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Trivalent passivation systems - Meeting legislation

and exceeding performance requirements
By Alan Gardner, global marketing manager, MacDermid Industrial Solutions

Zinc and zinc alloy plated coatings are applied to fasteners in Figure 1 - Zinc and passivate layers
order to give sacrificial corrosion protection to the base metal.
However, these sacrificial coatings are very susceptible to
corrosion themselves particularly in conditions of high humidity.
Corrosion products formed on zinc type deposits are generally Passivate layer
referred to as white rust. Prevention of white rust is usually
achieved by application of a conversion coating, traditionally based
on hexavalent chromium compounds. These treatments convert
the metal surface into a complex mixture of chromium (including
hexavalent) compounds giving excellent corrosion resistance. Zinc layer
Hexavalent chromium compounds, however, have long
been recognised as carcinogenic. This, coupled with the need
to increase the recyclability of vehicles (ELV Directive) and
consumer electronics (RoHS) led to the adoption of trivalent
based passivation systems in the middle of the last decade, but
the story isnt yet finished as today new regulations, including How passivates protect the zinc layer
REACH (SVHC), are raising questions which may be answered Zinc is a reactive metal, which gets oxidised (corroded) in
by new developments in passivation technology. the presence of humidity and oxygen. Unlike nickel or stainless
steels, the formed zinc oxide is a soft, voluminous and porous
Why pasivate? corrosion product, which does not prevent further corrosion
The primary advantages of hexavalent systems included ease of through the zinc layer (see Figure 2). Therefore, the zinc metal
use, low cost, ability to passivate various deposits (including zinc needs protection by chemically formed mixed metal oxide films.
alloys) and colours. Draw backs consist of factors such as poor The passivate films are hardly soluble in water or water based
application in the supply chain, no advancements to improve corrosion salt solutions used as anti-freezing agents, thus provide a tough
resistance and extremely poor resistance to thermal shock. barrier coating.
Conversely trivalent passivates, which offer at least the same
resistance to white corrosion, have exceptional thermal shock Figure 2 - The stages of zinc corrosion
resistance, a traceable supply line ( and
continued advancements to increase corrosion resistance. The 1 2 3 4
various finishes, film thicknesses and relative concentrations
of chromium compounds can be seen in the table below.

Type Film Cr6+ Cr3+ Total Cr

thickness nm (mg/dm2) (mg/dm2) (mg/dm2)
25 - 80 Zero 0.3 0.3
200 - 400 Zero 1.2 1.2
1) After exposure to neutral salt spray, small areas of white
250 500 0.7 2.0 2.7 corrosion can be seen.
2) After continued exposure voluminous white corrosion
Black products form.
250 - 100 0.7 9.3 10.0
(hexavalent) 3) Eventually the zinc will allow the base metal to be exposed.
4) And base metal (red) corrosion will eventually occur.
What is a passivate?
Passivate films are complex films consisting of chemicals such as:
Oxides of hexavalent chromium (hexavalent based formulations). Thermal shock
Oxides of trivalent chromium (both hexavalent and trivalent Thermal shock tests involve subjecting components to
formulations). high temperatures (e.g. 150C for one hour) before neutral
Oxides of divalent metals such as cobalt. salt spray testing (ASTM B117). This is to simulate the
Organic complexants (some trivalent formulations). conditions underhood where very high temperatures are
Water. encountered on components that are located near to the
Depending on the finish desired, a combination of these will be engine. Trivalent passivates perform very well in this test.
blended to achieve different characteristics (i.e. blue, iridescent, The older hexavalent passivates lose some 90% of their
black). The film will evenly coat the zinc layer providing a barrier corrosion performance. This loss of performance is due to
coating. This can be seen in Figure 1. A film of some 300nm sits dehydration and cracking of the passivate film.
homogenously on the zinc layer.

92 Fastener + Fixing Magazine Issue 77 September 2012

m a n u fa ct u r i n g t e c h n o lo g y

Trivalent passivates Future developments

Trivalent passivates are generally distinguished in two Future developments will be based on reducing the
groups: thin film (typically blue passivates) and thick film environmental impact and eliminating metals, such as
(typically iridescent or black passivates). cobalt, which are now becoming a concern. In respect of the
longer term, passivation systems which are completely free
Figure 3 - Types of trivalent passivation of chromium are currently being investigated with the aim of
improving performance, cost and ecological impact.

High temperature versus lower temperature technology -

The first generation of trivalent thick film passivates operated
Iridescent Black Blue at 60C 70C. This temperature range had been required to
form the needed passivate film thickness at the fixed immersion
times range (60 seconds 90 seconds) of existing plating lines.
Although these passivates delivered high performance, their
operating costs were higher due to the heating input required.
Recently, new organic and inorganic complexants have been
developed. These increase the film formation rate at lower
operating temperatures (30C - 40C). The advantage is the
similar higher performance at lower operating costs.

1. The typical passivate film thickness of a thin film passivate is Cobalt free - Beside mixed oxides of zinc and trivalent chrome,
about 80nm 100nm resulting in an even blue appearance and passivate films contain small amounts of cobalt zinc oxide
prevents zinc corrosion between 24 hours 72 hours in NSS tests. and cobalt chrome oxide. These oxides increase the hardness
2. Thick film passivate films form about 4 5 times thicker films and temperature resistance of passivate films. By the addition
(thickness between 300nm 400nm) resulting in an iridescent of small amounts of cobalt compounds, the thermal shock
appearance and prevent white corrosion in neutral salt spray resistance of the passivate film is increased to 150C.
in excess of 72 hours for zinc, 120 hours for zinc-iron and However, cobalt salts are under threat of regulation. The
150 hours for zinc-nickel. European CLP (classification of cobalt salt) classifies the toxicity
of several cobalt salts to carcinogen cat. 2. Therefore an increasing
Table 4 Comparative values to 5% white rust for interest on cobalt free passivates has been observed in Europe.
passivated coatings Since 2003, high performance cobalt free, trivalent chromium
passivates have been commercially available for zinc-nickel
Criteria Zinc Zinc-iron Zinc-nickel deposits. Today the first cobalt free black passivates have been
Hours to introduced, also for zinc-nickel deposits. Research continues
>72 >120 >150
white rust to develop similar systems applicable to zinc plated deposits,
particularly in respect to being resistant to thermal shock tests.
Market adoption
So which industries have adopted these systems? Before Chromium free passivates - At this time, the replacement of
the year 2000, trivalent chromium passivates were almost trivalent chrome to non-chrome technologies is being tested
exclusively for zinc plated finishes designed to have chrome like in indoor applications such as electronic components that are
appearances. This would include fasteners for internal automotive used in dry environments. Several patents and publications on
trim and domestic hardware; performance passivation for exterior non-chrome conversion coatings indicate further research on
automotive and construction fasteners being the domain of this topic, particularly to develop passivates for higher volume
yellow, green and black hexavalent chromium. fastener applications such as automotive and construction.

Figure 5 - Before 2000, most zinc plated components were Summary

passivated in trivalent chromium for a chrome-like appearance Environmental directives have driven the change from
hexavalent to trivalent passivates in the last decade. Typically
After the year 2000 iridescent thick these new systems, which are a complex combination of organic
film systems were introduced. and inorganic chemicals, offer superior corrosion resistance.
Testing by leading automotive This is particularly true when they are subjected to thermal
companies confirmed their shock treatments. Available in colours such as blue, iridescent
suitability as replacements. and black, they retard the formation of white corrosion products
During the last decade most and therefore the onset of base (red) metal rusting. Originally
American, European and used in lower performance requirements, they are now the
Japanese companies have dominante technology for high performance fastener coatings.
now replaced hexavalent However, the story does not end there. Already new trivalent
based passivates and specify chromium passivation solutions operate at lower operating
exclusively trivalent. This temperatures than the original systems. Additionally new
includes specifications such as directives are driving further change in passivated coatings.
GM 3044 & 4700, Ford WSS M21 Materials that will be restricted include cobalt salts. Already
P17 & P51, Renault 01 71 002 and the first non-cobalt passivates are being introduced into the
VW TL 153, 217 & 244. Fasteners for market, particularly for zinc-nickel coatings.
other industries such as construction Additionally developments in total non-chromium passivates
and hardware followed, driven by their is underway, with interior applications such as electronic
concerns and also the reduction in platers fasteners already under going in-house testing.
offering older hexavalent passivated finishes.

94 Fastener + Fixing Magazine Issue 77 September 2012

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