Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations
1. Not wearing shoe rug inside the classroom. If caught in act not wearing shoe rug, a penalty of
one peso will be charge.
2. Throwing trashes inside the classroom and If caught in act of throwing trashes inside the
on the lobby. classroom and on the lobby, a penalty of 3 pesos
will be charged to the student. The charging will
depend upon the number of each trash the student
3. Not segregating the trash thrown into the If caught in act of not segregating the trash thrown
classrooms trash can. into the classrooms trash can, a penalty of five
pesos will be charged to the student. The charging
will depend upon the number of trash the student
4. Not helping in cleaning the assigned area. If the student does not help in cleaning the assigned
area, a small box of floor was will be charged. The
charging depends upon the number of times the
student skips on cleaning.
5. Using gadgets during classes without the If caught in act of using gadgets during classes
permission of the subject teacher. without the permission of the subject teacher, a
penalty of five pesos will be charged to the student.
6. Reading unnecessary books during classes If caught in act of reading unnecessary books during
without the permission of the subject classes without the permission of the subject
teacher. teacher, a penalty of five pesos will be charged to
the student.
7. Sitting on the classrooms arm chair. If caught sitting on the classrooms arm chair, a
penalty of two pesos will be charged to the student.
9. Eating during classes without the If caught in act of eating during classes without
permission of the subject teacher. permission of the subject teacher, a penalty of one
peso will be charged to the student.
10. Sleeping during classes. If caught in act of sleeping during classes, a penalty
of five pesos will be charged to the student.
12. Doing assignments during classes. If caught in act of doing assignments not related to
the current subject, a penalty of three pesos will be
charged to this student.
14. Playing inside the classroom If caught in act of playing inside the classroom, a
penalty of three pesos will be charged to the
15. Not wearing the uniform and I.D If the student is not wearing uniform and I.D without
any valid reason, a penalty of ten pesos will be
charged to the student.
16. Not placing the shoes on the shoe rack. If shoes/slippers/shoe rugs are not placed inside the
shoe rack, the attention of the owner of the
misplaced things will be called.
17. Not following the rules If a student is not following/ does not follow the rules
stated above, a penalty of twenty pesos will be
charged and his/her attention will be called by Mrs.
Vice President, 10-Holiness
I agree to the classroom rules and regulations made with its corresponding penalties.
I hereby promise to respect and obey everything stated above.
Abanes, John Victor J.
Alkuino, Aeson Gabrielle N.
De los Reyes, Nino Rev R.
Larraga, Jose Victor P.
Metran, Michael Arman R.
Monte, Maed Rill P.
Moralde, Jole Christly A.
Perez, Karl Joshua O.
Poliquit, Julius V.
Rojas, Art Heannary S.
Romina, Joshua B.
Teatro, Ralph James R.
Zabala, John Eric S.
Aldeon, Eva Mae O.
Alvarado, Lydel T.
Amo, Nina Kryscha Grace Y.
Aseo, Fatima Sheldy P.
Baloro, Janine T.
Ceracas, Janine Y.
Doller, Alexa Dominique
Fernandez, Carissa Nicole Faye P.
Galos, Melinda T.
Gemeda, Mariel Grace T.
Mercader, Ma. Chely Mae T.
Perez, Sheba Marie A.
Posas, Baby Jane O.
Roble, Jeramiah C.
Sabayton, Blessie Joyce N.
Sanchez, Rusheen A.
Siaboc, Janiza Jane O.
Tajos, Brea Kyla R.
Taneo, Shanen Jane C.
Tizon, Hannah Allysa D.