Praxis Dexheimer
Praxis Dexheimer
Praxis Dexheimer
like ... it is familiar to us today . Also the room was not yet created. There was only the
creator gods , who played their own games and enjoyed it. Suddenly one of these mighty
beings had the idea to create a game together . Together to create a game with rules that
should ensure that the game would be exciting and interesting. Many , yes many found
this suggestion intriguing and agreed to the advice of the rules , and after a timeless
eternity , the conditions , the size of the playing field , the time limits and freedoms and
the energies were determined , which in this new game should be used. Now all creator
gods who wanted to be presented to players and created a space in which the intention
was established that all manifestations should be preserved until they are resolved by
their creators or their back . This was the birth of time as we know it today.
Once this space was created, he was filled with energy. An energy that possessed neither
a frequency nor could be , affected by the time or the space for which it formed the base
game . Only the players had the ability to operate according to their own will . This
energy was the basis , the playing field from which everything was created , which
would be created in the following eons.
Initially as anonymous as the creator gods themselves , was this energy in our time
assigned different names , such as "cosmic energy," "life energy" and many others. But
the same was tried by what name to describe this energy was essential only that they
formed the basis , which allowed all players to create all the things that came to mind.
That was their purpose and for that it was created by all players. And so we can continue
with our game up to the present day and far into the future . Now the room was the
intention create the playing field , filled with energy , anchored , that all creations would
remain until they are resolved by their creators again recalled to the Uressenz from
which they came. All players were ready had expressed their intention that they accept
his role , for this game , what they do and what they ultimately wanted to achieve .
If there had been a go-ahead , pop through the whole , still completely uninhabited
universe would be taken without being noticed by anyone. But then " jumped " the
creator gods , burning with thirst , "head on" in the new field in the created universe
began just hinein.Das game!
It was created , manifested , get changed and dissolved. And in this great game began to
become more and more smaller games to shape out . Player teams emerged. More and
more games and being roles within new intentions became established . Newer and
smaller , which required to limit their own creativity more and more . With this self-
imposed restriction of their own love , wisdom and power , loss of consciousness and
awareness was also connected without this wurde.Von initially noticed there it went
Other creator gods who kept their consciousness, quickly realized where this downward
spiral would lead all the newly created games - at the beginning of the game and its
grandiose intention to have fun in the loss of knowledge , and in the failure to apply their
own creativity targeted to dissolve all that , what a bind themselves , in the reversal of
the constructive forces that increasingly directed against its own creator , ultimately in
the imprisonment of the self-created universe for all time .
That's also why this may be the rules as manifested at the highest level and dissolved
again to pass on to the other players to help them to remember and to free themselves
from their own trap.
But there were counter-intentions of creator gods , the other would rather control , rather
than watch as these regained their creative freedom . So it came to a battle of the gods to
the gods ! Battles were fought . Times won the one side , then the other team. And so
once the knowledge was available and the creator gods were able to begin to break free.
Then it was gone again, and began the descent again. This game continued into the
present until the present time , to .
And once again, the knowledge is there , as created from the highest levels and can be
manifested again and again , for a very , very long time , the rules of the game are
known to leave this game to: - be free for eternity! In summary, this knowledge was to
create from the highest levels in the concept of magic formula .
And just as was done in the beginning by the creative word , this still happens to this
day. Through all the times , this knowledge was passed on to the power of the word in
secret societies , despite all the dangers that were associated with it. And so there was
and compasses, lodges and societies that use this knowledge to liberate other beings , as
well as others , to suppress it . But this knowledge is now to be released to the public , so
that no one can be influenced by secret things to his disadvantage . Everyone should be
able to use the power of the Creator Word to his own benefit . Everyone should get the
means by which they take their lives and their spiritual development into their own
hands and realize their dreams. This is the intention of all creator gods who have
remained in their love , wisdom and power, and have the desire to free all her siblings to
see independent and outside this limiting field of play.
The application of the magic formula is easy , since the special formula is very simple .
The formula "DC" is excellent for cleaning our thoughts and feelings , but it helps to free
these subtle support of all " rubbish " . At the beginning of the cleaning work, it can
sometimes lead to unpleasant phenomena that arise from the fact that the uninvited
spiritual forces do not want to leave voluntarily from their victims. However, these
symptoms will disappear in a few days , if only weitergeformelt consistently .
Praxis Teil 2
Y-H-R (sprich -H-R) bewirkt hchste Inspiration und hilft dabei, selbst schwierigste
Probleme urschlich zu erkennen und aufzulsen. Denken Sie bei der Anwendung an das
entsprechende Thema oder die emotionale Blockade.
The formula "JHW" is a very high protection formula that builds to its own nature an
energetic field where all negative vibrations and bounce back to their causes, which it
experiences the effect of his malicious intent itself.
The formula "CK" is intended to give rise to the essence courage and thus dissolve
anxiety, melancholy and depression that affect their own development.
The formula "EF" is used to purify the mental body, causing a large inner peace takes
place as dispute Aufgeregtsein and nervousness are resolved.
The formula "EK" boosts your confidence, which creates an intellectual superiority and
his own manifestation power is constantly increasing.
The formula "SAL" is used as an all-love formula to dissolve negative patterns and
literally brings the love in all its aspects in one's life.
The formula "OO" is used to dissolve all embossed pattern and self-lies, which we are
subject, which ultimately enables a karmic liberation from constraints and thus lays the
foundation for good luck, wealth, prosperity and romantic partnership.Unzhlich course,
there are many formulas for all conceivable areas of life, but are known as the
"Grundformelset" with the already listed here alone is not possible for a given maturity
of personality and consciousness development.
Praxis Teil 3
As these formulas are now applied?
* Each formula can be immediately geformelt in acute cases , this is done either loudly
or silently in thought , and at the beginning of possibly the loud utterance is preferable
because it increases concentration .
* It is advantageous to pronounce the formula on the exhale is seven and fourteen times .
Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse
DC - DC - DC - DC - DC - DC - DC or
Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse - Dee- Tse
to the fifteen minutes around sind.Nun the formula is optimally charged and it can begin
another . To charge all eight formulas in one day , 8 x 15 minutes, that requires two
hours. If you find this to be very much appears , may consider that he may, at any time ,
in which he is not required mentally formulas . Consequently, it is possible to formulas
when you are in the bathroom, at the breakfast table , on the way to and from work ,
during a walk in the forest and all the many moments of the day when the mind is not
claimed . Even in a boring society can be geformelt , just here just quietly or in thought
as well as during a train ride .
Opinions about thirty years , global application of magic formula have shown that
people of all countries , beliefs , representations , professions and religions achieved
incredible results for yourself and others . Partial results so spectacular that it seems like
a miracle for the uninformed . Yet the application for each is as simple as too powerful,
without any conditions ! This information is now everyone will be able to test the magic
formula , and your own experiences .
Praxis Teil 4
Y-H-R (sprich -H-R) bewirkt hchste Inspiration und hilft dabei, selbst schwierigste
Probleme urschlich zu erkennen und aufzulsen. Denken Sie bei der Anwendung an das
entsprechende Thema oder die emotionale Blockade.
Praxis Teil 4
Astral and mental Hiking
"Energy Work IV - Rise " , the fourth volume in the series formula magic and also the
end of the work experience of the formula from 1964 to today . Well , the formula is
working to develop , but this remains subject to other works . In this volume, once again
, the topics are summarized , for that was not the right place in the other works and not
yet the right time .
It also reinforces up the topic " development of consciousness " and offered ways in
which these can be accelerated. Also will be discussed in this work more on spiritual
abilities , such as telepathy and mental hiking. Both skills are very tempting for many.
And rightly so, because mental Hiking allows us insight into areas of direct experience
and not second hand , and telepathy allows us to communicate directly with those with
whom we want to, no matter the time and in which room , again without help of others .
To be free of tools that we need to date , but represent nevertheless a crutch and limit us .
To be free of identities, so that we know who we really are . Because our divine potential
is unlimited and will only be affected if we believe that we are something, something big
or small, comes back to the outward appearance . But this is a big misunderstanding.
Although we experience through our bodies and act with him in the material world but
we are not a body!
We feel about our bodies and then our mind as emotions , but we are no feelings ! We
think we make pictures before , penetrate it with an emotion and act on it - but we are
not mind !
We have desires and intentions that we dress in thoughts that form into images that are
imbued with feelings and drive us in the material world , to achieve something - but we
have no intentions!
Before creation , before there was a space that could be filled with energy , derived from
the Urabsichten who became spiritual worlds and ultimately formed into matter, we were
the creators !
We were there, outside of time and space, without vibration , which would have been
able to measure yet to create energy in the situation .
We were the ones who agreed to try and play a game. A game that all parties should
make great joy. A game in which there would be no losers in the end. A game in which
we wanted to test our creative abilities - let's see what was possible . The game has
started long time ago. And many forget that it is a game . Many forgot that they are the
players that they have created the rules , and that all that is, was created by them .
But now the game will end. The player should return . Back to their true home . Back in
possible worlds from which they moved away too long ago and they can not remember
now .
And yet all the way back the urge in us. In all of us is a spark that , is in resonance with
the divine essence , we are. He is the force that drives even the most unconscious player
. Ahead and forward , on and on, and on, without knowing exactly where to go.
But there is only one way we can go out and there is only one goal , to achieve this is
possible. Come home ! This would "Energy Work IV - Rise of " do his part .
In January 1965 Cuno Hellmut Mller wrote for the first time about the mental hiking.
In it, he also referred to the differences between astral travel and mental journeys. In
addition, he pointed out the dangers are even greater when Astral Travel , than the
mental, without neglecting this . This shows that C.-H. Mller knew what he wrote .
With the help of the magic formula we have all the options to acquire our spiritual
abilities and to keep us at the same time against the possible risks . For although many of
spiritual travel dream and wish for this eagerly , but often lack the knowledge about the
variety of experiences that can be made - unfortunately unpleasant to extremely
dangerous . Again and again I get to know people with the best intentions , but they are
completely naive with respect to spiritual realities . Of course, some nod " knowing "
when attention is drawn to hazards on the mental , but without in the slightest to be
aware enough about what they were doing made known that they believe communication
to knowledge. I explain to them then one of the unpleasant ways they are often shocked
and announced the start so great intention to take mental journeys and really to strive
with all your heart is covered anxious. But for that we have the formulas that are great to
prepare for these expeditions to the far reaches of the mind and go offer the highest
possible protection so that nobody has to be afraid. For still anxious then I recommend "
CK " or " KKK " to regain her courage again .
Astral Body
Today I want once , based on their own experience, explain the difference between the
astral and mental wandering . I would like to assume that you know that you , in addition
to the visible physical body , have the astral and mental bodies .
We all have probably already thought about who actually makes sure that the most
important functions of the body are maintained in sleep, in utter unconsciousness or
anesthesia. We do not know our normal waking consciousness in sleep, that we must
continue to breathe , much less we have in this state have an influence on the functions
of the motor and autonomic nervous system with all the associated glandular apparatus
that continuously affects our entire metabolism and controls .
The doctor will determine a " paralysis of the heart " or " Gehimschlag " but the
clairvoyant astral body will be very sore about why he returned to his old dwelling can
not and then what happens to his earthly body. Each Schocktod is nothing but the sudden
rupture of Astralmatrize . But sometimes the astral body is attacked on such walks of
lower astral beings and so severely damaged that after returning to the earthly body a
clear personality change occurs that is usually referred to by doctors as " schizophrenia "
. Often it also happens that someone of such an astral journey no longer returns because
he was kidnapped by negative beings , so take his place , a very different creature from
his earthly body possession. Thus, the term "possession " , a condition that can also
occur in alcohol or narcotic intoxication or strong excitation He states spontaneously ,
because it has already started an unwanted astral hike or splitting in such cases.
There are of course cases of astral walks that occur without knowledge , even against the
will of the person concerned , as in the somnambulist in anesthetized and drug addicts ,
but also in sleep healthy and normal , but usually very media people . "True Dreams "
and the "second face " fall sometimes even under these spontaneous astral walks, and we
know so many reports of people who came to a them completely strange place for the
first time in her life , and have way there immediately found exactly yes even tiny details
( flowers , furniture , pets , room arrangement , etc. ) almost " expected " and " search " .
The boundaries are blurred in this area such that you can usually make no clear
distinctions. Of course there are also many cases where the person concerned feel they
are astral wandering , when in fact - has remained a good boy , the astral body in the
ground and only the mental body was traveling - to their happiness .
Personally, I have certainly kept me aware of until today before each hike with the astral
body and not warn in vain before. Mentally I 've seen enough and achieved what my
dear wife and my attorney could report some. Finally, however, is not the main purpose
of any migration of magical training , but only a modest , although quite difficult
Besides exercise , because it is out of their own information , but little achieved what
really brings us higher. These statements are intended only to help anyone explain the
differences between mental and astral walking.
Now I want to provide some formulas that practice - possibly for very hardworking
Formler for long. can lead to practical experience and results in mental wandering -
within three to six months.
How to Astral Travel are deliberately concealed from me for the reasons mentioned .
The Kabbalah tasters who believe , despite my multiple warnings , but to try to escape
the astral body without adequate preparation by the special formulas like this and even
take on the responsibility that I reject in principle !
"Whoever willfully goes in danger of coming to them! "
This saying is then the affected occur at the right time even if it is not already too late.
But back to the mental hiking. I have this very important basic formulas accurately listed
in the order that is needed to ever come to a success in mental wandering . Before we
namely " start " with our mental body , some essential prerequisites for this are
necessary. We just before the start of an airplane until many preparations must be made
so that there is no avoidable mishap or even a crash , this applies also to such interesting
capabilities , which include hiking in the mental . If you missed this in the Kabbalah ,
can also be prepared for a " false start " if he does not immediately reach the conditions
for its own intellectual crash through negligence. Without the exact formula for weeks
and months of preparation, the mental walking is hopeless and certainly not safe for the
mind and soul ! However, there is no risk that the flap sticking ever get that far , because
they lack any resistance, which is necessary to do so. Who today " tried " this morning
and that magic, like a student who studied theology and philology another quarter
semesters half a semester and is determined by whiz as " promising " candidate
thoroughly everywhere , without ever being able to achieve something . However,
despite these potential hazards , the formulas should be all those placed in the hands that
are ready the necessary time , patience and perseverance to apply so that they this great
opportunity , even once in the realm of the spirit to go with the mental body to Travel
and - " free " ! - Added go wherever it appears desirable to them . can learn .
It's a wonderful thing , thanks to the ubiquity of our mind in the mental realm , in a split
second of time and weightless to rush through the room and practically everywhere to
become an unnoticed observer and witness important or less important events , as a "
stowaway " in any car , train , ship or aircraft to take place and everything - to perceive
exactly as it is in fact going to just quickly return to return to his starting point - without
physical or financial problems. But no pain no gain ! Similarly, mental journeys should
not be done simply out of boredom , but to research travel to us personally by the
omnipresence of the Spirit in all spheres and worlds - to convince - not only on Earth .
An overcoming of time , matter and space, which after our earthly death is usually
possible and even then often goes quite slowly and gradually , imagine industrious form
of learning is possible even within their lifetime , if they muster the patience and
endurance and step step exercise their detachment from the mental body Astral body and
coarse material . This facilitates the imagination , which is the most vivid imagination of
certain objects, people and places, the mental walking a lot, and also contribute
significantly to the preparation of formulas .
Praxis Teil 5
3 Formeltipps monatlich ( tglich wechselnd hier)
Y-H-R (sprich -H-R) bewirkt hchste Inspiration und hilft dabei, selbst schwierigste
Probleme urschlich zu erkennen und aufzulsen. Denken Sie bei der Anwendung an das
entsprechende Thema oder die emotionale Blockade.
Praxis Teil 5
Practice of mental wandering
Now we sit comfortably in a chair or lie down on a couch or on a carpet and breathe
evenly and deeply calm . Now we face very clearly and vividly a particular room before
we even know exactly . This applies to the first home of their own and can later be
moved outside it .
Under the influence of the previous formulas - especially "CR" , "DR" and "YOU " -
then our mental body begins to dissolve and result in a " private life " .
We suddenly see yourself with our mental eyes , so see our "look-alikes " , first for
seconds, then gradually longer . Now we go with our mental body to the door and then
into the other room , we enter the beginning also after normal habit through the door.
Later we penetrate the thickest walls and rocks , but in the beginning of our mental body
must just learn to walk , as once our gross material body . Similarly, the use of the senses
, the mental vision and hearing usually comes before the mental feeling, smelling and
tasting .
If we then compare the other room "Memories " and suddenly find some change , for
example, an item that was not there or else a different image plaziertes etc. , we only
realize that our mental body has actually been there .
Now is the time to return to the mental body to the ground and determine by personal
inspection whether the mentally perceived changes also apply. If this is the case, we can
do the same with another room in the house again , but this must not happen at the same
Again, more is the resistance in practice than trying to practice one evening over several
hours , possibly up to mental exhaustion , immediately become a perfect and
accomplished Mental hikers in hope. A mistake at the expense of the health and progress
may slow down rather than speed up can . So prefer to practice frequently and
consistently and gradually achieve improvements . Over time , the mental " fitness to
travel " developed such that the thought is enough already to a certain object , place or
people to immediately be "there" . Especially in the beginning , but extremely critical
comparisons and observations are always urgently needed in order to check the proper
functioning of the mental senses and perceptions ! We must never become the victim of
our imagination alone , because this imagination is only an " intellectual bridge " to
place our mental hikes yes , but can not replace the trip itself , just as a postcard of
Salzburg can be a real trip replacement for the city of Mozart ! So while we can not even
register small changes in the next room properly, it really does not make sense to put
themselves already to the Egyptian pyramids or even the pagodas behind India.
All mental and sensory abilities must be developed through constant practice and
ongoing check until we have gained in absolute safety and can move in the realm of the
mind as properly as . Normal in our earthly existence Only we can overcome this mental
traveling short or almost infinite distances with multiple speed of light , but without the
strong physical ailments that are the " jump through hyperspace " attributed in utopian
All , but where the necessary patience , endurance and concentration of such "mental
side jobs " missing love , comfort themselves with the fact that it is still far better
throughout the month to heal a painful inflammation with "EW " in the day -to-day
mental realm herumzuwandem and to neglect his real job as a man among men . If
someone at least so far - by daily formulas - has come that he can see through the
Mentalmatritze of every human being with "BN" , he has already achieved more than if
it thereby only the " big trip " was successful. So we see that this extremely revealing
mental Hiking in no way belongs to the most important things are to develop in
ourselves .
Only for executives and remote healings such skills are very valuable, because you
thereby is able to accurate "Remote control" exercise without getting yourself noticed . It
is then quite revealing what happens there so all in all secrecy and so many less talented
Black Mage would be surprised how fast you can record on as it is a full moon on the
ropes . But also other Kabbalah and Hypnosefrevler are wonderful to watch in this way
and , if necessary, turn very quickly .
Even in spiritual help for the sick , it is very good to watch continuously checks the
development of their mental state , because they and their families anyway usually have
no time and desire to provide the most important reports regularly. For parents, it can
sometimes be quite good to monitor mental walks through their children and them
disclose your small sins or equal to intervene helpfully in real emergencies immediately
by Kabbalah .
So much for the first chapter CH Miller about the mental hiking and what can be begun .
In "Energy Work IV - rise" they learn more about the mental models walking ,
strengthening the astral and Mentalmatrize in theory and practice , and more practice for
mental wandering .