Agenda 9-15-10
Agenda 9-15-10
Agenda 9-15-10
A. Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Opening Exercises
3. Roll Call
Roll Call Camille Bartlett Todd Hernandez Sally Schoffstall
Pr/Ab Willard Dellicker Donald Link William Towne
Paul Fisher, Jr. Darryl Schafer Gregory Snyder
4. Approval of Agenda
6. Approval of Minutes, as attached, for August 11 and August 18, 2010
B. Curriculum/Building Issues
1. Math presentation on Algebra I at Middle School
3. Report on Title III Consortium participation for the 2010-2011 school year
C. Policies
D. Facilities
BD Agenda, p 2
E. District Finances
1. Agreement with Go Festive, Philadelphia PA, for Fun Flicks Movie package for
Middle School on October 22, 2010, amount not to exceed $1,000
2. Approval of agreement with Brian Xander, Lehighton PA, for DJ Services for
four Middle School dances throughout the 2010-2011 school year in the
amount of $1,225
F. Other Reports
1. Federal Programs Report
2. Foundation Report
3. Transportation Report
9. Old Business
• Approval of resignation of Paul C. Fisher, Jr. as member of NWLSD Board
of School Directors
Moved: Seconded: Vote: Aye, Nay
11. President will offer courtesy of the floor for public comment
G. Adjournment
H. Additional Information