Abstract In this research, contemplate the customary
Portland Cement has been supplanted by earthenware waste S.No Property Result
powder as needs be in the scope of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%,
25% and 30% by weight for M30 and M-40 Grade concrete and 1 Specific Gravity 3.07
finds compressive quality and Split elasticity. Keeping this
perspective, the point of the examination is to think about the Fineness of Cement by
2 92.50%
conduct of concrete while supplanting the earthenware waste sieving
with diverse extents. The Wastes utilized originated from
3 Standard Consistency 25%
artistic industry which had been considered unfit available to be
purchased because of an assortment of reasons, including
dimensional or mechanical absconds, or abandons in the firing 4 Setting Time
i) Initial Setting time 65 min
Index Terms Tile dust powder, Super ii) Final setting time 208 min
Plasticizer, Compressive strength, Split tensile strength 5 Compressive Strength
i) 3 days 27 Mpa
ii) 7 days 37 Mpa
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A Study on Various Properties of Concrete by Using Ceramic Dust Powder as a Partial Replacement of Cement
S. No Properties Result
1 PH 7.1
2 Taste Agreeable
3 Appearance Clear
4 Turbidity 1.75
Conplast SP 430 is a dim cocoa fluid which quickly scatters in
water. Conplast SP 430 having the large amounts of water
decrease and enhances the quality, thickness, workability
without expansion in cement. Conplast SP 430 is a high range
super plasticizing admixture which conforms to IS 9103 PROPERTIES OF CERAMIC POWDER
SiO2 63.29
Al2O3 18.29
Fe2O3 4.32
CaO 4.46
MgO 0.72
P2O5 0.16
K2O 2.18
Na2O 0.75
SO3 0.1
CL- 0.005
TiO2 0.61
SrO2 0.02
Mn2O3 0.05
PROPERTIES OF CONPLAST SP 430 L.O.I (Loss of Ignition) 1.61
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-12, December 2015
IV. RESULTS & DISCUSSIONS compressive strength of the tile dust concrete has varied from
4 5 . 3 2 51.25 MPa and the split tensile strength is varied
Effect of replacement of ceramic powder as a partial from 3.17 4.56 MPa for different percentage replacements.
replacement of cement the results of compression test and After the comparison of properties, the tile dust can be
Split tensile Strength results are shown above. It is noticed used as partial replacement for cement in concrete up to 30%
that the compressive strength and Split tensile Strength of replacement. But it is observed that the strength decreased
concrete increases for 15%, replacement with ceramic powder slightly for 20% replacement so, the strength loss is almost
and the compressive strength and Split tensile Strength negligible and the decrement of strength is more for 25% and
decreases for 15% and above replacement from the above 30% replacements. Hence up to 15% replacement of cement
figures. in concrete by tile dust is considerable.
From the above results the percentage replacement of
ceramic powder the compressive strength and Split tensile
Strength of concrete value will not obtained in early age, it FOR M 30 GRADE CONCRETE
will obtained in the lateral age. The above results 0%, 5%,
10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% replacement of ceramic 7 Days and 28 days average compressive strength
powder 7 days compressive strength value is low compared to (N/mm2)
28 days compressive strength.
It is noticed that the compressive strength of 15% Replacement
S. No 7 Days 28 Days
replacement of ceramic powder at 28 days strength will be Percentage
higher than 0% replacement. Concrete on 15% replacement of 1 0% replacement 27.42 38.46
cement with ceramic waste for M30 Grade, compressive
2 5% replacement 26.12 37.28
strength obtained is 38.98 N/mm2 and Split tensile strength
obtained is 3.42 N/mm2. Concrete on 15% replacement of 3 10% replacement 26.09 37.92
cement with ceramic waste for M40 Grade, compressive 4 15% replacement 26.58 38.98
strength obtained is 51.25 N/mm2 and Split tensile strength
obtained is 4.56 N/mm2. For M30, the compressive strength 5 20% replacement 25.68 36.35
of the tile dust concrete has varied from 35.09 38.98 MPa 6 25% replacement 24.03 36.12
and the split tensile strength is varied from 2.52 3.42 MPa 7 30% replacement 23.36 35.09
for different percentage replacements. As well as for M40, the
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A Study on Various Properties of Concrete by Using Ceramic Dust Powder as a Partial Replacement of Cement
Average Split tensile strength at 7 Days and 28 days FOR M 40 GRADE CONCRETE
(N/mm2) 7 Days and 28 days average compressive strength
Replacement (N/mm2)
S. No 7 Days 28 Days
Percentage S. Replacement
7 Days 28 Days
No Percentage
1 0% replacement 2.35 3.1
1 0% replacement 36.54 48.56
2 5% replacement 2.12 2.92
2 5% replacement 36.78 48.12
3 10% replacement 2.21 3.12
3 10% replacement 36.98 47.98
4 15% replacement 2.45 3.42
4 15% replacement 37.52 51.25
5 20% replacement 2.14 2.78 5 20% replacement 36.12 47.24
6 25% replacement 1.94 2.66 6 25% replacement 35.42 47.15
7 30% replacement 1.87 2.52 7 30% replacement 35.04 45.32
44 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-12, December 2015
1. The chemical compositions of ceramic tile powder such as
SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, P2O5, K2O, Na2O, SO3,
CL, TiO2, SrO2, Mn2O3 and L.I.O are comparable with
that of cement.
2. The Compressive Strength of M30 & M40 grade concrete
increases when the replacement of cement with ceramic
waste is up to 15% by weight of cement, and further
replacement of cement with ceramic powder decrease the
compressive strength.
3. The Split tensile Strength of M30 & M40 grade concrete
increases when the replacement of cement with ceramic
waste is up to 15% by weight of cement, and further
replacement of cement with ceramic powder decrease the
Split tensile strength.
4. On 15% replacement of cement with ceramic waste,
compressive strength and Split tensile strength obtained
is more and the cost of the concrete is reduced, hence it is
more economical without compromising concrete
strength. It becomes technically and economically
5. Utilization of artistic waste and its application are utilized
for the improvement of the construction.
6. Using c e r a m i c w a s t e s i n c o n c r e t e c a n solve
several environmental problems.
7. By the use of waste material such as ceramic waste, usage
of concrete industrys waste products is increased by
8. Since the quantity of binders is optimized, the cracks,
shrinkage and other draw backs due to fineness can be
9. The combination of mineral admixture will improve not
only strength, also workability so it is recommended to
use the ceramic powder as partial replacement of
10. The compressive strength and Split tensile strength of
ceramic concrete increases up to 15% replacement and it
is decreased at more than 15% replacement so that the
percentage of replacement is only considered up to 15%.
11. The strength was not getting at earlier stage so we
go for 56 days and 90 days curing period that may be
chances to increase the strength of the ceramic concrete.
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