Go Wyoming (April 2024)

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The Official Newsletter of the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Office

16th Edition / April 2024

This Is
15th Ann sue :
Wyomi ual Pride of
ng A
Dinner gricultural
& More hts
www.wycochamber.org / www.gowyomingcountyny.com


T2 April 2024 GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism
GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism April 2024 T3

A Message from the President

However, we did all pause
for a bit to come togeth-
er at viewing parties and
businesses, in parks and
in backyards, to witness
a rare celestial event that
was uniquely special.
By Scott Gardner have highlighted within together. There are many to visit your favorite local On behalf of the Cham-
It’s starting to feel like this publication usually positions open through- businesses and recognize ber’s membership, Board
spring which brings a re- with a ribbon cutting. It out the area – and many them for their hard-work of Directors, and staff
newed sense of hope and is certainly gratifying to of them can be found on and contribution to our we hope everyone has a
excitement for a beautiful see new businesses open, our website and through local economy. safe and fun spring and
season here in Western working with new own- other readily available Finally, on Monday, summer season filled
New York. Summer plans ers as they start out, and sources. April 8th, we experienced with time together and
are also starting to shape looking for ways to assist On a special note, Na- the much-anticipated so- all of the wonderful ac-
up and fun area activities them on their business tional Small Business lar eclipse, an event we tivities available during
are just around the corner. journey. As an organiza- Week is celebrated during planned for over a year. our warmest months. We
It has been a busy time tion we get excited with the first week of May and We want to express our hope you enjoy time with
of work and transition at the surge of activity from takes place from April 28 thanks to all the business- family and celebrate all
the Chamber & Tourism startups to expansions to May 4 this year. The aim es, stakeholders, schools, that is good about Wy-
office over these past win- as the weather warms up of this week is to honor libraries, and local gov- oming County and our
ter months and we are all and projects begin. nesses in our community the entrepreneurs of our ernments that took part great part of the state.
looking forward to a new It’s always a great time and shoppers proved that country, who have played in the planning and or- Scott A. Gardner,
season of change. to be a Chamber member, with all the activity we their part in bringing new ganizing process. As we President and CEO
Since our last newslet- as we continue to offer tracked over the previous ideas to life and growing all know, the weather in Wyoming County
ter, several new business- business member-fo- holiday season. our economy. I encour- the best Western New Chamber of Commerce
es have opened in Wyo- cused programs from We also celebrated our age everyone to take a York fashion, did not give and Tourism Promotion
ming County which we digital marketing, and annual award winners in moment during this week us the clearest of skies. Agency
sexual harassment train- November, which is a fun
New Members ing, to protecting your time together recogniz-
business from fraud, and ing the accomplishments
Since 9/1/23: much more. We are open of several deserving busi-
Country Belle Farm Store to hosting new learn- nesses. We presented
Coveny Construction and ing opportunities that the first ever award for a
Renovations will inform the business woman in business to Val
Sunshine Speech community on topics to Henrici, from Yummies
Therapy PLLC increase profitability and in Warsaw. The Chamber
position them for success. was very pleased to create
Genesee Dance Theatre, Inc.
We also have a variety of this new recognition for a
Spit Shine Cleaning marketing opportunities woman business owner
Shag-N-Wag Grooming available for our member or leader who is making
Dynamic Dance Studio LLC businesses, and we are a difference in both their
Studio 22 Fitness here to help. The Cham- business and community.
Brooks Mechanical LLC ber also offers affordable This Spring we also wel-
Safety with A Passion, LLC dental and vision pro- comed a new addition to
Woodlawn Distilling grams, as well as, office the Chamber staff, Jenni-
supplies and energy sav- fer M. Sealy, as our new
J&S Castile Ag Services, Inc. Director of Business and
ings benefits – just give
Marley Funeral Home us a call and we can assist Visitor Engagement. We
Light & Dark Electric, Inc. your business. look forward to all that
Parkside Diner Our annual Shop Wy- Jennifer brings to the or-
Home Heating, Cooling & oming & Win campaign ganization and hope that We are a general law practice specializing
Plumbing LLP over the holiday season everyone has a chance to
Spectrum Health & successfully recorded meet her soon. in meeting our clients needs.
Human Services hundreds of thousands This year the Chamber
Sunrise Courts LLC in total sales and we also partnered on the an-
nual job fair with WCJW
250 North Main St. | Warsaw, NY 14569
Maple Grove definitely appreciate the
businesses that partic- Radio and Communi-
K-D’s Stop N Shop ty Action for Wyoming (585) 786-9949 | Robert@strasslaw.com
ipated. It can never be
Charter Communications said enough - we have County to bring employ-
JZ Haul Services, LLC outstanding local busi- ers and prospective hires
T4 April 2024 GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism

Protect Yourself from Cyber Security Threats

Cyber Security: This is a with more than 500 small Cybercrime is a billion-dol- “I did not know” simply does ALL FAIL. You will lose all know, that simply never hap-
term you hear about all the businesses to integrate tech- lar industry and small busi- not work. your data. This is not a good pens. Holes in the applica-
time these days and I want- nology into their business nesses are a favorite target. This all being said here are place to be, ever. We recom- tions and operating systems
ed to shed some light on this to maximize growth and “The average Hacker stays 4 things to know today to get mend external hard drives for allow hackers to get in even
along with who we are and opportunities and protect on an infected computer for you on the right path: backup only , which means with you not clicking on any-
how we help our customers them from online threats. 217 days. There have been 1. Get End Point Protec- your data is on your comput- thing.
stay protected. Marchese Computer Prod- over 560,000 new malware tion – This is not Anti Virus. er and this is a copy of it not 4. Last but not least – Nev-
Paul Marchese, owner of ucts, Inc. is a leading Man- threats just today and half Currently Anti virus doe not something used as a working er Ever use simple passwords
Marchese Computer Prod- aged services provider, sales of the attacks are towards detect the current threats. device. The 3-2-1 rule is the and Never Ever use the same
ucts, Inc., an author of Busi- and service for PC’s, servers, small business today.” This Norton, McAfee, Avast, ACG, minimum we recommend. password on multiple sites.
ness Owners Guide to Cyber and Networks, a NYS licensed is a quote from my new am- Sophos, Webroot, Kasper- This is 3 copies on 2 devices True story: customer bought
Security and 2024 Amazon Alarm Installer (Video, Fire, azon best seller book and it sky, are some of the leading and 1 offsite in the cloud. I do machine from big box store
Best Seller From Exposed to and Burglar), a telecom con- is truly scary!. It is not if but Antivirus products and none not want to see anyone lose (BestBuy or Office Depot, I
Secure, has served Western sultant representing over 50 when you will be compro- of them work. Sentinel One their photos so please back honestly can’t recall which)
and Central New York area companies including Empire mised and how you protect EDR is the product we recom- your data up. they set Microsoft Office 365
businesses for more than 40 Access, Spectrum, ATT, Veri- yourself and your assets will mend and it was just award- 3. Update your machine – up on the machine using his
years, specializing in security zon, Frontier, First light, and determine your outcome. ed top protection by Channel This means regular patches, email as the Microsoft login.
and technology solutions for more. Our goal is to remove We want to help you ensure Partners. not only for the operating This customer used a com-
the Small and Medium Busi- the burden of IT from our cli- you are protected and do not 2. Backup your data. We system, but the programs plex password (Hurray!), but
ness sectors, helping them ent’s plate so they can spend go down the path of fines, have seen all too many times you use. Hackers really like used it on all their login sites
with all their IT needs. Paul their time growing their busi- lawsuits, loss of revenue and an external drive is used to people that are going to “do it
and his team have worked ness. reputational damage. Saying store data. Simply fact - THEY tomorrow”, as you and I both (Continued on page 6.)
GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism April 2024 T5

13th Annual Shop Wyoming and Win:

Announcing the Winners!

$781,661 and generating
over $62,533 in estimat-
ed sales taxes during the
promotional period. Par-
ticipants were required to
save their receipts from
purchases made in Wy-
It was another excel- Joshua James from Fill- Paws Perrydise in Perry; Berwanger from Arcade, pers to stop in to support oming County between
lent year for the Wyo- more, who won a rocker and Linda Loos from At- Stan Klein from Castile, these outstanding local November 24th and
ming County Chamber’s recliner donated by Hard- tica who won the winter and Nathan Rudgers from family-run small business- Christmas Eve 2023. They
“Shop Wyoming and Win” ing’s Furniture, Flooring fun beverage basket. Covington, assisted by es throughout the year.” then submitted the re-
annual Buy Local promo- & Mattress in Attica/Mt. The Wyoming County drawing the winning tick- This year marks the ceipts by mail, in-person,
tion. The organization is Morris; Debbie Weber Chamber & Tourism holds ets during the meeting. 13th year the Chamber or in drop boxes by the
pleased to announce the from Warsaw, who won the annual drawing at the “On behalf of the Cham- has sponsored the hol- deadline in early January.
selection of the four lucky the Gas Grill donated by Wyoming County Board ber and the community, iday promotion as part For every $50 worth of
winning individuals who Ace Hardware Warsaw/At- of Supervisors’ regular we extend congratula- of the Wyoming County purchases made in Wyo-
were randomly chosen on tica; Damien Huber from February Meeting. Town tions to all the winners Chamber of Commerce’s ming County, the partic-
Tues., February 13, 2024. North Java who won the Supervisors, Mark Merrill of this year’s “Shop Wyo- shop local programs. Af- ipants were eligible for
This year’s winners are: $500 gift certificate from from Wethersfield, Doug ming and Win” buy-local ter weeks of planning and one entry in the drawing
promotion,” said Chamber delivering the entry box- that took place on Feb-
President Scott Gardner. es to small businesses all ruary 13, 2024. Over the
“Thank you to the many over the county, the con- past 6 years, the Chamber
businesses who partici- test kicked off on Novem- has tracked over $4 mil-
pated this year with sup- ber 24th, Black Friday. lion in consumer spend-
port and placing of drop This year, 621 shoppers ing during the Shop
boxes. We also thank ev- participated by submit- Wyoming and Win pro-
eryone who shopped lo- ting receipts totaling over motional period.
cally in Wyoming County,
as it was critical to help-
ing our local businesses
throughout this holiday
“The prizes are made
possible with the strong
support of local county
businesses. We especial-
ly thank Ace Hardware of
Attica and Warsaw for the
generous donation of the
gas grill, and Harding’s
Furniture, Flooring & Mat-
tress in Attica/Mt. Morris
for donating the Rocker Providing Comfort During A Difficult Time
Recliner, Paws Perrydise Commitment to service and professionalism
in Perry, Windy Brew, Sil- are the guiding forces behind our funeral
ver Lake Brewing Project, homes. There is nothing more important to
Buried Barrel Hard Cider, us than the trust a family places in our ability
Warsaw Wine and Spirits, to help guide them through a most difficult
Stellar Wines and Spir- time. Our goal is to work with each family to
its, Beer Justice Brewing provide the service that fits their needs with
Company, and Old Souls dignity and honor at a reasonable cost.
Catering for their spon-
sorship of the conditional 246 North Main St., Warsaw, NY 14569
prize,” concluded Gardner. (585) 786-2424 | fax: (585) 786-3024
“These businesses gen- www.robinsonandhackemer.com
erously donated prizes Peter Robinson Joseph P. Robinson
and we encourage shop- Kelly Keough John J. Hackemer
T6 April 2024 GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism

Welcome, Jennifer Sealy!

The Chamber was very and professional growth. welcome her to the orga- she can help you.
pleased to announce Twenty years passed and nization and learn how
back in early March, that she decided to move back
Perry native, Jennifer home. Grounded with a
Sealy has joined the staff deep respect for its agri- STAFF DIRECTORY
at the Chamber & Tourism culture, gorgeous land- Scott Gardner
office as the new Director scape, hardworking busi- President/CEO
of Business and Visitor En- nesses and welcoming scott@gowyco.com
gagement. communities, she knew
Submitted Photo Jennifer resides in her Wyoming County was Eric Szucs
hometown of Perry, New where she wanted to be. Director of Tourism & Marketing
York with a new perspec- She loves music, nature, eric@gowyco.com
tive on a place that built time with family and any-
Wyoming County her strong roots in faith,
family and community.
thing that involves a good
laugh. Jennifer is excited
Jennifer M. Sealy
Director of Business and Visitor Engagement
Office for the Aging After college in Oswego,
she started a career in
zoology that brought her
to be a part of the growth
in business and tourism
for our area and looks for- Cathy Van Remmen & Cooper Ferrini
Front Desk Attendants
to a few locations along ward to getting to know
the east coast. Each place the greater business com- 36 Center Street, Suite A, Warsaw • (585) 786-0307
brought her valuable ex- munity. Please feel free to www.wycochamber.org • www.gowyomingcountyny.com
periences, responsibilities reach out to Jennifer and

Cyber Security ZERO protections. Microsoft so you can spend your time book a free consultation on
Continued from page 4. replied, we are unable to ver- growing your business. Call our website www.mcpinc.
and one of them was com- ify please submit additional us today at 585-343-2713 or com.
promised, no fault of custom- information. We suspect the
Come visit our booth in the Youth (yellow) er. The first thing the hacker account will not be recover-
Building at the Wyoming County Fair did was find out all about the able. Don’t let yourself be a
customer on every social me- victim like this person, use
dia outlet possible. Then pro- different passwords on every
ceeded to use the password site and all of them should be
on all of them…..Including at least 13 characters long
the Microsoft account. Which and contain, Upper and Low-
He took over changed the er case letters, Numbers, and
email and security to his in a symbol or two.
Russia and sent the custom- The customer referenced
er an email from themselves above is now on our man-
stating I have your password aged services and has their
and it is “AbS!12468”, (not real data backed to a secure en-
password), I have changed crypted cloud. We can safely
your Microsoft account and state that none of our man-
If you miss us at the fair, we are located at if you want it back you will aged clients have been com-
8 Perry Avenue, Warsaw, and our phone need to send me $500 in promised to date!
We are proud to be the old-
number is 786-8833 or 1-800-836-0067. bitcoin to this address. We
stepped in and submitted est technology provider in
form to Microsoft on behalf Western New York as well as
Call or stop by for information on long term of this person that came to a Wyoming County Chamber
care services and support for individuals of us with the problem that was member for over 20 years.
all ages in Wyoming County. created because the Big Box Let us help you remove the
store set up the account with burden of IT from your plate
GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism April 2024 T7

15 Annual Pride of Wyoming Agricultural Dinner

The 15th annual Pride of chocolate, and strawberry ice community including farms
Wyoming County Agriculture cream flavors. and agri-businesses. The
Dinner, presented by Chan- The Good Neighbor Award sell-out event celebrates and
nel Seed, was held on Sat- was presented to Walter Fary- recognizes the important
urday, March 2, 2024, at the na, at Halo Farms, LLC, in Per- impact of agriculture in Wyo-
North Java Fire Hall. Seven ry, and the Friend of Agricul- ming County.
outstanding awardees were ture award will be presented “The Pride of Agriculture
recognized for their accom- to Rosemary “Rosie” Shader. dinner is a true celebration
plishments and work in the These awards are given by of our agriculture tradition
agriculture industry. the Wyoming County Farm in Wyoming County,” said
The Wyoming County Bureau and Cornell Cooper- Chamber & Tourism Presi-
Chamber & Tourism office ative Extension of Wyoming dent Scott Gardner. “We were
presented the Agri-Business County. excited to be celebrate the
of the Year award to Bur- The Wyoming County Soil fifteenth year of this event
ley Berries and Blooms-The and Water Conservation Dis- and are very fortunate to
Creamery, located in Perry. trict also presented the annu- have a strong agricultural
The award is given annual- al Conservation District Farm sector recognized as a leader CSS Farms, LLC; Elitsac Inc.; Gibney Monument Works; J dorf Brothers, Inc.; Tompkins
ly to an agri-business that of the Year award to Deere in New York and the nation. Farm Credit East, ACA; Farm & S Castile Ag Services, Inc; Community Bank; Wick Con-
exhibits any or all of the Stone Farms, LLC; the Ronald Congratulations to all of the Family Insurance Company; M&T Bank; Ortel Supply Inc.; struction LLC; WNY Medicare
following criteria includ- P. Herman Partner of the year very deserving awardees. We Foote and Meyer, PLLC; Gen- Perry Veterinary Clinic; Pike- Advisors; Wyoming Co Soil &
ing expansion projects, job award to Matt Havens, Soil all take great pride in their esee Community College; Side Ag Machinery, LLC; Reis- Water Conservation District.
growth, community involve- Scientist, USDA/NRCS; and hard work that provides jobs
ment, and contributions that the Agricultural Environmen- and critical value to our local
strengthen the agricultural tal Management award to economy.”
industry. Val Henrici from Spencer Brothers Farms, LLC. Special thanks to the fol-
Yummies Ice Cream in War- The Wyoming County lowing Gold Sponsors of the
saw was recognized for re- Chamber & Tourism office Wyoming County Pride of
ceiving the North American partners annually with Cor- Agriculture Dinner: Allied Fi-
Ice Cream Association Triple nell Cooperative Extension nancial Partners; Atlas Ag Ser-
Scoop Award, only one of of Wyoming County, the Wy- vices, LLC; Attica Veterinary
three ice cream shops in the oming County Soil and Water Associates, P.C.; Boulder En-
country to receive the award Conservation District, and terprises, LLC; Carolina East-
for blue ribbons for vanilla, members of the agriculture ern-Crocker; Charcoal Corral;

Submitted Photo
The Creamery at Burley Berries and Blooms
T8 April 2024 GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism

Chamber & Tourism Annual Award Reception

On Thursday evening, of life of Wyoming County; cluded:
November 9, 2023, the Wy- capital investments; busi- Small Business of the Year –
oming County Chamber & ness expansions; job growth Ott’s Collision in Warsaw
Tourism agency hosted the and retention; community Large Business of the Year
2023 annual award reception involvement; and their con- – Silver Lake Marine in Silver
sponsored by Prizm Docu- tributions that strengthen Springs
ment & Technology Solutions their particular business sec- Agri-Business of the Year
at Brooksholm Wedding Barn tor in Wyoming County. The – Burley Berries and Blooms
and Events Center in Wyo- Chamber if Commerce also and the Creamery in Warsaw
ming, to honor the awardees awarded the Woman in Busi- Tourism Attraction of the
of several outstanding busi- ness Award for the first time Year – Dream Lake Camp-
ness recognition categories. this year. ground in Warsaw
The event welcomed Honorees received an Tourism Business of the
businesses and guests from award plaque from the Year – Three Falls Cider in
across the county to share in Chamber of Commerce and Castile
networking and recognition certificates of recognition Most Promising New Busi-
of seven businesses and in- from US Representative Clau- ness of the Year – Coca-Cola
dividuals that were selected dia Tenney, Senator George Barn Museum in Castile
based on criteria that includ- Borrello, and Assemblyman Woman in Business Award
ed their contributions to the David DiPietro. – Valerie Henrici, Yummies in you to everyone who attend- environment that leads to
“We again thank everyone
economic vitality and quality The awardees for 2023 in- Warsaw ed and made the evening the success and economic
who sent in nominations
from across the communi- a special and memorable prosperity of Wyoming Coun-
ty, and congratulate all the event.” ty. The key programs and
winners for their many con- The Wyoming County services of the organization
tributions to the quality of Chamber & Tourism is the are educational seminars;
life and economic vitality leading membership organi- leadership development;
of Wyoming County,” said zation for local and regional business assistance and
Scott Gardner, President and growth, advocacy, and con- guidance; cost-saving oppor-
CEO of the Wyoming County nection for Wyoming Coun- tunities; advocacy; recogni-
Chamber & Tourism office. ty’s business community. The tion, networking, exposure
“The award winners that we Chamber & Tourism’s mission and promotional opportuni-
honored represent longev- is to serve the members and ties. For more information or
Serving Genesee • Livingston & Wyoming Counties ity and commitment to our community; promote and to become a member please
communities and are some of grow the area’s economic call 585-786-0307 or visit the
Residential & Commercial • Licensed & Insured the very best that Wyoming and tourism assets; and work website at www.wycocham-
County has to offer. Thank collaboratively to create an ber.org.
• Free Estimates On • Well Pumps • Duct Cleaning
New Installations • Root Removal • Ductless AC
• Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Back Flow Testing • New Installs
• Water Heaters • Boilers & Furnaces • Repairs
• Water & Gas Repiping • Central Air Conditioning • New Homes
• Faucet Repair • Oil & Gass Burners • Construction
• Piping Leaks • Water Treatment: • Electrician & Carpenter
• Service Agreements Filtration & Softeners • Cottages (opening &
closing - winterization)
GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism April 2024 T9

The 2024 Wyoming County Visitor Guide is Here!

The Wyoming County tive, and depicts everything and the 100th Anniversary artistic view for the cover Visitor guides may be Chamber & Tourism is the
Chamber & Tourism office is that makes Wyoming Coun- of New York State Parks. The photo, and to everyone who picked up at the Chamber of- leading membership organi-
pleased to announce the re- ty and our region a tourism guide also provides informa- contributed great photos fice located at the Wyoming zation for local and regional
lease of the official 2024 Wy- destination for visitors world- tion on food, shopping, craft and experiences with our or- County Ag and Business growth, advocacy, and con-
oming Coun- wide. The guide beverages, camping, golf ganization.” Center, 36 Center Street in nection for Wyoming Coun-
ty Visitor high- and much more. This piece The Chamber & Tourism Warsaw. Area residents are ty’s business community. The
Guide. This lights describes Wyoming County’s office printed over 70,000 encouraged to call, email or Chamber & Tourism’s mission
year’s guide o u r unique story, while educat- copies for distribution this stop by the Chamber office to is to serve the members and
features a d i - ing and informing visitors. year, which will be handed grab a copy. Guides can also community; promote and
cover pho- verse It is the official invitation to out at trade and travel shows, be mailed free to interested grow the County’s economic
to by pho- tour- explore our beautiful natural and stocked at information parties nationally to learn and tourism assets as the offi-
tographer i s m landscape while experienc- centers and rest stops across more about Wyoming Coun- cial Tourism Promotion Agen-
Rachel busi- ing unforgettable adven- New York, the Northeastern ty. cy; and work collaboratively
Murray, nesses tures.” United States and Southeast- Area businesses who to create an environment
depicting a n d “On behalf of the member- ern Canada. Guides will also would like to have a supply that leads to the success and
the Gene- attrac- ship and Board of Directors, I be available in Letchworth of visitor guides at their loca- economic prosperity of Wyo-
see Arch tions, in- would like to extend a special State Park, area attractions, tion are also encouraged to ming County. For more infor-
Bridge cluding thanks to Eric Szucs for his government offices, restau- contact the Chamber at (585) mation or to become a mem-
and Up- Letch- hard work to deliver a great rants and retail locations 786-0307 or tourism@gowy- ber please call 585-786-0307
per Falls worth looking and valuable guide throughout Wyoming Coun- co.com. or visit the website at www.
in Letch- S t a t e for the 2024 tourism season,” ty. The Wyoming County wycochamber.org.
worth State Park. The P a r k , said Chamber CEO Scott
cover shot is aimed at edu- which attracts a million visi- Gardner. “I would also like to Voted Best
cating and inspiring visitors tors a year. The Visitor Guide thank all the businesses and
to “Explore Letchworth” and also includes information advertisers in the guide, Ra-
Fresh Meat
the many attractions, experi- on the Autism Nature Trail chel Murray for sharing her
Burly Brothers Country Butchery in the
ences and communities Wyo- GLOW Region!
ming County has to offer.
The 2024 visitor’s adven- Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce
ture guide offers readers 2023-2024 Board of Directors
an engaging visual experi-
ence, while providing valu- CHAIR: Norbert Fuest, Appletree HR & Safety Consultants
able travel and hospitality VICE-CHAIR: Hans Kunze, Hans’ Bird Feeder & Greenhouse
information to tourists and SECRETARY: Jessica Hibbard, SUNY GCC
residents. The guide is also TREASURER: Nicole White, Freed Maxick CPA’s
linked to the Wyoming Coun-
ty Tourism website GoWyCo.
Michael Hardie, Tompkins Insurance Agencies
com featuring an interactive
and fully mobile platform, an Travis Sick, Tompkins Community Bank
expanded Letchworth State Tim Brick, Bricdale Farms/Pa’s Produce
travel itineraries and trails,
events calendar, maps and
Hon. Becky Ryan, Supervisor of Warsaw, Wyoming County
Jackie Swaby, Arts Council for Wyoming County
We offer full USDA processing!
partner listings.
“We are very excited about
Andrew Stang, PrizmTech Document & Technology Solutions
Daniel J. Burling, Burling Aviation Services
4154 East Main Street Road, Attica, NY 14011
the 2024 visitor guide,” said
Director of Tourism & Market-
Mark Bennett, Five Star Bank 5067 East Main Street, Batavia, NY 14020
ing Eric Szucs. “This compre-
Denise Coffey, Glen Iris Inn
Heather Aldrich, Sunrise Courts, LLC
Office: (585) 708-4122 • Store: (585) 708-4139
hensive tourism marketing
piece is engaging, informa- Rachael Pfeffer, Koike Aronson, Inc. BurlyBrothersButchery.com
T10 April 2024 GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism

Moment of Totality a Magical Experience

of time and effort invested ably. It would be impossible – how valuable Mom & Pop Troublesome clouds aside,
By Eric Szucs leading up to the eclipse to to thank everyone who spent Shops are, and why this re- I hope your 2024 Solar Eclipse
Director of Tourism & Marketing ensure the eclipse was a spe- countless hours planning, gion is a magnificent place to experience was magical and
Wyoming County Chamber and Tourism cial experience within our coordinating and participat- experience outdoor adven- fulfilling.
Like much of the country, communities. ing – but we’d be remiss if ture and family fun.
I was extremely excited for Wyoming County Tourism we didn’t thank our amazing
the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse. launched www.DarkSkyWNY. business community. They
While the weather wasn’t com, we distributed 20,000 set up events, allowed us to
entirely cooperative, I was pair of free eclipse glasses celebrate together, fed us
determined to make the very through area schools and lo- and served us locally-sourced
best of it and recognized it cal libraries, we held regular drinks – and most important-
for what it was – a once-in-a- meetings with businesses, ly, warmly welcomed visitors
lifetime experience. During we partnered with regional from throughout the world.
totality the world became where I stood – a few brief and national planners and It’s been thrilling to hear
dark, the spring peepers rang peaks of the moon still had consistent communica- stories about people who
loud, and the surreal magic of shrouding 50-60% of the sun. tion with organizations like traveled across the U.S. to see
the moment wowed friends No amount of planning or ef- the Buffalo Astronomical As- the eclipse. I even had the
& family of all ages. fort on anyone’s behalf could sociation. honor of meeting someone
In a few places, the cloud have changed the weather. Our goal was simple: en- who traveled from Germany!
cover relented just enough For those of us in the tourism sure our communities enjoy This underscores the impor-
to showcase totality – and industry, there was plenty the eclipse safely and afford- tance of what tourism does

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GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism April 2024 T11

Maple Weekends 2024 a Sweet Success

This year we once again ticipating locations. At each
celebrated Maple Weekends location visitors can pur-
in Wyoming County, March chase maple syrup products,
16-17 & 23-24. Every year experience demonstrations,
maple producers throughout take tours, try free samples
the state welcome the public and enjoy all-you-can-eat
to savor their very best maple pancake breakfasts.
goodies. If you missed Maple Week-
Wyoming County is espe- ends this year, don’t worry,
cially unique, as we are the maple products are available
state leader in maple pro- all year. Find a location near
duction, and annually offer you by visiting www.Maple-
upwards of 20 different par- Weekend.com.

Submitted Photos

Proud Supporter of
the Wyoming County
Chamber of Commerce
National Travel & Tourism Week (NTTW) is region would have to pay over $660 more
an annual celebration underscoring travel’s a year in taxes to make up the difference.
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highlighting how travel stimulates econom- • Dine out at your favorite area restaurant
ic growth, creates quality jobs, inspires new • Support events, festivals & other activi- MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED
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a tank of gas you can have a unique ex-
How Can You Make A Difference? perience at one of many amazing attrac- pharmacy, gift shop & more!
tions in Western New York and the Finger
Tourism is one of New York State’s leading Lakes
industries, and based recent data, tourists
spend: Learn More!
• $79 billion dollars in New York State
• $3.4 billion dollars in the Greater Niagara For information on Travel & Tourism Week,
Region visit: www.ustravel.org 75 North Main St., Warsaw, NY 14569
• $67 million dollars in Wyoming County To explore & support our diverse tourism Phone: 786-2330 / Fax: 786-2767 Trained Pharmacist
Without tourism, each household in our community, visit: www.GoWyCo.com. Mon.-Fri. 9am-9pm; Sat. 9am-4:30pm; Sun. 9am-1pm J. Rutowski, R PH
T12 April 2024 GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism

New Artisan Event Coming to Perry

The Perry Rotary Club food offerings, as well as lo- grants and arts initiatives on your calendar to enjoy this
(PRC) and Perry Fire Depart- cal craft beers and ciders. through the Arts Council for new Artisans event in Perry,
ment (PFD) announce an ex- Live music will be provided Wyoming County. NY!
citing new Artisans event, the throughout the event by Perry Fire Department pro- Updates and additional
Silver Lake Sea Serpent Arts & various local musicians and vides critical support to the information about the Sil-
Crafts Show to be held over groups. Admission is only $5 Perry Community through ver Lake Sea Serpent Arts &
Columbus Day weekend, Sat- for anyone 16 years of age volunteers who are commit- Crafts Show will be commu-
urday October 12th and Sun- and older, and there will be ted to serving and protect- nicated through various me-
day 13th, from 10 AM to 5 PM. plenty of free parking very ing their community. They dia throughout the next sev-
The event will be held on close to the event. No shut- provide life safety, incident eral months. Be sure to follow
the Perry Fire Department tles or buses will be required. containment, property safe- the Silver Lake Sea Serpent
grounds at the north end of PRC and PFD are two well ty, environment safety and Arts and Crafts show on face-
the Perry Village Park. Arti- known service organizations public safety education. book or at the website slsea-
san booths will be located and all proceeds from the The Silver Lake Sea Ser- serpentshow.com. For more
throughout the grounds event will go directly back pent Arts & Crafts Show information or questions,
which offer a beautiful, shel- into the communities they promises to deliver a fun please email SLSeaSerpent-
tered area for both visitors serve. Perry Rotary Club cele- experience that combines Show@gmail.com
and artisans. The event will brates its 100th birthday this access to wonderful arts and FB: Silver Lake Sea Serpent
have several food vendors year. They continue to imple- crafts, fabulous food, craft Arts & Crafts Show | Facebook
that have been selected for ment projects that positively nities they serve, including local school districts, student beers and ciders, and talent- Web: Silver Lake Sea Ser-
their quality and delicious impact the local commu- direct monetary support to scholarships, enrichment ed local music groups. pent Arts & Crafts Show (sl-
Put October 12th and 13th seaserpentshow.com)


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GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism April 2024 T13
T14 April 2024 GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism

Celebrating A Century!
This year, New York’s State 100 years, celebrate the vital courses, and much more. parks, learn more about NYS
Parks and Historic Sites is cel- legislation that spurred the Over the last century, history at historic sites, and to
ebrating its Centennial, com- expansion of the parks and you’ve walked the trails, give back to preserve all our
memorating the 100th sites’ network, and ignite camped in the forests, orga- properties for the next gen-
anniversary of the conversation and nized summer cookouts, and eration.
founding of the action around swam in the lakes and pools. Complete 24 out of 100
NYS parks and preserving You’ve created memories activities, and win prizes!
sites system. New York and passed down traditions. You do not need to complete
This system State lands You’ve helped forge the last them all. The goal is to com-
was built for for the next 100 years of recreation and plete 24, after which you’ll
everyone, generation. stewardship – and will help earn a commemorative Cen-
and continues A vision ignite 100 years ahead. tennial prize, as well as an en-

Dr. Marlin Salmon to serve as an

100 years ago
to connect people
Take the Centennial Chal-
lenge. As you head out on
try into a random drawing for
one of 24 three-year Empire
that public access to to New York State’s most your next adventure to a NYS Passes and a Centennial swag
Batavia Office: Perry Office: open space and recreation- celebrated lands has since park or historic site, you’re bag!
5A Batavia City Centre 116 North Center St. al assets is a right, and not a transformed into the state invited you to take on the Visit https://parks.
Batavia, NY 14020 Perry, NY 14530 privilege, afforded to all New park system we know and Centennial Challenge! Check ny.gov/100 to learn more and
585-344-0775 585-237-2410 Yorkers. love today – encompassing out a list of 100 activities to take the challenge.
Check us out on the web @ salmonorthodontics.com This year will be an oppor- 360,000 acres of beaches, give you a chance to get out- Source: NYS Parks and His-
tunity to reflect on the last campgrounds, trails, golf doors and discover NYS state toric Sites
GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism April 2024 T15


The WCIDA Celebrates 50 Years of Service

This year marks a mile- honored to have been a part Wyoming County business “I am pleased to extend
stone for the Wyoming Coun- of the original work to cre- growth and development. my congratulations to the
ty Industrial Development ate the agency as a vital tool These projects have includ- Wyoming County IDA as it
Agency (WCIDA) as it cele- for development, and am ed manufacturers, tourism celebrates 50 years of growth
brates its 50th anniversary pleased to continue serving businesses, agriculture proj- and advancement for the
as the leader in economic on the Board with a group of ects including the recent people of Wyoming County,”
development services and individuals who are dedicat- Wyoming Transfer Station said Rebecca Ryan, Chair of
benefits for Wyoming County ed to the best interests of our project in Gainesville; the ex- the Wyoming County Board
and its residents. community.” pansion projects at Creative of Supervisors. “The dili-
The WCIDA was estab- Today, the WCIDA is gov- Food Ingredients in Perry, gence and hard work the staff
lished by the Wyoming Coun- erned by a seven-member the growth of Beaver Hollow has always and continues to
ty Board of Supervisors, and volunteer Board of Directors Conference Center and Re- demonstrate has assisted ex-
ratified by the New York State who are appointed by the sort in North Java, and devel- isting businesses grow while
Legislature on May 13, 1974. Wyoming County Board of opment of various renewable adding new quality projects
The founding Board of Direc- Supervisors, with Executive economy, setting priorities sessed value from new con- energy projects throughout for our county. I also applaud
tors was comprised of five Director & CEO, James Pierce, and developing action plans struction or an expansion; Wyoming County. the efforts of all who have
notable Wyoming County who manages daily opera- based on a combination of exemption of sales tax for Each of these success served as volunteers on the
residents who contributed tions and a staff of three em- high potential for growth non-production equipment, stories has created econom- Board of Directors for the
to the agencies original mis- ployees. and the WCIDA strength as a furnishing and construction ic growth and expansion, past decades. It is through
sion. Those original board The agency’s current mis- facilitator for economic de- materials; exemption from greater ability for businesses the collaborative, tireless ef-
members included Charles sion is to encourage and in- velopment. mortgage recording taxes, to cut costs and bring prod- forts of the staff, volunteers
Van Arsdale, Lewis Serventi, crease private investment The WCIDA regularly when a mortgage is required ucts to market, and make our and businesses that we are
Hayden Rosier, Thomas Grif- that creates new job oppor- works and coordinates with to finance a project; and in- industries more competitive able to celebrate this great
fin, and Frederick Stevens. tunities, retains and stabiliz- a variety of local, state and dustrial revenue bonds. in the national and world milestone. Wyoming County
The WCIDA, is a public es the existing employment federal agencies on corpo- “We are very fortunate to economy. The WCIDA has is a better place to live, work
benefit corporation, char- base, and generates added rate financing and incentive have an IDA that has strong successfully created a robust and grow because of those
tered with an early mission tax revenues through in- programs, and monitors new foundations and a proven revolving loan program to efforts and those of all who
designed to address a “high creased economic activity in and existing opportunities track record over its 50-year assist new and existing busi- play a role in our business
unemployment rate” in Wy- Wyoming County. that could benefit local com- history,” said James Pierce, nesses, and has also worked community. We look forward
oming County. The Wyo- This new mission has al- panies. In some instances, Executive Director of the to recruit businesses to our to continued future success-
ming Board of Supervisors lowed for greater ability and the WCIDA also acts as the WCIDA. “Our work is based on rural communities, due to es from the IDA as we begin
believed that the creation of purpose in how the WCIDA official conduit for the funds. a team approach to growth their lower operating costs the next 50 years!”
an industrial Development serves the greater communi- The Wyoming County Indus- and expansion in Wyoming and attractiveness of loca- For more information and
Agency, “would attract and ty. It does this by promoting trial Development Agency County. The IDA Board and tion and quality employees, to learn more about the Wyo-
encourage new industries to comprehensive education- works alongside other coun- Staff work collaboratively improving the overall econ- ming County IDA, visit www.
locate in our County for the al programs that will assist ty agencies and affiliates to with our partners to develop omy and creating good jobs wycoida.org
purpose of creating more budding entrepreneurs in act as the lead entity in pro- projects that enhance the for local residents.
jobs… and that existing in- planning, launching, and viding economic develop- quality of life and improve
dustries have asked for an In- maintaining new or expand- ment services. the economic future for our
dustrial Development Agen- ed businesses. The WCIDA The WCIDA is able to pro- communities. Over the years,
cy which would allow them identifies and collaborates vide specialized financing we have worked together to
to obtain low-interest loans with appropriate new part- and incentive programs of- carefully and deliberately
for expansion.” ners, creating new operating fered by local, regional, state grow the economy, by invest-
“This is an exciting time for synergies and enhancing and federal agencies. Some ing in quality projects and
the Wyoming County IDA as economic development of the key incentives the WCI- people.”
we celebrate 50 years of posi- within Wyoming County. The DA can offer include property In just the past twenty
tive work for Wyoming Coun- agency also designs and con- tax relief from county, school years, WCIDA has leveraged
ty,” said Mark Dadd, Chairman ducts research to seek new and municipal taxes that projects that have invest-
of the WCIDA Board. “I am pathways to grow our local result from an increased as- ed more than $1.4 billion in
T16 April 2024 GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism

Submitted Photo
The Creamery at Burley Berries and Blooms, 6335 Route 20A E, Warsaw, NY

Submitted Photo Submitted Photo

Amy’s Frozen Yogurt Shop, 249 Main Street in Arcade, NY Country Belle Farm Store, 6694 Abbott Road, Silver Springs, NY

Submitted Photo
Submitted Photo Submitted Photo Warsaw Historical Society - Gates House Museum, 15 Perry
Melonies Kustom Kreations, 7398 Route 98, in Arcade, NY The Indian Bistro, 282 Main Street, Arcade NY Ave., Warsaw, NY
GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism April 2024 T17

Submitted Photo Submitted Photo

Mystic Pots Ceramics Studio, 34 Liberty Street, Arcade, NY Spotlight Theater, 23 South Main Street, Warsaw NY

Submitted Photo Submitted Photo

Parkside Diner, 6240 State Route 19A, Castile NY Sunshine Speech Therapy, 6 Main Street, Wyoming, NY

Submitted Photo Submitted Photo

Pizanos Pizza, 425 N Main Street, in Warsaw, NY The Vintage Cow Farmers Market, 11105 NY-98, Attica NY
T18 April 2024 GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism

Comfort Care
Volunteer Opportunities:
*Resident Care
Develop Your Business Vision
*Fundraising Do you have an innova- ing your own business? If you Track Program is here to help to determining the viability
tive business idea? Have you answered YES then the Wy- make your business dream a and market potential of the
*Grounds Crew always dreamed about start- oming County Business Fast reality! entrepreneur’s business con-
*Office Help The Wyoming County cept. The remaining classes
*Baking Business Fast Track Program, help build the framework
built on the Kauffman Foun- for a solid business plan. The
*Educate on Comfort Care
dation’s platform, offers an classes, which are intention-
No experience necessary, exciting hands-on business ally kept small in size, are
we will train you! development, real-world ed- facilitated by two local expe-
ucational experience that will rienced entrepreneurs. The
We would love for you to join our Gateway Family help you start or grow your program is fast-paced and
and help provide comfort and support business and gain access to energizing, utilizing presen-
to those in their end-of-life journey. a network of resources. Par- tations, subject matter guest
ticipants develop and refine speakers, and in-class activi-
their business ideas through- ties. Additional assistance is
Contact us at 585-708-4331 or out the program - moving available for class graduates
info@gatewayhomeattica.org from concept to reality in an to help with financing op-
to get more information! interactive group setting. tions, identify business loca-
www.gatewayhomeattica.org Classes are offered twice a tions, new business resourc-
year in the spring and fall. The es, and other guidance.
first few classes are devoted The fall class begins Au-
gust 27, 2024 and runs for 10
weeks on Tuesday evenings
from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the
Wyoming County Agriculture
and Business Center located
at 36 Center Street in War-
saw. Seats are limited and fill
The Wyoming County
Business Fast Track program
is graciously sponsored by
Tompkins Community Bank,
Complete Payroll, Commu-
nity Bank N.A., Robert D.
Strassel Esq., Five Star Bank,
A FULL Wyoming County Board of
Supervisors, and the work-

SERVICE force development resourc-

es available to participants
through Community Action
VETERINARY for Wyoming County.
To learn more or to register
PRACTICE, for the class visit wycoida.org
or contact Jennifer Tyczka at

CALL US TODAY! the Wyoming County Busi-

ness Center at (585) 786-3764
or email jtyczka@wycoida.
P: (585) 237-5550 PerryVet.com org. Registration is now open
and seats are limited.
GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism April 2024 T19


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T20 April 2024 GO WYOMING: Chamber & Tourism

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