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Vol.16 No.3
ISSN : 1394-0198
KDN : PP. 10006/02/2010
2 14
9 11
Theme Standardisation and Intellectual Property

Features 13 Malaysian Standards On Noodles

2 Intellectual Property Management and Human

Resource Capacity Building
4 What Is In A Name?

14 Speed Hump - Specification for Materials,

Design and Installation

5 Copyright Issues in Standards and Standards

18 A New Method of Making Skin Regenerating

7 What Can Be And What Cannot Be Patented in

18 Simplified process for Certificate of Conformity
(COC) for the Saudi Arabian Market

9 Record Management and Quality Certification

Updates 19
Certification, Malaysian Standards and
International Standards Updates

An overview of Malaysian Standard (MS

11 2072:2008) Guidelines for Developing and

Implementing Early Action for Site Remediation 20 Risk Management Standards: Should
Malaysia Adopt ISO 31000?

Disclaimer The Standards and Quality News is an official publication of SIRIM Berhad. The newsletter is published on a quarterly basis and
is distributed to our clients, certified companies and Standards Development Committee members. Editorial material may be
freely reproduced, provided credit is given to the newsletter. Please note that except for the advertisement by the subsidiaries
and affiliate companies of SIRIM Berhad, SIRIM Berhad does not in any way either directly or indirectly endorse any
advertisements by other companies printed herein and hereby denies any liability in relation to the accuracy of the same.
Vol.16 No.2/2009

Standards and intellectual property (IP) are fuels to sanction industry and business circles to PUBLICATION COMMITTEE
produce and to market more novel products and services of uncompromising quality for
Tn. Hj. Ab. Razak Salim

Both entities are vital to industrialization processes and businesses, in fact they complement Members

each other effectively but in more subtle way than many skilled person in either art would ever Dato' Mariani Mohammad
Pn. Khalidah Mustafa
expected and realized. So much so, that it is not uncommon to hear an IP practitioner telling
En. Parama Iswara Subramaniam
his audience that IP has nothing much to do with standards and quality. He is certainly right Pn. Nur Fadhilah Muhammad
where IP rights granting requirements are concerned, but when industrialization and En. Abdul Rashid Hj. Zainal Abidin
businesses come to fore, both entities do intertwine albeit each is governed by various Tn. Hj. Mohamad Nawawi Hussin
Dr. Mohd Azman Idris
respective laws, acts and regulations, management systems, codes of practice, the dos and
Tn. Hj. Abdul Aziz Long
the donts. Tn. Hj. Azman Hassan
Pn. Zurina Mohd. Bistari
To put it simply and broadly in respect of products and technology, IP rights act as incentive Pn. Haliza Ibrahim

for people to create more novel, improved and innovative products that in turn fuel technology EDITORIAL COMMITTEE
diffusion and increase knowledge pool among populace. But what great novel products devoid Pn. Khalidah Mustafa
of quality by not adhering and certified to available standards would be to most people? Not En. Parama Iswara Subramaniam
much actually. Novel products sans quality would rapidly lose the luster as great innovations En. Abdul Rashid Hj. Zainal Abidin
and may attract consumers only by sheer reason of their uniqueness, thus the craze, if any, will Pn. Zurina Mohd. Bistari
Pn. Saleha A.Jalil
eventually short-lived.
Pn. Saadiah Enok
En. Ong Chui Koon
Interestingly enough, direct linkages between the two entities are profoundly more obvious, as Cik Patricia Limbang
readily observed in copyright issues according to the Copyrights Act as rightfully enforced in Cik Salmah Mohd. Nordin
Cik Lili Masni Ab. Jalil
standards; IP rights in Certification Marks in accordance with the Trade Marks Act and
Regulation with regards to standardization and certification exercises on products and PUBLICATION COORDINATOR
services; IP rights in patents according to the Patents Act and Regulation especially with Cik Lili Masni Ab. Jalil
regards to monetary returns from patented technical contribution to patentees whenever a Tel: 603-5544 6346
Fax: 603-5544 6334
patented invention is cited in industrial standards and; lest we forget the whole gamut of IP
regime itself is also ruled by certain recognized standards and harmonized practices shared
Copies of the newsletter
among countries in the world via signed treaties, protocols, conventions and agreements. are available on request from:
SIRIM Berhad
Some of highlighted issues with regard to direct linkages between standards and intellectual No.1, Persiaran Dato' Menteri
Section 2, P.O Box 7035, 40911
property are briefly discussed in this issue of S&Q News for readers appreciation and
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
knowledge. Tel: 03-55446000
Fax: 03-55108095

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Intellectual Property
Management and Human
Resource Capacity Building
by Mohamad Nawawi Hussin
Senior General Manager (Registered Patent, Trade Mark and industrial Design Agent)
Department of Intellectual Property Services and Knowledge Management
SIRIM Berhad

especially the recruitment of qualified people

to carry out the job. Thus, for the short-
term, it would be sufficient for a PRI to
establish a small IP unit which would act
more as an IP coordinating unit. No matter
how small the unit is, its function is crucial,
and, as such, it must be manned by at least
one or two core personnel with support
staff. The core personnel shall at least be
reasonably skillful and knowledgeable in IP
management, NIPCP and IP laws. He is to
be the IP referral person for his institution.
His responsibilities should include, among
other things, the following:

To make sensible recommendations

Universities and public research institutions lack of an IP policy in Universities and PRIs, on matters relating to pertinent

(PRIs) are an integral part of a countrys all of whom are recipients of government provisions in the NIPCP;

National Innovation System. However, the R&D funds, is now just water under the To provide reliable recommendations
greatest challenge faced by them is the bridge. What is of concern now is the for initial IP work and its further
successful commercialisation of inventions efficient implemention of the policy. developmental progress;
and innovations. More often than not, Presently most PRIs, while trying to cope
intriguing questions that would come to with mammoth task of churning out To enhance IP awareness and

mind on the subject of commercialisation of commercially viable new findings and understanding among his peers and

inventions & innovations are ones regarding inventions, are also clamouring to equip others in his institution and;

intellectual property (IP). These include themselves with IP knowledge acquisition To seek and recommend reliable
matters that relate to the early stages of IP and to set up in-house IP departments to external IP counselors or attorneys for
development in a commercial sense and manage internal IP issues as well as to to more specialised and complicated IP
how further development of IP would be efficiently implement the policy. It is tasks such as patent drafting, IP
managed, with the knowledge that about heartening to see all these good efforts, but prosecution, litigation and licensing.
80% of the market value of modern it must be noted that ad-hoc actions and
businesses is attributed to IP. jump starts will not do any good in the long Then again, the big question is where can
run. With regard to IP management, short the PRIs get such personnel, competent in
With the recent advent of National IP and long term measures are essential. IP related matters, from? As a short term
Commercialisation Policy for R&D projects measure, the organizations should rope in
funded by the government of Malaysia Establishing a full-fledged in-house IP interested personnel and send them for
(NIPCP), all the confusion arising from the department for a PRI is an enormous task, training in a specialised short course in IP

2 Standards and Quality News

management in one of the renowned IP organisations and IP fraternity including been in existence almost from the very
institutions overseas. Taking this option will their overseas counterparts; and beginning in developed countries such as
indeed be worth every single cent of between the PRI and local as well as the U.S, the European countries, Australia and
investment. overseas IP authorities, IP offices and Japan. It is not unusual to find professionals
other IP organizations. like computer scientists, physicists,
Whatever it may take, establishing a full- geologists, pharmacists or even medical
fledged IP department is the objective of Again, qualified and trained IP personnel doctors working as qualified IP attorneys or
many, if not all PRIs. What is a full-fledged IP would be greatly sought after to man the as in-house IP counselors for companies or
department? department, unless the PRIs are willing to PRIs, especially in the field of patent.
hire experienced external IP counselors. The
A full-fledged in-house IP department, way to make this long term measure a To jump start the process, with the intention
among others, shall carry out these tasks: success is to involve all relevant parties in of being at par with developed countries, by
this country and to make it into a national implementing all sorts of short term
To function as a nerve center for full
agenda. Human resource capacity building measures, would be unpalatable to say the
implementation of the NIPCP;
in the field of IP should be one of the least. The appropriate thing to do now is for
To function as a one-stop resource foremost items in the agenda. local institutions of higher learning, both
center for all matters relating to the public and private, to take the initiative to
implementation of IP management The potential for rapid acceleration of local develop and establish practical and
regime, the NIPCP and IP laws, where patenting activities is foreseeable, taking into comprehensive IP management curriculums
people would go to for appropriate account all the positive steps already in their respective institutions. This will
advice and opinion; initiated by the Malaysian government in provide opportunities to interested parties,
enhancing the national science and especially technical graduates who are
To ensure smooth and effective
technological R&D programmes and IP interested in IP management to pursue their
implementation of NIPCPs manuals
commercialization. Wouldnt it be great if studies at post graduate-level and to obtain
and to carry out all its related IP
most, if not all, of our PRIs IP managers, certificates, diplomas, degrees, masters or
management activities;
counselors and practitioners are made up of even doctorates in IP management. It is best
To provide all IP consultancy and IP technical professionals such as geneticists, to start off on the right footing at the outset
agency services, meaning the engineers and chemists and the like, or else, when the need arises, there will be
department will provide all patent, perhaps with Masters degrees, if not PhDs in flood of more jump-starts, more cut and
industrial design, trademark and all the IP field? The trend of having professional paste solutions and measures that
other relevant IP search, registration, technical personnel as IP practitioners has eventually will lead us to nowhere.
prosecution services besides keeping
up with all IP portfolios;

To provide patent drafting services;

To disseminate IP knowledge and

awareness and to initiate and create an
IP savvy community within the

To communicate and provide support

to the in-house legal department and
to private/external IP counselors on
matters pertaining to IP disputes,
litigation and licensing;

To act as a communication and

management bridge between the
research group and the institutions
higher management, financial, legal
and commercialization groups within
the PRI regarding IP matters; between
the PRI and external IP practitioners, IP

Standards and Quality News 3

What Is In A Name?
by Norhayati Hassan
Consultant ( Registered Patent, Trade Mark & Industrial Design Agent )
Department of Intellectual Property Services and Knowledge Management
SIRIM Berhad

The certification bodies may require users of

the Certification trademark to sign an
agreement to ensure the proper use of the
mark. The main element of the agreement is
that certified companies/ entities need to
comply with the sets of rules and
requirements set by the Certification
Bodies when using the Certification
trademarks in their business transactions.
This is in resonance with the requirements
or submission during the application for
registration of Certification trademarks
which includes, among others, regulations
What do MAS, KODAK, Microsoft, manufacturers of products or providers of (covering the people authorized to use the
Teflon, HP, SONY, Coca Cola and services to consistently provide quality Certification trademarks, the characteristics
ROLEX have in common? These names products or services in order to maintain to be certified and how are they being
are actually trademarks created or invented their business reputation. If a trademark tested, supervision of use, and auditing),
by organizations to inform the public of owner does not maintain quality control and name and address of the certified companies
the existence or availability of certain adequate supervision during manufacturing and samples of the Certification trademark.
products or services as belonging to a of products or provision of services, the
certain organization and usually are owners reputation will be adversely affected In todays commercial scenario, trademarking
associated with quality. and consumers may be deterred from is indeed a very important tool to inform the
purchasing products or needing their consumer of the existence of a certain
What actually is a trademark? It is simply a services in the future. product or service. The goodwill of a certain
distinctive sign used by individuals, trademark lies in the reputation of the
businesses or non-business organizations A special type of trademark which is related product or service and the associated
to indicate that the origin of the products or to the provision of quality products or owner of the trademark. If the owner
services is from them and is capable of services is the Certification trademark. chooses quality as that added niche to the
distinguishing their products or services Generally, certification is provided to product or service, incorporating a
from other (competing) individuals or manufacturers of products or providers of Certification trademark with his/her existing
organizations so as not to confuse services who comply with the requirements trademark would create excitement to
consumers. In other words, consumers set by the certification bodies. The would-be purchasers in purchasing the
would not be confused as to the origin of manufacturers or the providers are then product or service. At the same time, it is
the products or services in relation to the eligible to use the certification trademarks, expected that the Certification Bodies
attached trademark. belonging to the respective certification continuously maintain their credibility which
bodies, onto their (certified) products or with will then convince the consumers that
Trademark right is a form of intellectual their (certified) services. These are seen as products and services that carry their
property rights that is governed by an assurance of quality attached to the Certification trademarks have attained a
Trademark Law and Regulations. The products or services and sales of products certain level of quality. This partnership
primary objective of having a Trademark or services may increase indefinitely. between the manufacturers of products or
Law is to protect consumers against Normally the certification bodies will charge providers of services and the Certification
misleading origin of a product or service. the manufacturers or the providers for the Bodies will benefit the consumers for a
Apart from that, it serves as an incentive to use of the certification trademarks. very long time.

4 Standards and Quality News

Copyright Issues in
Standards and
Standard Documents
by A. Rahman Zuhri
Principal Consultant (Registered Patent and Trademark Agent)
Department of Intellectual Property Services and Knowledge Management
SIRIM Berhad

Do you know that standards by which we

mean documented standards, provide the
basis for controlling quality, protecting
consumer and public welfare as well as
ensuring industrial efficiency and
developments are subject to copyright
protection? The work to develop standards
requires standards development agencies
to allocate resources in terms of financial
allocation, expertise, and efforts that would
still need some form of intellectual property
(IP) protection.

Why So?
Under Section 7(1) of the Malaysian
Copyright Act 1987, works that are eligible
for copyrights protection are: literary works;
musical works; artistic works; films; sound
recordings and broadcasts. A hard copy of be considered as infringement to the owner in the standard is quoted. Mindful about
a typical standard could very well fall within rights. moral rights associated with the
the definition of literary work or derivative author/authors, and generally the user
work (as in the case where the standard is a Owner of a standard could be one or the should be knowledgeable enough about IP
translation of a standard from another combination of the following: standards issues in dealing with the copyrighted
language) even if it only contains technical development agencies,, author of the material.
subject matter. Under the Act, owner of a standard, or any other legal entity having
copyrighted work would have the following acquired the rights through any operation of In adopting standards developed by the
exclusive rights: reproduction in any material the law. A third party (or user) having International Organization for
forms; communication to the public; access to the standard would have limited Standardization (ISO) as national standards,
performance, showing or playing to the usage over the document because he/she STANDARDS MALAYSIA as member of ISO
public; distribution of copies to the public by does not own the document but merely acknowledges ISO as the origin of the
sale or other transfer of ownership; and acquired a license to use it in accordance to standards and exert copyright ownership
commercial rental to the public. the agreed terms and conditions. The terms over the national standards. In the case of
Undertaking any of these activities or any are fairly universal, for example, the user indigenous Halal Malaysian Standards, the
related actions related to such activities cannot make copy except for backup, and ownership belongs to STANDARDS
without prior consent from the owner would to acknowledge the source when a caption MALAYSIA. As such, a third party cannot

Standards and Quality News 5

simply copy portion of the standard or make exclusive rights of the copyright owner under under copyright law and you may
a copy of the standard for distribution within Section 13(2) where, user might be tempted never know if the owner want to
the organisation without permission from to apply. As for example, under the provision exercise his rights over you if you are
STANDARDS MALAYSIA even if, he/she of fair dealing where, the exploitation of the infringing their rights.
legitimately obtained the full copy of the copyrighted work is for the purpose of non-
standard., Failure in obtaining the profit research, private study, criticism, The Donts:
permission, copyright infringement action review or the reporting of current event.
Dont infringe copyrighted material.
could be taken against the third party by These activities are exempted from copyright
Getting caught will be expensive and
STANDARDS MALAYSIA should they wish to infringement generally because they are for
do so. the so-called non-commercial reason. The
Berne Convention that deals with copyright Dont use justification of for public
The electronic form of a standard is also issues also has clauses dealing with good argument for infringement as it is
subject to copyright protection. With the dissemination of information under fair unreasonable.
prevalence of ICT and the availability of dealing.
Dont think that copyright law is
various on-line services offering various
unenforceable. You may be caught off-
forms of document delivery, standards are It is believed that raising awareness on IP
guard should the owner of the
not exempted from intellectual property issues especially the Dos and Donts in
copyrighted material one day exercises
abuses. Built-in security system such as copyright is crucial since enforcing the rights
his IP rights over you.
Digital Rights Management (DRM) could be over alleged infringement would be time
incorporated with the on-line services to consuming as well as prohibitively
mitigate possible copyright infringement expensive. Examples of some of the Dos
either intentionally or by accident, but at the and Donts are as follows:
end of the day, respecting the copyright on As a responsible user of standards, we
the part of the user is more crucial since The Dos: should be mindful of the efforts by various
controlling them totally is next to impossible. parties involved to develop standards that
Do believe that using copyrighted
There are numerous ways the integrity of are useful for the industry and consumers.
material without permission does hurt
copyright of standards in the electronic form We should acknowledge and value their
the creator/owner as well as the
can be compromised and these include intellectual property and put our conscience
sharing of password that has been issued to in the clear by not taking any action that
a single user for use on a specific site, Do establish an organisation-wide could be considered as infringement of their
illegally distributing copies of standards by policy for managing the conduct of intellectual property rights either directly or
email or photocopying, or uploading a employees with regard to intellectual indirectly. Various remedies are available to
purchased standard onto publically property (your own as well of the the owner/creator if his/her IP rights are
accessible online facility. It should be noted others) and do enforce them. infringed should he/her wish to exercise
that in Malaysia and in many parts of the them. They include civil and/or criminal actions.
Do use common sense when applying
world, even circumventing or causing any It is wise not to be caught off-guard and not
the concept of fair dealing in
other person to circumvent any effective choose to ignore it. If in doubt, contact your
copyrighted material. When in doubt,
technological measures that are used by the lawyer or IP Consultant for advice.
contact your lawyer or an IP consultant
author or owner to control their copyright is
or the owner of the copyrighted
also considered as an infringement.

One may argue that as standards are usually Do know the facts about copyright 1. Malaysian Copyright Act 1987 (Act 332)

developed by government organisations and such as the nature, scope of protection 2. ISO/IEC (2007) Copyright, standards
used for the benefit of consumers, the and others. and the internet.
exclusive rights should be made available for
Do make backup of your standards 3. ISO (1997) Guidelines and Policies for
free to all. However, under Section 11 of the
especially if they are in softcopies, but the Protection of ISOs Intellectual Property.
Malaysian Copyright Act 1987, even works
refrain from distributing them if you do
of the government, government 4. ISO POCOSA (2005) ISO Policies and
not have the permission to do so.
organisations and international bodies are Procedures for Copyright, Copyright
eligible for copyright protection. There are Do believe that standards, like any Exploitation Rights and Sales of ISO
however, statutory exceptions to the other qualified works, are protected Publications ISO POCOSA 2005.

6 Standards and Quality News

WhatCan Be and
WhatCannot Be
Patented in Malaysia
by Ong Chui Koon
Senior Principal Consultant and Head (Registered Patent, Trade Mark and industrial Design Agent)
Department of Intellectual Property Services and Knowledge Management
SIRIM Berhad

Introduction They are substantive because they concern than the patent application claiming the
the essence, the technical content of the invention. Thus, if there is an earlier prior
A patent is a document issued by the technical solution claimed to be an invention publication containing a clear description of
Government of a State for the protection of in the patent application. These three or clear instructions to do or make something
an invention. Whether an invention can be conditions of patentability are spelled out in which would infringe the patentees claim if
patented or cannot be patented depends Section 11 of the Malaysian Patents Act. carried out after the grant of the patentees
on the national law of the State. This is Hence in order for an invention to be patent, then the patentees claim has no
because the rights accorded by a patent is patentable in Malaysia, all these three novelty. The new requirement under the
territorial in nature. conditions must be fulfilled. These three Patents Act, 1983 is a worldwide requirement.
conditions of patentability are used worldwide. As such, one cannot simply apply for a
The relevant law which protects inventions
patent for an invention which has been
in Malaysia is the Patents Act, 1983 (Act Other than protecting inventions by a full disclosed elsewhere or has been patented
291). What is an invention is given in Section patent system, Malaysia has a two-tier outside Malaysia. The invention must be new
12 of the Act. According to Section 12 of system in that there is also a petty patent or both inside Malaysia and outside Malaysia in
the Act, an invention means an idea of an utility model system of protection. This order to be a patentable invention.
inventor which permits in practice the alternative system is called a utility
solution to a specific problem in the field of innovation system, which differs from a full However, Section 14(3), Patents Act, 1983
technology and an invention may be or may patent system in the sense that a lower level expressly provides that certain disclosures
relate to a product or process. An example of inventive step is required. The utility are to be disregarded and thus do not
of a product invention is a telephone and an innovation system is to enable those constitute prior art, and they are:
example of a process invention is a process inventions which would otherwise fail to
a) disclosure within one year preceding
or method for the manufacture of vitamin C qualify for a full patent to obtain some lesser
the date of the patent application and
synthetically in a factory. degree of protection.
if such disclosure was by reason or in
consequence of acts committed by the
Conditions of Patentability New
applicant or his predecessor in title;
It is generally recognised that a patent for What is new or novel is defined by
b) disclosure within one year preceding
invention should be granted only when the Section 14 of the Patents Act, 1983. An
the date of the patent application and
invention is new, involves an inventive step invention is new if it is not anticipated by
if such disclosure was by reason or in
and is industrially applicable. Where the prior art. Basically, prior art consists of
consequence of any abuse of the
invention for which a patent for invention is everything disclosed to the public throughout
rights of the applicant or his
applied for fulfils these three conditions, the the world by written publication, or, in
predecessor in title; and
invention is called patentable. The said three Malaysia, by oral disclosure, by use or in any
conditions are usually referred to as the other way, prior to the filing date of a patent c) disclosure by way of a pending patent
conditions of patentability. More precisely, application claiming the invention and application to register the patent in the
these three conditions should be called the including the contents of a domestic patent United Kingdom Patent office as at the
substantive conditions of patentability. application having an earlier priority date date of coming into force of the 1983 Act.

Standards and Quality News 7

The grace period provided for under invention would be allowed under the 1983 the morality or ordre public of the country
Section 14(3) of the 1983 Act is only Act on the basis that any doubt should be and inventions which are harmful to the
applicable for applying for a patent in resolved in favour of the applicant. human, animal, plant and the environment.
Malaysia only. Where an inventor desires to An example of such inventions would be
file for a patent application outside Malaysia, Non-Patentable where the cell lines of humans, animals and
he must not disclose his invention at all Inventions plants are altered through human
because certain countries or regional patent intervention. Such inventions would be
The Patents Act, 1983 also provides for
office such as the European Patent Office considered as against the morality or ordre
a list of non-patentable invention. Any
requires absolute novelty. public (public order) of the country and would
invention which meets the conditions of
therefore be an unpatentable invention.
patentability mentioned above but which
Inventive Step
falls under the ambit of the list of non-
Furthermore, Section 85 of the 1983 Act
Practice has shown that applicants are patentable invention shall not be patentable
provides for the Registrar of Patent the
constantly seeking patents for inventions notwithstanding the fact that they may
right to refuse the grant of a patent for
which vary from what is known only in some be inventions within the meaning of
products or processes which would be
more or less minor details. The requirement Section 12 of the Patents Act, 1983. The
prejudicial to the interest or security of the
of an inventive step is intended to avoid list of non-patentable inventions includes
nation. An example of such inventions
pedestrian improvements or obvious the following:
would be weapons or instrument for use in
extensions to known products or processes.
a) discoveries, scientific theories and the military or defence purposes where
Therefore in order for an invention to meet
mathematical methods; the Government would prefer to keep
the criterion of inventive step, the invention
the inventions secret rather than granting
must not be mere workshop modification or b) plant or animal varieties or essentially
a patent.
minor improvement, but the invention must biological processes for the production
show clear technical advantage which is of plants or animals, other than man-
Conditions on Patent
not easily seen or recognized by a person made living micro-organisms, micro-
working in that area of technology. This is biological processes and the products
important because a good patent shows of such micro-organism processes; Upon fulfilling the above mentioned
and gives to the world something it did not requirements, a patent application may
c) schemes, rules or methods for doing
truly have before. A bad patent on the be filed with the Patent Office. When filing a
business, performing purely mental
other hand, would create a monopoly and patent application, the applicant is required
acts or playing games; and
take away something which the world to describe the invention in a manner
already effectively had and enjoys. d) methods for the treatment of human or sufficiently clear and complete for the
animal body by surgery or therapy, and invention to be carried out by a person
Industrially Applicable diagnostic methods practised on the skilled in the art. The law also requires the
human or animal body. applicant to indicate the best mode for
Section 16 of the 1983 Act provides that an carrying out the invention known to the
invention shall be considered industrially inventor at the filing date or, where priority is
An example to illustrate this would be the
applicable if it can be made or used in any claimed, at the priority date of the
case where a mouse has been transformed
kind of industry. This excludes from application. This is to ensure that the
genetically to be highly susceptible to human
patentability very few inventions which are disclosure of the invention to the public
cancers. The new mouse called an
not already excluded by the aforementioned merits the grant of a patent.
Oncomouse would come within the Section
requirements. Among the very few
13 prohibition as an animal variety other than
inventions that are not susceptible to Term of Protection
man-made living microorganisms and would
industrial application, yet are not expressly
therefore be an unpatentable invention.
excluded from patentability would appear Where the relevant regulations and
to be articles or processes alleged to requirements of the Patents Act, 1983
Inventions which are
operate in a manner clearly contrary to have been complied with, the applicant
Against the Morality or
well-established physical laws. An example will be issued with a certificate of grant of
Ordre Public (Public Order)
of this type of invention would be the the patent. The term of protection
of the Country or Security
perpetual motion machine. It is uncertain a vai l ab le is for a period of twenty
of the Nation
whether industry would include agriculture, y e a r s counted from the filing date of
for example, whether new methods of treating The Patents Act, 1983 also excludes from the application subject to the payment
crops would be patentable. Perhaps such patentability any invention which is against of annuities.

8 Standards and Quality News

Record Management
and Quality Certification
by Prof. Madya Dr. Zawiyah Mohammad Yusof and Umi Asma Mokhtar (Member of the TC on Record Management)
Department of Information Science
Faculty of Information Science and Technology
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

The Relation between management standard namely ISO 15489 standards series compliant. It is an unwise

Record Management and provides systematic guidelines in managing decision for organizations not to adopt

Quality Certification records. Studies in several countries methods practised in record management
proved that the main problem to gain or believe that quality is not related to record
In a current trend of todays market, ISO certification and comply with it, is related to management at all. Apparently, once an
9001 certification becomes a ticket or record management in quality management organization develops an integrated record
platform for organizations to sell their programme (Gunnlaughsdottir, 2002). plan with the intention to obtain the quality
products. ISO certification requires a Quality system could not work effectively certification, it shows that the organization
company or organization to have a detailed without a good quality management has adopted the same step as the record
and proper documentation in order to programme. Though the implementation of manager in administering and managing
achieve consistent outputs. The investment quality system is tedious and complex, records/documents.
for a quality system certification is rather but the idea is simple, that is to document
costly, but it is worthwhile to embark on it as what to ought be done and do what has The Needs of Record
it will give untold advantages to the been documented. The documentation Management Conventional
company or organization. But, there is an enables the purpose, intention and Component in ISO 9001
aspect (i.e. record management), that needs consistency in the actions taken to be
to be revised or looked into prior to ANSI/ISO/ASQC Q 9000 series indicates
introducing the quality system. clearly the elements which relate to
records. Any organizations adopting
Organizations need efficient techniques,
ISO 9001:2000 puts record management record management programme or just
principles, and methods to meet the
at a high profile while the new record about to start embarking on it, is likely
purpose of ANSI/ISO/ASQC Q9000

Standards and Quality News 9

to meet the quality certification requirement or procedure which does not exist due to 2. Choksy, C. E. B. 2006. Domesticating
much easier. improper documentation control. Though many information: managing documents
organizations put the blame on the activities, inside the organization. Lanham,
Record management, through its method but it is significant that the ground root Maryland: The Screcrow Press, Inc.
and approaches serve as a guide to what- problem lies in not having records to justify
3. Gunnlaugsdottir, J. 2002. The Quality
to-do, how-to-do and where-to-begin. the transactions that have taken place. Thus,
must be on record: a survey of
Section 4.16 in Q9001 clearly shows, by organization ought to take proper and
organizations having an ISO 9000
implementing record management integrated steps prior to implementing effective
certification in Iceland. Records
components such as record creation and efficient quality record management by
Management Journal 12(2):40-47.
management, the development of retention adopting records management. Quality
schedule, safeguarding the vital record, filing system begins with records management. 4. Langemo, M. 2002. Winning strategies
system management, the management of Records need special management which for successful records management
record centre, the development of scheme
organization, indexing and the knowledge of
how and when to dispose off quality record.
Record management also depends on the Record Management Record Requirement
Conventional Component in ISO 9001
types of media and technology to organize,
store and retrieve quality records. It also
Record Creation Management Identify Record Creation Management
involves knowledge in micrographic easily
management, optical disk technology and
Form Management Record Creation Management
the application of information technology tools.
Management and retention Management and Retention
Differences Between Schedule Development Schedule Development
Conventional Record Record Disposal Record Disposal
Management Component
and Record Requirement Vital Record Security Vital Record Security
in ISO 9001
Filing Management Filing Management
The component of records management in
conventional setting differs from that of Micrographic Management Maintenance Storage Indexing
records requirement in ISO 9001. That is Retrieval Facility
Optical Disk Management Maintenance
represented in Figure 1.
Information Technology Storage
It is apparent from Figure 1 that quality
records is strongly related to record
Figure 1: Differences Between Conventional Records Management and Records
management. Sources for quality records Requirement in ISO 9001.
are all information created, documentations Source: Brumm, 1999.
implemented and transactions performed in
organization. Hence, these sources of
requires proper and systematic planning. It programs. Denver: Information
information will determine the effectiveness
should not be treated the same way as other Requirements Clearinghouse.
of quality system. How are these sources of
information. Records differ from information
information helping in the effectiveness of 5. OBrien J. A. 2002. Management
as they comprise many categories and
quality system? It is the auditing process information system. 5th Edition. US:
types. Records are internally generated and
that helps to validate the claim. Irwin McGraw Hill.
unpublished information that should not be
revealed, disseminated and disclosed to any
Auditors may ask activities related to product 6. Torres, T. 2006. Successful records
other unauthorized party.
and service quality by referring to recorded management. Tips for devising
information. Brumm (1999) reports that it is records management strategy your
References organization will use. A Microsoft
evident statistically that 60% of companies
failed to obtain immediate proposal for 1. Brumm, E. K. 1999. Managing records White Paper.
certification that involve document control for ISO 9000 compliance. Kuala Lumpur:
particularly records of purchasing activities Golden Books Centre Sdn. Bhd.

10 Standards and Quality News

An Overview of Malaysian Standard (MS 2072:2008) -
Guidelines for Developing and
Implementing Early Action for
Site Remediation
by Engr. Choo Chee Ming, MIEM, P.Eng, Engr. Assoc
Prof.Dr Zainab Mohamed, FIEM, P.Eng. Co-Author
Engr. Dr. Yin Chun Yang, Grad. IEM
(Environmental Engineering Technical Division, IEM)

Cleansing Management Act 2007,

Environmental Quality Act 1974 and Local
Government Act 1976. This standard
identifies and describes a standard process,
technical requirements, information needs,
benefits and strategy for early action
remedies undertaken at contaminated sites.
It is applicable to contaminated sites as
defined by the Department of Environment
and Department of National Solid Waste

The guideline highlights the basic activities

associated with implementing an early
action such as construction of a Conceptual
Site Model (CSM), estimation of risk(s),
identification of exposure control,
development of interim, selection of the
desired solution(s), attainment of legal
authority, design and execution of selected
solution(s) and post-implementation
monitoring of the CSM.

The common objectives for an early action

are to minimise human or environmental risk
exposure (or both) and the time required to
implement a final remedy. These early
This guideline is the first Malaysian Standard authority of the Environmental Management actions are aimed to safeguard the general
(MS2072:2008) that aims to provide Industry Standards Committee. The public and natural ecological as well as to
guidance to assist the planning, site purpose of this guideline is to manage, minimize the actual time required to
selection, design and implementation of control, or reduce the risks posed by remediate a contaminated site. It is
partial, short-term, or early action remedies contaminated sites. The early action important to note that the guideline is not
undertaken at contaminated sites. This remedies and strategies are applicable to intended to replace legal requirements for
guideline was developed by the Working the management of other regulatory remediating sites of environmental
Group on Site Remediation under the processes such as Solid Waste and Public contamination. It is highly recommended

Standards and Quality News 11

that the guideline be used to supplement - Identification of manageable CSM Post remedy monitoring plan
existing regulatory stipulation so that a components and early action
Early action performance assessment -
more effectual remedial effort can be solution alternatives
the success of an early action should
Funding of early actions - it is advisable be assessed by comparing its actual
to identify and allocate (budget) only a result to the predicted goal or desired
Salient procedures of early action for site
reasonable portion of the available objective
remediation presented in the guideline are
funding for early action, which is
listed and described as follows: Other considerations - funding limitations,
balanced between cost and risk
time constraints and other relevant
Gathering required information such as management benefits
historical records, interviews, previous
Prioritisation of early action solutions -
studies, environmental analytical data
the alternative elements, including The approval of this guideline is definitely a
and other relevant data.
desired results and technical step forward in the management of derelict
Development of the Conceptual Site components, of a proposed early and contaminated land since there was no
Model (CSM). The following information action should be prioritised by the such guideline previously. It will undoubtedly,
is presented in CSM: affected parties provide a useful tool to different stakeholders
such as site remediation specialists and
- Environmental contaminants for all Selection and integration of early
environmental consultants so that they can
pathways of a CSM actions - selection of the most
expedite clean up effort of a contaminated
beneficial solution should be
- Natural and secondary background site. As such, it is deemed that Malaysia is
conducted before formulating a
concentration of contaminants in all moving in the right direction in terms of
remedial implementation plan
CSM pathways governance of contaminated land.
Preparation and finalisation of
- Contaminant source characterisation
remedial plan Note: The authors are members of the
such as source location, boundaries,
Working Group on Site Remediation for which
volume and concentration Implementation and documentation of
SIRIM Berhad is the secretariat. For more
early action activities - during
- Potential contaminant migration information, please contact the secretariat,
implementation of the plan, the results
pathways through soil, surface water, Puan Noraslina Mat Zain at 03- 5544 6339
must be documented and compared
air, and groundwater media
to the original objectives frequently
- Contaminant mass estimate
Identification of requirements for early
1. ASTM D 5745-95 (Reapproved 2005),
- Estimation of concentration and actions. The general requirement of
Standard guide for developing and
duration of both human and early actions as shown as follows:
implementing short term measures or
ecological contaminant exposure
- Health and safety plan early actions for site remediation.
- Estimation of human and
- Sampling and analysis plan 2. Engineering Services Division, Ministry
environmental risk
of Health - Management of Clinical
- Early action plan including of
Identification of early action strategy Waste in Hospitals and Health Care
security, mobilisation/demobilisation,
as follows: Establishment, July 1993.
unit/system operation, unit/system
- Proactive development of early test/performance monitoring, 3. Ministry of Housing and Local
action remedies - all affected parties community relations and site analysis Government - Technical Guideline for
to provide input to identify their Sanitary Landfill, Design and
- Execution and implementation of
concerns, risks, resources, and Operation, August 2006.
early action plan Operations should
objectives for an early action.
conform to the plan unless
4. Ministry of Housing and Local
- Identification of early action circumstances require change and
Government - Guideline for Safe
potentially contaminated sites - sites written authorisation for plan
Closure and Rehabilitation of MSW
that are dynamic and contain modification is obtained.
Landfill Sites, August 2006 .
complex migration pathways
Documentation retention - responsibility
commonly require sophisticated and
for record keeping rests with the
detailed site characterisation
property owner

12 Standards and Quality News

Malaysian Standards
on Noodles
by Zainorni Mohd Janis
Secretary of TC on Cereals, Pulses and Related Products
SIRIM Berhad

support the industry and for the benefit Instant wheat noodles are characterised by
of consumers. The first MS on noodle the use of pregelatinisation process and
was published in 1977, i.e. MS 526:1977, dehydration either by frying or by other
Specification for instant noodles. This methods and to qualify for the concept of
was followed by MS 955:1985, instant, they should be cooked or soaked
Specification for beehoon (Rice vermicelli), in not more than four minutes in boiling
MS 1112:1988, Specification for instant water. The major modifications in this
beehoon (Rice vermicelli) and MS 526:1988, second revision of MS 526, Instant noodles
Specification for instant noodles (first - Specification include amendment and
revision). A major change in the revision of elaboration of the scope, amendment and
MS 526 is the inclusion of the test method addition of a new definition on alkaline salt
to determine acid value which was based on and further elaboration on the minimum
the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) test requirements of the noodles. In addition,
method. the labelling and hygiene requirements have
also been revised and amended according
The latest progress in the development of to the current relevant regulations and all
MS in this field is the development of two test methods have been updated and
new MS, i.e. Wet and raw wheat noodles - amended accordingly.
Noodles are one of the staple foods for Specification and Dried wheat noodles
many Asian countries since ancient times. Specification, and the second revision of Projects which are in the pipeline are
There are many types of noodles, varying MS 526:1988, Specification for instant the first revision of MS 955:1985,
according to their regions of production, noodles. For these noodles, wheat flour is Specification for Beehoon (Rice Vermicelli)
ingredients, shapes and manner of the main ingredient. Wet noodle is and MS 1112:1988, Specification for
preparation. They can be made, among characterised by the use of partial or full instant beehoon (rice vermicelli). Beehoon
others, from wheat, rice, buckwheat, and cooking process and coated with vegetable (rice vermicelli) is characterised by the use
starches derived from potatoes, sweet oil to prevent sticking. Some examples of of pregelatinisation and drying processes
potatoes, and pulses. In general, noodles wet noodles are yellow alkaline, hokkien whereas, instant beehoon (rice vermicelli) is
are made from unleavened dough and the and udon noodles. Raw noodle is similar to characterised by the use of pregelatinisation
basic process in producing noodles are wet noodles but with the inclusion of eggs and drying processes, and it should also
dough mixing, sheet forming, reduction in and coated with starches to prevent be cooked or soaked in not more than 4
sheet forming, cutting, and cooking. In sticking. Raw noodles include wantan and minutes in boiling water.
Malaysia, noodles have been accepted too pan noodles.
as one of the staple foods, cutting across As flour is the main ingredient in producing
the multiracial population in the country. There are two types of dried wheat noodles various types of noodles, these MS are
Two types of noodles which are more i.e. fried and non-fried. Fried dried noodles applicable to not only noodle
commonly consumed in Malaysia are those are claypot yee mee, braised yee mee manufacturers, but also flour manufacturers
made from wheat and rice. and fried mee suah whereas, non-fried to ensure that the latter are able to supply
dried noodles include mee siput, longevity the flour suitable to produce noodles
In line with this situation, a few Malaysian noodle, taucham mee, mee poh and meeting the requirements of these MS.
Standards (MS) have been developed to other steamed and dried noodle variations.

Standards and Quality News 13


Speed Hump -
Specification for Materials,
Design and Installation
by Assoc. Prof. Ir. Adnan Zulkiple
Chairman of the Working Group on Speed Hump

Abstract Builders Berhad and Universiti Malaysia This standard however does not cover the
Pahang. The Working Group on Speed specification and installation of speed
Speed hump and speed bump have been Hump which developed this Malaysian bump.
used by relevant authorities and to some Standard consists of representatives from
extent private entities as means to control Kuala Lumpur City Hall, Malaysian Institute Terms and Definitions
traffic flow at roads or area under their of Transport, Universiti Teknologi MARA,
jurisdiction. However, the practice is not Speed hump
Perunding Atur Sdn Bhd, RW Consultancy
uniform in particular in term of the materials, A raised pavement area across a roadway
Sdn Bhd, SIRIM Berhad (Secretariat), the
design and installation of the speed with a rounded top of 3.70 m to 4.25 m
Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Universiti
reducing measures. Often speed bump (the width and vertical rise of 75 mm to 100 mm
Kebangsaan Malaysia and Universiti
high impact but the worst of the two which can generally slow down vehicles
Malaysia Pahang.
measures) is installed on roads when its gently to speeds of 15km/h to 30km/h as

application is meant for use at private roads shown in Figure 1.

This paper will highlight the scope of the
and parking lots. The specification that we standard, terms and definitions with
have developed is for the materials, design regard to speed hump and speed bump,
and installation of speed hump which is purposes of speed hump installation,
recommended for nationwide practice by all benefits and drawbacks of speed
relevant parties (authorities, developers and hump, public participation and profile,
contractors to name a few). physical characteristic, materials, design,
installation, signage and road marking of the
Introduction speed hump.

This Malaysian Standard was developed by Figure 1: Speed Hump

the Working Group on Speed Hump under

Speed hump
the authority of the Industry Standards This standard specifies the requirements for
A significantly smaller size than speed hump
Committee on Building, Construction and speed humps which includes speed hump
with a rounded top of less than 1 m width
Civil Engineering. The Technical Committee characteristics, materials used, design
and vertical rise of 75 mm to 150 mm which
on Roads and Highways which supervised specifications, signages and locations to be
can slow down vehicles abruptly to speeds
the development of this Malaysian Standard installed and public participation.
of 8 km/h to 15 km/h as shown in Figure 2.
consists of representatives from Association
of Consulting Engineers Malaysia, This Malaysian Standard serves as the
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers, Fire guideline for speed humps as one of the
and Rescue Department Malaysia, IKRAM traffic calming measures on roads with legal
QA Services Sdn Bhd, Malaysian Highway speed limits of 30 km/hr to 60 km/hr (with
Authority, OPUS International (M) Berhad, upper limit of 80 km/hr for roads under the
OPUS International Group PLC, Pertubuhan jurisdiction of the Public Works
Akitek Malaysia Projek Lebuhraya Utara- Department), for the purpose of slowing
Selatan Berhad, Public Works Department traffic to approximately 50 % at the road
Malaysia, SIRIM Berhad (Secretariat), UEM sections before and after the speed humps. Figure 2: Speed Hump

14 Standards and Quality News

Purposes of Speed Hump b) vehicles may drive on sidewalks or Speed Hump Profile,
Installation through front yards to avoid speed humps; Physical Characteristics
c) traffic may be diverted to previously quiet and Materials
Speed hump is a common traffic calming
parallel streets in the neighborhood;
measures that when combined with other Shapes of speed humps
physical measures will help to reduce the d) emergency service response time suffers; Common shapes of speed hump are
negative effects of traffic flow, alter driver parabolic, circular and sinusoidal as shown
e) motorized street sweeping equipment
behavior, and improve safety for non- in Figure 3.
cannot be used at speed hump locations;
motorized street users.
f) speed humps may interfere with street

However, traffic reduction is not necessarily repaving, decreasing the effectiveness

a goal of traffic calming. Traffic volumes of both the speed hump and the new
Parabolic 75 mm - 100 mm
can be reduced through the use of route pavement surface;
Minimum length 3.70 m
modification techniques such as road g) speed humps block the flow of
Maximum length 4.25 m

closures and turn restrictions, but these drainage water on some streets and
can cause inconvenience to local can cause flooding problems;
residents and are often opposed on such
h) speed humps require signages and
grounds. Traffic calming is concerned only
markings, which some residents may
with speed reduction and does not
consider unattractive; and Circular 75 mm - 100 mm
attempt to restrict vehicular access. It Minimum length 3.70 m
can, though, help to discourage through i) poor maintenance of road markings Maximum length 4.25 m

traffic on certain streets and encourage and signages at speed reduction

other means of travel. humps and similar structures can lead
to accidents as drivers and
Benefits and Drawbacks motorcyclists will not be fore warned of
of Speed Hump the impending road obstruction
Sinusoidal 75 mm - 100 mm
especially during inclement weather.
Benefits of Speed humps Minimum length 3.70 m
Maximum length 4.25 m
Speed humps can help control speeding
Public Participation
on local neighborhood streets and Figure 3: Common shapes of speed humps
places of public interest such as hotels Speed humps are constructed by the
and resorts, schools, universities, parks, authorities as part of traffic calming
Speed hump physical characteristics
sporting venues, shopping centres and measures or upon request by the local
The length and height of the speed humps
car parks. Unlike traditional police residents.
determine the speed at which traffic will
enforcement, speed humps provide
travel over the devices. Shorter lengths and
continuous service. They may also help Before any road hump is constructed,
greater heights slow cars most drastically.
discourage cut-through traffic by views of public representatives such as
When placed in a series of 90 m to 180 m
diverting it elsewhere. Worldwide studies councilors and resident association, the
apart, humps will reduce 85 percentile
also show an average of 18 % reduction in local road safety research institution
speeds by 12 km/h to 15 km/h. Average
traffic volumes and an average of 13 % (Malaysia Institution of Road Safety), the
speeds resulting from installing speed
reduction in collisions along the stretch of Road Engineering Association of Malaysia
humps are 15 km/h to 30 km/h (40 km/h for
the road where speed humps are and the Institution of Engineers Malaysia
roads with 80 km/h speed limit).
installed appropriately. should be considered. Proposed locations
and details of road humps, road markings
The physical characteristics of a speed
Drawbacks of Speed humps and road signs should be clearly
hump are as follows:
Some drawbacks of speed humps are as shown in drawings and then distributed
follows: to these parties and the affected a) rounded raised areas of pavement;
proprietors and residents. Briefings to these b) typically 3.70 to 4.25 m in length and
a) residents living near speed humps
parties and discussions should be span across the width of the road;
have to tolerate increased noise
conducted and the conclusion to be
levels as vehicles traverse speed c) hump heights range between 75 mm
evaluated technically and then incorporated
humps day and night; to 100 mm with a construction
in the construction drawings.
tolerance of 3 mm;

Standards and Quality News 15

d) common speed hump shapes are
Types Dimension Material
parabolic, circular and sinusoidal;
Parabolic, Circular and Length : 3.70 m to 4.25 m Asphaltic premix
f) typically has pavement markings to Sinusoidal Height : 75 mm to 100 mm wearing course,
concrete or rubber
enhance visibility (suggested to be of
yellow zebra); Table 1: Specification of speed hump

g) tapered to the edge near curbs to allow 7500mm

a gap for drainage; and Varies according to site condition
7500mm A
Varies according to site condition
Varies according to site condition
h) some have speed advisories for A A

bicyclists and motorcyclists (prefer that

600mm width
it does not cover or cross the bicycle or yellow bar
motorcycle lane). 600mm600mm
yellow yellow
600mm width bar
600mm width
Speed hump materials gap

Speed humps are constructed of asphalt,

concrete, or rubber. While traditionally most A
humps were constructed of asphalt or concrete, A
rubber is becoming increasingly common in
Normal road line paint on hump surface
some countries for several reasons. Asphalt
and concrete can be difficult to construct
3700mm to 4250mm Hump premix
precisely while rubber products are pre- 3700mm to 4250mm Hump premix
shaped to standardized sizes and thus wearing
3700mm to 4250mm Hump premix
consistently meet industry standards. Minimum 25 25
Minimum Minimum 25 25
Minimum keyed to existing
Meanwhile rubber speed humps are one of450mm450mm wearing course

the traffic management devices which are Minimum 25 Minimum 25

Section A-A
450mm 450mm
used for permanent or temporary motor vehicle
speed reduction. It should be considered for Width of road varies to site condition
Width of road varies to site condition
the installation when temporary and test
300mm tapertaper 300mmtaper
300mm taper
installation is required before construction of
Width of road varies to site condition
the permanent asphalt speed humps. Rubber
speed humps also can be used whenever 300mm taper 300mm taper
75mm to 100mm 75mm to 100mm
75mm to 100mm 75mm to 100mm
temporary installation is required due to
certain changes in the traffic management Elevation
system. In addition (as claimed by the 75mm to 100mm 75mm to 100mm
manufacturers), unlike concrete and asphalt, areas where the speed limit is usually treated on a case to case basis. It is not

which necessitate frequent and high cost less than 40 km/h. Where the spacing of a recommended to be installed on road

replacements, rubber products are longer series of humps is allowable, speed humps sections with grades greater than 8%.

lasting and thus more cost-efficient. can also be installed on local roads with
speed limit not exceeding 60 km/h. Prohibited road sections

Design, Installation, Speed humps are usually installed at the Speed humps are not permitted at the

Signage and Road Marking following areas: following areas:

a) residential streets; a) on streets where drainage water flows

Design specification of speed humps
down the center of the street;
The installation of speed humps should b) midblock placement and not within the
be in accordance with the specification area of an intersection; and b) on streets regularly used by buses,
as in Table 1 and Figure 4. trucks and emergency vehicles;
c) roadsides that work well with curb
extensions. c) within 60 m of a STOP or YIELD sign;
Installation of speed humps
d) on streets dust proofed with Bituminous
Permissible road sections Installation on major roads, bus routes, or
Surface Treatment (BST) or on alleys;
The installation of speed humps is mainly primary emergency response routes should
be exercised with special cautions and e) on or near steep grades or sharp curves;
on local streets or roads within residential

16 Standards and Quality News

f) closer than 150 m apart if not designed
in a series of humps; and

g) on collector streets. AWAS 200mm

Bonggol White font
Warning signage and road marking 1890mm
Di hadapan 150mm
AWAS 200mm

Speed hump must come with appropriate White font
Bonggol 200mm
AWAS colour

warning signage (advance warning sign at

Di hadapan
Bonggol 150mm White font
Kurangkan Laju 150mm colour
appropriate distance before first hump in
Di hadapan Red 150mm
series and warning sign or object marker at White font

75mm diameter

hump). See Figure 5 and Figure 6; colour
Kurangkan Laju 150mm
Class A G.I pipe

Kurangkan Laju 150mm
White font 75mm diameter

colour Class A G.I pipe
White font 75mm diameter

Concrete 1:2:4 colour Class A G.I pipe
footing 300mm x
300mm x 525mm

Concrete 1:2:4 150mm x 150mm x
footing 300mm x 300mm
Type A Sign 300mm x 525mm 13mm M.S plate

Concrete 1:2:4 welded to post
footing 300mm x
300mm x 525mm 150mm x 150mm x
13mm M.S plate
Figure 6 (a): Speed hump signage design standard forpost
to type A
x 150mm x
13mm M.S plate
900mm 900mm welded to post

Figure 5: Proper placement of warning sign 900mm 900mm

for a speed hump
900mm 900mm 900mm 900mm
900mm 900mm
900mm Yellow
Road markings and delineations are used to 900mm 900mm

900mm30 Km/j Yellow

regulate traffic or to warn or guide road

users. They may be used either alone or to 900mm

30 Km/j White


supplement other traffic control devices. All White

30 Km/j


road markings and delineations should be Blackdiameter

75mm White

Class A G.I pipe

uniform in design, position and application, 75mm diameterBlack


Class A G.I pipe
so that they may be recognized and Concrete75mm
1:2:4 diameter
300mm xClass
300mmA G.Ixpipe
understood immediately by all road users. Concrete 1:2:4 footing

300mm x 300mm x
The location of the markings should be


150mm Concrete
x 150mm 1:2:4
x footing
precise to avoid confusion as shown in 13mm300mm x 300mm
thick M.S plate x

150mm x 150mm
welded to post x
Type B Sign 300mm 13mm thick M.S plate 300mm Type C Sign
Figure 7. welded to150mm
post x 150mm x 300mm
13mm thick M.S plate
300mm welded to post 300mm
A typical Type A Sign depicted in Figure 6(a) Figure 6 (b): Speed hump signage design standard for type B and C
shall be positioned at 110m (measured from 60m
B 60m C
the crown) before the location of a speed B s 10m C
s 60m10m
hump. This signage shall be followed by the B C
s 10m
placement of a Type B Sign and a Type C
Sign (typically depicted in Figure 6(b)) at
distances as shown in Figure 7. 600mm

Conclusion and Futher 600mm

Works 600mm

The specification of the materials, design and

installation of speed hump are ready for s s
C C 10m10m B B
V (km/j) S (m)
practice by all relevant stakeholders. We are
Legend s
B Sign Type B 40 7
looking forward to receive feedbacks on the C 60m60m B

60 9
C Sign Type C
usefulness or constructive comments on any
80 11
of the items in the specification. In the near
future we hope to complete similar
specification for speed bump. Figure 7: Speed hump road markings (2-way traffic flow)

Standards and Quality News 17

A New Method of Making
Skin Regenerating Template
Skin regenerating template is useful for advantage in that the thickness, pore size
wound healing, particularly for third degree and the porosity of the bilayer can be
burns and hard-to-heal wounds. The controlled simply by modifying the
researchers from SIRIM Berhad, Universiti molecular weight of chitosan powder using
Sains Malaysia and the Malaysian Nuclear gamma radiation.
Agency have developed a method of The new method of making skin
producing a bilayer skin regenerating regenerating template from chitosan
template useful for wound dressing from has been patented (Patent Application
chitosan. The bilayer skin regenerating No. PI 2007 2205) and is now available
template consists of an inner porous for commercialization. Companies or
sponge layer and an outer film layer is non- entrepreneurs interested in taking up this
toxic and is use to protect the skin defects new method of producing bilayer skin
from infections and dehydration. Skin regenerating template can contact the
regenerating template made from chitosan Marketing and Sales Department of
using the present method has the SIRIM Berhad.

Simplified process for

Certificate of Conformity (COC)
for the Saudi Arabian Market

Certificates of Conformity (COC) issued by Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality

SIRIM QAS International which facilitate the Organization (SASO), formerly known as
entry of Malaysian products into the Saudi Arabian Standards Organisation is the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia no longer require organisation responsible for the issuance
endorsements from Notaries Public, the and implementation of standards, technical
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malaysia and the regulations and quality programs including
Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Conformity Assessment Systems in the
This will benefit Malaysian industry as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Certificate of Conformity Program is now
more business friendly. The announcement Contact:
was made by H.E. Mr. Nabil Amen Molla, Mr. Harman Alang Kasim
Governor of Saudi Standards, Metrology Tel: 03- 55446683
and Quality Organization during his visit to Fax: 03-55446652
SIRIM QAS International on 12 June 2009. Email:

18 Standards and Quality News

Certification, Malaysian
Standards and International
Standards Updates
Updates on SQAS International Certification
Please refer to the following websites for current information on Product and Management System Certifications:
Contact person: Pn.Azlina Dzulkafli / Pn. Shuana Mohd Aris
Telephone: 603- 5544 6809 / 6822
E mail: or

Please refer to the following websites for updates on Malaysian Standards

MS Development Structure: Recently Approved MS: ms_approved/latest_approved.htm

MS Development Process: MS Online:

All of the above Information is also Available

Drafts MS for Public Comment:
at the following URL Address:
Industry Standards Committee (ISC) Websites:

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Standards and Quality News 19

Risk Management
Should Malaysia Adopt ISO 31000?

The challenges and the uncertainties of the actively involved in the development of ISO ISO/TMB/WG on Risk Management on the
current economic climate make risk 31000. This committee was formed in 2006 following documents:
management a top priority for boards and as the National Mirror Committee (NMC) to
senior management. Organisations of all the ISO/TMB/WG on Risk Management.
1. ISO/FDIS-31000 (Risk Management -
sizes are setting up their risk management The Malaysian Standards development
Principles and Guidelines on
programme or working on improving the system and participation in International
existing programme. As risk becomes Standardisation (ISO and IEC) are under
everyones concern, the need for a guideline the responsibility of the Department of 2. ISO/Draft Guide-73 (Risk Management
to assist in the implementation of an Standards Malaysia, a government agency - Vocabulary)
effective risk management programme is under the Ministry of Science, Technology
thus highly desired. and Innovation (MOSTI). Announcement on Upcoming Forum on
Risk Management Standard
There are various risk management models The primary objective of forming such a As part of ongoing activities, the NMC on
in the market for reference. Among them are committee was to look into the Risk Management in collaboration with the
the Australian/New Zealand Standard, development of Malaysian Standards in Department of Standards Malaysia and
AS/NZS 4360 Risk Management, the relation to Risk Management. The scope SIRIM Berhad, is planning to organise a
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the committee is standardisation of FORUM ON RISK MANAGEMENT
of the Treadway Commission (COSO) the Risk Management approach and STANDARD (ISO 31000) on 21 October
Enterprise Risk Management - Integrated the development of guidelines for the 2009 at SIRIM Berhad, Shah Alam,
Framework, the AIRMIC/ALARM/IRM Risk establishment and implementation of the Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Management Standard and the British Risk Management framework.
Standard, BS 31100 Risk Management The forum is open to both the public and
Code of Practice. The NMC is currently chaired by Associate private sectors of Malaysia. The underlying
Professor Dr Hj Mohd Rasid Hussin of rationale of organising such a forum is to
As risk management hits the boardroom Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Members disseminate relevant information pertaining
agenda and is discussed across borders, of the NMC are experts from various to ISO 31000 and elicit useful feedback
there is a need for a common terminology to organisations including representatives from all relevant stakeholders concerned in
facilitate communication on risk information. from SIRIM Berhad, Malaysian Association terms of potential adoption and/or
Thus, the International Organization for of Risk and Insurance Management (MARIM), adaptation of ISO 31000 for Malaysia. Upon
Standardization (ISO) has taken the initiative Telekom Malaysia Berhad, PETRONAS, adoption/adaptation, there will be
to develop an International Standard, Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia (UDM), standardisation among both the public and
namely ISO 31000, Risk management - Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Tenaga private sectors in Malaysia on a single
Principles and guidelines, which provides Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia Airport standard as the primary guideline on risk
principles and generic guidelines on risk Holdings Berhad (MAHB), CyberSecurity management.
management. ISO 31000 which is now at Malaysia, Securities Commission, the Institution
its final draft stage is expected to be of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and Malaysian Contact:
published soon. Institute of Corporate Governance (MICG). Ms. Azlina Abd. Latif
Tel: 03-5544 6310
MALAYSIA establishes its own Technical Malaysia has contributed technical Fax: 03-5510 8830
Committee on Risk Management which is expertise and participated in the work of Email:

20 Standards and Quality News

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