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426 No. 1823..
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(xv) rule means a rule made and in force under this Act;
(xvi) this Act includes any notice, order or rule issued or made under this Act;
(xvii) voluntary association means any voluntary association recognised by the
council in terms of section 25. 5
Composition of council 10
3. The council consists of the following members, appointed by the Minister, taking
into account, among other things, the principles of transparency and representivity
(a) six registered persons, excluding candidates, of whom at least four must
actively practise in the project and construction management professions
(i) who must be nominated by the voluntary associations and any registered 15
person; and
(ii) who must represent the categories of registered persons contemplated in
section 18, in the prescribed manner;
(b) two professionals in the service of the State, nominated by any sphere of
government, of whom at least one must be nominated by the department; and 20
(c) two members of the public nominated through an open process of public
Nomination procedure
4. (1) When any nomination in terms of section 3(1)(a) or (b) becomes necessary, the
council must invite registered persons, the voluntary associations and the State, 25
respectively, in the prescribed manner, to nominate within a period of at least 60 days
from the date of the invitation, persons who qualify for nomination in terms of section
3(1)(a) or (b), respectively.
(2) When any nomination in terms of section 3(1)(c) becomes necessary, the council
must invite the public, by notice in the Gazette and in any newspaper the council 30
considers necessary, but in at least a leading newspaper in each province, to nominate
persons within a period of at least 60 days from the date of the notice.
(3) On receipt of any nomination, the council must, within 30 days from the expiry
date specified in the invitation or the notice, make and submit its recommendations to
the Minister. 35
(4) The Minister must, within 60 days from the date of the receipt of the nominations
from the outgoing council, appoint new members of the council.
(5) If the council receives no or insufficient nominations within the period specified in
the invitation or the notice, the Minister may, after consultation with the council, appoint
the required number of persons who qualify to be appointed in terms of this Act. 40
(6) The Minister must, as soon as practicable after the appointment of the members of
the council, by notice in the Gazette, publish
(a) the name of every person appointed as a member;
(b) the date from which the appointment takes effect; and
(c) the period for which the appointment is made. 45
(7) The Minister must, within 30 days from the date of the appointment of the council,
determine the time and place of its first meeting, and, thereafter, the council must
determine the time and place of any future meeting.
5. (1) The term of office for members of the council is four years, but members 50
continue in office until the succeeding council is duly constituted.
(2) Subject to section 42(5), a member of the council may not serve for more than two
consecutive terms of office.
(3) Despite subsection (1), the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, after
consultation with the council, extend the period of office of all the members of the
council for a period of six months, but he or she may only extend the period of office
(4) Despite subsection (1), the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, after 5
consultation with the council, terminate the period of office of a member or all members
of the council.
(5) The Minister may only act in terms of subsection (4) if a new member or a new
council has been appointed, on nominations invited by the Minister in the manner
provided for in section 4, to take over the functions of the member or the council 10
Disqualification from membership of council and vacation of office
6. (1) A person may not be appointed as a member of the council if that person
(a) is not a South African citizen and ordinarily resident in the Republic;
(b) is an unrehabilitated insolvent; 15
(c) has been convicted of an offence in the Republic, other than an offence
committed prior to 27 April 1994 associated with political objectives, and was
sentenced to imprisonment without an option of a fine, or, in the case of fraud,
to a fine or imprisonment or both;
(d) subject to subsection (3), has been convicted of an offence in a foreign country 20
and was sentenced to imprisonment without an option of a fine, or, in the case
of fraud, to a fine or imprisonment or both;
(e) has, as a result of improper conduct, been removed from an office of trust; or
(f) has in terms of this Act been found guilty by the disciplinary tribunal or the
council of improper conduct. 25
(2) A member of the council must vacate his or her office if he or she
(a) becomes disqualified in terms of subsection (1) from being appointed as a
member of the council;
(b) resigns by written notice addressed to the registrar;
(c) is declared by the High Court to be of unsound mind or mentally disordered or 30
is detained under the Mental Health Act, 1973 (Act No. 18 of 1973);
(d) has, without leave of the council, been absent from more than two consecutive
meetings of the council;
(e) was appointed in terms of section 3(1)(a) and after that appointment a change
in his or her circumstances arises that affects the ratio of the membership 35
referred to in section 3(1);
(f) was appointed in terms of section 3(1)(b) and ceases to be employed by the
State; or
(g) ceases to be permanently resident in the Republic.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1)(d), the Minister must take cognisance of the 40
prevailing circumstances in a foreign country relating to a conviction.
(4) (a) If a member of the council dies or vacates his or her office before the expiration
of his or her term of office, the Minister may, after consultation with the council, and
subject to section 5(1), appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the unexpired portion of
the period for which that member was appointed. 45
(b) If the Minister appoints a person to fill the vacant seat, the appointment must be
made within 60 days from the date on which the vacancy occurred.
7. (1) (a) The members of the council must, at the first meeting of every newly
constituted council elect a president and vice-president who must be registered persons 50
and at least one must actively practise in the project or construction management
(b) The president and vice-president hold office for the period of four years from the
date of their appointment.
(2) The vice-president must, if the president is for any reason unable to act as 55
president, perform all the functions and may exercise all the powers of the president.
(3) (a) If both the president and the vice-president are for any reason unable to preside
at a council meeting, the members present must elect a person to preside at that meeting.
(b) The person elected may, during that meeting and until the president or
vice-president resumes his or her functions, perform all the functions and exercise all the
powers of the president. 5
Decisions of council
9. (1) A decision of the majority of the members of the council present at any meeting
constitutes a decision of the council. 20
(2) In the event of an equality of votes the person presiding at the meeting has a
casting vote in addition to his or her deliberative vote.
(3) If the requisite majority of the members who are entitled to sit as members at a
meeting of the council, make a decision or authorise an act at that meeting, the decision
made or act performed under that authorisation, is valid despite the fact that at that 25
meeting a member who had become disqualified in terms of section 6(2) but had not
vacated his or her office, sat as a member.
(b) decide upon the manner in which contracts must be entered into on behalf of
the council;
(c) perform any service within its competence if it is requested by any person or
body of persons, including the State;
(d) determine, subject to section 25, the requirements with which a voluntary 5
association must comply to qualify for recognition by the council;
(e) advise the Minister, any other Minister or the CBE on any matter relating to
the project and construction management professions;
(f) encourage and itself undertake research into matters relating to the project and
construction management professions; 10
(g) take any steps it considers necessary for the protection of the public in their
dealings with registered persons for the maintenance of the integrity and the
enhancement of the status of the project and construction management
(h) take any steps it considers necessary for the improvement of the standards of 15
services rendered by registered persons;
(i) create an awareness amongst registered persons of the importance to protect
the environment against unsound project and construction management
(j) take any steps which it considers necessary, where, as a result of project and 20
construction management related undertakings, public health and safety is
prejudiced; and
(k) take any measures it considers necessary for the proper performance and
exercise of its functions, duties or powers or to achieve the objectives of this
Act. 25
15. (1) The funds of the council consist of any money received in terms of this Act and
all other monies which may accrue to the council from any other legal source, including
fines and penalties imposed by the council.
(2) The council may 30
(a) collect and invest funds of the council;
(b) raise money by way of loan for the purpose of effectively performing its
(c) with a view to the promotion of any matter relating to the project and
construction management professions, lend money against such security as 35
the council considers adequate; and
(d) mortgage any of its immovable property as security for a loan referred to in
paragraph (b).
(3) The council may remunerate its members and committee members from its funds.
(4) The council may finance any publication referred to in section 10(e). 40
(5) The council may establish and administer an education fund for the purpose of
education, training and continuing education and training of registered persons and
students in the project and construction management professions.
(6) The council must keep full and correct account of all monies received and
expended by it. 45
(7) (a) The council must annually prepare a statement of income and expenditure and
a balance sheet showing its financial position as at the close of the financial year to
which it relates.
(b) The council must have the statement and balance sheet audited by an auditor
registered in terms of the Public Accountants and Auditors Act, 1991 (Act No. 80 of 50
(c) A copy of the audited statement and balance sheet must be open for inspection at
the offices of the council.
(8) The council must, within six months from the close of each financial year or such
other period as may be agreed to by the Minister after a request by the council, submit 55
the audited statement and balance sheet to the Minister and must provide a copy to the
(9) The Minister may, with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance
(a) advance or grant to the council, out of money appropriated by Parliament,
such amounts as he or she considers necessary in order to enable the council 60
to carry out its functions; and
Reports to CBE 5
16. (1) The council must, within six months from the close of each financial year,
provide the CBE with a report regarding its activities during that financial year, for the
purpose of section 4 of the Council for the Built Environment Act, 2000.
(2) A copy of the report and the register referred to in section 11(c) must be open for
inspection at the offices of the council. 10
(3) The council must, on request by the CBE, provide the CBE with any information
regarding a registered person.
Committees of council
17. (1) (a) The council may establish any committee, including an investigating
committee, to assist it in the performance of its functions and may appoint any person as 15
a member of that committee.
(b) If the council does not designate a chairperson for a committee, the committee
may, at its first meeting, elect a chairperson from among its members.
(c) The council may at any time dissolve or reconstitute a committee.
(2) Section 9 may, with the necessary changes, apply in respect of a committee of the 20
Categories of registration
18. (1) The categories in which a person may register in the project and construction
management professions are
(a) professional, which is divided into 25
(i) Professional Construction Manager; or
(ii) Professional Construction Project Manager; or
(b) candidate, which is divided into
(i) Candidate Construction Manager; or
(ii) Candidate Construction Project Manager; or 30
(c) specified categories prescribed by the council.
(2) A person may not practise in any of the categories contemplated in subsection (1),
unless he or she is registered in that category.
(3) A person who is registered in the category of candidate must perform work in the
project and construction management professions only under the supervision and 35
control of a professional of a category as prescribed.
19. (1) (a) A person must apply, in the prescribed application form, to the council for
registration in a category referred to in section 18(1).
(b) The application form referred to in paragraph (a) must be accompanied by the 40
prescribed fee.
(2) The council must register the applicant in the relevant category and issue a
registration certificate to the successful applicant in the prescribed form if, after
consideration of an application, the council is satisfied that the applicant
(a) in the case of a person applying for registration as a professional 45
(i) has demonstrated his or her competence as measured against standards
determined by the council for the relevant category of registration; and
(ii) has passed any additional examinations that may be determined by the
(b) in the case of a person applying for registration as a candidate or as a candidate 50
in a specified category, has satisfied the relevant educational outcomes
determined by the council for this purpose, by
(i) having passed accredited or recognised examinations at any educational
institution offering educational programmes in project and construction
management; and 55
(ii) having passed any other examination that may be determined by the
council; or
Cancellation of registration
20. (1) (a) The council may cancel the registration of a registered person if he or she 30
(i) becomes disqualified from registration as contemplated in section 19(3);
(ii) has erroneously been registered, or has been registered on information
subsequently proved to be false; or
(iii) fails to pay the prescribed annual fee or portion thereof, within 60 days from
it becoming due or within such further period as the council may allow, either 35
before or after the expiry of the 60 days.
(b) The council must provide the registered person with a notice of a cancellation
referred to in paragraph (a).
(2) If a person who is registered as a candidate qualifies to be registered as a
professional in terms of section 19(2)(a), the council must cancel his or her registration 40
as a candidate.
(3) The council must at the written request of any registered person cancel his or her
registration, but where an investigation into alleged improper conduct by that person is
in progress or is to be held, the registration may not be cancelled until the investigation
has been concluded. 45
(4) Despite the cancellation of the registration of a registered person in terms of this
section, that person remains liable for any fee, arrears or penalty imposed by the council
for the period that he or she was registered.
Authorised titles
21. (1) A person who is registered in any of the categories referred to in section 18(1) 50
may describe himself or herself as and use the title
(a) Professional Construction Manager;
(b) Professional Construction Project Manager;
Renewal of registration
22. (1) A registered person must, at least three months prior to the prescribed expiry
date of his or her registration, apply in the prescribed manner to the council for the
renewal of his or her registration. 10
(2) The council may determine conditions for the renewal of registration.
(3) Subject to section 19, the council must, on application, register a person who was
previously registered and whose registration was cancelled in terms of section
20(1)(a)(iii), if he or she has paid
(a) the prescribed fee; 15
(b) any arrear annual fee or portion thereof;
(c) any expenses incurred by the council in connection with the recovery of any
arrear fees; and
(d) any penalties imposed on him or her by the council.
23. Any person whose registration has been cancelled in terms of this Act, must return
his or her registration certificate to the registrar within 30 days from the date on which
he or she is directed by the registrar in writing to do so.
24. (1) If an applicant is of the opinion that a committee, in its refusal to register him 25
or her, or to cancel his or her registration, other than a cancellation in terms of section
20(1)(a)(iii) or 32(3)(a)(iv), did not comply with section 33 of the Constitution, that
applicant may, on payment of the prescribed fees and within 30 days from the date on
which the refusal or cancellation came to his or her knowledge, appeal to the council
against that decision. 30
(2) The council must, at its first ensuing meeting, within 60 days from the date of the
receipt of the appeal, decide on the appeal and provide the appellant with reasons for its
(3) If an appeal is lodged against a refusal of a committee to renew the registration of
a registered person, the registration of that person may not be cancelled until the appeal 35
has been decided.
25. (1) The council must, within 90 days from the date of its first meeting, submit the
framework for the requirements for recognition of a voluntary association to the CBE
for approval. 40
(2) Any voluntary association may apply to the council to be recognised as such.
(3) The council may, if the voluntary association complies with the requirements
determined in terms of section 14(d), recognise that association and issue it with a
certificate of recognition.
(4) A certificate of recognition is valid for a period of five years from the date of issue. 45
(5) A voluntary association must display its certificate of recognition in a prominent
place at its head office.
(6) The recognition of a voluntary association lapses
(a) if that association no longer complies with the requirements contemplated in
section 14(d); or 50
(b) at the expiry of the five-year period referred to in subsection (4).
(7) A voluntary association must, at least three months prior to the expiry of its
recognition, apply in the prescribed manner to the council for the renewal thereof.
(8) A voluntary association whose recognition has lapsed must, within 30 days from
the date on which it is so directed in writing by the council, return its certificate of
recognition. 5
Identification of work
Professional conduct
27. (1) The council must, in consultation with the CBE, voluntary associations and
registered persons, draw up a code of conduct for registered persons. 35
(2) (a) The council is responsible for administering the code of conduct and must
ensure that the code is available to all members of the public at all reasonable times.
(b) The council must provide the CBE with a copy of the code of conduct.
(3) All registered persons must comply with the code of conduct and failure to do so
constitutes improper conduct. 40
28. (1) The council must refer any matter brought against a registered person to an
investigating committee contemplated in section 17 if
(a) the council has reasonable grounds to suspect that a registered person has
committed an act which may render him or her guilty of improper conduct; or 45
(b) a complaint, charge or allegation of improper conduct has been brought
against a registered person by any person.
(2) At the request of the council, the investigating committee must
(a) investigate the matter; and
(b) obtain evidence to determine whether or not in its opinion the registered 50
person concerned may be charged and, if so, recommend to the council the
charge or charges that may be preferred against that registered person.
(3) An investigating committee may not question the registered person concerned
unless the investigating committee informs that registered person that he or she
(a) has the right to be assisted or represented by another person; and
(b) is not obliged to make any statement and that any statement so made may be
used in evidence against the registered person. 5
(4) The investigating committee must, after the conclusion of the investigation,
submit a report making its recommendations to the council regarding any matter
referred to it in terms of this section.
29. (1) The council must, after considering a report of the investigating committee in 10
terms of section 28(2)(b) and (4), charge a registered person with improper conduct if
the council is convinced that sufficient grounds exist for a charge to be preferred against
such a registered person.
(2) The council must furnish a charge sheet to the registered person concerned by
hand or registered mail. 15
(3) A charge sheet must inform the registered person charged
(a) of the details and nature of the charge;
(b) that he or she must, in writing, admit or deny the charge;
(c) that he or she may, together with the admission or denial, submit a written
explanation regarding the improper conduct with which he or she is charged; 20
(d) of the period, which must be reasonable, within which his or her plea in terms
of paragraph (b) must be submitted to the council.
(4) (a) If a registered person charged admits that he or she is guilty of the charge, he
or she is considered to have been found guilty of improper conduct as charged, after he 25
or she has explained his or her conduct.
(b) The council may, subject to section 32(2), impose a penalty contemplated in
section 32(3)(a) or (b) on a registered person who has admitted guilt in terms of
paragraph (a).
(5) The acquittal or the conviction of a registered person by a court of law on a 30
criminal charge is not a bar to proceedings against him or her under this Act on a charge
of improper conduct, even if the facts stated in the charge of improper conduct would,
if proved, constitute the offence stated in the criminal charge on which he or she was
acquitted or convicted or any other offence of which he or she might have been acquitted
or convicted at his or her trial on the criminal charge. 35
30. (1) The council must appoint a disciplinary tribunal to hear a charge of improper
conduct if a person charged
(a) denies the charge; or
(b) fails to comply with section 29(3)(b). 40
(2) The disciplinary tribunal must consist of at least
(a) a person who specialises in the professional field concerning the charge;
(b) a professional who has appropriate experience; and
(c) a person qualified in law and who has appropriate experience.
Disciplinary hearing 45
31. (1) The disciplinary hearing must be conducted by the disciplinary tribunal.
(2) The disciplinary tribunal may, for the purposes of this section, appoint a person to
assist it in the performance of its functions.
(3) (a) The disciplinary tribunal may, for the purposes of a hearing, subpoena any
person 50
(i) who in its opinion may be able to give material information concerning the
subject of the hearing; or
(ii) who it suspects or believes has in his or her possession or custody or under his
or her control any book, document or object which has any bearing on the
subject of the hearing,
to appear before the disciplinary tribunal at the time and place specified in the subpoena,
to be questioned or to produce a book, document or object. 5
(b) A subpoena issued in terms of paragraph (a), must
(i) be in the prescribed form;
(ii) be signed by the chairperson of the disciplinary tribunal or, in his or her
absence, any member of the disciplinary tribunal; and
(iii) be served on the registered person concerned personally or by sending it by 10
registered mail.
(4) The disciplinary tribunal may retain a book, document or object produced in terms
of subsection (3) for the duration of the hearing.
(5) The chairperson of the disciplinary tribunal may call upon and administer an oath
to, or take an affirmation from, any witness at the hearing who was subpoenaed in terms 15
of subsection (3).
(6) At a hearing the registered person charged
(a) (i) may personally be present at the hearing of the proceedings;
(ii) may be assisted or represented by another person in conducting the
proceedings; 20
(iii) has the right to be heard;
(iv) may call witnesses;
(v) may cross-examine any person called as a witness in support of the
charge; and
(vi) may have access to documents produced in evidence; 25
(b) (i) may admit at any time before conviction that he or she is guilty of the
charge despite the fact that he or she denied the charge or failed to react
in terms of section 29(3)(b) or (c);
(ii) may, in the case where he or she makes an admission in terms of
subparagraph (i), be deemed to be guilty of improper conduct as charged. 30
(7) The person referred to in subsection (2) may during a hearing
(a) lead evidence and advance arguments in support of the charge and
cross-examine witnesses;
(b) question any person who was subpoenaed in terms of subsection (3); or
(c) call anyone to give evidence or to produce any book, document or object in his 35
or her possession or custody or under his or her control which the person
referred to in subsecton (2) suspects or believes to have a bearing on the
subject of the hearing.
(8) (a) A witness who has been subpoenaed may not
(i) without sufficient cause, fail to attend the hearing at the time and place 40
specified in the subpoena;
(ii) refuse to be sworn in or to be affirmed as a witness;
(iii) without sufficient cause, fail to answer fully and satisfactorily to the best of his
or her knowledge to all questions lawfully put to him or her; or
(iv) fail to produce any book, document or object in his or her possession or 45
custody or under his or her control which he or she has been required to
(b) A witness who has been subpoenaed must remain in attendance until excused by
the chairperson of the disciplinary tribunal from further attendance.
(c) A witness who has been subpoenaed may request that the names of the members 50
of the disciplinary tribunal be made available to him or her.
(d) The law relating to privilege, as applicable to a witness subpoenaed to give
evidence or to produce a book, document or object in a civil trial before a court of law
may, with the necessary changes, apply in relation to the examination of, or the
production of any book, document or object to the disciplinary tribunal by, any person 55
called in terms of this section as a witness.
(e) A witness may not, after having been sworn in or having been affirmed as a
witness, give a false statement on any matter, knowing that answer or statement to be
(f) A person may not prevent another person from complying with a subpoena or from
giving evidence or producing a book, document or object which he or she is in terms of 5
this section required to give or produce.
(9) The record of evidence which has a bearing on the charge before the disciplinary
tribunal, and which was presented before any commission which investigated an event
or conduct is admissible without further evidence being led if
(a) the record is accompanied by a certificate from the chairperson; and 10
(b) the certificate certifies that the investigation was lawful, reasonable and
procedurally fair.
(10) If the improper conduct with which the registered person is charged amounts to
an offence of which he or she has been convicted by a court of law, a certified copy of
the record of his or her trial and conviction by that court is, on the identification of the 15
registered person as the person referred to in the record, sufficient proof of the
commission by him or her of that offence, unless the conviction has been set aside by a
superior court.
32. (1) After the conclusion of the hearing the disciplinary tribunal must, within 30 20
(a) decide whether or not the registered person charged is guilty of improper
(b) if the disciplinary tribunal finds that the registered person charged is guilty of
improper conduct, take cognisance of any aggravating or mitigating circum- 25
(c) inform the registered person charged and the council of the finding; and
(d) inform the registered person of his or her right of appeal in terms of section 33.
(2) A registered person found guilty of improper conduct in terms of this section
may 30
(a) address the disciplinary tribunal in mitigation of sentence; and
(b) call witnesses to give evidence on his or her behalf in mitigation of the
(3) (a) If the registered person charged is found guilty of improper conduct, or if he
or she admits that he or she is guilty of the charge, the disciplinary tribunal must either 35
(i) caution or reprimand the registered person;
(ii) impose on him or her a fine not exceeding the amount calculated according to
the ratio for one year imprisonment determined in terms of the Adjustment of
Fines Act, 1991 (Act No. 101 of 1991);
(iii) suspend the registration of the registered person concerned for a period not 40
exceeding one year; or
(iv) cancel the registration of the registered person concerned and remove his or
her name from the register referred to in section 11(c).
(b) The disciplinary tribunal may take decisions under more than one of the
subparagraphs of paragraph (a). 45
(4) At the conclusion of the hearing the disciplinary tribunal must notify the council
of its finding.
(5) The council must publish the finding and the sanction imposed in terms of
subsection (3) in the Gazette.
(6) The council must give effect to the decision of the disciplinary tribunal. 50
33. (1) (a) A registered person found guilty of improper conduct may appeal to the
council against a finding of the disciplinary tribunal or against the sentence, or both.
(b) The appeal must be lodged, within 30 days after the disciplinary tribunal has
informed the registered person of its decision. 55
(2) The council may
(a) dismiss the appeal against the decision of the disciplinary tribunal and confirm
the finding or sentence or both; or
(b) uphold the appeal against the decision of the disciplinary tribunal wholly or in
part and set aside or vary the finding or sentence or both.
(3) If an appeal is dismissed in terms of subsection (2)(a) the appellant may, within 30 5
days, from the date of the dismissal of the appeal, appeal to the CBE.
(4) If a registered person found guilty of improper conduct lodges an appeal in terms
of subsection (1)
(a) the decision of the disciplinary tribunal under section 32(3); or
(b) the publication by the council in terms of section 32(5), 10
may not be put into effect before the council or the CBE, or both, has decided the appeal.
(5) (a) The appellant whose appeal was dismissed by the CBE may appeal to the
appropriate High Court.
(b) A person referred to in paragraph (a) must, after giving notice to the CBE, lodge
a notice of appeal with the registrar of the appropriate High Court within one month 15
from the date of the decision of the CBE.
(6) (a) The council may appeal to the appropriate High Court against any decision of
the CBE with regard to disciplinary matters.
(b) The council must, after giving notice to the CBE, lodge a notice of appeal with the
registrar of the appropriate High Court within one month from the date of the decision 20
of the CBE.
Professional fees
34. (1) The council must, in consultation with the voluntary associations, formulate
recommendations with regard to the principles referred to in section 4(k)(v) of the
Council for the Built Environment Act, 2000. 25
(2) The council must annually, after consultation with the voluntary associations,
determine guideline professional fees and publish those fees in the Gazette.
(3) The CBE may review the guideline professional fees published by the council, and
refer the fees back to the council for reconsideration.
(4) If the council, after review by the CBE of the guideline professional fees, is 30
aggrieved about that review, it may refer the matter to the Minister for a final decision.
(5) Any person who is aggrieved by the guideline professional fees published in terms
of subsection (2), may bring the matter to the attention of the CBE within 60 days from
the date of such publication.
35. (1) Any member of the public whose interests and rights are affected by a decision
made by the council may
(a) within 30 days from that person becoming aware of the decision request the
council in writing to furnish him or her in writing with its reasons for that
decision; 40
(b) within 90 days from the date on which the council furnished him or her with
its reasons for that decision and after giving notice to the council, appeal to the
CBE against that decision in terms of section 21 of the Council for the Built
Environment Act, 2000.
(2) A person referred to in subsection (1) may, after giving notice to the council or the 45
CBE, as the case may be, lodge a notice of appeal with the registrar of the appropriate
High Court within one month from the date of the decision of the council or the CBE.
36. (1) The council may, by notice in the Gazette, make rules with regard to any
matter that is required or permitted to be prescribed in terms of this Act and any other 50
matter for the better execution of this Act or in relation to any power granted or duty
imposed by this Act.
(2) (a) Before the council makes any rule under this section, it must publish a draft of
the proposed rule in the Gazette together with a notice calling on interested persons to
comment in writing within a period stated in the notice, but the period may not be less
than 30 days from the date of publication of the notice.
(b) If the council alters the draft rules as a result of any comment it need not publish
those alterations before making the rule.
(3) The council may, if circumstances necessitate the immediate publication of a rule, 5
publish that rule without consultation as contemplated in subsection (2), provided that
the CBE, any of the councils for the professions or any person who is aggrieved by the
said rule may
(a) comment after such publication; or
(b) appeal to the CBE or the appropriate High Court, as the case may be, against 10
such a rule.
37. (1) The register referred to in section 11(c) serves as evidence of all matters which,
in terms of this Act, are required or permitted to be noted therein.
(2) A certificate purporting to be signed by the registrar to the effect that an entry has 15
or has not been made in the register or that any other function authorised by this Act to
be performed, has or has not been performed, is evidence of the matters specified in that
(3) A copy of an entry in the register or of a document in the custody of the registrar,
or an extract from the register or from any such document, purporting to be certified by 20
the registrar, may be admitted as evidence in all courts without further proof or
production of the original.
38. (1) When anything which according to this Act is required to be done or performed
on or before a specified day or at a specified time or during a specified period, has not 25
been done or performed, the Minister may, if satisfied that the failure was due to error or
oversight, authorise it to be done or performed on or before another day, time, or during
another period and anything done or performed in this regard is of full force and is
deemed to have been lawfully done or performed in accordance with this Act.
(2) The Minister must, after consultation with the council, voluntary associations and 30
any other person he or she considers necessary, make rules regarding exemptions from
the provisions of this Act.
(3) (a) The Minister may, after consultation with the council, voluntary associations
and any other person he or she considers necessary, exempt any person, council,
voluntary association or industry from any provision of this Act for a period not 35
exceeding two years.
(b) The exemption referred to in paragraph (a) must comply with the rules
contemplated in subsection (2).
39. (1) The council, the registrar, or any member, committee or staff member of the 40
council, is not liable for any act performed in good faith in terms of this Act.
(2) A registered person who, in the public interest
(a) refuses to perform an act;
(b) omits to perform an act; or
(c) informs the council or other appropriate authority of an act or omission 45
performed by any other person,
which act or omission endangers or is likely to endanger the safety or health of the public
or fellow employees, is not liable for that refusal, omission or information.
(3) Any person who was registered in terms of this Act and whose registration was
cancelled, is liable for any action taken by him or her while he or she was registered. 50
Delegation of powers
40. (1) The Minister may delegate any of his or her powers in terms of this Act,
excluding the power to appoint the members of the council, to the Director-General or
any other official of the department.
(2) The council may delegate any of its powers in terms of this Act to a committee, 5
staff member or a member of the council or any other person or body of persons,
excluding the power to hear an appeal in terms of sections 24(1) and 33(1)(a).
(3) The registrar may delegate any of his or her powers in terms of this Act to a
member of the staff of the council.
(4) Any delegation under subsection (1), (2) or (3) does not prohibit the exercise of the 10
power or the performance of the duty or function in question by the Minister, council or
the registrar.
41. (1) A person contravening section 18(2), 23, 25(8) or 31(8)(a), (b), (e) or (f) is
guilty of an offence. 15
(2) If the council wilfully or in a grossly negligent manner fails to comply with section
15(8) it is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine calculated according to the ratio
determined for a period of five years imprisonment in terms of the Adjustment of Fines
Act, 1991.
(3) A person convicted of an offence in terms of section 18(2), may be liable to a fine 20
equal to double the remuneration received by him or her for work done in contravention
of section 18(2) or to a fine equal to the fine calculated according to the ratio determined
for three years imprisonment in terms of the Adjustment of Fines Act, 1991.
(4) A person who is convicted of an offence in terms of section 23 or 25(8), may be
liable to a fine calculated according to the ratio determined for a period of one month 25
imprisonment in terms of the Adjustment of Fines Act, 1991.
(5) A person who is convicted of an offence in terms of section 31(8)(a), (b), (e) or (f),
may be liable to a fine equal to the fine calculated according to the ratio determined for
three years imprisonment in terms of the Adjustment of Fines Act, 1991.
Transitional provisions 30
42. (1) Any person practising in any of the categories contemplated in section 18, may
continue to practise as such and is deemed to be a registered person until a date
determined by the Minister by notice in the Gazette.
(2) For the purpose of the nominations referred to in section 4 and for the first term of
office of the council, the existing voluntary associations within the project and 35
construction management professions are deemed to be recognised in terms of section
(3) Any person nominated in terms of section 4, is deemed to be registered for the
purpose of that section and section 5.
(4) The Minister must, within 30 days from the commencement of this Act, invite 40
nominations as contemplated in section 4.
(5) At the end of the first term of the council 50 per cent of the members of the council
may not be reappointed by the Minister.
44. This Act is called the Project and Construction Management Professions Act,
2000, and commences on a date fixed by the President by proclamation in the Gazette.