1897 Weltmer Weltmer Method of Magnetic Healing PDF
1897 Weltmer Weltmer Method of Magnetic Healing PDF
1897 Weltmer Weltmer Method of Magnetic Healing PDF
(C O P Y R IG H T E D 1897.)
L E T T E R N O 1.
gestion. A suggestion once sent out from the mind goes on for
two persons, one of whom is the subject, the other the operator.
passive and you are perfectly positive, the will of the subject
and your will, will blpnd together and the action performed will
be the one that you suggest. Tell a person who is passive to you
to close his eyes tightly and to think they are shut tight and
tention to close his eyes, he will find that he cannot open them.
Your will and his combined closed his eyes, and it will take both
(2 )
of your wills to open 'them. If he does not find that his eyes
in closing his eyes and holding them shut, you can give him any
other suggestion and he will act upon it, or you can put him to
sleep. Or if you will have him make his hand perfectly rigid.,
and tell him when you count three he will find that he cannot
hand until you tell him that he can. If it is easy for him to
notic subject. You can add any other suggestions you wish with
rapid, when you suddenly tell your subject that he has his hand
be made after you have learned how to give and how to rely upon
rely upon your will in giving a suggestion. The reason why any
one can be hypnotized is because all persons act upon what they
believe. Another reason why is that where two wills can perfectly
blend, one passive and the other positive, the passive will, will
do and believe what the positive mind suggests. Now, before you
taken, you must believe that you can do it, or at least assume
that you can and try it. Here is a law, commit it to memory,
All the belief you need to have to make you able, to do the
things that you have seen hypnotists do, is belief enough to try
it. If you are good at trying things, you do not even need to
a person and that person will believe what you say to the extent
of acting upon your suggestion, you can have that person mesmer
ized without even believing you can mesmerize him. Remember in
dealing with this subject, you are entering the realm of a
great science,' orfe that you must not trifle with, and there' are
wide awake, at the end of which time tell him positively to wake
the subject or that will grieve him or cause him to feel pain,
and if you should do so, before awakening him, remove all these
thought sent out from the mind goes on forever, unless recalled
it over, and if y^>u cannot answer it, reserve it for your list
positive no. When you say wake up (no) say it wit*h the'
sleep (yes.)
Now, this will give you in the plainest language T.can com
ORIGINATED B Y ---- -***
(C O P Y R IG H T E D 1897.)
L E T T E R N O 2.
Eefore you can place a person under your control, you must
on your right hand except the first two; have the subject fix
his- eyes on the ends of those two fingers, 'and move slowly to
ward him telling him that when you reach a point about four
inches from his eyes to close them; then tell him positively
that his eyes are closed and that he cannot open them. If the
about four inches from his eyes he will take any suggestion you
may give. Now, if when you reach that point, the eyes of the sub
his name and make him think he is some' one else. After having
and all right. In all cases remove every suggestion before you
six or seven people together, and there will not be that many
one of them, and run your fingers lightly over his shoulder, and
ing down his back, or that the ends of your fingers are hot and
will burn him, or any other idea that you wish him to act upon.
Be perfectly confident that you can do this and try it. Describe
tell him he cannot step over it, and he may fall over it, but
cannot get his feet over. Give him a silver dollar and tell him
to grasp it quickly in his hand, and tell him he cannot throw it
down. Change the suggestion, and tell him the dollar is red
hot, but do not have him grasp it at the same time, for if he
already has the first suggestion, the dollar will burn him, and
if you added the suggestion that he could not let loose of it,
the chair in which your subject is sitting is red hot, and that
tions readily will take any suggestion. You may hand him a
glass of water, and tell him.it is wine or any other liquor, and
that after he has swallowed it, it will make him drunk, and he
told you, you will find that you will succeed oftener than you
fail. The lesson you learn from doing these things successfully
is not how to heal diseases, but the power of the WILL; how to
give suggestions and how when taken they affect the subject.
The following suggestions will give you a little idea of heal
suggestion, tell him that you can cure him, and do so by sug
gesting to him that his tooth does not ache, and all the pain
that his tooth aches, without your touching him, you can remove
put your hand on his jaw to produce the toothache, you will
from headache, if you will place your hand on the aching part
pain, telling your patient that you can positively do so, you
in this letter.
P R O F . S. A. W E L T M E R .
(C O P Y R IG H T E D 1897.)
L E T T E R N O 3.
have produced the first degree of sleep, you can by patient and
This is the second stage. Have him stop at this place again.
the cataleptic degree. Before you drive your subject deeper ask,
taxation o*f the muscles, and your subject will irui^cate by his
talk that he is in a light state o-f cla irvo yanc e --th is is the
remain long in this stage the first time he reaches it, because
any "one can awaken your subject out of the fourth stage the
first time he has reached it. By the same means force him
deeper into the next stage, which is the fifth or Independent-
of life. There is one deeper stage than this, and you must be
Trance degree and when -once fully developed, shows the unlimited
power of the human mind. Before passing your subject from the
will awaken or come back through the stages at any time you may
subject will agree to awaken, you may tell him to go from the
fifth to the sixth degree and to stop there. Now, do not ask
your subject when in the sixth stage, if he goes there, to make
any trips for you because the mind cannot travel when in this
had anything to do with the subject or not. He can see any per
subject back from the sixth or any other stage, tell him to come
back through the stages and wake up. It is usually best to tell
him to stop a minute in each stage, and tell him that he will be
all right when he awakens. The best and safest plan is to put
ful and comprehensive study of the human mind. When you have
seen a hypnotic subject carried through all the stages of the
-rf * -
den powers. You will be fully convinced by the time you have
himself, how to develop these latent forces within, and you will
tion to its source you will have discovered the secret of Divine
sent out from a self-reliant mind will change the life, the
Mind. The power that propels it--the WILL. Jesus Christ in his
other, viz: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His right
eousness and all these other things shall be added unto you,.
to destroy is in the mind and if you will seek this power within
try it and see, try it seventy times seven if need be before you
despair--and you will be fully aware of the fact that you have
cult forces of the mind as Christ gave his hearers about how to
ings of mine and doeth them shall be like a man who built his
relying upon your will, you are drawing upon the only unlimited
P R O F . S. A. W E L T M E R .
(C O P Y R IG H T E D 1887.)
L E T T E R N O 4.
V I T A L M AG N E T I S M . ,
If you will put your hand on a persons back between the '
brations from your hand, about three out of five will feel the
your hands, placing the thumb of your right hand between the
third and fourth fingers on the back of the persons left hand,
the left hand the same--your left hand on the person's right
through your right hand into the left hand of the person, he
ble to this influence that if you will pass your hand down in
(2 )
subject stand perfectly erect, with his back to you, his eyes
closed, then with your right hand pointing toward the base of
him to you. In nine cases out of ten the subject will sway to
ing that the power of the mind to act over the body of a person
They have never tried to relieve any other kind of a pain simply
because they did not believe they could do so. That power in
tends from the hip joint to the sole of the foot, if you will
rub briskly down the leg, commencing at the hip, and accompany
will succeed much oftener than you will fail. If you should find
a person suffering from fever, make long passes from the head to
and you will reduce the fever and restore an equilibrium to your
Every person who has a will, possesses the power within him
their pains, to drive out disease and to quiet the nerves, pro
and try it. It does not make any difference, except in the
it will in one who does not feel these vibrations. But the
power of the will is omnipotent, and when it is exercised upon a
where two persons agree upon any one thing, that thing can be
as you are dealing with that part of their nature which they re
they should try. This power or this kingdom is within you. The
only way you can seek it is to do what I have told you. The only
way that you can ever prove to yourself that you can heal the
sick by the laying on of hands is to try it, and see. Follow out
these sayings of mine and doeth them (lay your hands on the
sick) shall be as one who built his house on a rock," etc., etc.
(C O P Y R IG H T E D 1897.)
: ~f~
L E T T E R N O 5.
By throwing the hands down from the body, making them very
them suddenly and rub them together briskly, you will find that
you can raise the temperature of your hands anywhere from ten to
fifty degrees above blood heat. Place this hot hand suddenly
upon your patients body, over the seat of the pain, and by ex
few minutes.
l T .down
and by rufcMng
on the briskly and +u
sides from with a spd deai pf > " i ' ' r T PT '
ues trom the arm rit-^ +
Plts t0 the waist, after
which rub briskly over the whole back, then standing behind your
patient with your hands under the arm pits, have him breathe ten
this once a day for a week will do more for your patient in the
that you can reduce the fever in almost every case in from ten
quicken the circulation, and the result will be that the chill
will disappear and the fever come on, which you can reduce to
netism into water and give or send it to your patients, and have
going conditions:
pain, and nine times out of ten you will succeed in giving the
and you may not believe it. All I ask of you to convince you of
positive hand above the vessel containing the water, (not in it)
water. Continue this from one to five minutes. You have 'by
^k is means put into the water as a medium, the same healing pow
er, that you delegate to your hand, or your thought, when you
netizing cloth or paper hold the same between the hands exer
cising the same intention.
(C O P Y R IG H T E D 1S.)
L E T T E R N O 6.
To understand this subject, and to be able to secure an
heal a person, the person must on his part assume that you can
him. A man may come to you to be healed, and may tell you that
him, you will rarely ever fail to do so. The kind of curiosity
your will is stronger than theirs, but simply because they agree
be placed under that kind of influence. Now, the reason why you
and whenever they come to you for healing, have, by the act of
You either learn that you can heal your patient or that you can-
not, but in ninety-five oases out of a hundred the result will
be favorable.
The only thing that stands between you and the ability to re
ever, because when they ask you for your services, they have ex
selves. They do not grasp the idea that their ability to recover
you could thoroughly impress upon the mind of your patient the
one idea that the latent force in him is capable, if relied upon
--if fully trusted, to regenerate the body, cast out his own
The one great point you want to impress upon your patient is
headache, ask him to just allow you to stroke his head with the
intention of relieving him. If he agrees and you carry on this
idea to the extent of trying to relieve him, you together assum
ing that it can be done, but not knowing that it can, there is
out questioning the results--tell your friend his head does not
has saved your friend from pain, and has made a new power spring
up within you that you did not know was there. Now, we will say
relieve him of any other pain, and try it, and you will find
that he who has been faithful over a few things (has honestly
its source, which will unveil the mysteries of the secret teach
Healing. S. A. WELTMER.
T H E W E L T M E R M E T H O D O F M A G N E T I C H E A L I N G.
(C O P Y R IG H T E D 18417.)
. L E T T E R N O 7. s/
vestigator. Tne man wno sees another do tne work, or sees work
done. When he has been told how to do this thing, when the way
do, is why can he, or why does he, do it. .Now, to understand,
tions, what' and how," for having done such work as mag
all that limits man. Christ said, to him that believeth, all
within us, then make the effort by actual trial, we can learn
for ourselves and not from another why it is that these things
can be done. Now, before we can fully comprehend this work, and
get a correct intellectual conception of the kingdom of heaven,
we must get a correct intellectual conception of that being, or
that law, or that principle, which men call God,
The meaning attached to the word God, when used by the Mental
--a personality distinct from man, that rules in and over each
action, thought and deed of ours. He believes that God rules the
to and. fro by his doubts and fears, (more fears than hopes) has
no reason for the hope within him. can give no reason for a sin
:ff erent cone e'p-tion ; he regards; God: as''.a.,la'ar, as' a life pr'inci -
pie, as a law that has always existed, and will never cease to
God, the kingdom of heaven, eternal life, the father, the son
and the holy spirit, but the one general term by which Christ
person and we are his creatures, we are wholly in his power, our
hands, by his word or his will the law of life came, by his will
Now, this law of life has always existed, and can never cease
mind; what Christ called "the kingdom of God within you;" Luke
17-21. He tells you how to seek this law when he says, "M that
heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them," &e. , &c. A dis
discovery of that truth which makes him free--makes him one with
this infinite life--one with God. It was this idea which Christ
meant to convey when he told the people: "I and the Father are
one." He spoke it for all men when he said: "I am in you and
ye are in me and all are in one," making God all in all. Now we
our idea of God was that of a person, with all the limitations
every person born into the world, and the only reason why each
person cannot enjoy the blessings that this power exercised will
have suggested, and the results will be that you will find your
self free from the law of sin and death-one with God--one with
the law--one with infinite life. And coming into your life you
will realize a "peace the world cannot give, a peace that pas-
seth all understanding." Paul says: "He that would seek God,
"to call no man master, for one is your master, even Christ--
P R O F . S . A. W E L T M E R .
(C O P Y R IG H T E D 1897.)
L E T T E R N O 8.
A man starting through the city one morning became the sub
friend he met, bade him the time of day, and asked him how he
felt, making the remark at the same time that he was looking
badly. The man averred that he was feeling well, and accused
met a second friend, who saluted him with, "Whats the matter
with you, Jim, are you sick?" "No, I am feeling well, what makes
you ask me?" His friend replied that he might .think he was feel
ing well, but he was looking pretty tough. This was repeated
with increasing emphasis until the fifth man met him, when his
reply to his friend who accused him of being sick was: "I must
the eighth man, his belief had now become so strong in his ill
feeling that he gave up to the various suggestions he had re
ceived, and went to bed prepared to enjoy a siege of fever. In a
few*hours, however, all eight of his friends called upon him, and
* # ' e '
(2 )
assured him that his sickness was entirely the result of an
for himself that "the Lord has spoken good concerning Israel."
stand the mind, concious and sub -conscious. You ask what is the
that part of us, of our mind that remembers; more than this, it
is our real self; that part of our mind which never sleeps; it
mind which stores away all of our experiences, and did we not
* the swallow that built its nest in Noahs ark, compared with the
this and also learned that he could correct his mistakes, man
was no more than any other animal. When we study the memory,
and this .is the experience of almost everyone who has passed
would readily see that there is more in the mind than the ordi
is what you are. No matter what one says about his beliefs,
read his life by his works, and you will know what he is. Now,
his earnest knock. One thing he must do, to start upward, and
desire good, and if he' will trust his desires he will soon see
the good.
All the good that has ever come into a mans life by his own
to." Nearly every person who is sick has the desire to be rid
of his affliction. He has also within him the latent power that
breathe, and drink for the purpose of bringing into his life
weak to grasp this thought, you can' still save him by assuming
that that power is within him, and by thinking for him the
put yourself in his place. When you have done this, then think
for him this thought: "I am one with infinite life, I am life,
(6 )
I am sae with all the strength, one with all the power that is."
to immediate results, but wait and you will see a change in your
that he will get well, that he is getting well, you will soon
Faith. S. A. WELTMER.
# ..
O R I G I N A T E D B Y ==
P R O F . S. A. W E L T M E R .
(C O P Y R IG H T E D 1887.)
L E T T E R N O 9.
Desire--desire for life and desire for more life, has indeed
been the lever which has raised animate creation to its present
bilities than those things realized by other men, and when they
the genius of the man, while the fact is, the man has simply
trusted his desires, he has dared to want more than other men,
*nis desires.
That which lifts man up, the very law of attraction itself,
him want even greater than to gratify present needs. A man may
the ages man has been taught to crush out his desires as a thing
of evil.
norant all the while of the fact that the desire has its origin
does spring out of no other source, but out of the kingdom with
in us, and we know that God (the kingdom within) will withhold no
good thing from us. To crush out our desires is suicidal, and
is evidence of ignorance. We are. taught to pray, (to desire,) to
let our wants be known; we are taught to ask, believing that we
shall receive and we already have it.
The human mind cannot desire a thing that does riot exist.
No human mind can ask a question that it cannot answer. The
supply is always equal to the demand, and supplies only come
w *
(3 )
when demanded, wished for, wanted and desired. The world has
man, and with no higher notion with regard to the use and control
of this creative force within the human body than that possessed
forts to rise, making the race as they say weaker and wiser.
the libraries, all that has made man better, has been the result
the male to the female, will produce another being, is that sub
the body. In order to understand just what I mean here, you must
subconscious will.
the race. We are not conscious of the fact that any other secre
on the part of the female, now, that semen is the only sexual
morning, with all parts of the erectal tissue of the sex organ
mined to be the growth of that child added during the night, and
effect which secret vices (masturbation) has upon the health and
growth of any young person who has been unfortunately led into
sexual desire, and furnishes the only reason why a union of the
sexes should take place.
When you shall have learned to form in your body any secre
tions you wrish, you will have secured the keys to the kingdom of
heaven, you will have learned how to add all things unto you,
you will have become your own master, you will have found eter
nal life, you will have learned the secret teachings of the
priests, you will have discovered, "The stone that the builders
rejected," and Will have made it the head of the corner in your
gratify our desire. Let we give you an unerring law, based upon
health, bodily vigor; pure water that flows from the bosom f
contains in solid fora, the aa@ eleaents; then when we rest the
nerves. Now, then, fro this time on when you breathe, drink,
etteer, these blessings. Then you will have exercised faith, and
soon yu will know the truth that makes you free. Determine that
where disease reigns, and more than this, you will have through
(C O P Y R IG H T E D lb'S>7.)
L E T T E R N O 10.
dent to' demonstrate at once the power of the mind to control the
mind, and the power of mind over matter. Now, this statement is
false. One mind cannot control another mind, one will cannot
control another will, but two wills may and can agree, and har
the person who acts does not exercise his own will, or does nin
at least direct the action of his will, and this feature of the
condition has led people to form the above conclusion that hyp-
ence, except those who know how to exercise the power. This is
than 20. per cent of the people with whom you come in contact,
because no larger per cent than that are susceptible to another:s
There are certain things on which all minds are passive, and
willing to accept the help that you could give them, no matter
in what way you offered to give it. Every man who feels the
some one put into his mind a strong belief in his own ability, a
raising his courage in any way that would help him to vercome
must think in order to win the esteem and friendship of the pub
lic, will admit any help that will enable kirn to become more
then, anyone who comes to you for help, by his act of coming as
all you need do is to agree with him, speak for him that which
the power exists, must believe it strong enough to try it, when
nervous system. You think for him the thought you want him to
wills, which now blend together in perfect harmony, and you have
mind. The power that heals is thought. The power that raises
way that we can use this will power is to rely upon it. The
unto you -all the things that you need, is to seek and find this
questions that you wish to ask; make them brief and to the
point, and send it in. We are just as anxious to make this all