(1979) - 1-W L R - 401
(1979) - 1-W L R - 401
(1979) - 1-W L R - 401
1 W.L.R.
LORD DENNING M.R. This case is a " battle of forms." The plaintiffs, the E
Butler Machine Tool Co. Ltd., suppliers of a machine, on May 23, 1969,
quoted a price for a machine tool of 75,535. Delivery was to be given in
10 months. On the back of the quotation there were terms and conditions.
One of them was a price variation clause. It provided for an increase in
the price if there was an increase in the costs and so forth. The machine
tool was not delivered until November 1970: By that time costs had increased F
so much that the sellers claimed an additional sum of 2,892 as due to
them under the price variation clause.
The defendant buyers, Ex-Cell-O Corporation (England) Ltd., rejected
the excess charge. They relied on their own terms and conditions. They
" We did not accept the sellers' quotation as it was. We gave an order G
for the self-same machine at the self-same price, but on the back of our
order we had our own terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions
did not contain any price variation clause."
The judge held that the price variation clause in the sellers' form con
tinued through the whole dealing and so the sellers were entitled to rely
upon it. He was clearly influenced by a passage in Anson's Law of Contract, H
24th ed. (1975), pp. 37 and 38, of which the editor.is Professor Guest: and
also by Treitel, The Law of Contract, 4th ed. (1975), p. 15. The judge said
that the sellers did all that was necessary and. reasonable to bring the price
variation clause to the notice of the buyers. He. thought that the buyers
would not "browse over the conditions" of the sellers: and then, by
printed words in their (the buyers') document, trap the sellers into a fixed
price contract ::.. . .:." ' -: :. ' ' -' .. . ..- .-..-. :. . '
The Weekly Law Reports, April 13, 1979
1 W.L.R. Butler Machine Tool v. Ex-Cell-O Corpn. (C.A.) Lord Denning M.R.
A I am afraid that I cannot agree with the suggestion that the buyers
" trapped " the sellers in any way. Neither party called any oral evidence
before the judge. The case was decided on the documents alone. I propose
therefore to go through them.
On May 23, 1969, the sellers offered to deliver one " Butier" double
column plane-miller for the total price of 75,535. Delivery 10 months
n (subject to confirmation at time of ordering) other terms and conditions
are on the reverse of this quotation. On the back there were 16 conditions
in small print starting with this general condition:
" All orders are accepted only upon and subject to the terms set out
in our quotation and the following conditions. These terms and
conditions shall prevail over any terms and conditions in the buyer's
Clause 3 was the price variation clause. It said:
" Prices are based on present day costs of manufacture and design and
having regard to the delivery quoted and uncertainty as to the cost
of labour, materials etc. during the period of manufacture, we regret
that we have no alternative but to make it a condition of acceptance
jv of order that goods will be charged at prices ruling upon date of
The buyers replied on May 27, 1969, giving an order in these words:
" Please supply on terms and conditions as below and overleaf." Below there
was a list of the goods ordered, but there were differences from the quotation
of the sellers in these respects: (i) there was an additional item for the
g cost of installation, 3,100 and (ii) there was a different delivery date:
instead of 10 months, it was 1011 months.
Overleaf there were different terms as to the cost of carriage: in that
it was to be paid to the delivery address of the buyers: whereas the sellers'
terms were ex warehouse. There were different terms as to the right to
cancel for late delivery. The buyers in their conditions reserved the right
to cancel if delivery was not made by the agreed date: whereas the sellers
F in their conditions said that cancellation of order due to late delivery would
not be accepted.
On the foot of the buyers' order there was a tear-off slip headed:
"Acknowledgment: Please sign and return to Ex-Cell-O. We accept
your order on the terms and conditions stated thereonand undertake
to deliver byDatesigned."
In that slip the delivery date and signature were left blank ready to be
filled in by the sellers.
On June 5, 1969, the sellers wrote this letter to the buyers:
"We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your official order
dated May 27 covering the supply of one Butler Double Column
Plane-Miller. This being delivered in accordance with our revised
quotation of May 23 for delivery in 10/11 months, i.e., March/April
1970. We return herewith duly, completed your acknowledgment .of
order form."
They enclosed the acknowledgment form' duly filled in with the delivery
date March/April 1970 and signed by the Butler Machine Tool Co.
No doubt a contract was then concluded. But oh what terms? The
sellers rely, on their general conditions and on their last letter which said
The Weekly Law Reports, April 13, 1979
Lord Denning M.R. Butler Machine Tool v. Ex-Ccll-O Corpn. (CA.) [1979]
" in accordance with our revised quotation of May 23 " (which had on the A
back the price variation clause). The buyers rely on the acknowledgment
signed by the sellers which accepted the buyer's order " on the terms and
conditions stated thereon " (which did not include a price variation clause).
If those documents are analysed in our traditional method, the result
would seem to me to be this: the quotation of May 23, 1969, was an offer
by the sellers to the buyers containing the terms and conditions on the back.
The order of May 27, 1969, purported to be an acceptance of that offer
in that it was for the same machine at the same price, but it contained such
additions as to cost of installation, date of delivery and so forth that it was
in law a rejection of the offer and constituted a counter-offer. That is
clear from Hyde v. Wrench (1840) 3 Beav. 334, As Megaw J. said in
Trollope & Colls Ltd. v. Atomic Power Constructions Ltd. [1963] 1
W.L.R. 333, 337: " . . . the counter-offer kills the original offer." The letter C
of the sellers of June 5, 1969, was an acceptance of that counter-offer, as is
shown by the acknowledgment which the sellers signed and returned to the
buyers. The reference to the quotation of May 23 referred only to the
price and identity of the machine.
To go on with the facts of the case. The important thing is that the sellers
did not keep the contractual date of delivery which was March/April 1970. Q
The machine was ready about September 1970 but by that time the buyers'
production schedule had to be re-arranged as they could not accept delivery
until November 1970. Meanwhile the sellers had invoked the price increase
clause. They sought to charge the buyers an increase due to the rise in
costs between May 27, 1969 (when the order was given), and April 1, 1970
(when the machine ought to have been delivered). It came to 2,892. The
buyers rejected the claim. The judge held that the sellers were entitled to ^
the sum of 2,892 under the price variation clause. He did not apply the
traditional method of analysis by way of offer and counter-offer. He said
that in the quotation of May 23, 1969, " one finds the price variation clause
appearing under a most emphatic heading stating that it is a term or con
dition that is to prevail." So he held that it did prevail.
I have much sympathy with the judge's approach to this case. In many of F
these cases our traditional analysis of offer, counter-offer, rejection,
acceptance and so forth is out of date. This was observed by Lord
Wilberforce in New Zealand Shipping Co. Ltd. v. A. M. Satterthwaite
& Co. Ltd. [1975] A.C. 154, 167. The better way is to look at all the
documents passing between the partiesand glean from them, or from the
conduct of the parties, whether they have reached agreement on all material r
pointseven though there may be differences between the forms and
conditions printed on the back of them. As Lord Cairns said in Brogden v.
Metropolitan Railway Co. (1877) 2 App.Cas. 666, 672:
". . . there may be a consensus between the parties far short of a com
plete mode of expressing it, and that consensus may be discovered
from letters or from other documents of an imperfect and incomplete
description;..." "
Applying this guide, it will be found that in most cases when there is a
" battle of forms," there is a contract as soon as the last of the forms is
sent and received without objection being taken to it. That is well observed
in Benjamin's Sale of Goods, 9th ed. (1974), p. 84. The difficulty is to decide
which form, or which part of which form, is a term or condition of the
contract. In some cases the battle is won by the man who fires the last shot.
The Weekly Law Reports, April 13, 1979
1 W.L.R. Butler Machine Tool v. Ex-Cell-O Corpn. (C.A.) Lord Denning M.R.
A He is the man who puts forward the latest terms and conditions: and, if
they are not objected to by the other party, he may be taken to have agreed
to them. Such was British Road Services Ltd. v. Arthur V. Crutchley & Co.
Ltd. [1968] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 271, 281-282, per Lord Pearson; and the illustra
tion given by Professor Guest in Anson's Law of Contract, 24th ed., pp. 37,
38 when he says that "the terms of the contract consist of the terms
of the offer subject to the modifications contained in the acceptance.
In some cases the battle is won by the man who gets the blow in first.
If he offers to sell at a named price on the terms and conditions stated
on the back: and the buyer orders the goods purporting to accept the
offeron an order form with his own different terms and conditions on
the backthen if the difference is so material that it would affect the
price, the buyer ought not to be allowed to take advantage of the differ-
C ence unless he draws it specifically to the attention of the seller. There
are yet other cases where the battle depends on the shots fired on both sides.
There is a concluded contract but the forms vary. The terms and
conditions of both parties are to be construed together. If they can
be reconciled so as to give a harmonious result, all well and good.
If differences are irreconcilableso that they are mutually contradictory
then the conflicting terms may have to be scrapped and replaced by a
reasonable implication.
In the present case the judge thought that the sellers in their original
quotation got their blow in first: especially by the provision that " these
terms and conditions shall prevail over any terms and conditions in the
buyer's order." It was so emphatic that the price variation clause continued
through all the subsequent dealings and that the buyers must be taken to
E have agreed to it. I can understand that point of view. But I think that the
documents have to be considered as a whole. And, as a matter of construc
tion, I think the acknowledgment of June 5, 1969, is the decisive document.
It makes it clear that the contract was on the buyers' terms and not on the
sellers' terms: and the buyers' terms did not include a price variation clause.
I would therefore allow the appeal and enter judgment for the defend-
p ants.
A. H. B.