The Brook
The Brook
The Brook
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Alfred Tennyson
Born 6 August 1809, England
Died 6 October 1892, England.
He was known as poet laureate of great Britain and Ireland and
was one of the most popular poet of the time
Notable works
a) The kraken
b) The lotos eaters
c) Ulysses
d) In memoriam
e) The eagle
I come from haunts of coot and hern
I make a sudden sally,
And sparkle out among the fern,
To bicker down a valley.
The brook starts from those places which are often visited by the
coot and hern (heron). The brook emerges suddenly in this hilly
area. It moves through the ferns and sparkles when the sunshine
reflects the crystal clear water. And when the brook moves
creates a lot of noise.
The poet here tells us about the merging point of the brook. The
brook joins an overflowing river here Philips farm is symbolised
as a land mark of the ending of the journey of the brook. Last
two lines are the refrain bearing the main theme of the poem.
The brook is ever flowing, eternal without ceasing whereas we,
the men are ephemeral. We shall not live forever. We are subject
to decay, decline and death.
I chatter over stony ways,
In little sharps and trebles,
I bubble into eddying bays,
I babble on the pebbles.
The brook moves on taking many curves and creates rough and
unpleasant sound on the banks of the brook. The brook moves
through many field and uncultivated lands. The brook goes
through the foreland i.e. the land just before the merging
point. The poet describes the land to be fairy land as with
flowers and beautiful plants like willow and mallow it looks so.
I wind about, and in and out ,
With here a blossom sailing
And here and there a lusty trout
And here and there a grayling
The brook on its way had lots of ups and downs and in its
winding movement it often falls from height and goes in deep
water and comes out to continue to flow. The brook carries
blossoms on its way. Along with the brook there go a lot of
fishes like lusty trout and grayling.
When the brook moves , the waves clash with each other and
creates bubbles and those bubbles in group make pieces of
foams.The brook moves through different curves and the clashes
creates silvery water break .These foams and silvery water break
can be visible on the surface of the water and at the base of
the brook there are golden coloured stones .
And draw them all along, and flow
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.
The brook carries fishes, foams and flowers with it to join
the brimming river. And then the refrain comes meaning the
eternal state of the river to that of transient one of humans.
I steal by lawns and grassy plots,
I slide by hazel covers ;
I move the sweet forget-me-nots
That grow for happy lovers.
The brook secretly moves though the grassy plots and lawns
and moves swiftly by the bushy hazel trees. The brook shakes and
sweet forget me- not flowers which grow for happy lovers.
At night under the moon and stars, the brook goes on moving
creating murmuring sound through the natural land where thorny
bushes grow. The brook often lingers because of the stones on
the way. The brook water moves purposelessly around the plant
named cresses.
Poetic Device in use
1) Murmur Onomatopoeia.
2) 2) Line 2 and 3 Anaphora.
And out again I curve and flow
To join the brimming river,
For men may come and men may go,
But I go on for ever.
Ans. There are various similarities between the brook and the journey of life,
e.g., both have a beginning, a middle age and an end. There are struggles in
the lives of both the human life continues inspite of struggles and ups and
downs and the brook continues to flow against all odds. But one thing is
different man is mortal, whereas the brook is eternal, man may come and
man may go but the brook goes on forever.
Ans. The brook travels through hills and vales, between ridges and
underbridges, beside Philips farm, fallow land and foreland, making its way
through, with a blossom here and a trout there and many a grayling through
obstructions of sand and gravel until it falls into the big river. It passes thirty
hills and fifty bridges. It chatters and babbles and creates music as it flows.
Question 11
a) How does the brook behave when it has curves on its banks?
b) What is the figure of speech need in the last two lines of the above stanza?
Answer: a) The brook behaves 'angrily' when it faces curves on its banks. It is clear because
the poet has used the work 'fret' to explain the brook's feeling.
b) The figure of speech used in 'Alliteration" using the consonant sounds "f" and "w". this creates
a musical sound.
Question 12
a) What does the poet want to say in "I chatter, chatter as I flow"?
b) What are the important aspects of land which have been covered by the Brook?
c) Explain the last two lines "men many come and men may go, But I go on forever".
Answer: a) The poet wants to say that the brook flows creating short repeated high pitched
noises while flowing. It is a continuous rapid talk and it appears to be communicating something
to all the things that it passes by.
b) The important aspects of land covered by the Brook till now are the hilly range and the plains
comprising Philip's farm, field and fallow as it goes on its journey.
c) This constitutes a refrain. These strike the keynote of the poem - the brook's eternity and man's
Question 14
a) What occurs when the brook flows over "the golden gravel"
b) What unique quality of the brook can be imagined in it carrying so many things to the
brimming river?
Answer: a) When the brook flows over "the golden gravel" there is a break in the flow of
water which appears silvery.
b) The unique quality of the brook that can be imagined is its parental nature, that is, the brook is
the home of fishes, flowers that get carried by it which grows close to its banks. In a way, it is a
life sustaining agent of nature.
Question 15
a) What does the poet want to convey by using the words "steal" and "slide"?
Answer: a) The poet wants to convey the brook's movements in the use of these words. It
moves silently without being seen when it passes by lawns and grassy plots.
Question 16
Question: How is the poem a symbol of life? Pick out examples of parallelism between man's
life and the brook.
Answer: The Poem is a symbol of life. The brook's journey from its origin till its joining the
brimming river is man's journey of life from birth to death. Whatever happens to it on the way is
similar to what man encounters through his life. The brook's noisy flow is similar to mans
struggling and fretting and fuming against the odds of life. The brook slips, slides, glooms and
glances. So does man. It makes its way forcefully against odds, so does man as he struggles
through many problems. The brook carries many things with it as it flows. So does man-he meets
people - builds relationships - carries memories, collects materialistic things as he goes through
The only difference between man and the brook is that man's life comes to an end. Where as the
brook lives on and on forever.
Question 13
Answer: a) The picture imagined here is of rivulet flowing in a zig-zag manner. Sometimes
this enters underground and then it bubbles out into the open.
b) The different things that are carried by the brook are flowers that have fallen into it, fishes,
foam and flakes.
c) The Brook carries all these things to the brimming river which it joins.
The Brook: Summary
'The Brook' is an example of Tennyson's superb
versification. He had a rare capacity for creating music
out of simple words . Tennyson makes the brook narrate
its history- the history of its origin, its meandering and
uneven journey through forest and hills and open spaces
until it joins the 'brimming river'. The Brook originates
from a source on the highlands filled with mountain forest
cover, where the wild birds of coot (a type of duck) and
heron are found in plenty. Its rushing waters touch all the
ferns that grow on its banks till it reaches the open valley.
In its initial rushing journey, the brook passes through the
slopes of thirty hills and flows beneath more than four
dozen bridges. Then it touches twenty different villages
before reaching a little town . Before joining the main
river, the brook passes by Phillip's farm. As it comes
rushing down the hills, its waters produces different
musical notes as it dashes against the stony pebbles. The
brook makes its presence felt when it passes through the
different fields of uncultivated lands and many front lying
promontory lands where the weeping willows grow. It
winds about with immense power and its cool pleasant
waters brings all kinds of fresh water fish to a lively
activity . The brook forms the foamy flake which is
accumulated at the shores where gravels gather in plenty,
as it continues to travel down the hills. Sometimes it
overflows and incur upon the grassy plots in the lawns. It
even overflows to the grounds of Hazel plants and
touches the sweet forget-me-nots. All the different sounds
and movements that a stream makes as it flows are
charmingly conveyed through the words used with
feeling. The trees on the banks, the fish playing about, the
blossoms floating on the water, the stretches of darkness
and light are vividly reflected on the flowing verse.
Above all, the spirit of joy and freedom comes through
eloquently .Each morning when the sun rises, the rays and
the beams hit the waters and brightly reflect the shiny
dance of the active movement of the brook on the sandy
banks. When evening set sin and total darkness covers the
surroundings of the countryside, the flow of the
brook continues to murmur under the light of the moon
and stars. The effects of the brook on the shores in the
daytime is as much as in the night. Tennyson significantly
relates the brook to human life to the sad reflection that
man's life is impermanent compared with the relative
permanence of a river (men may come and men may go,
But I go on forever).
About the author Alfred Tennyson
(6 August 1809 6 October 1892) was Poet Laureate of
the UnitedKingdom during much of Queen Victoria's
reign and remains one of the most popular poet sin the
English language. Tennyson excelled at penning short
lyrics, such as "The Charge of the Light Brigade", and
"Crossing the Bar". Much of his verse was based on
classical mythological themes, such as Ulysses, although
In Memoriam A.H.H.
was written to commemorate his best friend
Arthur Hallam. Tennyson also wrote some notable blank
verse including "Ulysses," and "Tithonus."During his
career, Tennyson attempted drama, but his plays enjoyed
little success.