This document summarizes a study on the effect of replacing natural sand with manufactured sand (M-Sand) as a fine aggregate in concrete. Some key findings include:
1) M-Sand has advantages over natural sand like being free of impurities, uniform size, and availability. It can reduce concrete costs.
2) An experiment was conducted to compare the compressive strengths of concrete made with natural sand and M-Sand. Cubes were tested at 7 and 28 days.
3) Preliminary results found the compressive strength of M-Sand concrete was marginally higher than natural sand concrete. Further testing is needed to fully evaluate the use of M-Sand in concrete.
This document summarizes a study on the effect of replacing natural sand with manufactured sand (M-Sand) as a fine aggregate in concrete. Some key findings include:
1) M-Sand has advantages over natural sand like being free of impurities, uniform size, and availability. It can reduce concrete costs.
2) An experiment was conducted to compare the compressive strengths of concrete made with natural sand and M-Sand. Cubes were tested at 7 and 28 days.
3) Preliminary results found the compressive strength of M-Sand concrete was marginally higher than natural sand concrete. Further testing is needed to fully evaluate the use of M-Sand in concrete.
This document summarizes a study on the effect of replacing natural sand with manufactured sand (M-Sand) as a fine aggregate in concrete. Some key findings include:
1) M-Sand has advantages over natural sand like being free of impurities, uniform size, and availability. It can reduce concrete costs.
2) An experiment was conducted to compare the compressive strengths of concrete made with natural sand and M-Sand. Cubes were tested at 7 and 28 days.
3) Preliminary results found the compressive strength of M-Sand concrete was marginally higher than natural sand concrete. Further testing is needed to fully evaluate the use of M-Sand in concrete.
This document summarizes a study on the effect of replacing natural sand with manufactured sand (M-Sand) as a fine aggregate in concrete. Some key findings include:
1) M-Sand has advantages over natural sand like being free of impurities, uniform size, and availability. It can reduce concrete costs.
2) An experiment was conducted to compare the compressive strengths of concrete made with natural sand and M-Sand. Cubes were tested at 7 and 28 days.
3) Preliminary results found the compressive strength of M-Sand concrete was marginally higher than natural sand concrete. Further testing is needed to fully evaluate the use of M-Sand in concrete.
IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.
2, Issue 10, 2014 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613
Effect of Replacement of Natural Sand by M-Sand as Fine Aggregate in
Concrete Shivang. D. Jayswal1 Prof. A. G. Hansora2 Prof. A. A. Pandya3 1 Student of M.E 2Assistant Professor 3Associate Professor 1,2,3 Department of Applied Mechanics 1,2 L.D College of Engineering Ahmedabad, India-380015 3Shantilal Shah Engineering College Bhavnagar, India-364060 Abstract Shortage of good quality Natural sand (N-Sand) Based on experimental investigation, it is found due to depletion of resources and limitation due to that quarry dust can be used as an alternative environmental consideration has made concrete material to the natural river sand. The physical and manufacturers to look for suitable alternative fine aggregate. chemical properties of quarry dust satisfy the One such alternative is Manufactured Sand. Manufactured requirements of fine aggregate. It is found that sand is also known as M-Sand. M-Sand has caught the quarry dust improves its mechanical property of attention of the construction industry and environmentalists concrete if used along with super plasticizer. Usage alike for its quality and the minimum damages it causes to of quarry dust it will also reduce the cost of nature. The intense of this research is to experimentally concrete because it is a waste material from investigate the effect of M-Sand in structural concrete by quarries. Use of quarry dust in concrete will also replacing N-Sand. It is recommended to determine and reduce the disposal problem.[3] compare the differences in properties of concrete containing N-sand sand and M-sand. A. Advantages Of M-Sand: Key words: N-Sand, M-Sand, Test On Fresh Concrete M-Sand doesnt contain impurities like silt. This sand doesnt contain any organic matter so; M-sand I. INTRODUCTION is uniform material as fine aggregate. Usage of M-Sand can significantly reduce the cost since like M-sand is made from only one type of stone so the N-Sand, it does not contain impurities and wastages is null binding strength between the particles is good. since it is made with modern-technology and machinery. M-sand has proper gradation of coarse & fine Though M-Sand has been in use in concrete manufacturing aggregate so voids are filled completely. This in India, the percentage of its contribution is still very reduces the cement consumption. negligible in many parts of the country. Except in Kerala M-Sand has constant fineness modulus of and in some pockets in Southern and Western India, real aggregate because it has manufactured by machine processed M-Sand is not available and this makes so no need of the change in concrete mix design. manufacturing of good quality of concrete very difficult. M-sand can be produced in ample quantity so it is The application of concrete meeting the requirement is of cheaper as compare to natural sand. vital importance, to ensure construction of durable R.C.C. M-Sand is manufactured from the wastage product structure. Hence durable concrete covers and bears the (i.e. 6mm / 12mm) material of crushers so it is not responsibility of sustaining the entire R.C.C. structure much harmful to the nature. throughout it service life. A well processed M-Sand as replacement to N-Sand is the need of the hour as a long term II. PROJECT WORK solution in Indian concrete industry until other suitable The materials usually used in the concrete mix are cement, alternative fine aggregate are established. fine aggregate (M-Sand & N-Sand), coarse aggregate. In Prof. B.V.Venkatrama reddy [1] used two grades of this project we compare the compressive strength of normal concrete M20 & M30 were tested for their concrete has been made by N-Sand (NC) with concrete characteristics in fresh and hardened state which has made by M-Sand of concrete grade M25. Six conclusion of this reference is that compressive cube casted for both type of concrete, three cube tested after strength of concrete with M-Sand is marginally 7 days curing and another three cube tested after 28 days of higher (6 to 9 %) when compare to N Sand curing period. The materials used in this project for concrete containing concrete. And as per IS 456 code - mix are specifies a minimum slump of 50 mm for medium workability. Both grade of concrete meet this A. Cement: requirement when M-Sand is used as fine aggregate Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) is far the most important in concrete. type of cement. The OPC is classified into three grades Quarry dust has lots of finer dust particle than sand. namely, 33 grade, 43 grade and 53 grade depending upon Which reduce the workability of concrete. To the strength of the cement at 28 days when tested as per IS compensate this problem super plasticizer was 4031-1988. Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade of used. Combination of quarry dust and silica fume ULTRATECH cement is used in this experimental work. exhibiting good performance due to efficient micro Conforming weight of each cement bag was 50 kg. filling ability and pozzolanic action of silica fume. Value Standard From this can conclude that 100% of sand with No. Property observed value quarry dust shows good strength and durability.[2] for OPC in
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Effect of Replacement of Natural Sand by M-Sand as Fine Aggregate in Concrete (IJSRD/Vol. 2/Issue 10/2014/140)
Not exceed 10 Maximum size of aggregate (MSA) 10 mm 20mm
1 Fineness (%) 1.66 % 2 Specific Gravity 3.15 - Specific gravity 2.71 2.85 Initial setting Water absorption 3.3 1.1 3 time In >30 min Table 4: Basic Property Of Coarse Aggregate (min.) 1) Admixture: Final setting An admixture is defined as a material, other than the 4 time 290 min <600 min cement, water and aggregate, i.e. uses as an ingredient of (min.) concrete and is added to the batch immediately before or Compressive strength during mixing. But in this study we didnt use admixture.
1 3 days 28.58 >27 D. Concrete Mix Design:
2 7days 45.81 >37 The concrete used for the study which grad was M-25. Concrete was designed to achieve this strength (31.6 N/mm2 3 28 days 56.21 >53 target mean strength) at 28days. Table 1: Properties Of Cement The concrete mix design was designed by following set up by IS 10262:2009 and IS 456:2000.The B. Fine Aggregates: mix design was done on a trial and error basis performing 1) Natural Sand: permutations and combinations with the aggregate and It should be passed through IS Sieve 4.75 mm. It should cement content, so as to achieve the desired target strength. have fineness modulus 2.00-3.50 and silt contents should The targeted slump to be achieved was in the range 50 not be more than 4%. Coarse sand should be either river 100mm.admixture were not used in the concrete. Proportion sand or pit sad; or combination of the two. In our region, of mix for NC (using natural river sand) is 1:1.45:2.86 and fine aggregates can be found from bed of Sabarmati River. It for MC (using m-sand) is 1:1.64:2.77 confirms to IS 383-1970 which comes under Zone II. Mix proportion for 1m3 property value NC MC 1 Specific Gravity 2.42 420.00 2 Fineness modulus 2.75 Cement 420.00 kg/ m3 kg/ m3 3 Water Absorption 4.52 189.00 4 zone II Water 189.00 kg/ m3 kg/ m3 5 Surface texture smooth 852.10 CA- 20mm 825.1 kg/ m3 Table 2: Basic Property Of N-Sand kg/ m3 2) Manufacturing Sand: 347.30 Fine aggregate used in this research is M- sand. Fine C.A- 10mm 336.2 kg/ m3 kg/ m3 aggregates are the aggregates whose size is less than 4.75mm. 607.1 F.A sand 690.1 kg/ m3 property value kg/ m3 1 Specific Gravity 2.61 Table 5: Mix Proportion 2 Fineness modulus 3.35 III. EXPERIMENTAL TESTS 3 Water Absorption 4.52 Both type of test were conducted as 4 zone I Test on fresh state (slump test) & 5 Surface texture smooth Test on hardened state (compression test) Table 3: Basic Property Of M-Sand A. Test On Fresh Concrete: C. Coarse Aggregate: A mould for the tests specimen is in the form of the frustum of cone having dimension i.e. bottom diameter 200mm, top Coarse aggregate of nominal size of 20mm is chosen and diameter 100mm and height 300mm. tamping rod-the tests to determine the different physical properties as per IS tamping rod was 16 mm diameter, 0.6 m long and rounded 383-1970. Test results conform to the IS 383 (PART III) at one end. Conforming to Indian standard IS 1199-1959, recommendations. Section-5. PARTICULARS C.A-I C.A-
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Effect of Replacement of Natural Sand by M-Sand as Fine Aggregate in Concrete (IJSRD/Vol. 2/Issue 10/2014/140)
B. Test On Hardened Concrete Cube Compressive Strength V. CONCLUSION
Of Concrete: From the results of experimental works it is concluded that A 200 ton capacity compression testing machine was used the M-Sand can be used as a replacement for fine aggregate. for this test. It is found that 100 % replacement of fine aggregate by M- The compressive strength, as one of the most Sand giving higher compressive strength as compare to the important properties of hardened concrete, in general is the normal concrete. The results proved that the 100 % characteristic material value for classification of concrete. replacement N-Sand by M-Sand induced higher 28 days cube compressive strength is tested on cubes of size compressive strength. M-sand has finer particles compare to 150mmx150mmx150mm and 28 days compressive strength N-Sand. Due to finer particles it reduces the workability of is tested. MC.
A. Slump Of Concrete: [1] Prof. B V Venkatrama reddy Suitability of The quality control parameters most often used for fresh manufactured sand (M-Sand) as fine aggregate in concrete are workability and air content. The standard slump mortars and concrete, csic project: cp cone test can still be used as a quality control measure. 6597/0505/11-330, 5th July 2011 Type of concrete Slump in mm [2] V.Priyadharshini, A.Krishnamoorthi High performance concrete using quarry dust as fine NC 86 aggregate vol-2 issue: 2, issn_no:2320-723x, jun- MC 77 2014 [3] Anita selva Sofia S.D, Gayathri.R and Swathi.G B. Compressive Strength: Experimental investigation on quarry dust Three cube sample for both concrete NC and MC were concrete with chemical admixture vol-2, issue-2, tested to determine the 7 days and 28 days compressive 2013 strength using a 2000kN Compression Testing Machine. [4] IS: 383-1970, Specification for Course and Fine Graph-1 show the comparison of compressive strength of Aggregate from Natural Sources for Concrete, NC & MC at 7 days and Graph-2 show the comparison of Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi. compressive strength of NC & MC at 28 days. [5] IS: 2386 IS 2386, part-1-1963 Method of test for aggregates for concrete-particle size & shape. [6] IS: 2386, part-3-1963 method of test for aggregates for concrete sp.gravity, density, voids and water absorption [7] IS: 10262, concrete mix proportioning guidelines. [8] IS 516-1959 Method of test for strength of concrete.
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