placed in a position
203 In case of leakage in a gas supply pipe making shutdown where no flammable gas-air mixture may be ignited.
of the gas supply necessary, a secondary independent fuel sup- 102 The connecting of gas piping and ducting to the gas in-
ply must be available. Alternatively, in the case of multi-en- jection valves must be so as to provide complete coverage by
gine installations, independent and separate gas supply the ducting. The arrangement must facilitate replacement and
systems for each engine or group of engines may be accepted. or overhaul of injection valves and cylinder covers.
204 For single fuel installations (gas only) the fuel storage Double ducting is also required for gas pipes on the engine and
shall be divided between two or more tanks of approximately up to where the gas is supplied into the combustion chamber.
equal size. The tanks shall be located in separate compart-
ments. Guidance note:
If gas is supplied into the air inlet pipe on a low pressure engine,
D 300 ESD protected machinery spaces double ducting may be omitted on the air inlet pipe on the condi-
tion that a gas detector is fitted above the engine.
301 Gas supply piping within machinery spaces may be ac-
cepted without a gas tight external enclosure on the following ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
103 For high-pressure piping the design pressure of the
a) Engines for generating propulsion power and electric ducting shall be taken as the higher of the following:
power shall be located in two or more engine rooms not
having any common boundaries unless it can be docu- the maximum built up pressure: static pressure in way of
mented that the common boundary can withstand an ex- the rupture resulting from the gas flowing in the annular
plosion in one of the rooms. Distribution of engines space
between the different engine rooms shall be such that in local instantaneous peak pressure in way of the rupture p*:
the case of shutdown of fuel supply to any one engine this pressure shall be taken as the critical pressure and is
room it must be possible to maintain at least 40% of the given by the following expression:
propulsion power plus normal electrical power supply for k
sea going services. Incinerators, inert gas generators or 2 k1
other oil fired boilers shall not be located within an ESD p = p 0 ------------
k + 1
protected machinery space.
b) Pressure in gas supply lines within machinery spaces to be p0 = maximum working pressure of the inner pipe
less than 10 bar. k = Cp/Cv constant pressure specific heat divided by
c) A gas detection system arranged to automatically shut- the specific volume specific heat
down the gas supply (also oil fuel supply if dual fuel) and k = 1.31 for CH4
disconnect all non-explosion protected equipment or in-
stallations shall be fitted. The tangential membrane stress of a straight pipe shall not ex-
ceed the tensile strength divided by 1.5 (Rm/1.5) when subject-
302 For single fuel installations (gas only) the fuel storage ed to the above pressure. The pressure ratings of all other
shall be divided between two or more tanks of approximately piping components shall reflect the same level of strength as
equal size. The tanks shall be located in separate compart- straight pipes.
ments. As an alternative to using the peak pressure from the above for-
mula, the peak pressure found from representative tests can be
used. Test reports must then be submitted.
E. Gas Supply System in Machinery Spaces 104 For low pressure piping the duct shall be dimensioned
for a design pressure not less than the maximum working pres-
E 100 Gas supply system for inherently gas safe sure of the gas pipes. The duct is also to be tightness tested.
machinery spaces 105 The arrangement and installation of the high-pressure
101 Gas supply lines passing through enclosed spaces shall gas piping must provide the necessary flexibility for the gas
be completely enclosed by a double pipe or duct. This double supply piping to accommodate the oscillating movements of
pipe or duct shall fulfil one of the following: the engine, without running the risk of fatigue problems. The
length and configuration of the branch lines are important fac-
a) The gas piping shall be a double wall piping system with tors in this regard.
the gas fuel contained in the inner pipe. The space between
the concentric pipes shall be pressurised with inert gas at a E 200 Gas supply system for ESD protected machinery
pressure greater than the gas fuel pressure. Suitable alarms spaces
shall be provided to indicate a loss of inert gas pressure be- 201 The pressure in the gas supply system shall not exceed
tween the pipes. 10 bar.
When the inner pipe contains high pressure gas the system 202 The gas supply lines shall have a design pressure not less
shall be so arranged so that the pipe between the master than 10 bar.
gas valve and the engine is automatically purged with inert
gas when the master gas valve is closed.
[IACS UR M59 (1996)]
b) The gas fuel piping shall be installed within a ventilated F. Gas Fuel Storage
pipe or duct. The air space between the gas fuel piping and
the wall of the outer pipe or duct shall be equipped with F 100 Liquefied gas storage tanks
mechanical underpressure ventilation having a capacity of 101 The storage tank used for liquefied gas shall be an in-
at least 30 air changes per hour. This ventilation capacity dependent tank type C designed in accordance with Pt.5 Ch.5
can be reduced to 10 air changes per hour provided auto- Sec.5, in particular Sec.5 I.
102 Pipe connections to the tank shall be in accordance er than B/5 from the ship side may be accepted and approved
with Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.6 C303 to C307. However, connections by DNV, on a case by case basis.
below the lowest liquid level may be accepted after special 404 The storage tank and associated valves and piping
consideration by DNV. shall be located in a space designed to act as a secondary bar-
103 Pressure relief valves as required in Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.9 rier, in case of liquid gas leakage. This implies that the mate-
B200 shall be fitted. rial shall be in accordance with Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.2 D, for
104 The outlet from the pressure relief valves are normally secondary barriers, and that the space shall be designed to
to be located at least B/3 or 6 m, whichever is greater, above withstand the maximum pressure build up. Alternatively,
the weather deck and 6 m above the working area and gang- pressure relief venting to a safe location (mast) can be pro-
ways, where B is the greatest moulded breadth of the ship in vided. The space shall be capable of containing leakage, and
metres. The outlets shall be located at least 10 m from the shall be isolated thermally so that the surrounding hull is not
nearest: exposed to unacceptable cooling, in case of leakage of the liq-
uid gas. This secondary barrier space is in other parts of this
air intake, air outlet or opening to accommodation, serv- chapter called "tank room".
ice and control spaces, or other non hazardous spaces 405 Bilge suctions from the tank room, if provided, shall
exhaust outlet from machinery or from furnace installa- not be connected to the bilge system for the rest of the ship.
105 Storage tanks for liquid gas with vapour pressure
above the design pressure at 45C shall be fitted with efficient G. Fuel Bunkering System and Distribution Sys-
tem outside Machinery Spaces
106 Storage tanks for liquid gas shall not be filled to more
than 98% full at the reference temperature, where the refer- G 100 Fuel bunkering station
ence temperature is as defined in Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.17 A105. A
filling limit curve for actual filling temperatures shall be pre- 101 The bunkering station shall be so located that suffi-
pared from the formula given in Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.17 A102. cient natural ventilation is provided. Closed or semi-enclosed
However, when the tank insulation and tank location makes bunkering stations will be subject to special consideration.
the probability very small for the tank contents to be heated 102 Drip trays shall be fitted below the bunkering connec-
up due to external fire, special considerations can be made to tions and where leakage may occur. The drip trays shall be
allow a higher filling limit than calculated using the refer- made of stainless steel, and should be drained over the ship's
ence temperature, but never above 95%. side by a pipe that preferably leads down into the sea. This
pipe may be temporarily fitted for bunkering operations. The
F 200 Compressed gas storage tanks surrounding hull or deck structures shall not be exposed to
201 The storage tanks to be used for compressed gas shall unacceptable cooling, in case of leakage of liquid gas.
be in accordance with Pt.4 Ch.7 and shall be certified by 103 Control of the bunkering shall be possible from a safe
DNV. location in regard to bunkering operations. At this location
202 Tanks for compressed gas shall be fitted with pressure tank pressure and tank level shall be monitored. Overfill
relief valves with a set point below the design pressure of the alarm and automatic shutdown are also to be indicated at this
tank and with outlet located as required in 104. location.
F 300 Storage above deck G 200 Bunkering system
301 Both gases of the compressed and the liquefied type 201 The bunkering system shall be so arranged that no gas
will be accepted stored above deck level. is discharged to air during filling of the storage tanks.
302 The storage tanks or tank batteries shall be located at 202 A manually operated stop valve and a remote operated
least B/5 from the ship's side. shutdown valve in series, or a combined manually operated
303 The gas storage tanks or tank batteries and equipment and remote valve shall be fitted in every bunkering line close
shall be located to assure sufficient natural ventilation, so as to the shore connecting point. It shall be possible to release
to prevent accumulation of escaped gas. the remote operated valve in the control location for bunker-
ing operations and or another safe location.
304 Tanks for liquid gas with a connection below the high-
est liquid level, see 102, shall be fitted with drip trays below 203 If the ventilation in the ducting around the gas bun-
the tank of sufficient size to hold the full content of the tank. kering lines stop, an alarm shall sound at the bunkering con-
The material of the drip tray should be stainless steel, and trol location.
there should be efficient separation or insulation so that the 204 If gas is detected in the ducting around the bunkering
hull or deck structures are not exposed to unacceptable cool- lines an alarm shall sound at the bunkering control location.
ing, in case of leakage of liquid gas.
205 Means shall be provided for draining the liquid from
F 400 Storage below deck the bunkering pipes at bunkering completion.
401 Only gas in a liquid state can be stored below deck lev- 206 Bunkering lines shall be arranged for inerting and gas
el. freeing. During operation of the vessel the bunkering pipes
shall be gas free.
402 The maximum acceptable working pressure of a stor-
age tank located below deck level is 10 bar. G 300 Distribution outside of machinery spaces
403 The storage tank shall be located: 301 Gas fuel piping shall not be lead through accommoda-
tion spaces, service spaces or control stations.
minimum, the lesser of B/5 and 11.5 m from the ship side
minimum, the lesser of B/15 and 2 m from the bottom 302 Where gas pipes pass through enclosed spaces in the
plating ship, they shall be enclosed in a duct. This duct shall be me-
not less than 760 mm from the shell plating. chanically underpressure ventilated with 30 air changes per
hour, and gas detection as required in Sec.6 shall be provid-
For vessels other than passenger vessels a tank location clos- ed.
303 The duct shall be dimensioned according to E103 and 3) In the event of failure of the overpressure ventilation:
an audible and visual alarm shall be given at a manned
304 The ventilation inlet for the duct is always to be located location.
in open air, away from ignition sources.
if overpressure cannot be immediately restored, auto-
305 Gas pipes located in open air shall be so located that matic or programmed disconnection of electrical in-
they are not likely to be damaged by accidental mechanical stallations is required according to IEC 60092-502,
impact. Table 5.
306 High-pressure gas lines outside the engine room spaces
shall be installed and protected so as to minimise the risk of in- H 300 Gas tank room
jury to personnel in case of rupture. 301 The tank room for gas storage tank located below deck
shall be provided with an effective mechanical ventilation
system of the underpressure type, providing a ventilation ca-
pacity of at least 30 air changes per hour.
H. Ventilation Systems
302 Approved automatic fail-safe fire dampers shall be fit-
H 100 General ted in the ventilation trunk for tank room.
101 Any ducting used for the ventilation of hazardous spaces H 400 Engine room
shall be separate from that used for the ventilation of non-haz-
ardous spaces. Electric fan motors shall not be located in ven- 401 The ventilation system for the engine room shall be in-
tilation ducts for hazardous spaces unless the motor is certified dependent of all other ventilation.
for the same hazard zone as the space served. 402 ESD protected engine rooms shall have ventilation with
102 For design of ventilation fans serving spaces containing a capacity of at least 30 air changes per hour. The ventilation
sources of release see requirements in Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.10 A200. system shall ensure a good air circulation in all spaces, and in
particular ensure that there is no possibility of formation of gas
103 Means should be provided to indicate in the engine con- pockets in the room.
trol station any loss of the required ventilating capacity.
403 The number and power of the ventilation fans shall be
104 Air inlets for hazardous enclosed spaces shall be taken such that the capacity is not reduced by more than 50%, if a fan
from areas which, in the absence of the considered inlet, would with a separate circuit from the main switchboard or emergen-
be non-hazardous. cy switchboard or a group of fans with common circuit from
Air inlets for non-hazardous enclosed spaces shall be taken the main switchboard or emergency switchboard, is out of ac-
from non-hazardous areas at least 1.5 m away from the bound- tion.
aries of any hazardous area.
H 500 Pump and compressor rooms
Where the inlet duct passes through a more hazardous space,
the duct shall have over-pressure relative to this space, unless 501 Pump and compressor rooms shall be fitted with effec-
mechanical integrity and gas-tightness of the duct will ensure tive mechanical ventilation system of the underpressure type,
that gases will not leak into it. providing a ventilation capacity of at least 30 air changes per
105 Air outlets from non-hazardous spaces shall be located
outside hazardous areas. 502 Ventilation systems for pump and compressor rooms
shall be in operation when pumps or compressors are working.
106 Air outlets from hazardous enclosed spaces shall be lo- Warning notices to this effect shall be placed in an easily visi-
cated in an open area which, in the absence of the considered ble position near the control stand.
outlet, would be of the same or lesser hazard than the ventilated
space. 503 When the space is dependent on ventilation for its area
classification, the following requirements apply:
107 The required capacity of the ventilation plant is normal-
ly based on the total volume of the room. An increase in re- 1) During initial start-up, and after loss of ventilation, the
quired ventilation capacity may be necessary for rooms having space shall be purged (at least 5 air changes) , before con-
a complicated form. necting electrical installations which are not certified for
the area classification in absence of ventilation.
H 200 Non-hazardous spaces
2) Operation of the ventilation shall be monitored.
201 Spaces with opening to a hazardous area, shall be ar-
ranged with an air-lock, and be maintained at overpressure, rel- 3) In the event of failure of ventilation, the following require-
ative to the external hazardous area. ments apply;
The overpressure ventilation shall be arranged according to the an audible and visual alarm shall be given at a manned
following requirements: location.
1) During initial start-up or after loss of overpressure ventila- immediate action shall be taken to restore ventilation.
tion, it is required before energising any electrical installa- electrical installations shall be disconnected if ventila-
tions not certified safe for the space in the absence of tion cannot be restored for an extended period. The
pressurisation, to: disconnection shall be made outside the hazardous ar-
eas, and be protected against unauthorised re-connec-
proceed with purging (at least 5 air changes) or con- tion, e.g. by lockable switches.
firm by measurements that the space is non-hazard-
ous; and Guidance note:
pressurise the space. Intrinsically safe equipment suitable for Zone 0, is not required
to be switched off. Certified flameproof lighting, may have a sep-
2) Operation of the overpressure ventilation shall be moni- arate switch-off circuit.
A. General 202 The system shall be designed to cover all areas as spec-
ified above with an application rate of 10 l/min/m2 for hori-
A 100 General zontal projected surfaces and 4 l/min/m2 for vertical
101 The requirements in this chapter are additional to those
given in SOLAS Ch.II-2. 203 For the purpose of isolating damaged sections, stop
valves shall be fitted or the system may be divided into two
102 For the purpose of fire protection gas compressor rooms sections with control valves located in a safe and readily ac-
shall be treated as cargo compressor rooms in accordance with cessible position not likely to be cut-off in case of fire.
Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.11.
204 The capacity of the water spray pump shall be suffi-
cient to deliver the required amount of water to the hydrauli-
cally most demanding area as specified above.
B. Fire Protection 205 A connection to the ships fire main through a stop
valve shall be provided.
B 100 Construction
206 Remote start of pumps supplying the water spray sys-
101 Tanks or tank batteries located above deck shall be tem and remote operation of any normally closed valves to
shielded with class A-60 insulation towards accommodation, the system should be located in a readily accessible position
service stations, cargo spaces and machinery spaces. which is not likely to be cut off in case of fire in the areas pro-
102 The tank room and ventilation trunks to such spaces tected.
below the bulkhead deck shall be fire insulated to class A-60 207 The nozzles to be of an approved full bore type and they
standard. However, where the room is adjacent to tanks, shall be arranged to ensure an effective distribution of water
voids, auxiliary machinery spaces of no fire risk, sanitary throughout the space being protected.
and similar spaces, the insulation may be reduced to class A-
0. C 300 Dry chemical powder fire extinguishing system
103 Gas pipes led through ro-ro spaces on open decks will 301 In the bunkering station area a permanently installed
be subject to special considerations by DNV and might need dry chemical powder extinguishing system shall cover all
class A-60 fire insulation. possible leak points. The capacity shall be at least 50 kg with
104 The bunkering station shall be shielded with class A-60 a rate of discharge of not less than 1 kg/s. The system shall
insulation towards other spaces, except for spaces such as be arranged for easy manual release from a safe location.
tanks, voids, auxiliary machinery spaces of no fire risk, san- 302 One portable dry powder extinguisher shall be located
itary and similar spaces where the insulation may be reduced near the bunkering station.
to A-0 class. 303 Main engine rooms where the gas fuel is heavier than
105 When more than one engine room is required and these air shall be provided with at least one dry powder extinguish-
rooms are separated by a single bulkhead, the bulkhead shall er located at the entrance to the room.
be fire insulated to class A-60 standard.
sufficient, and that required ventilation failure alarm operates overview of classification of hazardous areas, with infor-
correctly. mation about gas groups and temperature class
103 For equipment for which safety in hazardous areas de- records sufficient to enable the certified safe equipment to
pends upon correct operation of protective devices (for exam- be maintained in accordance with its type of protection
ple overload protection relays) and / or operation of an alarm (list and location of equipment, technical information,
(for example loss of pressurisation for an Ex(p) control panel) manufacturer's instructions, spares etc.)
it shall be verified that the devices have correct settings and / inspection routines with information about level of detail
or correct operation of alarms. and time intervals between the inspections, acceptance/re-
jection criteria
104 Intrinsically safe circuits shall be verified to ensure that register of inspections, with information about date of in-
the equipment and wiring are correctly installed. spections and name(s) of person(s) who carried out the in-
105 Verification of the physical installation shall be docu- spection and maintenance work.
mented by the yard. Verification documentation shall be avail-
able for the Society's surveyor at the site. 102 Updated documentation and maintenance manual, shall
be kept onboard, with records of date and names of companies
and persons who have carried out inspections and mainte-
D. Maintenance Inspection and maintenance of installations shall be carried out
only by experienced personnel whose training has included in-
D 100 General struction on the various types of protection of apparatus and in-
101 The maintenance manual referred to in Sec.1 C107, shall stallation practices to be found on the vessel. Appropriate
be in accordance with the recommendations in IEC 60079-17 refresher training shall be given to such personnel on a regular
and 60092-502 and shall contain necessary information on: basis.
C. Gas Detection 104 An audible and visible alarm shall be activated before
the vapour concentration reaches 20% of the lower flammable
C 100 Locations limit (LEL). For ventilated ducts around gas pipes in the en-
101 Permanently installed gas detectors shall be fitted in the gine room the alarm limit can be set to 30% LEL.
tank room, in all ducts around gas pipes, in engine rooms, 105 Audible and visible alarms from the gas detection equip-
compressor rooms, and other enclosed spaces containing gas ment shall be located on the bridge and in the engine control
piping or other gas equipment, but not including spaces where room.
completely ducted gas pipes are passing through. In each ESD 106 Continuous detection is required for gas pipe ducts and
protected machinery space two independent gas detector sys- engine rooms.
tems are required.
Guidance note:
Gas detectors may be required also in inherently safe engine
rooms in any of the following cases: D. Safety Functions of Gas Supply Systems
- the ventilation air to the double pipe/duct is taken from the en-
gine room D 100 General
- the gas is supplied into the charge air before the inlet valve in 101 The main supply lines for gas to each engine shall be
the cylinder head if the components in contact with the gas air equipped with a manually operated stop valve and an automat-
mixture are not protected by a double duct ically operated "master gas fuel valve" coupled in series or a
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- combined manually and automatically operated stop valve.
The valves shall be situated in the part of the piping that is out-
102 The number of detectors in each space must be consid- side engine room, and placed as near as possible to the instal-
ered taking size, layout and ventilation of the space into ac- lation for heating the gas. The master gas fuel valve is
count. automatically to cut off the gas supply as given in Table D1.
103 The detection equipment shall be located where gas may The automatic master gas fuel valve shall be operable from a
accumulate and or in the ventilation outlets. reasonable number of places in the engine room, from a room
Gas dispersal analysis or a physical smoke test shall be used to outside the engine room and from the bridge.
find the best arrangement. 102 Each gas utilisation unit shall be provided with a set of
"double block and bleed" valves. These valves shall be ar- mal stop of the engine.
ranged so that when automatic shutdown is initiated as given 103 In cases where the master gas fuel valve is automatically
in Table D1, this will cause the two gas fuel valves that are in shutdown, a ventilation valve, that will ventilate the pipe piece
series to close automatically and the ventilation valve to open between the master gas valve and the double block and bleed
automatically. valve, shall open. For high-pressure systems the pipe pieces
between the double block and bleed valve and the gas injection
The two block valves shall be of the fail-to-close type, while valves, shall be automatically vented. See Fig.1 and Fig.2. For
the ventilation valve shall be fail-to-open. high-pressure systems the ventilation valves shall open at nor-
The double block and bleed valves are also to be used for nor- mal stop of engine.
Fig. 1
Alternative supply valve arrangements for high-pressure installations (single engine or separate master valve arrangement)
Fig. 2
Alternative supply valve arrangements for high-pressure installations (multi engine installation)
104 There shall be one manually operated shutdown valve in 106 In the main supply gas line to each engine an automatic
the gas supply line to each engine to assure safe isolation dur- excess flow shut off valve shall be fitted. The valve shall be ad-
ing maintenance on the engine. justed to shut off gas supply in the event of rupture of the gas
105 For one-engine installations and multi-engine installa- line. The valve shall be located as close as possible to the point
tions where a separate master valve is provided for each branch of entry of the gas supply line into the engine room. For ESD
the master gas fuel valve and the double block and bleed valve protected machinery spaces excess flow shut-down is also to
functions can be combined as shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2, for lead to disconnection of all non-explosion protected equipment
high-pressure installations. or installations in the engine room.
Guidance note: and double block and bleed valves in that supply line shall
The shutdown should be time delayed to prevent shutdown due close automatically provided the other gas supply unit is ready
to transient load variations. to deliver.
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- 108 If the gas supply is shut off due to activation of an auto-
matic valve, the gas supply shall not be opened until the reason
107 Full stop of ventilation in an engine room for a single for the disconnection is ascertained and the necessary precau-
fuelled gas system shall, additionally to what is given in Table tions taken. A readily visible notice giving instruction to this
D1, lead to one of the following actions: effect shall be placed at the operating station for the shut-off
valves in the gas supply lines.
a) For a gas electric propulsion system with more than one
engine room: Another engine shall start. When the second 109 If a gas leak leading to a gas supply shutdown occurs,
engine is connected to bus-bar the first engine shall be the gas fuel supply shall not be operated until the leak has been
shutdown automatically. found and dealt with. Instructions to this effect shall be placed
in a prominent position in the machinery space.
b) For a direct propulsion system with more than one engine
room: The engine in the room with defect ventilation shall 110 A signboard shall be permanently fitted in the engine
be manually shutdown if at least 40% propulsion power is room stating that heavy lifting, implying danger of damage to
still available after such a shutdown. the gas pipes, shall not be done when the engine(s) is running
on gas.
If only one engine room is fitted and ventilation in one of the
enclosed ducts around the gas pipes is lost the master gas fuel
A. Gas Compressors oil fuel only. Gas injection shall not be possible without a cor-
responding pilot oil injection.
A 100 General
In case of shut-off of the gas fuel supply, the engines shall be
101 The fuel gas compressor shall be fitted with accessories capable of continuous operation by oil fuel only.
and instrumentation necessary for efficient and reliable func-
tion. 202 Changeover to and from gas fuel operation is only to be
possible at a power level where it can be done with acceptable
102 The gas compressor and fuel gas supply shall be ar- reliability as demonstrated through testing. On completion of
ranged for manual remote emergency stop from the following preparations for changeover to gas operation including checks
locations: of all essential conditions for changeover, the changeover
the cargo control room (relevant for cargo ships only) process itself shall be automatic. On power reduction the
changeover to oil fuel shall be automatic (compressor and aux-
navigation bridge iliaries may continue to run unloaded).
engine control room
fire control station. 203 On normal shutdown as well as emergency shutdown,
gas fuel supply shall be shut off not later than simultaneously
A 200 Vibrations with the oil fuel. Shut off of the gas fuel shall not be dependent
201 The possibility for fatigue problem of the high-pressure on the shut off of the oil fuel.
gas piping due to vibration caused by the high-pressure gas 204 Firing of the gas-air mixture in the cylinders shall be in-
compressor must be considered. Such vibrations may be itiated by injection of pilot fuel. The amount of pilot fuel fed to
caused by unbalanced forces in the compressor itself, by reso- each cylinder shall be sufficient to ensure a positive ignition of
nant vibrations in the piping system or by resonance in the gas the gas mixture. It shall not be possible to shut off the supply
column of the gas discharge lines. Calculations may be re- pilot fuel without first or simultaneously closing the gas supply
quired to verify that resonance problems will not occur. to each cylinder or to the complete engine.
B 300 Functional requirements gas-only engines
B. Gas Engine Design 301 The starting sequence must be such that fuel gas is not
admitted to the cylinders until ignition is activated and the en-
B 100 General gine has reached a minimum rotational speed.
101 The exhaust receiver shall be equipped with explosion 302 If ignition has not been detected by the engine monitor-
relief ventilation sufficiently dimensioned to prevent excessive ing system within 10 s after opening of gas injection valve the
explosion pressures in the event of ignition failure of one cyl- gas supply shall be automatically shut off and the starting se-
inder followed by ignition of the unburned gas in the receiver. quence terminated.
102 The explosion venting shall be led outside the machin- 303 When restarting after a failed start attempt admission of
ery space. fuel gas to the cylinders shall not be possible before the ex-
103 As an alternative to explosion venting, documentation haust gas system has been purged with a volume of air at least
showing that the exhaust system has sufficient strength to con- equal to 3 times the volume of the exhaust gas system before
tain the worst case explosion can be accepted. the turbocharger(s). Purging may be carried out through for ex-
104 When gas is supplied in a mixture with air via a common ample running the engine on starting air for a predetermined
inlet manifold, explosion relief venting of the manifold is to be number of revolutions.
arranged; alternatively the manifold shall be of sufficient
strength to withstand an explosion. B 400 Design of on-engines piping on gas-only engines
401 The gas shall be fed to each cylinder via a special gas
B 200 Functional requirements dual fuel engines valve. For small engines gas feed to a common manifold may
201 Start, normal stop and low power operation shall be on be considered.