Agenda 8-11-10
Agenda 8-11-10
Agenda 8-11-10
A. Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Opening Exercises
3. Roll Call
Roll Call Camille Bartlett Todd Hernandez Sally Schoffstall
Pr/Ab Willard Dellicker Donald Link William Towne
Paul Fisher, Jr. Darryl Schafer Gregory Snyder
4. Approval of Agenda
B. Curriculum/Building Issues
C. Policies
D. Facilities
1. Approval of change orders for Main Campus project as per attached
E. District Finances
1. Approval of contract with King, Spry, Herman, Freund & Faul, LLC to provide
solicitor and legal services for 2010-2011 school year at a cost of $15,000 for
retainer; non-litigation services at $140 per hour for professional tasks and
$75 per hour for paraprofessional tasks; litigation services at hourly rates of
$160 per hour; and non-adversary and instructional services at a rate of $130
per hour
F. Other Reports
1. Old Business
2. New Business
6. Administrative/Building Sharing
G. Adjournment
H. Additional Information