An Introduction To Special Theory of Relativity: by Shubham Birange, 1 Year UG, Electrical Engineering
An Introduction To Special Theory of Relativity: by Shubham Birange, 1 Year UG, Electrical Engineering
An Introduction To Special Theory of Relativity: by Shubham Birange, 1 Year UG, Electrical Engineering
By Shubham Birange,
Summer of Science
Background History
Galilean Relativity:
Though the transformations are named for Galileo, it is absolute time
and space as conceived by Isaac Newton that provides their domain of
definition. In essence, the Galilean transformations embody the intuitive
notion of addition and subtraction of velocities as vectors.
Newtons laws reigned supreme in mechanics for more than 200 years.
However, difficulties arose in the mid-19th century with studies of
electromagnetism. All electrical and magnetic 17 effects could be
summarized nicely in Maxwells Laws, which we wont go into here. The
problem was that, unlike Newtons laws, these were not invariant under
a Galilean transformation the principle of relativity didnt seem to be
valid for electricity or magnetism.
Since, by the 1870s, Newtons Laws had stood the test of time for two
centuries, and Maxwells Laws, having a vintage of just 20 years or so,
were young upstarts, the natural assumption was that Maxwells Laws
needed some modification. The first obvious conclusion was that, just as
sound needed a medium to travel through and the speed was constant
relative to the medium so light must need a medium too. (Remember
that nobody had come across the idea of a wave without a medium until
then). The Victorian scientists named this medium the ether.
If the Earth is really a spaceship moving through the ether, the speed
of light in the direction of Earths motion should be lower than it is in a
direction at right angles to this. By measuring these speeds, we should
therefore be able to detect Earths absolute velocity relative to the
ether. The most famous experiment that tried to do this was the
Michelson Morley experiment, in 1887. Here is how it works :
Now lets do the same calculation for the light that bounces off C. The
ray follows the hypotenuse of a triangle, and so travels the same
distance in each leg. If each leg takes time t3, and is therefore a distance
ct3, we have
Since the return trip is the same length, the total round trip takes a time
of 2t3.
So, the times taken to do the two round trips are not the same. In
fact, the lengths of the arms L cannot be made exactly the same. But
that doesnt matter: what we have to do is to rotate the interferometer
by 90, and look for a shift in the interference fringes as we move
through the ether in the direction of first one, and then the other arm.
The orbital speed of the Earth is about 30 km/s. Any motion through the
ether should be at least that much at some time of the night or day at
some time of the year but nothing showed up! The velocity of the Earth
through the ether could not be detected.
The laws of physics should be the same in all reference frames which
move in uniform motion with respect to one another.
The velocity of light in empty space is the same in all reference frames,
and is independent of the motion of the emitting body.
The second postulate as stated is not very general, and it implies that
there is something special about the behavior of light. This is not the
case at all. We should restate it as:
Substitute for t:
The constant a we can guess from our previous look at time dilation and
space contraction... but here we derive it by requiring symmetry
between the observers. Suppose that we are sitting in the S frame,
looking at the S frame. We certainly expect the same relation to hold
true the other way around, if we swap
Notice, as usual, the limiting speed of light: if one frame moves faster
than light with respect to another, a becomes imaginary, and one or
other frame would then have to haveimaginary coordinates x, t.
A light clock, as seen in its rest frame (a) and from a frame (b) in which
it is moving with velocity v.
As our friend flies past, we watch the light bouncing between the
mirrors. But to us, instead of just going up and down, the light makes a
zigzag motion, which means that it has to go further. Between ticks,
therefore, whereas the light in our clock covers a distance l in time
the light in the clock on board the spaceship covers a distance
and therefore
So, if it takes time t for our clock to make a tick, it takes time t which
is always greater than t for the clock in the spaceship to make a tick. In
other words, it looks to us as though the moving clock runs slowly by a
factor . This is not just an illusion. Suppose instead we had a
pair of another type of clock (mechanical, quartz, a biological clock,
whatever), that we agree keeps time with our simple light clock. We
keep one on Earth, and check that it keeps time. Our friend takes the
other one along; but if he notices any discrepancy between the clocks,
then we have a way to tell who is really moving and that is not
allowed! Furthermore, while it appears to us that his clocks run slowly, it
appears to him that our clocks also run slowly, by exactly the same
reasoning! Each sees the other clock as running more slowly.
A time span as measured by a clock in its own rest frame is called the
proper time. This is not meant to imply that there is anything wrong with
the measurement made from another frame, of course.
Example of Time Dilation:
One early test was provided by looking at the lifetime of a particle called
the mu-meson, or muon. These are created in cosmic rays high in the
atmosphere, and they decay spontaneously after an average of about
2.2 106 s; thus, even travelling close to the speed of light, they should
not be able to travel more than about 600 m. But because they are
moving so close to the speed of light, their lifetime (as measured on the
Earth) is dilated according to equation, and they live long enough to
reach the surface of the Earth, some 10 km below... Muons have been
created in particle accelerators, and their lifetimes measured as a
function of their speed; the values are always seen to agree with the
Lorentz Contraction:
Consider one of the apparently long-lived muons coming down through
the atmosphere. In its rest frame, it is created at some time t = 0, at (let
us say) the origin of coordinates, x = 0. At some later time t (but at the
same spatial coordinate x = 0), the surface of the Earth moves up rather
quickly to meet it. If, say, t = 10-6 s, and v = 0.995c, the length of
atmosphere that has moved past it is vt = 300 m. But this is far less than
the 10 km distance separating the events in Earths frame! It seems that
not just time, but also length is changed by relative motion. To quantify
this, let the distance that the muon travels in Earths frame be x = vt;
note that, from the muons point of view, it is the Earth that is moving,
and so we use primes to denote Earths reference frame. The length of
moving past the muon in its rest frame is x = vt. Thus,
Therefore, the length of atmosphere x as measured by the muon is
contracted by a factor relative to the length measured on
Earth. Likewise, lengths in the muons rest frame are contracted as seen
by Earth-bound observers; but, because the muon is a point-like particle,
such lengths are difficult for us to measure directly.
The last three terms are the distance (squared) from the origin to the
point at which an event occurs; the first term is the distance that light
can travel in the available time. Let us evaluate the same quantity in
another frame of reference, moving with velocity v and having the same
origin when t = t = 0.
Therefore, the quantity S2, which is known as the interval, is the same in
all inertial reference frames; it is a Lorentz invariant. Remember this
its important, and very useful! The behaviour is very similar to the way
in which distance, in three-dimensional space, is invariant when we
rotate our coordinate axes; the interval stays unchanged when we move
from x, t to x, t axes via a Lorentz transformation. Spacetime can be
divided into three parts, depending upon the sign of the interval:
Lets look more closely at the Lorentz transformations. The first three
are just the same as the Galilean transformations, except that we have
the length contraction factor in the direction of motion x. The fourth
equation looks similar to the Galilean transformation t = t with the time
dilation factor but we now have an additional, unexpected term vx/c2.
If, in the spaceship, there are two events that are separated in space
suppose they occur at positions x1, x2 but at the same time t0, then
according to our observer on Earth, they occur at times
In that case, the events as seen from the Earth are no longer
simultaneous, but are separated by a time
Note that from the point of view of a second rocket which is overtaking
the first, the first one is moving backwards, in which case the light will
hit the front mirror first. In order to appear simultaneous in all Lorentz
frames, a pair of events must coincide in both space and time in which
case they are really just one event.
Events at the origin can be related to events inside the cone, since
signals can travel between them at up to the speed of light; but an event
at the origin cannot be related to events outside the light cone. The
region inside the cone and above the origin is therefore known as the
absolute future, and that inside the cone below the origin is the absolute
A light cone
We have
and, correspondingly,
Note that velocities in the transverse direction are altered.
Relativistic Dynamics:
As we pointed out at the beginning, our classical laws of conservation of
momentum and energy require modification in the relativistic limit.
However, we can obtain laws closely related to the originals if we allow
mass to vary with velocity in the way that we have allowed lengths and
times to vary.
We assume that
1. something that we shall call the total mass is conserved;
2. momentum (= mass x velocity) is also conserved.
We finally obtain
If we define a momentum
p = mv,
we see that
Equivalence of mass and energy. We postulated a conservation of
mass law, but it has turned out that mass and energy are the same
thing, just measured in different units (and related by the constant c2).
So the law has become equivalent to the conservation of energy.
Notice that the rest mass is not conserved. When the object of mass
M0 split up, it produced two objects each of so-calledmass (actually
times mass) mu; but the sum of the rest masses of the two fragments is
2m0, which is less than M0; the extra mass in M0 has been converted
into kinetic energy of the fragments. The same is true in reverse; if we
put two fragments of mass m0 together gently, we end up with an object
of mass 2m0 which is therefore a different object than we get if we
push the two fragments together hard, since the extra kinetic energy
turns into extra mass.