Rizwan CV

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Motivational Letter

I am development specialist with 18 years working experience in Emergency, Early Recover, and
Rehabilitation and development phases. . I have worked in Complex Emergency situations since over
decade for Refugees & IDPs, returnees, and IDP hosted community with many INGOs in Myanmar,
Pakistan, Kashmir, Jordan, Yemen, Myanmar and Iraq. During last decade, i have written lot of proposals
on emergency Core Relief Items, Health, WASH, Protection, Education, GBV, DRR and mobilize the
resource successfully and implemented the grants of DFID, USAID, US- Department of Labor, European
Union, AusAid, Ministry of foreign affairs Norway, UNICEF, Reach out Asia (Qatar Charity),
UNOCHA, Open Society Institute-USA, AECID-Spain, CIDA, Dutch Embassy, SIDA, and DANIDA in
various emergencies.

Have hands on experience to manage the implementing large size partners in emergencies (Respective
Ministries, STS-USA, IRC, NRSP, SUNGI, SRSP, IDEA, Eraj foundation, IFRC, Myanmar Red Cross,
Muslim Aid UK, Yemen Red Crescent, VOP and CPI) in Pakistan, Kashmir and middle east countries.

I have capacity to lead the large level response in acute emergencies and have rich experience on conduct
rapid assessments in emergencies. I have been part of Various Humanitarian Response in different
countries and also developed country strategies for different organizations in emergencies. Prior to
current assignment, I was leading Syrian Refugee Response and IDP response in Iraq main in Kurdistan

In UN clusters, i performed as advisory member on proposal finalization and developing temporary

shelters /structures for Sindh province of Pakistan.

Have ability to speak and understand various languages mainly including English, Arabic, Kurdish, Urdu,
Punjabi, Saraiki, Pashtu and Hindko.

Other Key Expertise

Support to in-country emergency preparedness and response team at country office and regional
Strengthening capacities for preparedness, response and integration of emergency programming
Coordination of deployment of staff to support initial emergency response and setting up of new
Represented INGOs externally at regional level in the humanitarian field with key forums,
partners and donors
Provide technical support to the programme teams across the region in the area of Health,
WASH, child protection, Psycho Social support & metal health, Shelter, Livelihood and
education in emergencies to ensure program quality including monitoring, evaluation,
accountability and learning
Coordination and support to emergency preparedness and response at the country offices and
across the region including provision of technical support for better emergency response and
integration of emergency programming within the existing programmes
Rizwan ul Haq
Personal: Date of Birth : April 20, 1975

CNIC No. : 34601-7043861-3

Status : Married

Postal Address : House 12/17 , Aziz Bhatti Road Jhelum Cantt-Punjab


E-mail : rizwan.socialogist@gmail.com

Cell : 0092 3350530806 Skype: Rizwan.socialogist

To enhance my professional capabilities for playing an active and responsible
role in the Social Development Sector


2016 Master in Shelter after Disaster IFRC & University of Brooks (Short Course)

2008-2011 M.Sc (Honors) Rural Development Allama Iqbal Open University- Pakistan

One Year Research on Role of Community in Emergency Education INEE


GRE(General Subjects)National testing Service -Pakistan

M.A(Political Science), University of Punjab-Pakistan
D.C.S(Computer Science), Quid-e-Azam College Daska-Pakistan
Graduation (Education &English), University of Punjab-Pakistan
F. Sc(Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics)BISE, Faisal Abad
Matriculation(Science)BISE, Faisal Abad

Head of Mission Managing Various Projects on Health, Livelihood, and Shelter

Provide technical input to program team and partners to implement the
April 2016-Todate program
Build the technical capacity of Myanmar Red Cross and IFRC and Muslim
Qatar Red Crescent
Establish liaison with likeminded partners
Support to Head Quarters in developing new proposal and grants
Develop country level strategy for three years for Myanmar
Lead technical rapid protection assessment at wider level
Over manage the finance, security and administration in the country

Head of Managing Various Project in Emergencies for Syrian Refugees and Iraqi IDPs
Country Director Overall Responsible for Protection programs in North & South Iraq
including financial management (annual Budgeting, Financial Planning,
Project Budgeting )
WAR CHILD UK Representation of the organization and liaison with local and national
authorities, UN, NGOs, and donor agencies to promote the organizations
Aug-2014 to Apr-16 programmes and to facilitate successful coordination at all levels,
especially in the education sector
Implementation of a results-based and inclusive education strategy through
a consultative process with local authorities (MoE; DoE) and partners
Advice and technical support to local staff and local authorities
(MoE/DoE) in developing and implementing a specific education strategy
which strengthens durable solutions in respect of the Inter-Agency
Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) standards with special
focus on Out of Schools children
Identification of gaps in education service provision and respective
Capacity development of national authorities and relevant institutions to
strengthen procedures and mechanisms supporting access to certified
quality education (e.g. teachers and education supervisors training)
Coordination and support to emergency preparedness and response at the
country offices across Iraq
Assessment of education needs / gaps and design of education programmes
Establishment of child friendly spaces, parents teachers associations,
school management and child protection committees in camps and urban
Development of innovative education approaches, including attention to
special needs, minorities, girls, pre-school education and non-formal
Overall responsibility for recruitment and selection of qualified program
and operation field staff, as well as for security management
Leadership responsibility and representation of WC UK in UN Clusters
Capacity building of national team and expats on respective contents
Proposal writing and develop concept notes including UN SRP,3RP,
CERF and other emergency proposal
Security Focal person for North Iraq
Responsible for reporting to Donor and Head Quarter UK
Develop country annual budgeting and response plan for 2015

USAID/Chemonics Sindh Reading Program-Pakistan

Deputy Chief of Managing overall program activities To improve the reading and early
Party mathematics skills of one million children in Sindh province.
Capacity building of 25,000 teacher through continuous professional
Sindh Reading
development process, develop learning corners in schools and improve
Program Pakistan
the literacy of 100,000 out of schools children by developing NFE and
Jan-14 to May -14 family learning centers (ECD).
To improve the assessment skills of teachers and department through
using EGRA and EGMA tools. Develop close liaison with Ministry of
Education, Bureau of Curriculum, text book board, Training institutions
and literacy department.
Provide supplementary reading material to all targeted schools for
developing reading habits among students and teachers. Responsible of
monitoring and evaluation activities. Managing partners like HANDS, IRC,
STS, Souktel and Security Companies.

Multi- Sector Programs (Emergency Nutrition & Health , Education, Child

Protection and Wash in Schools) - Yemen
Mercy Corps-Yemen
Manage two Partners and 8 national Staff
Conduct rapid assessment through partners on educational needs of IDP
Programs Manager returns in affected areas,
Multi-Sector Ensure continuous professional development of 350 teachers and
Yemen Education Officials
Provide necessary educational supplies to resume the activities in schools
Jan 2013 to Feb. and learning Centers/CFS
Represent Mercy Corps at national forum including respective clusters
Establish and train students clubs for continuous psychosocial support
and recreational activities
Manage multi sectoral grants including education, Wash, CP and Nutrition
Provide technical Assistance to Ministry and partners
Develop Sit Rep s for cluster and ensure regular participation in cluster
Establishment of CFS and temporary shelter and rehabilitation of wash in
schools for IDP returnees
Create awareness about health and Hygiene and nutrition in schools and
surroundings communities
Make concept notes for donors and develop reports of all sectors
Ensure participation of community and enhance their resilience skills
through trainings
Establish satellite schools for militancy affected girls

Managing Emergency projects for IDPs and Returnees in All Over Pakistan

Save the Children- job Responsibilities:

Overall responsible for managing 17 projects on education in emergency
Program Manager and early recover phases having worth of 35 Million USD
Emergencies in Develop Concept Notes, Write Proposals and mobilized resources from
MoFA Norway, SC Germany and CERF, And CAP funds
Manage the large team of Coordinators, Senior Coordinators , Officers
and trainers for smooth implementation of all projects
Apr- 2010 to Jan -2013 Develop model temporary schools, Tent Schools and CFS in IDP areas, for
IDP returnees and affected areas
Develop contingency plans and emergency response strategies in 2010-
2013 and participate Country action Plans
Financial management specifically developing master budgets, BVA,
observe ledgers and member of senior procurement committee
Ensure regular participation in UN cluster coordination
Conduct assessment during emergencies and develop Concept Notes
Monitoring of project time to time and provide guidance where feel
Capacity building of teachers though teacher training institutes
Establish children clubs at various level, and provide libraries
Monitor, evaluate, and review the other projects as well to facilitate the
other counterparts
Provide educational supplies to more than 200,000 children for resuming
their activities
Lead the team and represent the program to wider level
Develop Concept Notes, proposal and reports for donors
Represent Save the Children at National level forums
Ensure effective integration with other sectors like Child Protection, Wash
and DRR
Member National Advisory group of Education Cluster
Project: RISE (Revitalizing, Innovating Strengthening Education) Emergency
Education Projects
Job Responsibilities:
Development Participate in district level coordination forum to represent work of
Coordinator RISEe.g. UN cluster coordination, NGO coordination meetings, etc.;
Participate in the district Steering Committee (SC) sponsored by RISE to
coordinate for community participation related discussion;
Conduct training for 8000 teachers through establishing cluster system in
(Earthquake Affected earthquake affected schools KP province and Kashmir
Areas of Kashmir) Provide 1200 small grants to school committees to resume the
educational activities
Capacity building of Education department and equipped them with
(Mar,2008 to Jan, 2010) necessary material
Ensure regular information is provided to the educational management
systems at district level e.g. stakeholder mapping, update to EMIS, etc.;
Oversee and provide technical assistance to implementation of plans and
activities of respective implementation partner;
Observe School improvement Plans for District Education Planning;
Work with teacher trainers and local partner staff at district level to
implement agreed upon activities;
Maintain very close relationships with local government and UN and
NGOs working on community development at district level;
Capacity building of education officials regarding management and
leadership skills
Manage the implementing partners (NRSP, PRSP and Sungi)
Team Leader Project: Medical and Psycho Social Support to Earth Quack affected Children in
(Emergency) Kashmir

SPO-Open Society Job Responsibilities:

Institute USA
To manage the team, Coordination with UN& DRUs,
Kashmir Develop Education plans, Planning of activities, reporting for Donors,
capacity building of education department, community and teachers,
(Oct, 2007 to Feb, 2008) Impart and Manage the Teacher Trainings on various contents including
psycho social support
Conduct class room based psychosocial support to children in most
affected areas
Organize medical camps for community, children and teachers
ISCOS-CISL (Italy)-EU Project: Strength the civil society organization to defend and Promoting Human &
Workers Rights

Job Responsibilities:
Program Officer
(Punjab) Develop coordination between NGOs and ISCOS, Organize training
program both at National and regional level for NGOs, Educating and
creating awareness in and motivating the CBOs/ NGOs / Local
(Jul, 2006 to Aug, 2007) communities to strengthen the human and workers rights and submitting
and documenting quarterly reports.
Geographical Spread of Project: 10 Districts of Punjab (90 NGOs)
Project Coordinator Project: Quality Education For All projects
Job Responsibilities:
Proposal development, district education planning, to facilitate the team
in implementation, developing liaison with government, develop
educational plans, develop technical reports for donor, overlook the
6 Districts of Punjab accounts, organized teachers training for govt. school teachers, capacity
development of school committee, and capacity building of education
department officials
(Jan, 2005 to Jun, 2006) Establish Model schools and resource schools in Pakistan
Develop District education plan to contribute in EFA
Support the government in developing model school policies
Design trainings for teachers, community, officials and capacitate the
training institutes
Establish teachers cluster for on job support
Redesigning of Girls (working in Carpet industry) education project
(funded by ISCOS & EU)
Post primary education for carpet viewer girls in Toba Tek Singh
Sudhaar- ILO -(IPEC) Project: Elimination of Child labor thru quality Education in Soccer Ball Industry

Job Responsibilities:
Team Leader-NFE
Conduct Child labor identification exercises,
Design accelerated learning programs for Children
Develop field plans for team,
Conduct trainings for NFE teachers and developing manuals
(Jan, 2000 to Dec, 2004) Form Village education committees to manage the NFEs and ECCE
Plan awareness raising activities in community
Develop mainstreaming policies,
Conduct trainings for community like VOs/CCBs/SMCs
Using PRA tool, conduct meetings with stakeholders like industries ,
education department
Develop Accelerated curricula for working children
Link the adult workers with vocational and technical colleges and
introduce special technical course for them
Ensure the strong transitioning policy for young workers and sibling


1-Naglaa Elhag (Head of Relief & Rehabilitation QRCS)

2- Asad Naeeb (Country Operation Manager Mercy Corps)


3- Shahid Akabar (Education Lead , Save the Children)



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