Ecall Communications Test Bench - Structure and Content of MSD, Fds and Mds Messages 1 Ecall Test Bench

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February 12, 2007



eCall communications test bench system simulates the operation of in-vehicle terminal,
service centre and PSAP (Figure 1).

FDS Service
XML Centre
terminal DT

Figure 1. eCall communications test bench.

1.1 eCall test service

The eCall test service is managed through a Web user interface via secured https

test bench
Control and results
Service centre

Terminal eCall data

to be tested

Figure 2. eCall test service.

1.2 Communication framework

The data content and format of eCall messages is based on eSafety forum1 eCall DG
recommendations for eCall Minimum Set of Data (MSD): Recommendations for the
introduction of the pan-European eCall (published April 2006) [1].

In addition to the recommended MSD format, the test bench supports also two other
non-standard special-purpose formats (called FDS and MDS), which formats are based
on the eCall prestudy in Finland (within AINO programme2) and previous specifications
and drafts by E-MERGE (EU project)3, Telematics Forum (GTP 1.0)4 and ETSI (OCG

1.2.1 From in-vehicle terminal to PSAP, MSD format

In-vehicle terminal sends message containing the eCall Minimum Set of Data (MSD) to

With the eCall test service, the data transmission is accomplished via IP-network using
the HTTP POST method for testing purposes.

1.2.2 From in-vehicle terminal to PSAP, MDS and FDS formats

MDS format

In-vehicle terminal sends message containing the minimum data set (MDS) to PSAP.
The data transmission can be accomplished either using voice channel to send DTMF
codes or via IP-network (e.g. GPRS) using the HTTP POST method.

The length of binary encoded MDS message is 19 bytes. Using voice channel (phone
call) the message is coded as DTMF signals. One byte produces two DTMF marks, so
the length of the message is 38 DTMF marks.

FDS format

In-vehicle terminal sends full data set (FDS) message to service centre. The message is
in XML format and is transmitted over IP-network (GPRS) using the HTTP POST
method. The service centre will check the validity of the structure and content of the
message using XML schema [].


Service centre forwards received valid FDS messages to PSAP. Further, the service
centre can provide additional information or fill missing information. (For example, the
centre may include a database containing information about the vehicle.) The additional
information can be sent as separate messages (FDS+) following the original FDS
message. All the messages are sent using HTTP POST.


2.1 MSD message (eSafety forum eCall DG recommendation, April

The format of the MSD message is outlined in the following table:

Name Size Type Validation Description Note

Control 1 Integer no Bit7: Automatic 2.1.1
Bit6: Manual activation
Bit5: Test call
Bit4: No confidence in
Bit3-Bit0: Reserved
Vehicle 20 String The number VIN number according 2.1.2
identification consist of 17 to ISO 3779
characters not
including the
letters I, O or
Time stamp 4 Integer value >= 0 UTC seconds 2.1.3

Location 4 Integer -324000000 Latitude (WGS-84) in 2.1.4

value milliarcseconds
4 Integer -648000000 Longitude (WGS-84) in
value milliarcseconds
1 Byte 0 value Direction in degrees.
255 The nearest integer of
Service 4 Byte[4] IPV4 format or Service provider IP 2.1.5
provider blank field Address or blank field
Optional data 102 String no Further data (e.g. crash 2.1.6
information) or blank
Total bytes: 140

Table 1. MSD message format.

The table column Validation shows what rules are used by the eCall test bench to
validate the values of input data. The MSD message is encoded in 140 bytes (byte1
byte140) for data transmission.

The following subsections describe the encoding of the field values of the message.
(Note that all the encoding rules used are not yet completely specified in the
recommendation [1] and are currently specific to the eCall test bench.)

2.1.1 Control

The control field is encoded into one byte (byte1). The bits are described in Table 1.
(bit0 = 0x1, bit1 = 0x2, , bit7 = 0x80)

2.1.2 Vehicle identifier

The vehicle identifier is represented by a string of 17 characters according to ISO 3779.

It is encoded into 20 bytes (byte2-byte21). Each byte corresponds to one character. The
last three bytes (byte19-byte21) correspond to blank characters.

2.1.3 Time stamp

Time stamp is represented as the difference (in seconds) between the current time and
midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. It is encoded as a four byte integer (byte22 byte25;
most significant byte first).

2.1.4 Location and direction

The location is defined by WGS-84 format coordinates represented in milliarcseconds.

The position latitude and longitude values are signed. The allowed value ranges are
shown in Table 1.

The latitude is encoded into four byte integer (byte26-byte29; most significant byte first).

The longitude is encoded into four byte integer (byte30-byte33; most significant byte

The direction represents the direction of travel in degrees (based on last three positions).
The direction value is between 0 and 360 degrees. It is encoded into one byte (byte34) by
rounding the direction value into range 0 to 255 as follows: the byte value is the nearest
integer of (255.0 * direction)/ 360.0).

2.1.5 Service provider

The service provider field is optional. If the value is provided, IPV4 format should be

The IPV4 address (a.b.c.d; where a,b,c and d is between 0 and 255) is encoded into four
bytes (byte35-byte38) as follows. The encoded result is in network byte order: the
highest order byte of the address is in the position of byte35.

If the service provider address is not provided, the four bytes corresponds to blank
characters (i.e., the bytes has the numeric value 32).

2.1.6 Optional data

The optional data field is optional. The field is encoded as 102 bytes (byte39-byte140).
The input data string is encoded as follows. Each character of the string is converted
into one byte (starting from the byte39). The remaining bytes are assigned the value 32
(blank character).

2.2 FDS message (Finnish proposal, June 2005)
FDS message includes the following information:

Content XML description Required Note

Status header/flags element
private attribute (true or false)
test attribute (true or false)
Message type header/type element X Section
Version header/version element X 2.2.1
Message control header/control element
buffered attribute (true or false)
response attribute (true or false)
Privilege level header/privilege element
Vehicle type ivs/vehicle/type element X 2.2.2
Carco ivs/vehicle/cargo element X 2.2.2
Vehicle manufacturer ivs/vehicle/manufacturer element
Vehicle ivs/vehicle/model_year element
manufacturing year
Vehicle identification ivs/vehicle/vin element
Vehicle license ivs/vehicle/license element
Vehicle colour ivs/vehicle/colour element
Vehicle model ivs/vehicle/model element
Terminal MSID code ivs/terminal/msid element X 2.2.2
(MSISDN | IMEI | IMSI) element
Terminal ivs/terminal/manufacturer element
Terminal HW version ivs/terminal/hardware element
Terminal SW version ivs/terminal/software element
Terminal serial ivs/terminal/serial element
Service provider IP ivs/service_provider/ip_addres
address s element
Palveluntarjoajan puh. ivs/service_provider/phone
no. element
Service provider ivs/service_provider/country
country element
Timestamp setting/time element X 2.2.3
Current location setting/current_location element X 2.2.3
Driving direction setting/direction element X 2.2.3
Velocity setting/velocity element X 2.2.3
Previous location setting/previous_location element

Position change setting/location_change element
Message source incident/source element X 2.2.4
Accident recognition incident/recognition element
Acciddent intensity incident/intensity element
Number of passagers incident/passengers element
Accident further data incident/data element
Other information info element

Table 2. The content of FDS message.

In the table, the required elements of the message in XML format are shown in italics
and marked with (X) in the last column. The default values of attributes are shown in

The structure and semantics of the message is described by an XML schema that is
located in the following public address:

The generic XML structure of FDS message is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


<header>...</header> (cf. Section 2.1.1)

<ivs>...</ivs> (Section 2.1.2)

<setting>...</setting> (Section 2.1.3)

<incident>...</incident> (Section 2.1.4)

<info>Additional information</info>


An example of FDS message:

2.2.1 FDS header

The type of the message is "FDS, which is coded in XML format ("type" element) as
the number "11".

The current message version is "1.0", which is coded in XML representation as the
number "0".


2.2.2 Vehicle and in-vehicle terminal information

Vehicle and in-vehicle terminal information are organized as subelements of the

element "ivs".

Vehicle type is coded as a number between 0-7. (reserved)

Cargo is coded as a number between 0-255 (reserved)

Message identifier (MSID) is MSISDN, IMEI or IMSI (at least one should be given in
the message). The values are represented as follows [3GPP TS 23.003 V6.5.0 (2004-

IMEI (International Mobile station Equipment Identities)

Representation: 15 digits (always)

TAC (Type Allocation Code): 8 digits

+ SNR (Serial Number): 6 digits

+ 1 digit

MSISDN (Mobile Station International ISDN Number)

Representation: in total at most 15 digits (default)

CC (Country Code):

+ NDC (National Destination Code):

+ SN (Subscriber Number):

IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity)

Representation: in total at most 15 digits

MCC (Mobile Country Code): 3 digits

+ MNC (Mobile Network Code): 2-3 digits

+ MSIN (Mobile Subscriber Identification Number)

An example:


2.2.3 Timestamp and in-vehicle movement/location information

Timestamp of current location is represented as follows [LIF MLP 3.0.0]:
year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds

The attribute "utc_off" of the time element is optional. Its default value is

All coordinates are represented in WGS-84 desimal format.

<time utc_off="+0200">20050613010423</time>

2.2.4 Incident information
Accident information include: message source and recognition, the number of
passengers and other additional information. These are organised as subelements
of the element "incident".

The values of message source ("source" element) belong to the following set:
"manual", "rolled over", "airbag", "crash" and "moved"

<item>rolled over</item>

2.3 MDS message (Finnish proposal, June 2005)

MDS message contains only the required data.

The message is encoded tightly to 19 bytes for sending in DTMF format within phone

Bytes Content Description Note

1 Header message type (5 bits) + version (3 bits) Section 2.3.1
2 Status source (5 bits) + vehicle type (3 bits) 2.3.2
3 Cargo cargo type 2.3.2
4-10 Identifier MSID (IMEI, IMSI or MSISDN) 2.3.3
11-13 Latitudi WGS84 in degrees 2.3.4
(signed -90 90)
14-16 Longitudi WGS84 in degrees 2.3.4
(signed, -180 180)
17 Velocity km/h (0-254 and 255 when >= 255) (integer)
18 Direction degrees * 255 / 360 (rounded to nearest integer)
19 Checksum CRC-8

Table 3. Encoding of MDS message into 19 bytes.

Using DTMF codes it is possible to send only numbers 0-9, letters A-D, and marks #
and *. The conversion of binary data to DTMF is performed by translating the 19 bytes
into hexadecimal numbers and replacing E and F with # and *, respectively.

(For example, the byte queue "243 14 6" is coded as hexadecimal numbers as follows:

"F3 0E 06" and after the replacement the resulting DTMF sequence "*30#06".)

2.3.1 MDS header

The type of the message is "MDS" which is coded as 5-bit binary number "01011".

The current version of the message is "1.0" which is coded as 3-bit binary number

Thus, the header in binary format is: 01011000.

2.3.2 Status and cargo

Message source is represented by five bits that is coded as follows:

Source Bit

"manual" 1

"rolled over" 2

"airbag" 3

"crash" 4

"moved" 5

Vehicle type is coded as 3 bits, a number between 0-7. (reserved)

Cargo is coded as 1 byte, a number between 0-255. (reserved)

2.3.3 Coding of the MSID field of the message

The MSID field contains one of the following: IMSI, MSISDN or IMEI. Their values
are represented as shown in Section 2.1.2.

Coding of the MSID identifier

The MSID identifier (number) will be translated into 7-byte binary number:

Type code

Type code is included into the first byte (b0) using 5 bits (bit3-bit7).

Input: IMEI identifier "001234567890123".
=> in binary format:
00000000 00000001 00011111 01110001 11111011 00000100 11001011
where bytes b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 and b6.

Then, MSID type is coded to the result (IMEI => 1):

=> 00001000 00000001 00011111 01110001 11111011 00000100 11001011

2.3.4 Coding of Latitude and longitude values


Latitude in WGS-84 decimal format (signed [-90, 90])

Longitude in WGS-84 decimal format (signed [-180, 180]).

The values are coded as 24-bit binary numbers as follows:

Latitude: (latitude+90)*(2^24-1)/180 rounded to nearest integer converted to binary


Longitude: (longitude+180)*(2^24-1)/360 rounded to nearest integer converted to

binary format.

latitude = 60.123456

(60.123456+90)*(2^24-1)/180 = 13992519 (rounded to nearest integer)

=> 11010101 10000010 01000111
where bytes b0 b1 and b2.

longitude = -24.123456

(-24.123456+180)*(2^24-1)/360 = 1124234
=> 00010001 00100111 10001010


1. eSafety Forum eCall DG: Recommendations for the introduction of the pan-
European eCall (published April 2006).


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