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Volume 1, Issue 3 A Fact Sheet September 15, 2000

What Are Employability Skills?

The two greatest concerns of employers today are finding good workers
and training them. The difference between the skills needed on the job and
Job readiness skills those possessed by applicants, sometimes called the skills-gap, is of real con-
are clustered into cern to human resource managers and business owners looking to hire com-
three skill sets: ba- petent employees. While employers would prefer to hire people who are
sic academic skills, trained and ready to go to work, they are usually willing to provide the spe-
higher order think- cialized, job-specific training necessary for those lacking such skills.
ing skills, personal
qualities Most discussions concerning todays workforce eventually turn to e m-
ployability skills. Finding workers who have employability or job readiness
Employability skills skills that help them fit into and remain in the work environment is a real
are those basic problem. Employers need reliable, responsible workers who can solve prob-
skills necessary for lems and who have the social skills and
getting, keeping, attitudes to work together with other
and doing well on a workers. Creativity, once a trait
job. avoided by employers who used a
Employability skills cookie cutter system, is now prized
are teachable skills. among employers who are trying to
create the empowered, high-
performance workforce needed for com-
petitiveness in todays marketplace.
AUTHOR INFORMATION: Employees with these skills are in de-
Dr. Jacquelyn P. Robinson mand and are considered valuable hu-
Community Workforce man capital assets to companies.
Development Specialist
State Headquarters Employability skills are those basic
216 Extension Hall
Auburn University, AL skills necessary for getting, keeping,
36849-5631 and doing well on a job. These are the
Telephone (334) 844-5353 skills, attitudes and actions that en-
FAX (334) 844-9022 able workers to get along with their Activities both during and after school, including
fellow workers and supervisors and to sports, enjoyed during youth help prepare for jobs.
make sound, critical decisions. Unlike occupational or technical skills, em-
ployability skills are generic in nature rather than job specific and cut across
all industry types, business sizees, and job levels from the entry-level
worker to the senior-most position.
What specifically are those skills, attitudes and actions, i.e., employabil-

Visit the Community Resource Development home page at www.aces.edu/department/crd/


ity skills, necessary for getting, keeping, and valuable asset. Application of higher order
doing well on a job? Employability skills, thinking skills in the use of technology, instru-
while categorized in many different ways, are ments, tools and information systems takes
generally divided into three skill sets: (a) basic these higher order skills to a new level making
academic skills, (b) higher-order thinking the employee even more valuable. Employers
skills and (c) personal qualities. The three will usually try to help valued employees seek
skill sets are typically broken down into more and get more advanced training, thus widening
detailed skill sets (see Figure 1). the gap between those with higher order skills
and those
Basic Academic Higher-Order Personal Qualities possessing
Skills Thinking Skills basic aca-
demic skills
Reading Learning Responsible Team Spirit alone.
Writing Reasoning Self Confidence Punctual and Effi-
Science Thinking Creatively Self Control cient If basic ac a-
Math Decisions Making Social Skills Self Directed demic skills
Oral Communica- Problem Solving Honest Good Work Attitude and higher
tion Have Integrity Well Groomed order think-
Listening Adaptable and Cooperative
ing skills are
Flexible Self Motivated
Self Management
so important,
why then are
Figure 1 gives a listing of the employability skills included within
deeply concerned with personal skills? Because
each skills set.
in most jobs, it is difficult to utilize workers ef-
Although the academic skill level required fectively who lack personal skills. Entry-level
by some entry-level jobs may be low, basic employees with good personal skills have confi-
academic skills are still essential for high dence in themselves and deal with others hon-
job performance. Ideally, new hires will have estly and openly, displaying respect for them-
the ability and will want to learn. They also selves, their co-workers, and their supervisors
need the ability to listen to and read instruc- regardless of other peoples diversity and indi-
tions and then to carry out those instructions. vidual differences. They view themselves as a
When asked for information, these individuals part of a team and are willing to work within
should be able to respond appropriately both the culture of the group. They have a positive
orally and in writing, including recording and attitude and take the initiative to learn new
relaying information. Reading ability includes things to get the job done. Rather than blaming
comprehending what has been read and using others when things go wrong, they are account-
a variety of written materials, including able for their actions. They also have the ability
graphs, charts, tables and displays. Entry- to set goals and priorities in their work and per-
level employees also need the ability to com- sonal lives so that resources of time, money and
plete basic math computations accurately. other resources may be conserved and managed.
These individuals practice good personal habits,
Perhaps even more important to job suc-
come to work as scheduled, on time and dressed
cess than having good basic academic skills is
appropriately, and are agreeable to change
having good higher-order thinking skills.
when necessary.
The ability to think, reason, and make sound
decisions is crucial for employees desiring to Failure to equip young people with the job
do well and advance. A person who can think readiness skills critical to job success is equiva-
critically, act logically, and evaluate situations lent to placing employability barriers in their
to make decisions and solve problems, is a
(Continued on page 3)

path. Allowing students to graduate with 7. Teach,

these deficiencies has far reaching implica- The real problem is dont tell.
tions. There are ways, however, these defi- Teachers and
ciencies may be corrected. For example, finding workers who have trainers tend
the employability skills or to be most ef-
1. Employability skills are teachable skills
fective when
and may be taught in both school and em-
job readiness skills . . . they assume
ployment settings. Goals and objectives for
the role of
teaching employability skills should be set.
coach or facilitator.
Instruction should be designed to ensure
those goals and objectives are reached. It is often said that it is too late to teach val-
ues after a child has reached or completed high
2. Parents need to be involved in goal setting
school; that their personality is set and nothing
and modeling behavior for in-school youth.
can change it. That is not true. It is, fortu-
3. Teach employability skills using a democ- nately, never too late. Change may be difficult,
ratic approach so that students awareness but it can be done. Teaching of values should
of values, attitudes, and worker responsi- begin in the home as a child, be continued
bilities is increased. through development to adulthood, and rein-
4. Supervisors, trainers and teachers should forced as an adult. If good behavior is reinforced
set good examples of the desired behavior. and good role models are presented, people can
Students should have the opportunity to change for the better. Good habits can be ac-
observe the type of work place behavior quired. Employers, schools and parents should
that is being required of them. remember that you get the behavior you reward
and model.
5. When possible, classrooms should replicate
the features of real work settings. Dr. Jacquelyn P. Robinson

6. Set and communicate high expectations Community Workforce Development Specialist

and hold students responsible for their be- Alabama Cooperative Extension System

Needleman, E. C. (1995). Preparing Youth for Employable Futures. Washington, DC: National 4-H Council
Secretarys Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (no date). Skills and Tasks for Jobs. A SCANS Report for America
2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work in agriculture and home economics, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, and other
related acts, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M
University and Auburn University) offers educational programs, materials, and equal opportunity employment to all people without
regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability.

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