PC 2009 Powder Coating Glossary
PC 2009 Powder Coating Glossary
PC 2009 Powder Coating Glossary
B the combined application of sharp edges,
heat, and pressure. A formalized test used
Film formation. The forming of a con-
tinuous film by melting powder particles
Back ionization. A condition that can by applicators of insulative powder to and coalescing them by the application of
occur during electrostatic application of electrical motors. energy. For thermosetting materials, a
powder, in which an excessive buildup of chemical reaction, through the further ap-
charged powder particles limits further plication of energy, also takes place. The
powder from being deposited on the sub-
strate and can reverse the electrical
D fused and cured film has the uniformity,
color, toughness, and other properties
charge of the surface layer of powder Delivery. The process of moving the associated with protective and decorative
particles. Also called electrostatic rejec- powder coating through the application coatings.
tion or repelling. equipment to the end product.
Flocking deposition technique. A
Dry blending. A process of powder coat- deposition method of applying powder
Bulk density. Mass per unit of volume
ings’ manufacture in which materials are by spray to a substrate heated above the
in powder form, including the air trapped
blended without melting. melt point of the powder material.
between particles.
Melt mixing. A predominant process under suitable conditions. Tribocharging. The process of creating
for the manufacture of powder coatings a static electric charge on powder parti-
involving the continuous compounding cles by friction against a nonconductive
of the pigments, fillers, catalysts, and
resins at elevated temperatures. R
Reclaim. A process to recycle nonde-
Melt point. The temperature at which
a finely divided powder will begin to
posited powder through the delivery sys-
tem for reuse.
melt and flow. Virgin powder. Unsprayed powder as
Recovery. The process of removing non- opposed to sprayed or reclaimed powder.
Micron/mil. Common units of measure- deposited powder from the air before
ment of coating thickness: 25 microns recirculating the powder through the Volatile content. The quantity, ex-
(micrometers) equals 1 mil (one thou- delivery system. pressed as a weight percent of the pow-
sandth of an inch). der, that is lost under specified condi-
Repelling. See Back ionization.
Minimum explosive concentration. tions of temperature and time.
See Lower explosive limit.
N Sintering. The tendency of some pow-
ders and powder coating materials to Wrap. A characteristic of powder coat-
Nonelectrostatic deposition. A tech- agglomerate during storage. ings in electrostatic application to seek
nique of depositing powder onto a sub- out and adhere to parts of the substrate
strate, which may be heated above the Spray/reclaim booth. A specially not in direct line of sight of the delivery
melt point of the powder material. Some designed enclosure in which coating system end point.
methods are flocking and fluidized bed. powders are introduced, contained, and
recovered during the coating process.