Busch R 5 RA 0165, 0205, 0255, 0305 D
Busch R 5 RA 0165, 0205, 0255, 0305 D
Busch R 5 RA 0165, 0205, 0255, 0305 D
Operating Instructions
Busch LLC
516 Viking Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Phone: (757) 463-7800
Fax: (757) 463-7407
Identification 2
Operating Principles 2
1.1 Unpacking 2
1.2 Location 2
1.3 Power Requirements 2
1.4 Vacuum Connections 3
1.5 Oil Filling 3
2.1 Start-up 4
2.2 Gas Ballast 4
2.3 Process Gas 4
2.4 Stopping Pump 4
2.5 Water-Cooled Pumps (optional) 4
2.6 Oxygen Service Pumps 5
3.1 Pump Oil 5
3.1.1 Oil Level 5
3.1.2 Oil Type and Quantity 6
3.1.3 Oil and Filter Change 6
3.1.4 Oil Flushing Procedure 6
3.2 Automotive-Type Oil Filter 6
3.3 Exhaust Filter 7
3.4 Inlet Flange 8
3.5 Vacuum Inlet Filter (Optional) 8
3.6 Maintenance Chart 8
3.7 Overhaul Kit/Filter Kit 8
Technical Data 13
Parts List 14
Illustration of RA 0165/0205/0255/0305 15
We reserve the right to change the product at any time without any form of notification. The information in this pub-
lication is accurate to the best of our ability at the time of printing. Busch, LLC will not be responsible for errors
encountered when attempting to perform tasks outlined in this publication which is copyright protected.
GENERAL All R 5 series pumps are designed to handle air.
Vapor in the air stream can be tolerated when the
Identification pump is operated within certain operating parameters
as defined by Busch, LLC Engineering (see Section
For model identification, see the nameplate mounted on 2.2 - Gas Ballast). When you desire to use the pump
the side of the exhaust box. on an air stream that contains vapors, contact Busch
LLC. Engineering for operating recommendations; oth-
This manual is written to cover installation and opera- erwise, the warranty could be void.
tion of the RA version of models 0165, 0205, 0255 and
0305 with a "D" appearing as the seventh character in 1.0 INSTALLATION
the model type number stamped into the nameplate.
For example it would appear as follows: 1.1 Unpacking
RA0XXX - DXXX - XXXX Inspect the box and pump carefully for any signs of
damage incurred in transit. R 5 Pumps pass a rigorous
When ordering parts, it is helpful to include the identifi- operating test in the factory and are packed carefully to
cation code stamped into the side of the cylinder as well avoid transit damage. Since all pumps are ordinarily
as the serial number from the nameplate. shipped FOB our factory, such damage is the normal
responsibility of the carrier and should be reported to
All reference (Ref. XX) numbers listed in the text and on The pump must be installed in a horizontal position on
illustrations throughout this manual are related to the a level surface so that the pump is evenly supported on
drawings and parts list near the end of this publication. its rubber feet. Allow sufficient air space between the
pump and any walls or other obstructions; adequate
R 5 Series, Single Stage, Rotary Vacuum Pumps are ventilation must be provided for the fans on the pump
direct-driven, air-cooled, oil-sealed rotary vane pumps and motor (i.e., do not locate the pump in a stagnant air
which operate as positive displacement pumps (see location).
Fig. 1). They consist of a rotor positioned eccentrically
in a cylindrical stator (see Fig. 2). When the rotor spins, Whenever the pump is transported, be sure to drain the
centrifugal force pushes the vanes, which glide in slots, oil prior to shipping to avoid vane breakage when
towards the wall of the cylinder. The rotor has three restarting the pump.
vanes which divide the pump chamber into three seg-
ments. The gas to be pumped enters at the inlet port, Do not tip the pump over if it is filled with oil.
passes through the inlet screen and the open anti-suck-
back valve into the pump chamber. As the rotor rotates, Locate the pump for easy access to the oil sight glass
the inlet aperture is closed, the gas is compressed and (Ref. 83) in order to inspect and control the oil level
forced out through one-way valves between the pump properly. Allow clearance at the exhaust flange area to
cylinder and the exhaust box. Differential pressure con- provide service access to the exhaust filters.
stantly causes oil to be pressed into the compression
chambers. The gas/oil mixture is separated by the dis- 1.3 Power Requirements
charge filters (Ref. 120). The oil-free medium is dis-
charged through the exhaust cover plate (Ref. 140) to The schematic diagram for the electrical connection is
atmosphere. This operation is repeated three times located in the junction box or on the nameplate of the
each revolution. pump motor.
75 159 260 120 140
The motor must be connected according to the electri- If more than one vacuum pump or a receiver tank is
cal codes governing the installation. The power supply connected to a common main line, each pump should
must be routed through a fused switch to protect the have its own manual or automatic operated shut-off
motor against electrical or mechanical overloads. The valve or positive action check valve. The built-in anti-
motor starter has to be set consistent with the motor suck-back valve should not be used as a shut-off valve
current listed on the motor nameplate. for the vacuum system.
CAUTION: After the electrical connection CAUTION: Do not use the anti-suck-back
has been made, but before the pump is valve as a check or shut-off valve for your
filled with oil, the rotation of the motor vacuum system.
must be checked. Open the inlet port and
jog the motor briefly to make sure rotation Remove the plastic protective cap from the inlet port
is correct. If it runs backwards and if it is prior to connection of the pump to the system. Vertical
wired three phase power, reverse any two connection of the vacuum line can be made directly to
leads of the three at the power connection. the pump inlet (Ref. 260).
If the pump is supplied with a manual motor starter, it is The type and size of the inlet connections of the R 5
preset at the factory in accordance with the customers Series pump is shown in the TECHNICAL DATA page
specification. For other voltage requirements, contact 12.
the factory for motor and/or starter information.
If the gas that is pumped contains dust or other foreign
Note: See the motor manufacturers manual for start- solid particles, a suitable (10 micron rating or less) inlet
up maintenance of the motor. filter should be connected to the inlet port. Consult the
factory for recommendations.
Correct direction of rotation is marked by an arrow on
the motor fan housing and is counterclockwise when 1.5 Oil Filling
looking at the motor from the motor's fan side.
The pump is shipped without oil. After level installation,
1.4 Vacuum Connections after correct rotation has been established and with the
pump switched "off" and secured against accidental
Use a line size to the vacuum system that is at least as start-up, fill the pump with the recommended vacuum
large as that of the pump inlet. Smaller lines will result oil through the oil filling port (Ref. 88), observing the
in lower pumping speeds than the rated values. "MAX" and "MIN" position at the oil sight glass (Ref.
Install a drip leg and drain on the vertical pipe near the
pump inlet. Drain the drip leg often to prevent conden- Non-detergent oil should be used. Do not use
sation from entering the pump. Also, when installing detergent motor oil as additives in detergent oil will
discharge piping, a drip leg should be installed. plug exhaust filter elements and shorten their life.
It is recommended that Busch R500 Series oil be used Start the pump and immediately close the inlet. Run the
to receive the best performance from your vacuum pump for a few minutes before checking the oil level
equipment. R500 Series oil is a high quality vacuum oil again. With the pump shut off, the oil level should be
that will give longer running time between oil changes, visible in the oil sight glass (Ref. 83), between the "MIN"
will provide better lubrication at high operating and "MAX" mark.
temperatures, and will prolong the life of exhaust filter
elements. This oil can be obtained directly from Busch Add oil, if necessary, but only add it when the pump has
LLC in Virginia Beach, Virginia. been shut off and the circulating oil has had sufficient
time to return to the oil sump.
The strict use of Busch oils and parts from the day of
purchase can extend the life of the vacuum pump. 2.2 Gas Ballast
For general applications, use R530 in all models R 5 Series RA 0165 through 0305 D pumps are
covered by this manual. Use R590 or R570 in pumps equipped with an adjustable gas ballast valve (Ref.
that are operated in high ambient temperatures (above 474). The adjustable gas ballast valve should normally
90F) or when the oil carbonizes (turns black) before be left open. Its primary function is to prevent water
the change interval. Use R590 or R570 on 0250 pumps. vapor from condensing in the pump. Condensation
Contact the factory for recommendations when using causes emulsification of the oil, loss of lubricity, and
other oils. possible rotor seizure.
The TECHNICAL DATA chart on page 13 gives the Check the gas ballast filter periodically to ensure that air
approximate quantities of oil required for each pump. is flowing through it properly.
The oil capacity chart should only be used as a guide,
since oil capacity may be slightly lower, depending on 2.3 Process Gas
whether the pump was filled previously, and whether all
components such as oil filter, oil lines, etc., were The R 5 series pumps are designed to pump air and are
allowed to completely drain. Use only the sight glass not intended for use when water vapor is being
reading for proper level. Never overfill ! pumped. In some applications, when the quantity of the
water vapor is moderate, R 5 pumps have been used
WARNING: Keep the oil fill plug tight as with good results. On these occasions, the pump is run
pressure in the exhaust box could cause until it is up to operating temperature before it is allowed
bodily injury if the plug is blown out. Do not to pump the process gas. The pump is also operated for
fill/add the pump with oil through the a period of time off process and on air (to clear it of
exhaust/inlet ports as there is danger of process gas) before it is shut down. This operating
breaking the vanes! technique prevents the vapor from condensing in the
pump. Before attempting to pump a gas laden with
water vapor, contact Busch Engineering for advice.
For ambient operating temperatures lower than 41F,
use Busch R580 synthetic oil. If this does not help 2.4 Stopping pump
(where the pump has difficulty starting due to high oil
viscosity), contact the factory in Virginia Beach, To stop the pump, turn off the power. The pump has a
Virginia. built-in anti-suck-back valve (Ref. 251 thru 255) to
prevent the pump from rotating backwards when it is
Replace the oil fill plug (Ref. 88), and pressure gauge shut off.
(Ref. 90), making sure that the gasket (Ref. 89) is in
place and properly seated and secured. Pumps are CAUTION: Do not use the anti-suck-back
equipped with an exhaust pressure gauge as an inte- valve as a check or shut-off valve for your
gral part of the oil fill plug. Switch the power back into vacuum system.
the "on" position.
Install a manual or automatic valve or check valve in
2.0 OPERATION each pipe leading to each pump when multiple pumps
are pumping on a common header.
2.1 Start-up
All R 5 Series pumps are vented internally to
Check rotation of the motor as described in Section 1.3. atmospheric pressure through venting holes which are
- Power Requirements. next to the exhaust valve assembly.
Fill the pump with oil as described in Section 1.5. 2.5 Water-Cooled Pumps (Optional)
- Oil Filling
Water-cooled pumps are cooled by circulating the oil
through a shell-and-tube type heat exchanger. The cir- or not used as directed, a dangerous situation or dam-
culation of the pump oil through the shell is created by age might occur.
vacuum in the pump, but the circulation of the cooling
water through the tubes is thermostatically controlled. WARNING: This pump is filled with a special
The flow rate of the cooling water is controlled by a ther- operating fluid. Do not use any other type
mostatically activated valve (see Fig. 3) that senses, of fluid, oil and/or grease. Use one of the
through a capillary bulb mounted in the exhaust box, following:
the pump's oil temperature as it is discharged from the
compression chamber. The valve will open at its set Fomblin LC 250
point and close at approximately 3F to 5F below the Tyreno Fluid 12/25V (perfluorinated poly
set point. The valve set point is adjustable as follows: ether)
KRYTOX Vacuum pump fluid by Du Pont
(a) Rotate the valve adjustment screw counter- Company
clockwise to cause the valve to open at a higher tem-
perature. This makes the pump run hotter. If you have any questions, please phone our
Customer Service Department for more information.
(b) Rotate the valve adjustment screw clockwise to
make the valve open at a lower temperature. This It is mandatory that these operating instruc-
makes the pump run cooler. tions be read and understood prior to vacu-
um pump installation and start-up!
2.6 Oxygen Service Pumps With the pump installed relatively level, make sure that
there is sufficient clean oil in the pump (see Section
Oxygen service pumps must be used in oxygen 1.5). The oil level should be observed on a daily basis
enriched applications that are defined as any applica- and/or after 8 hours of operation and should be replen-
tion which has a process gas that is 25% or more oxy- ished if it drops below the 1/4 mark on the oil sight
gen. If this pump is contaminated by organic com- glass.
pounds do not attempt to use it on oxygen service until
it has been decontaminated. Oil level readings should be done only when the pump
is turned off. Oil can be added to the oil fill port (Ref.
These pumps have been manufactured, solvent 88) if the pump is shut off and the circulating oil has suf-
washed (to remove organic contaminants) and assem- ficient time to return to the oil sump. The oil might
bled according to the latest technical standards and appear to be foamy, which is a normal phenomenon
safety regulations. If this pump is not installed properly with aerated oil.
Under normal circumstances, it should not be neces- ing. Contact the factory Service Department for advice
sary to add or drain oil from the pump between recom- or refer to Section 3.1.4 for the flushing procedure.
mended oil changes.
To change the oil, the pump must be switched off and
A significant drop in oil level means there is an oil leak ventilated to reach atmospheric pressure. Remove the
or that an exhaust filter is broken, and the pump should oil drain plug (Ref. 95) and drain the oil. Dispose of the
be smoking excessively. It is normal for the oil to be oil in compliance with local or national regulations.
foamy and light in color in an operating pump. When the oil stops draining, replace the oil drain plug.
However, if the oil is milky colored, it is an indication
that water is present in the oil. Normally, by operating Start the pump again for a few seconds. Stop the pump
the pump for an extended period, with the inlet suction once again, and then reopen the drain plug and dis-
blanked off and the gas ballast open, the water will be charge any remaining oil.
purged from the oil. If the oil is dark colored, it is con-
taminated or carbonized and must be changed. Refasten the oil drain plug. Remove the oil filter (Ref.
Depending on the severity of the contamination, a thor- 100) and replace it with a new one using a Busch gen-
ough flushing may be required. Contact the factory for uine oil filter. Make sure to tighten the filter securely
flushing oil (Busch R568) and instructions. against the aluminum sealing surface so that leaks will
not occur.
3.1.2 Oil Type and Quantity
Excessive Heat
See Section 1.5 and the Technical Data page 13 for
details on oil type and quantity. When the pump is subjected to operating conditions
that will cause the oil to be heated above 210F, the oil
CAUTION: When changing the oil and fil- will carbonize and become contaminated after a rela-
ters, it may be necessary to flush the pump tively low number of operating hours. The higher the
to remove any build-up of degraded oil from temperature, the quicker the oil becomes contaminated.
the sumps, oil lines, radiators, etc. to If the oil temperature is too severe, Busch R570 or
ensure proper oil flow through the pump. R590 synthetic oil should be used to withstand the ele-
Reduced oil flow, especially through radia- vated temperatures. When changing to synthetic oil,
tors and cooling coils, can cause mechani- the pump should be flushed with Busch R568 oil.
cal damage or extreme overheating which Contact the factory for instructions on the flushing pro-
could cause the oil vapors to ignite. cedure. Auxiliary oil cooling is the most practical
approach to a severe heating problem.
WARNING: Always take the necessary pre-
cautions concerning personal protective Contaminated Air Stream
equipment when changing oil and make
sure the pump is switched to the "off" so When the air stream contains solids and/or liquid that
that accidental starting will not occur. Oil contaminate the oil, the oil must be changed more
temperature can reach 212F and may pose often. If the air stream contains a small percentage of
a danger of scalding. contaminates and/or they are slightly aggressive* (mild
acids, etc.), synthetic oil, such as Busch R570, will
3.1.3 Oil and Filter Change resist breakdown better than the standard Busch R530.
The solution is to install a filter or knock-out pot to keep
Check the oil for contamination on a weekly basis by the contaminates out of the pump.
shutting the pump off and draining some of the oil into
a small glass or a similar transparent container through *Process air streams with a large percentage of con-
the oil drain port (Ref. 95). taminates and/or are more than slightly aggressive
must use a chemical duty pump.
Oil life is dependent upon the conditions to which it is
exposed. A clean, dry air stream and an oil operating Oil change intervals can only be established by experi-
temperature under 210F are ideal conditions. Oil must ence with the pump operating in the actual conditions
be changed after the first 100 initial hours of operation. (see previous paragraph for some of the conditions).
After the initial oil change, and when using R530 Develop the oil change interval by periodically checking
(hydrocarbon oil), it is recommended that oil changes an oil sample removed from the pump. When the oil
are made every three (3) to four (4) months or 500 to sample has become dark in color (from solids and car-
750 hours of operation, or as necessary if high heat is bonized particles) or is milky looking (from water), it is
contaminating the oil. The use of Busch R570 (syn- time to discard it. As mentioned before, a thorough
thetic) or R590 (semi-synthetic) oil may significantly flushing may be required.
extend the operating hours between oil changes; how-
ever, you may need to flush out the pump before chang-
3.1.4 Oil Flushing Procedure If possible run the pump with the inlet closed and off of
the process. Run the pump for approximately six hours,
Flushing is needed under certain conditions. Some shut the pump off and drain a small sample of oil into a
pumps will be beyond flushing and will need to be over- clear container.
Examine it. If it is clear to amber run the pump for
To help determine if flushing is needed, observe the another six hours and examine it again. If after the first
condition of the oil as it is drained from the pump. Is it six hours it is black drain it and fill again using another
black and tar like or contaminated in any way? Was the new oil filter.
pump noisy, overheating, or was the motor overload
shutting the pump off? How old is the pump and when If after the second flushing the oil still remains black the
was the last time the oil was changed? pump may have too much contaminated oil in it to flush
out properly. There may be residue remaining in the
If the above conditions exist or you don't know when the lines and cooler that will not flush out. An overhaul will
last oil change was performed further investigation is be necessary.
needed. Also, when changing from one oil type such as
R530 to another type such as R590 or R570 it will be If after the second six hour period the oil still remains
beneficial to flush. Although the oils are compatible, clear to amber in color drain it, change the oil filter and
mixing a lesser grade oil such as R530 with a synthetic fill with the regular oil. At this point also change the
oil like R570 will reduce the effectiveness of the syn- exhaust filters.
thetic oil.
Run the pump with a fresh charge of the oil to be used
All of the oil will be removed and replaced with the in your application (not R-568), and monitor the operat-
flushing oil (Busch R-568), and eventually that will be ing conditions closely. Check for noise, overheating
replaced by whatever Busch oil is needed for your par- and oil condition until a regular oil change schedule can
ticular application. Have enough oil and oil filters on be established.
hand for a couple of flushes. The following describes
the steps in the flushing procedure: Do not let the oil turn black. Change it before it fails. If
the oil is kept in good condition the pump will last for
Shut the pump off and drain all the oil from the pump years. If the oil starts to turn black do not hesitate to
and remove the access plates (Ref. 205) from the flush again. Keeping on top of the oil changes will pre-
exhaust box (Ref. 075). Remove the metal baffle (Ref. vent costly overhauls.
078) and take a good look at the internal walls of the oil
sump. If the walls are discolored but have no build up If you are just switching from one type of oil to another
of any kind one can proceed with the flushing. If gelled a single six hour flush is all that is necessary (follow the
or burnt oil is clinging to the walls this material must be above instructions). Remember to change to a new
scraped and removed prior to flushing. Proceed by exhaust filter or filters after the flushing and not before.
scraping and cleaning as much of the exhaust box as
possible. The more debris that is removed now the 3.2 Automotive-Type Oil Filter
more effective the flushing will be later. Re-install the
metal baffle, cover and proceed with the flushing. At WARNING: Always wear safety glasses and
this point one must remember that the oil lines and oil other appropriate personal protective
cooler might also be plugged to a point where no equipment when performing any mainte-
amount of flushing will make a difference and a com- nance or repair to your R 5 pump.
plete overhaul will be the only option. Depending on
the severity of the oil contamination flushing may be a The pump is equipped with an automotive-type oil filter
last ditch effort. (Ref. 100). When replacing the automotive-type oil fil-
ter, use only a Busch genuine filter.
Drain all of the oil from the pump. The more contami-
nated oil you remove now the more effective the oil Note: Make sure to tighten the Busch oil filter secure-
flushing will be. ly against the aluminum sealing surface so that leaks
will not occur.
Remove the oil filter (Ref. 100) and install a new one. It
is recommended that you do not change the exhaust fil- 3.3 Exhaust Filter
ter or filters until after the flushing to prevent contami-
nation of any new filters. WARNING: If the gas entering this pump is
a health hazard, use rubber gloves and all
Fill the exhaust box with the proper amount of flushing necessary personal protection equipment
oil (Busch R-568). when performing the exhaust filter replace-
ment operation.
Exhaust filters (Ref. 120) should be checked monthly. box using the stud (Ref. 131) as a guide. The stud
A pressure gauge (Ref. 90) is supplied with your R5 should slide through the hole in the support (Ref. 133).
vacuum pump as part of the oil fill plug. This gauge has Secure the assembly with the lockwasher (Ref. 132)
a green field and a red field. A pressure within the and hexagon nut (Ref. 134).
green field would indicate normal pressure. Any pres-
sure in the red field (for a continuos period of time) Reinstall the sheet metal plate (Ref. 136) and the baffle
requires an immediate change of the exhaust filter(s). strainer (Ref. 130) into the guide track of the exhaust
Every nine (9) to twelve (12) months, or as necessary, box (see Fig. 4). Press to the bottom of the exhaust
replace the exhaust filter elements. The service life of box. Make sure that the baffle strainer touches all sides
the exhaust filters varies widely with pump application. of the exhaust box. Insert the distance sleeve (Ref.
It is only necessary to change the filters when the ele- 137) into the two grooves. This holds the sheet metal
ments become clogged with foreign material or burned plate and baffle strainer in place.
oil. Indications of clogged filters are smoke and oil mist
coming from the pump exhaust or higher than normal
motor current.
120 136
CAUTION: Excessively contaminated and/or
clogged exhaust filters could possibly lead 130
to elevated pump temperatures which 115 134
could, under certain circumstances, cause
the lubricating oil to self-ignite.
Remove the discharge filter assembly by unscrewing Fig. 4 - Exhaust Filters and Strainer
the nut (Ref. 134) and removing the lockwasher (Ref.
132). Carefully slide the assembly out of the exhaust Inspect the exhaust box end cover gasket (Ref. 141) for
box (Ref. 75). Stand the filter assembly up on a clean damage and replace if damaged. With the gasket in
flat surface. place, secure the exhaust cover end plate (Ref. 140) to
the exhaust box using eight hex head cap screws (Ref.
To have access to the individual filters, unscrew the two 142) and eight lockwashers (Ref. 143).
cylinder cover screws (Fig. 126), and remove the two
lockwashers (Ref. 128) and the exhaust filter grip plate To field test an exhaust filter element, remove it from
(Ref. 115). the pump, allow it to cool, clean the sealing end (or O-
ring end), and use compressed air to blow through the
Remove the exhaust filters (Ref. 120) and O-rings (Ref. element. Apply approximately 3 to 6 psi, which is the
121). Remove the filter support (Ref. 118) and O-rings maximum allowable operating pressure across the fil-
(Ref. 119). ter.
Replace the support and O-rings with new ones. Make Use a shop rag to seal off the connection between the
sure that the O-rings are fitted securely and that the fil- air hose and the filter.
ter elements (Ref. 120) fit securely into the depressions
on the filter support (Ref. 118). The indicating arrow on If you can blow through it, the element is good. If not,
each element must be pointing upward toward the top discard it and install a new one. The filter cannot be
of the exhaust box after the assembly has been cleaned successfully. Visually inspect the filter element
installed. for cracks.
Carefully position the filter support tube (Ref. 133) Reinstall the filter elements as described previously.
between the exhaust filter grip (Ref. 115) and the filter
support without displacing the filters from their seated 3.4 Inlet Flange
position in the filter support. Install the two lockwashers
(Ref. 128) and two screws (Ref. 126). The standard inlet flange assembly contains an inlet
screen (Ref. 261) which may require occasional clean-
Insert the support and filter assembly into the exhaust ly. The frequency of cleaning can only be determined
by experience and is affected by hours of operation and As necessary: The radiator (Ref. 241), fan hood
particle size being trapped. An optional vacuum inlet fil- (Ref. 244) and motor cover should be inspected regu-
ter is offered and can help minimize the need or fre- larly for debris. Soiling prevents cool air intake and may
quency of cleaning the inlet screen. lead to overheating of the pump.
To clean the screen, disconnect the flange from the 3.7 Overhaul Kit/Filter Kit
process piping. Remove the four screws and lock-
washers (Ref. 265/266). Remove the inlet flange (Ref. An overhaul kit containing a set of gaskets and O-rings,
260). Remove the screen (Ref. 261) and clean with vanes, bearings and bearing sleeves, shaft seals and
compressed air. After cleaning, install the screen and taper pins, is available from the factory. Also, a filter kit
inlet securing them with the screws and lockwashers. containing oil drain plug, gaskets, automotive type oil fil-
Make sure the O-ring (Ref. 265) is in place prior to ter, exhaust filter and synthetic baffle strainer is avail-
securing the screws. Reattach the process piping to able from the factory. When ordering, please specify
the inlet. pump size and model (a 4-digit suffix after size), and
serial number.
3.5 Vacuum Inlet Filter (optional)
If the pump is equipped with an optional special vacu-
um inlet filter in applications where powder, dust or grit 4.1 Trouble
is present, the filter cartridge should be cleaned on a
weekly basis, or as required, depending on the amount The pump does not reach "blank-off" pres-
of foreign particles to which the pump is exposed. sure which is the lowest absolute pressure
(best vacuum) when running with the inlet
To clean the inlet filter, unsnap the lid clamps or remove closed via a blank flange or a valve; or the
the knobs and lift off the filter lid. Remove cartridge, pump takes too long to evacuate the system.
being careful not to knock any foreign particles present "Blank-off" pressure can be measured by
inside the canister into the pump suction. Clean foreign using a good quality capsule gauge.
particles from the canister with an air hose, and care-
fully back flush the filter cartridge with shop air. If the fil- Possible Cause: Contaminated oil is by far the most
ter cartridge has been subjected to moisture or is common cause of not reaching the ultimate pressure.
extremely dirty, it may need replacement.
Remedy: Shut off the pump, after the operating tem-
3.6 Maintenance Chart perature has been reached, drain the warm oil from
pump and exchange the automotive-type oil filter
Note: See the motor manufacturers manual for the (where applicable), if necessary. Flush and fill the
periodic motor maintenance. pump with new oil and take a new "blank-off" measure-
ment after operating temperature is reached (at least
Note: Lack of proper maintenance can result in 20-30 minutes).
blocked filters, radiators, oil lines, etc. This condition
can lead to excessive heat causing mechanical failure Possible Cause: The vacuum system or vacuum
or ignition of the oil vapors. piping is not leak-tight.
Daily: Visually check oil level (see 3.1.1 and 3.1.2). Remedy: Check the hose and pipe connections for
possible leak.
Weekly: Check oil for contamination (see 3.1.3).
Inspect inlet filter (see Section 3.5). Possible Cause: The wire mesh inlet screen is
plugged (Ref. 261).
Every three (3) or four (4) months, 500 to 750
hours of operation, or as necessary: See 3.1.3 Remedy: Clean the wire mesh inlet screen. Install an
and 1.5. Drain and discard oil from the hot pump. inlet filter if the problem repeats frequently.
Replace the automotive-type oil filter and refill with
fresh oil through the fill plug (see 3.1.2 through 3.2). Possible Cause: No oil or not enough oil in the oil
Every nine (9) to twelve (12) months, or as
necessary: Replace exhaust filter elements (see Remedy: Shut off the pump, add the necessary oil, or
3.3). if oil seems contaminated, drain the balance of the oil
from the pump, exchange the automotive oil filter, and
As necessary: Check and/or clean the standard inlet refill with fresh oil. Flush if necessary.
screen. If the optional inlet filter is used, replace the fil-
ter material as practice determines. Possible Cause: The automotive-type oil filter is dirty
or clogged (where applicable). Possible Cause: The motor does not have the prop-
er supply voltage or is overloaded; the motor starter
Remedy: Replace the automotive-type oil filter, overload settings are too low or are the wrong setting;
exchange the oil, if necessary, and refill with fresh oil. fuses are burned; or the wire is too small or too long,
causing a voltage drop at the pump.
Possible Cause: The inlet anti-suck-back valve plate
(Ref. 251) is stuck in closed or partially open position Remedy: Check correct supply voltage; check over-
due to contamination. load settings in motor starter for size and setting
according to motor nameplate data; check fuses; and
Remedy: Disassemble the inlet valve and screen. install proper size wire. If the ambient temperature is
Clean as required. high, use larger size overloads or adjust the setting 5%
above nominal motor nameplate value.
Possible Cause: The oil tubing fittings are loose and
leaking. Possible Cause: The pump or motor is blocked.
Remedy: Replace or retighten the oil fittings or oil tub- Remedy: Remove the fan cover and try to turn pump
ing. Replace only with same size tubing. and motor by hand. If frozen, remove the motor from
the pump and check the motor and the pump separate-
Possible Cause: Shaft seal leaking. ly. If the pump is frozen, contact the nearest Busch
Factory Service Center for instructions.
Remedy: Replace the shaft seal. Contact the nearest
Busch Factory Service Center for instructions. 4.3 Trouble
Possible Cause: Exhaust valve (Ref. 159) is not The pump starts, but labors and draws a
properly seated or it is partially stuck open. very high current.
Remedy: Contact the nearest Busch Factory Service Possible Cause: The oil is too heavy (viscosity too
Center for instructions. high) or the ambient temperature is below 5 degrees C
Possible Cause: Vanes are blocked in rotor or are
otherwise damaged. Remedy: Change to R580 vacuum oil if very cold, or
warm up the oil before filling.
Remedy: Free vanes or replace with new ones.
Contact the nearest Busch Factory Service Center for Possible Cause: Pump is running in the wrong direc-
instructions. tion.
Possible Cause: The radial clearance between the Remedy: Check for the correct rotation which is coun-
rotor and cylinder is no longer adequate. terclockwise when looking at the motor from the motor's
fan side. Reverse any two leads on the motor to
Remedy: Contact the nearest Busch Factory Service change the direction of rotation.
Center for instructions.
Possible Cause: The pump is overfilled with oil or
Possible Cause: The internal parts are worn or dam- the wrong kind of oil is used.
Remedy: Correct the oil level and quality per Section
Remedy: Contact the nearest Busch Factory Service 1.5 and use recommended motor oil.
Center for instructions.
Possible Cause: Exhaust filters in exhaust chamber
Possible Cause: The inlet filter is clogged due to are clogged and appear burned black with pump oil.
process material.
Remedy: Replace the exhaust filters, maintain proper
Remedy: Contact the factory for recommendation on oil condition, oil level, and use only Busch recommend-
proper filter cartridge. ed vacuum oil and filters.
Possible Cause: Foreign particle in pump, vanes The pump runs very hot. See Technical Data
broken, bearings seized. for typical oil sump temperature.
Remedy: Contact the nearest Busch Factory Service Note: The oil temperature with a closed inlet should be
Center for instructions. approximately 185-225F depending on pump type. At
24 in. Hg, the oil in the pump can go above 225F.
4.4 Trouble These values are taken at an ambient temperature of
68F. The maximum recommended ambient operating
Pump smokes at the exhaust side or expels temperature for an R 5 is 100F on a continuous basis.
oil droplets from the exhaust. When it is necessary to operate a pump in ambient tem-
peratures above this limit, careful oil monitoring and/or
Possible Cause: Inlet to pump is in a wide open con- optional water cooling is necessary. Contact the facto-
dition. ry at Virginia Beach for details.
Remedy: Do not operate pump at high inlet pressures Possible Cause: Not enough air ventilation to the
for more than a few minutes (pressures = 0.00-10.0" Hg pump.
Remedy: Clean the motor and pump air grills. Clean
Possible Cause: The exhaust filter is not properly the radiator. Do not install the pump in an enclosed
seated with the O-ring (Ref. 121) in filter base or the fil- cabinet unless a sufficient amount of fresh air is sup-
ter material is cracked. plied to the pump. Bring the ambient air temperature
Remedy: Check the condition and check for proper
seating of the exhaust filters. Replace if necessary. Possible Cause: The automotive-type oil filter
Also, check the filter spring clips for tightness. clogged and pump does not receive enough oil.
Possible Cause: The exhaust filter is clogged with Remedy: Change the automotive oil filter.
foreign particles.
Possible Cause: Not enough oil in oil reservoir or
Remedy: Replace the exhaust filter. badly burned oil is used for pump lubrication.
Possible Cause: The oil return float valve (Ref. 194) Remedy: Drain and refill the pump only with non-
is not working properly. detergent oil and increase oil change intervals.
Remedy: Make sure the float valve and oil return line Note: On some high temperature applications, it may
are not plugged. Replace components if necessary. be necessary to change to a high temperature oil such
as R590 or R570. Contact the factory for recommen-
4.5 Trouble dations.
Remedy: Replace the coupling insert in motor/pump Possible Cause: The pump operated without oil and
coupling. vanes broke.
Possible Cause: Bearing noise. Remedy: Contact the nearest Busch Factory Service
Center for instructions.
Remedy: Contact the nearest Busch Factory Service
Center for instructions. Possible Cause: The pump was operated for an
extended period of time in the wrong rotation.
Possible Cause: Vanes stuck.
Remedy: Inspect vanes and replace. Contact the
Remedy: Contact the nearest Busch Factory Service nearest Busch Factory Service Center for instructions.
Center for instructions. Use only the recommended
Busch oil and change oil more frequently. Possible Cause: Liquid carryover into the pump
cylinder broke vanes while pump was running, or oil
broke vanes on start-up.
Remedy: Install a condensate trap on the inlet of the without factory authorization during the warranty period.
pump. Or, pump was overfilled with oil in oil reservoir. We highly recommend the use of Busch oils and parts
Follow oil filling procedure (see Section 1.5) and do not to achieve documented performance and efficient oper-
overfill. Or, the built-in anti-suck-back valve (Ref. 250 ation. The use of oils or parts other than Busch could
through 255) is leaking while pump was shut down and limit the life expectancy of the equipment and could void
vacuum was left in manifold. Clean the valve seat and any warranties if they are the cause of any damage.
check that anti-suck-back valve holds vacuum on inlet Operating conditions beyond our control such as
when pump is shut down. improper voltage or water pressure, excessive ambient
temperatures, or other conditions that would affect the
4.8 Trouble performance or life of the product will also cause the
warranty to become void.
The automotive-type oil filter (Ref. 100) does
not get warm within two to five minutes Permission to return parts for warranty repair must be
when cold pump is started. obtained, and all returns must be prepaid to the factory.
If, after examination, the product or part is found to be
Possible Cause: The automotive-type oil filter is defective, it will be repaired or replaced on a no-charge
clogged. basis and returned, FOB the factory. If it is determined
that the Warranty has not been breached by Busch,
Remedy: Replace the automotive-type filter per LLC then the usual charges for repair or replacement
Section 3.2 and exchange oil per Section 1.5. will be made, FOB the factory. Parts or products that
are obsolete or those made to special order are not
Possible Cause: The wrong automotive-type filter is returnable.
used and/or oil lines leading to pump are clogged.
This Limited Standard Warranty applies only to the
Remedy: Use only automotive filter as listed in above and is for the period set forth. Busch,LLC's max-
Section 3.2 and blow lines free. Flush oil cooler. imum liability shall not, in any case, exceed the contract
price for the product, part, or component claimed to be
Possible Cause: The oil cooler is plugged internally defective; and Busch,LLC assumes no liability for any
with burnt oil. special, indirect, or consequential damages arising
from defective equipment.
Remedy: Remove oil cooler and flush. Pump may
have to be disassembled completely to correct a THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES IMPLIED OR
severely contaminated condition. EXPRESSED THAT EXTEND BEYOND THOSE
Model 0165 0205 0255 0305
Nominal pumping speed (ACFM) 115 130 170 196
Free air displacement (CFM) 117 141 180 212
End Vacuum (Torr) .5 .5 .5 .5
End Vacuum (inches Hg) 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9
Maximum sound level (dBA) 79 80 81 81
Motor size - 3 phase (HP) 7.5 7.5 10 12
Nominal motor speed (RPM) 1750 1750 1750 1750
Motor frame size 213TC 213TC 215TCZ 215TCZ
Nominal motor amps (@230/460v) 20.4/10.2 20.4/10.2 25.6/12.8 29/14.9
Oil capacity (Quarts) 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9
Inlet connection (NPT) 2" 2" 2" 2"
Exhaust connection (NPT) 2" 2" 2" 2"
Approximate weight (lbs.) 416 435 460 575
Parts List for 0165, 0205, 0255 and 0305