Callytron Gistl 1848
Callytron Gistl 1848
Callytron Gistl 1848
Remarks: Known from costal Pakistan: Sind: Karachi: Sandspit, 15 miles west Karachi
(Cassola 1976; Acciavatti and Pearson 1989); According to Weisner (unpublished data) this
species is also reported from India (Maharashtra).
Remarks: Earlier this species was reported by Fleutiaux and Maindron (1903); Maindron and
Fleutiaux (1905); Horn (1926) from India: Bombay (Malabar). Cassola (1976) from Pakistan:
Baluchistan: Hab; 40 km West to Karachi. Acciavatti and Pearson (1989)from Sind and
western coast of India: Maharashtra and Kerala.
Remarks: Described from Iran (Horn 1927) but recently recorded from Pakistan as well
(Shook and Wiesner 2006).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Sind:Karachi, 23. x. 2007, 1 ♂, leg. M. Atique Akhter. (det.
and located with Wiesner).
Remarks: Earlier reported by Fowler (1912) from India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and
China. Chaudhry (1966) reported from Bangladesh (Former East Pakistan). Chaudhry et al.
(1970) collected it from Pakistan: NWFP: Hazara (Batgram) and Northern Areas: Gilgit. It is
known from Indo-Malaysian region, Sri Lanka, India (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989),
Thailand (Iacovone 2003), Vietnam (Dudko and Dubatolov 2000-2001). This species is also
found in Sri Lanka, India (Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Western Bengal, Andaman
Is, Nicobar Is), Central Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Philippines (Weisner, unpublished
Remarks: Known from northwestern India (Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab) and
Pakistan (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Punjab: Rawalpindi, 1-2. viii. 1984, 1 ♀, leg. Richter. (det. and
located with Wiesner); NWFP: Bajor: Mohmand Agency, 20. v. 2008, leg. M. Iqbal (det.
Wiesner 2009) ex NIM.
Remarks: Earlier this subspecies was reported from Sri Lanka: Hambantota District, east
central India: Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar, Rajasthan to southern India: Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Pakistan: Punjab (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989; Werner and
Wiesner 2008).
Remarks: Recorded from Pakistan by Cassola (2010). Generally occurring throughout the
Indian subcontinent eastward into Southeast Asia and the Philippines (Acciavatti and Pearson
1989; Wiesner 1992). Recently reported from China: Yunnan Provinc (Wu and Shook 2007).
According to Weisner (unpublished data) it is known from Pakistan, Nepal, India,
Bangladesh, Andaman Is, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China
(Guangdong, Hainan, Hong Kong, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan), Taiwan, Philippines.
Remarks: Generally occurring throughout the Indian subcontinent eastward into Southeast
Asia (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989). Known from India: Himachal Pradesh (Uniyal and
Sivakumar 2007). Recently reported from China (Wu and Shook 2007). According to
Weisner (unpublished data) it is known from Afghanistan, Pakistan (Margalla Hills), Nepal,
Sikkim, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia
(Malacca), Indonesia (Sumatra, Sumbawa, Borneo), Philippines (Luzon), Taiwan, China
(Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi,
Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zheijang).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Sind: Karachi, date unknown, T.R. Bell, 1 ♂, ex NIM;
Sakrand, 25. iii. 2006, 1 ♀, leg. Falak Naz, ex NIM (det. F. Cassola, 2010); Karachi: Hawks
Bay, 20. iii. 2007, 3 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, leg. M. Ashraf, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009); Sandspit, 21. iii.
2007, 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, leg. Asad Ali, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009); Umer Kot, 14. iii. 2007, 2 ♀♀, leg.
Anjum Shazad, ex NIM (det. Cassola, 2010).
Remarks: Reported by Maindron (1899) from Karachi: Kimarri. Cassola (1976) from
Karachi: Sandspit; 20 km West to Karachi). Acciavatti and Pearson (1989) this species is
widely distributed across northern Africa and the Middle East and entering Indian
subcontinent along the southern Pakistan coast (Baluchistan and Sind. According to Weisner
(unpublished data) this species found from Greece (S. Pelopones), Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia,
Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain,
United Arab Emirates, Oman, Iraq, Somalia, Iran, Pakistan (Baluchistan, Sind, Karachi),
Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau (Cacheu, Oio), Guinea, Chad, Cape Verde, Angola, Kenya
(North Eastern).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Northern Areas: (Gilgit airport) 07. x. 1959, leg. Unknown, ex
NIM; Juglot, 15. iv. 2008, 1 ♀, leg. Anjum Shehzad (det. and located with Cassola 2010);
Juglot, 19. vi. 2009, 5 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, leg. Falak Naz, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009) Punjab: Murree
(Angoory), 13. vi. 2006, 1 ♂, leg. Mishkatullah, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009); Multan: Chitter
Watta, 01.v. 1954, 4 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, leg. Student, ex NIM (det. and 1 ♂ with Cassola 2010);
Chitter Watta, 1. v. 1954,1 ♂, leg. Sultan, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009); Talagang (Pir Nara), 16.
vi. 09, 1 ♀, 3 ♂♂, leg. A. Zia, ex NIM; NWFP: Swat (Karakar), 18. iv. 1964, 8 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀,
leg. M. Ismail, ex PFI; Dir: Temergraha, 15. vii. 06, 1 ♀, leg. Amir Sultan, ex NIM (det. Rafi
2009); Charsada (Ser Deryab), 25. x. 2007, leg. Fida, ex PMNH (det. Rafi 2009); Peshawer:
Warsak, 26. x. 2007, 9 ♂♂, 7 ♀♀, leg. Fida, ex PNHM (det. Rafi 2009); Bisham, 15-21. vi.
2008, 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀, leg. Anjum Shazad, ex NIM (det. 1 ♂ Cassola 2010); Sind: Bamboor (sea
belt), 8. ix. 2008, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, leg. Akhter (det. and located with Wiesner).
Remarks: Fowler (1912) reported this species from Kashmir, Northern Areas (Gilgit), Nepal
and India; Chaudhry et al. (1966) from NWFP: Kohat; Toybanda near Kohat. Acciavatti and
Pearson (1989) found across northern India (Anunachal Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal,
Sikim, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Indian Jammu and
Kashimr) Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan (Northwest Frontier, Punjab). From India: Himachal
Pardesh (Uniyal and Sivakumar 2007). According to Weisner (unpublished data) it is known
from Afghanistan (Nengrahar), Pakistan (NWFP, Punjab), Nepal, Bhutan, India (Arunachal
Pradesh, Assam, Western Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh,
Jammu, Kashmir), Sikkim, Laos, ?Myanmar.
Remarks: Known from Iran (Abusher, Dalaki, Borazjan), Iraq, Pakistan {Baluchistan
(Turbat) and N.W.F.P}, Oman, Kuwait (Weisner, unpublished data).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Baluchistan: Panjgur, 23. iii. 1962, 1 ♀, leg. S. M. Sher; ex
NIM (det. Cassola 2010).
Remarks: Reported from West Afghanistan (Mandl 1961), Persian Baluchistan (Mandl 1972),
Pakistan: Baluchistan: Quetta: Hanna (Korell 1984), Turkmenistan and Kyrghyzstan (Dudko
and Dubatolov 2000-2001). According to Weisner (unpublished data) this species occurs in
Iraq, Iran, Pakistan (Baluchistan), Afghanistan (Herat, Maimana, Nengrahar), Kyrgyzstan,
Kazakhstan, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Oman, and United Arab Emirates.
Remarks: Reported from India (Pearson and Ghorpade 1989). According to Weisner
(unpublished data) this subspecies also known from Pakistan, Nepal, India (Himachal
Pradesh, western Bengal, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Meghalaya), Sikkim,
Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, China (Hainan, Sichuan, Yunnan).
Remarks: Earlier Mandl (1955; 1981) reported this subspecies from Afghanistan:
Kabul, Korell (1984)from Pakistan: Baluchistan: Quetta (Hanna).
Remarks: Mandl (1981b; 1982b) reported this subspecies from India (Bombay). Reported
from central portion of Palaearctic region including Pakistan: Baluchistan and Sind
(Acciavatti and Pearson 1989), Karachi (Putchkov and Matalin 2003). Also known from
Russia: west Siberia, Novosibirsk district, Ukraine Turkmenistan, Tadzhikistan, Kazakhstan,
Europe (Dudko and Dubatolov 2000-2001; Putchkov and Matalin 2003).
Remarks: Known from Pakistan: Punjab (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989). Also known from
northern India: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam; Nepal
and Bangladesh (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989).
Remarks:Reported from Pakistan: Punjab; northern India: Punjab, Bihar, West Bengal,
Orissa, Haryana, Utar Pradesh and Bangladesh: Rajshahi (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989) and
also known from Nepal. (Weisner, unpublished data).
Material Examined: Pakistan: NWFP: Peshawar, 5. ix. 1963. leg. Ayub. ex PFI (det. Zia
Remarks: Known from Pakistan: Lahore: near River Ravi (Cassola 1976), India (Pajni and
Bedi 1973, 1974; Uniyal and Sivakumar 2007). According to Weisner (unpublished data) it is
known from Pakistan (Punjab, Lahore), India (Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar,
western Bengal, Assam, Sikkim, Orissa), Nepal (Bheri), Bhutan, Bangladesh (Dacca).
SubgenusCicindela s. str.
Cicindela (Cicindela) granulata stoliczkana Bates 1878
Remarks: Earlier reported by Heynes-Wood and Dover (1928) from India, Jammu and
Kashmir, Jehlum Valley . Reported distribution by Acciavatti and Pearson (1989) from
extreme northwest mountainous part of the Indian subcontinent in Pakistan (Punjab, NWFP).
Known from China and Soviet central Asian republics: Tadjkistan; Kyrghyzstan; Kzakhstan;
Uzbekistan (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989; Dudko and Dubatolov 2000-2001).
GenusCosmodelaRivalier 1961
Material Examined: Pakistan: Punjab: Rawalpindi, 6. viii. 1982, 1 ♂, 4 ♀♀, leg. Richter, (det.
and located with Wiesner 2009); Rawalpindi, 1-2. viii. 1984, 1 ♂, leg. Richter (det. and
located with Wiesner); Islamabad, 6. vi. 2005, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, leg. Khalid, ex PMNH (det. Rafi
2009); Islamabad: 15. viii. 2006, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, leg. Khurrum, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009);
Islamabad: Margalla Hills, 25. vii. 2007, 1 ♀, leg. Amir Sultan, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009);
Islamabad: Simly Dam, 29. viii. 2008, 1 ♂, leg. A. Zia, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009); Nowshera:
Sodi village, 17. vi. 2009, 5 ♂♂, leg. A. Zia, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009); NWFP: Bala Kot, 1.
viii. 1963, 1 ♂, leg. S. M. Khan, ex PFI (det. Rafi 2009); Swat: Khawza-Khela, 21. viii. 1963,
1 ♂, leg. S. M. Khan; Hazara: Bhara ziarat: Doonga Gali, ex PFI (det. Rafi 2009); 26. vii.
1964, 4 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀, leg. M. Ismail, ex PFI; Kohistan: Kaghan: Balakat, 29. vi. 1977, 1 ♂, leg.
de Freina, (det. and located with Wiesner); Abbottabad: Harno, 08. viii. 2008, 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, leg.
M. Ather, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009); Abbottabad: Harno, 28. vii. 2008, 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, leg.
Amjad Bukhari, ex NIM (det. and 1 ♂ with Cassola 2010); Dadar, 14. vii. 2007, 1 ♂, leg.
Zubair, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009); Sind: Karachi: Sandspit, 9. viii. 1984, 1 ♀, leg. Richter (det.
and located with Wiesner); Kashmir: Muzaffarabad: Guldana, 05. ix. 2007, 1 ♂, leg. Anjum
Shazad, ex NIM (det. and located with Cassola 2010); Muzaffarabad: Shahdara, 08. viii.
2007, 2 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, leg. Anjum Shazad, ex NIM (1 ♂ det. and located with Cassola 2010); 1
♂, 4 ♀♀, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009).
Remarks: Known from Afghanistan through Pakistan (NWFP, Punjab) and northern India
(Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Uttar Predesh) and Nepal. (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989). Also
reported from India: Himachal Pardesh (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989; Bhargav et
al. 2006; Uniyal and Sivakumar 2007). Also occurred in W + NC Nepal (Weisner,
unpublished data).
SubgenusCylindera s.str.
Material Examined: Pakistan: NWFP: Chitral: Madaglasht, 24-27. vi. 1983, 1 ♀, leg.
Eckweiler (det. and locataed with Wiesner); Chitral: Madaglasht, 5-7. vii. 1982, 1 ♂, 1 ♀,
leg. Erber and Heinz (det. and located with Wiesner); Northern Areas: Chilas, 11. vii. 1998, 1
♂, 1 ♀, leg. E. G. Csorba and L. Ronkay (det. and located with Wiesner); Gilgit: Pander
Lake, 11. vi. 2008, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, leg. Anjum Shehzad ex NIM (1 ♂ located with Cassola, det.
Rafi 2009); Gopis: Khalti Lake, 11. vi. 2008, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, leg. Anjum Shazad, ex NIM (det. Rafi
2009); Skardu, 16. vi. 2008, 1 ♂, leg. Anjum Shazad, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009).
SubgenusErioderaRivalier 1961
Material Examined: Pakistan: NWFP: Takht Bai, 7-9. vii. 1998, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, leg. G. Csorba and
L. Ronkay (det. and located with Wiesner).
Remarks: New to Pakistan. Known form Northern India: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal
Pradesh, West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam; Nepal and Bhutan (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989).
Recently reported from China: Yunnan Province (Wu and Shook 2007).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Baluchistan: Kuchh, 24. vi. 1964, leg. S. M. Khan, ex PFI;
Mastang, 4. vii. 1964, leg. S. M. Khan, ex PFI.
Remarks: Earlier reported from India: Bengal, Sikkam and Madras (Fowler 1912),
Baluchistan: Quetta: Kuchh (Chaudhry et. al. 1966). Acciavatti and Pearson (1989) from
India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Haryana and
Punjab) into Pakistan (Baluchistan) and northern Myanmar (Burma).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Sind: Karachi: Malir, 20. vii. 1957, 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, leg. Sultan ex
NIM; Punjab: Rawalpindi (Khanna), 23. vii. 1963, 1 ♂, leg. Unknown, ex CABI, Rawalpindi;
NWFP: Abbottabad, 22-27. vii. 1984, 1 ♂, 3 ♀♀ leg. Richter (det. and located with
Wiesner); Harno (Abbottabad), 01-vii-2009, 1 ♂, leg. Zia, ex NIM, (det. Zia 2009).
Remarks: Known from Pakistan: Punjab: Rawalpindi: Sohan river (Dover and Ribeiro 1921),
Afghanistan and Nepal (Mandl 1967b, 1972a), Sind: Keenjhar lake: 120 Km East of Karachi
(Cassola 1976), Pakistan (NWFP) and India (Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, west Bengal, Karnataka) and Nepal (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989),
India: Himachal Pardesh; Uniyal and Sivakumar 2007).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Sind: Karachi: Malir, 20. vii. 1957, 1♀, leg. Sultan
(det. Cassola 2010); Hyderabad, Miani forest, 21. viii. 1959, 1 ♀, S. M. Din, ex NIM (det.
by Cassola 2010); Punjab: Rawalpindi, 6. viii. 1982, 2 ♀♀, leg. Richter (det. and located with
Wiesner); 1-2. viii. 1984; Rawalpindi, 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, leg. Richter (det. Wiesner); Pir Nara
(Talagung), 15-vii-2009, 1♂ 1♀, leg. Zia, ex NIM, (det. Zia 2009).
Remarks: Known from Pakistan: Sind and Punjab and northern India: Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttar Pardesh, Haryana and Bihar (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989), also known from
Afghanistan (Weisner, unpublished data).
Remarks: Previously reported from India: Punjab: Chandigarh (Pajni and Bedi 1973),
Pakistan: Lahore: River Ravi. (Cassola 1976), India (Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar
Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Orissa), Nepal and Bangladesh (Acciavatti
and Pearson 1989).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Punjab: Attock: 04. vi. 2009, 1♀, leg. Ramzan, ex NIM (det.
Zia 2009).
Remarks: Reported from India: Bangal, Punjab and Dehra Dun (Horn 1926), Chandigarh
(Pajni and Bedi 1973), Himachal Pardesh (Uniyal and Sivakumar 2007), also known from
Pakistan: Lahore: River Ravi (Cassola 1976), northern Pakistan, northern India, Nepal and
Bangladesh. (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Northern Areas: Gilgit, 31. vii. 1987 (det. and located with
Wiesner); Goopi: Khalti Lake, 11. vi. 2008, 1 ♀, leg. Anjum Shazad, ex NIM (det. Cassola
2010); Singal (Ghizer), 18-vi-2009, 1 ♂, leg. Naz, ex NIM (det. Zia 2009).
Remarks: Earlier reported by Mandl (1961) from Pakistan. Known throughout the southern
republics of the Soviet Union (Turkmenstan, Uzbekistan, Tadjishikistan, Kirghisatan), and
Adjoining portion of Iran, Afghanistan, China, northern Pakistan and India Jammu and
Kashmir (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989), Known from Kazakhistan, Tadjihikistan,
Turkmenistan (Dudko and Dubatolov 2000-2001; Franzen and Gebert 2004).
Bio-ecological Zone: Palaearctic.
Material Examined: Pakistan: Baluchistan: Quetta: Hanna, 25-27. v. 1983, 1 ♂, leg. Eckweile
(det. and located with Wiesner).
Remarks: Known from Pakistan: Baluchistan and Skardu (Korell 1984), adjoining parts of
Iran and Afghanistan (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Punjab: Ghambeer Bridge (Talagung), 15. vii. 2009, 1 ♂1 ♀,
leg. Zia, ex NIM (det. Zia 2009).
Remarks: Known from Kashmir and Sind: Karachi (Dover and Ribeiro 1923; Horn 1926).
Punjab: Pakistan: Rawalpindi: River Sohan (Mandl 1963), Lahore: Ravi River (Cassola
1976), except peninsular India, Sri Lanka and Nepal it occurs throughout Indian subcontinent
eastward into Southeast Asia (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989), Myanmar (Wiesner 2006),
India: Himachal Pradesh (Uniyal and Sivakumar 2007). During present study specimen was
also examined from Bangladash: Dhanjuri Dinajpur: Dist. Mapelli, 1963, 1♀. east NIM
(det. Cassola 2010) also known from Pakistan (Lahore), India (west Bengal, Uttar Pradesh,
Haryana, Punjab, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Gujarat), Sikkim, Bangladesh,
Thailand, Cambodia (Weisner, unpublished data).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Punjab: Khewra, 01. viii. 2006, 1 ♂, leg. Fida, ex PMNH
(det. Cassola 2010); Islamabad: NARC, 16. vii. 2007, 1 ♀, leg. A. Zia, (det. and located with
Cassola 2010). Northern Areas: Gilgit: Naltar, 6. vii. 2008, 1 ♂, leg. A. Akhter (det. and
located with Wiesner). NWFP: Mansehra, 14. viii. 1963, M. Ismail, 1 ♂, ex PFI, Peshawer;
Mansehra, 22. vii. 1964, G. U. Chaudhry, 1 ♂, ex PFI, Peshawer (det. by Cassola 2010);
Hazara: 20. iv. 1967. leg. Nasrullah, ex PFI, Peshawer.
Remarks: Reported from Bengal, Burma (Myanmar), Tonkin and Combodia (Fowler 1912).
Pakistan. NWFP: Hazara: Mansehra (Chaudhry et al. 1970), Pakistan: Punjab and northern
India: Uttar Pardesh, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam; Nepal and Bangladesh:
Dacca; east ward into Barma (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989), also known from Myanmar,
Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia (Weisner, unpublished data).
Material Examined: Pakistan: NWFP: Donga galli, 22. viii. 1964, leg. M. Ismail, 1 ♀, ex
NIM (det. Cassola 2010); Abbottabad: Harno, 01. vii. 2009, leg. Ashraf, 1 ♀, ex NIM. (det.
Wiesner 2009).
Remarks: Recorded recently from Pakistan by Cassola (2010). Previously known from Nepal
and northern India (Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal) and
Burma. Acciavatti and Pearson 1989), also known from India (Meghalaya, Sikkim),
Myanmar, Malaysia (Malacca) (Weisner, unpublished data).
Remarks: Known from northern India (Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar) and Nepal (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989). Also recorded by
Chaudhary et al. (1966) from Bangladesh (Former East Pakistan).
Bio-ecological Zone: Paleo-oriental.
Material Examined: Pakistan: Kashmir: Muzaffarabad, 22. ix. 1959, 1 ♂, leg. Ghori, ex NIM
(det. Cassola 2010); Sind: Karachi, 01. vi. 2006, 1 ♀, leg. Zubair; Mithi: Thar Desert, ex
NIM (det. Cassola 2010); 20. ix. 2008, 1 ♀, leg. Akhter (det. Wiesner); Mirpurkhas, 9. vi.
2008, 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀, leg. Akhter (det. Wiesner).
Remarks: Known from Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia (Franzen 2001). According to Wiesner
(unpublished report) this species occurred in Spain (Almeria, Murcia, Alicante), Morocco
(Moulouya, Melilla, Outatel Haj, Foum Zguid, Mhamid), Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Senegal,
Greece (Rhodes, Crete), Cyprus, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen,
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Djibouti, Iran, Pakistan (Karachi).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Sind: Karachi (Sandspit, 20 km West to Karachi), 8-10. viii.
1982, 4 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀, leg., Richter (det. and located with Wiesner); Karachi: Sandspit, 9. viii.
1984, 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, leg. Richter (det. and located with Wiesner).
Remarks: Known from Karachi (Maindron 1899) and Arab Emirates (Wiesner 1996; Hellyer
and Aspinalls 2005), According to Weisner (unpublished data) it is also known from Iran
(Bushire), Pakistan (Sind, Karachi), Saudi Arabia, Oman.
Remarks: Known from coastal Pakistan: Sind and Iran (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Sind: Karachi: Sandspit, 9. viii. 1984, 1 ♂, leg. Richter (det.
and located with Wiesner).
Remarks: Earlier, Fowler (1912) reported it from sandy area of Manorah near
Karachi, Cassola (1976)reported this species from Sind: Karachi: Sandspit. Naviaux
(1983) reported it from Iran (Naviaux 1987) from the Malacca peninsula. Acciavatti and
Pearson (1989) reported this species from the entire coast of the Indian subcontinent and the
coast of Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Barma) and Malay Peninsula, and considered millingeni Bates,
1878 to be merely an individual variation. Also known from Thailand (Wiesner 1992).
SubgenusLophyraMotschulsky 1859
Material Examined: Pakistan: Sind: Karachi: Malir, 7. v. 1951, 1 ♀, leg. Nawaz, ex NIM
(det. Cassola 2010); Malir, 30. iii. 1959, 1 ♂, leg. Yasin, ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010);
Karachi: Malir, 30. viii. 1964, 1 ♂, leg. Latif, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009); Karachi: Malir, 25.
vii. 1964, 1 ♀, leg. Latif ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009); Islam Kot, 27. iii. 2008, 2 ♂♂, leg. Ishaq
Mastoi, ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010); Punjab: Kundian, 10. v. 1960, 1 ♀, leg.
Remarks: According to Acciavatti and Pearson (1989)this subspecies occurs from Pakistan
(Sind and Punjab) across northern India (Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana,
Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkam, West Bengal) and Thailand. Also known
from India (Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya) and Nepal (Weisner, unpublished data).
Remarks: Acciavatti and Pearson (1989) reported from Pakistan (Sind), India (Rajasthan,
Punjab) generally through southern and eastern India and Sri Lanka, Wiesner (2006) from
Material Examined: Pakistan: Punjab: Lyallpur (Faisalabad), 2. viii. 1948, 1 ♀, leg. Student,
ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010); Sind: Usta Mohd, 16. iii. 1950, 1 ♂, leg. Osmani, ex NIM
(det. Cassola 2010); Malir, 7. v. 1951, 2 ♀♀, leg. Nawaz, ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010); Upper
Sind: Jamrau head, 14. ix. 1953, 2 ♂♂, leg. S. M. Din, ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010); Karachi:
Malir, 17. ix. 1958, 1 ♀, leg. Aziz, ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010); Karachi: Malir, 7. x. 1958, 1
♂, 1 ♀, leg. M. Yasin, ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010), Karachi: Malir, 19. x. 1959, 1 ♀ Aziz, ex
NIM (det. Cassola 2010); Karachi, 25. vii. 1964, 1 ♂, leg. Latif, ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010);
Karachi, 30. viii. 1964, 1 ♀, leg. Latif, ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010); Karachi: Malir: Goth
Memon, 20. viii. 1964, 1 ♂, leg Latif, ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010).
Remarks: Known from Iran and Afghanistan (Mandl 1961 and 1967a), Pakistan: Karachi.
(Horn 1903) and Cassola (1976) from Sind: Thatta (120 km East of Karachi). Naviaux
(1983) reported this species from Iran. Acciavatti and Pearson (1989) reported from India
(Rajistan) and Pakistan (Sind) westward into Afghanistan and Iran. Also known from Saudi
Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman (Weisner, unpublished data).
Subgenus:SpilodiaRivalier 1961
Material Examined: Pakistan: D.I.Khan: Rang pur, 18. vi. 2009, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, leg. Zubair, ex
NIM (det. Rafi 2009).
Remarks: Horn (1926) reported this species from Bangladesh and India (Dehra Dun). Pajni
and Bedi (1973) from India (Chandigarh), Cassola (1976) from Pakistani Punjab: Lahore
(Ravi river). Second author reported this species from Pakistan (Punjab, Lahore), India
(Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Western Bengal), Nepal, Bangladesh.
Subgenus:MonelicaRivalier 1950
Remarks: Recently described (Cassola and Wiesner 2009) from Lowralai, Baluchistan.
Remarks: Fowler (1912) reported this species from Punjab: Rawalpindi, Kashmir; India:
Sikkim, Assam, Bengal, Madras and central India; Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Burma
(Myanmar). Chaudhry et al. (1970)reported this species from NWFP: Kohat
(Toybanda). Acciavatti and Pearson (1989) reported that this species was widely distributed
throughout Pakistan; India and Sri Lanka to Myanmar (Burma).
Remarks: Known from Pakistan (Jammu), India (Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar
Pradesh), Nepal (Weisner, unpublished data).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Punjab: Lyallpur, 2. viii. 1948, leg. Student, 2 ♂♂, ex NIM
(det. Cassola 2010).
Remarks: Previously known from India and Nepal (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989). Recently
reported from Pakistan Cassola (2010).
Bio-ecological Zone: Oriental.
Material Examined: Pakistan: Sind: Islam Kot, 25-27.iii.2008, 1♂, 2♀♀, leg. Ishaq Mastoi,
ex NIM, (det. and 1♀ with Cassola 2010).
Remarks: New to Pakistan. Earlier this species was reported by Heynes-Wood and Dover
(1928) from Myanmar (Burma). Acciavatti and Pearson (1989)from India (Asam, Nagaland)
and Thailand.
Material Examined: Pakistan: Sind: Islam Kot, 25.iii.2008; Punjab: Bhakar, 15.v.2008, 2♂♂,
6♀♀, leg. A. Akhter; (det. and located with Wiesner).
Remarks: Known from Portugal (Algarve), Spain; Malta; France; Italy; Greece; Cyprus;
Turkey; Morocco; Algeria; Gambia; Tunisia; Libya; Egypt; Israel; Saudi Arabia; Yemen;
Bahrain; United Arab Emirates; Oman; Iran; Syria; Iraq; E. Ciscaucasia; Caucasus Major;
Armenia; Pakistan; Afghanistan; Nepal and India (Wiesner 2001). According to Weisner this
species is present in Portugal (Algarve), Spain (Almeria, Alicante, Murcia, Granada, Gerona,
Balearic Is, (Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca), Malta, France (Corsica), Italy (Sardegna, Sicily,
Calabria, Latium), Albania, Greece (Thessalia, Moree, Attica, Eubee, Acarnanie, Peloponnes,
Crete, Cephalonia, Rhodes), Cyprus, Turkey (Anatolia), Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya,
Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab
Emirates, Oman, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Azerbaijan,
Material Examined: Pakistan: NWFP: Kalam, 16. ix. 1963, leg. M. Khan. ex PFI, Peshawer;
Punjab: Sakasar, 27. viii. 2007, 1 ♂, leg. Amir Sultan, ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010).
Remarks: Earlier known from India, and Hong Kong (Fowler 1912), NWFP: Kalam, near
river (Chaudhry et al. 1966), throughout Indian subcontinent (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989),
India (Himachal Pardesh; Uniyal and Sivakumar 2007), Nepal, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and
Bangladesh (Werner and Wiesner 2008).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Punjab: Islamabad, 23. vii. 2006, 1 ♀, leg. M. Ather, ex NIM,
(det. Rafi 2009); Toba Take Singh, 17. vii. 2007, 1 ♀, leg. Zubair, ex NIM (det. Cassola
Remarks: Firstly recorded from Pakistan by Fowler (1912). Known from Nepal, Bangladesh,
India (Meghalaya, Assam) Pakistan: Punjab (Weisner, unpublished data).
Genus:SalpingophoraRivalier 1950
Remarks: Known from Pakistan: Sind: Karachi westward along the Persian Gulf of Iran and
Kuwait. (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989) also known from Iraq, Saudi Arabia (Weisner,
unpublished data)
Bio-ecological Zone: Palaearctic.
Material Examined: Pakistan: Sind: Karachi, date (unknown), 1 ♂, leg., T. R. Bell, ex NIM;
Khairpur, 9. vii. 1963, leg. M. Ismail, ex PFI, Peshawar; Mirpurkhas, 9. vi. 2008, 2 ♀♀, leg.
Akhter (det. Wiesner); Baluchistan: Somiani: Lasbella, 23. i. 1951, 1 ♀, ex NIM.
Remarks: Horn (1897); Mindron (1899) reported this species from Karachi (Kimari); Dover
and Ribeiro (1923) Baluchistan; Rivalier (1950) from Iran (Bushire), Karachi; Cassola
(1976) Karachi (Sandspit, 20 km West to Karachi); Thatta (120 km East to Karachi). Known
from Pakistan: Baluchistan and Sind (Acciavatti and Pearson 1989).
Material Examined: Pakistan: NWFP: Abbottabad, 22. vii. 1969, 1 ♂, leg. Unknown, ex NIM
(det. Cassola 2010); Abbottabad (Harno), 28. vii. 2008, 1 ♂, leg. Amjad Bukhari, ex NIM
(det. Cassola 2010); Punjab: Islamabad (Rawal Lake), 17. vii. 2008, 1 ♀, leg. Asad Ali, (det.
and located with Cassola 2010); Islamabad (Margalla Hills), 31. vii. 2006, 2 ♀♀, leg. Amir
Sultan, ex NIM (det. and 1 ♀ located with Cassola 2010).
Remarks: New record for Pakistan. Earlier reported by Naviaux (1995) from Himalayan
mountains. According to Weisner (unpublished data) this species occurred in Bhutan, Nepal,
India (Assam, Meghalaya, Calcutta, Punjab).
Material Examined: Pakistan: Punjab: Islamabad: Margalla Hills, 31. vii. 2006, 1 ♀, leg.
Amir Sultan ex NIM (det. Cassola 2010); Islamabad: Margalla Hills, 12. viii. 2008, 2 ♀♀,
leg. Asad, ex NIM (det. Rafi 2009).
Remarks: Reported by Cassola (2010) from Pakistan (Islamabad). Known from Indonesia
(Jawa, Bali, Sumatra, S. Utara, S. Barat, Bengkulu, Jambi, S. Selatan), Sumbawa, Sumba,
Flores, Borneo (Kalimantan), Sulawesi (S. Utara, S. Tengah, S. Selatan)), Malaysia
(Malacca), Singapore, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia,
Vietnam, China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hong Kong, Hunan, Yunnan,
Zhejiang) (Weisner, unpublished data).
Material Examined: Pakistan: NWFP: Swat: Mingora, 11. viii. 1963, 2♂ 1 ♀, leg. S. M.
Khan, ex PFI (det. Rafi 2009); Bala Kot, 27. vii. 1964, 1 ♀, leg M. Ismail, ex PFI (det. Rafi
2009); Abbottabad, 21. vii. 1969, leg. M. Ismail, ex PFI (det. Rafi 2009); Doonga Gali, 22.
vii. 1964, 2♀♀, leg. M. Ismail, ex PFI (det. Zia 2009); Punjab: Ghora Gali, 20. vii. 1962, 5
♀♀, leg. M. Ismail, ex PFI (det. Rafi 2009).
Remarks: Fowler (1912) reported this species from India (Punjab, Sikkam and
Assam). Chaudhry et al. (1966) reported from NWFP: (Mingora, Balakot) and Bangladesh
(former East Pakistan), Chittagong (Datmara). Reported from India (Simla, Darjeeling,
Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Bengal, Punjab), Nepal, Myanmar, Bhutan, ?China: Xizang
(Weisner, unpublished data).